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12-1997 The evolutr ion in retailing: From market driven to market driving Nirmalya KUMAR Singapore Management University, [email protected] DOI:

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Citation KUMAR, Nirmalya. The er volution in retailing: From market driven to market driving. (1997). Long Range Planning. 30, (6), 830-835. Research Collection Lee Kong Chian School Of Business. Available at:

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The Revolution in Retailing: from Market Driven to Market Driving

Nirmalya Kumar

From Fragmentation to Consolidation Retailing was a very fragmented industry in most countries 25 years ago. Through internal growth as well as mergers and acquisitions, an enormous con- solidation has taken place in the industry. Over the past year, Metro of Germany has become the second largest retailer in the world after adding Kaufhof, Asko, Deutsche SB-Kauf to their portfolio. The result is that Metro's sales in 1996 were 57.4 billion dollars worldwide, up three-fold, from 18.8 billion dollars in 1990. Besides there have been several cross-border mergers and acquisitions. Royal of Netherlands has been one of the most active on this front with their acquisitions of Stop and Shop, Bi-Lo, Giant, Tops, Finast, Edwards among others in the USA and most recently Bom Preco, a 50 store grocery chain, in Brazil. These mergers and acquisition are driven by several factors.

1. Strong retailers because of their cash management system of cash sales to customers while buying on credit from suppliers are sitting on heaps of cash. 2. Retailers feel that size brings them bargaining power versus suppliers, and therefore, helps reduce what for many retailers is their biggest expense--COGS or cost of goods sold. 3. There are the more traditional economies of scale. If the same products are available through several retailers, then cost control becomes one of the, if not the, paramount driver of profitability. 4. Many developed countries have strict restrictions on opening large new stores (e.g. Spain, Italy, and adequate size (e.g., Switzerland) leaving mergers Japan), over-stored environments (e.g. France, Ger- and acquisition often the only domestic expansion many), or lack of availability of prime locations of strategy available.

~ Pergamon Long Range Planning, Vol. 30, No. 6, pp. 830 to 835, 1997 PII: S0024-6301(97)00068-x © 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved Printed in Great Britain that have the potential to be unleashed around the world, the availability of technology to help manage far flung operations, global consumption patterns, and the opening up of new markets with relatively under-developed sectors. On the last point, con- sider that in India with a population of almost 1 billion over 95% of retail sales are through inde- pendent owner-operated stores or what are referred to in the United States as 'morn and pop' operations. Even in more developed countries or regions, such as Greece, Eastern Europe, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, and South Korea these independent operations still account for a large percentage of the total retail sales. No wonder, the Wal-Mart's, Carrefour's, and Makro's of the world get misty-eyed when they talk about globalization. The early leaders in global retailing were specialty formats such as IKEA from Sweden, C&A from The Netherlands, Benetton of Italy, Marks and Spencer, and several McDonalds type franchise operations from the USA. These were mostly private label for- mats and it was not clear whether their primary activity was retailing or manufacturing. Furthermore, the economic model and business system of these retailers was such that they could break even in a country with as few as one or two stores. Now one observes true retailers such as Carrefour, Dairy Farm of Hong Kong, Seven-Eleven convenience stores (part of Ito-Yokado) of Japan, Makro of Netherlands, Toys'R'Us, Virgin and Wal-Mart going overseas with Consolidation has several implications for both their formats carrying manufacturer branded pro- manufacturers and retailers. It makes it much harder ducts. Since the merchandise they offer is often tor the independent retailers to succeed as they just already available, one of the main distinctive com- cannot buy as efficiently or invest enough in tech- petencies they bring is distribution exellence. How- nology to keep their operations competitive. Thus ever, a certain minimum number of stores (6 to 8) despite the efforts of many governments to protect the in a country are necessary before their distribution small, independent retailer, we will continue to see efficiency can be successfully replicated. M&A activity in the industry moving at a hectic pace. Despite the popularity of globalization in retailing, For manufacturers this continuing consolidation in most retailers are still struggling to develop com- points of sale is worrying. As retailers learn how to petencies to succeed in global markets. To what extent integrate their mergers and acquisitions more tightly, should the 'original' format be adapted is a major especially with respect to sourcing, the pressure on issue. Wal-Mart learnt this the hard way when its manufacturers will undoubtedly increase. Many of initial entry into China had the wrong merchandise. the premier manufacturers who were previously On the other hand, Mexican customers were dis- operating as branded bulldozers have now been appointed when they did not find enough imported shocked into talking 'partnerships.' However, part- US merchandise in the Wal-Mart stores. Another nerships often mean very different things to manu- related question is which activities should be cen- facturers and retailers thereby leaving one party tralized and which should be decentralized. rather unsatisfied with the entire experience, usually Currently, retailers believe that activities where sub- t }n~ manufacturer. stantial economies of scale exist such as mer- chandising systems, information technology and vendor management should be centralized whilst others such as merchandising and distribution should From Local to Global be decentralized. To protect against currency fluc- Perhaps the most dramatic change in retailing has tuations, comply with local sourcing requirements been the increasing globalization of retailers. Several and serve local tastes, most 'big' retail formats prefer factors are driving globalization including: low to rely on local suppliers. However, if 90% of mer- growth in domestic markets, sophisticated formats chandise is locally sourced, as is the case for Wal-

