..TI: MS173/1/11/2 Letter book containing incoming correspondence for the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One volume ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter book containing incoming correspondence for the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900, with index pages ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_FC1 Outside front cover of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Outside front cover of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_FC2 Inside front cover of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Inside front cover of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_pI Flyleaf page of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Flyleaf page of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_pII Page of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_pIII Page of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_pIV Page of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_pV-XXIX Index pages of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: Tweny five pages ..ADMN: ..CONT: Index pages of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p1 Page 1 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 1, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/1-2 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/1 Letter from E.L.Simon to Lionel L.Alexander concerning the workings of the Visiting Committee ..DATE: 27 January 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Edgar Leon Simon, secretary of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 27 January 1890, reporting a discussion of the Visiting Committee on the efficiency and working of the committee. This letter is attached to page 1 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 Simon | Edgar Leon | secretary of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1885-1893 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Visiting Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Administration

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/2 Letter from D.Woolf to the President and committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, asking for a rise in his salary ..DATE: 1 January 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from D.Woolf, investigating officer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to the President and committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 January 1890, seeking a rise in his salary. This letter is attached to page 1 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Woolf | David | investigating officer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Wages

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p2 Page 2 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 2, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/3-5 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/3 Letter from the P.Ornstien to Lionel Alexander concerning arrangements for Jewish lads at the East Industrial School ..DATE: January 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from P.Ornstien, secretary of the , to Lionel Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890, concerning arrangements for Jewish lads at the East London Industrial School. This letter is attached to page 2 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 Ornstein | P | secretary of the United Synagogue ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor East London Industrial School | Lewisham United Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Children (age group) Education Schools Industrial schools

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/4 Letter from P.Ornstien to M.Stepahny concerning approval of a draft by the Visitation Committee of the Hebrew Congregation of Manchester and Liverpool ..DATE: 3 December 1889 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from P.Ornstien, secretary of the United Synagogue, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 3 December 1889, informing of the approval by the Visitation Committee of the Hebrew Congregation of Manchester and Liverpool of a draft executed by the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue under the condition that the annual expenditure which they contribute should not exceed £100. This letter is attached to page 2 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: Ornstein | P | secretary of the United Synagogue Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor United Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financing

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/5 Paper detailing deserted cases ..DATE: January 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing deserted cases before the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890, including the cases of Hannah and Lazarus Symons, sent to join their parents in Brooklyn, New York, and of Fanny Cohen, sent to join her relatives in Krakow, Poland. This letter is attached to page 2 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Fanny | fl 1890 Symons | Hannah | fl 1890 Symons | Lazarus | fl 1890 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Migrants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p3 Page 3 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 3, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/6-9 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/6 Letter from Sir C.Jessel to Benjamin LCohen enclosing a cheque for £500 ..DATE: 27 January 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Sir Charles Jessel to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the relief of the Jewish Poor, 27 January 1890, enclosing a cheque for £500 from the executors of the late Mrs Moses. This letter is attached to page 3 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Jessel | Sir Charles James | first Baronet ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/7 Letter from Mrs Langenbach to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a donation of £20 ..DATE: 20 January 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Mrs Langenbach to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 20 January 1890, sending a cheque for £20 as a donation in memory of her husband. This letter is attached to page 3 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/8 Letter from H.Harris to Benjamin L.Cohen, sending four hundred tickets from the Tradesmens’ Benevolent Society ..DATE: 6 January 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Henry Harris, secretary of the Tradesmens’ Benevolent Society, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the relief of the Jewish Poor, 6 January 1890, sending four hundred tickets valued at £20 from the Tradesmens’ Benevolent Society This letter is attached to page 3 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Harris | Henry | secretary of the Tradesmen’s Benevolent Society ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Tradesmen’s Benevolent Society ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Gifts

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/9 Letter from Stephan S.Hyam to Morris Stephany informing of the election of a visiting guardian of apprentices ..DATE: 10 February 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Stephen S.Hyam, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 10 February 1890, reporting that Charles H.Lewis Emanuel has been appointed a visiting guardian of apprentices under the charge of the Industrial Committee. This letter is attached to page 3 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Hyam | Stephen S | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1880-1893 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p4 Page 4 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 4, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/10 Financial statement ..DATE: 10 February 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 10 February 1890. This letter is placed on top of page 4 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/11 Letter from H.Adler to Benjamin L.Cohen thanking the Board for their vote of condolence on the death of his father ..DATE: 13 February 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Hermann Adler, office of the Chief , to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 February 1890, thanking the Board for their vote of condolence on the death of his father [the Chief Rabbi, ]. This letter is attached to page 4 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: Adler | Hermann | 1839-1911 | assistant of the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire, 1879-1890 Adler | Nathan Marcus | 1803-1890 | Chief Rabbi of the British Empire, 1845-1890 Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Office of the Chief Rabbi ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Bereavement Death Sympathy

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/12 Letter from Isidore Harris to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £50 ..DATE: 26 February 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Isidore Harris, secretary of the West London Synagogue of British Jews, to M.Stepany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 26 February 1890, enclosing a cheque for £50 as an additional donation. This letter is attached to page 4 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: Harris | Isidore | secretary of the West London Synagogue of British Jews Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor West London Synagogue of British Jews ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/13 Letter from Hermann H.Myer to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £50 ..DATE: 4 March 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Hermann H.Myer, solicitor, London, to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 4 March 1890, enclosing a cheque for £50 bequeathed to the Board in the will of Walter Myers. This letter is attached to page 4 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 Lucas | Francis A | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1874-1894 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p5 Page 5 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 5, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/14 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/14 Lined sheet of paper ..DATE: 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Blank lined sheet of paper,1890 This letter is attached to page 5 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p6 Page 6 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 6, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/15 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/15 Further report on the case of Bernard Jacobson ..DATE: 31 March 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Further report on the case of Bernard Jacobson, otherwise Alperti, by Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 31 March 1890. This letter is attached to page 6 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jacobson | Bernard | fl 1890 | otherwise Alperti ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) ..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p7 Page 7 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 7, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/17-18 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/16 Letter from Alfred Cox and Son to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £100 ..DATE: 3 April 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Alfred Cox and Son, solicitors, London to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 3 April 1890, enclosing a cheque for £100 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Sir B.S.Phillips. This letter is attached to page 7 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/17 Letter from G.F.Phillips to Morris Stephany concerning the bequest from his father ..DATE: 14 April 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from G.F.Phillips to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 April 1890, stating that he is sure that his father would approve of whatever the Board chooses to do with the bequest. This letter is attached to page 7 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p8 Page 8 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 8, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. Part of MS173/1/11/2/18 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/18 Financial statement ..DATE: 14 April 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor,14 April 1890. This paper is attached to page 8 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p9 Page 9 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 9, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/19-21 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/19 Letter from I.Kaliski to Lionel L.Alexander, concerning the rebuilding of the Old Castle Street Synagogue ..DATE: 20 April 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from I.Kaliski, secretary of the Old Castle Street Synagogue, to Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 20 April1890, informing him that a building committee has been elected to oversee the rebuilding of the synagogue. This letter is attached to page 9 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 Kaliski | I | secretary of the Old Castle Street Synagogue ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Old Castle Street Synagogue | London ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Buildings Building construction Synagogues

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/20 Letter from Joseph Blant to Lionel L.Alexander with regard to the Board’s complaint about the condition of Old Castle Street Synagogue ..DATE: 20 April 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Joseph Blant, secretary of the Federation of Synagogues, to Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 20 April 1890, Samuel Montagu acknowledges the letter from the Board about the condition of Old Castle Street Synagogue, which is about to be pulled down. This letter is attached to page 9 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 Blant | Joseph | secretary of the Federation of Synagogues ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Old Castle Street Synagogue | London Federation of Synagogues ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Buildings Building construction Synagogues .TI: MS173/1/11/2/21 Letter to Arthur Sebag Montefiore to Lionel L.Alexander on whether there has been a decision on recommendations of the Visiting Committee ..DATE: 21 April 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter Arthur Sebag Montefiore, chairman of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 21 April 1890, asking whether the board has come to a decision on the recommendations of the Visiting Committee relating to the administration of relief. This letter is attached to page 9 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 Montefiore | Arthur | Sebag- | chairman of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1885-1895 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Visiting Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Administration

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p10 Page 10 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 10, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/22-3 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: .TI: MS173/1/11/2/22 Letter from N.S.Joseph to Lionel L.Alexander concerning the treatment of emigrants’ cases ..DATE: 2 May 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from N.S.Joseph, honorary secretary of the Mansion House Fund, to Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 2 May 1890, asking on behalf of the trustees of the Mansion House Fund for greater liberality in the treatment of emigrant cases. The Fund is willing to assist suitable cases. This letter is attached to page 10 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 Joseph | N S | honorary secretary of the Mansion House Fund ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Emigration Migrants

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/23 Letter Stephen S.Hyam to Morris Stephany reporting a raise in salary and the names of those appointed visiting guardians of apprentices ..DATE: 1 May 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Stephen S.Hyam, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 May 1890, reporting on an increase in salary of Myer Wolelmann and the names of those appointed visiting guardians of apprentices by the committee. This letter is attached to page 10 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Hyam | Stephen S | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1880-1893 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Wages

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p11 Page 11 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 11, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/24-6 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/24 Letter E.H.Lindo to Benjamin L.Cohen requesting a list be sent for the distribution of coals and blankets ..DATE: 6 May 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from E.H.Lindo, secretary of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 6 May 1890, requesting a list be sent for the annual distribution of coals and blankets established under the will of Sir Moses Montefiore. This letter is attached to page 11 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Lindo | E H | secretary of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue Sir Moses Montefiore for Coals and Blankets ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Gift Relief supplies

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/25 Letter from E.Brixall to Morris Stephany sending a cheque for £18 ..DATE: 28 April 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Edwin Brixall, notary, Brighton, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 28 April 1890, enclosing a cheque for £18, part of the legacy of Lipman Harris. This letter is attached to page 11 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/26 Letter from Bertha Cohen to Morris Stephany enclosing cheques ..DATE: 21 April 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Bertha Cohen to Morris Stephany. secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 21 April 1890, enclosing a cheque from the estate of her husband and a further cheque to be used in his memory for special cases This letter is attached to page 11 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p12 Page 12 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 12, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900 MS 173/1/11/2/27 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/27 Financial statement ..DATE: 12 May1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor,12 May 1890. This letter is attached to page 12 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p13 Page 13 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 13, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/28-32 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/28 Letter from I.Kaliski to Lionel L.Alexander concerning Old Castle Street Synagogue ..DATE: 13 May 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from I.Kaliski, secretary of the Old Castle Street Synagogue, to Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 May 1890, expressing regret that the Board is taking stringent measures against the synagogue as the present building is due to be demolished. This letter is attached to page 13 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 Kaliski | I | secretary of the Old Castle Street Synagogue ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Old Castle Street Synagogue | London ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Buildings Building construction Synagogues

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/29 Paper detailing deserted cases ..DATE: [May 1890] ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing deserted cases, including the four children of Mrs Loffman and a young boy found by the police in Whitechapel, [May 1890]. This letter is placed on top of page 13 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Loffman | Mrs | d 1890 Loffman | Ada | fl 1890 Loffman | Jane | fl 1890 Loffman | Rose | fl 1890 Loffman | Sarah | fl 1890 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/30 Paper detailing Kate Harris and the Loffman children ..DATE: May 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper giving the names of the four children of the late Mrs Loffman, Ada, Sarah, Rose and Jane, [May 1890]. The case was presented to the Board by the children’s grandmother, Kate Harris. It is noted that the father is believed to be in Sydney. This letter is attached to page 13 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Loffman | Mrs | d 1890 Loffman | Ada | fl 1890 Loffman | Jane | fl 1890 Loffman | Rose | fl 1890 Loffman | Sarah | fl 1890 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Migrants

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/31 Paper noting details of Mrs Loffman’s death ..DATE: May 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper noting the date and place of Mrs Loffman’s death. This letter is attached to page 13 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Loffman | Mrs | d 1890 Loffman | Ada | fl 1890 Loffman | Jane | fl 1890 Loffman | Rose | fl 1890 Loffman | Sarah | fl 1890 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Migrants

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/32 Paper referencing the clerk of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: [May 1890] ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper referencing, J.Robinson, the clerk of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, [May 1890]. This letter is attached to page 13 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Robinson | J | clerk of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p14 Page 14 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 14, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/33-4 are placed on top or attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/33 Poster for child found in Whitechapel ..DATE: 5 May 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Poster providing details of a three year old Jewish boy found in Leman Street, Whitechapel, 5 May 1890. This letter is placed on top of page 14 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/34 Letter from Semmy Samson to N.S.Joseph and Lionel L.Alexander sending thanks for the gift of a silver inkstand ..DATE: 19 May 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Semmy Samson, Hamburg, to N.S.Joseph, honorary secretary of the Mansion House Fund, and Lionel L.Alexander, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 19 May 1890, sending thanks for the gift of a silver inkstand from their two organisations. This letter is attached to page 14 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 Joseph | N S | honorary secretary of the Mansion House Fund ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Gifts

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p15 Page 15 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 15, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/35-6 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/35 Letter from N.S.Joseph to Lionel L.Alexander concerning objections by the Board to new proposals for dealing with emigrant cases ..DATE: 21 May 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from N.S.Joseph, honorary secretary of the Mansion House Fund, to Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 21 May 1890, stating that, due to the objections of the Board regarding the new proposals for dealing with emigrant cases, the Mansion House Fund feel that the whole matter needs to be reconsidered. This letter is attached to page 15 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 Joseph | N S | honorary secretary of the Mansion House Fund ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Emigration Migrants .TI: MS173/1/11/2/36 Letter from Benjamin L.Cohen to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor detailing a meeting between members of the Board and members of the Mansion House Fund on how to treat Russian cases from the Mansion House Fund ..DATE: 1 June 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 June 1890, detailing a meeting between members of the Board and members of the Mansion House Fund on how to treat Russian cases from the Mansion House Fund. This letter is attached to page 15 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund Mansion House and Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Conjoint Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Emigration Migrants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p16 Page 16 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 16, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/37-8 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/37 Letter from E.S.Simon to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £25 ..DATE: 5 June 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from E.S.Simon to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 5 June 1890, he encloses a cheque for £25, a bequest from the late Philip Lucas Leon. This letter is attached to page 16 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 Lucas | Francis A | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1874-1894 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/38 Letter from M.Cohen to the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £20 ..DATE: 5 June 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Michael Cohen to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 5 June 1890, enclosing a cheque for £20, the bequest of the late George Cohen. This letter is attached to page 16 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/39 Financial statement ..DATE: 9 June 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 June 1890. This letter is attached to page 16 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p17 Page 17 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 17, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/40 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/40 Report on deserted and other cases ..DATE: 14 July 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Report on deserted cases, including those of the Loffman children, a young boy found by the police in Whitechapel, the Rapperport children and a boy called Isaacs or Levy, 14 July 1890. This letter is attached to page 17 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Isaacs | family | fl 1900 Levy | family | fl 1900 Loffman | Ada | fl 1890 Loffman | Jane | fl 1890 Loffman | Rose | fl 1890 Loffman | Sarah | fl 1890 Rapperport | family | fl 1890 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Migrants Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p18 Page 18 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 18, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/41-4 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/41 Letter from D.F.Schloss to L.L.Alexander informing him that Mr G.C.Sherborne has been appointed by the Sanitary Committee ..DATE: 25 June 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from D.F.Schloss, honorary secretary of the Sanitary Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 25 June 1890, informing him that, subject to the Board’s approval, George C.Sherborne has been appointed by the Sanitary Committee. This letter is attached to page 18 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 Schloss | David F | honorary secretary of the Sanitary Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Sanitary Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/42 Letter from D.F.Schloss to the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor concerning the appointment of Mr G.C.Sherborne ..DATE: 25 June 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from D.F.Schloss, honorary secretary of the Sanitary Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 25 June 1890, informing him that subject to approval, Mr George C.Sherborne has been appointed to the post of sanitary inspector. This letter is attached to page 18 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Schloss | David F | honorary secretary of the Sanitary Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Sanitary Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/43 Letter from D.F.Schloss to L.L.Alexander concerning the new sanitary inspector ..DATE: 13 July 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from D.F.Schloss, honorary secretary of the Sanitary Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 July 1890, sending a few lines concerning the new sanitary inspector [George C.Sherborne]. This letter is attached to page 18 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 Schloss | David F | honorary secretary of the Sanitary Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Sanitary Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel .TI: MS173/1/11/2/44 Letter from A.A.Goodwyn to the Sanitary Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor resigning his post as sanitary inspector ..DATE: 11 June 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.A.Goodwyn, sanitary inspector of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to the Sanitary Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 June 1890, resigning his post as sanitary inspector. This letter is attached to page 18 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Goodwyn | A A | sanitary inspector of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Schloss | David F | honorary secretary of the Sanitary Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Sanitary Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Resignation (employee)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p19 Page 19 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 19, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/45-8 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: .TI: MS173/1/11/2/45 Letter from C.Samuel to L.L.Alexander seeking the sanction of the Board to increase the salary of the clerk of the Industrial Committee ..DATE: 3 July 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Charles Samuel, chairman of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 3 July 1890, asking to obtain the sanction of the Board for the recommendation of the Industrial Committee to raise the salary of the clerk, Mr L.Friedberg. This letter is attached to page 19 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 Samuel | Charles | Vice President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1891-1903 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Wages

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/46 Letter from S.S.Hyam to Morris Stephany naming a newly elected visiting guardian of apprentices ..DATE: 24 June 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Stephen S.Hyam, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 25 June 1890, informing him that Frederick S.Franklin has been elected a visiting guardian of apprentices. This letter is attached to page 19 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Hyam | Stephen S | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1880-1893 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/47 Letter from J.Cashmore to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque ..DATE: 25 June 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from John Cashmore to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 25 June 1890, enclosing a cheque for a bequest from the late Miss Hannah Israel. This letter is attached to page 19 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p20 Page 20 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 20, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/48 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/48 Table of costs of emigration to the continent ..DATE: 8 May - 8 July 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Table of costs of emigration to the continent, 8 May - 8 July 1890. This letter is attached to page 20 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records Emigration Migrants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p21 Page 21 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 21, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/49-50 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/49 Financial statement ..DATE: 14 July 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 July 1890. This letter is attached to page 21 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/50 Letter from Davis and Emanuel to L.L.Alexander reporting on their inspection of 13 Devonshire Square ..DATE: 11 August 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Davis and Emanuel, architects, London, to Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 August 1890, reporting on their inspection of the sanitation at 13 Devonshire Square. This letter is attached to page 21 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Buildings Offices Building maintenance Sanitation

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p22 Page 22 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 22, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/51/1-3 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/51/1 Report on deserted and other cases ..DATE: 13 October 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Report on deserted and other cases, those of the Loffman children, the Rapperport children and the boy Isaacs or Levy, 13 October 1890. These papers are attached to page 22 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Isaacs | family | fl 1890 Levy | family | fl 1890 Loffman | Ada | fl 1890 Loffman | Jane | fl 1890 Loffman | Rose | fl 1890 Loffman | Sarah | fl 1890 Rapperport | family | fl 1890 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Migrants Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/51/2 Letter from W.T.Howard the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor thanking the Board for their trouble trying to trace the parents of the boy Isaacs or Levy. ..DATE: 3 September 1890 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from W.T.Howard, clerk of the Bethnal Green Board of Guardians, to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 3 September 1890, thanking the Board for their trouble trying to trace the parents of the boy Isaacs or Levy. This paper is attached to page 22 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Isaacs | family | fl 1890 Levy | family | fl 1890 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Bethnal Green Poor Law Union ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/51/3 Letter from [H.Samuel] to Morris Stephany reporting that Mrs Rapperport is unlikely to recover ..DATE: 25 September 1890 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from [H.Samuel] to Morris Stephany, secretary the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 25 September 1890, reporting that the medical superintendent of the Colney Hatch Lunatic Asylum believe that Mrs Rapperport is unlikely to recover. This paper is attached to page 22 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Rapperport | family | fl 1890 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Colney Hatch Lunatic Asylum ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p23 Page 23 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 23, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/52 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/52 Financial statement ..DATE: 13 October 1890 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 October 1890. This paper is attached to page 23 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p24 Page 24 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 24, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/53-7 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/53 Letter from S.S.Hyam to Morris Stephany enclosing a donation ..DATE: 20 October 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Stephen S.Hyam, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 20 October 1890, enclosing a cheque for £100 being a donation to the Board in memory of Mrs David Hyam. This letter is attached to page 24 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Hyam | Stephen S | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1880-1893 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/54 Letter from S.S.Hyam to Morris Stephany asking for a resolution about the sale of stock to be brought before the Board ..DATE: 28 October 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Stephen S.Hyam, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 28 October 1890, asking for a resolution about the sale of stock to be brought before the Board. This letter is attached to page 24 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Hyam | Stephen S | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1880-1893 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Share dealings ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/55 Letter from G.Herbert Lough to Morris Stephany conveying thanks for the action taking by the Board regarding Morris Meyer ..DATE: 30 October 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from G.Herbert Lough, clerk to the Guardians of the Poplar Union, to Morris Stephany secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 30 October 1890, conveying the thanks of the Guardians of the Poplar Union for the action taking by the Board regarding Morris Meyer, a Polish Jew who was an inmate in their workhouse. This letter is attached to page 24 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Lough | G Herbert | clerk to the Guardians of the Poplar Union Meyer | Morris | fl 1890 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Poplar Poor Law Union Poplar Union Workhouse ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/56 Letter from Philip Cohen to Benjamin L.Cohen tendering his resignation as collector to the Board ..DATE: 10 November 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Philip Cohen, collector of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 10 November 1890, tendering his resignation as collector to the Board. This letter is attached to page 24 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Resignation (employee)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/57 Letter from McKenna and Company to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a donation ..DATE: 10 November 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from McKenna and Company, solicitors, to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 20 November 1890, enclosing a cheque of £18.18.0, being the amount of the legacy bequeathed by David de Pass less duty. This letter is attached to page 24 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 Lucas | Francis A | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1874-1894 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p25 Page 25 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 25, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/58-9 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/58 Letter from P.Ornstien to Morris Stephany informing of expenditure by the Visitation Committee of the Board ..DATE: 30 October 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from P.Ornstien, secretary of the United Synagogue, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 30 October 1890, informing of the sum of £78.4.2 expended by the Visitation Committee on account of Jewish boys in the East London Industrial School and requesting a cheque for £30.2.0 be forwarded. This letter is attached to page 25 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Ornstein | P | secretary of the United Synagogue Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor East London Industrial School | Lewisham United Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Children (age group) Schools Industrial schools Education Grants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/59 Financial statement ..DATE: 10 November 1890 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 10 November 1890. This paper is attached to page 25 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p26 Page 26 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 26, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/60-2 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/60 Letter from Rita [Parrente] to Morris Stephany enclosing a donation a cheque for £10 ..DATE: 30 November 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Rita [Parrente] to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 30 October 1890, enclosing a cheque for £100 being a donation to the Board in memory of her husband Isaac. This letter is attached to page 26 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/61 Letter from M.J. Green to Morris Stephany requesting the necessary steps be taken for the admission of two children to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum ..DATE: 18 November 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J. Green, secretary of Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany. secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 18 November 1890, requesting the necessary steps be taken by the Board regarding the admission of two children, Clara and Woolf Harris, to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum under the Pauper Removal Act. This letter is attached to page 26 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Harris | Clara | fl 1890 Harris | Woolf | fl 1890 Green | M J | secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/62 Letter from Stephen S.Hyam to Morris Stephany informing of the election of visiting guardians of apprentices ..DATE: 26 November 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Stephen S.Hyam, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany. secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 26 November 1890, informing of the election of Leonard S.Joseph and Abraham J.Rozelaar as visiting guardians of apprentices. This letter is attached to page 26 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Hyam | Stephen S | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1880-1893 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p27 Page 27 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 27, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/63 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/63 Financial statement ..DATE: 8 December 1890 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 8 December 1890. This paper is attached to page 27 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p28 Page 28 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 28, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/64 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/64 Memorandum on the interchange of information between societies providing relief to the Jewish poor ..DATE: January 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Memorandum of the proceedings of a conference between societies providing relief to the Jewish poor, and a proposed plan by Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, for the interchange of information between societies, January 1891. This paper is attached to page 28 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor German Society of Benevolence Netherlands Benevolent Society Society of Friends and Foreigners in Distress ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p29 Page 29 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 29, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/65 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/65 Letter from the President of the Bread Meat and Coal Society to Benjamin L.Cohen informing of the impossibility to take into considerations suggestions made by the Board regarding the appropriation of tickets ..DATE: 15 December 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from the President of the Bread Meat and Coal Society to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 15 December 1890, informing of the impossibility to take into considerations suggestions made regarding the appropriation of tickets to the Board. This paper is attached to page 29 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jewish Bread, Meat and Coal Society ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Gifts Relief supplies Food relief

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p30 Page 30 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 30, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/67-70 are placed on top of the page. MS173/1/11/2/71-6 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/66 Report on the Rappaport children ..DATE: 17 June 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Report on the Rappaport Children, 17 June 1890, outlining the circumstances of three children, Annie, Kate, and Rose, whose mother has been confined to the Colney Hatch Lunatic Asylum and whose father has recently committed suicide. The report provides the addresses of the children’s grandparents and contains a press cutting with a report of the case from the Daily Chronicle, 14 June 1890. This letter is placed on top of page 30 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Rapperport | family | fl 1890 Rapperport | Jacob | d 1890 Rapperport | Annie | fl 1890 Rapperport | Kate | fl 1890 Rapperport | Rose | fl 1890 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Daily Chronicle ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Press Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/67 Letter from Emanuel and Simmonds to Lionel L.Alexander asking to consider the appointment of a Jewish master for the East London Industrial School ..DATE: 28 January 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Emanuel and Simmonds, solicitors, London, to Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 28 January 1891, asking to consider communications from the chairman of the East London Industrial School and the chairman of the visitation committee of the United Synagogue as to the appointment of a Jewish master for the Industrial School. This letter is placed on top of page 30 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor East London Industrial School | Lewisham United Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Schools Industrial Schools Education

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/68 Letter from Emanuel and Simmonds to Lionel L.Alexander asking if it would be possible to arrange a conference of the representatives of three bodies ..DATE: 28 January 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Emanuel and Simmonds, solicitors, London, to Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 28 January 1891, asking if it would be possible to arrange a conference of the representatives of three bodies [the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, the United Synagogue and the East London Industrial School] and suggests arranging the terms of a revised treaty [in connection with the appointment of a Jewish master for the Industrial School]. This letter is placed on top of page 30 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor East London Industrial School | Lewisham United Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Schools Industrial Schools Education

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/69 Letter from Louis Davidson to Lionel L.Alexander informing that the proposal submitted to Lewis Emanuel is satisfactory ..DATE: 13 February 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Louis Davidson to Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 February 1891, informing that Lewis Emanuel finds the proposal submitted by him [in connection with the appointment of a Jewish master for the Industrial School] to be satisfactory. This letter is placed on top of page 30 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor East London Industrial School | Lewisham United Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Schools Industrial Schools Education

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/70 Copy of a letter from J.Cartwright to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor stating the allowance received for compensation for boys’ absence from work ..DATE: 13 February 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Copy of a letter from J.Cartwright, East London Industrial School, to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 February 1891, stating the amount received for the allowance for compensation for boys’ absence from work for the past six months was £27.3.0 and not £38.8.3. This letter is placed on top of page 30 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor East London Industrial School | Lewisham ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Schools Industrial Schools Education

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/71 Letter from Maurice Isaacs to Morris Stephany informing of the election of Arthur Moro as a member of the Loan Committee and the raising of the collector’s salary ..DATE: 20 January 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Maurice Isaacs, honorary secretary of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 20 January 1891, informing of the election of Arthur Moro as a member of the Loan Committee and the raising of the collector’s salary. This paper is attached to page 30 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Isaacs | Maurice | honorary secretary of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1888-1894 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Loan Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Wages

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/72 Letter from L.Freideberg to Morris Stephany informing of the appointment of B.S. Marks as assistant to the clerk of the Industrial Committee ..DATE: 9 February 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from L.Friedeberg, clerk to the industrial committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 February 1891, informing of the appointment of B.S. Marks as assistant to the clerk of the Industrial Committee. This paper is attached to page 30 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/73 Letter from H.R.Levinsohn to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £100 ..DATE: 11 February 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.R.Levinsohn to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 February 1891, enclosing a cheque for £100 being a legacy left by the will of the late Walter Halford. This paper is attached to page 30 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/74 Letter from Rooker and Matthews to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a bankers draft for £900 ..DATE: 3 January 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Rooker and Matthews, solicitors, London, to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 3 January 1891, enclosing a bankers draft for £900 being a legacy left by the late Abraham Ralph of Plymouth. This paper is attached to page 30 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Lucas | Francis A | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1874-1894 Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/75 Letter from Rooker and Matthews to the treasurer of the Philanthropic Society for relieving distressed widows enclosing a bankers draft for £225 ..DATE: 7 January 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Rooker and Matthews, solicitors, to the treasurer of the Philanthropic Society for relieving distressed widows, 7 January 1891, enclosing a bankers draft for £225 being a legacy left by the late Abraham Ralph of Plymouth. This paper is attached to page 30 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Philanthropic Society for the Relief of Jewish Widows ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/76 Letter from Charles Samuel to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £10 ..DATE: January 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Charles Samuel to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1891, enclosing a cheque for £10 being a legacy left by the late W.B.S.Cohen. This paper is attached to page 30 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Lucas | Francis A | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1874-1894 Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p31 Page 31 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 31, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/77-83 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/77 Letter from Edgar L.Simon to Morris Stephany submitting resolutions passed at a meeting of the Visiting Committee ..DATE: 11 February 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Edgar L.Simon, honorary secretary of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 February 1891, submitting resolutions passed at a meeting of the Visiting Committee and notifying of the resignation of several members of the committee. This paper is attached to page 31 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Simon | Edgar Leon | secretary of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1885-93 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Visiting Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Resignation (employee)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/78 Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany requesting the Board take the necessary steps for the removal of Sarah and Rebecca Ring to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum ..DATE: 6 January 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 6 January 1891, requesting the Board take the necessary steps for the removal of Sarah and Rebecca Ring to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum under the Pauper Removal Act. This paper is attached to page 31 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | M J | secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Ring | Rebecca | fl 1891 Ring | Sarah | fl 1891 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Childre (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/79 Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany requesting the Board take the necessary steps for the admittance of Asher and Sophia Garrets to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum and to oblige Rebecca and Samuel Lazarus with tickets ..DATE: 10 February 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 10 February 1891, requesting the Board take the necessary steps for the admittance of Asher and Sophia Garrets to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum under the Pauper Removal Act and to oblige Rebecca and Samuel Lazarus with tickets. This paper is attached to page 31 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | M J | secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Garrets | Asher | fl 1891 Garrets | Sophia | fl 1891 Lazarus | Rebecca | fl 1891 Lazarus | Samuel | fl 1891 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/80 Paper detailing Asher and Sophia Garrets ..DATE: January 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing Asher and Sophia Garrets, January 1891. The paper includes their ages, the name and address of their stepmother, and the approximate time since their parents’ deaths. This paper is attached to page 31 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Garrets | Asher | fl 1891 Garrets | Sophia | fl 1891 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/81 Letter from M.Mocatta to Morris Stephany enclosing an amount of £5 ..DATE: 31 December 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.Mocatta to Morris Stephany, secretary the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 31 December 1930, enclosing an amount of £5 adding to the amount forwarded earlier in the morning making a total of £261.4.11. This letter is placed on top of page 31 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/81 Letter from M.Mocatta to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £256.4.11 ..DATE: 31 December 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.Mocatta to Morris Stephany, secretary the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 31 December 1930, enclosing a cheque for £256.4.11. This letter is placed on top of page 31 of the letter book. ...LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/81 Letter from Stephen S.Hyam to Morris Stephany informing of the election of visiting guardians of apprentices ..DATE: 16 February 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Stephen S.Hyam, honorary secretary of the industrial committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 16 February 1891, informing of the election of Charles William Sax and A.E.L.Slazenberg as visiting guardians of apprentices. This paper is attached to page 31 of the letter book. ...LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Hyam | Stephen S | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1880-1893 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p32 Page 32 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 32, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900 MS173/1/11/2/84 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/84 Financial statement ..DATE: 16 February 1891 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 16 February 1891. This paper is attached to page 32 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p33 Page 33 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 33, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/85 is placed on top of the page. MS173/1/11/2/86 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/85 Report on deserted and other children ..DATE: 13 April 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Report on deserted and other children, 13 April 1891. The report lists a boy identified as Fischel who was formerly with Simon Cohen; the Green children who are in Miss Macphearson’s home of industry; an infant child of Annie Bellina who is in the Bethnal Green Workhouse; and an infant child aged eight months who is in the St.George in the East Workhouse. This report is placed on top of page 33 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Bellina | Annie | fl 1891 Fischel | fl 1891 Green | family | fl 1891 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Annie Macpherson Home of Industry Bethnal Green Workhouse St George in the East Workhouse ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans Workhouses

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/86 Lined sheet of paper ..DATE: 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Blank lined sheet of paper,1891 This letter is attached to page 33 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p34 Page 34 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 34, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/87-95 are placed on top of the page. MS173/1/11/2/96-101 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/87 Letter from Simon Cohen to M.Stephany discussing the situation of the boy identified as Fischel ..DATE: 18 March 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Simon Cohen, the Poor Jews' Temporary Shelter, to M.Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 18 March 1891, discussing the situation of the boy identified as Fischel. Cohen outlines the boy’s escape from the workhouse, and asks if one of the officers of the Board could take him or if the Board could make some allowance for his maintenance. This letter is placed on top of page 34 of the letter book. ...LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Fischel | fl 1891 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews' Temporary Shelter ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/88 Letter from Simon Cohen to M.Stephany informing as to his sending the boy identified as Fischel ..DATE: 20 March 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Simon Cohen to M.Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 20 March 1891, informing as to his sending the boy identified as Fischel to the Board and asking to be informed as to the manner in which the boy will be dispose of. This letter is placed on top of page 34 of the letter book. ...LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Fischel | fl 1891 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews' Temporary Shelter ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/89 Letter from [M.Hast] to M.Stephany asking for the case of the infant child of Annie Bellina to be brought before the Board ..DATE: 9 February 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from [M.Hast] to M.Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 February 1891, outlining his discover of a two year old Jewish girl, the child of Annie Bellina, at the Bethnal Green Workhouse and asking for her case to be brought before the Board. This letter is placed on top of page 34 of the letter book. ...LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Bellina | Annie | fl 1891 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Bethnal Green Workhouse ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/90 Paper with details of Annie Bellina and infant child ..DATE: 24 June 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper with details of Annie Bellina and infant child, 24 June 1890. The paper includes her date of admittance, the address given, and a statement that the mother is in a lunatic asylum. This letter is placed on top of page 34 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Bellina | Annie | fl 1891 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Bethnal Green Workhouse ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/91 Paper with details of Mark Harris ..DATE: 31 January 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper with details of Mark Harris, 31 January 1891. It is noted that his parents are understood to have gone to Brazil and he has been appointed to St George in the East Workhouse. This letter is placed on top of page 34 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Harris | Mark | fl 1891 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor St George in the East Workhouse ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Migrants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/92 Letter from the German Society of Benevolence to Lionel L.Alexander offering thanks for the memorandum sent and expressing admiration for the Board ..DATE: 20 January 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from the German Society of Benevolence to Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 20 January 1891, offering thanks for the memorandum sent and expressing admiration for the Board [regarding the assistance of cases of German and Austrian Jews]. This letter is placed on top of page 34 of the letter book. ...LANG: English German ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor German Society of Benevolence ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Immigrants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/93 Report on the cases of Esther and Bernard Jacobson, otherwise Alperti ..DATE: 10 February 1890 ..EXT: Three papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Report on the cases of Esther and Bernard Jacobson, otherwise Alperti, by Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 10 February 1890. The case was first brought to the attention of the Board by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children when the father was sent to prison for assaulting the boy. The Board has been in contact with both the City of London Poor Law Union and Workhouse and the East London Industrial School regarding the admission of the boy. This letter is placed on top of page 34 of the letter book. ...LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 Jacobson | Bernard | fl 1890 | otherwise Alperti Jacobson | Esther | fl 1890 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor City of London Poor Law Union East London Industrial School | Lewisham National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Child abuse Children (age group)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/94 Letter from Davis and Emanuel to Lionel L.Alexander informing that an outfall drain does not pass below or through the basement of 13 Devonshire Square ..DATE: 13 August 1890 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Davis and Emanuel, architects, London, to Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 15 August 1890, informing that an outfall drain does not pass below or through the basement of 13 Devonshire Square. This letter is placed on top of page 34 of the letter book. ...LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Buildings Offices Building maintenance Sanitation

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/95 Letter from the German Society of Benevolence to Lionel L.Alexander suggesting modifications to the memorandum sent ..DATE: 21 January 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from the German Society of Benevolence to Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 21 January 1891, suggesting modifications to part two of the memorandum sent, including the provision of weekly lists of German and Austrian Jewish cases assigned by the Board and the marking of nationality on cases of Polish origin. This letter is placed on top of page 34 of the letter book. ...LANG: English German ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor German Society of Benevolence ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Immigrants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/96 Letter from R.Harris to Benjamin L.Cohen requesting the Board undertake the provision of a weekly allowance to Mrs [Hart] and her sisters ..DATE: 1 March 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from R.Harris to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 March 1891, requesting the Board undertake the provision of a weekly allowance to Mrs [Hart] and her sisters, the two Misses Leo, from a sum of £300 collected for their benefit. This letter is attached to page 34 of the letter book. ...LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Grants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/97 Letter from R.Harris to Benjamin L.Cohen accepting the sums mentioned for the provision of a weekly allowance to Mrs [Hart] and her sisters ..DATE: 13 March 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from R.Harris to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 March 1891, accepting the sums mentioned for the provision of a weekly allowance to Mrs [Hart] and her sisters, the two Misses Leo, the payment to the Board being the sum of £410. This letter is attached to page 34 of the letter book. ...LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Grants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/98 Letter from R.Harris to Benjamin L.Cohen asking whether the Board would be disposed to devote a portion of the sum paid for the benefit of Miss [Hart] ..DATE: 6 April 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from R.Harris to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 6 April 1891, asking whether the Board would be disposed to devote a portion of the sum of £410 paid for the benefit of Miss [Hart] the daughter of Mrs [Hart] and niece of the two Misses Leo. This letter is attached to page 34 of the letter book. ...LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Grants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/9 Letter from R.Harris to Benjamin L.Cohen asking the Board for more liberal terms to be conceded regarding the case of Mrs [Hart] and the Misses Leo ..DATE: 12 April 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from R.Harris to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 April 1891, asking the Board for more liberal terms to be conceded regarding the case of Mrs [Hart] and the Misses Leo. This letter is attached to page 34 of the letter book. ...LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Grants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/100 Letter from Rooker and Matthews to Lionel L.Alexander enclosing a bankers draft for £225 ..DATE: 9 March 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Rooker and Matthews, solicitors, London, to Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 March 1891, enclosing a bankers draft for £225 being the legacy of Mr. Keogh. This paper is attached to page 34 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/101 Letter from A.E.Sydney to Lionel L.Alexander discussing proceedings to be taken in connection with the legacy of the late Mr.Keogh ..DATE: 19 February 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.E.Sydney, honorary solicitor of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 19 February 1891, discussing proceedings to be taken by the Society for relieving the aged needy of the Jewish faith in connection with the legacy of the late Mr.Keogh. This paper is attached to page 34 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 Sydney | Algernon E | honorary solicitor of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1859-1916 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Society for relieving the aged needy of the Jewish faith ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p35 Page 35 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 35, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p36 Page 36 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 36, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/102-5 are attached to the page. MS173/1/11/2/106 is placed on top of the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/102 Letter from Stephen S.Hyam to Morris Stephany informing that Hyam Marks has been engaged as assistant to the clerk of the Industrial Committee ..DATE: 13 April 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Stephen S.Hyam, honorary secretary of the industrial committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 April 1891, informing that Hyam Marks has been engaged as assistant to the clerk of the Industrial Committee This paper is attached to page 36 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Hyam | Stephen S | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1880-1893 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/103 Letter from I.B.Samuel to Benjamin L.Cohen enquiring as to the payment of legacy duty on the sum of £30 ..DATE: 3 March 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from I.B.Samuel to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 3 March 1891, enquiring as to the payment of legacy duty on the sum of £30 left to the Board by Miss Sarah Samuel. This paper is attached to page 36 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/104 Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany informing that Rachel and Morris Barss will be admitted to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum ..DATE: 9 April 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 April 1891, informing that Rachel and Morris Barss will be admitted to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum under the Pauper Removal Act and requests that necessary steps be taken. This paper is attached to page 36 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | M J | secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Barss | Morris | fl 1891 Barss | Rachel | fl 1891 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/105 Letter from J.N.Joseph to Lawrence A.Isaacs enclosing a cheque for £200 ..DATE: April 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.N.Joseph to Lawrence A.Isaacs, member of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, April 1891, enclosing a cheque for £200 to be funded in the memory of Mr and Mrs Moses Joseph by their children. This paper is attached to page 36 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Funds

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/106 Letter from Jerrold N.Joseph to Benjamin L.Cohen stating no objection to the transfer of the fund to the Loan Department ..DATE: 6 April 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Jerrold N.Joseph, solicitor, London, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 6 April 1891, stating that his family has no objection to the fund endowed to the Board being transferred to the Loan Department, stating that the object of the fund is to benefit and poor and perpetuate the memory of his parents. This letter is placed on top of page 36 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Loan Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Funds ..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p37 Page 37 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 37, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/107 is attached to the page. MS173/1/11/2/108 is placed on top of the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/107 Financial statement ..DATE: 13 April 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 April 1891 This paper is attached to page 37 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/108 Statement of appeal of the Board ..DATE: 1890-1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Statement of appeal of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1890-1891, listing details of results of letters sent to non-contributors, receipts cancelled, and balance. This paper is placed on top of page 37 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records Financing

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p38 Page 38 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 38, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/109 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/109 Letter from P.Ornstein to Morris Stephany appending a list of gentlemen appointed by the Council of the United Synagogue to serve on the Board ..DATE: 5 June 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from P.Ornstein, secretary of the United Synagogue, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, appending a list of gentlemen appointed by the council to serve on the Board. This paper is attached to page 38 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: Ornstein | P | secretary of the United Synagogue Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor United Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p39 Page 39 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 39, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/110 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/110 Report of the Executive Committee on the subject of medical relief to the Jewish poor ..DATE: 10 June 1891 ..EXT: Nine pages ..ADMN: ..CONT: Printed report of the Executive Committee on the reference from the Board of 13 April 1891, on the subject of medical relief to the Jewish poor, 10 June 1891. This paper is attached to page 39 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Executive Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Medicine Medical social work Dispensaries

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p40 Page 40 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 40, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/111 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/111 Report of the Executive Committee on the subject of medical relief to the Jewish poor ..DATE: 10 June 1891 ..EXT: Nine pages ..ADMN: ..CONT: Printed report of the Executive Committee on the subject of medical relief to the Jewish poor, 10 June 1891. Identified as an altered copy as approved by the various witnesses for publication. This paper is attached to page 40 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Executive Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Medicine Medical social work Dispensaries

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p41 Page 41 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 41, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/111A-B are attached to the page. MS173/1/11/2/112/1-3 are placed on top of the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/111A Letter from Baxter and Seaton to the Board informing of Michael Rochwalski’s absence from employment and departure to America ..DATE: 29 May 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Baxter and Seaton, publishers and bookbinders, to the committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 29 May 1891, informing of Michael Rochwalski’s absence from employment and departure to America. This paper is attached to page 41 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Rochwalski | Michael | fl 1891 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Apprentices Migrants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/111B Paper detailing Michael Rochwalski ..DATE: May 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing Michael Rochwalski, an apprentice bookbinder, May 1891. This paper is attached to page 41 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Rochwalski | Michael | fl 1891 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Apprentices Migrants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/112/1 Letter from J.N.Bannet to the Executive Committee of the Board discussing the proposed establishment of a free dispensary in connection with the Board ..DATE: 20 April 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.N.Bannet, president of the Central Jewish Dispensary, to the executive committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 20 April 1891, discussing the proposed establishment of a free dispensary in connection with the Board and offering to send a thousand books of the Central Jewish Dispensary to be distributed amongst the deserving poor. This letter is placed on top of page 41 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Bannet | J N | President of the Central Jewish Dispensary ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Executive Committee Central Jewish Dispensary ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Medicine Medical social work Dispensaries Donations Gifts

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/112/2 Letter from H.Horwitz to the general committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor apologising for the delay in sending a thousand books of the Central Jewish Dispensary ..DATE: 26 May 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.Horwitz, manager of the Central Jewish Dispensary, to the general committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 26 May 1891, apologising for the delay in sending a thousand books for free medical advice and treatment at the Central Jewish Dispensary to be distributed to the deserving poor. This letter is placed on top of page 41 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Horwitz | H | manager of the Central Jewish Dispensary ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Executive Committee Central Jewish Dispensary ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Medicine Medical social work Dispensaries Donations Gifts

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/112/3 Letter from J.N.Bannet to Morris Stephany regarding the delay in sending a thousand books of the Central Jewish Dispensary ..DATE: 28 May 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.N.Bannet, president of the Central Jewish Dispensary, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 28 May 1891, regarding the delay in sending a thousand books of the Central Jewish Dispensary. the deserving poor. This letter is placed on top of page 41 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Bannet | J N | President of the Central Jewish Dispensary Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Executive Committee Central Jewish Dispensary ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Medicine Medical social work Dispensaries Donations Gifts

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p42 Page 42 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 42, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900 MS173/1/11/2/113-8 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/113 Letter from Myer Salaman to Lionel L.Alexander offering rent free rooms for struggle families ..DATE: 6 June 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Myer Salaman to Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 6 June 1891, offering rent free rooms for struggling families. This letter is attached to page 42 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Housing

