Faculty Passes Pass-Fail Resolution Unanimously
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iWest Point places first in debate tournament For the second year In a row , Florida State; A1 Sluder, Par t>R€XEl INSTITUTi the debate team of the United sons College and Mike Wright OF TECHNOlOOY gtates Military Academy has Rose Polytech. ’ PHIUDEIPHIA, pa. placed first in the Drexel Debate The topic of debate used in piety's annual invitational the tournament was the national tournament, the Adlai E. Steven debate topic for 1968—“Re son M emorial Debate Tourna solved; that the federal govern VOLUME XLV ment. The tournam ent, which took ment should guarantee a mini FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1968 NUMBER 10 place on Friday and Saturday, mum annual cash income to all ^prii 5 and 6, was the third citizens." Each round of debate such event to be held on Drex- lasted for about one to one and Faculty passes Pass-Fail el’s campus. In attendance were a half hours, and each speaker 38 teams representing 28 col had two opportunities per round leges and universities from to present his point of view. The throughout the E ast Coast, the tournament was judged by a num South and the M idwest. ber of “debate coaches” from resolution unanimously By>y Pat O’Brien _____ . # The U.S. Military Academy visiting schools, as well as by interest in the option. Dr. Mary Triangle Staff Reporter a limit of one course a term , team clinched the tournam ent several interested Drexel teach Stevens provided it with initial (2) Courses offered on this by defeating the team from City At the April faculty meeting, ers. The pairing of teams was faculty support Dr. Stevens program are at the disgression College of New York in the final Dr, John Tallmadge presented done by a computer program stated that, “An error in mail of the individual department a proposal for the adoption of a round in the Great Court, Both which matched teams of similar ing on my part was the cause of heads, but a choice of three Pass/Fail Option at DIT. The teams had been undefeated in records, so that no tie for first an unfortunate delay (in action on courses must be offered each proposal was ratified by a un the previous six rounds. The West place could result. The Stevenson the option)." SubseQuently, Dr. term in non-reQulred subjects. animous vote of the faculty and Point team then com pleted its tournament is one of the few suc Tallmadge became chairman of (3) You cannot switch from administrators present. sweep of the tournament by tak- cessful computer-run tourna the Institute Curriculum Com pass/fail to grade point after This idea was initiated in Feb ling the first and second individ- ments in existence today. mittee, and the proposal was re you initially decide on the status ruary, 1967 because of student lal speaker awards. According vived. Dr. Stevens was then ap of the courses. :o Tournament Director Thomas pointed chairman of a subcom (4) A “pass” nets the students jKilkenney, the Arm y team w ill mittee to review and re-evaluate the appropriate number of cred allowed to retire tiie rotating the proposal. The work of this its. While a fail yields no credit ournament trophy should they committee was culminated by the it does not necessitate retaking in it a third tim e next year. ratificaUon of the option at last the course. Whatever the result Other trophies went to the City week*s faculty meeting. of the course, the grade will ollege of New York (second Dave Jamieson, student vice- not count in grade point compu lace), Wagner College (third president for academic affairs, tation. lace). Parsons College (fourth appointed a student project com (5) Professors will be told lace), and F lorida State (fifth mittee to aid the faculty. This which students are working pass/ lace). Individual trophies were committee was headed by Marty fail. warded to B ill Barnett, U.S. McCabe and included Joe Das- (6) A student on probation may illtary Academy (first speak- cola, Rich Cohen, Mike Bern not elect a pass/fail course. '); Bill Taylor, U.S. Military stein and Glen Frazier. (7) Fall term 1968 is the sug cademy (second speaker); Dar The student committee con gested date for inception of this in Ortiz, City College of New tacted eleven colleges and got option. ork (third speaker); Loris Es- outlines of pass/fail programs Student suggestions ary, Brown University (fourth from eight of them. The informa ipeaker); and William Gordon, tion they received enabled them The student project commit ity College of New York (fifth to make several suggestions to tee made' several suggestions ipeaker). Sixth