FDACS DPI Tri-Ology Volume 51, Number 3, May - June 2012

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FDACS DPI Tri-Ology Volume 51, Number 3, May - June 2012 FDACS DPI Tri-ology Volume 51, Number 3, May - June 2012 DACS-P-00124 Volume 51, Number 3, May - June 2012 Printer-Friendly PDF Version DPI's Bureau of Entomology, Nematology and Plant Pathology (the botany section is included in this bureau) produces TRI-OLOGY six times a year, covering two months of activity in each issue. The report includes detection activities from nursery plant inspections, routine and emergency program surveys, and requests for identification of plants and pests from the public. Samples are also occasionally sent from other states or countries for identification or diagnosis. Highlights Following are a few of the notable entries from this volume of TRI-OLOGY. These entries Section Reports are reports of interesting plants or unusual pests, some of which may be problematic. See Section Reports for complete information. Botany Megacopta cribraria, bean plataspid, a new Entomology Florida State Record. This species represents a new Nematology family of stink bugs in North America, the Plataspidae. The species was reported for the first time in the Plant Pathology Western Hemisphere in 2009 when a population was found feeding on kudzu (Pueraria montana) in Our Mission…getting it done northern Georgia. Please see our Pest Alert on this species: http://www.freshfromflorida.com/pi/pest- The mission of the Division of alerts/megacopta-cribraria.html. Plant Industry is to protect Florida’s native and Xyleborus similis, a Megacopta cribraria, commercially grown plants and scolytid beetle, a bean plataspid the State’s apiary industry new Florida State Photograph courtesy of Bradley A. Danner, from harmful pests and Record. This species is DPI/CAPS diseases. The Division employs an ambrosia beetle in a team of scientists to help the sub-tribe carry out this mission by Xyleborina. Xyleborus similis has been Xyleborus similis, a scolytid identifying pests that appear on beetle associated with the phytopathogen Fusarium Florida’s plants. Because there Photograph courtesy of Katherine solani and implicated in the spread of a canker- E. Okins, DPI/CAPS are so many pathways for producing disease among teak trees in India. pests to arrive in Florida, from storm winds to the baggage of Stictocephala diceros, a treehopper, a new international travelers as well Florida State Record. This is a relatively common as imported plants, our non-pest species in the northeastern and scientists are often asked to midwestern United States. Although found on many travel to other countries, to plant species, its primary host appears to be train, learn from, and Sambucus canadensis. collaborate with other Xiphinema specialists. americanum sensu Stictocephala diceros, a DPI Nematologist Jason lato Cobb, 1913, treehopper Photograph courtesy of Mark Stanley, was recently invited to American dagger J. Rothschild, FSCA Research England by regulatory and nematode, was Associate consulting nematologists from found damaging the FERA (The Food and roots of Ulmus parvifolia (Chinese elm or lacebark Environment Research Agency) elm) an ornamental tree. http://dpi-test/enpp/triology/5103/triology_5103_index.html[10/25/2012 11:05:42 AM] FDACS DPI Tri-ology Volume 51, Number 3, May - June 2012 in York. His purpose in visiting Xiphinema americanum sensu lato (American dagger Clerodendrum was to collaborate with other nematode) quadriloculare nematologists and to learn Photograph courtesy of Jason D. Stanley, DPI (Blanco) Merr. their approaches to regulation (starburst and control of the potato cyst flower, shooting nematode (Globodera spp.). star). This species is native to the Philippines While Jason was there, he and can be found as a striking ornamental in visited the FERA site where the South Florida gardens. administration for the England Potexvirus Clerodendrum quadriloculare and Wales plant health service (starburst flower) resides. He also visited the Alternanthera Photograph courtesy of Wendy mosaic virus Cutler, Wikipedia FERA Nematology team to (Alternanthera observe techniques used for mosaic virus), a new Host Record. This nematode extraction and mechanically transmitted virus had not been identification for all regulated found on Phlox previously. nematode pests including potato cyst nematodes. In Phlox drummondii (annual addition, he met Plant Health phlox) and Seeds Inspectors to Photograph courtesy of Bob Acknowledgements: Bierman, Atlas of Florida Vascular discuss and observe the Plants The editors would like to acknowledge the work European Union PCN Directive, of all those who contributed information and seed potato certification explanations by providing data, photographs or program, and seed potato text and by carefully reading early drafts. We also thank