Long Range Planning Vol. 30 December 1997 Mart and Carrefour, then these retailers start to lose among the clutter of over-distributed manufacturer some of their global sourcing leverage against the branded products. manufacturers and advantage against local compe- While private labels may look very seductive for tition. Finally, as local partners are often mandated the retailer, mass retailers have to be careful not to or necessary, who to select and what should be the overdo it. For a mass retailer, customer count and role of each partner is a crucial question. Clearly, traffic are crucial issues. Having too many private Carrefour as the late entrant in Mexico ended up with labels can turn off many, especially younger, a relatively weaker local partner because Wal-Mart customers. Despite having in Kenmore and Craftsman already had Cifra, the best Mexican retailer, tied up two of the most respected brands in place, in a joint venture. Sears, the US department store, had to move away Most manufacturers are still in the process of from their private label only policy in white goods developing a coherent strategy on how to interact and hardware. Some of Sainsbury's problems and effectively with global retailers. To what extent can recent loss of market leadership to Tesco in United price differences of 40-60% between markets be sus- Kingdom can also be traced to their over-reliance on tained in the face of transshipments by retailers? How private labels which made Sainsbury's customers feel to keep the traditional retailers who still account for that they lacked adequate choice. a large majority of the manufacturer's sales in a par- The experience of MIGROS, the market share leader ticular country satisfied while serving the global in in Switzerland, offers two other les- retailer who undercuts established prices to gain sons to retailers for private labels. First, by focusing local market share? How to organize and compensate on their own brands which account for more than a dedicated multinational-multifunctional account 90% of their sales, they have provided their com- management team to serve global retailers? These are petitors with a strategic window to operate in. There all as yet unresolved questions. is little doubt that MIGROS is by far the best retailer in Switzerland and that their competition is, to put it bluntly, inept. Yet the competition has almost 60% market share as they offer manufacturer branded products such as Coca Cola which MIGROS still re- fuses to carry. Second, it is more difficult for mass From Merchants to Retail Brand retailers such as MIGROS who rely on private labels to expand overseas as they have to convince the cus- Managers tomers in the new country to switch both stores and Retailers were once considered true merchants, mak- brands. And if they do decide to carry manufacturer ing their profits from the spread between their buying branded products in overseas markets, they do not and selling prices. Today's most successful retailers have the same leverage with brand manufacturers that are not just excellent merchants but they are develop- other retailers do. ing a unique powerful brand image. This is true both A strong retailer brand supported by advertising for retailers who carry primarily private label mer- has a positive impact on recruitment of managerial chandise such as of Germany, Gap and Pier 1 talent and employees. By virtue of their strong brand Imports of United States or Zara of Spain as well as for image, many European retailers can successfully com- the more traditional retailers who carry manufacturer pete with the major brand manufacturers for mana- branded products. While in the United States, the gerial talent, something that I found was relatively retailers' own private labels tend to be cheaper than rare in the United States. For manufacturers this the manufacturer's branded products, this is not means that, unlike in the past, their counterparts in always the case in Europe. Supermarkets such as the retail sector are better informed and more ana- Sainsbury of United Kingdom, MIGROS of Swit- lytical while having the same educational and social zerland, of Netherlands and Casino of status. One can guess the implications of this for France have developed premium private labels which manufacturer-retailer negotiations. The improving are highly respected vis-a-vis the manufacturers' quality of private labels implies that manufacturers brands. These retailers support their own brands with have to invest more in product innovation while keep- extensive advertising, product innovation and attract- ing the price differential under control. ive packaging to develop a distinct brand image and customer franchise. For example, in almost every sur- vey in the United Kingdom, Marks and Spencer tends to top the list of most admired companies and their St. From Traditional Stores to Michael's brand is world renowned. Retailers believe that their own labels deliver greater profits, more con- Innovative Formats trol, increased leverage vis-a-vis the manufacturer, The past 25 years has seen the emergence and growth and that they help to develop a distinct store image of several new retail formats and concepts. Today, we