through tenth WHITEHILL the Curriculum Committee. which were not incorporated in Drexel Vice-President for Aca laces went to Steve Hartpence, t h e NEWLY-OPENED Bus Ad Lounge has become quite o gather the current proposal. Two of demic Affairs Carl Gatlin stated Polytech; Mike Spinak, Far ing place for Drexel students. Many more of them than shown here hove these were that: that these students should be ms College; Eydie Mingione, mode the Lounge their home away from home on campus. (1) The total of such courses highly com mended for “ their out be increased from three to five; standing efforts” regarding this and (2) the professors not be proposaL told which of their students were enator Clark will m a ke Dr. Stevens* subcommittee co p a ss/fa il. ordinated the initial student and Both of these suggestions were faculty evaluation. In connection based on paralleled situations with this effort, Dave Jamieson o l i c y statem ent at D rexel existing in the ei^t colleges suggested that the use of contacts from which they received replies. with the IF Council would be a Senator Joseph S. Clark (p. Thereafter Senator Clark Air Command, China-Burma- When final evaluation takes place sounding-board for the proposal. [a.) will make a major policy practiced law in Philadelphia— India Theater of War. His all these suggestions will be con After reviewing the proposal fol btement during his speech at with a brief tour as Deputy At military awards include the sidered. Dr. Stevens remarked lowing Jamieson’s suggestion, jrexel on Friday, April 26, The torney General of the Common Bronze Star, Legion of Merit, that, “The largest problem in the Council unanimously urged )troducUon and address will be wealth of Pennsylvania in 1934- Military Order of the British Em most schools with such a program passage. Bid in the main Auditorium from 35—until his election as City pire and Honorary Wings of the revolves about faculty support or The final Pass/Fail Option as pO to 1:20 p.m. and will be C on troller in 1949. In 1951, he be Chinese Air Force. the lack of it.” proposed by the Institute Cur jillowed by a Question and answ er came the first Democrat in 67 The Senator holds these The option is under a two-year riculum Committee encompasses sriod. A special press con- years to be elected Mayor of honorary degrees: LL.D. from evaluation period which is de the following ideas: >rence will be held following the Philadelphia. Harvard and Tem ple Univer- signed to iron out any difficulties (1) Maximum of three courses with the program which may arise ^nator»s speech to national and He was elected to the U.S. Continued on Page 4, Col. 5 during undergraduate time with during that time. peal news reporters. The stu- Senate in 1956 and re-elected >nt body is invited to hear the in 1962. The following are the ^nator’s statem ent, Senate Committees on which he [Joseph S. Clark was bom in serves; Foreign Relations, Rules iiadelphia on October 21,190U and A dm inistration, and Labor Drexel students will attended Middlesex School and and Public Welfare. He is a 1923 was graduated magna cum member of the latter*s Educa ude from Harvard University, tion Subcommittee and Chair Ijere he was also a m em ber of man of its Subcommittee on Em participate in Choice 68 r Kappa, At the Univer- ploym ent, Mai«)ower and Pov By Pat McCullogh The Board of Directors, con to speak for the first time as I y of Pennsylvania he serv ed as erty. Editor-in-chi ef sisting of eleven students from a body politic.” I or of the Law R eview and r e - During World War II he served all parts of the country, explain Here at Drexel, the CHOICE |ived his law degree in 1926. as Chief of Staff of the Eastern Drexel students will be able ed the philosophybehind the elec 68 election is being sponsored to vote in the national collegiate tion this way; “Never in the na by The Triangle with the assist prim ary, CHOICE 68, at tables tion’s history have so many col ance of Fred Hawkins, former in the Great Court and A ctivi lege students been so well in president of the £tudent Senate. ties Center, beginning Monday formed about the major issues of Poll watchers are"now needed to and continuing until Wednesday, the day.,.yet they have had little man election tables in the Great April 24. opportunity to express their Court and on the lower level of More than 2500 colleges and views in a unified, coherent man the Activities Center from 11:00 several million students will ner. CHOICE 68 offers students to 2:30 each day. Anyone who has complete their balloting April the opportunity to express their time on Monday, Tuesday or Wed 24.