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/114 Letter from Myer Salaman to Lionel L.Alexander enclosing a bankers’ order for the amount dating from July ..DATE: 27 October 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Myer Salaman to Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 27 October 1891, enclosing a bankers’ order for the amount dating from July. This letter is attached to page 42 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Housing

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/115 Letter from Myer Salaman to Lionel L.Alexander leaving the matter of the occupancy to Alexander’s discretion ..DATE: 14 June 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Myer Salaman to Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 June 1891, leaving the matter of the occupancy to Alexander’s discretion and outlining the advantages of renting. This letter is attached to page 42 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Housing

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/116 Letter from R.Harris to Lionel L.Alexander outlining details of the resolution drawn up for the provision of allowance to Mrs.[Hart], her daughter, and the two Misses Leo ..DATE: 21 April 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from R.Harris to Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 21 April 1891, outlining details of the resolution drawn up for the provision of allowance to Mrs.[Hart], her daughter, and the two Misses Leo. This letter is attached to page 42 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..CORP: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Grants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/117 Letter from Arthur Halford to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £100 ..DATE: 16 June 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Arthur Halford to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 16 June 1891, enclosing a cheque for £100. This letter is attached to page 42 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/118 Letter from Arthur Halford to Morris Stephany informing of a sum of £100 to be given to the Board ..DATE: 14 May 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Arthur Halford to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 16 June 1891, informing of a sum of £100 to be given to the Board in accordance with the will of the late Samuel Hyam. This letter is attached to page 42 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p43 Page 43 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 43, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/119-22 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/119 Letter from Tatham and Lousada to M. Stephany informing of a sum of £125 to be paid to the Board ..DATE: 2 June1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Tatham and Lousada, solicitors, London, to M. Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 2 June 1891, informing of a sum of £125 to be paid to the Board in accordance with the will of A.de Mattos Mocatta. This letter is attached to page 43 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/120 Letter from E.H.Lindo to Benjamin L.Cohen requesting a list be sent for the annual distribution of coals and blankets ..DATE: 3 May1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from E.H.Lindo, secretary of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 3 May 1891, requesting a list be sent for the annual distribution of coals and blankets in accordance with the will of the late Moses Montefiore. This letter is attached to page 43 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Lindo | E H | secretary of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue Sir Moses Montefiore for Coals and Blankets ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests Relief supplies

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/121 Letter from P.Ornstien to Morris Stephany stating that the authorities of the Lewisham School have yet to sign the agreement draft which was approved by Lionel Alexander in May ..DATE: 15 June1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from P.Ornstien, secretary of the United Synagogue, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 15 June 1891, stating that the authorities of the Lewisham School have yet to sign the agreement draft which was approved by Lionel Alexander in May but that a copy will be sent as soon as it is signed. This letter is attached to page 43 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Ornstein | P | secretary of the United Synagogue Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor United Synagogue East London Industrial School | Lewisham ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Schools Industrial schools Education

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/122 Letter from D.Singer to Benjamin L.Cohen mentioning having heard nothing for about the child in St George ..DATE: 23 May1891 ..EXT: Two papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from D.Singer to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 23 May1891, mentioning having heard nothing for about the child in St George and expressing an interest in the matter. An article from the Daily Chronicle is attached to the letter, 18 June 1891, outlining details of the case of Samuel Levy who was charged with stealing 7 shillings from Louisa Troper and 3 shillings from Sarah Loughman by offering to bring their infant children to a home. This letter is attached to page 43 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Loughman | Sarah | fl 1890 Troper | Louisa | fl 1891 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor St George's Workhouse Daily Chronicle ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p44 Page 44 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 44, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/123-6 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/123 Letter from Charles Samuel to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £25 ..DATE: 13 May1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Charles Samuel to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 May 1891, enclosing a cheque for £25. This letter is attached to page 44 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/124 Letter from E.H.Arthur to Morris Stephany enclosing a legacy duty form for a sum of £10 ..DATE: 21 April 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from E.H.Arthur to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 21 April 1891, enclosing a legacy duty form for a sum of £10 being the amount left to the Board by his late father. This letter is attached to page 44 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/125 Letter from I.B.Samuel to Benjamin L.Cohen enclosing a cheque ..DATE: 28 April 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from I.B.Samuel to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 28 April 1891, enclosing a cheque for the payment of a legacy. This letter is placed on top of page 44 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/126 Letter from Benjamin L.Cohen to I.P.Cohen enclosing a cheque for £30 ..DATE: 21 April 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to I.P.Cohen, clerk of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 21 April 1891, enclosing a cheque for £30 from I.B.Samuel, being the legacy of Sarah Samuel. This letter is attached to page 44 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Cohen | Isaac P | clerk of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p45 Page 45 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 45, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/127-8 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/127 Financial statement ..DATE: 18 June 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 18 June 1891. This letter is placed on top of page 45 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/128 Letter from Solomon Schloss to Benjamin L.Cohen offering thanks and praise ..DATE: 21 June 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Solomon Schloss, member of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 21 June 1891, offering thanks to Mr.Cohen for his kind words and praising him in his role as President of the Board. This letter is attached to page 45 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Schloss | Solomon | member of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p46 Page 46 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 46, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/129-32 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/129 Letter from Henry A.Isaacs to Benjamin L.Cohen declining his re-election as Vice President of the Board ..DATE: 8 July 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Henry A.Isaacs, Vice-President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 8 July 1891, declining his re-election as vice-president of the Board. This letter is attached to page 46 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Isaacs | Henry A | Vice President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1866-91 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/130 Letter from H.Shmith to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor applying for an increase of salary ..DATE: 23 September 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.Shmith, assistant clerk of Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 23 September 1891, applying for an increase of salary. This letter is attached to page 46 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Wages

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/131 Letter from Hermann H.Myer to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £200 ..DATE: 30 September 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Hermann H.Myer, solicitor, to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 30 September 1891, enclosing a cheque for £200 bequeathed to the Industrial Committee by the late Henry Solomon. This letter is attached to page 46 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/132 Letter from Henry E.Davis to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £18 ..DATE: 23 September 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Henry E.Davis to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 23 September 1891, enclosing a cheque for £18 being the legacy bequeathed by the late Mrs. E.Davis. This letter is attached to page 46 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Lucas | Francis A | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1874-1894 Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p47 Page 47 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 47, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/133 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/133 Epitome of new arrangement with the East London Industrial School at Lewisham as entered into between the managers of that school and the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue ..DATE: 1 July 1891 ..EXT: Three papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Handwritten copy of an epitome of the new arrangement with the East London Industrial School at Lewisham as entered into between the managers of that school and the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue, 1 July 1891, regarding the acceptance of boys of the Jewish faith. This paper is attached to page 47 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor United Synagogue East London Industrial School | Lewisham ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Schools Industrial schools Education

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p48 Page 48 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 48, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/135/1 Letter from P.Ornstein to Morris Stephany forwarding a copy of the memorandum of agreement which has been entered into between the managers of the East London Industrial School at Lewisham and the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue ..DATE: 9 July 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from P.Ornstein, secretary of the United Synagogue, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 July 1891, forwarding a copy of the memorandum of agreement which has been entered into between the managers of the East London Industrial School at Lewisham and the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue. This letter is placed on top of page 48 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: Ornstein | P | secretary of the United Synagogue Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor United Synagogue East London Industrial School | Lewisham ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Schools Industrial schools Education

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/135/2 Letter from P.Ornstein to Morris Stephany discussing the arrangement made between the Board of Guardians and the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue and enclosing a copy of the report of the Visitation Committee ..DATE: 16 July 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from P.Ornstein, secretary of the Office of the Council of the United Synagogue, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 16 July 1891, discussing the arrangement made between the Board of Guardians and the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue and enclosing a copy of the report of the Visitation Committee. This letter is placed on top of page 48 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: Ornstein | P | secretary of the United Synagogue Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor United Synagogue East London Industrial School | Lewisham ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Schools Industrial schools Education

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/135/3 Letter from P.Ornstein to Morris Stephany responding to concerns of the Board of Guardians regarding the agreement between the authorities of the East London Industrial School at Lewisham and the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue ..DATE: 29 July 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from P.Ornstein, secretary of the Office of the Council of the United Synagogue, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 29 July 1891, responding to concerns of the Board of Guardians regarding the agreement between the authorities of the East London Industrial School at Lewisham and the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue. This letter is placed on top of page 48 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: Ornstein | P | secretary of the United Synagogue Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor United Synagogue East London Industrial School | Lewisham ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Schools Industrial schools Education

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/135/4 Reports of the visitation, building and executive committees of the United Synagogue regarding the admission of Jewish boys to the East London Industrial School, Lewisham ..DATE: 27 March 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Printed reports of the visitation, building and executive committees of the United Synagogue, 27 March 1891, regarding the admission of Jewish boys to the East London Industrial School, Lewisham. This paper is placed on top of page 48 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor United Synagogue East London Industrial School | Lewisham ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Schools Industrial schools Education

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/135/5 Memorandum of agreement to be entered into between the managers of the East London Industrial School at Lewisham and the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue regarding the admission of Jewish boys to the school ..DATE: 30 June 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Handwritten copy of the memorandum of agreement to be entered into between the managers of the East London Industrial School at Lewisham and the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue, 30 June 1891, regarding the admission of Jewish boys to the school. This paper is placed on top of page 48 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor United Synagogue East London Industrial School | Lewisham ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Schools Industrial schools Education ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/136 Paper detailing Harris Stone ..DATE: 4 September 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing a boy named Harris Stone, 4 September 1981. His parents left for Brazil where his father, Jacob Stone, died in Rio and his mother, Rebecca, died in Para. Harris Stone was brought back to England by Mr and Mrs Abraham Bernstein. This paper is placed on top of page 48 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Bernstein | Abraham | fl 1891 Stone | Harris | fl 1891 Stone | Jacob | d 1891 Stone | Rebecca | d 1891 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Migrants Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/137 Paper detailing Bernstein ..DATE: 29 October 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing Bernstein who went to Rio with his wife, 29 October 1891. There they met with Mrs Stone in Para where she died leaving one child [Harris Stone] whose father died in Rio. This paper is placed on top of page 48 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Bernstein | Abraham | fl 1891 Stone | Harris | fl 1891 Stone | Jacob | d 1891 Stone | Rebecca | d 1891 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Migrants Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/138/1 Letter from William Vallance to Morris Stephany querying action to be taken regarding David Hallam and Ellen Isaacs ..DATE: 15 September 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from William Vallance, clerk to the guardians and superintendent registrar of the Whitechapel Union, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 15 September 1891, querying whether two Jewish orphans, David Hallam and Ellen Isaacs, are to be admitted to the Jews’ Orphan Asylum at Norwood. This letter is placed on top of page 48 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Vallance | William | clerk to the Guardians and superintendent registrar of the Whitechapel Union Hallam | David | fl 1891 Isaacs | Ellen | fl 1891 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Whitechapel Poor Law Union Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/138/2 Report upon deserted children ..DATE: 5 October 1891 ..EXT: Four papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing deserted cases, including those of Mark Harris, Rachel Abrahams, Ellen Isaacs, David Hallam, Harris Stone, and Samuel Isaacs children, 5 October 1891. This letter is placed on top of page 48 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Abrahams | Rachel | fl 1891-93 Hallam | David | fl 1891 Harris | Mark | fl 1891 Isaacs | Samuel | fl 1891 Isaacs | Ellen | fl 1891 Stone | Harris | fl 1891 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/139/1 Letter from A.Cohen to Morris Stephany detailing Lewis and Woolf Isaacs ..DATE: 6 September 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.Cohen to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 6 September 1891, detailing Lewis and Woolf Isaacs at the workhouse school on Hornsey Road. This letter is placed on top of page 48 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Isaacs | Lewis | fl 1891 Isaacs | Samuel | fl 1891 Isaacs | Woolf | fl 1891 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Islington Parish Workhouse School | Hornsey Road ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/139/1 Paper detailing the family of Samuel Isaacs ..DATE: September 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing the family of Samuel Isaacs, September 1891. The paper includes details of his three children, Lewis, Woolf, and Hannah, and his siblings. This letter is placed on top of page 48 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Isaacs | Abraham | fl 1891 Isaacs | Hannah | fl 1891 Isaacs | Joseph | fl 1891 Isaacs | Lewis | fl 1891 Isaacs | Samuel | fl 1891 Isaacs | Woolf | fl 1891 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Islington Parish Workhouse School | Hornsey Road ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p49 Page 49 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 49, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/140 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/140 Financial statement ..DATE: 5 October 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 5 October 1891. This letter is attached to page 49 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p50 Page 50 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 50, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/141 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/141 Financial statement ..DATE: 9 November 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 November 1891. This letter is attached to page 50 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p51 Page 51 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 51, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/142-4 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/142 Letter from A.Lucan to Benjamin L.Cohen providing an update of his circumstances ..DATE: 5 November 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.Lucas to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 5 November 1891, providing an update of his circumstances informing that he has taken a flat and will be starting work soon. This letter is attached to page 51 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Lucas | A | fl 1891 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Employment Housing

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/143 Letter from Stephen S.Hyam to Morris Stephany informing of the election of new members of the Industrial Committee ..DATE: 4 November 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Stephen S.Hyam, honorary secretary of the industrial committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 4 November 1891, informing of the election of Albert H.Jessel, H.R.Levinsohn, and D.A.Levy as new members of the Industrial Committee. This letter is attached to page 51 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Hyam | Stephen S | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1880-1893 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/144 Letter from Barrow Emanuel to Benjamin L.Cohen informing of a general meeting being held for the purpose of winding up the Jewish and East London Model Lodging House Association ..DATE: October 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Barrow Emanuel, honorary liquidator of the Jewish and East London Model Lodging House Association, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, October 1891, informing of a general meeting being held for the purpose of winding up the Jewish and East London Model Lodging House Association and enclosing a cheque for £20 in connection with the payment of liabilities. This letter is attached to page 51 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jewish and East London Model Lodging House Association ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Housing

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p52 Page 52 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 52, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900 MS173/1/11/2/145-8 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/145 Letter from Adelaide Franklin to Lionel L.Alexander requesting a grant of £50 for the Ladies’ Conjoint Visiting Committee ..DATE: 30 November 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Adelaide Franklin, treasurer of the Ladies’ Conjoint Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 30 November 1891, requesting a grant of £50 for the Ladies’ Conjoint Visiting Committee. This letter is attached to page 52 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 Franklin | Adelaide | treasurer of the Ladies’ Conjoint Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1883-1898 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Ladies’ Conjoint Visiting Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Grants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/146 Letter from D.E.Solomon to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor returning a receipt and asking the Board to accept his resignation as collector ..DATE: 13 December 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from D.E.Solomon, collector of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 December 1891, returning a receipt and asking the Board to accept his resignation as collector. This letter is attached to page 52 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Resignation (employee)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/147/1 Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany detailing the medical officer’s report on Abraham Emanuel ..DATE: 30 November 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 30 November 1891, detailing the medical officer’s report on Abraham Emanuel which states that he is very deaf and mentally defective. This letter is attached to page 52 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | M J | secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Emanuel | Abraham | fl 1891 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans Mental health Medical inspections

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/147/2 Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany informing of the conditions of admission for a child to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum with reference to the medical officer’s report on Abraham Emanuel ..DATE: 2 December 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 2 December 1891, informing of the conditions of admission for a child to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum with reference to the medical officer’s report on Abraham Emanuel. The report was put before the house committee and was accepted. This letter is attached to page 52 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | M J | secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Emanuel | Abraham | fl 1891 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans Mental health Medical inspections

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/147/3 Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany informing of the admission of Cecil and Cissie Unger to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum ..DATE: 17 November 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 17 November 1891, informing of the admission of Cecil and Cissie Unger to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum under the provisions of the Pauper Removal Act and asking for the necessary steps to be taken by the Board. This letter is attached to page 52 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | M J | secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Unger | Cecil | fl 1891 Unger | Cissie | fl 1891 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/147/4 Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany informing of the conditions of admission for a child to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum under the Pauper Removal Act ..DATE: 8 December 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 8 December 1891, informing of the decision that children admitted to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum under the Pauper Removal Act should undergo an examination by the medical officer before an application is made. This letter is attached to page 52 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | M J | secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans Medical inspections

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/148 Letter from Ernest Turner to Morris Stephany informing the provision of a sum of £25 to the Board for the relief of poor inhabitants of the Parish of St Botolph Aldgate ..DATE: 11 December 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Ernest Turner, clerk of the Algate Freedom Foundation, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 December 1891, informing of a resolution passed by charity committee of the Algate Freedom Foundation to provide a sum of £25 to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor to be applied in cases of emergency for the relief of poor inhabitants of the Parish of St Botolph Aldgate. This letter is attached to page 52 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Turner | Ernest | clerk of the Algate Freedom Foundation ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Algate Freedom Foundation ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Grants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p53 Page 53 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 53, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/149-50 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/149 Letter from David Woolf to the President and members of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor requesting an increase in salary ..DATE: 7 December 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from David Woolf, investigating officer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to the President and members of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 7 December 1891, requesting an increase in salary and detailing his circumstances. This letter is attached to page 53 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Woolf | David | investigating officer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Wages

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/150 Letter from the children of Mrs [Suhra] to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £21 ..DATE: 18 November 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from the children of Mrs [Suhra] to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, enclosing a cheque for £21 donated in memory of their mother. This letter is attached to page 53 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p54 Page 54 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 54, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/151-52 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/151 Financial statement ..DATE: 14 December 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 December 1891 This letter is attached to page 54 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/152 Report on deserted and other cases ..DATE: 9 November 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing deserted cases, those of Rachel Abrahams, Ellen Isaacs, Harris Stone, and Samuel Isaacs children, 9 November 1891. This letter is attached to page 54 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Abrahams | Rachel | fl 1891-93 Isaacs | Ellen | fl 1891 Stone | Harris | fl 1891 Bernstein | Abraham | fl 1891 Isaacs | Samuel | fl 1891 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p55 Page 55 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 55, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/153 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/153 Letter from Joseph de Castro to Benjamin L.Cohen informing that his committee was unable to accede the request of the Board and informing that tickets have been illegally dealt with ..DATE: 22 January 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Joseph de Castro, President of the conjoint committee for the consideration of legislative and parochial questions concerning the Jewish Poor on behalf of the Board of Guardians of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 22 January 1892, informing that the committee was unable to accede the request of the Board and informing of the fact that tickets have been illegally dealt with. This letter is attached to page 55 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Castro | Joseph | de | President of the conjoint committee for the consideration of legislative and parochial questions concerning the Jewish Poor on behalf of the Board of Guardians of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews | conjoint committee for the consideration of legislative and parochial questions concerning the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Gifts Relief supplies

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p56 Page 56 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 56, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/157-60 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/154 Letter from Samuel Montagu to Morris Stephany enclosing the sum of £59 donated to the Board ..DATE: 21 December 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Samuel Montagu to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 21 December 1891, enclosing the sum of £59 donated to the Board. This letter is placed on top of page 56 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Montagu | Samuel | 1832-1911 | 1st Baron Swaythling | banker and philanthropist ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Religious practice Workhouses

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/155 Letter from Samuel Montagu to Morris Stephany explaining that he is unable to waive the conditions attached to his donation ..DATE: 31 January 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Samuel Montagu to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 31 January 1892, explaining that he is unable to waive the conditions attached to his donation. This letter is placed on top of page 56 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Montagu | Samuel | 1832-1911 | 1st Baron Swaythling | banker and philanthropist ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Religious practice Workhouses

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/156 Letter from Samuel Montagu to Morris Stephany discussing the conditions of his donation ..DATE: 31 December 1891 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Samuel Montagu to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 31 December 1891, discussing the conditions of his donation with reference to the condition that no Jewish child should be left in a Christian workhouse for a period of time as could adversely influence its being brought up in the Jewish faith. This letter is placed on top of page 56 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Montagu | Samuel | 1832-1911 | 1st Baron Swaythling | banker and philanthropist ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Religious practice Workhouses

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/157 Letter from D.F.Schloss to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor sending an annexed copy of the resolution passed at the meeting of the Sanitary Committee increasing the salary of the sanitary inspector ..DATE: 22 January 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from D.F.Schloss to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 22 January 1892, sending an annexed copy of the resolution passed at the meeting of the Sanitary Committee on 21 January 1892 increasing the salary of the sanitary inspector from £2.2 to £2.5. This letter is attached to page 56 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Schloss | David F | honorary secretary of the Sanitary Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Sanitary Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Wages

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/158 Letter from Henry Harris to Benjamin L.Cohen sending four hundred tickets from the Tradesmen’s Benevolent Society ..DATE: 11 January 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Henry Harris, secretary of the Tradesmen’s Benevolent Society, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 January 1892, sending four hundred tickets as the tenth annual gift from the Tradesmen’s Benevolent Society. This letter is attached to page 56 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Harris | Henry | secretary of the Tradesmen’s Benevolent Society ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Tradesmen’s Benevolent Society ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Gifts Relief supplies

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/159 Letter from A.M.Wartski to Morris Stephany forwarding £10 ..DATE: 12 January 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.M.Wartski, Barnett Wartski and Son, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 January 1892, forwarding £10. This letter is attached to page 56 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/160 Letter from Stephen S.Hyam to Morris Stephany informing of the election of visiting guardians of apprentices ..DATE: 28 January 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Stephen S.Hyam, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 28 January 1892, informing of the election of Harry R.Lewis and Sydney Davis as visiting guardians of apprentices. This letter is attached to page 56 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Hyam | Stephen S | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1880-1893 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p57 Page 57 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 57, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/161-2 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/161 Letter from Tatham and Lousada to Morris Stephany informing of the sum of £19.19.0 having been bequeathed to the Board ..DATE: 1 February 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Tatham and Lousada, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 February 1892, informing of the sum of £19.19.0 having been bequeathed to the Board by the late Samuel Mocatta. This letter is attached to page 57 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/162 Financial statement ..DATE: February 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, February 1892. This paper is attached to page 57 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p58 Page 58 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 58, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/165-7 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/163 Letter from Samuel Montagu to Morris Stephany requesting copies of his letters from December 1884 and 1885 and other records relating to the discussion of child desertion at the Board’s meeting in 1884 ..DATE: 10 February 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Samuel Montagu to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 10 February 1892, requesting copies of his letters from December 1884 and 1885 and other records relating to the discussion of child desertion at the Board’s meeting in 1884. This letter is placed on top of page 58 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Montagu | Samuel | 1832-1911 | 1st Baron Swaythling | banker and philanthropist ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/164 Letter from Samuel Montagu to Benjamin L.Cohen requesting the return of his cheque which the Board has refused to accept under the conditions he has imposed ..DATE: 11 February 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Samuel Montagu to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 February 1892, accusing the Board of mistreating Jewish children from a religious point of view and requesting the return of his cheque which the Board has refused to accept under the conditions he has imposed. This letter is placed on top of page 58 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Montagu | Samuel | 1832-1911 | 1st Baron Swaythling | banker and philanthropist ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Religious practice Workhouses

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/165 Letter from P.Ornstein to Morris Stephany informing of the election of J.A.Rozelaar as a representative of the Board at the meeting of the Council of the United Synagogue ..DATE: 10 February 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from P.Ornstein, secretary of the United Synagogue, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 10 February 1892, informing of the election of J.A.Rozelaar as a representative of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor in place of B.I.Van Staveren at the meeting of the Council of the United Synagogue. This letter is attached to page 58 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: Ornstein | P | secretary of the United Synagogue Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor United Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/166/1 Letter from J.Levi to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor requesting the signing of the enclosed form ..DATE: 9 February 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.Levi, executor of the late Henry Levi, to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 February 1892, requesting the signing of the enclosed form prior to the forwarding of a cheque. This letter is attached to page 58 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Lucas | Francis A | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1874-1894 Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/166/2 Paper listing two names ..DATE: [February 1892] ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper list two names, [Chair] [Shingerman] and Samuel [Danhenblatt]. This letter is placed on top of page 58 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/167 Letter from David Hyam to Lionel L.Alexander thanking the Board for their vote of condolence on the death of his wife ..DATE: 18 February 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from David Hyam, member of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 18 February 1892, thanking the Board for their vote of condolence on the death of his wife. This letter is attached to page 58 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 Hyam | David | member of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Death Bereavement Sympathy

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p59 Page 59 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 1, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/168/1-2 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/168/1 Report of secretary on the inadequacy of premises and staff of the Board by Morris Stephany ..DATE: 15 February 1892 ..EXT: Nine papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Report of secretary on the inadequacy of premises and staff of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor by Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 15 February 1892, with the reasons of the defects outlined as insufficiency of space and staff. This paper is attached to page 59 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Buildings Offices

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/168/2 Letter from A.E.Sydney to Morris Stephany providing details of the terms of lease on cellars let to Lissack and Son and subsequent occupiers ..DATE: 12 February 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.E.Sydney, honorary solicitor of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 February 1892, providing details of the terms of lease on cellars let to Lissack and Son and subsequent occupiers. This paper is attached to page 59 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Sydney | Algernon E | honorary solicitor of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1859-1916 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Buildings Offices

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p60 Page 60 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 60, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/169-75 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/169 Letter from Henry Nathan to Morris Stephany asking for his resignation to be put before the President of the Board ..DATE: 15 March 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Henry Nathan, member of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 15 March 1892, asking for his resignation to be put before the President of the Board citing his failing health. This paper is attached to page 60 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Loan Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Resignation (employee)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/170 Letter from Julius Bernstein to Morris Stephany offering himself as a candidate for the position of investigating officer as advertised by the Board ..DATE: 13 March 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Julius Bernstein to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 March 1892, offering himself as a candidate for the position of investigating officer advertised by the Board and detailing his qualifications. This paper is attached to page 60 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Job applications

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/171 Letter from Julius Bernstein to Morris Stephany demonstrating his ability to write in German, Yiddish and Russian ..DATE: 13 March 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Julius Bernstein to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 March 1892, demonstrating his ability to write in German, Yiddish and Russian. This paper is attached to page 60 of the letter book. ..LANG: German Yiddish Russian ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Job applications

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/172 Letter from Julius Bernstein to Morris Stephany discussing details of his age, salary expectation, family circumstances, current profession, and the provision of testimonials ..DATE: 15 March 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Julius Bernstein to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 15 March 1892, discussing details of his age, salary expectation, family circumstances, current profession, and the provision of testimonials. This paper is attached to page 60 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Job applications

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/173 Paper detailing Julius Bernstein ..DATE: March 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing Julius Bernstein, March 1892, including details of his profession, age, number of children, background, and languages. This paper is attached to page 60 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Job applications

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/174 Letter from Julius Bernstein to Morris Stephany expressing his gratitude at having been offered the position of investigating officer ..DATE: 27 March 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Julius Bernstein to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 27 March 1892, expressing his gratitude at having been offered the position of investigating officer. This paper is attached to page 60 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Job applications

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/174B Letter from Isaac H.Solomon to Morris Stephany applying for the position of assistant clerk ..DATE: 11 March 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Isaac H.Solomon to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 March 1892, applying for the position of assistant clerk. This paper is attached to page 60 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Job applications ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/175 Letter from H.Allen to Morris Stephany providing a reference for Isaac H.Solomon ..DATE: 23 March 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.Allen, The Railway Times, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 23 March 1892, providing a reference for Isaac H.Solomon. This paper is attached to page 60 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Job applications

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p61 Page 61 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 61, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/176 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/176 Report on removal of offices by Benjamin L.Cohen ..DATE: 14 April 1892 ..EXT: Six papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Report on removal of offices by Benjamin L.Cohen, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 April 189. The report outlines the necessity of larger premises to carry out the work of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. It refers to the Executive Committee’s views against decentralisation and the subdivision of the Board, stating that it impairs efficiency and stressing the need for stronger coordination between the head office and its branches. The report details the decision of the Executive Committee to have the work of the Board carried out under one roof with the location chosen being the site at Stoney Lane as described in the report of Davis and Emmanuel, architects. This paper is attached to page 60 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Executive Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Buildings Offices

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p62 Page 62 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 62, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900 MS173/1/11/2/177-8 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/177 Financial statement ..DATE: 14 April 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 April 1892. This letter is placed on top of page 62 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/178 Plan of the proposed site for the new offices of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor at Stoney Lane by Davis and Emmanuel, architects ..DATE: 11 April 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Plan of the proposed site for the new offices of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor by Davis and Emmanuel, architects, 11 April 1892. It contains a sketch plan of the site at Stoney Lane, detailing of the layout of the site, and providing details of the lease. This paper is attached to page 62 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Buildings Offices

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p63 Page 63 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 63, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/179-81 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/179 Letter from Henry Nathan to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £10 ..DATE: 15 May 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Henry Nathan to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 15 May 1892, enclosing a cheque for £10 being the legacy of the late Gustav Sichel. This paper is attached to page 63 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/180 Letter from Stephen S.Hyam to Morris Stephany providing a copy of the resolution passed by the Industrial Committee regarding alterations for a separate office for the administration of the Committee ..DATE: 27 April 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Stephen S.Hyam, honorary secretary of the industrial committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 27 April 1892, providing a copy of the resolution passed by the Industrial Committee regarding alterations for a separate office for the administration of the Committee. This paper is attached to page 63 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Hyam | Stephen S | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1880-1893 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Buildings Offices

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/181 Letter from Stephen S.Hyam to Morris Stephany informing of the election of visiting guardians of apprentices ..DATE: 9 May 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Stephen S.Hyam, honorary secretary of the industrial committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 May 1892, informing of the election of Julian H.Simon and H.Marks as visiting guardians of apprentices and Julian Joseph as representative of the Westminster Jews’ Free School. This paper is attached to page 63 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Hyam | Stephen S | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1880-1893 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee Westminster Jews’ Free School ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p64 Page 64 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 64, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/183 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/181A Letter from Hermann Alder to Morris Stephany requesting that the case of Jacob and Eva Goldenthal be brought before the Board ..DATE: 25 April 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Hermann Alder, office of the Chief Rabbi, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 25 April 1892, requesting that the case of two orphan children, Jacob and Eva Goldenthal, be brought before the Board. Their father died in Galicia and their mother died in London. It is hoped that they will be taken from the Mildmay Mission and admitted to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum under the provision of the Pauper Removal Act. This letter is placed on top of page 64 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Adler | Hermann | 1839-1911 | Chief Rabbi of the British Empire, 1890-1911 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Goldenthal | Eva | fl 1892 Goldenthal | Jacob | fl 1892 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Office of the Chief Rabbi Mildmay Mission to the Jews Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/181B Paper detailing the family of Abraham Goldenthal ..DATE: April 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing the family of Abraham Goldenthal, April 1892. He died five years previous in Austria and his wife, Annie Goldenthal, died on 9 November 1891 in London. The children were placed in the Mildmay Mission by the wife’s brother Marks Rabbinowitch. This paper is placed on top of page 64 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Goldenthal | Abraham | d 1887 Goldenthal | Annie | d 1891 Goldenthal | Eva | fl 1892 Goldenthal | Jacob | fl 1892 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mildmay Mission to the Jews ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/181C Paper detailing the family of Abraham Goldenthal ..DATE: 27 April 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing the family of Abraham Goldenthal, 27 April 1892. His wife died in London and his sister, Bertha Greenfield, applied for their children to be removed from the schools they have been in for one year. This paper is placed on top of page 64 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Goldenthal | Abraham | d 1887 Goldenthal | Annie | d 1891 Goldenthal | Eva | fl 1892 Goldenthal | Jacob | fl 1892 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/182 Letter from Herbert A.Day to Benjamin L.Cohen enclosing a draft of a letter he proposes sending to the Whitechapel Board of Guardians ..DATE: 6 May 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert A.Day to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 6 May 1892, enclosing a draft of a letter he proposes sending to the Whitechapel Board of Guardians suggesting that husbands guilty of desertion should be punished by having their wives and children sent to the workhouse temporarily. This letter is placed on top of page 64 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Whitechapel Poor Law Union ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Workhouses

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/183 Letter from E.H.Lindo to Benjamin L.Cohen requesting a list be sent for the annual distribution of coals and blankets ..DATE: 26 April 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from E.H.Lindo, secretary of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 26 April 1892, requesting a list be sent for the annual distribution of coals and blankets. This letter is attached to page 64 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Lindo | E H | secretary of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Sir Moses Montefiore for Coals and Blankets Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests Gifts Relief supplies

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p65 Page 65 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 65, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/184-6 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/184 Letter from H.Landau to Benjamin L.Cohen tendering his resignation as a member of the Board ..DATE: 12 June 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.Landau, member of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Benjamin L.Cohen, president of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 June 1892, tendering his resignation as a member of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This letter is attached to page 65 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Resignation (employee)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/185 Letter from J.London to Benjamin L.Cohen applying for an increase in salary ..DATE: 14 April 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.London, junior clerk of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Benjamin L.Cohen, president of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 April 1892, applying for an increase in salary. This letter is attached to page 65 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Wages

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/186 Letter from Maresco Pearce to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £19.19.0 ..DATE: 28 May 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Maresco Pearce to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 28 May 1892, enclosing a cheque for £19.19.0 being the legacy of the late Lady Salomons. This letter is attached to page 65 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p66 Page 66 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 66, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/187 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/187 Financial statement ..DATE: 10 June 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 10 June 1892 This letter is attached to page 66 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p67 Page 67 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 67, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/188-91 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/188 Letter from Stephen S.Hyam to Morris Stephany notifying of the increase of the salary of Hyam Marks and of the election of Samuel S.Oppenheim as a member of the committee ..DATE: 18 July 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Stephen S.Hyam, honorary secretary of the industrial committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 18 July 1892, notifying of the Committee’s decision to increase the salary of Hyam Marks, assistant to the clerk of the industrial committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, and to elect Samuel S.Oppenheim as a member of the Committee. This letter is attached to page 67 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Hyam | Stephen S | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1880-1893 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Wages

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/189 Letter from Stephen S.Hyam to Morris Stephany notifying of the election of visiting guardians of apprentices ..DATE: 17 June 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Stephen S.Hyam, honorary secretary of the industrial committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 17 June 1892, notifying of the election of Alfred Isaacs, B.M.Winkel, B.M.Benjamin, and William L.Lucas as visiting guardians of apprentices. This letter is attached to page 67 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Hyam | Stephen S | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1880-1893 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/190 Letter from Stephen S.Hyam to Morris Stephany notifying of the election of visiting guardians of apprentices ..DATE: 13 July 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Stephen S.Hyam, honorary secretary of the industrial committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 17 June 1892, notifying of the election of George Nathan, Leonard M.Marsden, and Joseph A.Myers as visiting guardians of apprentices. This letter is attached to page 67 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Hyam | Stephen S | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1880-1893 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/191 Letter from Edgar L.Simon to Morris Stephany notifying of the resignation of Moss Lion and the election of new members of the Visiting Committee ..DATE: 30 June 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Edgar L.Simon, honorary secretary of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 30 June 1892, notifying of the resignation of Moss Lion and the election of George Nathan, Harry A.Keyser, Ernest Halford, and Percy Drucker as new members of the Visiting Committee. This letter is attached to page 67 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Simon | Edgar Leon | secretary of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1885-93 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Visiting Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Resignation (employee)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p68 Page 68 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 68, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/192-5 are attached to the page. MS173/1/11/2/196 is placed on top of the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/192 Letter from M. Drukker to Morris Stephany requesting an increase in salary ..DATE: 19 July 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M. Drukker to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 19 July 1892, requesting an increase in salary. This letter is attached to page 68 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Wages

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/193 Letter from Joseph and Hyam to Morris Stephany sending a cheque for £100 ..DATE: 13 July 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Joseph and Hyam, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 July 1892, sending a cheque for £100 being the legacy of the late Louis Benda. This letter is attached to page 68 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/194 Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany discussing the cases of Jacob and Eva Goldenthal and Amelia Harris ..DATE: 30 June 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 30 June 1892, discussing the committee’s decision to adhere to their resolution regarding the case of Jacob and Eva Goldenthal, and requesting that the necessary steps be taken by the Board for the admission of Amelia Harris under the provisions of the Pauper Removal Act. This letter is attached to page 68 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | M J | secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Goldenthal | Eva | fl 1892 Goldenthal | Jacob | fl 1892 Harris | Emelia | fl 1892 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/195 Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany discussing the cases of Jacob and Eva Goldenthal, Marks Abrahams and Annie Harris ..DATE: 18 May 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 18 May 1892, discussing the committee’s view that the circumstances of the case of Jacob and Eva Goldenthal do not justify dispensing with the condition requiring that one parent should have been resident in England for two years; requesting that the necessary steps be taken by the Board for the admission of Marks Abrahams under the provisions of the Pauper Removal Act; and notifying that they are still waiting on an order from the Whitechapel Union regarding Annie Harris. This letter is attached to page 68 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | M J | secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Goldenthal | Eva | fl 1892 Goldenthal | Jacob | fl 1892 Abrahams | Marks | fl 1892 Harris | Annie | fl 1892 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/196 Paper detailing deserted cases ..DATE: 13 June 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing deserted cases, including the Agusheurtz [Gerschwitz] children, Rachel Barnett’s children, and Mark Abrahams, 13 June 1892. The Agusheurtz children and Rachel Barnett’s children have been sent to New York. This letter is placed on top of page 68 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Abrahams | Marks | fl 1892 Barnett | Rachel | fl 1892 Gerschwitz | family | fl 1892 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Migrants Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p69 Page 69 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 69, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/197-8 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/197 Financial statement ..DATE: 25 July 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 25 July 1892. This letter is attached to page 69 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/198 Letter from E.H.Lindo to Benjamin L.Cohen enclosing a cheque for £352.8.1 ..DATE: 24 June 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from E.H.Lindo, secretary of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 26 April 1892, enclosing a cheque of £352.8.1 payable to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor for the annual distribution of coals and blankets. This letter is attached to page 69 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Lindo | E H | secretary of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Sir Moses Montefiore for Coals and Blankets Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests Gifts Relief supplies

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p70 Page 70 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 70, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/199-200 are placed on top of the page. MS173/1/11/2/201 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/199 Letter from S.Singer to Benjamin L.Cohen sending a copy of the resolutions passed at the last meeting of the Russo-Jewish Committee ..DATE: 16 May 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from S.Singer, honorary secretary of the Russo-Jewish Committee, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 16 May 1892, sending a copy of the resolutions passed at the last meeting of the Russo-Jewish Committee. An extract from minutes of the meeting are annexed, outlining each of the resolutions. This letter is place on top of page 70 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Singer | S | honorary secretary of the Russo-Jewish Committee ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Russo-Jewish Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Russian (cultural identity) Immigration Immigrants Refugees

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/200 Letter from S.Singer to Benjamin L.Cohen discussing the formation of a sub-committee for the purpose of dealing with the resolutions adopted by the Russo-Jewish Committee ..DATE: 16 May 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from S.Singer, honorary secretary of the Russo-Jewish Committee, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 16 May 1892, discussing the formation of a sub-committee for the purpose of dealing with the resolutions adopted by the Russo-Jewish Committee. This letter is place on top of page 70 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Singer | S | honorary secretary of the Russo-Jewish Committee ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Russo-Jewish Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Russian (cultural identity) Immigration Immigrants Refugees

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/201 Resolution authorising the appointment of another paid official by the Russo-Jewish Conjoint Committee ..DATE: May 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Resolution drawn up between Julian Goldsmid, S.Singer and N.S.Joseph, on behalf of the Russo-Jewish Committee, and Benjamin L.Cohen, F.D.Mocatta and Lionel L.Alexander, on behalf of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, authorising the appointment of another paid official by the Russo-Jewish Conjoint Committee. This paper is attached to page 70 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Goldsmid | Julian | chairman of the Russo-Jewish Committee Singer | S | honorary secretary of the Russo-Jewish Committee Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Russo-Jewish Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Russian (cultural identity) Immigration Immigrants Refugees

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p71 Page 71 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 71, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/202-4 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/202 Letter from the assistant secretary of the Local Government Board, Whitehall, to Benjamin L.Cohen stating the they will rely on the Board to provide assistance to the Sanitary Authorities in observing Jewish immigrants arriving or recently arrived in the country and who are at the risk of the introduction or spread of cholera ..DATE: 31 August 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from the assistant secretary of the Local Government Board, Whitehall, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 31 August 1892, stating the they will rely on the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor to provide assistance to the Sanitary Authorities in observing Jewish immigrants arriving or recently arrived in the country and who are at risk of the introduction or spread of cholera. This letter is attached to page 71 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Sanitary Committee Local Government Board | Whitehall ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Infectious diseases Cholera Immigration Immigrants Refugees Sanitation

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/203 Letter from Caprons, Dalton, Hitchins, and Brabant to Morris Stephany informing that the cheque for the sum of £4000 is now ready ..DATE: 22 August 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Caprons, Dalton, Hitchins, and Brabant, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, informing that the cheque for the sum of £4000 bequeathed by the will of the late Ephraim Levin is now ready. This letter is attached to page 71 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/204 Letter from L.C.D.Meyer to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for a sum bequeathed by the will of the late Sarah Meyer ..DATE: 15 August 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from L.C.D.Meyer to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 15 August 1892, enclosing a cheque for a sum bequeathed by the will of the late Sarah Meyer. This letter is attached to page 71 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p72 Page 72 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 72, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900 MS173/1/11/2/205 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/205 Financial statement ..DATE: 10 October 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 10 October 1892. This letter is attached to page 72 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p73 Page 73 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 73, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/206-8A are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/206 Financial statement ..DATE: 14 November 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 November 1892. This letter is attached to page 73 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/207 Letter from Arthur Sebag-Montefiore to Lionel L.Alexander expressing the need for an extension of the functions of the Visiting Committee ..DATE: 25 November 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Arthur Sebag-Montefiore, chairman of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 25 November 1892, discussing the current inadequacies of the Visiting Committee and expressing the need for its reorganisation and extension of its functions. This letter is attached to page 73 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 Montefiore | Arthur | Sebag | chairman of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1885-95 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Visiting Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Administration

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/207A Letter from Arthur Sebag-Montefiore to Lionel L.Alexander discussing his proposal for an extension of the functions of the Visiting Committee ..DATE: 29 November 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Arthur Sebag-Montefiore, chairman of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor to Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 29 November 1892, discussing his proposal for the extension of the functions of the Visiting Committee and expressing his belief that the aims of visiting work can be better attained through the agency of voluntary workers rather than through the services of paid workers of the Board alone. This letter is attached to page 73 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 Montefiore | Arthur | Sebag | chairman of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1885-95 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Visiting Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Administration

.TI: MS173/1/11/2/208 Statement of balances of the Ladies’ Conjoint Visiting Committee ..DATE: 12 December 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Statement of balances of the Ladies’ Conjoint Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 December 1892 This letter is attached to page 73 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Ladies’ Conjoint Visiting Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records Grants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/208A Letter from Adelaide Franklin to Lionel L.Alexander asking for £50 on behalf of the Ladies’ Conjoint Visiting Committee ..DATE: 30 November 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Adelaide Franklin, treasurer of the Ladies’ Conjoint Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 30 November 1892, asking for £50 on behalf of the Ladies’ Conjoint Visiting Committee. This letter is attached to page 73 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 Franklin | Adelaide | treasurer of the Ladies’ Conjoint Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1883-98 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Ladies’ Conjoint Visiting Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Grants ..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p74 Page 74 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 74, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/209-10 are placed on top of the page. MS173/1/11/2/211-3 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/209 Letter from Samuel Montagu to Morris Stephany enclosing the sum of £60 ..DATE: 21 December 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Letter from Samuel Montagu to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 21 December 1892, enclosing the sum of £60 to be applied on the identical conditions to those accepted by the Portuguese Board of Guardians. This letter is placed on top of page 74 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Montagu | Samuel | 1832-1911 | 1st Baron Swaythling | banker and philanthropist Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Religious practice Workhouses

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/210 Financial statement ..DATE: 12 December 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 December 1892. This letter is placed on top of page 74 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/211 Letter from Samuel Montagu to Benjamin L.Cohen responding to the Board refusal to accept the conditions attached to his donation ..DATE: 24 December 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Samuel Montagu to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 24 December 1892, responding to the Board refusal to accept the conditions attached to his donation aimed at ensuring that no Jewish child should be brought up outside the Jewish faith. This letter is attached to page 74 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Montagu | Samuel | 1832-1911 | 1st Baron Swaythling | banker and philanthropist Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Religious practice Workhouses

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/212 Letter from Ernest Turner to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £25 ..DATE: 23 December 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Ernest Turner, clerk of the Algate Freedom Foundation, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 23 December 1892, enclosing a cheque for £25 on behalf of the Algate Freedom Foundation to be applied in cases of emergency for the relief of poor inhabitants of the parish of St.Botolph Aldgate. This letter is attached to page 74 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Turner | Ernest | clerk of the Algate Freedom Foundation ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Algate Freedom Foundation ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Grants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/213 Letter from Henry Harris to Morris Stephany enclosing four hundred tickets valued at £20 ..DATE: 12 December 1892 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Henry Harris, secretary of the Tradesmen’s Benevolence Society, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 December 1892, enclosing four hundred tickets valued at £20 presented by members of the Tradesmen’s Benevolence Society. This letter is attached to page 74 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Harris | Henry | secretary of the Tradesmen’s Benevolent Society ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Tradesmen’s Benevolence Society ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Gifts Relief supplies

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p75 Page 75 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 75, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/214 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/214 Letter from Julian Goldsmid to Benjamin L.Cohen expressing concerns of the Russo-Jewish Committee regarding the proposed extension of the Visiting Committee ..DATE: 17 January 1893 ..EXT: Five papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Julian Goldsmid, chairman of the Russo-Jewish Committee, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 17 January 1893, expressing concerns regarding the Board’s proposed extension of the Visiting Committee with reference to the Russo-Jewish Committee’s intentions of appointing its own Visiting Committee and the possible clash between the two bodies. This letter is attached to page 75 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Goldsmid | Julian | chairman of the Russo-Jewish Committee ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Russo-Jewish Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Administration Russian (cultural identity) Immigration Immigrants Refugees

