the SPSVolume XLIX, Issue 4 ObserverWINTER 2015-16 FAILURE AS LONG AS YOU LEARN, YOU CAN'T FAIL Space is Hard WHAT TODAY’S SPACEFARERS CAN LEARN FROM NASA’S MISTAKES Epic Physics Fails SPS MEMBERS SHARE THEIR MOST EPIC PHYSICS FAILS the TABLE OF CONTENTS SPS Observer WINTER 2015-16 • VOLUME XLIX, ISSUE 4 Guest Editor Karen Williams FEATURES Managing Editor Devin Powell Navigating Failure Navigating Failure ............................ Copy Editor 15 Superconductivity: A Superlatively Difficult Puzzle ... 17 Cynthia Freeman Space is Hard . 19 Art Director The Life of the LHC and the Death of the SSC ...... 21 Tracy Nolis-Schwab Epic Physics Fails ..........................16-23 Layout Designer PhysCon 2016 Mike Wernert Prepping for Congress . 24 SPS President Come to Congress! . 27 DJ Wagner, Grove City College SPS Director DEPARTMENTS Sean Bentley LETTER My Successful Null Result ...................... 05 PATHWAYS Accessing My Creativity App ................... 06 STARS Spring Award Deadlines ....................... 08 1 Physics Ellipse SPS Outstanding Chapter Advisor Named ........ 08 College Park, MD 20740 PHYSICS PUZZLER 301.209.3007 (tel) Sound Reasons .............................. 09 301.209.0839 (fax) INTERACTIONS
[email protected] SPS Chapters in Action ........................ 11 IN THE ZONE Regional SPS Highlights ....................... 28 MEETING NOTES On the Shoulders of Giants ..................... 30 ON THE COVER An Experience Catered to Undergraduates ........ 31 The Mars Climate Orbiter A Delegate for US Physics ..................... 32 disintegrated in the Martian Beers, Bees, and Becoming a Better Scientist ...... 33 atmosphere because a subcon- tractor programmed its thrusters FEEDBACK in imperial units instead of the Find SPS on: What Does It Mean to Be a Physicist? ............. 34 metric units NASA was using.