Scott Weinberg for his classification and grading skillful use of web authoring tools to produce this report. scheme. International collaboration is a significant component of controlling invasive pests and diseases and safeguarding agriculture. Therefore, Jason concluded his trip by visiting the Plant Health Imports Inspector at the Manchester International Airport to see inspection of agricultural imports from around the world. Detection of invasive pests and diseases occurs most often through inspection at airports and seaports, making it critical for scientists throughout the world to collaborate and improve techniques for identifying and regulating plant pests. We welcome your suggestions for improvement of TRI- OLOGY. Please feel free to contact me or Dr. Patti Anderson with your comments. Dr. Wayne N. Dixon, editor http://dpi-test/enpp/triology/5103/triology_5103_index.html[10/25/2012 11:05:42 AM] FDACS DPI Tri-ology Volume 51, Number 3, May - June 2012 Assistant Director, DPI Contact TRI-OLOGY | Citing TRI-OLOGY | Past Issues | Bureau of Entomology, Nematology and Plant Pathology Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Contact Webmaster | Best Viewed In | E-mail Privacy Policy Download document viewers: Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) | Microsoft excel (.xls) http://dpi-test/enpp/triology/5103/triology_5103_index.html[10/25/2012 11:05:42 AM] FDACS DPI Tri-ology May - June 2012: Botany Section DACS-P-00124 Volume 51, Number 3, May - June 2012 Printer-Friendly PDF Version Home Botany Entomology Nematology Plant Pathology Botany Section Compiled by Patti J. Anderson, Ph.D. Sample Submissions This section identifies plants for the Division of Plant Industry, as well as for other May/ Year to governmental agencies and private individuals. The Botany Section maintains a Jun Date reference herbarium with over 11,000 plants and nearly 1,400 vials of seeds. Some of Samples 1,524 4,247 the samples received for identification are discussed below: submitted by other DPI Clerodendrum quadriloculare (Blanco) Merr. (starburst flower, sections shooting star), from a genus of approximately 250 tropical and warm temperate species, especially concentrated in Africa and Asia. Verbenaceae Samples 130 334 (but treated as Lamiaceae in recent taxonomic revisions). This species is submitted for native to the Philippines and can be found as a striking ornamental in South botanical Florida gardens. The young stems of this tall (to 4 m) shrub are four- identification only angled, as is typical with many Verbenaceae and Lamiaceae. The simple, Total Samples 1,654 4,581 opposite, lanceolate leaves, up to 25 cm long, are of ornamental value, Submitted having dark green upper surfaces and deep purple undersides. The terminal inflorescences are cymose, with large showy clusters of tubular flowers. The Specimens added 42 139 calyx is campanulate with five lobes. The five-lobed, pink corolla has a to the herbarium slender reddish tube. The fruit is a drupe with four pyrenes (stones), each containing a single seed. This plant produces abundant suckers from roots and can become a pest if not carefully managed. The species has been identified as a potential ecological risk in Hawaii, but not in Florida. The spectacular flower clusters are attractive to butterflies. (Orange County; B2012-247; Stacey S. Simmons; 21 May 2012 and Miami-Dade County; B2012-318; Juan Garcia Lopez; 20 June 2012.) (Llamas 2003; Mabberley 2008; Staples and Herbst 2005; http://www.efloras.org/ accessed 11 July 2012; ftp://ftp- fc.sc.egov.usda.gov/HI/pub/technotes/Range_%26_Pasture/RP_TechNote _3/20_TechNote3_FactSheet-20_Clerodendrum_quadriloculare.pdf accessed 13 August 2012.) Dioscorea floridana Bartlett (Florida yam), from a genus of over 600 Clerodendrum quadriloculare (starburst flower) tropical and warm temperate species. Dioscoreaceae. This vine, native to Photograph courtesy of Wendy Cutler, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, is in the family of the edible yam and Wikipedia the invasive air potato. Our native is a low-growing vine, seldom growing more than 3 m high, and does not produce bulbils (aerial tubers). These twining vines grow from yellowish rhizomes. The cordate to deltate leaves are alternate, with an entire margin and acuminate apex. Separate staminate and pistillate inflorescences are borne in the leaf axils. Tepals of male and female flowers are yellowish orange, 1-2 mm long. The fruits are more conspicuous, with three-winged, gold-colored capsules. This species grows in both wet and dry areas, including swamp edges, hammocks and sandy areas. The species was at one time considered a variety of D. villosa L. and is clearly closely related to that species. The two can be distinquished by orange dots that appear on the tepals of D. villosa, but not
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