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p76 Page 76 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 76, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/215-8 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/215 Letter from Tatham and Lousada, solicitors, to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £50 ..DATE: 24 March 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Tatham and Lousada, solicitors, to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 24 March 1893, enclosing a cheque for £50 bequeathed by the will of the late Juliana Mocatta. This letter is attached to page 76 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Lucas | Francis A | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1874-1894 Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/215A Letter from Tatham and Lousada, solicitors, to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor informing that the will of the late Juliana Mocatta bequeaths the sum of £50 to the Board ..DATE: 13 February 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Tatham and Lousada, solicitors, to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 February 1893, informing that the will of the late Juliana Mocatta bequeaths the sum of £50 to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This letter is attached to page 76 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Lucas | Francis A | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1874-1894 Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/216 Letter from Isaac Lazarus to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £100 ..DATE: 1 February 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Isaac Lazarus to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 February 1893, enclosing a cheque for £100 bequeathed by the late Zadea Lazarus. This letter is attached to page 76 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/217 Letter from A.L.Lean to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £65 ..DATE: 7 January 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.L.Lean to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 7 January 1893, enclosing a cheque for £65 bequeathed by the will of the late Miss Ellen Isaac. This letter is attached to page 76 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Lucas | Francis A | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1874-1894 Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/218 Letter from Mrs.Hebert Lousada to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing the sum of £10 ..DATE: 12 February 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Mrs.Hebert Lousada to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 February 1893, enclosing the sum of £10 in memory of her mother. This letter is attached to page 76 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p77 Page 77 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 77, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/219-21 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/219 Letter from Julian Goldsmid to Morris Stephany acknowledging receipt of a copy of the resolution passed by the Board ..DATE: 2 March 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Julian Goldsmid, chairman of the Russo-Jewish Committee, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 2 March 1893, acknowledging receipt of a copy of the resolution passed by the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This letter is attached to page 77 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Goldsmid | Julian | chairman of the Russo-Jewish Committee ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Russo-Jewish Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Administration Russian (cultural identity) Immigration Immigrants Refugees

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/220 Letter from H.Shmith to the President and Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor requesting an increase in salary ..DATE: 21 March 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.Shmith, assistant clerk of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to the President and Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 21 March 1893, requesting an increase in salary. This letter is attached to page 77 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Wages

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/221 Letter from Lionel L.Alexander to Benjamin L.Cohen offering thanks for being forwarded a copy of the resolution passed by the Board and refusing an invitation to become an executive officer ..DATE: 29 March 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Lionel L.Alexander, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 29 March 1893, offering thanks for being forwarded a copy of the resolution passed by the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor and refusing an invitation to become an executive officer so long as the Board recognises the policy to which he is opposed. This letter is attached to page 77 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel ..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p78 Page 78 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 78, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/222-6 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/222 Letter from Joseph de Castro to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £40 ..DATE: 15 March 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Joseph de Castro to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 15 March 1893, enclosing a cheque for £40 bequeathed by the will of the late Henry Louis Cohen. This letter is attached to page 78 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Lucas | Francis A | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1874-1894 Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/223 Letter from Tathan and Lousada, solicitors, to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £112.10 ..DATE: 5 April 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Tathan and Lousada, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 5 April 1893, enclosing a cheque for £112.10 bequeathed by the will of the late Abraham de Mattos Mocatta.. This letter is attached to page 78 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/224 Letter from B.E.Mocatta to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £50 ..DATE: 27 March 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from B.E.Mocatta to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 27 March 1893, enclosing a cheque for £50 offered in memory of the late Mrs Jacob Mocatta. This letter is attached to page 78 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/225 Letter from Charles Samuel to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £20 ..DATE: 5 April 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Charles Samuel, 176 Sutherland Avenue, Maida Vale, London, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, enclosing a cheque for £20 bequeathed by the will of the late Mrs A.N.Myers. This letter is attached to page 78 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/226 Letter from N.Kisch to Charles Samuel enclosing a cheque for £20 ..DATE: 3 April 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from N.Kisch, 11 Randolph Road, London, to Charles Samuel, 176 Sutherland Avenue, Maida Vale, London, 3 April 1893, enclosing a cheque for £20 bequeathed to the workroom of the the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor by the will of the late Mrs A.N.Myers. This letter is attached to page 78 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p79 Page 79 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 79, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/227-30 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/227 Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany notifying that the committee have resolved to admit Leah Mickelburg to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum ..DATE: 24 March 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 24 March 1893, notifying that the committee have resolved to admit Leah Michelburg to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum subject to the pauper removal act and requests the necessary steps be taken. This letter is attached to page 79 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | M J | secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Mickelburg | Leah | fl 1893 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/228 Paper detailing members of the Visiting Committee ..DATE: March 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing members of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, March 1893. The members include Edward A.de Saxe, Myer S.Nathan, Herbert Salinger, Frank I.Lyons, Harry R.Lewis and Reverend Isidore Harris. This paper is attached to page 79 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Visiting Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/229 Letter from Stuart Knill to Benjamin L.Cohen looking to ascertain the view of representatives of the Jewish community in connection with an enclosed letter addressed to representatives of the clergy and ministers of religion in London ..DATE: 2 March 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Stuart Knill, Lord Mayor of London, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 2 March 1893, looking to ascertain the view of representatives of the Jewish community in connection with an enclosed letter addressed to representatives of the clergy and ministers of religion in London. This letter is attached to page 79 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Knill | Stuart | 1856-1934 | 2nd Baronet | Lord Mayor of London, 1892-93 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Church of England ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/230 Letter from Stuart Knill to Benjamin L.Cohen asking whether it is the view of the Board that the Church of England and other religious denominations can be induced to work together for the relief of poverty in London ..DATE: 1 March 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Stuart Knill, Lord Mayor of London, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 March 1893, asking, as a representative of his committee, whether it is the view of the Board that the Church of England and other religious denominations can be induced to work together for the relief of poverty in London. This letter is attached to page 79 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Knill | Stuart | 1856-1934 | 2nd Baronet | Lord Mayor of London, 1892-93 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Church of England ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p80 Page 80 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 80, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/231 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/231 Financial statement ..DATE: 10 April 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 10 April 1893. This letter is attached to page 80 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p81 Page 81 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 81, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/232-3 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/232 Financial statement ..DATE: 8 May 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 8 May 1893. This letter is attached to page 81 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/233 Letter from Stephen S.Hyam to Morris Stephany informing of the election of a member of the Industrial Committee and visiting guardians of apprentices ..DATE: 28 April 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Stephen S.Hyam, honorary secretary of the industrial committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 28 April 1893, informing of the election of J.V.Albert as a member of the Industrial Committee, the election of Albert Harris and Joseph Leon as visiting guardians of apprentices, and the increase of the salary of L.Friedeberg. This letter is attached to page 81 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Hyam | Stephen S | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1880-1893 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p82 Page 82 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 82, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900 MS173/1/11/2/233A-7 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/233A Letter from Joseph Jacobs to Morris Stephany responding to two applications addressed to the Russo-Jewish Committee by the Board regarding an increased subvention in aid of its administrative expenses and a renewed grant for repatriation purposes ..DATE: 16 May 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Joseph Jacobs, secretary of the Russo-Jewish Committee, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 16 May 1893, responding to two applications addressed to the Russo-Jewish Committee by the Board regarding an increased subvention in aid of its administrative expenses and a renewed grant for repatriation purposes. This letter is attached to page 82 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Jacobs | Joseph | secretary of the Russo-Jewish Committee Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Russo-Jewish Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Russian (cultural identity) Immigration Immigrants Refugees Grants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/234 Letter from Julian Goldsmid to Benjamin L.Cohen stating that he will lay the matter of the expenses of the Board in reference to Russian cases before the Russo-Jewish Committee ..DATE: 11 May 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Julian Goldsmid, chairman of the Russo-Jewish Committee, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 May 1893, stating that he will lay the matter of the expenses of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor in reference to Russian cases before the Russo-Jewish Committee. This letter is attached to page 82 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Goldsmid | Julian | chairman of the Russo-Jewish Committee ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Russo-Jewish Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Russian (cultural identity) Immigration Immigrants Refugees Grants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/235 Letter from Julian Goldsmid to Benjamin L.Cohen expressing his disappointment that the Board did not accept his proposed common action to be taken by the Board and the Russo-Jewish Committee ..DATE: 11 May 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Julian Goldsmid, chairman of the Russo-Jewish Committee, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 May 1893, expressing his disappointment that the Board did not accept his proposed common action to be taken by the Board and the Russo-Jewish Committee and have instead imported a fresh proposal. This letter is attached to page 82 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Goldsmid | Julian | chairman of the Russo-Jewish Committee ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Russo-Jewish Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Russian (cultural identity) Immigration Immigrants Refugees Grants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/236 Letter from Julian Goldsmid to Benjamin L.Cohen indicating that they will they will meet after the holidays in relation to arrangements between the Board and the Russo-Jewish Committee ..DATE: 17 May 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Julian Goldsmid, chairman of the Russo-Jewish Committee, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 May 1893, indicating that they will meet after the holidays in relation to arrangements between the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor and the Russo-Jewish Committee. This letter is attached to page 82 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Goldsmid | Julian | chairman of the Russo-Jewish Committee ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Russo-Jewish Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Russian (cultural identity) Immigration Immigrants Refugees Grants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/237 Letter from P.Ornstien to Morris Stephany notifying that the subjoined resolution adopted by the Board was approved by the Council of the United Synagogue ..DATE: 7 June 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from P.Ornstien, secretary of the United Synagogue, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 7 June 1893, notifying that the subjoined resolution adopted by the Board was approved by the Council of the United Synagogue. A copy of the resolution is annexed, outlining the proposal that the number of elected members of the Board be increased from sixteen to twenty-seven. This letter is attached to page 82 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Ornstein | P | secretary of the United Synagogue Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor United Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Administration Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p83 Page 83 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 83, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/238-43 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/238 Letter from Francis A.Lucas to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £92.10 ..DATE: 11 May 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Francis A.Lucas to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 May 1893, enclosing a letter and a cheque for £92.10 being the legacy of the late D.Goldberg. This letter is attached to page 83 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/239 Letter from J.N.Mason Phillips and Cotton to Morris Stephany requesting a signature on the deed of release in connection with the legacy of the late D.Goldberg ..DATE: 8 May 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.N.Mason Phillips and Cotton, solicitors, London, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 8 May 1893, requesting a signature on the deed of release in connection with the legacy of the late D.Goldberg. This letter is attached to page 83 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/240 Letter from Lewis [Fey] to Benjamin L.Cohen enclosing a cheque for £20 ..DATE: 12 May 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Lewis [Fey] to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 May 1893, enclosing a cheque for £20 bequeathed by the will of R.Z.Bloomfield. This letter is attached to page 83 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/241 Letter from Apsley E.Briant to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £19.19.0 ..DATE: 26 May 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Apsley E.Briant, solicitor, London, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 26 May 1893, enclosing a cheque for £19.19.0 a gift from the late Elizabeth Levi. This letter is attached to page 83 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/242 Memorandum from P.L. Leverson to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £20 ..DATE: 1 June 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Memorandum from P.L. Leverson to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 June 1893, enclosing a cheque for £20 in memory of the late K.Leverson. This letter is attached to page 83 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/243 Letter from J.Lumsden Propert and Alfred Gordon Salamon to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £26.5.0 ..DATE: 24 May 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.Lumsden Propert and Alfred Gordon Salamon to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £26.5.0 bequeathed by the will of the late Edward Joseph. This letter is attached to page 83 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Lucas | Francis A | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1874-1894 Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests ..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p84 Page 84 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 84, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/244-4 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/244 Financial statement ..DATE: 12 June 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 June 1893. This letter is attached to page 84 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/245 Letter from P.Ornstien to Morris Stephany appending a list of nineteen members of the Board appointed by the Council of the United Synagogue ..DATE: 7 June 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from P.Ornstien, secretary of the United Synagogue, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 7 June 1893, appending a list of nineteen members of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor appointed by the Council of the United Synagogue. This letter is attached to page 84 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: Ornstein | P | secretary of the United Synagogue Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor United Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p85 Page 85 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 85, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/246-7 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/246 Letter from Joseph Jacobs to Morris Stephany discussing the Russo- Jewish Committees view on the inadequacy of the repatriation accounts and confirming the creation of a grant of £300 towards the administrative expenses of the Board in relation to its Russian work ..DATE: 22 June 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Joseph Jacobs, secretary of the Russo-Jewish Committee, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 22 June 1893, discussing the Russo-Jewish Committees view on the inadequacy of the repatriation accounts and confirming the creation of a grant of £300 towards the administrative expenses of the Board in relation to its Russian work. This letter is attached to page 85 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Jacobs | Joseph | secretary of the Russo-Jewish Committee Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Russo-Jewish Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Russian (cultural identity) Immigration Immigrants Refugees Grants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/247 Letter from John Richard Brown to Morris Stephany informing that the Guardians of the Parish of St George in the East agree to subscribe six shillings a week towards the maintenance of Rachel Abrahams ..DATE: 24 June 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from John Richard Brown, clerk and superintendent registrar of the Parish of St George in the East, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 24 June 1893, informing that the Guardians of the Parish of St George in the East agree to subscribe six shillings a week towards the maintenance of Rachel Abrahams and requesting details of the person the child is going to. This letter is attached to page 85 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Brown | John | Richard | clerk and superintendent registrar of the Parish of St George in the East Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Abrahams | Rachel | fl 1891-93 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Saint George in the East Poor Law Union ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p86 Page 86 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 86, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/248 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/248 Balloting list for the election of eleven additional members to serve on the Board until 31 March 1894 ..DATE: 3 July 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Balloting list for the election of eleven additional members to serve on the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor until 31 March 1894, 3 July 1893. This letter is attached to page 86 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p87 Page 87 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 87, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/249-50 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/249 Letter from the family of the late D.Benjamin to Benjamin L.Cohen thanking members of the Board for their expression of sympathy on the death of their father ..DATE: 12 July 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from the family of the late D.Benjamin to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 July 1893, thanking members of the Board for their expression of sympathy on the death of their father. This letter is attached to page 87 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Death Bereavement Sympathy

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/250 Financial statement ..DATE: 15 September 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 15 September 1893. This letter is attached to page 87 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p88 Page 88 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 88, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/251-4 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/251 Letter from Joseph Jacobs to Morris Stephany informing of the Russo- Jewish Committee’s agreeing to the amalgamation of the Visiting Committees of the two bodies ..DATE: 18 July 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Joseph Jacobs, secretary of the Russo-Jewish Committee, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 18 July 1893, informing of the Russo-Jewish Committee’s agreeing to the amalgamation of the Visiting Committees of the Russo-Jewish Committee and the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This letter is attached to page 88 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Jacobs | Joseph | secretary of the Russo-Jewish Committee Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Russo-Jewish Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Administration Russian (cultural identity) Immigration Immigrants Refugees

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/252A Letter from Henry D.Benjamin to Morris Stephany requesting a receipt for the legacy left by the will of the late David Benjamin ..DATE: 22 August 1893 ..EXT: Two papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Henry D.Benjamin to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 22 August 1893, requesting a receipt for the sum of £100 being the legacy left by the will of the late David Benjamin. This letter is attached to page 88 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/252B Letter from Henry D.Benjamin to Morris Stephany informing of the sum of £100 bequeathed by the will of the late David Benjamin ..DATE: 13 July 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Henry D.Benjamin to Morris Stephany secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 July 1893, informing of the sum of £100 bequeathed to the the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor by the will of the late David Benjamin. This letter is attached to page 88 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/252C Letter from Henry D.Benjamin to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for the sum of £100 ..DATE: 24 August 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Henry D.Benjamin to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 24 August 1893, enclosing a cheque for the sum of £100 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late David Benjamin. This letter is attached to page 88 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/253 Letter from J.Lazarus to Morris Stephany stating that the amount of £500 given to the Board by the late Louis Benda is to be used for distribution only ..DATE: 18 August 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.Lazarus to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 18 August 1893, stating that the amount of £500 given to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor by the late Louis Benda is to be used for distribution only. This letter is attached to page 88 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/254 Letter from J.S.Blackensee to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £42 ..DATE: 17 July 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.S.Blackensee to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 17 July 1893, enclosing a cheque for £42 in memory of the Misses Blackensee and Mr.James S.Blackensee. This letter is attached to page 88 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p89 Page 89 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 89, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/255-6 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/255 Letter from Henry D.Benjamin to Morris Stephany enclosing a ticket for £500 inscribed stock ..DATE: 24 October 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Henry D.Benjamin to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 24 October 1893, enclosing a ticket for £500 inscribed stock being a special donation by the family of the late David Benjamin for the purpose of apprenticing Jewish lads. This letter is attached to page 89 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Share dealings Apprenticeship Apprentices

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/256 Letter from the Federation of Synagogues to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £27.18.6 ..DATE: 3 November 1893 ..EXT: Two papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from the Federation of Synagogues to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 3 November 1893, enclosing a cheque for £27.18.6. A paper containing a list of contributors is enclosed. This letter is attached to page 89 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Federation of Synagogues ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Subscriptions

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p90 Page 90 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 90, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/257-9 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/257/1 Letter from H.Landau to Benjamin L.Cohen tendering his resignation as a member of the Board ..DATE: 24 October 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.Landau, member of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 24 October 1893, tendering his resignation as a member of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This letter is attached to page 90 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Resignation (employee)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/257/2 Letter from H.Landau to Benjamin L.Cohen offering thanks and requesting his letter of resignation be placed before the Board ..DATE: 13 November 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.Landau, member of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 November 1893, offering thanks and requesting his letter of resignation be placed before the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This letter is attached to page 90 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Resignation (employee)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/258 Letter from Tatham and Lousada to Benjamin L.Cohen informing of an offer of tenancy on the premises of 13 Devonshire Square ..DATE: 27 October 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Tatham and Lousada, solicitors, London, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 27 October 1893, informing of an offer of tenancy on the premises of 13 Devonshire Square to be accepted once the interest of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor expires. This letter is attached to page 90 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Buildings Residential buildings Offices

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/259 Letter from Beyfus and Beyfus to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £20 ..DATE: 17 October 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Beyfus and Beyfus, solicitors, London, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 17 October 1893, enclosing a cheque for £20 bequeathed by the late Solomon Beyfus. This letter is attached to page 90 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p91 Page 91 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 91, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/260-2 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/260 Letter from I.Spielman to Morris Stephany enclosing a copy of a communication sent for publication in eight of the chief Jewish publications in St.Petersburg, Warsaw, Krakow, Hemberg and Vienna ..DATE: 13 October 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from I.Spielman, member of the Russo-Jewish Committee, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 October 1893, enclosing a copy of a communication sent for publication in eight of the chief Jewish publications in St.Petersburg, Warsaw, Krakow, Hemberg and Vienna. This letter is attached to page 91 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Spielman | I | member of the Russo-Jewish Committee Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Russo-Jewish Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Press Russian (cultural identity) Immigration Immigrants Refugees

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/261 Communication sent to foreign Jewish press discussing the great misery of Russian Jews in London ..DATE: October 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Copy of communication sent to foreign Jewish press by the publications department of the Russo-Jewish Committee, October 1893, discussing the great misery of Russian Jews in London, due to overcrowding, the lack of employment, and the exhaustion of funds to provide assistance to those living in destitution. The communication advises against any Russian Jews attempting to settle in London for the next two years. This letter is attached to page 91 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Russo-Jewish Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Press Russian (cultural identity) Immigration Immigrants Refugees

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/262 Letter from Stephen S.Hyam to Morris Stephany informing of the election of new members of the Industrial Committee ..DATE: 13 November 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Stephen S.Hyam, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 November 1893, informing of the election of Arthur P.Cohen, Herman J.Cohen, Conrad J.Davis, and Sydney Davis as new members of the Industrial Committee and the increase in the salary of H.Marks, assistant to the clerk of the Industrial Committee. This letter is attached to page 91 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Hyam | Stephen S | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1880-1893 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p92 Page 92 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 92, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900 MS173/1/11/2/263 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/263 Financial statement ..DATE: 13 November 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 November 1893. This letter is placed on top of page 92 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p93 Page 93 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 93, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900 MS173/1/11/2/264-6 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/264 Letter from Morris Stephany to Benjamin L.Cohen requesting permission to reside off the premises of the Board due to his children’s illness ..DATE: 4 December 1893 ..EXT: Two papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, and other members of the Board, 4 December 1893, requesting permission to reside off the premises of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, believing that the effluvia arising from the lower part of the house, where the poor people congregate, has been the cause of his children’s illness. This letter is attached to page 93 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Buildings Offices Sanitation Infectious diseases Health

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/265 Letter from L.Friedberg to Morris Stephany informing that Stephen S.Hyam has been elected chairman of the Industrial Committee ..DATE: 30 November 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from L.Friedberg, clerk to the Industrial Committe of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 30 November 1893, informing that Stephen S.Hyam has been elected chairman of the Industrial Committee. This letter is attached to page 93 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Friedeberg | L | clerk of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Hyam | Stephen S | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1880-1893 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/266 Letter from L.Friedberg to Morris Stephany informing that Herbert J.Marcus has been elected honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee ..DATE: 11 December 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from L.Friedberg, clerk to the Industrial Committe of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 December 1893, informing that Herbert J.Marcus has been elected honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee. This letter is attached to page 93 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Friedeberg | L | clerk of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Marcus | Herbert J | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1893-1904 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p94 Page 94 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 94, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/267-9 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/267 Financial statement ..DATE: 11 December 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 December 1893. This letter is placed on top of page 94 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/268 Letter from J.J.Solomon to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £50 ..DATE: 4 December 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.J.Solomon to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 4 December 1893, enclosing a cheque for £50 bequeathed by the late Albert Engel. This letter is attached to page 94 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/269 Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany informing that they anticipate no objection to the admission of Myer [Soeson] to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum under the usual conditions ..DATE: 16 November 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 16 November 1893, informing that they anticipate no objection to the admission of Myer [Soeson] to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum under the usual conditions. This letter is attached to page 94 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | M J | secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Soeson | Myer | fl 1893 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p95 Page 95 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 95, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/270-2 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/270 Letter from Francis A.Lucas to Benjamin L.Cohen informing of his resignation as treasurer of the Board ..DATE: 4 February 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Francis A.Lucas, treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 4 February 1894, informing of his resignation as treasurer of the Board. This letter is attached to page 95 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Lucas | Francis A | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1874-1894 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Resignation (employee)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/271 Letter from [J.H.Solomon] to Benjamin L.Cohen requesting an increase in salary ..DATE: 1 February 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from [J.H.Solomon] to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 February 1893, requesting an increase in salary. This letter is attached to page 95 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Wages

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/272 Letter from Henry Harris to Morris Stephany sending four hundred tickets valued at £20 ..DATE: 26 December 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Henry Harris, secretary of the Tradesmen’s Benevolent Society, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 26 December 1893, sending four hundred tickets valued at £20. This letter is attached to page 95 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Harris | Henry | secretary of the Tradesmen’s Benevolent Society Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Tradesmen’ Benevolent Society ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Gifts Relief supplies

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p96 Page 96 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 96, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/273-4 are placed on top of the page. MS173/1/11/2/275 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/273 Letter from Joseph F.Stern to Morris Stephany discussing the case of the Daniels children ..DATE: 11 January 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Joseph F.Stern, member of the visiting committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 January 1894, discussing the case of the Daniels children, Sarah, Rebecca, Lena, Jacob, and Rachel. Their mother has died and they are currently being looked after by their grandmother and her single daughter. This letter is placed on top of page 96 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stern | Joseph | F | member of the visiting committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Daniels | Jacob | fl 1894 Daniels | Joseph | fl 1894 Daniels | Lena | fl 1894 Daniels | Rachel | fl 1894 Daniels | Rebecca | fl 1894 Daniels | Sarah | fl 1894 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/274 Memorandum from Bernard Keane to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor asking what is to be done with the case [of Joseph Daniels] ..DATE: 16 January 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Memorandum from Bernard Keane to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 16 January 1894, asking what is to be done with the case [of Joseph Daniels] and stating that he is not fit for work. This letter is placed on top of page 96 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Daniels | Jacob | fl 1894 Daniels | Joseph | fl 1894 Daniels | Lena | fl 1894 Daniels | Rachel | fl 1894 Daniels | Rebecca | fl 1894 Daniels | Sarah | fl 1894 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/275A Paper detailing Joseph Daniels’ children ..DATE: January 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing Joseph Daniels’ children, Sarah, Rebecca, Lena, Jacob, and Rachel, January 1894. It is suggested action be taken for each of the children as outlined by the Relief Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1894. This letter is attached to page 96 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Daniels | Jacob | fl 1894 Daniels | Joseph | fl 1894 Daniels | Lena | fl 1894 Daniels | Rachel | fl 1894 Daniels | Rebecca | fl 1894 Daniels | Sarah | fl 1894 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/275B Paper detailing Pinkus Schrier’s family ..DATE: January 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing Pinkus Schrier’s family, Annie, Sarah, Harris, and Esther, January 1894. This letter is attached to page 96 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Schrier | Annie | fl 1894 Schrier | Esther | fl 1894 Schrier | Harris | fl 1894 Schrier | Pinkus | fl 1894 Schrier | Sarah | fl 1894 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/275C Paper detailing Pinkus Schrier’s widow ..DATE: January 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing Pinkus Schrier’s widow, January 1893. She was sent to Austria with her husband in June 1890 but has since returned to London where she has received occasional assistance. She has placed one child among the missionaries and sought to have her two other children admitted into Doctor Barnardo’s Home. This letter is attached to page 96 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Schrier | Annie | fl 1894 Schrier | Esther | fl 1894 Schrier | Harris | fl 1894 Schrier | Pinkus | fl 1894 Schrier | Sarah | fl 1894 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p97 Page 97 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 97, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/276-7 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/276/1 Letter from Fred S.Franklin to Morris Stephany enclosing a list of members nominated by the Visiting Committee for 1894 ..DATE: 10 January 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Fred S.Franklin, honorary secretary of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 10 January 1893, enclosing a list of the names of those nominated by the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor to serve as members in 1894. This letter is attached to page 97 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Fred S | honorary secretary of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Visiting Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/276/2 List of members nominated by the Visiting Committee for 1894 ..DATE: January 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: List of the names of those nominated by the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor to serve as members in 1894, January 1893. This letter is attached to page 97 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Visiting Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/277 Letter from Joseph Jacobs to Fred S.Franklin sending a list of visitors elected by the Russo-Jewish Committee ..DATE: 23 January 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Joseph Jacobs, secretary of the Russo-Jewish Committee, to Fred S.Franklin, honorary secretary of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 23 January 1893, sending a list of visitors elected by the Russo-Jewish Committee. This letter is attached to page 97 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Russo-Jewish Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p98 Page 98 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 98, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/278-82 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/278 Letter from Ernest Turner to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £25 ..DATE: 8 February 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Ernest Turner, clerk of the Algate Freedom Foundation, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 8 February 1894, enclosing a cheque for £25 to be used in cases of emergency for the relief of poor inhabitants of the Freedom part of the Parish of St.Botolph Aldgate. This letter is attached to page 98 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Turner | Ernest | clerk of the Algate Freedom Foundation ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Algate Freedom Foundation ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Grants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/279 Letter from Henry D.Benjamin to Benjamin L.Cohen enclosing a receipt for £15.5.6 inscribed stock ..DATE: 8 February 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Henry D.Benjamin to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 8 February 1894, enclosing a receipt for £15.5.6 inscribed stock to be treated as an addition to the David Benjamin Apprenticing Fund. This letter is attached to page 98 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Share dealings Funds

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/280 Letter from Budd, Johnson and Jecks to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £360 ..DATE: 11 December 1893 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Budd, Johnson and Jecks, solicitors, to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 December 1893, enclosing a cheque for £360 bequeathed by the will of the late Simeon Warburg. This letter is attached to page 98 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/281 Letter from Louis [Cohen] and B.Whevy to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £100 ..DATE: 1 February 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Louis [Cohen] and B.Whevy to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 February 1894, enclosing a cheque for £100 bequeathed by the will of the late Mrs.Samual Cohen. This letter is attached to page 98 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/282 Letter from H.[Samuel] to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £100 ..DATE: 18 January 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.[Samuel] to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 18 January 1894, enclosing a cheque for £100 bequeathed by the late Dr.Henry Behrend. This letter is attached to page 98 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p99 Page 99 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 99, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/283-4A are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/283 Financial statement ..DATE: 12 February 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 February 1894. This letter is placed on top of page 99 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/284A Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the election of visiting guardians of apprentices ..DATE: 1 February 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 February 1894, informing of the election of James Lemon, Nathaniel L.Hyam and Neville Hart as visiting guardians of apprentices. This letter is attached to page 99 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Marcus | Herbert J | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1893-1904 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p100 Page 100 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 100, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/284B-90 are placed on top of the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/284B Letter from Joseph Jacobs to Morris Stephany responding to maters recently addressed by the Board ..DATE: 14 February 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Joseph Jacobs, secretary of the Russo-Jewish Committee, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 February 1894, responding to maters recently addressed by the Board, including the recommendation that the Russo-Jewish Committee should communicate with the Poor Jews’ Shelter regarding establishing of licenced houses for refugees, the election of visitors named by the Committee, and an enquiry for the address of Mr Sonnenthal. This letter is placed on top of page 100 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Jacobs | Joseph | secretary of the Russo-Jewish Committee Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Russo-Jewish Committee Jews’ Temporary Shelter ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Housing Russian (cultural identity) Immigration Immigrants Refugees

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/285A Letter from Joseph Jacobs to Morris Stephany stating the resolution of the Russo-Jewish Committee regarding the election of Mr.Day as a member of the Visiting Committee ..DATE: 27 February 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Joseph Jacobs, secretary of the Russo-Jewish Committee, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 27 February 1894, stating the resolution of the Russo-Jewish Committee regarding the election of Mr.Day as a member of the Visiting Committee. This letter is placed on top of page 100 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Jacobs | Joseph | secretary of the Russo-Jewish Committee Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Russo-Jewish Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/285B Letter from Joseph Jacobs to Benjamin L.Cohen acknowledging receipt of his letter ..DATE: 9 March 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Joseph Jacobs, secretary of the Russo-Jewish Committee, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 March 1894, acknowledging receipt of Benjamin L.Cohen’s letter. This letter is placed on top of page 100 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Jacobs | Joseph | secretary of the Russo-Jewish Committee Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Russo-Jewish Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/286 Letter from Lionel L.Alexander to Morris Stephany requesting his name be omitted from the list of members of sub-committees and associated committees as listed in the report to be issued ..DATE: 11 March 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Lionel L.Alexander to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 March 1894, requesting his name be omitted from the list of members of sub-committees and associated committees of the Board as listed in the report to be issued. This letter is placed on top of page 100 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Resignation (employee)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/287 Letter from Lionel L.Alexander to Morris Stephany expressing his disappointment that his name will not be omitted from the list of members of sub-committees and associated committees on the report to be issued ..DATE: 12 March 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from L.L.Alexander to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 March 1894, expressing his disappointment that his name will not be omitted from the list of members of sub-committees and associated committees of the Board on the report to be issued. This letter is placed on top of page 100 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Resignation (employee) ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/288 Letter from Lionel L.Alexander to the members of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor addressing the absence from the draft report for 1893 of the narrative events which led to the Board adopting methods it had previously condemned ..DATE: 11 March 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Lionel L.Alexander to the members of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 March 1894, addressing the absence from the draft report for 1893 of the narrative events which led to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor adopting methods it had previously condemned and which led to his resignation as a member of the Board. This letter is placed on top of page 100 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Resignation (employee)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/289 Letter from Lionel L.Alexander to Morris Stephany requesting his name be removed from all sub-committees and associated committees of the Board ..DATE: 1 March 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Lionel L.Alexander to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 March 1894, requesting his name be removed from all sub- committees and associated committees of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This letter is placed on top of page 100 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Resignation (employee)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/290 Letter from Lionel L.Alexander to Morris Stephany expressing his opinion that the Board should discard its system of cowardice and acknowledge its own responsibility in the adoption of new methods and abandonment of vital principles which had furnished its success ..DATE: 1 March 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Lionel L.Alexander to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 March 1894, expressing his opinion that the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor should discard its system of cowardice and acknowledge its own responsibility in the adoption of new methods and abandonment of vital principles which had furnished its success. This letter is placed on top of page 100 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Resignation (employee)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p101 Page 101 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 101, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/291-3 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/291 Letter from Fred S.Franklin to Morris Stephany providing a list of nominations for election as members of the Visiting Committee ..DATE: 14 February 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Fred S.Franklin, honorary secretary of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 February 1894, providing a list of nominations for election as members of the Visiting Committee. This letter is attached to page 101 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Fred S | honorary secretary of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Visiting Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/292 Letter from Asher I.Myers to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £60 ..DATE: 13 March 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Asher I.Myer, treasurer of the Maccabaens, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 March 1894, enclosing a cheque for £60 being the amount of proceeds of a concern given by the Maccabeans in aid of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This letter is attached to page 101 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Myer | Asher | I | treasurer of the Maccabeans Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Fundraising

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/293 Letter from P.Ornstien to Morris Stephany informing of the election of Arthur E.Franklin as a representative of the United Synagogue at the Board ..DATE: 15 February 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from P.Ornstien, secretary of the United Synagogue, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 15 February 1894, informing of the election of Arthur E.Franklin as a representative of the United Synagogue at the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor in place of the late David Benjamin. This letter is attached to page 101 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Ornstein | P | secretary of the United Synagogue Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor United Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p102 Page 102 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 102, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900 MS173/1/11/2/294-6 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/294 Letter from H.Neumann to Benjamin L.Cohen tendering his resignation as second clerk of the Board ..DATE: 13 March 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.Neumann, second clerk of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 March 1894, tendering his resignation. This letter is attached to page 102 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Resignation (employee)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/295 Letter from Julian Goldsmid to Benjamin L.Cohen discussing ongoing issues relating to the agreement made to amalgamate the Visiting Committees of the Russo- Jewish Committee and the Board ..DATE: 5 April 1894 ..EXT: Two papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Julian Goldsmid, chairman of the Russo-Jewish Committee, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 5 April 1894, discussing ongoing issues relating to the agreement made to amalgamate the Visiting Committees of the Russo-Jewish Committee and the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This letter is attached to page 102 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Goldsmid | Julian | chairman of the Russo-Jewish Committee Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Russo-Jewish Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Administration Russian (cultural identity) Immigration Immigrants Refugees

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/296 Letter from Lionel L.Alexander to members of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor expressing his views on the Boards decision to circulate an unamended form of the 1893 report ..DATE: 18 March 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Lionel L.Alexander to memebers of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 18 March 1894, expressing his views on the Board’s decision to circulate an unamended form of the 1893 report [in connection with his resignation from the Board]. This letter is attached to page 102 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Alexander | Lionel L | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1882-1893 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Resignation (employee)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p103 Page 103 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 103, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/298-300 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/298 Letter from Pyke and Voules to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £19.19.0 ..DATE: 3 April 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Pyke and Voules, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 3 April 1894, enclosing a cheque for £19.19.0 being the legacy of the late Septimus Harry Pyke. This letter is attached to page 103 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/299 Letter from Hebert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the election of a visiting guardian of apprentices ..DATE: 27 March 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Hebert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 27 March 1894, informing of the election of Neville G.Hyam as a visiting guardian of apprentices. This letter is attached to page 103 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Marcus | Herbert J | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1893-1904 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/300 Letter from Charles Evans to Morris Stephany accepting the housekeepers place on the terms laid down by the Board ..DATE: 20 March 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Charles Evans to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 20 March 1894, accepting the housekeepers place on the terms laid down by the Board. This letter is attached to page 103 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p104 Page 104 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 104, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/301 and MS173/1/11/2/303 are attached to the page. MS173/1/11/2/302 is placed on top of the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/301 Letter from Fred S.Franklin to Morris Stephany requesting the issue of the exclusion of non-members of the Jewish race be put before the Board and informing of the election of new members of the Visiting Committee ..DATE: 12 April 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Fred S.Franklin, honorary secretary of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 April 1894, requesting a resolution passed by the Visiting Committee, regarding the exclusion of non-members of the Jewish race from their body, be put before the Board, and informing of the election of Herman Loewi, L.[Chotzen], Reverend S.Manne, and Reverand A.E.Gordon as members of the Visiting Committee. This letter is attached to page 104 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Fred S | honorary secretary of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Visiting Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/302 Letter from Harry S.Lewis to Benjamin L.Cohen requesting the Board define the conditions under which relief is to be given to the family of a man who is suffering from consumption, epilepsy or other organic complaints and suggesting the formulation of resolutions by the Board to guide the decisions of the rota committee ..DATE: 12 April 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Harry S.Lewis, member of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 April 1893, requesting the Board define the conditions under which relief is to be given to the family of a man who is suffering from consumption, epilepsy or other organic complaints, with reference to the Schulman case, and suggesting the formulation of resolutions by the Board to guide the decisions of the rota committee. This letter is placed on top of page 104 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Lewis | Harry | S | member of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Schulman | Mr | fl 1894 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Visiting Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Medical social work Health Infectious diseases Tuberculosis Epilepsy

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/303 Letter from Harry S.Lewis to Morris Stephany requesting his views on the Schulman case be put before the Board ..DATE: 18 April 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Harry S.Lewis, member of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 18 April 1893, requesting his views on the Schulman case be put before the Board. He recommends that the allowance paid to Schulman, a man suffering from epilepsy, should be discontinued if he refuses to enter into an infirmary. This letter is attached to page 104 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Lewis | Harry | S | member of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Schulman | Mr | fl 1894 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Visiting Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Medical social work Health Infectious diseases Tuberculosis Epilepsy

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p105 Page 105 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 105, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900 MS173/1/11/2/304-5 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/304 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the election of a new member of the Industrial Committee and of visiting guardians ..DATE: 11 May 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 May 1894, informing of the election of S.Grunwald as a member of the Industrial Committee and A.Aaronson and Horace Mocatta as visiting guardians. This letter is attached to page 105 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Marcus | Herbert J | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1893-1904 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/305 Letter from Samuel L.Cohen to Benjamin L.Cohen requesting a list be sent for the annual distribution of coals and blankets ..DATE: 3 May 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Samuel L.Cohen, secretary of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 3 May 1894, requesting a list be sent for the annual distribution of coals and blankets. This letter is attached to page 105 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Cohen | Samuel L | secretary of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue Sir Moses Montefiore for Coals and Blankets ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Gifts Relief supplies

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p106 Page 106 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 106, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/306 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/306 Financial statement ..DATE: 17 May 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 17 May 1894. This letter is attached to page 106 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p107 Page 107 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 107, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/307-9 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/307 Letter from A.Abrahams to Morris Stephany tendering his resignation as collector of the Board ..DATE: 29 May 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.Abrahams, collector of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 29 May 1894, tendering his resignation as collector of the Board. This letter is attached to page 107 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Resignation (employee)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/308 Letter from Nathaniel L.Cowan to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £21 ..DATE: 3 June 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Nathaniel L.Cowan to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 3 June 1894, enclosing a cheque for £21 in memory of his mother. This letter is attached to page 107 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/309 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the election of a new member of the Industrial Committee and new visiting guardians ..DATE: 6 June 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 6 June 1894, informing of the election of R.Sonnenthal as a member of the Industrial Committee and J.Isaacs, H.Steinberg and D.M.Maurice as visiting guardians. This letter is attached to page 107 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Marcus | Herbert J | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1893-1904 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p108 Page 108 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 108, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/310-3 are placed on top of the page. MS173/1/11/2/314-5 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/310 Financial statement ..DATE: 12 June 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 June 1894. This paper is placed on top of page 108 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/311 Letter from Joseph Jacobs to Morris Stephany requesting a receipt for the moiety of grant forwarded ..DATE: 27 June 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Joseph Jacobs, secretary of the Russo-Jewish Committee, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 27 June 1894, requesting a receipt for the moiety of grant forwarded. This letter is placed on top of page 108 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Jacobs | Joseph | secretary of the Russo-Jewish Committee Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Russo-Jewish Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Russian (cultural identity) Immigration Immigrants Refugees Grants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/312 Letter from Joseph Jacobs to Morris Stephany forwarding a cheque for £200 ..DATE: 25 June 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Joseph Jacobs, secretary of the Russo-Jewish Committee, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 25 June 1894, forwarding a cheque for £200 as a grant towards the administrative expenses of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor in connection with Russo-Jewish cases. This letter is placed on top of page 108 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Jacobs | Joseph | secretary of the Russo-Jewish Committee Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Russo-Jewish Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Russian (cultural identity) Immigration Immigrants Refugees Grants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/313 Letter from Joseph Jacobs to Morris Stephany informing of the Russo- Jewish Committee’s resolution that all nomination of visitors for the Visiting Committee be left in the hands of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: 22 June 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Joseph Jacobs, secretary of the Russo-Jewish Committee, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 22 June 1894, informing of the Russo-Jewish Committee’s resolution that all nomination of visitors for the Visiting Committee be left in the hands of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. The letter also informs of an increase in the grant towards the administrative expenses of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor in connection with Russo-Jewish cases. This letter is placed on top of page 108 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Jacobs | Joseph | secretary of the Russo-Jewish Committee Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Russo-Jewish Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Russian (cultural identity) Immigration Immigrants Refugees Administration Grants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/314 Letter from Joseph Jacobs to Morris Stephany informing of the resignation of Mr Simon as representative of the Russo-Jewish Committee on the rota of the Conjoint Committee ..DATE: 19 July 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Joseph Jacobs, secretary of the Russo-Jewish Committee, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 19 July 1894, informing of the resignation of Mr.Simon as representative of the Russo-Jewish Committee on the rota of the Russo-Jewish and Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Conjoint Committee and discussing the payment of the grant towards the administrative expenses of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor in connection with Russo-Jewish cases. This letter is attached to page 108 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Jacobs | Joseph | secretary of the Russo-Jewish Committee Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Russo-Jewish Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Russian (cultural identity) Immigration Immigrants Refugees Administration Grants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/315 Letter from Samuel Montagu to Benjamin L.Cohen thanking the Board for the resolution passed in his favour ..DATE: 15 June 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Samuel Montagu to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 15 June 1894, thanking members of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor for the resolution passed in his favour. This letter is attached to page 108 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p109 Page 109 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 109, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/316-7 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/316 Letter from Leonard L.Cohen to Benjamin L.Cohen proposing to offer a donation of £500 for the Board’s new premises ..DATE: 8 July 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Leonard L.Cohen to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 8 July 1891, proposing to offer a donation of £500 for the Board’s new premises and the erection of a tablet from Mrs Lionel L.Cohen and her children in memory of her son, Harold Albert Cohen. This letter is attached to page 109 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Leonard L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1900-1920 Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Buildings Offices Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/317 Paper detailing synagogue returns ..DATE: July 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing synagogue returns, July 1894. This letter is attached to page 109 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records Synagogues

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p110 Page 110 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 110, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/318-21 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/318 Letter from Nathaniel Aarons to Benjamin L.Cohen and members of the Board applying for an increase of salary ..DATE: 27 September 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Nathaniel Aarons, junior clerk of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, and members of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 27 September 1894, applying for an increase of salary. This letter is attached to page 110 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Wages

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/319 Letter from I.Abrahams to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor tendering his resignation ..DATE: 3 October 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from I.Abrahams, assistant clerk of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 3 October 1894, tendering his resignation. This letter is attached to page 110 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Resignation (employee)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/320 Letter from Fred S.Franklin to Morris Stephany informing of the election of new members of the Visiting Committee and the resignation of L.[Thelitzki] ..DATE: 11 July 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Fred S.Franklin, honorary secretary of the Visiting Committe of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 July 1894, informing of the election of M.N.Birnbaum and Gerald A.Nathan as members of the Visiting Committee and the resignation of L.[Thelitzki]. This letter is attached to page 110 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Fred S | honorary secretary of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Visiting Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Resignation (employee)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/321 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the election of a visiting guardian of apprentices ..DATE: 14 September 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 September 1894, informing of the election of Leopold S.Cohen as a visiting guardian of apprentices. This letter is attached to page 110 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Marcus | Herbert J | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1893-1904 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p111 Page 111 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 111, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/322-4 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/322 Financial statement ..DATE: 8 October 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 8 October 1894. This paper is attached to page 111 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/323 Letter from Tatham and Lousada to the treasurers of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £50 ..DATE: 2 October 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Tatham and Lousada, solicitors, London, to the treasurers of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 2 October 1894, enclosing a cheque for £50 bequeathed by the will of the late George Goldsmid. This letter is attached to page 111 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/324 Letter from Tatham and Lousada to the treasurers of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor informing of the sum of £50 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late George Goldsmid ..DATE: 12 July 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Tatham and Lousada, solicitors, London, to the treasurers of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 July 1894, informing of the sum of £50 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late George Goldsmid. This letter is attached to page 111 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p112 Page 112 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 112, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900 MS173/1/11/2/325-6 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/325 Financial statement ..DATE: 12 November 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 November 1894. This paper is attached to page 112 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/326 Statement by treasurer of funded property ..DATE: 8 October 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Statement by treasurer of funded property, 8 October 1894. This paper is attached to page 112 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Buildings Property Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p113 Page 113 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 113, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/327-8 and MS173/1/11/2/330 are attached to the page. MS173/1/11/2/329 is placed on top of the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/327 Letter from Asher I.Myer to Arthur E.Franklin providing particulars of a reversion bequeathing the sum of £2000 to the Board ..DATE: 11 November 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Asher I.Myer, member of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Arthur E.Franklin, treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 November 1894, providing particulars of a reversion bequeathing the sum of £2000 to the Board by the late Miss Mary Cohen. This letter is attached to page 113 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 Myer | Asher | I | member of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/328 Letter from A.Bechmann to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for the sum of £69 ..DATE: 14 October 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.Bechmann to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 October 1894, enclosing a cheque for the sum of £69 bequeathed by the will of the late Miss Hannah Alex. This letter is attached to page 113 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/329 Letter from Madame S.Beancaire to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor informing of the sum of £69 bequeathed to the Board by the late Miss Hannah Alex ..DATE: 7 October 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Madame S.Beancaire to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 7 October 1894, informing of the sum of £69 bequeathed to the Board by the late Miss Hannah Alex. This letter is placed on top of page 113 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/330 Letter from B.Barnett to Isaac P.Cohen enclosing a cheque for £19 less legacy duty ..DATE: 9 November 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from B.Barnett, solicitor, London, to Isaac P.Cohen, clerk of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 November 1894, enclosing a cheque for £19 less legacy duty bequeathed by the will of the late Adolph Gonski. This letter is attached to page 113 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Isaac | P | clerk of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p114 Page 114 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 114, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/331-3 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/331 Letter from I.Abrahams to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor withdrawing his letter of resignation from the Board ..DATE: 21 October 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from I.Abrahams, assistant clerk of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 21 October 1894, withdrawing his letter of resignation from the Board. This letter is attached to page 114 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Resignation (employee)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/332 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the proposed raise in the salary of Morris Benjamin ..DATE: 1 November 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 November 1894, informing of the proposed raise in the salary of Morris Benjamin. This letter is attached to page 114 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Marcus | Herbert J | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1893-1904 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Wages

