The Women's Suffrage Amendment

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The Women's Suffrage Amendment RESISTANCE AND RESTITUTION by Moses X Ball Commissioned by the Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture in collaboration with the Los Angeles County Women and Girls Initiative to commemorate the centennial of the ratification THE NATIONAL of the 19th Amendment, granting women the right to vote. For more information, visit For the next year, the leadership team of Jane Addams, Sophonisba THE CITY OF FOR VOTING NAT’L AMERICAN WOMAN SUFFRAGE NACW’s motto: “Lifting as We Climb” NATIONAL AMERICAN Breckinridge and Anna Howard Shaw took control of the nation's largest NAT'L ASSOC. OPPOSED THEODORE ROOSEVELT Parade was organized down Pennsylvania FOR ULYSSES NATIONAL ALPHA SUFFRAGE CLUB OVER 500,000 WEST HOLLYWOOD SUSAN B. THE WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION feminist organization. Although none of these women publicly claimed WOMAN SUFFRAGE Avenue and called on participants to FIRST WOMAN S. GRANT WOMAN SUFFRAGE AND AMERICAN COLORADO Founded by Black suffragists and reformers, WOMAN SUFFRAGE TO WOMAN SUFFRAGE SUPPORTS WOMEN’S Jeannette Rankin of Montana ALICE PAUL PRESENTS a lesbian identity, all three had significant same-sex relationships. Today march in a spirit of protest against OF CHICAGO FOUNDED AMERICA WOMEN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION OF including Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin and SIGNATURES GATHERED IN THE ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION (NAWSA) it is acknowledged that many notable suffragist movement leaders were (NAOWS) FOUNDED RIGHT TO VOTE PROCESSION is elected to ANTHONY SUFFRAGE BECOMES the present political organization of society, By Ida B. Wells IS ELECTED BEGINS PRESIDENTIAL MERGE Charlotte Forten Grimké, NACW advocated lesbian, gender fluid, transgender and gender non-conforming including By women opposed to the movement, Roosevelt’s Bull Moose Party becomes First public demonstration in IN FAVOR OF WOMEN’S (NAWSA) FORMS COLORED WOMEN Elects Vice Presidents: Jane Addams as first from which women are excluded the House of Representatives ENTERS ELECTION FIRST STATE for women’s rights as well as to “uplift” and Susan B. Anthony, Carrie Chapman Catt, Alice Dunbar-Nelson, Dr. Margaret NAOWS was the most popular anti-suffrage the first national major political party to Becomes the nation’s first Black women’s HUNGER STRIKE ARRESTED AMENDMENT and Sophonisba Breckinridge as second. the nation’s capital for women’s suffrage As the movement’s mainstream organization, NAWSA wages (NACW) FORMED improve the status of African Americans Chung, Annie Tinker, Angelina Weld Grimké, and Frances Willard. organization in northeastern cities support women’s suffrage club focused specifically on suffrage RIGHT TO VOTE TO CONGRESS It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor First introduced in Congress state-by-state campaigns to obtain voting rights for women TO ADOPT WW1 In July, picketers yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed arrested on charges the Union. And we formed it, not to give the blessings of liberty, AMENDMENT Women step up but to secure them; not to the half of ourselves and the half of GRANTING NACW becomes the largest federation CALIFORNIA BECOMES THE 6TH STATE TO RATIFY CONGRESSIONAL UNION Mabel500, Vernon 000 and Sara Bard Field WOODROW WILSON to support the of “obstructing traffic” our posterity, but to the whole people — women as well as men. of local Black women’s clubs lead a transcontinental tour, And it is a downright mockery to talk to women of their enjoyment SIGNATURE Paul and others are WOMEN Leaders in the Black women’s club movement THE WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT FOR WOMEN SUFFRAGE STATES THE DEMOCRATIC nation but still of the blessings of liberty while they are denied the use of gathering over 500,000 signatures convicted and incarcerated included Harriet Tubman, Anna Julia Cooper, Suffragists organized over 10,000 people throughout the state in every county, drove from FORMED By Alice Paul & Lucy Burns GATHERED the only means of securing them provided by this democratic- THE RIGHT on petitions to Congress in favor PARTY PLATFORM WILL do not have at the Occoquan Workhouse republican government — the ballot. and Mary Church Terrell, who served as town to town giving speeches from their cars, utilized billboards, and passed out over 3 million To lobby for a federal constitutional amendment of suffrage in Virginia /19th — Susan B. Anthony TO VOTE the NACW’s first president pages of literature as well as 90,000 'votes for women' buttons in Southern California alone. to secure the national right to vote for women SUPPORT SUFFRAGE the right to vote Woman's Rights to the Suffrage, 1873.
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