The Revolution in Retailing: from Market Driven to Market Driving see the , department store, hypermarket only hope is to deliver a unique experience as Body and supercenter, discount store, cash and carry ware- Shop, F.A.O Schwartz, Starbucks, Nordstrom or house club, factory outlets, category killer, con- Banana Republic do. venience store, specialty retailer, as well as the gas The new formats offer both new opportunities and station all competing for the same customer. challenges for manufacturers. Which of these new Undoubtedly, of all the formats, the 'big box' (category formats to enter and when? How to develop dis- killers, large discount stores, warehouse clubs and tinctive offers for each type of format? How to manage bypermarkets) have had the most revolutionary intra-brand competition? Some manufacturers, such impact. Their enormous purchasing power which as in the automobile industry, are behaving like results in lower cost of goods sold and economies of ostriches burying their heads in the sand. They are scale puts severe pressure on the traditional formats. refusing to support and deal with the new category Department stores in several countries have either killers. Others like Goodyear Tire and Rubber Com- eliminated or severely cut back on their toy depart- pany who have decided to distribute their products ment in the face of competition from Toys'R'Us. The through mass merchandisers after years of exclus- independent car dealer in the United States and ively relying on independent dealers have upset the United Kingdom now faces the emergence of category latter. As the market moves in the direction of the killers such as Car Max and Car Supermarkets respec- new formats, leading manufacturers have little choice tively who compete for the profitable used car busi- but to enter these outlets forcefully. Smaller manu- D_f,*SS. facturers may, however, develop a distinctive market Clearly, in the future the Internet will rev- positioning through an exclusive focus on the tra- olutionalize retailing in the developed world. The ditional formats. bookstore which sells books through the lnternet only is a prime example of the revolutionary potential of Internet. In contrast to the traditional book industry which is drowning itself in excess inventory because it cannot develop an effective returns policy, Amazon carries no stocks as the books From Unsophisticated to ~lre shipped directly from the book wholesalers. As a Technology Intensive result Amazon incurs close to zero inventory and real estate costs while potentially reaching customers Surprisingly to many, retailing has become a tech- across the world. Furthermore, they offer customers nologically intensive industry. Technology is trans- ~t much wider assortment, lower prices, quicker forming how retailers (1) configure the supply chain; access to newly released books, and no-travel hassle- (2) manage their store operations; and (3) interact with flee home shopping compared to the high street book- customers. By establishing close links with their sup- store. A new development, 'intelligent shopping pliers, retailers can utilize ECR (efficient consumer agents' which rapidly search the Internet for the low- response). ECR allows suppliers to receive daily ('.st price on a product are also slowing emerging. If updates of sales, prices and inventories by item and they become widespread, retailers may face greater by store. Thus the entire value chain can work on price pressure in categories where the customer does the principle of 'sell one, ship one, build one.' The not need to feel, see or touch, and where the customer potential cost savings for the supermarket industry in d~es not desire instantaneous delivery (unless the inventory, order processing, invoicing and payment product can be downloaded). The retailer's com- from such a system are estimated at 30 billion dollars p~titive focus will shift from the marketplace to the in the USA and 33 billion dollars in Europe. Fur- marketspace. thermore out-of-stocks, inventory and returns can all The traditional formats, especially the supermarket be simultaneously reduced. and department store, with their high costs will see Technology also makes it easier to manage thou- more and more customers flee to these new formats sands of stores spread all over the world and helps in search for better value. To justify their higher costs, the expansion of retailers like Wal-Mart, Home Depot supermarkets and department stores have to find and Toys 'R' Us. Real time information from the stores w~ys to increase the value they provide to the keeps the headquarters informed of what is hap- customer. Perhaps this may be through higher cus- pening in each store. Within the store, sophisticated tomization in their services, unique assortments, shelf management programs aid merchandising to and/or creating a boutique (e.g. shop within a shop) make the shelves easier to shop for the consumer specialty feeling. If traditional stores carry similar while maximizing profits for the retailer. assortments as these new lower-cost formats and Plummeting data processing and storage costs give delivery innovations negate their locational advan- retailers today the ability to track their customers on tage, they cannot compete on product and price. Their an individual basis. Who is buying what, when, and