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/333 Letter from Fred S.Franklin to Morris Stephany informing of the resignation of Gerald Nathan and the election of Mrs L.Model ..DATE: 7 November 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Fred S.Franklin, honorary secretary of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 7 November 1894, informing of the resignation of Gerald Nathan and the election of Mrs L.Model. This letter is attached to page 114 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Fred S | honorary secretary of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Visiting Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Resignation (employee) ..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p115 Page 115 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 115, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/334-6 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/334 Letter from Maurice Isaacs and I.M.Samuels to Morris Stephany informing of their resignations as secretaries of the Loan Committee ..DATE: 21 October 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Maurice Isaacs and I.M.Samuels, honorary secretaries of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 21 October 1894, informing of their resignations as secretaries of the Loan Committee. This letter is attached to page 115 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Isaacs | Maurice | honorary secretary of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Samuels | I M | honorary secretary of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Loan Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Resignation (employee)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/335 Letter from Maurice Isaacs to S.Simons discussing the decision made by I.M.Samuels and himself to resign as honorary secretaries of the Loan Committee ..DATE: 31 October 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Maurice Isaacs, honorary secretary of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to S.Simons, chairman of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 31 October 1894, discussing the decision made by I.M.Samuels and himself to resign as honorary secretaries of the Loan Committee. This letter is attached to page 115 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Isaacs | Maurice | honorary secretary of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Samuels | I M | honorary secretary of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Loan Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Resignation (employee)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/336 Letter from Hermann H.Myer to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £30 ..DATE: 27 November 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Hermann H.Myer, solicitor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 27 November 1894, enclosing a cheque for £30 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Mrs Harriet Silverstone and to be added to the Alex Emigration Fund. This letter is attached to page 115 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests Funds

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p116 Page 116 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 116, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/337-40 are placed on top of the page. MS173/1/11/2/341 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/337 Letter from H.De la Hooke to Morris Stephany enclosing a copy of a report on the sanitary condition of Whitechapel ..DATE: 12 November 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.De la Hooke, clerk of the London County Council, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 November 1894, enclosing a copy of a report on the sanitary condition of Whitechapel. This letter is placed on top of page 116 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor London County Council London County Council | Public Health Department ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Health Housing Sanitation

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/338 Report by the medical officer of the London County Council on the sanitary condition and administration of Whitechapel ..DATE: 15 October 1894 ..EXT: Eight pages ..ADMN: ..CONT: Printed report by the medical officer of the London County Council on the sanitary condition and administration of Whitechapel, 15 October 1894. This report is placed on top of page 116 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor London County Council London County Council | Public Health Department ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Health Housing Sanitation ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/339 Letter from H.De la Hooke to Morris Stephany enclosing a copy of a report on the sanitary condition of Mile End Old Town ..DATE: 19 November 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.De la Hooke, clerk of the London County Council, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 November 1894, enclosing a copy of a report on the sanitary condition of Mile End Old Town. This letter is placed on top of page 116 of the letter book. This letter is attached to MS173/1/11/2/340. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor London County Council London County Council | Public Health Department ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Health Housing Sanitation

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/340 Report by the medical officer of the London County Council on the sanitary condition and administration of Mile End Old Town ..DATE: 15 October 1894 ..EXT: Six pages ..ADMN: ..CONT: Printed report by the medical officer of the London County Council on the sanitary condition and administration of Mile End Old Town, 15 October 1894. This report is placed on top of page 116 of the letter book. This report is attached to MS173/1/11/2/339. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor London County Council London County Council | Public Health Department ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Health Housing Sanitation

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/341 Report of the Sanitary Committee on reports received from the London County Council on the sanitary conditions and administration of Whitechapel and of Mile End Old Town ..DATE: 4 December 1894 ..EXT: Three papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Report of the Sanitary Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor on reports received from the London County Council on the sanitary conditions and administration of Whitechapel and of Mile End Old Town, 4 December 1894. This report is attached to page 116 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Sanitary Committee London County Council London County Council | Public Health Department ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Health Housing Sanitation

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p117 Page 117 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 117, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/342 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/342 Financial statement ..DATE: 10 December 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 10 December 1894. This letter is attached to page 117 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p118 Page 118 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 118, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/343 is placed on top of the page. MS173/1/11/2/344-46 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/343 Reply to the report of Dr.Hamer, upon the sanitary condition of the Whitechapel District, by the Whitechapel District Board of Works ..DATE: December 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Printed reply to the report of Dr.Hamer, upon the sanitary condition of the Whitechapel District, by the Whitechapel District Board of Works, December 1894. This paper is placed on top of page 118 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor London County Council London County Council | Public Health Department Whitechapel District Board of Works ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Health Housing Sanitation

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/344 Letter from Fred S.Franklin to Morris Stephany enclosing a list of members of the Visiting Committee who have been re-nominated for election by the Board ..DATE: 13 December 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Fred S.Franklin, honorary secretary of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 December 1894, enclosing a list of members of the Visiting Committee who have been re-nominated for election by the Board. This letter is attached to page 118 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Fred S | honorary secretary of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Visiting Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/345 Paper containing a list of members of the Visiting Committee ..DATE: 12 February 1895 ..EXT: Three papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper containing a list of members of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 February 1895. This letter is attached to page 118 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Visiting Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/346/1 Letter from Fred S.Franklin to Morris Stephany enclosing a list of ladies and gentlemen nominated for election by the Board and informing of the election of honorary officers ..DATE: 17 January 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Fred S.Franklin, honorary secretary of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 17 January 1895, enclosing a list of ladies and gentlemen nominated for election by the Board at a meeting of the Visiting Committee and informing of the election of Arthus Sebag-Montefiore, Nathan J.Joseph, Oscar Selinger, Frederic J.Franklin, B.Lionel Abrahams and H.R.Levinsohn as honorary officers. This letter is attached to page 118 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Fred S | honorary secretary of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Visiting Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/346/2 Paper listing members of the Visiting Committee ..DATE: January 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper listing members of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1895. This letter is attached to page 118 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Visiting Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p119 Page 119 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 119, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/347-51 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/347 Letter from Leonard L.Cohen to Arthur E.Franklin enclosing a cheque for £100 ..DATE: 10 February 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Leonard L.Cohen to Arthur E.Franklin, treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 10 February 1895, enclosing a cheque for £100 bequeathed by his mother. This letter is attached to page 119 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Leonard L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1900-1920 Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/348 Letter from Sarah Davis to Benjamin L.Cohen enclosing a cheque for £20 ..DATE: 24 December 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Sarah Davis to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 24 December 1894, enclosing a cheque for £20 donated by Louisa Beyfus in memory of her husband the late Philip Beyfus. This letter is attached to page 119 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/349 Letter from Lindo and Company to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor informing of the sum of £100 bequeathed by the will of the late Jeannette Hart ..DATE: 15 January 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Lindo and Company, solicitors, to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 15 January 1895, informing of the sum of £100 bequeathed by the will of the late Jeannette Hart. This letter is attached to page 119 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/350 Letter from Hermann Alder to Benjamin L.Cohen enclosing a cheque for £151.9.11 being the residue of the Alex bequest ..DATE: 1 February 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Hermann Alder, Office of the Chief Rabbi, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 February 1895, enclosing a cheque for £151.9.11 being the residue of the Alex bequest. This letter is attached to page 119 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Adler | Hermann | 1839-1911 | Chief Rabbi of the British Empire, 1890-1911 Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/351 Letter from the Federation of Synagogues to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £23.19.6 ..DATE: 13 December 1894 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from the Federation of Synagogues to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 December 1894, enclosing a cheque for £23.19.6 being the annual collection by the Federation of Synagogues. This letter is attached to page 119 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Federation of Synagogues ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Fundraising

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p120 Page 120 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 120, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/352-4 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/352 Letter from Leonard L.Cohen to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £500 ..DATE: 13 January 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Leonard L.Cohen to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, enclosing a cheque for £500. This letter is attached to page 120 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Leonard L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1900-1920 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/353 Letter from J.M.Ansell to Morris Stephany informing of the election of a member of the Loan Committee ..DATE: 14 January 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.M.Ansell, honorary secretary of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 January 1895, informing of the election of Francis Cohen as a member of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This letter is attached to page 120 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Ansell | J M | honorary secretary of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1903 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Loan Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/354 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the election of visiting guardians of apprentices ..DATE: 13 December 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 December 1895, informing of the election of E.L.deHart, Percy Phillips, Ben Mocatta, and Ludwig Benjamin as visiting guardians of apprentices. This letter is attached to page 120 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Marcus | Herbert J | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1893-1904 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p121 Page 121 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 121, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/355-6 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/355 Letter from Moses H.Moses to Arthur E.Franklin discussing details of the deed of settlement of the almshouses ..DATE: 2 January 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Moses H.Moses to Arthur E.Franklin, treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 2 January 1895, discussing details of the deed of settlement of the almshouses. This letter is attached to page 121 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jacob Henry Moses Almshouses ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Administration Almshouses

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/356 Letter from Moses H.Moses to Arthur E.Franklin discussing structural repairs of almshouses ..DATE: 9 January 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Moses H.Moses to Arthur E.Franklin, treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 January 1895, discussing structural repairs of almshouses. This letter is attached to page 121 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jacob Henry Moses Almshouses ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Buildings Almshouses Building maintenance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p122 Page 122 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 122, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900 MS173/1/11/2/357 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/357 Salary scheme of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: 9 January 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Salary scheme of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 January 1895. This letter is attached to page 122 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records Wages

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p123 Page 123 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 123, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/358-61 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/358 Letter from Leonard L.Cohen to Michael A.Green thanking members of the Board for their sympathy with his family and himself in their recent bereavement ..DATE: 17 February 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Leonard L.Cohen to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 17 February 1895, thanking members of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor for their sympathy with his family and himself in their recent bereavement. This letter is attached to page 123 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Leonard L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1900-1920 Green | Michael A | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894- ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Death Sympathy Bereavement ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/359 Letter from A.E.Sydney to Morris Stephany discussing the nomination of trustees of the Moses Almshouses ..DATE: 5 March 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.E.Sydney, honorary solicitor of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 5 March 1895, discussing the nomination of trustees of the Moses Almshouses. This letter is attached to page 123 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Sydney | Algernon E | honorary solicitor of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1859- ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jacob Henry Moses Almshouses ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Almshouses Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/360 Letter from Joseph F.Stern to Michael A.Green enclosing and cheque relating to funds raised by members of the Jewish East London Communal League ..DATE: 7 March 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Joseph F.Stern, President of the Jewish East London Communal League, to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 7 March 1895, enclosing and cheque relating to funds raised by members of the Jewish East London Communal League. This letter is attached to page 123 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: Green | Michael A | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894- Stern | Joseph | F | President of the East London Jewish Communal League ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor United Synagogue East London Jewish Communal League ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Fundraising

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/361 Letter from Samuel E.Samuel to Michael A.Green enclosing a cheque for £24.2.10 ..DATE: 4 March 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Samuel E.Samuel, honorary secretary of the Jewish East London Communal League, to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 4 March 1895, enclosing a cheque for £24.2.10 being the amount raised by members of the Jewish East London Communal League on behalf of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This letter is attached to page 123 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | Michael A | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894- Samuel | Samuel | E | honorary secretary of the East London Jewish Communal League ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor East London Jewish Communal League ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Fundraising

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p124 Page 124 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 124, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/362-4 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/362 Letter from B.Berliner to Morris Stephany discussing the case of Abraham, Maria and Emmanuel Hyams ..DATE: 24 February 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from B.Berliner to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 24 February 1895, discussing the case of Abraham, Maria and Emmanuel Hyams, three deserted Jewish children currently at St George’s Schools, Upton Park, and enclosing a letter from P.Ornstien, secretary of the United Synagogue, responding to the case. This letter is attached to page 124 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Ornstein | P | secretary of the United Synagogue Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Hyams | Abraham | fl 1895 Hyams | Elizabeth | fl 1895 Hyams | Emmanuel | fl 1895 Hyams | Maria | fl 1895 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor United Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/363 Letter from P.Ornstien to Reverend B.Berliner requesting he contact Morris Stephany regarding the case of the Hyams children ..DATE: 22 February 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from P.Ornstien, secretary of the office of the United Synagogue, to Reverend B.Berliner, 22 February 1895, requesting he contact Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, regarding the case of the Hyams children. This letter is attached to page 124 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Ornstein | P | secretary of the United Synagogue Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Hyams | Abraham | fl 1895 Hyams | Elizabeth | fl 1895 Hyams | Emmanuel | fl 1895 Hyams | Maria | fl 1895 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor United Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/364 Paper detailing the children if Elizabeth Hyams ..DATE: March 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing the children if Elizabeth Hyams whose husband, Israel Hyams, died in June 1893. The children are listed as Abraham, Maria, Emanuel, Henry, and Sarah. Abraham, Maria and Emanuel were placed in the workhouse by their mother to compel the grandfather, Samuel Hyams, to contribute support. This letter is attached to page 124 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Hyams | Abraham | fl 1895 Hyams | Elizabeth | fl 1895 Hyams | Emmanuel | fl 1895 Hyams | Henry | fl 1895 Hyams | Israel | d 1893 Hyams | Maria | fl 1895 Hyams | Sarah | fl 1895 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor United Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p125 Page 125 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 125, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/365-8 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/365 Letter from H.R.Levinsohn to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for $50 ..DATE: 12 March 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.R.Levinsohn, Jacobs and Levinsohn, solicitors, to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 March 1895, enclosing a cheque for $50 being the legacy of the late Augustus Lawrence Halford. This letter is attached to page 125 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/366 Letter from Tatham and Lousada to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £100 ..DATE: 26 April 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Tatham and Lousada, solicitors, to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 26 April 1895, enclosing a cheque for £100 bequeathed by the will of the late Mrs.Miriam Mocatta. This letter is attached to page 125 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/367 Letter from Tatham and Lousada to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor informing of the sum of £100 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Mrs.Miriam Mocatta ..DATE: 2 April 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Tatham and Lousada, solicitors, to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 2 April 1895, informing of the sum of £100 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Mrs.Miriam Mocatta. This letter is attached to page 125 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/368 Memorandum from H.Cahen to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £9 ..DATE: 21 March 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Memorandum from H.Cahen to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 21 March 1895, enclosing a cheque for £9. This letter is attached to page 125 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p126 Page 126 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 126, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/369-73 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/369 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £90 ..DATE: 3 May 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, solicitor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 3 May 1895, enclosing a cheque for £90 being the legacy of the late Mark Marcus. This letter is attached to page 126 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Marcus | Herbert J | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1893-1904 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/370 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the election of visiting guardians of apprentices ..DATE: 4 April 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 4 April 1895, informing of the election of Mark Cohen and Marcus E.Collins as visiting guardians of apprentices. This letter is attached to page 126 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Marcus | Herbert J | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1893-1904 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/371 Letter from J.A.[Fuizi] to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £5 ..DATE: 19 April 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.A.Fuizi to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 19 April 1895, enclosing a cheque for £5 bequeathed by the will of the late Mrs.S.L.[Fuizi]. This letter is attached to page 126 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/372 Letter from Edward H.Montagu to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £21 ..DATE: 8 April 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Edward H.Montagu to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 8 April 1895, enclosing a cheque for £21 being the legacy of the late H.Montagu. This letter is attached to page 126 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/373 Letter from Lindo and Company to Benjamin L.Cohen enclosing a cheque for £100 ..DATE: 4 April 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Lindo and Company, solicitors, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 4 April 1895, enclosing a cheque for £100 being the legacy of the late Jeannette Hart. This letter is attached to page 126 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p127 Page 127 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 127, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p128 Page 128 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 128, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p129 Page 129 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 129, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/374 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/374 Letter from Samuel L.Cohen to Benjamin L.Cohen requesting a list for the annual distribution of coals and blankets ..DATE: 18 April 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Samuel L.Cohen, secretary of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 18 April 1895, requesting a list for the annual distribution of coals and blankets established under the will of the late Sir Moses Montefiore. This letter is attached to page 129 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Cohen | Samuel L | secretary of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue Sir Moses Montefiore for Coals and Blankets ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Gifts Relief supplies

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p130 Page 130 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 130, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/375-7 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/375 Financial statement ..DATE: 10 June 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 10 June 1895 This paper is placed on top of page 130 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/376/1 Letter from [Harley E.Brant] to Morris Stephany enclosing a legacy duty receipt for £19 ..DATE: 28 May 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from [Harley E.Brant] to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 28 May 1895, enclosing a legacy duty receipt for £19 bequeathed to the Board by the late Leman Livi. This letter is attached to page 130 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/376/2 Letter from [Harley E.Brant] to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £19 ..DATE: 4 June 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from [Harley E.Brant] to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 28 May 1895, enclosing a cheque for £19 bequeathed to the Board by the late Leman Livi. This letter is attached to page 130 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/377 Letter from Hicks, Davis and Hunt to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for 9 guineas ..DATE: 30 May 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Hicks, Davis and Hunt, solicitors, to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 30 May 1895, enclosing a cheque for 9 guineas being the legacy of the late C.J.Davis. This letter is attached to page 130 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p131 Page 131 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 131, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/378-81 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/378 Letter from Frank Faithfull to Morris Stephany discussing the application by Miss de Berger for two children to be admitted to the New Winchester Union Workhouse ..DATE: 8 June 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Frank Faithfull, clerk of the Board of Guardians of the New Winchester Union Workhouse, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 8 June 1895, discussing the application by Miss de Berger for two children of [M.Lern] to be admitted to the New Winchester Union Workhouse and requesting a speedy reply from the Board. This letter is attached to page 131 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Faithfull | Frank | clerk of the Board of Guardians of the New Winchester Union Workhouse Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Stone | family | fl 1895 Lern | family | fl 1895 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor New Winchester Poor Law Union New Winchester Union Workhouse ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans Workhouses

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/379 Letter from Winchester to Emmanuel and Simmonds vouching for the integrity and respectability of Miss de Berger ..DATE: 12 June 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Winchester to Emmanuel and Simmonds, solicitors, 12 June 1895, vouching for the integrity and respectability of Miss de Berger in connection with the care of children. This letter is attached to page 131 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stone | family | fl 1895 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor New Winchester Poor Law Union New Winchester Union Workhouse ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans Workhouses

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/380 Letter from Miss de Berger to Morris Stephany apply for assistance in connection with two Jewish children in her charge ..DATE: 6 June 1895 ..EXT: Two papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Miss de Berger, Winchester, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 6 June 1895, apply for assistance in connection with two Jewish children in her charge whose father, Mr Stone, is in Africa. This letter is attached to page 131 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Stone | family | fl 1895 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor New Winchester Poor Law Union New Winchester Union Workhouse ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans Workhouses

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/381 Letter from Miss de Berger to Morris Stephany responding to a request for a letter in her possession to be forwarded and providing the address of Mr Stone in Africa ..DATE: 12 June 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Miss R.C.de Berger, Winchester, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 June 1895, responding to a request for a letter in her possession to be forwarded and providing the address of Mr Stone in Africa [in connection with two Jewish children in her charge]. This letter is attached to page 131 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Stone | family | fl 1895 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor New Winchester Poor Law Union New Winchester Union Workhouse ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans Workhouses

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p132 Page 132 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 132, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/382-4 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/382 Letter from P.Ornstien to Morris Stephany informing of the election of members of the Board ..DATE: 14 June 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from P.Ornstien, secretary of the Office of the Council of the United Synagogue, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 June 1895, informing of the election of members of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor for the ensuing two years. This letter is attached to page 132 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: Ornstein | P | secretary of the United Synagogue Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor United Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/383 Letter from Waterhouse, Winterbotham, Harrison and Harper to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £20 ..DATE: 13 June 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Waterhouse, Winterbotham, Harrison and Harper, solicitors, to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 June 1895, enclosing a cheque for £20 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Mrs.Sophia Goldsmid. This letter is attached to page 132 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/384 Letter from R.Lazarus to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £10 ..DATE: 24 June 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from R.Lazarus to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 24 June 1895, enclosing a cheque for £10 to be acknowledged under the late Jacob Lazarus. This letter is attached to page 132 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p133 Page 133 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 133, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/385-6 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/385 Letter from A.E.Sydney to Arthur E.Franklin enclosing the deed of trust and endowment of almshouses found by Jacob Henry Moses, the deed of appointment of new trustees, and a conveyance to Moses and others endorsed to new trustees ..DATE: 1 July 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.E.Sydney to Arthur E.Franklin, treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 July 1895, enclosing the deed of trust and endowment of almshouses found by Jacob Henry Moses, dated 9 May 1862, the deed of appointment of new trustees, dated 19 June 1895, and a conveyance to Moses and others, dated 30 August 1861, endorsed to new trustees, dated 19 June 1895. The letter also discusses the lodging of certificates for £3400 of stock, the enclosing of a cheque for £337.8.4 being the balance of money in the hands of the former trustees, and details of charges. This letter is attached to page 133 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jacob Henry Moses Almshouses ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Administration Almshouses Personnel Share dealings

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/386 Letter from Arthur E.Franklin to Morris Stephany informing of having received from A.E.Sydney the deed of trust and endowment of almshouses found by Jacob Henry Moses, the deed of appointment of new trustees, a conveyance to Moses and others endorsed to new trustees, and a cheque for £337.8.4 ..DATE: 1 July 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Arthur E.Franklin, treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 July 1895, informing of having received from A.E.Sydney the deed of trust and endowment of almshouses found by Jacob Henry Moses, dated 9 May 1862, the deed of appointment of new trustees, dated 19 June 1895, a conveyance to Moses and others, dated 30 August 1861, endorsed to new trustees, dated 19 June 1895, and a cheque for £337.8.4 being the balance of money in the hands of the former trustees. This letter is attached to page 133 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jacob Henry Moses Almshouses ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Administration Almshouses Personnel Share dealings ..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p134 Page 134 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 134, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/387-90 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/387 Letter from S.Simons to Morris Stephany informing that he is obliged to decline acting further as an honorary auditor of the Board ..DATE: 12 June 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from S.Simons, honorary auditor of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 June 1895, informing that he is obliged to decline acting further as an honorary auditor of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This letter is attached to page 134 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Simons | S | honorary auditor of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/388 Letter from Samuel L.Cohen to Benjamin L.Cohen enclosing a cheque for £341.14.2 ..DATE: 25 June 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Samuel L.Cohen, secretary of the Spanish and Portuguese Syngague, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 25 June 1895, enclosing a cheque for £341.14.2 payable to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor from the bequest of the late Sir Moses Montefiore for the distribution of coals and blankets. This letter is attached to page 134 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Cohen | Samuel L | secretary of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue Sir Moses Montefiore for Coals and Blankets ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Gifts Relief supplies

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/389 Paper detailing the Napadler children ..DATE: 9 July 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing the Napadler children, 9 July 1895, listed as Sulka, Marks, Sigmund, Minnie, and Charles, whose father, Samuel, deserted them in Cracau and whose mother, Minnie, died in May 1895. This letter is attached to page 134 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Napadler | Charles | fl 1895 Napadler | Marks | fl 1895 Napadler | Minnie | d 1895 Napadler | Minnie | fl 1895 Napadler | Samuel | fl 1895 Napadler | Sigmund | fl 1895 Napadler | Sulka | fl 1895 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/390 Paper detailing the Napadler children ..DATE: July 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing the Napadler children, July 1895, whose mother, Minnie, died in May 1895 and whose father’s whereabouts is unknown. This letter is attached to page 134 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Napadler | Charles | fl 1895 Napadler | Marks | fl 1895 Napadler | Minnie | d 1895 Napadler | Minnie | fl 1895 Napadler | Samuel | fl 1895 Napadler | Sigmund | fl 1895 Napadler | Sulka | fl 1895 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p135 Page 135 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 135, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/391-2 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/391 Letter from Harriette Sebag Montefiore to Benjamin L.Cohen thanking members of Board for passing a resolution conveying their sympathy on the death of her husband ..DATE: 12 July 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Harriette Sebag Montefiore to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 July 1895, thanking members of Board for passing a resolution conveying their sympathy on the death of her husband Arthur Sebag Montefiore. This letter is attached to page 135 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/392 Letter from William Vallance to Morris Stephany discussing the case of Solomon and Isaac Allman ..DATE: 1 August 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from William Vallance, clerk to the guardians and superintendent registrar of the Whitechapel Union, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 August 1895, discussing the case of Solomon and Isaac Allman who are currently in the workhouse. The letter states that their mother died and father deserted them, leaving the country for New York. This letter is attached to page 135 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Vallance | William | clerk to the Board of Guardians and superintendent registrar of the Whitechapel Union Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Allman | Isaac | fl 1895 Allman | Solomon | fl 1895 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Whitechapel Union Whitechapel Union Workhouse ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans Workhouses

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p136 Page 136 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 136, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/393-7 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/393 Letter from Louis H.Nathan to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £20 and a cheque for £15.5.0 ..DATE: 22 August 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Louis H.Nathan to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 22 August 1895, enclosing a cheque for £20 and a cheque for £15.5.0 in memory of the late Henry Nathan. This letter is attached to page 136 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/394 Letter from H.Harris to Morris Stephany requesting the signing of receipt for a cheque for £10 ..DATE: 9 July 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.Harris to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 July 1895, requesting the signing of receipt for a cheque for £10 bequeathed by the will of the late Solomon Pool. This letter is attached to page 136 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/395 Letter from John D.Moss to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £15.15.0 ..DATE: July 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from John D.Moss to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, July 1895, enclosing a cheque for £15.15.0 donated in memory of Henry Nathan. This letter is attached to page 136 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/396 Letter from Louis H.Nathan to Morris Stephany informing of a legacy of £300 left to the Board ..DATE: July 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Louis H.Nathan to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, July 1895, informing of a legacy of £300 left to the Board under the will of his late father Henry Nathan. This letter is attached to page 136 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/397 Letter from A.Bechmann to Morris Stephany informing of his intention to donate £100 ..DATE: 12 July 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.Bechmann to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 July 1895, informing of his intention to donate £100 to the Alex Emigration Fund in accordance with the wishes of his late wife Hannah Alex. This letter is attached to page 136 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p137 Page 137 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 137, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/398 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/398 Financial statement ..DATE: 14 October 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 October 1895. This letter is attached to page 137 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p138 Page 138 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 138, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/399-402 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/399 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of resolutions passed by the Industrial Committee regarding L.Friedenberg’s salary and life insurance ..DATE: 1 November 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 November 1895, informing of resolutions passed by the Industrial Committee for the increase in the salary of L.Friedenberg and the provision of an additional sum for his life insurance. This letter is attached to page 138 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Marcus | Herbert J | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1893-1904 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/400 Letter from J.J.Solomon to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £10.10.0 ..DATE: 23 October 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.J.Solomon to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 23 October 1895, enclosing a cheque for £10.10.0 being the legacy of the late Edward Davis. This letter is attached to page 138 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/401 Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany informing of the committee’s decision to admit Abraham and Morris Levy, Alfred Hertz, and Fanny and Benjamin Weissman to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, as well as their decision not to admit the younger Weissman or Isaac and Solomon Allman ..DATE: 17 October 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 17 October 1894, informing of the Committee’s decision to admit Abraham and Morris Levy, Alfred Hertz, and Fanny and Benjamin Weissman to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, as well as their decision not to admit the younger Weissman or Isaac and Solomon Allman. This letter is attached to page 138 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | M J | secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Allman | Isaac | fl 1895 Allman | Solomon | fl 1895 Hertz | Alfred | fl 1895 Levy | Abraham | fl 1895 Levy | Morris | fl 1895 Weissman | Benjamin | fl 1895-1896 Weissman | family | fl 1895-1896 Weissman | Fanny | fl 1895-1896 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/402 Letter from A.Abrahams to Morris Stephany informing of M.J.Green’s telegram regarding subvention in the Hertz case ..DATE: 22 October 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.Abrahams to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 22 October 1895, informing of M.J.Green’s telegram regarding subvention in the Hertz case. This letter is attached to page 138 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | M J | secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Hertz | Alfred | fl 1895 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/403 Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany requesting the Board to proceed in the Hertz case ..DATE: 24 October 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 24 October 1895, requesting the Board to proceed in the Hertz case. The letter states that the Committee will not press for subvention, the case being a peculiar one. This letter is attached to page 138 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | M J | secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Hertz | Alfred | fl 1895 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p139 Page 139 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 139, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/403 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/403 Financial statement ..DATE: 11 November 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 November 1895. This letter is attached to page 139 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p140 Page 140 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 140, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/404-6 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/404 Letter from Daniel Marks to Michael A.Green thanking members of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor for his election to the Board ..DATE: 12 November 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Daniel Marks to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 November 1895, thanking members of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor for his election to a seat at the Board. This letter is attached to page 140 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | Michael A | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894- ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/405 Letter from H.Shmith to Benjamin L.Cohen and members of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor requesting an increase in salary ..DATE: 18 November 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.Shmith, first clerk of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, and members of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 18 November 1895, requesting an increase in salary. This letter is attached to page 140 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/406 Letter from Louis H.Nathan to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £300 ..DATE: 18 November 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Louis H.Nathan to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 18 November 1895, enclosing a cheque for £300 bequeathed to the Board by the late Henry Nathan. This letter is attached to page 140 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p141 Page 141 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 141, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/407-8 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/407 Letter from A.E.Sydney to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £150 ..DATE: 5 December 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.E.Sydney to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 5 December 1895, enclosing a cheque for £150 in settlement of the claim for dilapidation at 14 Devonshire Square. This letter is attached to page 141 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Sydney | Algernon E | honorary solicitor of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1859- ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/408 Letter from Fred S.Franklin to Michael A.Green informing of the withdrawal of inefficient members and the election of new members of the Visiting Committee ..DATE: 14 November 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Fred S.Franklin, honorary secretary of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 November 1895, informing of the withdrawal of inefficient members and the election of Miss Epstein, L.Benjamin, and Miss Clara Harris as new members of the Visiting Committee. This letter is attached to page 141 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Fred S | honorary secretary of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Green | Michael A | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894- ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Visiting Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p142 Page 142 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 142, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900 MS173/1/11/2/409 is placed on top of the page. MS173/1/11/2/410-11 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/409 Letter from A.E.Sydney to Benjamin L.Cohen informing of the sum of £150 payable to the Board in respect of the dilapidation at 14 Devonshire Square ..DATE: 30 November 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.E.Sydney to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 30 November 1895, informing of the sum of £150 payable to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor in respect of the dilapidation at 14 Devonshire Square. This letter is placed on top of page 142 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Sydney | Algernon E | honorary solicitor of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1859- ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: Devonshire Square | London ..SUBJ: Buildings | Offices ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/410 Paper detailing the family of Harry Garetski ..DATE: November 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing the family of Harry Garetski, November 1895, listing four children, the mother having died one year ago and the father having gone to Switzerland. The father, a tobacco cutter, has been charged with forgery. This paper is attached to page 142 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Garetski | family | fl 1895 Garetski | Harry | fl 1895 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Crime

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/411 Financial statement ..DATE: 9 December 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of liabilities and assets of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 December 1895. This paper is attached to page 142 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records ..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p143 Page 143 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 143, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/412-5 are attached to the page. MS173/1/11/2/416A is placed on top of the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/412 Letter from David F.Schloss to Michael A.Green informing of the Sanitary Committee’s resolution to increase the salary of the sanitary inspector ..DATE: 22 January 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from David F.Schloss, honorary secretary of the Sanitary Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 22 January 1896, informing of the Sanitary Committee’s resolution to increase the salary of Henry Quaintrell, the sanitary inspector of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This letter is attached to page 143 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Schloss | David F | honorary secretary of the Sanitary Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Green | Michael A | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894- ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Sanitary Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/413 Letter from David F.Schloss to Benjamin L.Cohen discussing the resolution to increase the salary of the sanitary inspector ..DATE: 23 January 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from David F.Schloss, honorary secretary of the Sanitary Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 23 January 1896, discussing the Sanitary Committee’s resolution to increase the salary of Henry Quaintrell, the sanitary inspector of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This letter is attached to page 143 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Schloss | David F | honorary secretary of the Sanitary Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Sanitary Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/414 Letter from David F.Schloss to Michael A.Green enclosing a report of the Sanitary Committee and discussing the resolution to increase the salary of the sanitary inspector ..DATE: 23 January 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from David F.Schloss, honorary secretary of the Sanitary Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 23 January 1896, enclosing a report of the Sanitary Committee and discussing the resolution to increase the salary of Henry Quaintrell, the sanitary inspector of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This letter is attached to page 143 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Schloss | David F | honorary secretary of the Sanitary Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Green | Michael A | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894- ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Sanitary Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/415 Letter from Lindo and Company to Morris Stephany informing of the sum of £100 bequeathed to the Board ..DATE: 16 December 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Lindo and Company, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 16 December 1896, informing of the sum of £100 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Mrs. Caroline Bensusan. This letter is attached to page 143 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/416A Letter from Lindo and Company to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £100 ..DATE: 3 February 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Lindo and Company, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 3 February 1896, enclosing a cheque for £100 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Mrs. Caroline Bensusan. This letter is placed on top of page 143 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p144 Page 144 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 144, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/416B-8 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/416B Letter from Waterhouse, Winterbotham, Harrison and Harper to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor informing of the sum of £2000 bequeathed to the Board ..DATE: 15 January 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Waterhouse, Winterbotham, Harrison and Harper, solicitors, to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 15 January 1896, informing of the sum of £2000 bequeathed to the Board by the late Julian Goldsmid. This letter is attached to page 144 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/417 Letter from Waterhouse, Winterbotham, Harrison and Harper to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor informing that the amount bequeathed to the Board by the late Julian Goldsmid will be paid in due course ..DATE: 17 January 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Waterhouse, Winterbotham, Harrison and Harper, solicitors, to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 17 January 1896, informing that the amount bequeathed to the Board by the late Julian Goldsmid will be paid in due course. This letter is attached to page 144 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/418 Notice from George C.Raphael to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £2000 ..DATE: 9 December 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Notice from George C.Raphael to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 December 1896, enclosing a cheque for £2000. This paper is attached to page 144 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p145 Page 145 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 145, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/419-25 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/419 Letter from Henry Harris to Morris Stephany enclosing one thousand tickets to the value of £50 ..DATE: 22 December 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Henry Harris, secretary of the Tradesmen’s Benevolent Society, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 22 December 1895, enclosing one thousand tickets to the value of £50 presented to the Board by members of the Tradesmen’s Benevolent Society. This letter is attached to page 145 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Harris | Henry | secretary of the Tradesmen’s Benevolent Society Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Tradesmen’s Benevolent Society ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/420 Letter from A.M.Hyamson to Morris Stephany informing that they are currently residing in the Parish of St Mary, Islington ..DATE: 25 December 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.M.Hyamson to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 25 December 1895, informing that they are currently residing in the Parish of St Mary, Islington. This letter is attached to page 145 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Hyamson | Albert M | fl 1895 Hyamson | Ethel Victoria | fl 1895-1896 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor St John’s Road Workhouse | Islington ..PLAC: Parish of St Mary | Islington ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/421 Letter from Edwin Davis to Morris Stephany requesting Albert Hyamson to call to the Parish of St.Mary, Islington, respecting his sister ..DATE: 17 January 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Edwin Davis, clerk of the Guardians of the Poor of the Parish of St.Mary, Islington, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 17 January 1896, requesting Albert Hyamson to call to the Parish of St.Mary, Islington, respecting his sister. This letter is attached to page 145 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Davis | Edwin | clerk of the Guardians of the Poor of the Parish of St.Mary, Islington Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Hyamson | Albert M | fl 1895 Hyamson | Ethel Victoria | fl 1895-1896 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor St John’s Road Workhouse | Islington ..PLAC: Parish of St Mary | Islington ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/422 Paper detailing Ethel Victoria Hyamson ..DATE: January 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing Ethel Victoria Hyamson, January 1896, an eight year old at the Parish of St.Mary, Islington, whose father, Samuel, is said to be in America and whose mother, Annie, died in December 1894. This paper is attached to page 145 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Hyamson | Albert M | fl 1895 Hyamson | Annie | d 1894 Hyamson | Ethel Victoria | fl 1895-1896 Hyamson | Samuel | fl 1895 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor St John’s Road Workhouse | Islington ..PLAC: Parish of St Mary | Islington ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/423 Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany discussing the case of Ethel Victoria Hyamson ..DATE: 24 December 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 24 December 1895, discussing the case of Ethel Victoria Hyamson. The letter states that the medical report is satisfactory and that no subvention is required by the Board on the child being admitted to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum under the pauper removal act. This letter is attached to page 145 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | M J | secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Hyamson | Ethel Victoria | fl 1895-1896 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/424 Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany requesting the necessary steps be taken by the Board for the admission of Ethel Victoria Hyamson to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum ..DATE: 18 December 1895 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 18 December 1895, requesting the necessary steps be taken by the Board for the admission of Ethel Victoria Hyamson to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum under the provision of the Pauper Removal Act, and stating that no subvention is sought. This letter is attached to page 145 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | M J | secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Hyamson | Ethel Victoria | fl 1895-1896 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/425 Letter from Edwin Davey to Morris Stephany stating that Ethel Victoria Hyamson is ready to be sent to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum ..DATE: 25 January 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Edwin Davey, clerk of the Guardians of the Poor or the Parish of St.Mary, Islington, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 25 January 1896, stating that Ethel Victoria Hyamson is ready to be sent to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum when the Board sees fit. This letter is attached to page 145 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Davey | Edwin | clerk of the Guardians of the Poor of the Parish of St.Mary, Islington Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Hyamson | Ethel Victoria | fl 1895-1896 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood St John’s Road Workhouse | Islington ..PLAC: Parish of St Mary | Islington ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p146 Page 146 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 146, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/426-9 are placed on top of the page. MS173/1/11/2/430-1 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/426 Letter from A.Franklin to Morris Stephany informing that the Board shall receive a communication from the trustees of the Joel Emanuel Almshouses regarding vacancies ..DATE: 4 February 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.Franklin, treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 4 February 1896, informing that the Board shall receive a communication from the trustees of the Joel Emanuel Almshouses regarding vacancies. This letter is placed on top of page 146 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Joel Emanuel Almshouses | Wellclose Square ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Almshouses Housing

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/427 Letter from Mark Simmons to Morris Stephany providing notice of vacancies in the Joel Emanuel Almshouses ..DATE: 7 February 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Mark Simmons, clerk to the trustees of the Joel Emanuel Almshouses, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 7 February 1896, providing notice of vacancies in the Joel Emanuel Almshouses. This letter is placed on top of page 146 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Simmons | Mark | clerk to the trustees of the Joel Emanuel Almshouses Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Joel Emanuel Almshouses | Wellclose Square ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Almshouses Housing

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/428 Form of notice of vacancies in the Joel Emanuel Almshouses ..DATE: 7 February 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Form of notice of vacancies in the Joel Emanuel Almshouses by the trustees, 7 February 1896, for one married couple and three single persons. This paper is placed on top of page 146 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Joel Emanuel Almshouses | Wellclose Square ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Almshouses Housing

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/429 Form of application for inmates of the Joel Emanuel Almshouses ..DATE: February 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Form of application for inmates of the Joel Emanuel Almshouses, February 1896. This paper is placed on top of page 146 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Joel Emanuel Almshouses | Wellclose Square ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Almshouses Housing

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/430 Form of guarantee for the Joel Emanuel Almshouses ..DATE: February 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Form of guarantee for the Joel Emanuel Almshouses, February 1896. This paper is attached to page 146 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Joel Emanuel Almshouses | Wellclose Square ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Almshouses Housing

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/431 Handbook of rules, etc, to be observed by the inmates of the Alms-houses founded by Joel Emanuel ..DATE: February 1896 ..EXT: Eight pages ..ADMN: ..CONT: Handbook of rules, etc, to be observed by the inmates of the Alms-houses founded by Joel Emanuel, February 1896. This paper is attached to page 146 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Joel Emanuel Almshouses | Wellclose Square ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Almshouses Housing

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p147 Page 147 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 147, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/432-4 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/432 Letter from Hermann H.Myer to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £100 ..DATE: 25 March 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Hermann H.Myer, solicitor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 25 March 1896, enclosing a cheque for £100 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Sidney Henry Solomon. This letter is attached to page 147 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/433 Letter from George Levy to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for 20 guineas ..DATE: April 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from George Levy to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, April 1896, enclosing a cheque for 20 guineas in memory of the late Jacob Levy. This letter is attached to page 147 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/434 Letter from P.Ornstien to Morris Stephany informing of the decision of the Managers of the East London Industrial School to terminate the arrangement for the reception of Jewish boys committed to an Industrial School ..DATE: 8 April 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from P.Ornstien, secretary of the Office of the Council of the United Synagogue, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 8 April 1896, informing of the decision of the Managers of the East London Industrial School, Lewisham, to terminate the arrangement for the reception of Jewish boys committed to an Industrial School. This letter is attached to page 147 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: Ornstein | P | secretary of the United Synagogue Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor United Synagogue East London Industrial School | Lewisham ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Schools | Industrial Schools Education | Jewish Children (age group)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p148 Page 148 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 148, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/435-7 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/435 Letter from Waterhouse, Winterbotham, Harrison and Harper to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £200 ..DATE: 20 March 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Waterhouse, Winterbotham, Harrison and Harper, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 20 March 1896, enclosing a cheque for £200 in substitute for the one sent by the late Julian Goldsmid in January. This letter is attached to page 148 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/436 Letter from Waterhouse, Winterbotham, Harrison and Harper to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £2000 ..DATE: 24 March 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Waterhouse, Winterbotham, Harrison and Harper, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 24 March 1896, enclosing a cheque for £2000 bequeathed to the Board by the late Julian Goldsmid. This letter is attached to page 148 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/437 Letter from Samuel L.Cohen to Benjamin L.Cohen requesting a list be sent for the annual distribution of coals and blankets ..DATE: 9 April 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Samuel L.Cohen, secretary of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 April 1896, requesting a list be sent for the annual distribution of coals and blankets established under the will of the late Moses Montefiore. This letter is attached to page 148 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Samuel L | secretary of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p149 Page 149 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 149, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/438-43 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/438 Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany discussing the cases of the Lawrence and Ethel Jones and Fanny Greenberg ..DATE: 27 March 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 27 March 1896, asking for the necessary steps to be taken by the Board for the admission of Lawrence and Ethel Jones to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum under the Pauper Removal Act, and declining the application for the admittance of Fanny Greenberg. The letter also expresses hope that there will be no risk in the admittance of the two Weissman children and Hyamson. This letter is attached to page 149 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | M J | secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Greenberg | Fanny | fl 1896 Hyamson | Ethel Victoria | fl 1895-1896 Jones | Ethel | fl 1896 Jones | Lawrence | fl 1896 Weissman | Benjamin | fl 1895-1896 Weissman | family | fl 1895-1896 Weissman | Fanny | fl 1895-1896 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/439 Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany stating that there has been no case of illness at the institution for the past four weeks and it is considered safe to admit others ..DATE: 2 April 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 2 April 1896, stating that there has been no case of illness at the institution for the past four weeks and it is considered safe to admit others. The letter discusses the admission of Ethel and Lawrence Jones, Benjamin and Fanny Weissman, and Hyamson. This letter is attached to page 149 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | M J | secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Hyamson | Ethel Victoria | fl 1895-1896 Jones | Ethel | fl 1896 Jones | Lawrence | fl 1896 Weissman | Benjamin | fl 1895-1896 Weissman | family | fl 1895-1896 Weissman | Fanny | fl 1895-1896 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/440 Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany discussing the application for the admission of Fanny Greenberg to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum ..DATE: 10 March 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 10 March 1896, discussing the application for the admission of Fanny Greenberg to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum. The application was made by her sister Leah, their father and grandmother having died, their mother having deserted them, and their brother having been elected into the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum in 1892. This letter is attached to page 149 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | M J | secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Greenberg | Fanny | fl 1896 Greenberg | Leah | fl 1896 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/441 Paper detailing Leah Greenberg ..DATE: April 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing Leah Greenberg, April 1896, who is listed as being 7 years old. Her father died and mother deserted, leaving three children. One child was elected into the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum in 1892 while the other two were taken into the charge of their grandmother until her death in March. It is noted that the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum have refused to admit the case under the pauper removal act. This paper is attached to page 149 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Greenberg | Fanny | fl 1896 Greenberg | Leah | fl 1896 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/442 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany notifying of the engagement of Myer Foote as assistant clerk of the Industrial Committee ..DATE: 7 May 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 7 May 1896, notifying of the engagement of Myer Foote as assistant clerk of the Industrial Committee. This letter is attached to page 149 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Marcus | Herbert J | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1893-1904 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/443 Letter from J.M.Ansell to Michael A.Green notifying of the Loan Committee’s willingness to accede to the terms of the resolution of the Industrial Committee regarding the application for the purchase of machines and tools ..DATE: 29 April 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.M.Ansell, honorary secretary of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 29 April 1896, notifying of the Loan Committee’s willingness to accede to the terms of the resolution of the Industrial Committee regarding the application for the purchase of machines and tools. This letter is attached to page 149 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Ansell | J M | honorary secretary of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1903 Green | Michael A | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894- ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Loan Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p150 Page 150 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 150, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/444/1-2 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/444/1 Letter from Davis and Emanuel to Benjamin L.Cohen providing a report on the cost of building the new offices of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: 23 April 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Davis and Emanuel, architects, London, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 23 April 1896, providing a report on the cost of building the new offices of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This letter is attached to page 150 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: Widegate Street | London ..SUBJ: Buildings | Offices

