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We, Nobel Laureates, deplore the shameful decision by the University and College Union to boycott contact and exchanges with Israeli educators and academic institutions. We also deplore a similar move by Unison and its 1.3 million public service employees, as well as the boycott of Israeli goods by Britain’s National Union of Journalists. Not only do such boycotts pander to hardliners. They also glorify prejudice and bigotry. The cherished principle of academic freedom must not be undermined.

Sidney Altman Paul J. Crutzen Donald A. Glaser , (1989) Nobel Prize, Chemistry (1995) Nobel Prize, (1960)

Kenneth J. Arrow Robert F. Curl Jr. Sheldon Glashow Nobel Prize, Economics (1972) Nobel Prize, Chemistry (1996) Nobel Prize, Physics (1979)

Baruj Benacerraf The Dalai Lama Joseph L. Goldstein Nobel Prize, Medicine (1980) Nobel Prize, Peace (1989) Nobel Prize, Medicine (1985)

Paul Berg Frederik W. de Klerk Mikhail Gorbachev Nobel Prize, Chemistry (1980) Nobel Prize, Peace (1993) Nobel Prize, Peace (1990)

Gunter Blobel Edmond H. Fischer Clive W.J.Granger Nobel Prize, Medicine (1999) Nobel Prize, Medicine (1992) Nobel Prize, Economics (2003)

Michael S. Brown Jerome I. Friedman John L. Hall Nobel Prize, Medicine (1985) Nobel Prize, Physics (1990) Nobel Prize, Physics (2005)

Georges Charpak James J. Heckman Nobel Prize, Physics (1992) Nobel Prize, Physics (2002) Nobel Prize, Economics (2000)

Aaron Ciechanover Alan J. Heeger Nobel Prize, Chemistry (2004) Nobel Prize, Physics (1973) Nobel Prize, Chemistry (2000)

Claude Cohen-Tannoudji Dudley R. Herschbach Nobel Prize, Physics (1997) Nobel Prize, Physics 2003 Nobel Prize, Chemistry (1986)

Avram Hershko Edwin G. Krebs George A. Olah Nobel Prize, Chemistry (2004) Nobel Prize, Medicine (1992) Nobel Prize, Chemistry (1994)

Roald Hoffman Leon M. Lederman Douglas D. Osheroff Nobel Prize, Chemistry (1981) Nobel Prize, Physics (1988) Nobel Prize, Physics (1996)

Tim R. Hunt Jean-Marie Lehn Norman F. Ramsey Nobel Prize, Medicine (2001) Nobel Prize, Chemistry (1987) Nobel Prize, Physics (1989)

Daniel Kahneman Rudolph A. Marcus Richard J. Roberts Nobel Prize, Economics (2002) Nobel Prize, Chemistry (1992) Nobel Prize, Medicine (1993)

Aaron Klug Mario J. Molina Wole Soyinka Nobel Prize, Chemistry (1982) Nobel Prize, Chemistry (1995) Nobel Prize, Literature (1986)

Walter Kohn Robert A. Mundell Joseph H. Taylor Jr. Nobel Prize, Chemistry (1998) Nobel Prize, Economics (1999) Nobel Prize, Physics (1993)

Arthur Kornberg Marshall W. Nirenberg Elie Wiesel Nobel Prize, Medicine (1959) Nobel Prize, Medicine (1968) Nobel Prize, Peace (1986)

Roger D. Kornberg Douglass C. North Betty Williams Nobel Prize, Chemistry (2006) Nobel Prize, Economics (1993) Nobel Prize, Peace (1976)