
Movies 55 Schindler’s List

Put the number of the blank next to the correct answer listed below.

The movie, Schindler’s List, was made in 1993 by the world-famous director Stephen Spielberg. The movie is !!1 on the actions of Oskar Schindler, an Austrian businessman and factory owner during the

5 Second World War. He was !!2 for saving the lives of over one thousand Jews during the mass killing of Jews by the German army in World War II. Schindler !!3 to keep hundreds of Jews who were working for him out of concentration camps. He did this by paying money to the German officers and officials, !!4 at the risk of his own life. By the end of the war he had !!5 most of his fortune. He

10 was later !!6 by Israel for his efforts.

Spielberg’s film was a(n) !!7 success, both in the box office and with the critics. It won many awards, including best picture and best director. Since the year of its !!8 , the popularity of Schindler’s List has not died down. It consistently ranks as one of the top ten movies of all time in many !!9 . In 2004, Schindler’s List was !!10 into America’s

15 National Film Registry, promising that the film will be preserved throughout history. Cloze Reading

Jew BC/ concentration camp DEF critic "#$ popularity GH consistently IJK registry LMN

5 spent 3 struggled 7 immediate 9 polls 10 entered

6 honored 1 based 4 even 2 responsible 8 release

InformationInformation BoxBox

“Critic” !"#$%&'!()*+,-"./0123.45! “criticize” 06789:. “critics” %; “movie critics” '!<"%= “food critics” >?@A"#$0 ex. A: What did you think of the movie? B: The critics said it was not very good, but I really liked it.

CLASSROOM Cloze for Senior High 59 Taiwan’s Cities 56 Tainan

Put the number of the blank next to the correct answer listed below. Tainan, located in southwestern Taiwan, is the island’s oldest city and a popular stop for foreign tourists. !!1 In addition, the city is famous for its long and rich history.

5 When traveling in Tainan, several historic sites should never be missed, including Chihkan Towers, Old Fort of Anping, and the famous Confucian Temple. !!2 When arriving at the towers, tourists are first drawn to the “broken-legged stone horse”. !!3 Old Fort of Anping was an important base for the Dutch when they occupied Taiwan. !! 4 Tainan’s Confucian Temple is very popular in the

10 autumn when people come to celebrate Confucius’ birthday. !!5 If visitors want to know more about the history and culture of Taiwan, Tainan is a good place to start.

site KO fort PQ occupy RS legend TU demon VW foundation KX observation tower YHZ

5 (A) What is not well known is that this temple was the first site for Confucian studies in Taiwan, making it the island’s first school.

3 (B) Legend has it that the horse used to change into a demon to scare people and its leg was broken as a punishment.

2 (C) Chihkan Towers was built by the Dutch on the foundation of Fort Provintia.

4 (D) Not much of the old fort remains, but its observation tower still serves as a good place for travelers to enjoy Tainan’s beautiful sunsets.

1 (E) The people who live there are always kind, and life there is much quieter than that in larger cities.

GettingG the Point

What is the main point of this passage? D (A) People in Tainan are always very kind. (B) There are many legends about Tainan.

Passage Organization (C) Many foreign visitors enjoy visiting Tainan. (D) Many places in Tainan are worth visiting.

60 CLASSROOM Cloze for Senior High Books 57 Narnia

Put the correct letter for the word in the blanks below.

The Chronicles of Narnia are among the most popular children’s books ever written. Integrated Integrated More than one hundred million copies have been !!1 . However, the stories also convey a !!2 message. Essentially, they tell the story of Christianity in !!3 form. Many Christian

themes, such as trust, love, and belief in a world beyond our own are !!4 in the stories. T est I est 5 The author, C. S. Lewis, explained the connection by saying, “Let us !!5 that there was a land like Narnia and that the Son of God, as he became a man in our world, became a lion there, and then imagine what would happen.”

convey T[ essentially X\] Christianity X^_ theme `a

1. (A) drawn (B) copied (C) imagined (D) printed D

2. (A) larger (B) shallower (C) longer (D) taller A

3. (A) other (B) another (C) different (D) same B

4. (A) figured (B) kept (C) expressed (D) denied C

5. (A) notice (B) picture (C) consider (D) suppose D

Book three in The Chronicles of Narnia, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, is an adventure story. It tells of a !!1 to the edge of the world. !!2 aboard a boat called the Dawn Treader, the heroes face a wide variety of monsters, magic, and more. The story is full of adventure, and for that reason !!3 to readers both young and old. However, it also

5 has another plot line. The characters !!4 learn to overcome their own fear and greed. The journey is a test of their !!5 and also of their ability to .

voyage bc overcome de greed fg

1. (A) country (B) journey (C) planet (D) strip B

2. (A) Sailing (B) Driving (C) Swimming (D) Sitting A

3. (A) appeal (B) appeals (C) appealing (D) appealed B

4. (A) pleasantly (B) foolishly (C) angrily (D) gradually D

5. (A) studies (B) safety (C) courage (D) wealth C

CLASSROOM Cloze for Senior High 61 Hobbies 58 Sudoku

Put the correct letter for the word in the blanks below. Sudoku is a popular puzzle that looks like a crossword puzzle, but with numbers instead of letters. The puzzle is a 3x3 grid of nine large squares. A smaller 3x3 grid of nine small squares occupies each of the larger squares. This !!1 a grid of nine small squares going down and across. The !!2 of the puzzle is to fill in each small square with 5 a number from 1 to 9. !!3 makes the puzzle tricky is that each number can only appear once on each row and each column. Also, there is a !! 4 of thirty “given” numbers, which are numbers already printed in the puzzle. This !!5 puzzle demands a lot of patience to complete.

The puzzle was first !!6 by an American puzzle magazine in the late and 10 was called Number Place. In 1984, it was taken to Japan and dubbed Sudoku, !!7 means “single number in a place”. Thereafter, it !!8 became very popular. In 2004, the puzzle was introduced to Britain, and in the following year, it even became a !!9 TV show. Sudoku is a small puzzle, but it can be very difficult, and people all over the world love the !!10 .

Integrated Test II Integrated Test

crossword puzzle hij3k square lm grid no occupy R demand pq dubbed rs?

1. (A) forming (B) form (C) forms (D) formed C

2. (A) object (B) subject (C) start (D) end A

3. (A) What (B) Which (C) Why (D) Whether A

4. (A) bunch (B) total (C) bit (D) sum B

5. (A) challenged (B) challenge (C) changeable (D) challenging D

6. (A) creator (B) created (C) creates (D) creating B

7. (A) it (B) which (C) that (D) what B

8. (A) quickly (B) quietly (C) quick (D) quiet A

9. (A) lively (B) alive (C) live (D) living C

10. (A) challenge (B) number (C) complex (D) means A

62 CLASSROOM Cloze for Senior High