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/444/2 Letter from Davis and Emanuel to Benjamin L.Cohen discussing the building of the new offices of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: 17 April 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Davis and Emanuel, architects, London, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 17 April 1896, discussing the building of the new offices of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This letter is attached to page 150 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: Widegate Street | London ..SUBJ: Buildings | Offices

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p151 Page 151 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 151, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/445-6 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/445 Letter from A.L.Birnstingl to Morris Stephany informing of the resignation of Charles Samuel and the election of Lionel Lucas as chairman of the committee for conducting the workrooms ..DATE: 14 April 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.L.Birnstingl, honorary secretary of the committee for conducting the workrooms of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 April 1896, informing of the resignation of Charles Samuel and the election of Lionel Lucas as chairman of the committee for conducting the workrooms. This letter is attached to page 151 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Birnstingl | A L | honorary secretary of the Committee for conducting the workrooms of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Committee for conducting the workrooms ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/446 Letter from Samuel E.Samuel to Michael A.Green enclosing a cheque for £20.2.0 ..DATE: 4 May 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Samuel E.Samuel, honorary secretary of the East London Jewish Communal League, to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 4 May 1896, enclosing a cheque for £20.2.0 collected by members of the East London Jewish Communal League on behalf of the Board. This letter is attached to page 151 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Samuel | Samuel E | honorary secretary of the East London Jewish Communal League Green | Michael A | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894- ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor East London Jewish Communal League ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p152 Page 152 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 152, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/447 is placed on top of the page. MS173/1/11/2/448-50 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/447 Letter from Sophia Rubinstein to Morris Stephany requesting whether a place can be found in the new office of the Board for an oil painting of the late Moses Montefiore ..DATE: 9 April 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Sophia Rubinstein to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 April 1896, requesting whether a place can be found in the new office of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor for an oil painting of the late Moses Montefiore. This letter is placed on top of page 152 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Montefiore | Sir | Moses | 1784-1885 | first Baronet | stockbroker and philanthropist ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Buildings Offices Gifts

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/448 Letter from Sophia Rubinstein to Morris Stephany stating that she will send a portrait of the late Moses Montefiore to the head office of the Board ..DATE: 12 April 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Sophia Rubinstein to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 April 1896, stating that she will send a portrait of the late Moses Montefiore to the head office of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This letter is attached to page 152 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Montefiore | Sir | Moses | 1784-1885 | first Baronet | stockbroker and philanthropist ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Buildings Offices Gifts

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/449 Letter from Sophia Rubinstein to Morris Stephany sending a portrait of late Moses Montefiore ..DATE: 17 April 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Sophia Rubinstein to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 17 April 1896, sending a portrait of late Moses Montefiore and requesting notification once it has been placed. This letter is attached to page 152 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Montefiore | Sir | Moses | 1784-1885 | first Baronet | stockbroker and philanthropist ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Buildings Offices Gifts

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/450 Letter from A.Melinski to Morris Stephany informing of the sentencing of Zaretsky ..DATE: 15 April 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.Melinski, Turkish Tobacco Importer, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 15 April 1896, informing of the sentencing of Zaretsky. This letter is attached to page 152 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Zaretsky | family | fl 1896 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Crime

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p153 Page 153 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 153, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/451-2 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/451 Letter from Eliza Davis to Michael A.Green enclosing a cheque for £150 ..DATE: 6 May 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Eliza Davis to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 6 May 1896, enclosing a cheque for £150 bequeathed under the provisions of the will of her late husband James P.Davis. This letter is attached to page 153 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | Michael A | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894- ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/452 Letter from Edwin Davey to Morris Stephany discussing the transfer of Lawrence and Ethel Jones to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum ..DATE: 8 May 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Edwin Davey, clerk of the Guardians of the Poor of the Parish of St Mary, Islington, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 8 May 1896, discussing the transfer of Lawrence and Ethel Jones to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum and asking what has become of Hyamson. This letter is attached to page 153 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Davey | Edwin | clerk of the Guardians of the Poor of the Parish of St Mary, Islington Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Jones | Ethel | fl 1896 Jones | Lawrence | fl 1896 Hyamson | Ethel Victoria | fl 1895-96 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood St John’s Road Workhouse | Islington ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p154 Page 154 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 154, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/453-4 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/453 Letter from B.Berliner to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £30 ..DATE: 21 May 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from B.Berliner to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 21 May 1896, enclosing a cheque for £30 being the bequest of the late David Löwenheim of Hamburg. This letter is attached to page 154 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/454 Letter from Henry D.Benjamin to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £55 ..DATE: 1 June 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Henry D.Benjamin to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 June 1896, enclosing a cheque for £55 on behalf of the family of the late David Benjamin and to be invested in augmentation of the apprenticing fund. This letter is attached to page 154 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p155 Page 155 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 155, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/455-6 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/455 Letter from Michael A.Green to Benjamin L.Cohen thanking members of the Board for their condolences on the death of his mother ..DATE: 11 June 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 June 1896, offering thanks to members of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor for their condolences on the death of his mother. This letter is attached to page 155 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Green | Michael A | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894- ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/456 Letter from Morris A.Solomon to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor tendering his resignation as investigating officer of the Board ..DATE: 13 July 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Morris A.Solomon, investigating officer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 July 1896, tendering his resignation as investigating officer of the Board. This letter is attached to page 155 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Solomon | Morris A | investigating officer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel ..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p156 Page 156 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 156, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/457-9 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/457 Letter from Morris Stephany to Benjamin L.Cohen applying for an increase of salary ..DATE: 3 July 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 3 July 1896, applying for an increase of salary. This letter is attached to page 156 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/458 Letter from J.Jacobs to Morris Stephany applying for a position with the Board in response to an advertisement in the Jewish Chronicle ..DATE: July 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.Jacobs to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, July 1896, applying for a position with the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor in response to an advertisement in the Jewish Chronicle. This letter is attached to page 156 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jewish Chronicle ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/459 Reference for Joseph Jacobs from the Central Foundation School, London ..DATE: 19 January 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Reference for Joseph Jacobs from R.Wormell, Headmaster of the Central Foundation School, London, 19 January 1896. This letter is attached to page 156 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Central Foundation School | London ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p157 Page 157 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 157, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/460 is placed on top of the page. MS173/1/11/2/461-3 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/460 Notice from M.Salaman and Company to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £300 ..DATE: 23 June 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Notice from M.Salaman and Company to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 23 June 1896, enclosing a cheque for £300 being the legacy of the late Myer Salaman together with a donation from Mrs.Salaman in memory of her husband. This letter is placed on top of page 157 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/461 Letter from M.Salaman and Company to Morris Stephany requesting an alteration be made to the receipt of the sum sent as a donation from Mrs.Salaman ..DATE: 29 June 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.Salaman and Company to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 29 June 1896, requesting an alteration be made to the receipt of the sum sent as a donation from Mrs.Salaman. This letter is attached to page 157 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/462 Letter from E.Salaman to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £50 ..DATE: 3 July 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from E.Salaman to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 3 July 1896, enclosing a cheque for £50 to be invested in memory of their late father. This letter is attached to page 157 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/463 Letter from Sarah Franklin to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £50 ..DATE: 2 July 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Sarah Franklin to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 2 July 1896, enclosing a cheque for £50 in memory of her late brother A.Henry Franklin. This letter is attached to page 157 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p158 Page 158 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 158, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/464 and MS173/1/11/2/466 are attached to the page. MS173/1/11/2/465 is placed on top of the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/464 Letter from Leopold Lucas to Morris Stephany informing of his regret at having to give up his work with the Board ..DATE: 17 June 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Leopold Lucas to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 17 June 1896, informing of his regret at having to give up his work with the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This letter is attached to page 158 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/465 Letter from Leopold Lucas to Michael A.Green offering thanks and expressing his wish that he could have done more for the Board ..DATE: 23 June 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Leopold Lucas to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 23 June 1896, offering thanks and expressing his wish that he could have done more for the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This letter is placed on top of page 158 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | Michael A | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894- ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/466 Letter from Samuel L.Cohen to Benjamin L.Cohen enclosing a cheque for £341.5.5 ..DATE: 16 June 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Samuel L.Cohen, secretary of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 16 June 1896, enclosing a cheque for £341.5.5 payable to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor from the bequest of the late Sir Moses Montefiore for the distribution of coals and blankets. This letter is attached to page 158 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Cohen | Samuel L | secretary of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue Sir Moses Montefiore for Coals and Blankets ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Gifts Relief supplies

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p159 Page 159 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 159, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/467-8 and MS173/1/11/2/471 are attached to the page. MS173/1/11/2/469-70 are placed on top of the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/467 Letter from L.Jacob to Michael A.Green offering thanks to the Board for their sympathies in the family’s great trouble ..DATE: 26 July 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from L.Jacob to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 26 July 1896, offering thanks to the Board for their sympathies in the family’s great trouble. This letter is attached to page 159 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | Michael A | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894- ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/468 Letter from Davis and Emmanuel to Benjamin L.Cohen providing a copy of a letter from Jones Lang and Company discussing the letting of a site at Widegate Street ..DATE: 23 July 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Davis and Emmanuel, architects, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 23 July 1896, providing a copy of a letter from Jones Lang and Company, land agents, discussing the letting of a site at Widegate Street. This letter is attached to page 159 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: Widegate Street | London ..SUBJ: Buildings | Offices

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/469 Letter from Davis and Emmanuel to Morris Stephany authorising possession of vacant land adjoining the premises of the Board ..DATE: 28 August 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Davis and Emmanuel, architects, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 28 August 1896, authorising possession of vacant land adjoining the premises of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This letter is placed on top of page 159 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: Widegate Street | London ..SUBJ: Buildings | Offices

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/470 Letter from Lionel Jacob to Benjamin L.Cohen informing of his resignation as honorary auditor of the Board ..DATE: 23 August 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Lionel Jacob, honorary auditor of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 23 September 1896, informing of his resignation as honorary auditor of the Board. This letter is placed on top of page 159 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Jacob | Lionel | honorary auditor of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/471 Letter from Lionel Jacob to Benjamin L.Cohen discussing his resignation as honorary auditor of the Board ..DATE: 30 September 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Lionel Jacob, honorary auditor of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 30 September 1896, discussing his resignation as honorary auditor of the Board. This letter is attached to page 159 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Jacob | Lionel | honorary auditor of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p160 Page 160 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 160, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/472-4 are placed on top of the page. MS173/1/11/2/475 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/472 Letter from Davis and Emmanuel to G.B.Willis informing of the Board’s willingness to continue his tenancy of the ground floor and basement of the house on Devonshire Square ..DATE: 7 August 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Davis and Emmanuel, architects, to G.B.Willis, 7 August 1896, informing of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor’s willingness to continue his tenancy of the ground floor and basement of the house on Devonshire Square. Details of payments are outlined. This letter is placed on top of page 160 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: Devonshire Square | London ..SUBJ: Buildings | Residential buildings

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/473 Paper listing letters sent to A.E.Sydney ..DATE: August 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper listing letters sent to A.E.Sydney, August 1896. This paper is placed on top of page 160 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Sydney | Algernon E | honorary solicitor of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1859- ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/474 Letter from [S.Williams] to Davis and Emmanuel confirming rent and enclosing payment relating to properties on Devonshire Square ..DATE: 10 August 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from [S.Williams] to Davis and Emmanuel, architects, London, 10 August 1896, confirming rent and enclosing payment relating to properties on Devonshire Square. This paper is placed on top of page 160 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Buildings Offices

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/475 Letter from Davis and Emmanuel to Morris Stephany enclosing a letter from [Ramson] and Williams indicating that the matter regarding 14 Devonshire Square is complete ..DATE: 12 August 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Davis and Emmanuel, architects, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 August 1896, enclosing a letter from [Ramson] and Williams indicating that the matter regarding 14 Devonshire Square is complete. This paper is attached to page 160 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: Devonshire Square | London ..SUBJ: Buildings | Offices

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p161 Page 161 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 161, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/476-8/2 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/476 Letter from Esther Myers to Morris Stephany sending an inkstand for use in the new office ..DATE: 21 July 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Esther Myers to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 21 July 1896, sending an inkstand for use in the new office. This paper is attached to page 161 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: Widegate Street | London ..SUBJ: Buildings | Offices

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/477 Letter from Laurence Bloomfield to Morris Stephany resigning his position as collector of the Board ..DATE: 30 September 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Laurence Bloomfield, collector of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 30 September 1896, resigning his position as collector of the Board. This paper is attached to page 161 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Bloomfield | Laurence | collector of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/478/1 Letter from I.A.Isaacs to Morris Stephany informing that the Boarding- out Committee is now properly constituted ..DATE: 25 June 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from I.A.Isaacs, clerk of the Boarding-out Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 25 June 1896, informing that the Boarding-out Committee is now properly constituted and consists of D.A.Garson, president, I.A.Isaacs, honorary secretary, A.M.L.Langdon, and Mrs.Langdon. This paper is attached to page 161 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Isaacs | I A | honorary secretary of the Boarding-out Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Boarding-out Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Administration Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/478/2 Letter from I.A.Isaacs to Morris Stephany requesting a letter indemnifying the Board and the Boarding-out Committee for expenses incurred in boarding- out pauper children from the Whitechapel Union ..DATE: 6 September 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from I.A.Isaacs, honorary secretary of the Boarding-out Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 6 September 1896, requesting a letter indemnifying the Board and the Boarding-out Committee for expenses incurred in boarding- out pauper children from the Whitechapel Union. This paper is attached to page 161 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Isaacs | I A | honorary secretary of the Boarding-out Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Boarding-out Committee Whitechapel Union ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Administration Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p162 Page 162 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 162, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/479 is placed on the page. MS173/1/11/2/480-2 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/479 Agreement between the Boarding-out Committee and the Board of Guardians of the Whitechapel Union outlining the Committee’s commitment to finding homes and foster-parents for children sent to them by the Whitechapel Union ..DATE: June 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Agreement between the Boarding-out Committee and the Board of Guardians of the Whitechapel Union, June 1896, outlining the Committee’s commitment to finding homes and foster-parents for children sent to them by the Whitechapel Union. This paper is placed on top of page 162 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Boarding-out Committee Whitechapel Union Whitechapel Union | Board of Guardians ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Administration Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/480 Letter from L.Jacob to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £35 ..DATE: 1 September 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from L.Jacob to Morris Stephany, the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 September 1896, enclosing a cheque for £35 donated to the Board in memory of their father. This paper is attached to page 162 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/481 Letter from C.Franklin to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £10 ..DATE: 3 September 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from C.Franklin to Morris Stephany, the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 3 September 1896, enclosing a cheque for £10 donated to the Board in memory of their father, Edward Jacob. This paper is attached to page 162 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/482 Letter from Edward Cohen to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for 50 guineas ..DATE: 11 August 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Edward Cohen to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 August 1896, enclosing a cheque for 50 guineas donated on behalf of Mrs.Albert Cohen in memory of her late husband. This paper is attached to page 162 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p163 Page 163 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 163, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/483 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/483 Letter from N.Leven to Benjamin L.Cohen informing that the Jewish Colonization Association can only promote the emigrating of Jews out of countries where they are subject to political or other disabilities ..DATE: October 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from N.Leven, President of the Jewish Colonization Association, Paris, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, October 1896, informing that the Jewish Colonization Association can only promote the emigrating of Jews out of countries where they are subject to political or other disabilities. This paper is attached to page 163 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Leven | N | President of the Jewish Colonization Association ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jewish Colonization Association | Paris ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Emigration | Jewish Refugees | Jewish

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p164 Page 164 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 164, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/484 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/484 Report of the Almshouses Committee recommending the acceptance by the Board the amended scheme for taking over the A.L.Moses Almshouses ..DATE: 2 November 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Report of the Almshouses Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 2 November 1896, recommending the acceptance by the Board the amended scheme for taking over the A.L.Moses Almshouses. This paper is attached to page 164 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Almshouses Committee Moses and Solomon Almshouses ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Administration Almshouses

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p165 Page 165 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 165, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/485-6 are attached to the page. MS173/1/11/2/487-8A are placed on top of the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/485 Letter from I.Abrahams to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor resigning his post at the Board ..DATE: 21 October 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from I.Abrahams to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 21 October 1896, resigning his post at the Board. This paper is attached to page 165 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/486 Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany discussing the admission of Judah and Isaac Nissenblatt to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum ..DATE: 22 October 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 22 October 1896, discussing the admission of Judah Nissenblatt to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum under the provisions of the pauper removal act and the fact that his elder brother, Isaac, cannot be admitted because he is too old. This paper is attached to page 165 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | M J | secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Nissenblatt | Isaac | fl 1896 Nissenblatt | Judah | fl 1896 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/487 Letter from William Thacker to Morris Stephany informing that the application on behalf of Judah Nissenblatt should be made to the Board of Guardians of the Parish of St George in the East ..DATE: 4 November 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from William Thacker, clerk of the Mile End Old Town Board of Guardians, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 4 November 1896, informing that the application on behalf of Judah Nissenblatt should be made to the Board of Guardians of the Parish of St George in the East. This paper is placed on top of page 165 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Thacker | William | clerk of the Mile End Old Town Board of Guardians Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Nissenblatt | Judah | fl 1896 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Parish of St George in the East | Board of Guardians Mile End Old Town Board of Guardians ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/488A Paper detailing the Nissenblatt children ..DATE: 1 November 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing the Nissenblatt children, 7 October 1896, listing Rachel, Samuel, Sarah, Mark, Isaac, and Judah as the names of the children. The paper gives an address in Mile End and states that the father, Moses, died in July 1896, the mother, Annie, died 8 years ago, and the stepmother recently left the children. This paper is placed on top of page 165 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Nissenblatt | Annie | d 1888 Nissenblatt | Isaac | fl 1896 Nissenblatt | Judah | fl 1896 Nissenblatt | Mark | fl 1896 Nissenblatt | Moses | d 1896 Nissenblatt | Samuel | fl 1896 Nissenblatt | Sarah | fl 1896 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p166 Page 166 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 166, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/488B-96D are placed on top of the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/488B Letter from W.H.Hamilton to Morris Stephany informing that a Jewish girl named Anna Belinna is at the Leytonstone Schools ..DATE: 22 October 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from W.H.Hamilton, chief assistant clerk to the Board of Guardians of the Parish of St Matthew, Bethnal Green, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 22 October 1896, informing that a Jewish girl named Anna Belinna, chargeable to the Parish of St Matthew, is at the Leytonstone Schools. This paper is placed on top of page 166 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Hamilton | W H | chief assistant clerk to the Board of Guardians of the Parish of St Matthew, Bethnal Green Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Belinna | Anna | fl 1896 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Bethnal Green Poor Law Union Bethnal Green School for the Juvenile Poor | Leytonstone ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans Schools

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/489 Report on the child Belina ..DATE: 26 October 1896 ..EXT: Two papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Report on the child Belina [Belinna] by A.Hickson, 26 October 1896. The mother is dead and father’s whereabouts is unknown. The report indicates that she spent at the Bethnal Green Workhouse and Leytonstone School and expresses concern over her being brought up outside the Jewish faith. This paper is placed on top of page 166 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Belinna | Anna | fl 1896 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Bethnal Green Poor Law Union Bethnal Green School for the Juvenile Poor | Leytonstone ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans Schools

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/490 Letter from W.H.Hamilton to B.Berliner informing that a Jewish girl named Anna Belinna is at the Leytonstone Schools ..DATE: 22 October 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Copy of a letter from W.H.Hamilton, chief assistant clerk to the Board of Guardians of the Parish of St.Matthew, Bethnal Green, to B.Berliner, member of the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue, 22 October 1896, informing that a Jewish girl named Anna Belinna, chargeable to the Parish of St.Matthew, is at the Leytonstone Schools. This paper is placed on top of page 166 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Hamilton | W H | chief assistant clerk to the Board of Guardians of the Parish of St Matthew, Bethnal Green Berliner | B | member of the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue Belinna | Anna | fl 1896 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Bethnal Green Poor Law Union Bethnal Green School for the Juvenile Poor | Leytonstone United Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans Schools

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/491 Letter from P.Ornstien to Morris Stephany forwarding remarks from a creed register on a deserted Jewish child at the Bethnal Green Schools, Leytonstone ..DATE: 26 October 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from P.Ornstien, secretary of the United Synagogue, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 26 October 1896, forwarding remarks from a creed register on a deserted Jewish child [Belinna] at the Bethnal Green Schools, Leytonstone. This paper is placed on top of page 166 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: Ornstein | P | secretary of the United Synagogue Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Belinna | Anna | fl 1896 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Bethnal Green Poor Law Union Bethnal Green School for the Juvenile Poor | Leytonstone United Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans Schools

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/492 Memo by Michael A.Green detailing the inaction of Reverend B.Berliner in connection with a Jewish child brought up in workhouse schools outside the influence of the Jewish faith ..DATE: 8 November 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Memo by Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 8 November 1896, detailing the inaction of Reverend B.Berliner, a member of the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue, in connection with a Jewish child [Belinna] brought up in workhouse schools outside the influence of the Jewish faith. This paper is placed on top of page 166 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | Michael A | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894- Berliner | B | member of the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue Belinna | Anna | fl 1896 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Bethnal Green Poor Law Union Bethnal Green School for the Juvenile Poor | Leytonstone United Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans Schools

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/493/1 Letter from B.Berliner to Morris Stephany informing of his action taken regarding the case of Anna Bellina ..DATE: 28 October 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from B.Berliner, member of the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 28 October 1896, informing of his action taken regarding the case of Anna Bellina [Belinna] and outlining particulars. This paper is placed on top of page 166 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Berliner | B | member of the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Belinna | Anna | fl 1896 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Bethnal Green Poor Law Union Bethnal Green School for the Juvenile Poor | Leytonstone United Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans Schools

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/493/2 Letter from B.Berliner to Morris Stephany discussing Jewish religious influence in the case of Anna Bellinna ..DATE: 29 October 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from B.Berliner, member of the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue , to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 29 October 1896, discussing Jewish religious influence in the case of Anna Bellinna [Belinna]. This paper is placed on top of page 166 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Berliner | B | member of the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Belinna | Anna | fl 1896 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Bethnal Green Poor Law Union Bethnal Green School for the Juvenile Poor | Leytonstone United Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans Schools

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/494 Letter from P.Ornstien to Morris Stephany discussing Jewish religious influence in the case of Anna Belinna ..DATE: 6 November 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from P.Ornstien, secretary of the Office of the Council of the United Synagogue, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 6 November 1896, discussing Jewish religious influence in the case of Anna Belinna, with reference to Reverend B.Berliner’s letter to Louis Davidson, Chairman of the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue. This paper is placed on top of page 166 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Ornstein | P | secretary of the United Synagogue Davidson | Louis | Chairman of the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue Berliner | B | member of the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue Belinna | Anna | fl 1896 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Bethnal Green Poor Law Union Bethnal Green School for the Juvenile Poor | Leytonstone United Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans Schools

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/495 Correspondence between P.Ornstien, Reverend B.Berliner and L.Davidson discussing Jewish religious influence in the case of Anna Bellinna ..DATE: 30 October - 4 November 1896 ..EXT: Four papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Copy of correspondence between P.Ornstien, secretary of the Office of the Council of the United Synagogue, Reverend B.Berliner, member of the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue, and L.Davidson, Chairman of the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue, 30 October - 4 November 1896, consisting of four letters discussing Jewish religious influence in the case of Anna Bellinna [Belinna] and action taken by Reverend B.Berliner in connection with the case. This paper is placed on top of page 166 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Ornstein | P | secretary of the United Synagogue Davidson | Louis | Chairman of the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue Berliner | B | member of the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue Belinna | Anna | fl 1896 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Bethnal Green Poor Law Union Bethnal Green School for the Juvenile Poor | Leytonstone United Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans Schools

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/496A Letter from P.Ornstien to Morris Stephany subjoining a copy of a report relating to the case of Anna Bellinna ..DATE: 9 November 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from P.Ornstien, secretary of the Office of the Council of the United Synagogue, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 November 1896, subjoining a copy of a report from B.Berliner relating to the case of Anna Bellinna [Belinna], with reference to the mother having died at Bethnal Green Workhouse. This letter is placed on top of page 166 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Ornstein | P | secretary of the United Synagogue Berliner | B | member of the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue Belinna | Anna | fl 1896 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Bethnal Green Poor Law Union Bethnal Green School for the Juvenile Poor | Leytonstone United Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans Schools

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/496B Letter from W.H.Hamilton to Morris Stephany sending the result of a search conducted in relation to the case of Bellina or Berlinda ..DATE: 9 November 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from W.H.Hamilton, chief assistant clerk to the Board of Guardians of the Parish of St.Matthew, Bethnal Green, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 November 1896, sending the result of a search conducted in relation to Bellina [Belinna] or Berlinda, stating that nothing has been heard since 1890. This letter is placed on top of page 166 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Hamilton | W H | chief assistant clerk to the Board of Guardians of the Parish of St Matthew, Bethnal Green Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Belinna | Anna | fl 1896 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Bethnal Green Poor Law Union Bethnal Green School for the Juvenile Poor | Leytonstone United Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans Schools

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/496C Paper detailing Annie and Amelia Bellina ..DATE: November 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing Annie and Amelia Bellina [Belinna], November 1896, listed as being born in 1859 and 1889 respectively. This letter is placed on top of page 166 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Belinna | Amelia | fl 1896 Belinna | Anna | fl 1896 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Bethnal Green Poor Law Union Bethnal Green School for the Juvenile Poor | Leytonstone United Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans Schools

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/496D Telegram from Samuel to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor stating no woman named Bellina Rachel Bellisky at Colney Hatch now ..DATE: November 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Telegraph from Samuel, Maida Hill, to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, November 1896, stating no woman named Bellina Rachel Bellisky at Colney Hatch [Lunatic Asylum] now. This letter is placed on top of page 166 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Belinna | Amelia | fl 1896 Belinna | Anna | fl 1896 Bellina | Rachel | fl 1896 Bellisky | Rachel | fl 1896 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Bethnal Green Poor Law Union Bethnal Green School for the Juvenile Poor | Leytonstone United Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans Schools

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p167 Page 167 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 167, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/497-501 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/497 Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany discussing the transfer of Sarah and Dora Franks from the Mile End Union to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum ..DATE: 1 December 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 December 1896, discussing the transfer of Sarah and Dora Franks from the Mile End Union to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum and requesting the necessary steps be taken by the Board. This letter is attached to page 167 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | M J | secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Franks | Dora | fl 1896 Franks | Sarah | fl 1896 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood Mile End Old Town Workhouse Mile End Old Town Poor Law Union ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/498 Letter from Sidney I.Abrahams to Morris Stephany responding to an advertisement for the position of cashier of the Board ..DATE: 30 October 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Sidney I.Abrahams to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 30 October 1896, responding to an advertisement in the Jewish Chronicle for the position of cashier of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This letter is attached to page 167 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/499 Letter from the secretary of the Guarantee Society to Morris Stephany responding to a request regarding I.Abrahams ..DATE: 10 December 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from the secretary of the Guarantee Society to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 10 December 1896, responding to a request regarding I.Abrahams stating that it shall have attention in due course. This letter is attached to page 167 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/500 Letter from Alfred Isaacs to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £5.5.0 ..DATE: 3 December 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Alfred Isaacs to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 3 December 1896, enclosing a cheque for £5.5.0 being the legacy left to the Board by the will of the late Barnard Isaacs. This letter is attached to page 167 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/501 Letter from the Hackney Furnishing Company to Morris Stephany providing a reference for Sidney I.Abrahams ..DATE: 12 November 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from the Hackney Furnishing Company to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 November 1896, providing a reference for Sidney I.Abrahams. This letter is attached to page 167 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p168 Page 168 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 168, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/502-5 are placed on top of the page. MS173/1/11/2/506-7 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/502 Letter from Michael A.Green to Reverend M.Hyamson enclosing and discussing a report by the Executive Committee providing recommendations for the proposed Jewish free dispensary ..DATE: 15 December 1896 ..EXT: Two papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Copy of a letter from Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Reverend M.Hyamson, member of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor and proposed honorary secretary of the Jewish Free Dispensary, 15 December 1896, enclosing and discussing a report by the Executive Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor providing recommendations for the proposed Jewish free dispensary. This letter is placed on top of page 168 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | Michael A | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894- Hyamson | M | member of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Visiting Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Health Medicine Medical institutions | Dispensaries Poor relief

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/503 Letter from M.Hyamson to Michael A.Green conveying his appreciation of the courtesy of the Board and discussing the arrangement of a conference ..DATE: 18 December 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.Hyamson, member of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 18 December 1896, conveying his appreciation of the courtesy of the Board and discussing the arrangement of a conference. This letter is placed on top of page 168 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | Michael A | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894- Hyamson | M | member of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Visiting Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Health Medicine Medical institutions | Dispensaries Poor relief

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/504 Letter from M.Hyamson to Benjamin L.Cohen outlining the aim of the promoters of the Jewish dispensary to provide medical relief to the Jewish sick poor ..DATE: 30 November 1896 ..EXT: Four papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.Hyamson, honorary secretary of the Jewish Dispensary, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 30 November 1896, outlining the aim of the promoters of the Jewish Dispensary to provide medical relief to the Jewish sick poor. This letter is placed on top of page 168 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Hyamson | M | member of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Visiting Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Health Medicine Medical institutions | Dispensaries Poor relief

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/505 Report of the Executive Committee on the proposed free dispensary for the Jewish poor ..DATE: 30 November 1896 ..EXT: Six pages ..ADMN: ..CONT: Report of the Executive Committee on the proposed free dispensary for the Jewish poor by Benjamin L.Cohen, chairman of the Executive Committe of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 30 November 1896. This paper is placed on top of page 168 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Executive Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Health Medicine Medical institutions | Dispensaries Poor relief

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/506 Letter from M.Hyamson to Morris Stephany enclosing a letter embodying the views of the deputation that called on the Board regarding the proposed Jewish dispensary ..DATE: 30 November 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.Hyamson, honorary secretary of the Jewish dispensary, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 30 November 1896, enclosing a letter embodying the views of the deputation that called on the Board regarding the proposed Jewish dispensary. This paper is attached to page 168 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/507 Letter from M.Hyamson to Morris Stephany discussing the reasoning for his forwarding the views of the committee of the proposed Jewish Dispensary ..DATE: 3 December 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.Hyamson, honorary secretary of the Jewish Dispensary, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 3 December 1896, discussing the reasoning for his forwarding the views of the committee of the proposed Jewish Dispensary. This paper is attached to page 168 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Hyamson | M | member of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Visiting Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Health Medicine Medical institutions | Dispensaries Poor relief

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p169 Page 169 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 169, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/508-11 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/508 Letter from Benjamin L.Cohen to Alfred L.Cohen requesting financial assistance from the Jewish Colonization Association to help in aiding families of Russian Jews on slender subsistence to emigrate to Australia or South Africa ..DATE: 10 December 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Copy of a letter from Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Alfred L.Cohen, 10 December 1896, requesting financial assistance from the Jewish Colonization Association to help in aiding families of Russian Jews on slender subsistence to emigrate to Australia or South Africa. This paper is attached to page 169 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jewish Colonization Association | Paris ..PLAC: Australia South Africa ..SUBJ: Jews | Russian Emigration | Jewish Grants Poor relief

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/509 Letter from N.Leven to Benjamin L.Cohen enclosing a cheque for £500 to help in aiding families of Russian Jews on slender subsistence to emigrate to Australia or South Africa ..DATE: 14 December 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Copy of a letter from N.Leven, President of the Jewish Colonization Association, Paris, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 December 1896, enclosing a cheque for £500 to help in aiding families of Russian Jews on slender subsistence to emigrate to Australia or South Africa. This paper is attached to page 169 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Leven | N | President of the Jewish Colonization Association ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jewish Colonization Association | Paris ..PLAC: Australia South Africa ..SUBJ: Jews | Russian Emigration | Jewish Grants Poor relief

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/510 Letter from Morris Stephany to the Jewish Colonization Association conveying the gratitude of the Board on receiving financial assistance from the Jewish Colonization Association to help in aiding families of Russian Jews on slender subsistence to emigrate to Australia or South Africa ..DATE: 17 December 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Copy of a letter from Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to the Jewish Colonization Association, 17 December 1896, conveying the gratitude of the Board on receiving financial assistance from the Jewish Colonization Association to help in aiding families of Russian Jews on slender subsistence to emigrate to Australia or South Africa. The letter also discusses the provision of reports on the particulars of cases. This paper is attached to page 169 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jewish Colonization Association | Paris ..PLAC: Australia South Africa ..SUBJ: Jews | Russian Emigration | Jewish Grants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/511 Paper detailing the account of the Jewish Colonization Association listing cases of families of Russian Jews who have emigrated to Australia or South Africa ..DATE: 8 February 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing the account of the Jewish Colonization Association, 8 February 1897, listing cases of families of Russian Jews who have emigrated to Australia or South Africa together with associated costs. This paper is attached to page 169 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jewish Colonization Association | Paris ..PLAC: Australia South Africa ..SUBJ: Jews | Russian Emigration | Jewish Grants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p170 Page 170 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 170, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/512-5 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/512 Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany discussing the admission of Fanny Greenberg to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum ..DATE: 8 January 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 8 January 1897, discussing the admission of Fanny Greenberg to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum. This paper is attached to page 170 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | M J | secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Greenberg | Fanny | fl 1896-1897 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/513 Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany discussing the admission of Louis and Benjamin Bernstein to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum ..DATE: 18 December 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 18 December 1896, discussing the admission of Louis and Benjamin Bernstein to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, Louis being admitted under the terms of the pauper removal act with the admission of Benjamin being deferred due to his tender age. This paper is attached to page 170 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | M J | secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Bernstein | Benjamin | fl 1896 Bernstein | Louis | fl 1896 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/514 Letter from David Sassoon and Company to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor sent with compliments of the executor’s of the will of the late Albert Sassoon ..DATE: 14 December 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from David Sassoon and Company to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 December 1896, sent with compliments of the executor’s of the will of the late Albert Sassoon. This paper is attached to page 170 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/515 Letter from Leslie Antill and Arnold to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor informing of the sum of £5 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Jane Elizabeth Newich ..DATE: 1 January 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Leslie Antill and Arnold, solicitors, to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 January 1897, informing of the sum of £5 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Jane Elizabeth Newich. This paper is attached to page 170 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p171 Page 171 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 171, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/516-20 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/516 Letter from I. and M.Cohen to Morris Stephany informing that they have instructed the delivery of one hundred pairs to blankets for distribution to the Board ..DATE: 21 December 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from I. and M.Cohen, importers of sponge and chamois leather dressers, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 21 December 1896, informing that they have instructed the delivery of one hundred pairs to blankets for distribution to the Board. This paper is attached to page 171 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/517 Letter from Bernard de Smith to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £10.10.0 ..DATE: 14 January 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Bernard de Smith, honorary secretary of the East End Bread, Meat and Coal Society, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 January 1897, enclosing a cheque for £10.10.0 on behalf of the president and committee of the East End Bread, Meat and Coal Society. This paper is attached to page 171 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/518 Letter from Mathilde Tuck to Morris Stephany enclosing ten additional grocery tickets ..DATE: January 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Mathilde Tuck, North London Grocery Relief Fund, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1897, enclosing ten additional grocery tickets. This paper is attached to page 171 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mrs Herman Tuck Grocery Relief Fund ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Gifts Food relief

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/519 Letter from Ernest Turner to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £25 ..DATE: 1 January 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Ernest Turner, clerk of the Aldgate Freedom Trust, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 January 1897, enclosing a cheque for £25 donated by the Aldgate Freedom Trust to be spent in relief of cases of emergency in the Portsoken Ward. This paper is attached to page 171 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Turner | Ernest | clerk of the Algate Freedom Foundation ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Aldgate Freedom Trust ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/520 Letter from J.M.Ansell to Morris Stephany informing of the election of a new member of the Loan Committee ..DATE: 13 January 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.M.Ansell, honorary secretary of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 January 1897, informing of the election of S.Lazarus as a new member of the Loan Committee. This paper is attached to page 171 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Ansell | J M | honorary secretary of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1903 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Loan Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p172 Page 172 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 172, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/521-35 are placed on top of the page. MS173/1/11/2/536 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/521 Letter from A.Franklin to Morris Stephany enclosing a deed of transfer for £100 stock ..DATE: 4 January 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.Franklin to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 4 January 1897, enclosing a deed of transfer for £100 stock donated to the Board on the occasion if the bar mitzvah of his eldest son. This paper is placed on top of page 172 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/522 Letter from Frederick William Crane to Morris Stephany notifying of the request by Levy Gehenreich to have his children sent to him in Paris ..DATE: 15 May 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Frederick William Crane, clerk and superintendent registrar of the Board of Guardians of the City of London Union, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 15 May 1896, notifying of the request by Levy Gehenreich [Gernreich] to have his children sent to him in Paris. This paper is placed on top of page 172 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Crane | Frederick William | clerk and superintendent registrar of the Board of Guardians of the City of London Union Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Gernreich | Annie | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Johanna | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Joseph | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Levy | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Paul | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Rose | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | family | fl 1896-1897 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor City of London Poor Law Union ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Migrants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/523 Paper citing Gehrenreich ..DATE: [May 1896] ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper citing the name Gehrenreich [Gernreich], [in connection with his request to have his children sent to him in Paris, May 1869]. This paper is placed on top of page 172 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Gernreich | Annie | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Johanna | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Joseph | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Levy | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Paul | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Rose | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | family | fl 1896-1897 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor City of London Poor Law Union ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Migrants

MS173/1/11/2/524 Letter and envelope from Levy Gernreich to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor [regarding his request to have his children sent to him in Paris] ..DATE: 10 February 1896 ..EXT: Two papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter and envelope from Levy Gernreich, Paris, to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 10 February 1896, [regarding his request to have his children sent to him in Paris]. This paper is placed on top of page 172 of the letter book. ..LANG: French ..INFO: The letter is inaccessible ..PER: Gernreich | Annie | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Johanna | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Joseph | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Levy | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Paul | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Rose | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | family | fl 1896-1897 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor City of London Poor Law Union ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Migrants

MS173/1/11/2/525 Letter from Levy Gernreich to the [City of London Poor Law Union] requesting three of five of his children be sent to him in Paris ..DATE: 17 February 1896 ..EXT: Two papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Levy Gernreich, Paris, to the [City of London Poor Law Union], 17 February 1896, requesting three of five of his children be sent to him in Paris This paper is placed on top of page 172 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Gernreich | Annie | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Johanna | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Joseph | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Levy | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Paul | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Rose | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | family | fl 1896-1897 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor City of London Poor Law Union ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Migrants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/526 Letter from Frederick William Crane to Morris Stephany informing of having received a letter from Levy Gernreich stating that it is time for him to get his wife and children to Paris ..DATE: 20 November 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Frederick William Crane, clerk and superintendent registrar of the Board of Guardians of the City of London Union, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 20 November 1896, informing of having received a letter from Levy Gernreich stating that it is time for him to get his wife and children to Paris. This paper is placed on top of page 172 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Crane | Frederick William | clerk and superintendent registrar of the Board of Guardians of the City of London Union Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Gernreich | Annie | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Johanna | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Joseph | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Levy | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Paul | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Rose | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | family | fl 1896-1897 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor City of London Poor Law Union ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Migrants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/527 Letter from Frederick William Crane to Morris Stephany enclosing a copy of Levy Gernreich’s letter and asking what the Board are prepared to do ..DATE: 23 November 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Frederick William Crane, clerk and superintendent registrar of the Board of Guardians of the City of London Union, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 23 November 1896, enclosing a copy of Levy Gernreich’s letter and asking what the Board are prepared to do. This paper is placed on top of page 172 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Crane | Frederick William | clerk and superintendent registrar of the Board of Guardians of the City of London Union Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Gernreich | Annie | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Johanna | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Joseph | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Levy | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Paul | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Rose | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | family | fl 1896-1897 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor City of London Poor Law Union ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Migrants

MS173/1/11/2/528 Letter from Levy Gernreich to the [City of London Poor Law Union] stating that he believes it is time for him to get his wife and children to Paris ..DATE: 22 October 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Levy Gernreich, Paris, to the [City of London Poor Law Union], 22 October 1896, stating that he believes it is time for him to get his wife and children to Paris. This paper is placed on top of page 172 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Gernreich | Annie | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Johanna | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Joseph | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Levy | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Paul | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Rose | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | family | fl 1896-1897 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor City of London Poor Law Union ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Migrants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/529 Letter from Frederick William Crane to Morris Stephany stating that directions have been given for suitable clothing to be provided for the Gernreich family ..DATE: 28 November 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Frederick William Crane, clerk and superintendent registrar of the Board of Guardians of the City of London Union, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 28 November 1896, stating that directions have been given for suitable clothing to be provided for the Gernreich family. This paper is placed on top of page 172 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Crane | Frederick William | clerk and superintendent registrar of the Board of Guardians of the City of London Union Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Gernreich | Annie | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Johanna | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Joseph | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Levy | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Paul | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Rose | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | family | fl 1896-1897 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor City of London Poor Law Union ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Migrants

MS173/1/11/2/530 Letter from Levy Gernreich to Morris Stephany informing that he is unable to pay for his wife and children to be sent to Paris ..DATE: 12 January 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Levy Gernreich, Paris, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 January 1897, informing that he is unable to pay for his wife and children to be sent to Paris in response to a post card from Hermann Adler, the Chief Rabbi. This paper is placed on top of page 172 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Adler | Hermann | 1839-1911 | Chief Rabbi of the British Empire, 1890-1911 Gernreich | Annie | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Johanna | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Joseph | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Levy | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Paul | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Rose | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | family | fl 1896-1897 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor City of London Poor Law Union ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Migrants

MS173/1/11/2/531 Post card from Hermann Adler to Levy Gernreich [requesting money be sent to pay for Gernreich’s family’s fair to Paris] ..DATE: 6 January 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Post card from Hermann Adler, office of the Chief Rabbi, London, to Levy Gernreich, Paris, 6 January 1897, [requesting money be sent to pay for Gernreich’s family’s fair to Paris]. This paper is placed on top of page 172 of the letter book. ..LANG: Hebrew Yiddish English ..INFO: ..PER: Adler | Hermann | 1839-1911 | Chief Rabbi of the British Empire, 1890-1911 Gernreich | Annie | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Johanna | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Joseph | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Levy | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Paul | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Rose | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | family | fl 1896-1897 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor City of London Poor Law Union ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Migrants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/532 Letter from Frederick William Crane to Morris Stephany notifying that the Guardians of the City of London Union are now in a position to hand the Gernreich family over to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: 8 January 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Frederick William Crane, clerk and superintendent registrar of the Board of Guardians of the City of London Union, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 January 1897, notifying that the Board of Guardians of the City of London Union are now in a position to hand the Gernreich family over to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This paper is placed on top of page 172 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Crane | Frederick William | clerk and superintendent registrar of the Board of Guardians of the City of London Union Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Gernreich | Annie | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Johanna | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Joseph | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Levy | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Paul | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Rose | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | family | fl 1896-1897 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor City of London Poor Law Union ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Migrants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/533 Post card from Levy Gernreich to Morris Stephany expressing his thanks to the Board for their kindness in helping to reunite his family ..DATE: 19 January 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Post card from Levy Gernreich, Paris, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 19 January 1897, expressing his thanks to the Board for their kindness in helping to reunite his family. This paper is placed on top of page 172 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Gernreich | Annie | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Johanna | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Joseph | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Levy | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Paul | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Rose | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | family | fl 1896-1897 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor City of London Poor Law Union ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Migrants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/534 Letter from Frederick William Crane to Morris Stephany stating the names and ages of the children of the Gehenreich family ..DATE: 18 January 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Frederick William Crane, clerk and superintendent registrar of the Board of Guardians of the City of London Union, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 January 1897, stating the names and ages of the children of the Gehenreich [Gernreich] family, Annie, Rose, Johanna, Joseph, Paul, and an infant. This paper is placed on top of page 172 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Crane | Frederick William | clerk and superintendent registrar of the Board of Guardians of the City of London Union Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Gernreich | Annie | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Johanna | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Joseph | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Levy | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Paul | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Rose | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | family | fl 1896-1897 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor City of London Poor Law Union ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Migrants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/535/1 Envelope addressed to Morris Stephany ..DATE: 28 January 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Envelope addressed to Morris Stephany, 27 January 1897, sent from Paris. The envelope belongs to letter MS173/1/11/2/535/2. This paper is placed on top of page 172 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Gernreich | Annie | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Johanna | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Joseph | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Levy | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Paul | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Rose | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | family | fl 1896-1897 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor City of London Poor Law Union ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Migrants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/535/2 Letter from Levy Gernreich to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor expressing his thanks for help in bringing his family together ..DATE: 28 January 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Levy Gernreich, Paris, to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 28 January 1897, expressing his thanks for help in bringing his family together. The envelope MS173/1/11/2/535/1 belongs this letter. This paper is placed on top of page 172 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Gernreich | Annie | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Johanna | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Joseph | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Levy | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Paul | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Rose | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | family | fl 1896-1897 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor City of London Poor Law Union ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Migrants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/536 Paper detailing Gernreich and children ..DATE: February 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing Gernreich and children, February 1897, stating that Mrs.[Gehenreich] and six children were sent to Paris on 20 January 1897 at the cost of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor with the woman and her youngest child returning to London on 8 February 1897. This paper is attached to page 172 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Gernreich | Annie | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Johanna | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Joseph | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Levy | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Paul | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | Rose | fl 1896-1897 Gernreich | family | fl 1896-1897 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: Paris | France ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p173 Page 173 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 173, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/537-40 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/537 Letter from B.Rygate to Morris Stephany discussing the receipt of a cheque for £10 ..DATE: 31 December 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from B.Rygate, Parish of St George in the East, to Morris Stephany, the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 31 December 1896, discussing the receipt of a cheque for £10. This paper is attached to page 173 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Parish of St George in the East ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/538 Letter from B.Rygate to Morris Stephany arranging a meeting to discussing a matter with the Board ..DATE: 27 January 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from B.Rygate, relief office and dispensary, 28 Cannon Street Road, St George’s, East, to Morris Stephany, the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 27 January 1897, arranging a meeting to discussing a matter with the Board. This paper is attached to page 173 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Saint George in the East Poor Law Union St George in the East Workhouse ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Administration