Long Range Planning Vol. 30 December 1997 for how much? This allows retailers to customize their benefits that partnerships can bring to both parties offers at individual stores and to individual instead of using their power to pummel the other customers. As retailers learn who the most profitable party into submission. Experienced manufacturers customers are, we will observe more targeted cus- now realize that with some retailers, for example tomer attraction strategies. There is a lot of untapped Sainsbury, it will always be a power struggle. potential with respect to such customer data which However, there are other retailers, for example Tesco, retailers are still learning to exploit. Clearly, however, with whom one can develop a partnership that there are privacy concerns in every country and legal focuses on maximizing joint benefits. Manufacturers restrictions in several countries, such as Denmark, increasingly have to develop account management which have to be respected. systems that can function differently in different Increasing technological sophistication means that types of relationships, which is difficult. today's retailer is much better informed about con- sumer purchasing patterns. Retailers who do not or are unable to invest in such systems will be at a dis- advantage. And manufacturers, in their negotiations with retailers, will need to demonstrate the role that Conclusion their brand plays in the category for the retailer as well as the profits that it will generate for the retailer. These changes are dramatic for the retailing industry. Shelf space according to movement implies that Retailers have always been a more market driven than manufacturers must earn the shelf space that is dedi- manufacturers because they were smaller, more flex- cated to them. ible and closer to the marketplace. A retailer who was not market driven received immediate feedback from customers and had to either adapt or went out of business. Today, however, there are several retailers like Ahold, Amazon, Bed, Bath, and Beyond, Benne- ton, Body Shop, Carrefour, Car Max, Hermes and Mau- From Vulnerable to Powerful ritz, Home Depot, IKEA, Makro, Seven-Eleven, Players Victoria's Secret, Wal-Mart and Zara who are chan- ging the retail landscape and driving customers' shop- Historically, retailers used to be at the mercy of ping behavior and habits. Wal-Mart, for example, has powerful multinational manufacturers such as Unil- taught consumers not to shop around for sales and ever, Nestle and Procter and Gamble. Today some instead buy at everyday low prices from them. retailers find themselves much bigger in size than The best retailers today are using available tech- their suppliers, and size brings power. For example, nology and new formats to re-invent the competitive Unilever, the largest packaged goods company, had retail marketspace. Wal-Mart has a strategy of using sales of just over 50 billion dollars last year but that technology and systems to lower its gross margins is still less than half of Wal-Mart's sales of 106 billion constantly. This drives its competitors bankrupt. dollars. Every one of the top 10 US discounters in 1962, the In response to this shift in power, many manu- year that Wal-Mart opened its first store, has either facturers are allocating a larger proportion of their gone out of business or reorganized. Similarly, Car marketing expenditures to trade promotion instead of Supermarkets, the used car category killer in the advertising. This is a self-defeating strategy. While United Kingdom, operates with a gross margin of 5% retailers derive their power from size and market and sells cars below book value. This changes the access, a manufacturer must derive its power from rules of the game for existing players who are trapped advertising and product innovation investments in because of their high cost business systems. brand equity. If a retailer does not stock a particular These revolutionary retailers are also reconfiguring brand and the customer walks out of the store, the the value chain. They are using their power to demand manufacturer has the power. On the other hand, if changes from powerful manufacturers and driving the the customer accepts an alternative brand, then the manufacturer's pricing, product, promotion and sales retailer has the power. This is something that even strategies. Procter and Gamble, for example, has the largest retailer, Wal-Mart, understands. Manu- adopted EDLP (everyday low pricing), eliminated sev- facturers who under-invest in brand equity lose eral brands and item variations, reduced trade and power to retailers, spend more on trade promotion, consumer promotions, controlled new product intro- offer price and service concessions, thereby getting ductions, as well as reorganized the salesforce from trapped in a vicious circle. being dedicated to one of the seven separate divisions Some manufacturers and retailers are starting to see to being part of unified teams dedicated to individual the benefits of developing trust and focusing on the retail accounts. All these changes have been in

The Revolution in Retailing: from Market Driven to Market Driving response to demands from retailers, especially Wal-Mart. Therefore I believe that the term 'market driving' is more descriptive of these retailers than 'market driven.'

Long Range Planning Vol. 30 December 1997