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/539 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the election of visiting guardians of apprentices ..DATE: 1 February 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 February 1897, informing of the election of Claude Beddington, E.Samuel, Albert Hess, S.Levy, Alfred Posener, M.Diman, I.Rirschbaum, J.Kossick, M.Grunebaum, J.Lichtenfeld, E.M.Simmons, A.Solomon, and M.Hast as visiting guardians of apprentices. This paper is attached to page 173 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Marcus | Herbert J | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1893-1904 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/540 Letter from George E.Nathan to Arthur E.Franklin notifying of his resignation from the Board ..DATE: 2 December 1896 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from George E.Nathan to Arthur E.Franklin, treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 2 December 1896, notifying of his resignation from the Board. This paper is attached to page 173 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p174 Page 174 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 174, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/541-3 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/541 Letter from Leonard L.Cohen to Arthur E.Franklin discussing the completion of the audit for the year ended ..DATE: 10 January 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Leonard L.Cohen, honorary auditor of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Arthur E.Franklin, treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 10 January 1897, discussing the completion of the audit for the year ended. This paper is attached to page 174 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Leonard L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1900-1920 Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/542 Letter from Leonard L.Cohen to Morris Stephany requesting a notice be made for the next meeting of the Board regarding the annual subvention of the United Synagogue ..DATE: 24 January 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Leonard L.Cohen, honorary auditor of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 24 January 1897 requesting a notice be made for the next meeting of the Board regarding the annual subvention of the United Synagogue to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This paper is attached to page 174 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Leonard L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1900-1920 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor United Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Grants ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/543 Letter from Frank I.Lyons to Morris Stephany notifying of his intention to move a resolution at the next meeting of the Board ..DATE: 24 January 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Frank I.Lyons, member of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 24 January 1897, notifying of his intention to move a resolution at the next meeting of the Board, with reference to the proposal of names for the committee. This paper is attached to page 174 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Visiting Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p175 Page 175 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 175, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p176 Page 176 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 176, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p177 Page 177 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 177, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/544-7 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/544 Letter from Maude Nathan to Morris Stephany accepting the post of sub- auditor to the Board ..DATE: 11 February 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Maude Nathan to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 February 1897, accepting the post of sub-auditor to the Board. This paper is attached to page 177 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/545 Letter from H.Sylvester Samuel to Benjamin L.Cohen tendering his resignation as a member of the Board ..DATE: 3 March 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.Sylvester Samuel, member of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 3 March 1897, tendering his resignation as a member of the Board. This paper is attached to page 177 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/546 Letter from J.M.Ansell to Morris Stephany sending a copy of a resolution of the Loan Committee to increase the salary of M.Salomons ..DATE: 27 January 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.M.Ansell, honorary secretary of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 27 January 1897, sending a copy of a resolution of the Loan Committee to increase the salary of M.Salomons, clerk of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This paper is attached to page 177 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Ansell | J M | honorary secretary of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1903 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Loan Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/547 Letter from B.Lionel Abrahams to Morris Stephany informing of the nomination of new members of the Visiting Committee ..DATE: 11 February 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from B.Lionel Abrahams, vice-chairman of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. 11 February 1897, informing of the nomination of Bernard Cohen, Ernest Lesser and W.Weber as new members of the Visiting Committee. This paper is attached to page 177 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Abrahams | Lionel B | vice-chairman of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Visiting Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p178 Page 178 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 178, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/548-9 are placed on top of the page. MS173/1/11/2/550-1 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/548 Translation of a letter from N.Leven to Benjamin L.Cohen thanking the Board for providing details regarding the use of £500 granted by the Jewish Colonization Association and enclosing a cheque for a further £500 ..DATE: 1 March 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: English translation of a letter from N.Leven, President of the Jewish Colonization Association, Paris, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 March 1897, thanking the Board for providing details regarding the use of £500 granted by the Jewish Colonization Association to assist the families of Russian Jews emigrating to new countries, and enclosing a cheque for a further £500. This paper is placed on top of page 178 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Leven | N | President of the Jewish Colonization Association Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jewish Colonization Association | Paris ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Jew | Russian Emigration | Jewish Poor relief Grants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/549 Letter from N.Leven to Benjamin L.Cohen thanking the Board for providing details regarding the use of £500 granted by the Jewish Colonization Association and enclosing a cheque for a further £500 ..DATE: 1 March 1897 ..EXT: Two papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from N.Leven, President of the Jewish Colonization Association, Paris, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 March 1897, thanking the Board for providing details regarding the use of £500 granted by the Jewish Colonization Association to assist the families of Russian Jews emigrating to new countries, and enclosing a cheque for a further £500. The letter is in French. This paper is placed on top of page 178 of the letter book. ..LANG: French ..INFO: ..PER: Leven | N | President of the Jewish Colonization Association Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jewish Colonization Association | Paris ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Jew | Russian Emigration | Jewish Poor relief Grants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/550 Letter from D.J.Sonnenfeld and T.Adler to Benjamin L.Cohen acknowledging receipt of letter and stating they will be glad to learn of the success of their joint action in helping families to emigrate ..DATE: 16 February 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from D.J.Sonnenfeld and T.Adler, members of the Jewish Colonization Association, Paris, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 16 February 1897, acknowledging receipt of letter and stating they will be glad to learn of the success of their joint action in helping families to emigrate. This paper is attached to page 178 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jewish Colonization Association | Paris ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Jew | Russian Emigration | Jewish Poor relief Grants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/551 Letter from M.Rein to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing £20 and offering gratitude to members of the Board for their support of his emigration ..DATE: 10 February 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.Rein, Philadelphia, to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 10 February 1897, enclosing £20 and offering gratitude to members of the Board for their support of his emigration. This paper is attached to page 178 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: Philadelphia | USA ..SUBJ: Donations Emigration | Jewish Poor relief

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p179 Page 179 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 179, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/552-5 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/552 Letter from [Millie] E.Lyons to Morris Stephany forwarding three hampers and other items from the Hampstead Synagogue for distribution ..DATE: 28 February 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from [Millie] E.Lyons to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 28 February 1897, forwarding three hampers and other items from the Hampstead Synagogue for distribution. This paper is attached to page 179 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Hampstead Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/553 Letter from Michael Abrahams, Son and Company to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £20 ..DATE: 26 February 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Michael Abrahams, Son and Company to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £20 donated to the Board under the will of the late Michael Abrahams. This paper is attached to page 179 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/554 Letter from A.Franklin to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a subscription from [Charles] Emanuel ..DATE: 5 March 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.Franklin to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 5 March 1897, enclosing a subscription from [Charles] Emanuel and noting his recommendation for Arthur P.Cohen as sub-auditor. This paper is attached to page 179 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/555 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the election of a new member of the Industrial Committee ..DATE: 11 February 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 February 1897, informing of the election of M.H.Hudson as a new member of the Industrial Committee. This paper is attached to page 179 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Marcus | Herbert J | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1893-1904 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p180 Page 180 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 180, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/556-9 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/556 Letter from M.Benjamin to Morris Stephany tendering his resignation from the Board ..DATE: 25 March 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.Benjamin to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 25 March 1897, tendering his resignation from the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This paper is attached to page 180 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/557 Letter from Walter E.Hogg to Morris Stephany applying for the position of caretaker with the Board ..DATE: 17 April 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Walter E.Hogg, Barracks of the Corps of Commissioners, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 17 April 1897, applying for the position of caretaker with the Board. This paper is attached to page 180 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/558 Letter from M.McNeill to Morris Stephany submitting a character reference for Walter E.Hogg ..DATE: 21 April 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.McNeill, Barracks of the Corps of Commissioners, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 21 April 1897, submitting a character reference for Walter E.Hogg. This paper is attached to page 180 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/559 Letter from Alex Macfarlane to Morris Stephany submitting a reference for Walter E.Hogg ..DATE: 28 April 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Alex Macfarlane, honorary secretary of the Beaconsfield Club, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 28 April 1897, submitting a reference for Walter E.Hogg. This paper is attached to page 180 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p181 Page 181 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 181, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/560-2 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/560 Letter from Daniel Marks to Morris Stephany requesting his name be removed from the list of those nominated to serve on the Board and enclosing a cheque for £210 ..DATE: 16 March 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Daniel Marks, member of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 16 March 1897, requesting his name be removed from the list of those nominated to serve on the Board and enclosing a cheque for £210 donated by himself and his firm, Marks, Bulteel, Mills and Company. This paper is attached to page 181 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/561 Letter from Daniel Marks to Benjamin L.Cohen discussing his resignation from the Board ..DATE: 19 March 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Daniel Marks, member of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 19 March 1897, discussing his resignation from the Board. This paper is attached to page 181 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/562 Letter from Charles Eckersdorf to Benjamin L.Cohen and members of the Board applying for an increase in salary ..DATE: 26 April 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Charles Eckersdorf, assistant clerk of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, and members of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 26 April 1897, applying for an increase in salary. This paper is attached to page 181 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p182 Page 182 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 182, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/563-70 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/563 Letter from Hebert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the appointment of Alfred B.Joseph as assistant clerk to the Industrial Committee ..DATE: 12 March 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Hebert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 March 1897, informing of the adoption of a resolution by the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor to have Alfred B.Joseph appointed as assistant clerk to the Committee. This paper is attached to page 182 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Marcus | Herbert J | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1893-1904 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/564 Letter from Hebert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany discussing the drawing up of a draft agreement regarding the appointment of Alfred B.Joseph as assistant clerk to the Industrial Committee ..DATE: 26 March 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Hebert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 26 March 1897, discussing the drawing up of a draft agreement regarding the appointment of Alfred B.Joseph as assistant clerk to the Industrial Committee. This paper is attached to page 182 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Marcus | Herbert J | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1893-1904 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/565 Letter from Hebert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany annexing a copy of a resolution adopted by the Industrial Committee to have Alfred B.Joseph appointed as assistant clerk to the Committee ..DATE: 28 April 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Hebert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 28 April 1897, annexing a copy of a resolution adopted by the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor to have Alfred B.Joseph appointed as assistant clerk to the Committee. This paper is attached to page 182 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Marcus | Herbert J | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1893-1904 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/566 Letter from Stephen S.Hyam to Morris Stephany trusting that the resolution regarding the appointment of Alfred B.Joseph as assistant clerk to the Industrial Committee will be confirmed at the next meeting of the Board ..DATE: 6 May 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Stephen S.Hyam, chairman of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 6 May 1897, expressing regret that he will not be able to attend the next meeting of the Board but trusting that the resolution regarding the appointment of Alfred B.Joseph as assistant clerk to the Industrial Committee will be confirmed. This paper is attached to page 182 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Hyam | Stephen S | chairman of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1893-98 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/567 Letter from Tatham and Lousada to the treasurers of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £25 ..DATE: 8 March 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Tatham and Lousada, solicitors, to the treasurers of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 8 March 1897, enclosing a cheque for £25 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late David Mocatta. This paper is attached to page 182 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/568 Letter from Tatham and Lousada to the treasurers of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £25 ..DATE: 19 March 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Tatham and Lousada, solicitors, to the treasurers of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 19 March 1897, enclosing a cheque for £25 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Mrs.Ann Mocatta. This paper is attached to page 182 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 Rothschild | Leopold | de | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1879-1917 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/569 Letter from Hermann Adler to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £9 ..DATE: 1 April 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Hermann Adler, office of the Chief Rabbi, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 April 1897, enclosing a cheque for £9 being the legacy of the late Mr.Goldstein to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This paper is attached to page 182 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/570 Paper detailing the legacy of the late Alexander Isaacs to the sum of £9 ..DATE: April 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing the legacy of the late Alexander Isaacs to the sum of £9, April 1897. This paper is attached to page 182 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p183 Page 183 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 183, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/571-3 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/571 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the election of new visiting guardians of apprentices ..DATE: 15 April 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 15 April 1897, informing of the election of Charles Daltroff, George Heilbuth and Redcliffe Salomon as new visiting guardians of apprentices. This paper is attached to page 183 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Marcus | Herbert J | honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1893-1904 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Industrial Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/572 Letter from J.M.Ansell to Morris Stephany informing of the election of S.Samuel as a member of the Loan Committee ..DATE: 29 March 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.M.Ansell, honorary secretary of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 29 March 1897, informing of the election of S.Samuel as a member of the Loan Committee. This paper is attached to page 183 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Ansell | J M | honorary secretary of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1903 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Loan Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/573 Letter from Samuel L.Cohen to Benjamin L.Cohen requesting a list be sent for the annual distribution of coals and blankets ..DATE: 22 April 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Samuel L.Cohen, secretary of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 22 April 1897, requesting a list be sent for the annual distribution of coals and blankets under the will of the late Moses Montefiore. This paper is attached to page 183 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Cohen | Samuel L | secretary of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p184 Page 184 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 184, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/574-5 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/574 Letter from J.Seligman to Morris Stephany informing of an expected calling in connection with the Jewish Ladies Clothing Association ..DATE: 8 May 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.Seligman to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 8 May 1897, informing of an expected calling in connection with the Jewish Ladies Clothing Association. This paper is attached to page 184 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jewish Ladies Clothing Association ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Gifts Relief supplies Clothing ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/575 Letter from Mathilde Tuck to Morris Stephany enclosing the last installment of grocery tickets for the season ..DATE: 1 April 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Mathilde Tuck, North London Grocery Relief Fund, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 April 1897, enclosing the last installment of grocery tickets for the season. This paper is attached to page 184 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mrs Herman Tuck Grocery Relief Fund ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Gifts Food relief

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p185 Page 185 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 185, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/576 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/576 Draft of the scheme for the administration of the Almshouses of Abraham Lyon Moses by the Charity Commission ..DATE: 21 April 1897 ..EXT: Four pages ..ADMN: ..CONT: Draft of the scheme for the administration of the Almshouses of Abraham Lyon Moses by the Charity Commission, 21 April 1897, containing articles appointing the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor as the trustees. This paper is attached to page 185 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Moses and Solomon Almshouses ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Administration Almshouses

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p186 Page 186 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 186, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/577-9 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/577 Letter from Julian H.Simon to Michael A.Green accepting his election as co-auditor the of the Board ..DATE: 13 May 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Julian H.Simon to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 May 1897, accepting his election as co- auditor the of the Board. This paper is attached to page 186 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | Michael A | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1902 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/578 Letter from L.Samuel Montagu to Michael A.Green accepting his election as a member of the Board ..DATE: 13 May 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Louis Samuel Montagu to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 May 1897, accepting his election as a member of the Board. This paper is attached to page 186 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | Michael A | honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1902 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/579 Letter from P.Ornstien to Morris Stephany informing of the election of members of the Board at the meeting of the Council of the United Synagogue ..DATE: 3 June 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from P.Ornstien, secretary of the Office of the Council of the United Synagogue, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 3 June 1897, informing of the election of members of the Board at the meeting of the Council of the United Synagogue. This paper is attached to page 186 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: Ornstein | P | secretary of the United Synagogue Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor United Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p187 Page 187 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 187, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/580 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/580 Financial statement ..DATE: 30 September 1897 ..EXT: Two papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of income and expenditure of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 30 September 1897 This paper is attached to page 187 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p188 Page 188 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 188, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/581-2 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/581 Letter from A.E.Sydney to Morris Stephany discussing the ground rent of 14 Devonshire Square ..DATE: 1 September 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.E.Sydney, honorary solicitor of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 September 1897, discussing the ground rent of 14 Devonshire Square. This paper is attached to page 188 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Sydney | Algernon E | honorary solicitor of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1859- Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: Devonshire Square | London ..SUBJ: Buildings | Offices

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/582 Letter from Barrow Emanuel to Arthur E.Franklin discussing the acquisition of ground rent on Coleman Street ..DATE: 14 October 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Barrow Emanuel, member of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Arthur E.Franklin, treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 October 1897, discussing the acquisition of ground rent on Coleman Street. This paper is attached to page 188 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Franklin | Arthur E | treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1913 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: Coleman Street | London ..SUBJ: Buildings | Offices ..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p189 Page 189 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 189, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/583-5 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/583 Letter from Henry D.Benjamin to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £55 ..DATE: 3 June 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Henry D.Benjamin to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 3 June 1897, enclosing a cheque for £55 in augmentation of the David Benjamin Industrial Fund. This paper is attached to page 189 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/584 Letter from S.Simons to Benjamin L.Cohen discussing the donation of £2000 to the Board by Baroness de Hirsch ..DATE: 8 June 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from S.Simons, chairman of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Benjamin L.Cohen, president of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 8 June 1897, discussing the donation of £2000 to the Board by Baroness de Hirsch. This paper is attached to page 189 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 Simons | S | chairman of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1885-1899 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/585 Letter from [Millie] E.Lyons to Morris Stephany sending hampers from the Hampstead Synagogue for distribution ..DATE: 3 June 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from [Millie] E.Lyons to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 3 June 1897, sending hampers from the Hampstead Synagogue for distribution. This paper is attached to page 189 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Hampstead Synagogue ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p190 Page 190 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 190, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/586-7 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/586 Letter from Woolf Harris to Morris Stephany accepting his election to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: 1 July 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Woolf Harris, member of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 July 1897, accepting his election to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This paper is attached to page 190 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/587 Paper detailing costs of the Prince of Wales’ Jubilee Dinner Fund ..DATE: 24 June 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing costs of the Prince of Wales’ Jubilee Dinner Fund, 24 June 1897. This paper is attached to page 190 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Financial records Royal jubilees

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p191 Page 191 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 191, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/588 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/588 Letter from J.M.Ansell to Morris Stephany informing of the election of Lewis Samuel Montagu as a member of the Loan Committee ..DATE: 5 July 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.M.Ansell, honorary secretary of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 5 July 1897, informing of the election of Lewis Samuel Montagu as a member of the Loan Committee. This paper is attached to page 191 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Ansell | J M | honorary secretary of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1894-1903 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Loan Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p192 Page 192 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 192, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/589-94 are placed on top of the page. MS173/1/11/2/595-7 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/589 Letter from A.P.Levy Tebbitt to Benjamin L.Cohen discussing his endeavour to bringing the medical dispensary in line with other institutions ..DATE: 5 July 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.P.Levy Tebbitt to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 22 July 1897, discussing his endeavour to bringing the medical dispensary in line with other institutions and the wishes of Mr Cohen, Mr Brunsfield and Mr Moccatta. This letter is placed on top of page 192 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/590 Letter from A.P.Levy Tebbitt to Benjamin L.Cohen discussing his success in forming the dispensary on Lemon Street into a provident institution ..DATE: 1 September 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.P.Levy Tebbitt to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 September 1897, discussing his success in forming the dispensary on Leman Street into a provident institution and informing that it will now become a branch of the London Provident Medical Association. He trusts this is in line with the wishes of Mr.Cohen, Mr.Brunsfield and Mr.Moccatta. This letter is placed on top of page 192 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/591 Letter from H.Landau to Benjamin L.Cohen asking if he would consent to acting as Co-Vice President of the dispensary together with Mr.Moccatta ..DATE: 10 September 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.Landau to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 10 September 1897, asking if he would consent to acting as Co- Vice President of the dispensary together with Mr.Moccatta. This letter is placed on top of page 192 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/592 Letter from H.Landau to Benjamin L.Cohen expressing his desire for Cohen to act as Co-Vice President of the dispensary ..DATE: 13 September 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.Landau to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 September 1897, expressing his desire for Cohen to act as Co- Vice President of the dispensary. This letter is placed on top of page 192 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/593 Letter from H.Landau to Benjamin L.Cohen apologising for the wording of his previous letter and expressing his pleasure in proposing Green as Co-Vice President of the dispensary ..DATE: 16 September 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.Landau to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 16 September 1897, apologising for the wording of his previous letter, in which is pressed his desire for Cohen to act as Co-Vice President of the dispensary, and expressing his pleasure in proposing Green as Co-Vice President. This letter is placed on top of page 192 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/594 Letter from A.P.Levy Tebbitt to Benjamin L.Cohen informing of a resolution passed by Jewish Dispensary Committee to set up a meeting to discuss proposals in relation to the Jewish Dispensary ..DATE: 16 July 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.P.Levy Tebbitt to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 16 July 1897, informing of a resolution passed by Jewish Dispensary Committee to set up a meeting with representatives of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor and the Provident Dispensary Association to discuss proposals in relation to the Jewish Dispensary. This letter is placed on top of page 192 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/595 Letter from A.I.Dickson to Morris Stephany informing of his wish to resign his position with the Board ..DATE: 21 September 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.I.Dickson, investigating officer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 21 September 1897, informing of his wish to resign his position with the Board. This letter is attached to page 192 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/596 Letter from Gershon Freedman to Morris Stephany offering himself as a candidate for a position with the Board as advertised in the Jewish Chronicle ..DATE: 16 October 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Gershon Freedman to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 16 October 1897, offering himself as a candidate for a position with the Board as advertised in the Jewish Chronicle. This letter is attached to page 192 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/597 Letter from John Emerson to Morris Stephany offering himself as a candidate for a position with the Board as advertised in the Jewish Chronicle ..DATE: 3 September 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from John Emerson to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 3 September 1897, offering himself as a candidate for a position with the Board as advertised in the Jewish Chronicle. This letter is attached to page 192 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p193 Page 193 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 193, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/598 is placed on top of the page. MS173/1/11/2/599-602 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/598 Paper stating that Marcus will consent to Aarons’ wages being increased ..DATE: October 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper stating that Marcus will consent to Aarons’ wages being increased, October 1897. This letter is placed on top of page 193 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/599 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing that L.Aarons has been elected assistant to the clerk of the Industrial Committee ..DATE: 8 November 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 8 November 1897, informing that L.Aarons has been elected assistant to the clerk of the Industrial Committee. This letter is attached to page 193 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/600 Letter from Barnato Brothers to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £500 ..DATE: 18 October 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Barnato Brothers to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 18 October 1897, enclosing a cheque for £500 donated to the Board in accordance with the will of the late B.J.Barnato. This letter is attached to page 193 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/601 Letter from Edward Le Voi to Morris Stephany informing of the sum of £19.19.0 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Solomon Van Praagh ..DATE: 12 July 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Edward Le Voi, solicitor, to Morris Stephany, the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 July 1897, informing of the sum of £19.19.0 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Solomon Van Praagh. This letter is attached to page 193 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/602 Letter from Edward Le Voi to Morris Stephany informing that a cheque for £17.19.0 is ready for collection ..DATE: 13 July 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Edward Le Voi, solicitor, to Morris Stephany, the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 July 1897, informing that a cheque for £17.19.0, bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Solomon Van Praagh, is ready for collection. This letter is attached to page 193 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p194 Page 194 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 194, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/603 and MS173/1/11/2/605-6 are attached to the page. MS173/1/11/2/604 is placed on top of the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/603 Letter from Mathilde Tuck to Morris Stephany enclosing fifty grocery tickets for use by the Board ..DATE: 7 November 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Mathilde Tuck, North London Grocery Relief Fund, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 7 November 1897, enclosing fifty grocery tickets for use by the Board. This letter is attached to page 194 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mrs Herman Tuck Grocery Relief Fund ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Gifts Food relief

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/604 Template of letter from Morris Stephany informing that the Board has decided to collect as many contributions as possible through the post and requesting the remittance being donated be forwarded in this manner ..DATE: November 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Template of letter from Morris Stephany, November 1897, informing that the Board has decided to collect as many contributions as possible through the post and requesting the remittance being donated be forwarded in this manner. This letter is placed on top of page 194 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/605A Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany informing of the admission of Angel Gompertz to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum ..DATE: 2 November 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 2 November 1897, informing of the admission of Angel Gompertz to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum under the provisions of the Pauper Removal Act. The letter states that she was born in January 1889. Her mother died in June 1891 and father died in June 1897. This letter is attached to page 194 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/605B Paper detailing Angel Gompertz ..DATE: November 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing Angel Gompertz, November 1897, providing a list of her previous addresses. This letter is attached to page 194 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/605C Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany informing that the family of Angel Gompertz lived at Stoke Newington ..DATE: 3 November 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 3 November 1897, informing that the family of Angel Gompertz lived at Stoke Newington. This letter is attached to page 194 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/606 Letter from [E.N.Baerland] to Morris Stephany sending a cheque amounting to £37.16.0 together with a list of contributors ..DATE: 7 November 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from [E.N.Baerland] to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 7 November 1897, sending a cheque amounting to £37.16.0 together with a list of contributors, forwarded to him by the secretary of the Federation of Synagogues on behalf of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This letter is attached to page 194 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p195 Page 195 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 195, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/607 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/607 Letter from [Edgar] Cohen to Benjamin L.Cohen enclosing a cheque for £105 ..DATE: 12 August 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from [Edgar] Cohen to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 August 1897, enclosing a cheque for £105 as a donation to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This letter is attached to page 195 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p196 Page 196 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 196, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/608-11 are placed on top of the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/608 Letter from Fred S.Franklin to Morris Stephany enclosing a list of individuals nominated as members of the Visiting Committee ..DATE: 6 December 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Fred S.Franklin, honorary secretary of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 6 December 1897, enclosing a list of individuals nominated as members of the Visiting Committee. This letter is placed on top of page 196 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/609 Paper listing individuals nominated as members of the Visiting Committee ..DATE: December 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper listing individuals nominated as members of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, December 1897. This letter is placed on top of page 196 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/610 Letter from Julian H.Simons to Michael A.Green expressing his surprise at not having been reelected as a member of the Visiting Committee and tendering his resignation of his other posts with the Board ..DATE: 30 November 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Julian H.Simons, member of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 30 November 1897, expressing his surprise at not having been reelected as a member of the Visiting Committee and tendering his resignation of his other posts with the Board. This letter is placed on top of page 196 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/611 Letter from Morris Stephany to N.S.Joseph discussing Julian H.Simon not been nominated as a member of the Visiting Committee and suggesting his name be reinstated on the list of members ..DATE: 7 December 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to N.S.Joseph, chairman of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 7 December 1897, discussing Julian H.Simon not been nominated as a member of the Visiting Committee and suggesting his name be reinstated on the list of members. This letter is placed on top of page 196 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p197 Page 197 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 197, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/612-5 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/612 Letter from Herbert B.Marks to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £10 ..DATE: 17 November 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert B.Marks, Henry Marks and Son, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 17 November 1897, enclosing a cheque for £10 being the legacy left to the Board by the will of the late Henry Marks. This letter is attached to page 197 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/613 Letter from Herbert B.Marks to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £10 ..DATE: 17 November 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert B.Marks, Henry Marks and Son, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 17 November 1897, enclosing a cheque for £10 being the legacy left to the Jewish Philanthropic Society by the will of the late Henry Marks. This letter is attached to page 197 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/614 Letter from Simon Cohen to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor discussing the proposal for establishing a kitchen with the object of supplying the needy ..DATE: 6 December 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Simon Cohen to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 6 December 1897, discussing the proposal for establishing a kitchen with the object of supplying the needy and becoming self supporting under the arrangement of issuing books of tickets. This letter is attached to page 197 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/615 Letter from Henry Harris to Morris Stephany forwarding one thousand tickets worth £50 ..DATE: 5 December 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Henry Harris, secretary of the Trademen’s Benevolent Society, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 5 December 1897, forwarding one thousand tickets worth £50 donated tot he Board by the Trademen’s Benevolent Society. This letter is attached to page 197 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p198 Page 198 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 198, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/616-9 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/616 Letter from Mrs. S.Heilbron to Morris Stephany informing of the election of Mrs. Michael A.Green as President of the Ladies’ Clothing Committee ..DATE: 25 November 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Mrs.S.Heilbron, honorary secretary of the Ladies’ Clothing Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 25 November 1897, informing of the election of Mrs. Michael A.Green as President of the Ladies’ Clothing Committee in place of Mrs. Albert Woolf. This letter is attached to page 198 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor | Ladies’ Clothing Committee ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/617 Letter from Martha Woolf to Mrs. S.Heilbron tendering her resignation as President of the Ladies’ Clothing Committee ..DATE: 23 November 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Martha Woolf, President of the Ladies’ Clothing Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Mrs.S.Heilbron, honorary secretary of the Ladies’ Clothing Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 23 November 1897, tendering her resignation as President of the Ladies’ Clothing Committee. This letter is attached to page 198 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/618 Letter from Mrs. Michael A.Green to Mrs. S.Heilbron expressing her thanks to members of the Ladies’ Clothing Committee for electing her as President of the Committee ..DATE: 25 November 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Mrs. Michael A.Green to Mrs. S.Heilbron, honorary secretary of the Ladies’ Clothing Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 25 November 1897, expressing her thanks to members of the Ladies’ Clothing Committee for electing her as President of the Committee. This letter is attached to page 198 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/619 Letter from J.M.[East] to Morris Stephany informing of his intention to donate £100 worth of shares to the Board ..DATE: 12 December 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.M.[East] to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 December 1897, informing of his intention to donate £100 worth of shares to the Board. This letter is attached to page 198 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p199 Page 199 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 199 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/620/1-2 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/620/1 Letter from P.Ornstien to Morris Stephany forwarding the report of the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue on the proposed Industrial School for Jewish boys ..DATE: 10 December 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from P.Ornstien, secretary of the Office of the Council of the United Synagogue, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 10 December 1897, forwarding the report of the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue on the proposed Industrial School for Jewish boys and requesting the Board appoint representatives to meet the Visitation Committee for the purpose of framing a scheme for the formation of the school. This letter is attached to page 198 of the letter book. This letter is attached to MS173/1/11/2/620/2. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/620/2 Report of the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue on the proposed Industrial School for Jewish boys ..DATE: 29 November 1897 ..EXT: Four pages ..ADMN: ..CONT: Report of the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue on the proposed Industrial School for Jewish boys, 29 November 1897. This paper is attached to page 198 of the letter book. This paper is attached to MS173/1/11/2/620/1. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p200 Page 200 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 200, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/621 is placed on top of the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/621 Report of the Special Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor on consumption ..DATE: 27 January 1898 ..EXT: Four pages ..ADMN: ..CONT: Report of the Special Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor on consumption, 27 January 1898, inquiring into the alleged increased prevalence of consumption among the Metropolitan Jewish poor, establishing into its causes, and formulating means of diminishing its influence. This paper is placed on top of page 200 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p201 Page 201 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 201, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/622-5 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/622 Letter from Bernard Cohen to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £3.10.0 ..DATE: 14 December 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Bernard Cohen, honorary secretary of the South London Jewish Local Charity Fund, to Morris Stephany, the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 December 1897, enclosing a cheque for £3.10.0 donated by the Committee of the South London Jewish Local Charity Fund and thanking the Board for the consideration given to cases brought to their notice by the Committee. This paper is attached to page 201 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/623 Paper referencing the Hammersmith and West Kensington Jewish Women’s Guild ..DATE: 22 December 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper referencing the Hammersmith and West Kensington Jewish Women’s Guild, 22 December 1897. This paper is attached to page 201 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/624 Letter from Ernest Turner to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £25 ..DATE: 31 December 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Ernest Turner, clerk of the Aldgate Freedom Foundation, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 31 December 1897, enclosing a cheque for £25 donated to the Board by the Algate Freedom Foundation to be spent in the relief of cases of emergency in the Portsoken Ward. This paper is attached to page 201 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/625 Letter from A.M.[White] to Morris Stephany forwarding 10 guineas worth of bread and coal tickets ..DATE: 24 January 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.M.[White] to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 24 January 1898, forwarding 10 guineas worth of bread and coal tickets. This paper is attached to page 201 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p202 Page 202 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 202, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/626A and MS173/1/11/2/627-8 are attached to the page. MS173/1/11/2/626B-C are placed on top of the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/626A Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany discussing the admission of Nathan, Abraham and Mary Abrahams, and Aaron Yudavitch, to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum ..DATE: 14 December 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 December 1897, discussing the admission of the children of Nathan, Abraham and Mary Abrahams, and Aaron Yudavitch, to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum under the provisions of the Paupers Removal Act. This paper is attached to page 202 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | M J | secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Abrahams | Abraham | fl 1897 Abrahams | Mary | fl 1897 Abrahams | Nathan | fl 1897 Yudavitch | Aaron | fl 1897-1898 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/626B Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany asking whether steps are been taken by the Board for the admission of Aaron Yudowitch to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum ..DATE: 19 January 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 19 January 1898, asking whether steps are been taken by the Board for the admission of Aaron Yudavitch to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum. This paper is placed on top of page 202 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | M J | secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Yudavitch | Aaron | fl 1897-1898 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/626C Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany informing of the admission of Rebecca Diamond and Myer Cohen to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum ..DATE: 1 February 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 February 1898, informing of the admission of Rebecca Diamond and Myer Cohen to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum under the provisions of the Pauper Removal Act and asking for the necessary steps to be taken by the Board. This paper is placed on top of page 202 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | M J | secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Diamond | Rebecca | fl 1898 Cohen | Myer | fl 1898 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/626D Letter from W.Vallance to Morris Stephany informing that the arrangements are being made by the Board of Guardians of the Whitechapel Union for the admission of Myer Cohen and Mrs Yudwitz’s child to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum ..DATE: 9 February 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from W.Vallance, clerk of the Whitechapel Union, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 February 1898, informing that the arrangements are being made by the Board of Guardians of the Whitechapel Union for the admission of Myer Cohen and Mrs Yudwitz’s [Yudavitch] child to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum. This paper is placed on top of page 202 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Vallance | William | clerk to the Guardians and superintendent registrar of the Whitechapel Union Cohen | Myer | fl 1898 Yudavitch | Aaron | fl 1897-1898 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood Whitechapel Poor Law Union ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/627 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the election of visiting guardians of apprentices by the Industrial Committee ..DATE: 1 February 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 February 1898, informing of the election of visiting guardians of apprentices by the Industrial Committee with the list of names annexed. This paper is attached to page 202 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/628 Letter from Fred S.Franklin to Morris Stephany informing of the election of new members of the Visiting Committee ..DATE: 4 February 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Fred S.Franklin, honorary secretary of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 4 February 1898, informing of the election of H.C.Abrahams, Mrs. A.Neuhaus, Isidore Rozelaar, Martin Moseley, and Ephraim Norden as members of the Visiting Committee. This paper is attached to page 202 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p203 Page 203 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 203, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/629-31B are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/629 Letter from L.Samuel Montagu to Michael A.Green expressing thanks to members of the Board for their kind wishes to himself and his wife ..DATE: 20 February 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from L.Samuel Montagu, member of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 20 February 1898, expressing thanks to members of the Board for their kind wishes to himself and his wife. This paper is attached to page 203 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/630 Letter from Martha Woolf to Morris Stephany informing that she will be sending one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three garments from the St.John’s Wood Synagogue Needlework Guild ..DATE: 28 February 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Martha Woolf to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 28 February 1898, informing that she will be sending one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three garments from the St.John’s Wood Synagogue Needlework Guild. This paper is attached to page 203 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/631A Letter from H.Braham to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £25 ..DATE: 7 March 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.Braham to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 7 March 1898, enclosing a cheque for £25 bequeathed to the Board by the legacy of the late Alfred Braham. This paper is attached to page 203 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/631B Letter from H.Braham to Morris Stephany enclosing a form of receipt for the £25 bequeathed to the Board by the legacy of the late Alfred Braham ..DATE: 7 March 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.Braham to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 7 March 1898, enclosing a form of receipt for £25 bequeathed to the Board by the legacy of the late Alfred Braham. This paper is attached to page 203 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p204 Page 204 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 204, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/632-3 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/632 Notice from the Almshouse Committee to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor requesting acceptance of the tender of S.J.Jerrard and Sons ..DATE: 8 March 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Notice from Leonard L.Cohen, member of the Almshouse Committee, to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 8 March 1898, requesting the Board’s acceptance of the tender of S.J.Jerrard and Sons, builders, for the amount of £3987 for rebuilding and other expenses. This paper is attached to page 204 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/633 List of tenders opened in connection with almshouses on Devonshire Street, Mile End ..DATE: 1 March 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: List of tenders opened in connection with Almshouses on Devonshire Street, Mile End, 1 March 1898. This paper is attached to page 204 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p205 Page 205 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 205, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/634-6 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/634 Letter from Maurice Beddington to Michael A.Green expressing his appreciation to members of the Board for their condolences on the loss of his relatives ..DATE: 15 April 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Maurice Beddington to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 15 April 1898, expressing his appreciation to members of the Board for their condolences on the loss of his relatives. This paper is attached to page 205 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/635 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the resignations of members of the Industrial Committee and the election of new members ..DATE: 29 April 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 29 April 1898, informing of the resignations of Stephen S.Hyam as chairman and Hermann H.Myer as honorary solicitor of the Industrial Committee, and the election of Hermann H.Myer as chairman and Ernest A.Myer as honorary solicitor. This paper is attached to page 205 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/636 Letter from J.M.Ansell to Morris Stephany informing of a resolution passed by the Loan Committee to appoint an investigating officer for the sole purpose of serving the Committee ..DATE: 17 March 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.M.Ansell, honorary secretary of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 17 March 1898, informing of a resolution passed by the Loan Committee to appoint an investigating officer for the sole purpose of serving the Committee in response to the enormous increase in work over the past two years. This paper is attached to page 205 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p206 Page 206 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 206, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/637A-8 and MS173/1/11/2/640-1 are attached to the page. MS173/1/11/2/639 is placed on top of the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/637A Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the resignation of a member of the Industrial Committee and the temporary appointment of a new member ..DATE: 2 May 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 2 May 1898, informing of the resignation of A.B.Joseph as assistant clerk of the Industrial Committee and the temporary appointment of Henry Joel to the position. This paper is attached to page 206 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/637B Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the election of visiting guardians of apprentices ..DATE: 24 March 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 24 March 1898, informing of the election of M.Moses and L.Joseph as visiting guardians of apprentices. This paper is attached to page 206 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/638 Letter from Montagu, Mileham and Montagu to Morris Stephany informing of one hundred and twenty fully paid shares of £25 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late H.Leopold Beddington ..DATE: 12 April 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Montagu, Mileham and Montagu, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 April 1898, informing of one hundred and twenty fully paid shares of £25 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late H.Leopold Beddington. This paper is attached to page 206 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/639 Letter from Leggatt, Rubinstein and Company to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £100 ..DATE: 24 March 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Leggatt, Rubinstein and Company, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 24 March 1898, enclosing a cheque for £100 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Edward Laurence. This paper is placed on top of page 206 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/640 Letter from Leggatt, Rubinstein and Company to Morris Stephany informing of the sum of £100 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Edward Laurence ..DATE: 17 March 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Leggatt, Rubinstein and Company, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 17 March 1898, informing of the sum of £100 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Edward Laurence. This paper is attached to page 206 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/641 Letter from Mrs. H.Sylvester Samuel to Benjamin L.Cohen enclosing a cheque for £50 ..DATE: 29 April 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Mrs. H.Sylvester Samuel to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 29 April 1898, enclosing a cheque for £50 bequeathed to the Board by the will of her late husband H.Sylvester Samuel. This paper is attached to page 206 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p207 Page 207 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 207, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/642-3 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/642 Letter from Samuel L.Cohen to Benjamin L.Cohen requesting a list be sent for the annual distribution of coals and blankets ..DATE: 19 April 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Samuel L.Cohen, secretary of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 19 April 1898, requesting a list be sent for the annual distribution of coals and blankets established under the will of the late Moses Montefiore. This paper is attached to page 207 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/643 Letter from C.S.Loch to Morris Stephany requesting confirmation of the name of the representative of the Board to serve on the Council of the Charity Organisation Society ..DATE: 6 April 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from C.S.Loch, secretary of the Charity Organisation Society, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 6 April 1898, requesting confirmation of the F.D.Mocatta as the name of the representative of the Board to serve on the Council of the Charity Organisation Society. This paper is attached to page 207 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p208 Page 208 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 208, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/644-5 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/644 Letter from S.Stephany and Laurence Levy to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for $40 ..DATE: 1 May 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from S.Stephany and Laurence Levy, honorary secretaries of the East London Synagogue, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 May 1898, enclosing a cheque for $40 raised at a concert held by the East London Jewish Communal League. This paper is attached to page 208 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/645 Letter from Herbet J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the election of a visiting guardian of apprentices ..DATE: 28 April 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbet J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 28 April 1898, informing of the election of Fred S.Henlé as a visiting guardian of apprentices. This paper is attached to page 208 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p209 Page 209 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 209, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/646-8 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/646 Letter from Frank I.Lyons to Michael A.Green expressing his thanks to members of the Board for their vote of condolence to himself and his wife ..DATE: 17 May 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Frank I.Lyons, member of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 17 May 1898, expressing his thanks to members of the Board for their vote of condolence to himself and his wife. This paper is attached to page 209 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/647 Letter from A.[Brumfield] to Michael A.Green expressing his thanks to members of the Board for their vote of condolence ..DATE: 27 May 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.[Brumfield] to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 27 May 1898, expressing his thanks to members of the Board for their vote of condolence. This paper is attached to page 209 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/648 Letter from Phoebe I.Cohen to Michael A.Green expressing her thanks to members of the Board for all they have done on her behalf ..DATE: 11 May 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Phoebe I.Cohen, Leyton, to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 May 1898, expressing her thanks to members of the Board for all they have done on her behalf. This paper is attached to page 209 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p210 Page 210 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 210, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/649 is placed on top of the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/649 Report of the Sanitary Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: May 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Report of the Sanitary Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, May 1898, with respect to the report of the Consumption Committee. This paper is placed on top of page 210 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p211 Page 211 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 211, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/650-1 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/650 Letter from Emanuel and Simmonds to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £50.8.0 ..DATE: 23 May 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Emanuel and Simmonds, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 23 Mary 1898, enclosing a cheque for £50.8.0 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Miss Leah Lindo. This paper is attached to page 211 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/651 Letter from Henry D.Benjamin to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £55 ..DATE: 1 June 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Henry D.Benjamin to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 June 1898, enclosing a cheque for £55 donated by the family of David Benjamin for investing in the David Benjamin Apprenticing Fund. This paper is attached to page 211 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p212 Page 212 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 212, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/652-8 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/652 Paper detailing the Levene children ..DATE: May 1898 ..EXT: Two papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing the Levene children, May 1898, two boys deserted by their father four and a half years ago and who is reported to be in Perth with his wife and two other children having recently joined him. A telegram from the father stated that he would gladly receive the children and they were sent accordingly. This paper is attached to page 212 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/653 Paper detailing the Levene children ..DATE: May 1898 ..EXT: Two papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing the Levene children, May 1898, two boys who, together with their mother and other children, were deserted by their father four and a half years ago. The father is reported to be in Perth with his wife and two other children having recently joined him. A telegram from the father stated that he would gladly receive the children and they were sent accordingly. This paper is attached to page 212 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/653 Paper detailing a telegram sent to Levene in Perth ..DATE: 19 May 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing a telegram sent to Levene in Perth, 19 May 1898, proposing sending his children. This paper is attached to page 212 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/654 Telegram sent from Perth to Morris Stephany stating the Levene will gladly receive children ..DATE: 20 May 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Telegram sent from Perth to Morris Stephany, 20 May 1898, stating the Levene will gladly receive children. This paper is attached to page 212 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/655 Letter from David I.Freeman to Morris Stephany responding to the Board’s request for him to persuade Barnett Levene to receive his wife and children ..DATE: 21 July 1897 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from David I.Freeman, Synagogue House, Perth, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 21 July 1898, responding to the Board’s request for him to persuade Barnett Levene to receive his wife and children. This paper is attached to page 212 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/656 Notice of the nomination of new members of the Visiting Committee ..DATE: May 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Notice of the nomination of Miss Linda Mocatta, Reverend M.A.Epstein, William Percy, Leon Franklin, and Percy Davis as new members of the Visiting Committee, May 1898. This paper is attached to page 212 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/657 Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany discussing the admission of Barnett Yudowitch and Barnat Goldstein to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum ..DATE: 19 May 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 19 May 1898, discussing the admission of Barnett Yudowitch and Barnat Goldstein to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, the latter being considered too young. This paper is attached to page 212 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/658 Letter from William Vallance to Morris Stephany notifying of arrangements being made for the admission of Barnett Yudowitch to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum ..DATE: 2 June 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from William Vallance, clerk to the guardians and superintendent registrar of the Whitechapel Union, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 2 June 1898, notifying of arrangements being made for the admission of Barnett Yudowitch to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum. This paper is attached to page 212 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p213 Page 213 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 213, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/659 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/659 Memorandum from H.Abrahams and Company to Morris Stephany informing that David Gilder has been in their employ for twelve months and that they have found him hardworking, honest and attentive ..DATE: 20 May 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Memorandum from H.Abrahams and Company, merchants, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 20 May 1898, informing that David Gilder has been in their employ for twelve months and that they have found him hardworking, honest and attentive. This paper is attached to page 213 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p214 Page 214 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 214, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/660-3 are placed on top of the page. MS173/1/11/2/664-5 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/660 Letter from H.Goldstein to Morris Stephany offering his services for the vacant situation advertisement in the Jewish Chronicle ..DATE: 20 March 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.Goldstein to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 20 March 1898, offering his services for the vacant situation advertisement in the Jewish Chronicle. This paper is placed on top of page 214 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/661 Letter from secretary of the Guarantee Society to Morris Stephany informing that the proposal on behalf of H.I.Goldstein was accepted by the directors of the Society ..DATE: 20 May 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from secretary of the Guarantee Society to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 20 May 1898, informing that the proposal on behalf of H.I.Goldstein was accepted by the directors of the Society. This paper is placed on top of page 214 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/662 Receipt from the Guarantee Society for the sum of £1.8.0 for H.I.Goldstein ..DATE: 21 May 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Receipt from the Guarantee Society for the sum of £1.8.0 for H.I.Goldstein. This paper is placed on top of page 214 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/663 Letter from the M.Hyam Wholesale Clothing Company to Morris Stephany providing a reference for H.Goldstein ..DATE: 12 May 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from the M.Hyam Wholesale Clothing Company to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 May 1898, providing a reference for H.Goldstein, stating that they consider him honest, sober and industrious. This paper is placed on top of page 214 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/664 Letter from Charles Emanuel to Michael A.Green expressing his thanks to members of the Board for their vote of condolence on the death of his father ..DATE: 15 July 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Charles Emanuel to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 15 July 1898, expressing his thanks to members of the Board for their vote of condolence on the death of his father. This paper is attached to page 214 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/665 Letter from I.Falk to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £100 ..DATE: 5 October 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from I.Falk to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 5 October 1898, enclosing a cheque for the sum of £100 left by his son Frederick Walter. This paper is attached to page 214 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p215 Page 215 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 215, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/666A-7 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/666A Letter from the N.Leven to Benjamin L.Cohen requesting the Board provide detailed accounts of the families of Russian Jews to whom aid was provided ..DATE: 19 July 1898 ..EXT: Two papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from N.Leven, President of the Jewish Colonization Association, Paris, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 19 July 1898, requesting the Board provide detailed accounts of the families of Russian Jews to whom aid was provided, and providing a further £1000. This paper is attached to page 215 of the letter book. ..LANG: French ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/666B Letter from E.Schwarzfeld to Benjamin L.Cohen enclosing a cheque for £500 for the aid of the families of Russian Jews ..DATE: 27 July 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from E.Schwarzfeld, secretary of the Jewish Colonization Association, Paris, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 27 July 1898, enclosing a cheque for £500 for the aid of the families of Russian Jews with remaining amount to be sent in February 1899. This paper is attached to page 215 of the letter book. ..LANG: French ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/667 Letter from [Julian H.Simon] to Morris Stephany tendering his resignation as honorary auditor of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: 25 September 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from [Julian H.Simon], honorary auditor of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 25 September 1898, tendering his resignation as honorary auditor of the Board. This paper is attached to page 215 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Resignation (employee)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p216 Page 216 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 216, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/668-72 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/668 Letter from Joseph and Hyam to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £100 ..DATE: 5 October 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Joseph and Hyam, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 5 October 1898, enclosing a cheque for £100 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Rachel Halford. This paper is attached to page 216 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Bequests

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/669 Letter from White and De Buriatte to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £25 ..DATE: 23 September 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from White and De Buriatte, solicitors, London, to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 23 September 1898, enclosing a cheque for £25 bequeathed to the Board by the executors of the will of the late Selig Stein. This paper is attached to page 216 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/670 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the election of a new visiting guardian of apprentices ..DATE: 8 September 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 8 September 1898, informing of the election of Charles D.Jonas as a visiting guardian of apprentices. This paper is attached to page 216 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/671 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the election of a new visiting guardian of apprentices ..DATE: 13 July 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 July 1898, informing of the election of James A.Loewe as a visiting guardian of apprentices. This paper is attached to page 216 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/672 Letter from Emanuel and Simmonds to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £20 ..DATE: 14 September 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Emanuel and Simmonds, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 September 1898, enclosing a cheque for £20 bequeathed to the Board by the late Lewis Emanuel. This paper is attached to page 216 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p217 Page 217 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 217, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/673-6 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/673 Letter from A.E.Sydney to Morris Stephany discussing the liability of the Board for property tax and house duty ..DATE: 6 October 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.E.Sydney, honorary solicitor of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 6 October 1898, discussing the liability of the Board for property tax and house duty. This paper is attached to page 217 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/674 Letter from J.A.Rozelaar to Michael A.Green expressing thanks to members of the Board for their vote of condolence ..DATE: 13 October 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.A.Rozelaar to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 October 1898, expressing thanks to members of the Board for their vote of condolence. This paper is attached to page 217 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/675 Letter from Mrs. d'Avigdor to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor notifying that her son will not be able to attend meetings of the Board during the winter because he is travelling around the world ..DATE: 11 November 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Mrs. d'Avigdor to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 November 1898, notifying that her son will not be able to attend meetings of the Board during the winter because he is travelling around the world. This paper is attached to page 217 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/676 Letter from E.Montefiore Michele to Michael A.Green conveying the thanks of Mrs. Maurice Beddington to members of the Board for their vote of condolence on the death of her husband ..DATE: 26 October 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from E.Montefiore Michele to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 26 October 1898, conveying the thanks of Mrs.Maurice Beddington to members of the Board for their vote of condolence on the death of her husband. This paper is attached to page 217 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p218 Page 218 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 218, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/677-83 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/677 Letter from Oscar Selinger to Morris Stephany expressing appreciation at having been elected as a member of the Board ..DATE: 30 October 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Oscar Selinger to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 30 October 1898, expressing appreciation at having been elected as a member of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This paper is attached to page 218 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/678 Paper containing a list of names with reference to gifts of clothing collections per the Jewish Ladies Clothing Association ..DATE: October 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper containing a list of names with reference to gifts of clothing collections per the Jewish Ladies Clothing Association, October 1898. This paper is attached to page 218 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/679 Letter from Cecilia G.Haley to Morris Stephany sending an enclosed list of the contents of a box of clothing sent from Paris per the Jewish Ladies Clothing Association ..DATE: 20 November 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Cecilia G.Haley to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 20 November 1898, sending an enclosed list of the contents of a box of clothing sent from Paris per the Jewish Ladies Clothing Association. This paper is attached to page 218 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/680 Paper containing a list of items of clothing ..DATE: November 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper containing a list of items of clothing, November 1898. This paper is attached to page 218 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/681 Post card from G.Jessel to Morris Stephany informing that two sacks of clothing are being forwarded to the Board from the Jewish Ladies Clothing Association ..DATE: October 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Post card from G.Jessel to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, October 1898, informing that two sacks of clothing are being forwarded to the Board from the Jewish Ladies Clothing Association. This paper is attached to page 218 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/682 Paper containing a list of items of clothing sent by Evelina Rosenchild ..DATE: October 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper containing a list of items of clothing sent by the Honourable Evelina Rosenchild, October 1898. This paper is attached to page 218 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/683 Letter from Miss Rosenchild to Morris Stephany informing that she in sending the remainder of her collection for the Jewish Ladies Clothing Association ..DATE: 13 October 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Miss Rosenchild to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 October 1898, informing that she in sending the remainder of her collection for the Jewish Ladies Clothing Association with a list of items for distribution annexed. This paper is attached to page 218 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p219 Page 219 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 219, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/684-6 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/684 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the election of new visiting guardians of apprentices ..DATE: 1 November 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 November 1898, informing of the election of Grenville Myer, Harry Jacob, and Ernest Joseph as visiting guardians of apprentices. This paper is attached to page 219 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/685 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the election of a honorary medical advisor to the Industrial Committee and new visiting guardians of apprentices ..DATE: 4 November 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 4 November 1898, informing of the election of Doctor J.Snowman as honorary medical advisor to the Industrial Committee and A.Kenner, L.Franklin, Leopold Frank, and Albert Solomon as visiting guardians of apprentices. This paper is attached to page 219 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/686 Letter from Mathilde Tuck to Morris Stephany enclosing fifty grocery tickets ..DATE: 19 October 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Mathilde Tuck, North London Grocery Relief Fund, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 19 October 1898, enclosing fifty grocery tickets. This paper is attached to page 219 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mrs Herman Tuck Grocery Relief Fund ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Gifts Food relief ..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p220 Page 220 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 220, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/687-8 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/687 Letter from P.Ornstien to Morris Stephany forwarding a report of the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue on the proposed certified Industrial School for Jewish Boys ..DATE: 7 November 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from P.Ornstien, secretary of the Office of the Council of the United Synagogue, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 7 November 1898, forwarding a report of the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue on the proposed certified Industrial School for Jewish Boys. This paper is attached to page 220 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/688 Report of the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue on the proposed certified industrial school for Jewish boys ..DATE: 20 June 1898 ..EXT: Ten pages ..ADMN: ..CONT: Report of the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue on the proposed certified industrial school for Jewish boys, 20 June 1898. This paper is attached to page 220 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p221 Page 221 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 221, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/689-90 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/689 Letter from J.M.Boekbinder to Morris Stephany enclosing cheques for £24.10.0 and £4.2.0 ..DATE: 7 November 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.M.Boekbinder, artistic decorator, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 7 November 1898, enclosing a cheque for £24.10.0 from Mr. Blank and a cheque for £4.2.0 covering his subscription and a donation from the Federation of Synagogues. This paper is attached to page 221 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/690 Letter from Joseph Blank to J.M.Boekbinder informing that the £5.5.0 donation from the Sandys Row Synagogue has been sent directly to the Board ..DATE: 9 November 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Joseph Blank, secretary of the Federation of Synagogues, to J.M.Boekbinder, artistic decorator, 9 November 1898, informing that the £5.5.0 donation from the Sandys Row Synagogue has been sent directly to the Board. This paper is attached to page 221 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p222 Page 222 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 222, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/691 is placed on top of the page. MS173/1/11/2/692-3 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/691 Report of the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue on the proposed certified industrial school for Jewish boys ..DATE: 20 June 1898 ..EXT: Ten pages ..ADMN: ..CONT: Report of the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue on the proposed certified industrial school for Jewish boys, 20 June 1898. This paper is placed on top of page 222 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/692 Letter from P.Ornstien to Morris Stephany informing that Asher I.Myers was elected representative of the United Synagogue on the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: 7 December 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from P.Ornstien, secretary of the Office of the Council of the United Synagogue, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 7 December 1898, informing that Asher I.Myers was elected representative of the United Synagogue on the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor in the place of the late M.Beddington. This paper is attached to page 222 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/693 Letter from P.Ornstien to Morris Stephany informing of the election of managers of the Industrial School for Jewish Boys at the meeting of the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue ..DATE: 23 November 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from P.Ornstien, secretary of the Office of the Council of the United Synagogue, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 23 November 1898, informing of the election of managers of the Industrial School for Jewish Boys at the meeting of the Visitation Committee of the United Synagogue. This paper is attached to page 222 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p223 Page 223 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 223, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/694-7 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/694 Letter from Montagu, Mileham and Montagu to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £500 ..DATE: 18 November 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Montagu, Mileham and Montagu, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 18 November 1898, enclosing a cheque for £500 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late M.Beddington. This paper is attached to page 223 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/695 Letter from David F.Schloss to Morris Stephany informing of the election of Doctor Schorstein to the Sanitary Committee ..DATE: 7 December 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from David F.Schloss, honorary secretary of the Sanitary Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 7 December 1898, informing of the election of Doctor Schorstein to the Sanitary Committee. This paper is attached to page 223 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/696 Letter from Philip Josephs to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £22.10.0 ..DATE: December 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Philip Josephs to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, December 1898, enclosing a cheque for £22.10.0 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Saul Joseph. This paper is attached to page 223 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/697 Letter from Charles Samuel and Marcus N.Adler to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £500 ..DATE: 11 November 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Charles Samuel and Marcus N.Adler, executors of the will of Michael Samuel, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 November 1898, enclosing a cheque for £500 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Michael Samuel payable on the death of Mrs. Anna C.Samuel. This paper is attached to page 223 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p224 Page 224 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 224, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/698-700 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/698A Letter from Henry Harris to Morris Stephany sending one thousand two hundred tickets valued at £60 ..DATE: 29 November 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Henry Harris, secretary of the Tradesmen’s Benevolent Society, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 29 November 1898, sending one thousand two hundred tickets valued at £60 donated to the Board by the Tradesmen’s Benevolent Society. This paper is attached to page 224 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/698B Letter from Henry Harris to Morris Stephany informing that the Committee of the Tradesmen’s Benevolent Society approve of the Board paying the donated tickets to their tradesmen in payment for the supply of provisions ..DATE: 6 November 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Henry Harris, secretary of the Tradesmen’s Benevolent Society, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 6 November 1898, informing that the Committee of the Tradesmen’s Benevolent Society approve of the Board paying the donated tickets to their tradesmen in payment for the supply of provisions. This paper is attached to page 224 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/699 Letter from Hebert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of a resolution passed by the Industrial Committee to have the salaries of two of its members increased ..DATE: 4 November 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Hebert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor , 4 November 1898, informing of a resolution passed by the Industrial Committee to have the salaries of L.Friedeberg, clerk of the Industrial Committee, and L.Aaron, assistant clerk of the Industrial Committee, increased. This paper is attached to page 224 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/700 Letter from Sam A.Edleson to Morris Stephany enclosing a bill of exchange for £2 donated in return for assistance provided to him by the Board ..DATE: 11 November 1898 ..EXT: Three papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Sam A.Edleson, manufacturer, to Morris Stephany, Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 November 1898, enclosing a bill of exchange for £2 donated to the Board in return for assistance provided to him in gaining passage to England and offering his assistance to the Board. This paper is attached to page 224 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p225 Page 225 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 225, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/701-3 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/701A Letter from William Vallance to Morris Stephany enquiring as to the judgement of the Board on the case of David Magodrick ..DATE: 1 February 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from William Vallance, clerk to the Guardians and superintendent registrar of the Whitechapel Union, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 February 1899, enquiring as to the Boards judgement on the case of David Magodrick, an eleven year old Jewish boy admitted to the Whitechapel Union Workhouse and who is understood to have come from Paris. This paper is attached to page 225 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Vallance | William | clerk to the Guardians and superintendent registrar of the Whitechapel Union Magodrick | David | fl 1899 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Whitechapel Poor Law Union Whitechapel Union Workhouse | South Grove ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Migrants Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/701B Paper noting Davis Jagowik was sent to Paris in company of his uncle ..DATE: 15 March 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper noting Davis Jagowik [David Magodrick] was sent to Paris in company of his uncle. This paper is attached to page 225 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Magodrick | David | fl 1899 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Migrants Orphans ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/702 Letter from Asher I.Myer to Benjamin L.Cohen expressing his gratitude to the Board for their sympathy on the death of his father ..DATE: 13 December 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Asher I.Myer to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 December 1898, expressing his gratitude to the Board for their sympathy on the death of his father. This paper is attached to page 225 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/703 Letter from Alice de Rothschild to Benjamin L.Cohen expressing her thanks to the Board for their sympathy on the death of her brother ..DATE: 8 January 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Alice de Rothschild, Grasse, Alpes-Maritimes, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 8 January 1899, expressing her thanks to the Board for their sympathy on the death of her brother. This paper is attached to page 225 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p226 Page 226 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 226, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/704-9 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/704 Letter from Ernest Turner to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £25 ..DATE: 2 January 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Ernest Turner, clerk of the Aldgate Freedom Foundation, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 2 January 1899, enclosing a cheque for £25 for one years subscription to the Board by the Algate Freedom Foundation. This paper is attached to page 226 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/705 Letter from N.Joseph to Morris Stephany enclosing £6 ..DATE: 20 December 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from N.Joseph to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 20 December 1898, enclosing £6 donated to the Board. This paper is attached to page 226 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/706 Letter from Joseph E.Blank to N.S.Joseph informing of the raising of contributions from individuals who have benefited from the work of the Board ..DATE: 29 December 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Joseph E.Blank, administrator of the Russo-Jewish Committee, to N.S.Joseph, chairman of the Russo-Jewish and Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor conjoint committee, 29 December 1898, informing of the raising of contributions from individuals who have benefited from the work of the Board. A list of contributors is appended. This paper is attached to page 226 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/707 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the election of visiting guardians of apprentices ..DATE: 13 January 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 January 1899, informing of the election of S.Cohen, H.M.Harris, J.B.Joseph, and J.van Zwanenberg as visiting guardians of apprentices. This paper is attached to page 226 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/708 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the election of visiting guardians of apprentices and members of the Industrial Committee ..DATE: 1 February 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 February 1899, informing of the election of Mrs. L.Model and J.S.Marks as visiting guardians of apprentices and B.Adler, Frank L.Emanuel, and Ernest Lesser as members of the Industrial Committee. This paper is attached to page 226 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/709 Letter from William Vallance to Morris Stephany expressing the deep obligation of the Guardians of the Whitechapel Union for the efforts of the Board on behalf of the Blonde family ..DATE: 26 January 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from William Vallance, clerk to the Guardians and superintendent registrar of the Whitechapel Union, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 26 January 1899, expressing the deep obligation of the Guardians of the Whitechapel Union for the efforts of the Board on behalf of the Blonde family who have been placed in their own country. This paper is attached to page 226 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p227 Page 227 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 227, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/710-11B are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/710 Letter from R.S.Taylor Son and Humbert to Morris Stephany informing of the sum of £5000 bequeathed to the Board by the late Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild ..DATE: 24 December 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from R.S.Taylor Son and Humbert, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 24 December 1898, informing of the sum of £5000 bequeathed to the Board by the late Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild. This paper is attached to page 227 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/711A Letter from Barnato Brothers to Benjamin L.Cohen enclosing a cheque for £500 ..DATE: 21 December 1898 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Barnato Brothers to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 21 December 1898, enclosing a cheque for £500 allocated to the Board from the sum of £25000 bequeathed to English charities by the will of the late Wool Joel. This paper is attached to page 227 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/711B Letter from H.G.Campion and Company to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor informing that the sum of £50 has been left to the Board by the will of the late Lewis Simmons ..DATE: 30 January 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.G.Campion and Company, solicitors, to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 30 January 1899, informing that the sum of £50 has been left to the Board by the will of the late Lewis Simmons. This paper is attached to page 227 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p228 Page 228 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 228, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/712 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/712 List of nominations for the Visiting Committee for 1899 ..DATE: January 1899 ..EXT: Three papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: List of nominations for Visiting Committee for 1899, January 1899. This paper is attached to page 228 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p229 Page 229 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 229, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/713-5 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/713 Letter from J.H.Simon to the honorary treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor tendering his resignation as honorary auditor of the Board ..DATE: 23 February 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.H.Simon, honorary auditor of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to the honorary treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 23 February 1899, tendering his resignation as honorary auditor of the Board. This paper is attached to page 229 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/714 Letter from Dixon, Elkin and Dixon to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £100 ..DATE: 2 March 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Dixon, Elkin and Dixon, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 2 March 1899, enclosing a cheque for £100 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Mrs. Hannah Merton. This paper is attached to page 229 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/715 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the election of visiting guardians of apprentices ..DATE: 22 February 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 22 February 1899, informing of the election of J.Cohen and Frank P.Levi as visiting guardians of apprentices. This paper is attached to page 229 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p230 Page 230 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 230, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/716-9 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/716 Report of the Executive Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor on the engagement of a caretaker ..DATE: 28 February 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Report of the Executive Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor on the engagement of a caretaker, 28 February 1899, outlining the appointment of Solomon Wagner to the post of caretaker and porter and David Garcia to the post of porter. This paper is attached to page 230 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/717 Letter from David Garcia to Morris Stephany applying to the position of porter with the Board ..DATE: 19 February 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from David Garcia to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 19 February 1899, applying to the position of porter with the Board. This paper is attached to page 230 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/718 Letter from J.Woolf to Morris Stephany providing a positive character reference for David Garcia ..DATE: February 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.Woolf to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, February 1899, providing a positive character reference for David Garcia. This paper is attached to page 230 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/719 Letter from Henry Juelch to Morris Stephany providing a positive character reference for David Garcia ..DATE: 1 March 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Henry Juelch to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 March 1899, providing a positive character reference for David Garcia. This paper is attached to page 230 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p231 Page 231 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 231, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/720-1 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/720 Letter from Oscar Selinger to Michael A.Green expressing his thanks to members of the Board for their sympathy and condolence on his recent bereavement ..DATE: 15 March 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Oscar Selinger, vice-chairman of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 15 March 1899, expressing his thanks to members of the Board for their sympathy and condolence on his recent bereavement. This paper is attached to page 231 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/721 Letter from N.Joseph to Benjamin L.Cohen conveying his thanks to member of the Board for their sympathy on the death of his wife ..DATE: 5 April 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from N.Joseph, member of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 5 April 1899, conveying his thanks to member of the Board for their sympathy on the death of his wife. This paper is attached to page 231 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p232 Page 232 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 232, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/722-4 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/722 Letter from R.S.Taylor Son and Humbert to Morris Stephany informing of the sum of £5000 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Baron F.de Rothschild ..DATE: 14 March 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from R.S.Taylor Son and Humbert, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 March 1899, informing of the sum of £5000 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Baron F.de Rothschild. This paper is attached to page 232 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/723 Letter from R.S.Taylor Son and Humbert to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £5000 ..DATE: 16 March 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from R.S.Taylor Son and Humbert, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 16 March 1899, enclosing a cheque for £5000 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Baron F.de Rothschild. This paper is attached to page 232 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/724 Letter from J.M.Ansell to Michael A.Green informing of a resolution passed by the Loan Committee for the establishment of a special loan fund called The Simon Simons Memorial Loan Fund ..DATE: 31 March 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.M.Ansell, honorary secretary of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 31 March 1899, informing of a resolution passed by the Loan Committee for the establishment of a special loan fund called The Simon Simons Memorial Loan Fund in honour of the late Simon Simons, chairman of the Loan Committee. A list of contributors to the fund is included. This paper is attached to page 232 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p233 Page 233 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 233, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/725-7 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/725 Letter from Herbert Stern to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £500 ..DATE: 24 March 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert Stern to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £500 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Baroness de Stern. This paper is attached to page 233 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/726 Letter from Victor Penso to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £15 ..DATE: 21 March 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Victor Penso to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 21 March 1899, enclosing a cheque for £15 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Jane Phillips. This paper is attached to page 233 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/727 Letter from Samuel L.Cohen to Benjamin L.Cohen requesting a list be sent for the annual distribution of coals and blankets ..DATE: 29 March 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Samuel L.Cohen, secretary of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue,, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 29 March 1899, requesting a list be sent for the annual distribution of coals and blankets established by the late Moses Montefiore. This paper is attached to page 233 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p234 Page 234 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 234, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/728-32 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/728 Letter from S.V.Abraham to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £25 ..DATE: 1 February 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from S.V.Abraham, treasurer of the Montefiore Lodge of Freemasons, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 February 1899, enclosing a cheque for £25 donated to the Board by the Montefiore Lodge of Freemasons no. 1017. This paper is attached to page 234 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/729 Letter from G.Montefiore-Levi to Benjamin L.Cohen expressing thanks for sympathies on death of his sister Clara Baroness de Hirsch-Gerenth ..DATE: 16 April 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from G.Montefiore-Levi, senator, Brussels, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 16 April 1899, expressing thanks for sympathies on death of his sister Clara Baroness de Hirsch-Gerenth. This paper is attached to page 234 of the letter book. ..LANG: French ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/730 Letter from F.Goldschmidt to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor thanking members of the board for their condolence and sympathy on the death of his sister, the late Baroness de Hirsch ..DATE: 30 April 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from F.Goldschmidt, Paris, to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 30 April 1899, thanking members of the board for their condolence and sympathy on the death of his sister, the late Baroness de Hirsch. This paper is attached to page 234 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/731 Letter from J.A.Rozelaar to Michael A.Green thanking members of the Board for their vote of condolence on his recent bereavement ..DATE: 13 April 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.A.Rozelaar, member of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 April 1899, thanking members of the Board for their vote of condolence on his recent bereavement. This paper is attached to page 234 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/732 Letter from Amelia Lemons to Benjamin L.Cohen thanking members of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor and the Council of the United Synagogue for their sympathy on the death of her husband ..DATE: 18 April 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Amelia Lemons to Benjamin L.Cohen, president of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 18 April 1899, thanking members of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor and the Council of the United Synagogue for their sympathy on the death of her husband. This paper is attached to page 234 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p235 Page 235 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 235, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/733-4 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/733 Letter from J.M.Ansell to Morris Stephany informing of the election of Lionel Jacob as chairman of the Loan Committee ..DATE: 17 April 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.M.Ansell, honorary secretary of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 17 April 1899, informing of the election of Lionel Jacob as chairman of the Loan Committee in succession to the late Simon Simons. This paper is attached to page 235 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/734 Letter from H.I.Goldstein to Morris Stephany tendering his resignation as investigating officer of the Loan Committee ..DATE: 17 April 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.I.Goldstein, investigating officer of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 17 April 1899, tendering his resignation as investigating officer of the Loan Committee. This paper is attached to page 235 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p236 Page 236 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 236, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/735-8 are attached to the page. MS173/1/11/2/739-40 are placed on top of the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/735 Letter from C.S.Loch to Morris Stephany informing of the reappointment of F.D.Mocatta as the representative of the Board to serve on the Council of the Charity Organisation Society ..DATE: 7 April 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from C.S.Loch, secretary of the Charity Organisation Society, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 7 April 1899, informing of the reappointment of F.D.Mocatta as the representative of the Board to serve on the Council of the Charity Organisation Society. This paper is attached to page 236 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/736 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the election of a visiting guardian of apprentices ..DATE: 19 April 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 19 April 1899, informing of the election of Herbert M.Marcus as a visiting guardian of apprentices. This paper is attached to page 236 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/737 Letter from J.M.Ansell to Morris Stephany informing of the appointment of Moss Van Leer as assistant clerk and investigating officer of the Loan Committee ..DATE: 2 May 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.M.Ansell, honorary secretary of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 2 May 1899, informing of the appointment of Moss Van Leer as assistant clerk and investigating officer of the Loan Committee. This paper is attached to page 236 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/738 Letter from Moss Van Leer to Morris Stephany applying for the position of assistant clerk and investigating officer of the Loan Committee ..DATE: 21 April 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Moss Van Leer to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 21 April 1899, applying for the position of assistant clerk and investigating officer of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This paper is attached to page 236 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/739 Letter from Louis Green to Morris Stephany providing a positive reference for Moss Van Leer ..DATE: 25 April 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Louis Green to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 25 April 1899, providing a positive reference for Moss Van Leer, a candidate for the position of assistant clerk and investigating officer of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This paper is placed on top of page 236 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/740 Memorandum from Reverend J.F.Stern to Morris Stephany providing a positive reference for Moss Van Leer ..DATE: 1 May 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Memorandum from Reverend J.F.Stern to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 May 1899, providing a positive reference for Moss Van Leer. This paper is placed on top of page 236 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p237 Page 237 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 237, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/741 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/741 Letter from H.Mayer and Company to the chairman of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor proposing that the sum of £163 be accepted by the Board for the Simon Simons Memorial Fund ..DATE: 5 June 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.Mayer and Company to the chairman of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 5 June 1899, proposing that the sum of £163 be accepted by the Board for the purpose of using the interest to fill up the shrinkage of the Simon Simons Memorial Loan Fund and proposing the fund be called The Perpetual Simon Simons Memorial Loan Fund. This paper is attached to page 237 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p238 Page 238 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 238, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/742-4 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/742 Letter from A.B.Salamon to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £7.17.0 ..DATE: 26 May 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.B.Salamon, United Synagogue, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 26 May 1899, enclosing a cheque for £7.17.0 being the first collection for the poor at the wedding of Mr. A.Jacobs and Miss Lion and expressing the desire to have collections at all weddings for the Jewish poor. This paper is attached to page 238 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/743 Letter from Henry D.Benjamin to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £55 ..DATE: 31 May 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Henry D.Benjamin to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 31 May 1899, enclosing a cheque for £55 donated by the family of the late David Benjamin for investment in the David Benjamin Apprenticing Fund. This paper is attached to page 238 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/744 Letter from Lawrence and Company to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £20 ..DATE: 10 May 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Lawrence and Company, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, enclosing a cheque for £20 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Maurice Moore. This paper is attached to page 238 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p239 Page 239 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 239, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/745-6 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/745 Letter from P.Ornstien to Morris Stephany informing of the election of representatives of the United Synagogue at the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: 9 June 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from P.Ornstien, secretary of the Office of the Council of the United Synagogue, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 June 1899, informing of the election of representatives of the United Synagogue at the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor with a list of representatives provided. This paper is attached to page 239 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/746 Letter from P.Ornstien to Morris Stephany providing two additional names of overseers of the poor omitted from his previous letter ..DATE: 3 July 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from P.Ornstien, secretary of the Office of the Council of the United Synagogue, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 June 1899, providing two additional names of overseers of the poor omitted from his previous letter. This paper is attached to page 239 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p240 Page 240 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 240, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/747-9 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/747 Letter from Hermann H.Myer to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £70 ..DATE: 27 June 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Hermann H.Myer, solicitor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 27 June 1899, enclosing a cheque for £70 bequeathed to the Board and the Industrial Committee by the will of the late Henry Joseph. This paper is attached to page 240 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/748 Letter from the Board of Guardians of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue to Morris Stephany providing names and addresses of members of the Conjoint Sanitary Committee and individuals elected to serve on the Conjoint Legislative Parochial Committee ..DATE: 13 June 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from the Board of Guardians of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 June 1899, providing names and addresses of members of the Conjoint Sanitary Committee and individuals elected to serve on the Conjoint Legislative Parochial Committee. This paper is attached to page 240 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/749 Letter from Emanuel and Simmonds to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £100 ..DATE: 22 June 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Emanuel and Simmonds, solicitors, to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 22 June 1899, enclosing a cheque for £100 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Mrs. Julia Fisher. This paper is attached to page 240 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p241 Page 241 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 241 and the written term Reversions, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890- December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p242 Page 242 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 242 and the written term Reversions, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890- December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/750-1 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/750 Letter from Tamplin, Tayler and Joseph to Morris Stephany informing of the sum of £1000 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Sarah Halfon ..DATE: 3 October 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Tamplin, Tayler and Joseph, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 3 October 1899, informing of the sum of £1000 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Sarah Halfon to be paid on the death of her husband who has survived her. This paper is attached to page 242 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/751 Letter from Tamplin, Tayler and Joseph to Morris Stephany discussing amounts bequeathed by the will of the late Sarah Halfon ..DATE: 31 August 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Tamplin, Tayler and Joseph, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 31 August 1899, discussing amounts bequeathed by the will of the late Sarah Halfon including an amount bequeathed to the Board to be paid on the death of her husband, Isidore Halfon, who has survived her. This paper is attached to page 242 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p243 Page 243 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 243 and the written term Reversions, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890- December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/752 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/752 Letter from Stuart M.Samuel to Morris Stephany discussing the sum of between £7000 and £8000 left by the late Sydney M.Samuel to be distributed among Jewish charitable institutions ..DATE: 6 October 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Stuart M.Samuel to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 6 October 1899, discussing the sum of between £7000 and £8000 left by the late Sydney M.Samuel to be distributed among Jewish charitable institutions, particularly those institutes with which he was connected during his lifetime. This paper is attached to page 243 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p244 Page 244 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 244, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/753-5 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/753 Telegram from Rothschild to Michael A.Green expressing gratitude for kind wishes conveyed ..DATE: 5 October 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Telegram from Rothschild to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 5 October 1899, expressing gratitude for kind wishes conveyed. This paper is attached to page 244 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/754 Letter from Amelia Simons to Benjamin L.Cohen informing of the purchase of a portrait of the late Baroness de Hirsch to present to the Board ..DATE: 16 July 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Amelia Simons to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 16 July 1899, informing of the purchase of a portrait of the late Baroness de Hirsch to present to the Board. This paper is attached to page 244 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

MS173/1/11/2/755 Letter from Amelia Simons to Benjamin L.Cohen informing that the portrait of the late Baroness de Hirsch is with the frame maker and is to be sent to the offices of the Board tomorrow ..DATE: 18 July 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Amelia Simons to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 18 July 1899, informing that the portrait of the late Baroness de Hirsch is with the frame maker and is to be sent to the offices of the Board tomorrow. This paper is attached to page 244 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p245 Page 245 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 245, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/756-9 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/756 Letter from John Foster-Cooper to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £46.9.2 ..DATE: 31 August 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from John Foster-Cooper, solicitor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 31 August 1899, enclosing a cheque for £46.9.2 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Mrs. D.C.Hort, Nice. This paper is attached to page 245 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/757 Letter from J.M.Myers to the chairman of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor informing of the sum of £25 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Coleman Angel ..DATE: 11 September 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.M.Myers to the chairman of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 September 1899, informing of the sum of £25 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Coleman Angel. This paper is attached to page 245 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/758 Letter from Joe Solomon to Morris Stephany enclosing a draft for £5.5.0 ..DATE: 14 August 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Joe Solomon, honorary secretary of the Helping Hands Jewish Philanthropic Society, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 August 1899, enclosing a draft for £5.5.0 donated by the Helping Hands Jewish Philanthropic Society. This paper is attached to page 245 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/759 Letter from Amelia Simons to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £100 ..DATE: 9 August 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Amelia Simons to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 August 1899, enclosing a cheque for £100 bequeathed to the Board by her late husband, Simon Simons. This paper is attached to page 245 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p246 Page 246 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 246, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/760-6 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/760A Letter from Alfred J.Waley to Benjamin L.Cohen expressing his thanks for the sympathy offered on the death of his mother ..DATE: 11 October 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Alfred J.Waley, member of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 October 1899, expressing his thanks for the sympathy offered on the death of his mother. This paper is attached to page 246 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/760B Letter from Alfred J.Waley to Michael A.Green expressing his thanks to members of the Board for their vote of condolence and sympathy on the death of his mother ..DATE: 11 October 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Alfred J.Waley, member of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 October 1899, expressing his thanks to members of the Board for their vote of condolence and sympathy on the death of his mother. This paper is attached to page 246 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/761 Letter from Joseph Jacobs to Morris Stephany referencing the Macfie Trust he states that the Russo-Jewish Committee are in agreement with the Board as to funding the remaining £3000 ..DATE: 25 October 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Joseph Jacobs, member of the Russo-Jewish Committee, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 25 October 1899, referencing the Macfie Trust he states that the Russo-Jewish Committee are in agreement with the Board as to funding the remaining £3000. He also raises the question as to the disposal of the remaining £2000. This paper is attached to page 246 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/762 Paper detailing Abraham Garcia and wife ..DATE: October 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing Abraham Garcia and wife, October 1899, providing details of their weekly rent and noting that the husband has been ill for four years and that his wife is dependent upon her children. This paper is attached to page 246 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/763 Letter from D.Garcia to Morris Stephany informing that he expects to go to the front next Tuesday ..DATE: October 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from D.Garcia to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, October 1899, informing that he expects to go to the front next Tuesday. This paper is attached to page 246 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/764 Envelope addressed to Morris Stephany ..DATE: 19 October 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Envelope addressed to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 19 October 1899. This paper is attached to page 246 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/765 Letter from D.Garcia to Morris Stephany informing that he will be embarking on Friday, expressing that he is please with the postal order, and detailing his weekly allowance of 5 shillings to his mother ..DATE: 24 October 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from D.Garcia to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 24 October 1899, informing that he will be embarking on Friday, expressing that he is please with the postal order, and detailing his weekly allowance of 5 shillings to his mother. This paper is attached to page 246 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/766 Letter from D.Garcia to Morris Stephany informing that he received the postal order and expressing his thanks to Benjamin L.Cohen ..DATE: 26 October 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from D.Garcia to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 26 October 1899, informing that he received the postal order and expressing his thanks to Benjamin L.Cohen. He also states that this will be his last letter for present and that he will write again when he gets the chance. This paper is attached to page 246 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p247 Page 247 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 247, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/767 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/767 Letter from Fred W.Dingle to Morris Stephany enclosing a copy of a report and informing that the average cost to the Royal Mineral Water Hospital for each patient is £4 ..DATE: 1 November 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Fred W.Dingle, registrar and secretary of the Royal Mineral Water Hospital, Bath, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 November 1899, enclosing a copy of a report and informing that the average cost to the Royal Mineral Water Hospital for each patient is £4. This paper is attached to page 247 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p248 Page 248 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 248, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/768-72 are placed on top of the page. MS173/1/11/2/773-7 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/768 Letter from Fred W.Dingle to Morris Stephany enclosing two forms of application and requesting that the Board add its name to the list of annual subscribers ..DATE: 28 October 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Fred W.Dingle, registrar and secretary of the Royal Mineral Water Hospital, Bath, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 28 October 1899, enclosing two forms of application and requesting that the Board add its name to the list of annual subscribers in consideration of the large number of patients sent by the Board. This paper is place on top of page 248 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/769 Paper detailing Polly Reynolds ..DATE: 1 November 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing Polly Reynolds, previously Lefkowitz, 1 November 1899, a twenty-eight year old widow with no children. She is listed as being a tailoress who left Bloemfontein in October 1899 and currently lives with her parents in London. This paper is place on top of page 248 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/770 Letter from Lily H.Montagu to Morris Stephany discussing a youth named Lefkowitz whom the Emigration Committee helped send to Bloemfontein to join his sister but has had to return to England due to the outbreak of war ..DATE: 26 October 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Lily H.Montagu to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 26 October 1899, discussing a youth named Lefkowitz whom the Emigration Committee helped send to Bloemfontein to join his sister, Mrs. Reynolds, but both of whom have had to return to England due to the outbreak of war. The letter notes that they lost everything through their enforce flight and a request is made to apply to the Mansion House Fund for relief. This paper is place on top of page 248 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/771 Letter from Lily H.Montagu to Benjamin L.Cohen expressing appreciation to her uncle for his efforts resulting in a gift of £50 ..DATE: 7 November 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Lily H.Montagu to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 7 November 1899, expressing appreciation to her uncle for his efforts resulting in a gift of £50 and informing that she will not do anything in the matter without the approval of Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This paper is place on top of page 248 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/772 Letter from W.J.Soulsby to Benjamin L.Cohen requesting a suggested sum in the case of Mrs. Reynolds ..DATE: 31 October 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from W.J.Soulsby, the Mansion House, London, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 31 October 1899, requesting a suggested sum in the case of Mrs. Reynolds. This paper is place on top of page 248 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/773 Letter from Woosnam and Smith to Morris Stephany enclosing a receipt for the sum of £10 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Louis Jacob Lyons ..DATE: 10 October 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Woosnam and Smith, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 10 October 1899, enclosing a receipt for the sum of £10 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Louis Jacob Lyons. This paper is attached to page 248 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/774 Letter from Woosnam and Smith to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £10 ..DATE: 12 October 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Woosnam and Smith, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 October 1899, enclosing a cheque for £10 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Louis Jacob Lyons. This paper is attached to page 248 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/775 Letter from Dawes and Son to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £10.10.0 ..DATE: 23 October 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Dawes and Son, solicitors, to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £10.10.0 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Mrs. Anna S.Waley. This paper is attached to page 248 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/776 Paper detailing Lewis and Rose Lazarus ..DATE: October 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing Lewis and Rose Lazarus, October 1899, aged ten and eight respectively. Their parents, David and Rebecca, are listed as dead and the children are now living with their sister, Mrs.Falk. This paper is attached to page 248 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/777 Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany informing of the admission of Toby Goodwin, Ethel Legh Friedlander, and Lewis and Rose Lazarus to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum ..DATE: 12 October 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 October 1899, informing of the admission of Toby Goodwin, Ethel Legh Friedlander, and Lewis and Rose Lazarus to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum under the provisions of the Pauper Removal Act and requesting the necessary steps be taken by the Board. This paper is attached to page 248 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p249 Page 249 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 249, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/778-80 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/778 Letter from the Jewish Colonization Association to Benjamin L.Cohen expressing their satisfaction that, with the help of the Board, they are able to provide support to quite a number of emigrants and enclosing a cheque for £500 ..DATE: 9 November 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from the Jewish Colonization Association, Paris, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 November 1899, expressing their satisfaction that, with the help of the Board, they are able to provide support to quite a number of emigrants and enclosing a cheque for £500. This paper is attached to page 249 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/779 Letter from Mathilde Tuck to Morris Stephany enclosing fifty grocery tickets for the first weekly distribution of the winter as part of the North London Grocery Relief Fund ..DATE: 1 November 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Mathilde Tuck, North London Grocery Relief Fund, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 November 1899, enclosing fifty grocery tickets for the first weekly distribution of the winter as part of the North London Grocery Relief Fund. This paper is attached to page 249 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mrs Herman Tuck Grocery Relief Fund ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Gifts Food relief ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/780 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the election of visiting guardians of apprentices ..DATE: 13 November 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 November 1899, informing of the election of J.Landsberg and Malcolm E.Jonas as visiting guardians of apprentices. This paper is attached to page 249 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p250 Page 250 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 250, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/781-2 and MS173/1/11/2/784-6 are attached to the page. MS173/1/11/2/783 is placed on top of the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/781 Letter from M.Drukker to Michael A.Green offering thanks to members of the Board for the provision of a grant in recognition of his service to the Board ..DATE: 23 November 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.Drukker, member of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 23 November 1899, offering thanks to members of the Board for the provision of a grant in recognition of his service and expressing regret at having to leave the Board due to illness. This paper is attached to page 250 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/782 Letter from A.Garcia to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor offering thanks to the Board for the provision fo 5 shillings a week for six months ..DATE: 19 November 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.Garcia to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 19 November 1899, offering thanks to the Board for the provision fo 5 shillings a week for six months and expressing [her] wish to see [her husband] at his post and in service of the Board again. This paper is attached to page 250 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/783 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of an increase in the salary of the assistant clerk of the Industrial Committee ..DATE: 29 October 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 29 October 1899, informing of an increase in the salary of Henry Joel, assistant clerk of the Industrial Committee. This paper is placed on top of page 250 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/784 Letter from Fred W.Dingle to Morris Stephany conveying thanks to the Board for their subscription to the Royal Mineral Water Hospital ..DATE: 25 November 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Fred W.Dingle, registrar and secretary of the Royal Mineral Water Hospital, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 25 November 1899, conveying thanks to the Board for their subscription to the Royal Mineral Water Hospital. This paper is attached to page 250 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/785 Letter from H.Shmith to Benjamin L.Cohen applying for an increase in salary ..DATE: 23 November 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.Shmith, first clerk of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 23 November 1899, applying for an increase in salary. This paper is attached to page 250 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/786 Letter from A.Berman to Benjamin L.Cohen applying for an increase in salary ..DATE: 20 November 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.Berman, member of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 20 November 1899, applying for an increase in salary. This paper is attached to page 250 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p251 Page 251 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 251, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/787A-B are placed on top of the page. MS173/1/11/2/787C is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/787A Letter from Fred S.Franklin to Michael A.Green expressing the desire of the Visiting Committee for the President of the Board to mention the want of efficient honorary visitors at the next meeting of the Board ..DATE: 8 December 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Fred S.Franklin, honorary secretary of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 8 December 1899, expressing the desire of the Visiting Committee for the President of the Board to mention the want of efficient honorary visitors at the next meeting of the Board. This paper is placed on top of page 251 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/787B Letter from Fred S.Franklin to Michael A.Green enclosing a list of individuals nominated by the Visiting Committee as visitors for the ensuing year ..DATE: 7 December 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Fred S.Franklin, honorary secretary of the Visiting Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 7 December 1899, enclosing a list of individuals nominated by the Visiting Committee as visitors for the ensuing year. This paper is placed on top of page 251 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/787C List of nominations of visitors ..DATE: 7 December 1899 ..EXT: Two papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: List of individuals nominated as visitors by the Visiting Committee, 7 December 1899. This paper is attached to page 251 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p252 Page 252 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 252, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/788A is placed on top of the page. MS173/1/11/2/788B-E are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/788A Executors’ account of the estate of Benjamin Jacobs ..DATE: 22 November 1899 ..EXT: Twelve pages ..ADMN: ..CONT: Executors’ account of the estate of Benjamin Jacobs with the sum of £274.9.7 to be distributed to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 22 November 1899. This paper is placed on top of page 252 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/788B Letter from Drake, Son and Parton to Morris Stephany sending a statement of the executors’ account of the estate of Benjamin Jacobs ..DATE: 22 November 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Drake, Son and Parton, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 22 November 1899, sending a statement of the executors’ account of the estate of Benjamin Jacobs showing a balance of £1646.17.10 to be distributed among the six residuary legatees including an amount due to the Board. This paper is attached to page 252 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/788C Letter from S.Myers to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £22.10.0 ..DATE: 12 December 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from S.Myers, solicitor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 December 1899, enclosing a cheque for £22.10.0 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Coleman Angel. This paper is attached to page 252 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/788D Letter from Simpson, Cullingford and Company to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor requesting details for sending £25 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Mrs. Amelia Silber ..DATE: 4 December 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Simpson, Cullingford and Company, solicitors, to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 4 December 1899, requesting details for sending £25 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Mrs. Amelia Silber. This paper is attached to page 252 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/788E Letter from Simpson, Cullingford and Company to Morris Stephany enclosing a form of receipt for the sum of £22.10.0 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Mrs. Amelia Silber ..DATE: 8 December 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Simpson, Cullingford and Company, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 8 December 1899, enclosing a form of receipt for the sum of £22.10.0 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Mrs. Amelia Silber. This paper is attached to page 252 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p253 Page 253 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 253, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/789A-C and MS173/1/11/2/790-1 are attached to the page. MS173/1/11/2/789D is placed on top of the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/789A Letter from J.Jacobs to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor proposing the holding of a conference in London and elsewhere to be attended by representatives of charities established for the benefit of the Jewish poor ..DATE: November 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.Jacobs, President of the Birmingham Hebrew Board of Guardians, to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, November 1899, proposing the holding of a conference in London and elsewhere to be attended by representatives of charities established for the benefit of the Jewish poor. A list of subjects for consideration at the conference is included. This paper is attached to page 253 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/789B Letter from G.I.Emanuel to Benjamin L.Cohen discussing issues relating to a proposed conference by the Birmingham Hebrew Board of Guardians ..DATE: 12 December 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from G.I.Emanuel to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 12 December 1899, discussing issues relating to a proposed conference by the Birmingham Hebrew Board of Guardians. This paper is attached to page 253 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/789C Letter from Philip Cohen to Benjamin L.Cohen discussing a proposed conference by the Birmingham Hebrew Board of Guardians ..DATE: January 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Philip Cohen, honorary secretary of the Birmingham Hebrew Board of Guardians, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1900, discussing a proposed conference by the Birmingham Hebrew Board of Guardians. This paper is attached to page 253 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/789D Post card from Philip Cohen to Benjamin L.Cohen requesting a reply to a circular relating to the proposed Hebrew Boards of Guardians’ Conference ..DATE: 6 January 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Post card from Philip Cohen, honorary secretary of the Birmingham Hebrew Board of Guardians, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 6 January 1900, requesting a reply to a circular relating to the proposed Hebrew Boards of Guardians’ Conference Guardians. This paper is place on top of page 253 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/790 Letter from Benjamin L.Cohen to J.Jacobs discussing the proposed conference by the Birmingham Hebrew Board of Guardians and stressing the futility of attempting to create hard and fast rules to be adopted by various Boards of Guardians ..DATE: 20 December 1899 ..EXT: Two papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Copy of a letter from Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to J.Jacobs, President of the Birmingham Hebrew Board of Guardians , 20 December 1899, discussing the proposed conference by the Birmingham Hebrew Board of Guardians and stressing the futility of attempting to create hard and fast rules to be adopted by various Boards of Guardians . This paper is attached to page 253 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/791 Letter from J.Jacobs to Benjamin L.Cohen apologising for a circular being issued citing the approval of the Board without the Board’s knowledge ..DATE: 18 December 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.Jacobs, President of the Birmingham Hebrew Board of Guardians, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 20 December 1899, apologising for a circular being issued citing the approval of the Board without the Board’s knowledge and discussing the issue of attempting to create hard and fast rules to be adopted by various Boards of Guardians. This paper is attached to page 253 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p254 Page 254 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 254, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/792-6 are placed on top of the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/792 Letter from the Jewish Colonization Association to Morris Stephany suggesting that the Board join with a number of institutions in entering into litigation with the French fiscal authorities for the restitution of succession fees paid by the executor’s of the late Baroness de Hirsch’s estate ..DATE: 2 January 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from the Jewish Colonization Association, Paris, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 2 January 1900, suggesting that the Board join with a number of institutions in entering into litigation with the French fiscal authorities for the restitution of succession fees paid by the executor’s of the late Baroness de Hirsch’s estate. This paper is placed on top of page 254 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/793 Letter from Tatham and Lousada to Benjamin L.Cohen discussing legal details in connection with entering into litigation with the French fiscal authorities for the restitution of succession fees paid by the executor’s of the late Baroness de Hirsch’s estate ..DATE: 4 January 1900 ..EXT: Three papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Tatham and Lousada, solicitors, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 4 January 1900, discussing legal details in connection with entering into litigation with the French fiscal authorities for the restitution of succession fees paid by the executor’s of the late Baroness de Hirsch’s estate. This paper is placed on top of page 254 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/794 Letter from Benjamin L.Cohen to the Jewish Colonization Association informing that the Board is willing to pay its share of the costs involved in entering into litigation with the French fiscal authorities for the restitution of succession fees paid by the executor’s of the late Baroness de Hirsch’s estate ..DATE: 5 January 1900 ..EXT: Two papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to the Jewish Colonization Association, Paris, 5 January 1900, informing that the Board is willing to pay its share of the costs involved in entering into litigation with the French fiscal authorities for the restitution of succession fees paid by the executor’s of the late Baroness de Hirsch’s estate. This paper is placed on top of page 254 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/795 Letter from E.Schwarzfeld to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor informing of the sharing of funds between the Baron de Hirsch Fund in New York and the Baron de Hirsch Foundation in Vienna in connection with fees unduly collected by the French fiscal authorities ..DATE: 22 January 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from E.Schwarzfeld, secretary of the Jewish Colonization Committee, to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 22 January 1900, informing of the sharing of funds between the Baron de Hirsch Fund in New York and the Baron de Hirsch Foundation in Vienna in connection with fees unduly collected by the French fiscal authorities. This paper is placed on top of page 254 of the letter book. ..LANG: French ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/796 Letter from Morris Stephany to E.Schwarzfeld expressing thanks for details of costs involved in entering into litigation with the French fiscal authorities for the restitution of succession fees paid by the executor’s of the late Baroness de Hirsch’s estate and discussing further details ..DATE: 24 January 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Copy of letter from Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to E.Schwarzfeld, secretary of the Jewish Colonization Committee, 24 January 1900, expressing thanks for details of costs involved in entering into litigation with the French fiscal authorities for the restitution of succession fees paid by the executor’s of the late Baroness de Hirsch’s estate and discussing further details. This paper is placed on top of page 254 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p255 Page 255 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 255, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/797-801 are placed on top of the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/797 Letter from H.S.Harris and Company to Morris Stephany informing of the sum of £100 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Henry Harris ..DATE: 5 January 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.S.Harris and Company, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 5 January 1900, informing of the sum of £100 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Henry Harris. This paper is attached to page 255 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/798 Letter from H.S.Harris and Company to Morris Stephany enclosing a legacy duty receipt for the legacy bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Henry Harris ..DATE: 22 January 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.S.Harris and Company, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 22 January 1900, enclosing a legacy duty receipt for the legacy bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Henry Harris. This paper is attached to page 255 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/799 Letter from H.S.Harris and Company to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £100 ..DATE: 22 January 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.S.Harris and Company, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 22 January 1900, enclosing a cheque for £100 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Henry Harris. This paper is attached to page 255 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/800 Letter from Owston, Dickinson and Simpson to Morris Stephany informing of the sum of £100 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Joseph Levy ..DATE: 6 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Owston, Dickinson and Simpson, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 6 February 1900, informing of the sum of £100 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Joseph Levy. This paper is attached to page 255 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/801 Letter from Owston, Dickinson and Simpson to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £100 ..DATE: 8 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Owston, Dickinson and Simpson, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 8 February 1900, enclosing a cheque for £100 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Joseph Levy. This paper is attached to page 255 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p256 Page 256 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 256, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/802-4 are placed on top of the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/802 Letter from George C.Raphael to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing £500 ..DATE: 6 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from George C.Raphael to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 6 February 1900, enclosing £500 donated to the Board by Mr. And Mrs. George C.Raphael in memory of their son the late Frederick M.Raphael. This paper is attached to page 256 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/803 Letter from Ernest Turner to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £25 ..DATE: January 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Ernest Turner to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1900, enclosing a cheque for £25 donated to the Board by the Aldgate Freedom Foundation to be use in the relief of cases of emergency in the Portsoken Ward. This paper is attached to page 256 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/804 Letter from Drake, Son and Parton to Morris Stephany informing of the sum of £274.9.7 donated to the Board by the will of the late Benjamin Jacobs ..DATE: 20 December 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Drake, Son and Parton, solicitors, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 20 December 1899, informing of the sum of £274.9.7 donated to the Board by the will of the late Benjamin Jacobs. This paper is attached to page 256 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p257 Page 257 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 257, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p258 Page 258 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 258, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/805-8 are placed on top of the page. MS173/1/11/2/809-23 are placed on top of the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/805 Letter from W.J.Soulsby to Benjamin L.Cohen informing of three hundred and fifty foreign Jews arriving in Southampton en route for Europe ..DATE: 22 January 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from W.J.Soulsby, the Mansion House, London, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 22 January 1900, informing of three hundred and fifty foreign Jews from Transvaal arriving in Southampton en route for Europe who the Board might wish to facilitate in their passage to their final destinations. This paper is placed on top of page 258 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Benjamin L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/806 Letter from Morris Stephany to W.J.Soulsby expressing thanks for informing the Board of three hundred and fifty foreign Jews arriving in Southampton en route for Europe ..DATE: 24 January 1900 ..EXT: Two papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Copy of letter from Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to W.J.Soulsby, the Mansion House, London, 24 January 1899, expressing thanks for informing the Board of three hundred and fifty foreign Jews arriving in Southampton en route for Europe. He informs of the Board’s intended action to meet the transport Cheshire in Southampton and states his understanding that the Mansion House will be willing to furnish any monies required to facilitate their passage to their final destinations. This paper is placed on top of page 258 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/807 Letter from W.J.Soulsby to Morris Stephany requesting the Board look after non-Jewish cases and add the expenses to those already incurred by the Jewish cases ..DATE: 5 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from W.J.Soulsby, the Mansion House, London, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 5 February 1899, requesting the Board look after non-Jewish cases and add the expenses to those already incurred by the Jewish cases. This paper is placed on top of page 258 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/808 Letter from W.J.Soulsby to Morris Stephany discussing excessive expenses incurred by the Board in facilitating refugees from Transvaal arriving in Southampton en route for Europe ..DATE: 15 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from W.J.Soulsby, the Mansion House, London, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 15 February 1899, discussing excessive expenses incurred by the Board in facilitating refugees from Transvaal arriving in Southampton on board the transport S.S.Cheshire en route for Europe. This paper is placed on top of page 258 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/809 Paper detailing the transport Cheshire ..DATE: January 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing the transport Cheshire, January 1899, which left St Vincent on 23 January and is due to arrive in Southampton on the 1 or 2 February 1900. This paper is attached to page 258 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/810 Letter from N.Levy to Morris Stephany promising to arrange facilities for the Jewish refugees ..DATE: 25 January 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from N.Levy, honorary secretary of the Southampton Jewish Congregation, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 25 January 1899, promising to arrange facilities for the Jewish refugees. This paper is attached to page 258 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Southampton Hebrew Congregation Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/811 Letter from G.A.E.Hussey to Morris Stephany referencing a letter from the Lord Mayor of London regarding the arrival of foreign Jewish refugees on the Cheshire he informs that he is making arrangements and requests assistance ..DATE: 26 January 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from G.A.E.Hussey, Mayor of Southampton, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 26 January 1899, referencing a letter from the Lord Mayor of London regarding the arrival of foreign Jewish refugees on the Cheshire he informs that he is making arrangements and requests assistance. This paper is attached to page 258 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Hussey | George Alfred Ernest | Mayor of Southampton, 1898-1900 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/812 Letter from Nathan Levy to Morris Stephany discussing having met with the Mayor of Southampton and made arrangements for the arrival of foreign Jewish refugees ..DATE: 29 January 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Nathan Levy, honorary secretary of the Southampton Jewish Congregation, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 29 January 1899, discussing having met with the Mayor of Southampton and made arrangements for the arrival of foreign Jewish refugees. This paper is attached to page 258 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Hussey | George Alfred Ernest | Mayor of Southampton, 1898-1900 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Southampton Hebrew Congregation Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/813 Press cutting from the Southampton Times detailing the arrival of refugees from Transvaal into Southampton on board the transport Cheshire ..DATE: 3 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Press cutting from the Southampton Times, 3 February 1900, detailing the arrival of between five hundred and six hundred refugees from Transvaal into Southampton on board the transport Cheshire, three hundred of whom are believe to be Jewish. The article outlines arrangements made between the Mayor of Southampton and the Lord Mayor of London with expenses incurred to be paid out of the Mansion House Fund. It also outlines support provided by the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor and the Southampton Jewish Congregation. This paper is attached to page 258 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Southampton Hebrew Congregation Southampton Times Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Press Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/814 Letter from N.Levy to Morris Stephany expressing his sympathy at seeing the lying statements in the Daily Mail and stressing his hope that the Board with repudiate the charge ..DATE: 4 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from N.Levy, honorary secretary of the Southampton Jewish Congregation, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 4 February 1900, expressing his sympathy at seeing the lying statements in the Daily Mail and stressing his hope that the Board with repudiate the charge. This paper is attached to page 258 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Southampton Hebrew Congregation Mansion House Fund Daily Mail ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Press Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/815 Letter from Leonard Cohen to Morris Stephany drafting a response to W.J.Soulsby regarding the payment of expenses incurred by the Board in facilitating refugees arriving in Southampton ..DATE: 16 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Leonard Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 16 February 1900, drafting a response to W.J.Soulsby, the Mansion House, London, regarding the payment of expenses incurred by the Board in facilitating refugees arriving in Southampton and the understanding that the expenses were to be met by the Mansion House Fund. This paper is attached to page 258 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Leonard L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1900-1920 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/816 Letter from Leonard Cohen to Morris Stephany discussing a misunderstanding regarding expenses incurred in facilitating refugees being met by the Mansion House Fund ..DATE: 15 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Leonard Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 15 February 1900, discussing a misunderstanding between the Board and W.J.Soulsby, the Mansion House, London, regarding expenses incurred in facilitating refugees being met by the Mansion House Fund. This paper is attached to page 258 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Leonard L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1900-1920 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/817 Letter from Nathan Levy to Morris Stephany informing that the woman Gillis is recovering well at the infirmary ..DATE: 14 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Nathan Levy, honorary secretary of the Southampton Jewish Congregation, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 February 1900, informing that the woman Gillis is recovering well at the infirmary. This paper is attached to page 258 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Southampton Hebrew Congregation Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/818 Letter from Nathan Levy to Morris Stephany informing that the woman Gillis at the infirmary is doing badly but that everything possible is being done ..DATE: 9 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Nathan Levy, honorary secretary of the Southampton Jewish Congregation, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 February 1900, informing that the woman Gillis at the infirmary is doing badly but that everything possible is being done. This paper is attached to page 258 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Southampton Hebrew Congregation Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/819 Letter from T.J.Heath to Nathan Levy informing that Doctor Beneraft is of the opinion that the woman Gillis will not get better ..DATE: 9 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from T.J.Heath, Master of the Southampton Incorporation Workhouse, to Nathan Levy, honorary secretary of the Southampton Jewish Congregation, 9 February 1900, informing that Doctor Beneraft is of the opinion that the woman Gillis will not get better. This paper is attached to page 258 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Southampton Hebrew Congregation Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/820 Letter from Nathan Levy to Morris Stephany discussing the expenses of the Gillis family ..DATE: 8 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Nathan Levy, honorary secretary of the Southampton Jewish Congregation, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 8 February 1900, discussing the expenses of the Gillis family. The letter refers to there being three children sent to Manchester with the mother being in a bad way at the infirmary where the father is ensuring that she has every attention. This paper is attached to page 258 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Southampton Hebrew Congregation Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/821 Letter from Nathan Levy to G.A.E.Hussey expressing thanks for arrangements made for the dispatch of Jewish refugees ..DATE: 4 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Nathan Levy, honorary secretary of the Southampton Jewish Congregation, to G.A.E.Hussey, Mayor of Southampton, 4 February 1900, expressing thanks for arrangements made for the dispatch of Jewish refugees and discussing details. This paper is attached to page 258 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Hussey | George Alfred Ernest | Mayor of Southampton, 1898-1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Southampton Hebrew Congregation Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/822 Letter from Henry Harris to Morris Stephany forwarding one thousand two hundred tickets valued at £60 ..DATE: 25 December 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Henry Harris, secretary of the Tradesmen’s Benevolent Society, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 25 December 1899, forwarding one thousand two hundred tickets valued at £60 donated to the Board by the Trademen’s Benevolent Society. This paper is attached to page 258 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/823 Letter from Albert M.Hyamson to Morris Stephany forwarding £10 worth of relief tickets ..DATE: 19 January 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Albert M.Hyamson, secretary of the Metropolitan Promoters of Charity, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 19 January 1900, forwarding £10 worth of relief tickets donated to the Board by the Metropolitan Promoters of Charity. This paper is attached to page 258 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p259 Page 259 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 259, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/824-7 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/824 Letter from J.M.Ansell to Morris Stephany informing of the election of a member of the Loan Committee ..DATE: 19 December 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.M.Ansell, honorary secretary of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 19 December 1899, informing of the election of Alphonse Joseph as a member of the Loan Committee. This paper is attached to page 259 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/825 Letter from Hebert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the election of a visiting guardian of apprentices ..DATE: 13 December 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Hebert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 December 1899, informing of the election of Joseph Wolff as a visiting guardian of apprentices. This paper is attached to page 259 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/826A Letter from Hebert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the election of visiting guardians of apprentices ..DATE: 1 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Hebert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 February 1900, informing of the election of Miss Nettie Adler, Mrs. Neuhaus and Miss Olga d’Avigdor as visiting guardians of apprentices. This paper is attached to page 259 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/826B Letter from Hebert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the election of an honorary accountant of the Industrial Committee and a visiting guardian of apprentices ..DATE: 7 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Hebert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 7 February 1900, informing of the election of Neville G.Higham as honorary accountant of the Industrial Committee and F.A.Mostyn as a visiting guardian of apprentices. This paper is attached to page 259 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/827 Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany discussing the admission of Jacob and Benjamin Bernstein to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum ..DATE: 22 December 1899 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 22 December 1899, discussing the admission of Jacob and Benjamin Bernstein to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum under the provisions of the Pauper Removal Act. This paper is attached to page 259 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p260 Page 260 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 260, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/828-37 are placed on top of the page. MS173/1/11/2/838-40 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/828 Letter from Leonard Cohen to Morris Stephany discussing the two hundred and thirty-six Jewish refugees dispatched from Southampton ..DATE: 2 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Leonard Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 2 February 1900, discussing the two hundred and thirty-six Jewish refugees dispatched from Southampton. This paper is placed on top of page 260 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Leonard L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1900-1920 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/829 Letter from S.Berman to Morris Stephany discussing the settling of arrangements for the arrival of a ship containing Jewish refugees into Southampton ..DATE: 1 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from S.Berman, Southampton, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 February 1900, discussing the settling of arrangements for the arrival of a ship containing Jewish refugees into Southampton. This paper is placed on top of page 260 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/830 Letter from the Poor Jews’ Temporary Shelter to Morris Stephany requesting to be informed of the dispatch of Jewish refugees from Southampton to London ..DATE: 2 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from the Poor Jews’ Temporary Shelter to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 2 February 1900, requesting to be informed of the dispatch of Jewish refugees from Southampton to London and whether any assistance will be required on their arrival. This paper is placed on top of page 260 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/830 Letter from the Poor Jews’ Temporary Shelter to Morris Stephany requesting to be informed regarding the dispatch of Jewish refugees from Southampton to London ..DATE: 2 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from the Poor Jews’ Temporary Shelter to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 2 February 1900, requesting to be informed regarding the dispatch of Jewish refugees from Southampton to London and whether any assistance will be required on their arrival. This paper is placed on top of page 260 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/831A Telegram from S.Berman to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor informing that there is no news ..DATE: 2 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Telegram from S.Berman, Southampton, to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 2 February 1900, informing that there is no news [regarding the dispatch of Jewish refugees from Southampton] and that the snow and wind are devilish. This paper is placed on top of page 260 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/831B Telegram from S.Berman to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor informing that the Cheshire is expected at the docks at twelve ..DATE: 2 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Telegram from S.Berman, Southampton, to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 2 February 1900, informing that the Cheshire is expected at the docks at twelve. This paper is placed on top of page 260 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/831C Telegram from Leonard Cohen to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor informing that train is getting ready and that he does not know how many [refugees] will have to be looked after ..DATE: 2 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Telegram from Leonard Cohen, Southampton, to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, London, 2 February 1900, informing that train is getting ready and that he does not know how many will [refugees] have to be looked after. This paper is placed on top of page 260 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Cohen | Leonard L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1900-1920 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/832 Telegram from S.Berman to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor informing of the arrival of Friedman and two hundred and thirty-six refugees into Waterloo at five o’clock ..DATE: 2 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Telegram from S.Berman, Southampton, to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, London, 2 February 1900, informing of the arrival of Friedman and two hundred and thirty-six refugees into Waterloo at five o’clock. This paper is placed on top of page 260 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/833 Telegram from Leonard Cohen to Morris Stephany asking to arrange as many [refugee] cases as is practical for attendance at the Board tomorrow ..DATE: 3 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Telegram from Leonard Cohen, Paddington, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 3 February 1900, asking to arrange as many [refugee] cases as is practical for attendance at the Board tomorrow. This paper is placed on top of page 260 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Leonard L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1900-1920 Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/834 Press cutting from the Daily Mail detailing the arrival of six hundred refugees from Transvaal into Southampton on board the transport Cheshire ..DATE: 22 January 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Press cutting from the Daily Mail, 22 January 1900, detailing the arrival of six hundred refugees from Transvaal into Southampton on 2 February on board the transport Cheshire. The article states that the refugees have been informed that they will receive no assistance on arrival, with necessary expenses being defrayed out of the Mansion House Fund, and that arrangements will be made for the refugees to find their way to their final destination. This paper is placed on top of page 260 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund Daily Mail ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Press Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/835 Press cutting from the Daily Mail containing an article detailing disgraceful scenes by Jewish refugees from Transvaal while on board the transport Cheshire and on their arrival into Southampton ..DATE: 3 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Full page press cutting from the Daily Mail, 3 February 1900, containing an article detailing disgraceful scenes by Jewish refugees from Transvaal while on board the transport Cheshire and on their arrival into Southampton. The article accuses the Jewish refugees of pretending to be penniless, refusing to work while on board the ship, acting threateningly towards crew members and fellow passengers, rushing for food provisions on their arrival in Southampton, cursing and swearing, and gambling hundreds of pounds worth of money. This paper is placed on top of page 260 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund Daily Mail ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Press Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/836A Press cutting from the Morning Leader accusing the Daily Mail of fabrication in its report detailing disgraceful scenes by Jewish refugees while on board the transport Cheshire and on their arrival into Southampton ..DATE: 5 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Press cutting from the Morning Leader, 5 February 1900, accusing the Daily Mail of fabrication in its report detailing disgraceful scenes by Jewish refugees from Transvaal while on board the transport Cheshire and on their arrival into Southampton. The article offers a number of contradictory view points and details some of the difficult conditions faced by the refugees. This paper is placed on top of page 260 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund Daily Mail Morning Leader ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Press Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/836B Press cutting from the Pall Mall Gazette containing an interview with Morris Stephany responding to accusations made by the Daily Mail regarding the disgraceful conduct of Jewish refugees who arrived into Southampton on board the Cheshire ..DATE: 5 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Full page press cutting from the Pall Mall Gazette, 5 February 1900, containing an interview with Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, responding to accusations made by the Daily Mail regarding the disgraceful conduct of Jewish refugees from Transvaal who arrived into Southampton on board the Cheshire. Stephany states that the details of the report are either exaggerated, distorted or false. This paper is placed on top of page 260 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund Daily Mail Pall Mall Gazette ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Press Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/837 Paper detailing costs in connections with refugees who arrived into Southampton on board the transport Cheshire ..DATE: February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing costs in connections with refugees from Transvaal who arrived into Southampton on 2 February on board the transport Cheshire, February 1900. This paper is placed on top of page 260 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/838 Press cutting from the Jewish Chronicle discussing recent issues relating to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: 16 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Full page press cutting from the Jewish Chronicle, 16 February 1900, discussing recent issues relating the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, including a conference of guardians proposed by the Birmingham Hebrew Board of Guardians, an invitation from the Jewish Colonization Association Board enter into litigation with the French fiscal authorities for the restitution of succession fees paid by the executor’s of the late Baroness de Hirsch’s estate, and action taken by the Board on the arrival of Jewish refugees from Transvaal into Southampton on board the transport Cheshire. This paper is attached to page 260 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/839 Letter from David F.Schloss to Michael A.Green informing of a resolution passed by the Sanitary Committee to raise the salary of H.Quaintrell ..DATE: 9 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from David F.Schloss, honorary secretary of the Sanitary Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 February 1900, informing of a resolution passed by the Sanitary Committee to raise the salary of H.Quaintrell, sanitary inspector of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This paper is attached to page 260 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/840 Letter from William G.Raphael to Meyer A.Spielmann enclosing a cheque for £500 ..DATE: 14 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from William G.Raphael to Meyer A.Spielmann, member of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 February 1900, enclosing a cheque for £500 donated to the Board in memory of his brother, the late Frederick M.Raphael. This paper is attached to page 260 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p261 Page 261 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 261, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/841-5 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

MS173/1/11/2/841 Letter from N.Leven to Benjamin L.Cohen providing the Board with the sum of £800 for the aid of families of Russian Jews ..DATE: 16 March 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from N.Leven, President of the Jewish Colonization Association, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1900, 16 March 1900, providing the Board with the sum of £800 for the aid of families of Russian Jews. This paper is attached to page 261 of the letter book. ..LANG: French ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

MS173/1/11/2/842 Letter from the Jewish Colonization Association to Benjamin L.Cohen enclosing a cheque for £800 ..DATE: 21 March 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from the Jewish Colonization Association, Paris, to Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 21 March 1900, enclosing a cheque for £800 to be used for the purposes communicated by the Board. This paper is attached to page 261 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

MS173/1/11/2/843 Letter from Benjamin L.Cohen to N.Leven acknowledging receipt of letter informing the Board that the Jewish Colonization Association has voted to provide the sum of £800 to be applied to poor Jewish cases driven from Transvaal by the war ..DATE: 19 March 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Copy of letter from Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to N.Leven, President of the Jewish Colonization Association, Paris, 19 March 1900, acknowledging receipt of letter informing the Board that the Jewish Colonization Association has voted to provide the sum of £800 to be applied to poor Jewish cases driven from Transvaal by the war. Cohen states that the Board is currently dealing with several such cases. This paper is attached to page 261 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

MS173/1/11/2/844 Letter from P.Ornstien to Morris Stephany informing that Leonard L.Cohen was elected one of the representatives of the Council of the United Synagogue at the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: 2 May 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from P.Ornstien, secretary of the Office of the Council of the United Synagogue, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 2 May 1900, informing that Leonard L.Cohen was elected one of the representatives of the Council of the United Synagogue at the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor in place of Hyman A.Abrahams. This paper is attached to page 261 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

MS173/1/11/2/845 Letter from Benjamin L.Cohen to N.Leven discussing the distribution of the sum of £800 intended to be applied to poor Jewish cases driven from Transvaal by the war ..DATE: 23 March 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Copy of letter from Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to N.Leven, President of the Jewish Colonization Association, Paris, 23 March 1900, discussing the distribution of the sum of £800 intended to be applied to poor Jewish cases driven from Transvaal by the war. This paper is attached to page 261 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p262 Page 262 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 262, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/846-7A are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: MS173/1/11/2/846 Letter from Benjamin L.Cohen to Frederic D.Mocatta tendering his resignation as the President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: 22 March 1900 ..EXT: Three papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Benjamin L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Frederic D.Mocatta, Vice President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 22 March 1900, tendering his resignation as the President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor. This paper is attached to page 262 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Benjamin | Maurice | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1920-1945 Mocatta | Frederic D | Vice President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1887-1905 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Resignation (employee)

MS173/1/11/2/847A Resolutions to be passed by the Board accepting the resignation of Benjamin L.Cohen as President ..DATE: March 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Resolutions to be passed by the Board accepting the resignation of Benjamin L.Cohen as President, March 1900. This paper is attached to page 262 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Benjamin | Maurice | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1920-1945 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Personnel Resignation (employee)

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p263 Page 263 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 263, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p264 Page 264 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 264, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/847B-F are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/847B Letter from W.J.Soulsby to Benjamin L.Cohen enclosing document regarding passengers on the transport “Canada” and requesting he contact the Southampton Jewish authorities ..DATE: 29 March 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from W.J.Soulsby, the Mansion House, London, to Benjamin L.Cohen, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 29 March 1900, enclosing document regarding passengers on the transport “Canada” and requesting he contact the Southampton Jewish authorities. This paper is attached to page 264 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Benjamin | Maurice | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1920-1945 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Southampton Hebrew Congregation Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/847C Copy of a letter from Fred Graham to W.J.Soulsby informing the Lord Mayor of London that the transport “Canada” is due to arrive at Southampton containing refugees from South Africa ..DATE: 24 March 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Copy of a letter from Fred Graham, Downing Street, London to W.J.Soulsby, the Mansion House, London, 24 March 1900, informing the Lord Mayor of London that the transport “Canada” is due to arrive at Southampton containing refugees from South Africa. This paper is attached to page 264 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Benjamin | Maurice | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1920-1945 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/847D Copy of a letter from R.H.Knox to the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies informing Mr Secretary Chamberlain that the transport “Canada” is due to arrive at Southampton containing refugees from South Africa ..DATE: 17 March 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Copy of a letter from R.H.Knox, War Office, London, to the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, 17 March 1900, informing Mr Secretary Chamberlain that the transport “Canada” is due to arrive at Southampton containing refugees from South Africa. This paper is attached to page 264 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Benjamin | Maurice | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1920-1945 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/847E Copy of a letter from H.Bethaw Cox to the Secretary to the Lord Mayor of London enclosing a schedule regarding the arrival of refugees on board the transport “Canada” ..DATE: 28 March 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Copy of a letter from H.Bethaw Cox, Downing Street, London, to the Secretary to the Lord Mayor of London, 28 March 1900, enclosing a schedule regarding the arrival of refugees on board the transport “Canada”. This paper is attached to page 264 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Benjamin | Maurice | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1920-1945 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/847F Copies of telegrams regarding the arrival of the transport “Canada” at Southampton containing refugees from South Africa ..DATE: 28 February - 24 March 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Copies of telegrams regarding the arrival of the transport “Canada” at Southampton containing refugees from South Africa, 28 February - 24 March 1900. It is noted in the second telegram that the passengers require no assistance on arrival. This paper is attached to page 264 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Benjamin | Maurice | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1920-1945 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/847G Paper detailing the numbers of refugees from the transport “Canada” dealt with at Southampton ..DATE: [April 1900] ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing the numbers of refugees from the transport “Canada” dealt with at Southampton, [April 1900]. This paper is attached to page 264 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/847H Paper referencing costs relating to refugees from the transport “Canada” dealt with at Southampton ..DATE: [April 1900] ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper referencing costs relating to refugees from the transport “Canada” dealt with at Southampton, [April 1900]. This paper is attached to page 264 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mansion House Fund ..PLAC: Transvaal South Africa Southampton ..SUBJ: Boer War (1899-1902) Refugees Displaced persons Humanitarian assistance

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p265 Page 265 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 265, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/848-52 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/848 Letter from James Edgell to Morris Stephany discussing the admission of Ruben Lazarus to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum ..DATE: 29 March 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from James Edgell, clerk of the Kingston Union, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 29 March 1900, discussing the admission of Ruben [Reuben] Lazarus, aged 10, to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum. This paper is attached to page 265 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Lazarus | Nathaniel | fl 1900 Lazarus | Reuben | fl 1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Kingston Poor Law Union Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/849 Paper detailing Nathaniel Lazarus and his nephew Ruben Lazarus ..DATE: February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Paper detailing Nathaniel Lazarus and his nephew Ruben [Reuben] Lazarus, aged 10, February 1900. This paper is attached to page 265 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Lazarus | Nathaniel | fl 1900 Lazarus | Reuben | fl 1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Kingston Poor Law Union Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/850 Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany stating that he has no information on the financial situation of the grandmother of Reuben Lazarus ..DATE: 1 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 February 1900, stating that he has no information on the financial situation of the grandmother of Reuben Lazarus but suggesting that the information could be obtained from the uncle. This paper is attached to page 265 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | M J | secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Lazarus | Nathaniel | fl 1900 Lazarus | Reuben | fl 1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Kingston Poor Law Union Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/851 Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany informing that Nathaniel Lazarus has made an application for his nephew Reuben Lazarus to be admitted to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum ..DATE: 31 January 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 31 January 1900, informing that Nathaniel Lazarus has made an application for his nephew Reuben Lazarus to be admitted to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum. Green informs that both the parents are dead and that the maternal grandmother will only take charge of the boy on the condition that she can raise him in the Christian faith. The committee of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum assent to the admission of the boy under the provisions of the pauper removal acts. This paper is attached to page 265 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Green | M J | secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Lazarus | Nathaniel | fl 1900 Lazarus | Reuben | fl 1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Kingston Poor Law Union Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/852 Letter from B.A.Herrington to Morris Stephany informing that the committee of the Kingston Union resolved that Ruben Lazarus be sent to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum ..DATE: 24 March 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from B.A.Herrington, relieving officer and collector of the Kingston Union, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 24 March 1900, informing that the committee of the Kingston Union resolved that Ruben [Reuben] Lazarus be sent to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum. This paper is attached to page 265 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 Lazarus | Nathaniel | fl 1900 Lazarus | Reuben | fl 1900 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Kingston Poor Law Union Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum | Norwood ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Abandoned children Children (age group) Orphans

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p266 Page 266 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 266, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/853-6 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/853 Letter from Samuel L.Cohen to the President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor requesting a list be sent for the annual distribution of coals and blankets ..DATE: 4 May 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Samuel L.Cohen, secretary of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue, to the President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 4 May 1900, requesting a list be sent for the annual distribution of coals and blankets established under the will of the late Moses Montefiore. This paper is attached to page 266 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Gifts Relief supplies

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/854 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the election of a visiting guardian of apprentices ..DATE: 23 March 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 23 March 1900, informing of the election of D.Greenberg as a visiting guardian of apprentices. This paper is attached to page 266 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/855 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the election of a visiting guardians of apprentices ..DATE: 1 May 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 May 1900, informing of the election of Frank Lazarus and Julian G.Lousada as a visiting guardians of apprentices. This paper is attached to page 266 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/856 Letter from [Philip] Cohen to Michael A.Green stating that he will bring the resolution passed by the Board in connection with the proposed Hebrew board of guardians conference before his sub-committee ..DATE: 14 February 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from [Philip] Cohen, honorary secretary of the Birmingham Hebrew Board of Guardians, to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 February 1900, stating that he will bring the resolution passed by the Board in connection with the proposed Hebrew board of guardians conference before his sub- committee. This paper is attached to page 266 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p267 Page 267 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 267, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p268 Page 268 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 268, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/857-8 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/857 Letter from B.Berliner to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £52.10.0 ..DATE: 6 June 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from B.Berliner to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 6 June 1900, enclosing a cheque for £52.10.0 donated to the Board in the memory of the late Edward Cohen by his widow Josephine Cohen. This paper is attached to page 268 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/858 Letter from P.Ornstien to Morris Stephany informing that a resolution adopted by the Board, that five additional members be elected by the contributors, was entered into the minutes at a meeting of the Council of the United Synagogue ..DATE: 13 June 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from P.Ornstien, secretary of the Office of the Council of the United Synagogue, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 13 June 1900, informing that a resolution adopted by the Board, recommending that five additional members be elected by the contributors, was entered into the minutes at a meeting of the Council of the United Synagogue. This paper is attached to page 268 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p269 Page 269 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 269, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/859 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/859 Letter from Joseph Sebag-Montefiore to the President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £303.3.3 ..DATE: 3 July 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Joseph Sebag-Montefiore, Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Synagogue, to the President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 3 July 1900, enclosing a cheque for £303.3.3 for the distribution of coals and blankets. This paper is attached to page 268 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p270 Page 270 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 270, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/860-2 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/860 Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany informing of the admission of Morris Pickholz to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum ..DATE: 1 June 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 June 1900, informing of the admission of Morris Pickholz to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum under the provisions of the pauper removal act. This paper is attached to page 270 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/861 Letter from M.J.Green to Morris Stephany informing of the admission of Charlie and Harry Prasey to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum ..DATE: 4 July 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from M.J.Green, secretary of the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 4 July 1900, informing of the admission of Charlie and Harry Prasey to the Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum under the provisions of the pauper removal act and subject to the report of their medical officer. This paper is attached to page 270 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/862 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the election of visiting guardians of apprentices ..DATE: 4 July 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 4 July 1900, informing of the election of Frank L.Halford and J.Jacobs as visiting guardians of apprentices. This paper is attached to page 270 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p271 Page 271 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 271, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/863 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/863 Financial statement ..DATE: 30 September 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Financial statement of income and expenditure of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor for the years 1898-1900, 30 September 1900. This paper is attached to page 271 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p272 Page 272 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 272, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/864-9 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/864 Letter from J.Milgrom to Morris Stephany applying for the position of investigating officer with the Board ..DATE: 17 June 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.Milgrom, Talmud Torah Classes for Poor Jewish Children, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 17 June 1900, applying for the position of investigating officer with the Board. This paper is attached to page 272 of the letter book. ..LANG: English Hebrew ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/865 Letter from J.M.Ansell to Morris Stephany informing that the Loan Committee have chosen J.Milgrom as the most suitable candidate for the position of investigating officer ..DATE: 4 July 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.M.Ansell, honorary secretary of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 4 July 1900, informing that the Loan Committee have chosen J.Milgrom as the most suitable candidate for the position of investigating officer. This paper is attached to page 272 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/866 Letter from Joseph Jacobs to Morris Stephany offering a positive reference for J.Milgrom ..DATE: 6 July 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Joseph Jacobs to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 6 July 1900, offering a positive reference for J.Milgrom and recommending him for the position of investigating officer. This paper is attached to page 272 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/867 Letter from H.Tuck to Michael A.Green enclosing a cheque for £100 ..DATE: 1 September 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from H.Tuck to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 September 1900, enclosing a cheque for £100 donated to the Board in memory of his parents. This paper is attached to page 272 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/868 Memorandum from Isaac H.Levy to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £10 ..DATE: 9 July 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Memorandum from Isaac H.Levy to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 July 1900, enclosing a cheque for £10 bequeathed to the Board by the will of his late father, Hyam Levy. This paper is attached to page 272 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/869 Letter from David A.Romain to Morris Stephany enclosing a cheque for £4.10.0 ..DATE: 15 August 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from David A.Romain to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 15 August 1900, enclosing a cheque for £4.10.0 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Wolfe Isaacs. This paper is attached to page 272 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p273 Page 273 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 273, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/870-1 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/870 Letter from the Jewish Colonization Association to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £1000 ..DATE: 19 October 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from the Jewish Colonization Association, Paris, to the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 19 October 1900, enclosing a cheque for £1000 [for cases of emigration of Russian and Romanian Jewish to places other than North America]. This paper is attached to page 273 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jewish Colonization Association | Paris ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Emigration Migrants Grants ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/871 Letter from F.D. and D.A.Morrison to Leonard L.Cohen discussing R.Macfie’s Trust ..DATE: 3 October 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from F.D. and D.A.Morrison, writers, Greenock, to Leonard L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 3 October 1900, discussing R.Macfie’s Trust. This paper is attached to page 273 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Leonard L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1900-1920 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Funds

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p274 Page 274 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 274, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/872-3 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/872 Letter from the Jewish Colonization Association to Leonard L.Cohen informing of the sum of £1000 being sent to the Board for the aid of the families of Russian and Romanian Jews ..DATE: 11 October 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from the Jewish Colonization Association, Paris, to Leonard L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 11 October 1900, informing of the sum of £1000 being sent to the Board for aiding the emigration of the families of Russian and Romanian Jews to places other than North America. This paper is attached to page 274 of the letter book. ..LANG: French ..INFO: ..PER: Cohen | Leonard L | President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1900-1920 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jewish Colonization Association | Paris ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Emigration Migrants Grants

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/873 Memorandum from C.H.Browning to Morris Stephany informing that he has given B.Parker leave to enable him to follow his employment with the Board ..DATE: 1 October 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Memorandum from C.H.Browning to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 October 1900, informing that he has given B.Parker leave to enable him to follow his employment with the Board. This paper is attached to page 274 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p275 Page 275 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 275, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/874 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/874 Letter from Alice Model to Michael A.Green informing of the Committee of the Sick Room Helps Society’s approval of conditions laid down by the Board regarding the two bodies working together to carry out maternity relief ..DATE: 30 October 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Alice Model, Sick Room Helps Society, to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 30 October 1900, informing of the Committee of the Sick Room Helps Society’s approval of conditions laid down by the Board regarding the two bodies working together to carry out maternity relief. This paper is attached to page 275 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p276 Page 276 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 276, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/875-81 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/875 Letter from A.Dunkels to Morris Stephany resigning his seat as a member of the Board ..DATE: 6 November 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from A.Dunkels, member of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 6 November 1900, resigning his seat as a member of the Board. This paper is attached to page 276 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2/876 Letter from Mathilde Tuck to Morris Stephany enclosing grocery tickets for distribution ..DATE: 28 October 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Mathilde Tuck, North London Grocery Relief Fund, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 28 October 1900, enclosing grocery tickets for distribution. This paper is attached to page 276 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Mrs Herman Tuck Grocery Relief Fund ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Gifts Food relief

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/877 Clothing list of the Jewish Ladies Clothing Association ..DATE: 12 November 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Clothing list of the Jewish Ladies Clothing Association, 12 November 1900. This paper is attached to page 276 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jewish Ladies’ Clothing Association ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Gifts Relief supplies Clothing

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/878 Post card from the London Needlework Guild to Morris Stephany sending a bundle of clothing ..DATE: 9 November 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Post card from the London Needlework Guild to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 November 1900, sending a bundle of clothing for the benefit of the poor. This paper is attached to page 276 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor London Needlework Guild ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Gifts Relief supplies Clothing

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/879 Post card from the A.Sebag Montefiore to Morris Stephany informing that he will be sending three sacks of clothing ..DATE: 4 November 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Post card from the A.Sebag Montefiore to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 4 November 1900, informing that he will be sending three sacks of clothing. This paper is attached to page 276 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jewish Ladies’ Clothing Association ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Gifts Relief supplies Clothing

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/880 Note referencing an enclosed list of clothes sent from the President of the Jewish Ladies Clothing Association ..DATE: 26 October 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Note referencing an enclosed list of clothes sent from the President of the Jewish Ladies Clothing Association, 26 October 1900. This paper is attached to page 276 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jewish Ladies’ Clothing Association ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Gifts Relief supplies Clothing

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/881 Letter from Mrs Seligman to Morris Stephany referencing goods sent to the Board from the Jewish Ladies Clothing Association ..DATE: 1 November 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Mrs Seligman, 179 Queen’s Gate, London, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1 November 1900, referencing goods sent to the Board from the Jewish Ladies Clothing Association. This paper is attached to page 276 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: Stephany | Morris | secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 1877-1918 ..CORP: Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor Jewish Ladies’ Clothing Association ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: Donations Gifts Relief supplies Clothing

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p277 Page 277 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 277, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/882-4 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/882 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing that the Industrial Committee has resolved to raise the salary of L.Aaron ..DATE: 29 November 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor , 29 November 1900, informing that the Industrial Committee has resolved to raise the salary of L.Aaron. This paper is attached to page 277 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/883 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany discussing a recommendation by the Industrial committee to raise the salary of L.Aaron ..DATE: 21 November 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor , 21 November 1900, discussing a recommendation by the Industrial committee to raise the salary of L.Aaron. This paper is attached to page 277 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/884 Letter from J.M.Ansell to Michael A.Green informing of a resolution by the Loan Committee to increase the salary of Moss Van Leer ..DATE: 2 December 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from J.M.Ansell, honorary secretary of the Loan Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 2 December 1900, informing of a resolution by the Loan Committee to increase the salary of Moss Van Leer. This paper is attached to page 277 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p278 Page 278 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 278, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/885 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/885 Report of the Executive Committee on a resolution to establish branches of the Loan, Emigration and Industrial Committees in one or more metropolitan districts ..DATE: May 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Report of the Executive Committee on a resolution to establish branches of the Loan, Emigration and Industrial Committees in one or more metropolitan districts, May 1900. This paper is attached to page 278 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p279 Page 279 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 279, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/886-7 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/886 Letter from Fred Henlé to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor informing of £100 donated to the Board by the will of his late father, Louis Anthony Henlé ..DATE: 9 December 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Fred Henlé to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 9 December 1900, informing of £100 donated to the Board by the will of his late father, Louis Anthony Henlé. This paper is attached to page 279 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/887 Letter from Edward S.Cashmore to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor enclosing a cheque for £22.10.0 ..DATE: 14 November 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Edward S.Cashmore to the treasurer of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 14 November 1900, enclosing a cheque for £22.10.0 bequeathed to the Board by the will of the late Rebecca Jonas. This paper is attached to page 279 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p280 Page 280 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 280, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/888-9 are attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/888 Letter from Herbert J.Marcus to Morris Stephany informing of the election of a visiting guardian of apprentices ..DATE: 6 December 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Herbert J.Marcus, honorary secretary of the Industrial Committee of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, to Morris Stephany, secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 6 December 1900, informing of the election of Edgar S.Halford as a visiting guardian of apprentices. This paper is attached to page 280 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/889 Letter from B.Berliner to Leonard L.Cohen enclosing a cheque for £200 ..DATE: 30 November 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from B.Berliner to Leonard L.Cohen, President of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 30 November 1900, enclosing a cheque for £200 donated to the Board by Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Cohen on the occasion of their silver wedding. This paper is attached to page 280 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p281 Page 281 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 281, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/890 is attached to the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/890 Letter from Benjamin L.Cohen to Michael A.Green expressing his gratitude to members of the Board for the album presented to him on the occasion of his retirement as President of the Board ..DATE: 15 November 1900 ..EXT: Two papers ..ADMN: ..CONT: Letter from Benjamin L.Cohen to Michael A.Green, honorary secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, 15 November 1900, expressing his gratitude to members of the Board for the album presented to him on the occasion of his retirement as President of the Board. This paper is attached to page 281 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p282 Page 282 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 282, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. MS173/1/11/2/891 and MS173/1/11/2/893 are attached to the page. MS173/1/11/2/892 is placed on top of the page. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/891 Repatriation cases dealt with by the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor and the Russo-Jewish Conjoint Committee from 1899 to 1900 ..DATE: December 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Repatriation cases dealt with by the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor and the Russo-Jewish Conjoint Committee from January 1899 to November 1900, December 1900. This paper is attached to page 282 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/892 Repatriation cases dealt with by the Russo-Jewish Conjoint Committee from 1899 to 1900 ..DATE: December 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Repatriation cases dealt with by the Russo-Jewish Conjoint Committee from January 1899 to November 1900, December 1900. This paper is placed on top of page 282 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2/893 Repatriation cases dealt with by the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor and the Russo-Jewish Conjoint Committee from 1899 to 1900 ..DATE: December 1900 ..EXT: One paper ..ADMN: ..CONT: Repatriation cases dealt with by the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor and the Russo-Jewish Conjoint Committee from January 1899 to November 1900, December 1900. This paper is attached to page 282 of the letter book. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p283 Page 283 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 283, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p284 Page 284 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 284, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p285 Page 285 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 285, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p286 Page 286 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 286, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p287 Page 287 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 287, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p288 Page 288 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 288, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p289 Page 289 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 289, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p290 Page 290 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 290, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p291 Page 291 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 291, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p292 Page 292 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 292, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900 ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p293 Page 293 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 293, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900 ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p294 Page 294 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page, with printed number 294, of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: ..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p295 Page 295 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page 295 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p296 Page 296 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Page 296 of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_p297 Flyleaf page of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Flyleaf page of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_BC1 Inside back cover of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Inside back cover of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ:

..TI: MS173/1/11/2_BC2 Outside back cover of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor ..DATE: January 1890-December 1900 ..EXT: One page ..ADMN: ..CONT: Outside back cover of the letter book of the secretary of the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, January 1890-December 1900. ..LANG: English ..INFO: ..PER: ..CORP: ..PLAC: ..SUBJ: