THE MONTHLY JOURNAL O F SCIEN TOLOGY. N w I^Miy ypHMimthh kv ihf 4(^)ituinli Uus MI9NuMhI *»» $QQj[7(11I) JUMHIOilMKilJSJ, in i CUm pttjiHkft {Mill «1 tan t '«IiDm ttu

-M X s JSfiX N X ®E«5® X Nix Ni vSggrt N v K v ggf \ N v Ni a $ESQg$>v N X N X NI X N v K v $ I Celebrating the 29th Anniversary of Dianetics, The Modern Science of Mental Health

!Si v N v N X tgSSx IS* N ' Ni ^ # $ > % Xj^l * N s S§&SH Sggv $|j X ^ \ \ ® \ jjj§j x \ ® \ Mx Nt DIANETICS: ITS BACKGROUND by L. Ron Hubbard T h r World hcfow DÌAiirdrx httd i i w r Every xrhonl child Ami univnxity xiudntt wax rfforl to inirrrupl thi* Riohopoly inuxt hr kiiowit a pie« ixìon n in n a i M iriuT, ir«juur«l Iti xtudy Pavlov in onr dixgnìxr or xtAiuimi olii ut ontr". Moti hai ioni ninnai knowlrdgc in ihr another. The burtlrn of l’uvltiv's work i» tliAt rxychology und pxythirttry wrrr xlur# punì nialnly fui ro u tin i, p o liti«» and nirtii is Ali Aiiinirtl Aliti only work» through (gtivrruinrni) subjet ». puxbrtl by dir "vrry brut prO|lAgAIHÌA. "mndìtioniiig". l'hr Wrxtrrn i i a i ì o i » ovrr< proplr". Thr woixl "{wyt hology" in thr poppiti» looked thr fari dirti thi» wtuk luitl ulirAtly I hry could noi inukr thrir wuy on dirti usagli i* »ynonynun» with "uritlno annuiti" destroyed severttl countries including Giurisi own Imn aiixt tliry w n r tontiury lo dir pillili«' somebotly, Russiti, thlr". only dirti wliìrh rmild tir dnnnnxirutfd with a thnn Aiiiintdx did not occur to thnn. l'rrxx, con d'oli ed hy govrrninrntx unti testili wax nrvrr irtilly appi ini lo dir minti. Hillionx of tftillrti.x w nr tippmprirttrtt hy in trllìg n u r xrrvhr» unti dir "vrry Ima {iroplr", "Rrxrart hrtx" in ili» fit'ld wnr noi lullv mrUtuneuts mid t'ongir.xx iti subsidise inni to lird rntllrxxly abolii Dìaneiics (und trai ned in ntudinnuttrx, thr xrìrnlìfii inrthndx ''better control" their uninuils. St ìnitology). or logie, Ihry w n r ìntrrrxtrd niaiiily in thr ir l'h«‘xr nini Inni no ith'u of liraling mivonr Diunnit x. a uew valiti inrnial Science, wns invìi pii va ir idra» iiiitl in |>oliiitrtl vl urgets. or hrlpiug mivonr. Riots und « ivìi tlixortln piiirtl AgAìuxt Russimi ami t Axinn European As un nonuple, dir only "xrhoolx" of were the only prodm t ihry achievrd. teachings. rtychology tanghi tu lollowrti in dir West wrrr Diunrtit x wax irlruxni xiirtight into thr Dianetics is noi only dir firxt lurutul Itiixxìan rtiid Enti (imitali teéth of dirxr hravilv subsidised nuronx of dir sciencr dèvèloped in thr west, it is dir lìrxi T h r ptìnirtiy xrhnnl was iluil ni Ivan Mìliti with d u ll "it tukrx 151 yruix to inukr a ninittil sciencr ou dir piane! that iniiioinily l’rtrovitch ILivIov (1IM9*I936) a vrtrrìiiaiìan, lixyrliirttiixt" Aliti "Atidiorìiy xtiiU'x" Aliti "miy pitNlutrx benel'idal resuìts. Muli is hrìiig subjet mi io taimudr antf violrnt rlfortx to lureorcrush bini ìiuodot ìlitv. l'hìx is dir ohvioux rntl piotila t ol Russimi and l'.uxinu European triihnologies uow heavily fiiiAiuril unti xtippoimi, unwìttiiigly, hy VVrxinn govn iiuirutx. M.tu'x respoUNr to dii.» ix rio » unti rivii disorde» in dir univet'sities, unioiis ami surets. Man tltM'x noi art urutrly trace dir xourt r ol liix opiurxxion. tir ìx violrudv worrirti. l'hr govniiiunil irxponxr In» lirrn nioir in illio i» to pxyt hologix» Aliti pxyt liìatrixlx to tlrvrlop nrw nirunx of ttiiiirol Aliti oppressiti!». Wliat In» ut» worked ili dir {taxi Ìx noi lìkrly iti VVOl'k in dir pirxnil or dir Intuir. Cìsarist Russia, thèeutive Balkaus, l'olantt. (ìnniAny unti iiianv nitiir Kuxtrrn t'uitiiK'Aii t tinniiìrx havr uliratlv pei'ished irvìug lo tixr dir woik ol I’avIov, Wuuth unti othnx, l'hr rntìir Wt'Si, haviUK "houglil" dir xaiur governing ideas. ìx uow in ininioil mal ix pevìshing in ìtx turi», Dìminìt x irluxrx to he a vevolutioiiary ;i, lì vii y, li tbirx noi bave lo hr, All ìi In» as a inissimi ix lo grt ilxrll fip/Wicd, I tir basir building (dot k ol a sm inv ìx dir nnlit itliiul I iiiiii indivìdiwlx group» me luuli. Alai ibis ix dir sta iel\ No sta ìri\ ìx liriln lliun 11x htixit Iniìliling lil,h kx Mrn are noi uiiiiiiaIx. W rU mrn me sant' nini, Dianrlirs, il applìrd io iudìviduals in dir Stu'iety, liiiugx liopr, well aliti SUI ir brìugx I lirxr wt'll Aliti salir liringx, xriu mi lo Ni irnlologv, limi tirioinr luiIli.mi and \t'i\ alilr liringx, W r ari' rvtdv mg Mau io a li iglin sia ir, In ili» siale tir tan bri (ri bandir li» piolilrn».

I Run llultl»ivt\l. wot til iottow tu'il tuiihot ol Himioili'«, 1 hu Mmlont Soleiwe *>l Mwttlnl Ututlllt »util k'oiiiuloi of Ni itutlolo^ t \ i/l flW lt\f itti fhlj(t‘ ' C on tin u ed fro m page 1 We are not H ying to overthrow anyone. We are not revolting again»! anyone. In truth we Here is the first can even make the fancied “very I people" into actual very l»e*i people. Dianetic & publication Dianetics was first conceived in 1980 and the developments of SO years have gone into producing Standard Dianetics. ! on the subject. . . . Dianetics: The Original Thesis was published in 1949 in manuscript form. It was copied in various ways, hand to nand across the Definitions world. Dianetics: The Eyolutiori of a Science was published in late 1949, Dianetics; The READ Modern Science of Mental Health was ACAMMV In feirDiotiwy ihr u «Army (■that depart mint 0I the Technical Division in published May 9, 19.10 and has since sold which tiiunn m il ifdliung am (Wtiwntii Dvpuimmi lit Division 4. millions of copies. ADMIN a contraction or «nociming of iht won! administration Admin It UMd « I D ianetics, noun to ttcnodi iht action! Involve« in administratina in organisation. Alio uml m In the early '50's new discoveries denote (he action nr tori at keeping auditaf't reports, luminary repot ii, wwkihmt and other record» rrlnnl in an tm im . concerning tbP spirit brought us into ASHO American Maim Hill Organisation. ACC Advanced Clinical Dourer. T he O rig in a l T hesis Scientology. AUDITING The application al Ht tentology prtkiw t and procedures to tutiwom by • irainad auditor Rut Dianetics was never lost sight of and AUDITOR On* who hai brat trainrd in th* technology nl At irntology. An auditor applln Mandard tec hnology to prre lear*. On* who liatrni and i timpuini a He leotology every little while 1 would push it further ahead practitioner. By L . Ron Hubbard toward a fast, easy, 100% workability. SANK. A enHaquiel name lor th* tratiiv* . Thii ll what ihr nrmtdures oI St irntology are mpvoiwI to disposing oft tor It it only a burdrn to an individual and hr it The present release of Standard Dianetics much brtirv off without |t, gAttIC The first recorded in mental imaae picture* o( that type of pain, is a near final product. •rotation, discomfort' etc. Every chain hat its batir. Tt it a pecularity and a fart that when one geti down to the hath on a chain, (a) ii ante* and (b; th* whole c hain vanish*« If done exactly, it produces good, for good. Katie it «imply earliett. DIANETICS M ID U I The « A term organ bunion in early Dianetic day« to symbolise travel from permanent results in only a few hours of unknawingneu to revelation. The routc^to , the Bridget which w* call the ru n OTJOINW- THESIS Clatsiliiaiion, Gradation and Awarenett Chari. auditing. CAIR Th* wav a person respond! to the world around him by reatnn of hitabmationt. i. on mumaau CHAIN A trtiet of ! of timilar nature or timilar ivibjet i mutter. V N One can train a Dianetic auditor in CHBCK&HBKT A Hit of material«, often divided into «action«, that give the theory and Standard Dianetics in from 10 days to a month prac lkal slept which, when cumiilnnl, give one a uudy completion, The item« are •elected to add up to the rrouireu knowledge of the subject, They are arranged in the at the most, with an average of about 2 weeks. sequence nntcwiy to a gradient of innvasing knowledge on the «object. After eta h item there it a place far the initial of the undent nr the rattan c becking the »ludvni. When the These are very, very worthwhile advances rherkiheet it fully Initialed, it it complete, meaning the ttudrot may now take an exam and be granted the award for completion. Some checksheett are required to be gone and Standard Dianetics is almost as great a through twice before completion it granted. CLAES Refer* to the levef of Glawiltcatian of an auditor. breakthrough in 1969 as the Original Thesis in C:L AERIFICATION, GRADATION AND AW AREN ER8 CHART the route to dear, the Bridge, On th* right tide of the chart there are variout «tept called the tt*in of 1949. Hundreds of thousands of hours of search release. The left-hand tide of the chart describes the very important ttept of training on and research have gone into it. which one gains the knowledge and ahilitirt nwxcwtry id deliver the grade* of tel cate to aniuher, l i l t a guide for the individual from the point where he firat becomes dimly Dianetics has progressed from the pre- aware of a .Scientologist or Scientology and shows Him how and where he «hould move up in order to maketi. Scientology contain* the entire map for getting the individual Dianetic period of no science of the mind, to the through all the variout point* on thi« gradation Male ana for getting him aero«« the Bridge to a higher state of existence. existence of a real science of the mind, to a fast COmNITION ia new realitation of life. It result* in a higher degree of awarroett and consequently a greater ability to succeed with one'« endeavour« in life, accurate science simpler than any other GOG Cognition, scientific subject and of more value to Man. CLEAR A Clear it a being who can be at cause knowingly and at will over mental matter, » «pace and time, hi regard* the Finn Dynamic fiurvival for telf). All this advance has been very hardly won, OO* AUDIT (lo-Auditing. An abbreviation for cooperative auditing. It mean« a team of two people who are uting Dianetic* or Scientology procettcfe to help eac h other reach a without government billions, in the teeth of better life. CVS Gate Su|rrrvi«or. avalanches of lies and opposition. DIANETICS Man*» molt advanced trhool of the mind. From the Greek die, through, and wool, soul, thut "through mhi!" or "through thought," The subjet owes no allegiance to anyone DIANETIC CLEAR The State of Dianetic Clear mean* the pc hat erased hi« Dianetic Here is your chance to travel back in time by but itself. It has no commitments to anyone. It cate or mental image picture*; he hat attained the ability to be at raute over mental the written page and share the exitement of matter, rncigy, «pace and time on the firtt dynamic. has no politics. It belongs to those who use it. DRUG A terici of auditing action» designed to free a person of the Ron's very first explanation of Dianetics) altitudes, , sensations and pains that caused or accompanied his utc of drugs. It is the only in the universe where DYNAMICS The dynamics are che urge to survive expressed through eight divisions (I) self, (I) tea, and the future generation, ()) the group, (4) mankind, (5) life, (A) Manet, Produced originally for the medical and everyone wins. Energy. Space. Time, (7) theca. (A) the Supreme Bring. psychiatric societies of the day, this manu­ A mental image picture which it a recording of a time of physical pain and Let’s keep it that way. unconsciousness. It must oy definition have impac t at injury as pan of its content. script was written in early 1948 by L. Ron FAST FLOW Means the student attests hit theory or practical class when he believes be Hubbard to outline for these old-time practi­ has covered the materials anti can do It. There is no examination. FIRST DYNAMIC The urge toward survival of self. tioners his findings on the basic causes of FLOATING NEEDLE A floating needle is a rhythmic sweep of the dial at a slow, even human behaviour and to detail proven methods pare of the needle. (See F-Meter Essentials by I.. Ron Hubbard for timber information. Available from local Scientology Bookstores), he had developed for fully resolving mental F/N Floating needle or free needle. aberration and psychosomatic illness. F/NINC AUDITOR' Ad auditor who ll audtTtng well could br said to be F- Ning the whole time, _ a FSM Field Staff Members, they are missionaries who disseminate Sc ientolngyr sett The manuscript was put out in carbon-copy books, courses, and counseling services, and Introduce people to the Church. They often support themselves in the field by rereiving ten per cent payment from their local form and was soon considered so valuable that Sc Irntology organisation on the donations paid by those they select for Sc irntology it was copied and recopied by doctors and L. RON HUBBARD services. GRADE A series of processes culminating in an exact ability attained, examined, and others throughout the United States and Founder attested to by the pr. passed from hand to hand to be read. Called GRADIENT Something that staru out simple and gets more and more complex. The essence of a gradient is Just being able to do a little bit more and a little bit more and a “ Abnormal Dianetics" at that time, the writings little bit more until you finally make the grade. brought forth many letters from medical and GRADE IV RELEASE Ability Release. Moving out of fixed conditions and gaining abilities to do new things, psychiatric readers, but due to or The article "Dianetics, its Background" was taken HAS COURSE A course in elementary communication and control. Consists of shortsightedness, only a relative few of the training drills on communication and to put the student at cause over the environment. from Hubbard Communications Office Bulletin of There are no prerequisites. The graduate is awarded the certificate of llubbard more enlightened ones gave sufficient attention May 22,1969. Apprentice Scientologist. to it. Observing this state of mind, Ron instead INTERNSHIP Serving a period as an interne, or an activity offered by a by which experience can be gained. The apprenticeship ol an auditor is turned his efforts to reaching the broad public done as a Scientology Church interne. A course graduate becomes an auditor by directly with his breakthrough discoveries. auditing. That means lots of auditing. KNOW TO MYSTERY SCALE The scale of affinity from knowingnessdown through lookingness, emotingness, efiortingness, ihinkiugne«», symholiiiiigneti. eatingness, In later years, as the movement of Dianetics sexingnesi and so through to noiknowingness-mystery. The know-io*«ex scale wutthe earlier version of this scale. took the vast general public by storm and METHOD ONE WORD CLEARING the action taken to clean up ull misunderstood* rapidly grew to mamouth proportions, there in every subject one bus studied. It is done by a word t tearing auditor. The result of a — io|X'vly done Method One Word Clearing is the recovery of one’s education. was such a demand by Dianeticists for this text ^■.E.D.K Abbreviation for New Kru Dianetic«. to be made available to all that the first hard­ O.T. (Operating ): A Clear who has been familial iied with hi» environ mem toa point of total cause over mutter, energy, »pace, time and tbought, and who is not in i cover edition of The Original Thesis was pub­ body, lished in December, 1951, in Wichita, Kansas. OUT- A )>erson who acts against his own mural codes and the mores ol the ■MTOui) violates hi» integrity and is said to be out-ethics. I c Prec lear. The work contains a scholarly statement of POSTULATE A conclusion, decision or resolution made by the individual himself; to conclude, decide or lesolve a problem or to set a pattern for the future or to nullify a the Primary Axioms of Dianetics, the Character pattern o f the past. of Engrains, the Tone Scale, and the famous PRECLEAR A spiritual being who is now o n the routl to becoming clear, hence preclear. One who is discovering things about himself and who is becoming c learer. Laws of Returning, among other of it's writings. PRE-O.T. A ihetan beyond the stale cm Clear, who, through the Advance Courses, h Never before or since have these timeless advancing to the full sinie of operating ihetan. PR O CESS A question or set of q uestions or d im lion» used by an auditor in a session to principles basic to living been more clearly or help a person find out about himself and life.’ more simply stated. PROCESSING See Auditing. PTS Potential Trouble Source. Somebody who is connected with an SP who is invalidating him, bis beingnr««, hit proc essing, his life. Means Potential I rouble Reading this book is vital to gaining a basic Source which itself means a person ronnet ted to a . All sick prrscut« are P I'S. All pc's who toilet-coaster (regularly lose gains) ate PTS. Suppressive person* understanding of the subject that has for years are themselves PTS to themselves, been freeing people of their upsets, misery, RELEASE A release purely and simply is a person who has obtained results in suppression and agony. processing unci has a rrulily on the fact that he bus attained those results. T hai severely is the definition of a release. PRICE: $7.00. (10% discount for Interna­ R.1R Routine .1 Revised. Designation for the prinrqwl process of Siumlutd Dianetics; technique for running engrains. tional Members.) (See article by I.. Ron llubhuid cm page 1 this issue), To order, simply send check or money order RUN Undergo processing, tun out; erase. RUNDOWN (R D) a set res ol specific auditing actions done on a case designed to to The Church of Scientology of California, uioduce a specific result. ASHO Day Bookstore, 1413 N. Berendo, Los SCIENTOLOGY An applied religious dealing with the study ol knowledge, which, ilnoiigh the upplu ution of its techoology can bring about desirable Angeles, Calif. 90027. (In California add 6% c hanges in the conditions ol life. (Taken from the Latin word 8CIO - knowing in the Sales tax.) fullest sense ol the wool, and the Greek word LOGOS - to study.) St'A ORG Sea Oiganiration. A liaiemal oiguniiulion existing within the fotmuhird structure ol the ('.hutches ol Sc ientology. It consists

A Clear is a being who can be at cause know­ A Clear, then, is no longer the effect of the ingly and at will over mental matter, energy, automaticities of the Reactive Mind on the First space and time, as regards the First Dynamic Dynamic. (survival for self). Because of pleasurable experience in the past For more than 2,500 years, Man has dreamed and inherent sensitivity, there will be differences of this goal. amongst Clears, and Clears should not be as­ Being Clear gives one the freedom and poten­ sumed automatically to be a standardized mid- tial of being. Further, it makes it possible to dleground, that pale goal of past doctrines. continue being something. It is a stable state. Rationality, as divorced from aberration, can Also, a Scientology Clear has experience. be studied only in a Cleared person. It is the The source of aberration is the Reactive Mind, aberrations of the uncleared individual which and the source of the Reactive Mind is the Being give him the appearance of irrationality. Irra­ himself. An uncleared person is making himself tionality is simply the inability to get right unknowing and unwilling effect, of his own answers from data. Here is a lecture so exciting, so packed with Reactive Mind. Now, in view of the fact that the mind does simple and powerful truths that it was chosen A Reactive Mind is an unknowing, unwanted more than its share of pinning somebody inside out of all of Ron's lectures as the first one to be series of aberrated computations which bring a body, there are no conditions imposed on him. released on cassette! about an effect on the individual and those Clear he can more easily become exterior. This tape is packed with wisdom which you — or anyone — can use in life. around him. It is also an obsessive strata of A Clear doesn’t have to be in a body or out of The Story of Dianetics and Scientology is unknown, unseen, uninspected data, which is a body; there are no conditions imposed on him. the story of how it all began. In Ron’s own forcing solutions, unknown and unsuspected, on He is just at cause over mental matter, energy, words. It’s the very real, warm and human story the individual. It is a sub-awareness activity. space and time on the First Dynamic, or as of Ron’s early questioning, searching and That is, below the knowing awareness of an regards his own survival. discoveries which led to the development of Dianetics and Scientology. It’s the story of individual. Life is quite an adversary and the Reactive Ron’s simple, yet powerful insights into human The Reactive Mind opposes the Thetan. Now, Mind is quite an adversary. You shouldn’t ever nature that resulted in a road out for Man. the way you handle the Reactive Mind is simply undervaluate these things, and therefore, you Easy to understand, this lecture will give to increase the Thetan’s awareness. By increas­ can’t really overvalue the state of Clear. It has anyone more reality on Ron, and on the ing his awareness, he becomes aware of this never been achieved before. Subjects of Dianetics and Scientology. Buy this tape for yourself! Give copies to thing and so it’s now under inspection, and as friends and familyl he goes along, he can then handle it and it’s PRICE: $7.00. 10% discount for Inter­ under his control and ceases to be reactive, no national Members. matter what’s in it.. Send your orders to Dept. 159, Church of There is no such thing as a crazy Thetan. Scientology of California, Publications Org­ anization, 4833 Fountain Ave., East Annex, There is a Thetan who- is mocking up craziness Los Angeles, California 90029. (In California that he is the effect of. He does this automa­ add 6% Sales Tax.) tically, and does not know he is doing it. He does not see the things which are affecting him.

IMPORTANT NOTICE In Hubbard Communications Office Bulletin of November 29, 1978, Case supervisor Series 104 entitled DIANETIC CLEAR ATTESTS, L. Ron BUY Hubbard states: “1 have found some very interesting case phenomena being resolved since past Dianetic Clears are attesting to the state. T H IS B O O K “Some of the manifestations of some of the cases who were audited past Dianetic Clear (unrecognized and unattested to) are: Dianetics: 1 (a) Manifesting PTSness and illnesses until the state was acknowledged and attested to. The (b) Appearing to be no case gain, out-ethics cases. (c) Not moving up the Bridge but remaining of a Science “parked” at some point. (They have many “ reasons” for this.) (d) Becoming inactive as a Scientologist. By L. Ron Hubbard .

“In the cases mentioned above, you will almost always find that the condition started at a certain Written by L. Ron Hubbard as a book-length feature for the May 1950 issue of Astounding Science point in the pc’s auditing (or in his last life, a f Fiction, this publication is the fast-moving story of a pc). If you do a thorough folder study and how Ron brought Dianetics into existence. interview the pc you will find that he went Presenting the mind as a problem analagous to Dianetic Clear just prior to the case going awry. computing machinery, Ron then resolves the most (Or, by interview, you might find he went Dianetic fundamental problems of research and, in a racy, Clear in his last life.) (Note: One percent have breathless style, goes flat out to resolve basic human track dates when they went Clear.)” difficulties. This book is exciting and easy reading, written with brilliance and enthusiasm, and is actually WHAT TO DO? in itself a breakdown of how problems should be If you are a preclear and feel this may apply solved. to you, immediately notify your Registrar at the First appearing on the newstands in late April it received a startlingly Immediate and wide response American Saint Hill Organization who will arrange from scientists, engineers and the general public, and for you to get this thoroughly handled. ASHO triggered an avalanche of orders for and Interest in service is FAST and EFFICIENT. You will need Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. Order yourself and your pc folders at ASHO. Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science was It can be adjudicated whether a person has published in the U.S. in soft-cover book edition in attained this state, and if so, (he state can be September 1955. 112 pages. Now available in hard­ usually completely rehabilited and attested to in cover with modern dust jacket. a 5 hour rehabilitation, or 12 % hour intensive of PRICE: $6.00 (Membership discounts apply). this book Order copies for yourself and your friends. Simply auditing. Donation for 5 hours of auditing is send check or money order to the Church of $926.60, and for 12 % hours, $2,316.45. Scientology of California, 4833 Fountain Avenue, For more information, call The Registrar (2 13) East Annex. Los Angeles, California 90029. today! 660-5553 or write: The Advance Scheduling Dept. 159. (In California add 6% Sales Tax.) Registrar, American Saint Hill Organization, 1413 North llerendo Street, Los Angeles, Calif. 90027.

THE AUDITOR ISS N: 0044-977 Issue 159 The Monthly Journal o f Scientology Scientology Is an applied religious philosophy - Page 3 NOW THERE ARE 13,176 CLEARS

Clear No. 12,535 MARY ANN DURHAM. Clear No. 12,635 DANIEL BRIENT, Montreal Clear No. 12,723 MARY ALICE DEWITT, Clear No. 12.822 DAVID KOCHARHOOK. Auiiin Clear No. 12,636 LOUISE BEDARD, Montreal Amlin San Francisco Clear No. 12,536 BRANDIE GALLAGHER, Clear No. 12,637 ANNETTE SAVINO, Clear No. 12,724 MARLENE POOLE, ASHO Clear No. 12,823 DAVE MOWBRA, AOLA Clear No. 12.638 JENNIE STAMM, ASHO Clear No. 12.725 ANNE MINTZ, AOLA San Francisco Clear No. 12,537 RICHARD DEAN. New York Clear No. 12.639 BE TTE BROWN, Clear No. 12,726 PHYLLIS CARTER, ASHO Clear No. 12,824 DONNA DALTON, Clear No. 12,538 ELLA MAXICK, New York San Francisco Clear No. 12,727 SALLY WITHERSPOON, San Francisco Clear No. 12.539 NEIL LEVIN, New York Clear No. 12,640 LAURIE ZURN, AOLA CCLA Clear No. 12,825 ANDREW LINDEMAN. Clear No. 12,540 MEHMET BENGISU, Clear No. 12,641 MARSHA STRODE, Clear No. 12,728 ROBERT HLUSAK, AOLA San Francisco New York Clear No. 12,642 ALAN PEARSON. Clear No. 12.729 DANIEL HENNINC, AOLA Clear No. 12,826 MYRNA HAND, Clear No. 12,541 ANGELA CIMINIELLO, Clear No. 12,643 STAN HARRIS, CCLA Clear No. 12,730 JULLET KIPPERMAN, San Francisco New York Clear No. 12,644 LORI ALLEN, Los Angeles AOLA Clear No. 12,827 TOM STEPHENS, Clear No. 12,542 PAUL DEFALCO. New York Clear No. 12,645 DAN RUTHERFORD. ASHO Clear No. 12,731 RON MC NEW, ASHO San Francisco Clear No. 12,543 MARIO ZEA, New York Clear No. 12,646 DOUG HOPKINS, Clear No. 12,732 MARY JO PACEL, AOLA Clear No. 12.828 FRED BLINMAN, Clear No. 12,544 NINA PAULL WELLES. Los Angeles Clear No. 12,733 KATY MATE, AOLA San Francisco New York Clear No. 12,647 CLAUDIA DILS, ASHO Clear No. 12,734 BEVERLY DOUGHERTY, Clear No. 12,829 BEVERLY KIHARA, Clear No. 12.545 BILL YOUNG. New York Clear No. 12,648 LAURA ESTHER CASE, ASHO San Francisco Clear No. 12,546 MARISA CABAN, New York Los Angeles Clear No. 12,735 COLLEEN WOODARD, Clear No. 12,630 JOAN LANE, San Francisco Clear No. 12,547 JOHN CAMPBELL. ASHO Clear No. 12,649 JEAN PAUL SANTACON, Clear No. 12,736 NEDRO WOODARD, Clear No. 12.831 REBECCA E. ROSS. Clear No. 12,348 NANCY ROSS, Lips Angeles ASHO Clear No. 12,737 FRANK SHEA. ASHO San Francisco Clear No. 12.549 DEBORAH S. WATT. ASHO Clear No. 12,650 RICHARD BLAINE, Clear No. 12,738 PAUL O'NEILL, AOLA Clear No. 12,832 LEANNA ZELTZER, Clear No. 12,550 DAN BETTENDORF. AOLA San Francisco Clear No. 12,739 BOB GALBRAITH, ASHO San Francisco Clear No. 12,551 DAN KINGSBURY, AOLA Clear No. 12,651 JAMES KREBSBACH, Clear No. 12,740 LARRY HANSON, AOLA Clear No. 12,833 KATHY MARKS, Clear No. 12,552 E. DAVID SWEETLAND, ASHO Clear No. 12,741 CINDY FORMICO, San Francisco AOLA Clear No. 12,652 ROY ESTRADA, San Francisco Clear No. 12,835 MARTHA VELASCO. Clear No. 12,553 CARL KRISTENSEN, ASHO San Francisco Clear No. 12,742 CHRISTINE SMITHE, San Francisco Clear No. 12,554 RICK PATTERSON, CCLA Clear No. 12,653 MICHAEL HENDRICKSON. San Francisco Clear No. 12,836 DORIS RAYMOND, Clear No. 12,555 MARIA ELENA RUBIO. San Francisco Clear No. 12,743 DEBBIE CARSON. San Francisco ’ AOLA Clear No. 12,654 STEPHEN JORY, San Francisco Clear No. 12,837 MICHAEL ROBERT Clear No. 12,556 PAULETTE A. PALLADINI, San Francisco Clear No. 12,744 BILLGAZDIK, San Francisco CLARK, San Francisco ASHO Clear No. 12.655 RANDEL GOLOBIC, Clear No. 12,745 TERRY WHALIN, Clear No. 12,838 BILL JACKSON, Clear No. 12,557 CINDY K. HANKS, ASHO San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco Clear No. 12.558 DAVE DOUGIS, New York Clear No. 12,656 PHILIP PRIZATEL, Clear No. 12,746 BRODIE NOESKE, Clear No. 12,839 PATRICK JOHN LEE. Clear No. 12.559 LARRY MC DONALD, San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco New York Clear No. 12,657 CAROL CUNNINGHAM. Clear No. 12,747 ROBERT PLACE, Clear No. 12,840 DEANNA ROSS, Clear No. 12,360 KATHLEEN MORRIS, San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco New York Clear No. 12,658 ROBERTA HENDRICKSON. Clear No. 12,748 JAMES EISELT, Clear No. 12,841 MARINA (BINKI) VELORIA, Clear No. 12,561 BARBARA BENZ, New York San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco Clear No. 12,562 DAVE DURNAN, New York Clear No. 12,659 JANET MEITUS, Clear No. 12,749 ANTHONY VARIAN- Clear No. 12,842 JANUS ORR, San Francisco Clear No. 12,563 SUSAN LYNNE REED, San Francisco SMITH, ASHO Clear No. 12,843 SANDY DARCEY, ASHO Clear No. 12,660 JOHN GREEN, San Francisco Clear No. 12,750 MARTIN VARIAN-SMITH San Francisco Clear No. 12.564 VICTORIA ANNE HUGHES. Clear No. 12,661 KARIN ADAMS, ASHO Clear No. 12,844 BUNDY BROWNE. AOLA San Francisco Clear No. 12,751 RANDALL SCOTT FABER, San Francisco Clear No. 12.565 CARMEL SULLIVAN, ASHO Clear No. 12,662 GRACE MATSUMOTO, Detroit Clear No. 12,845 KATHY LATTA, Clear No. 12,566 ISSA MICHEL MITRI, San Francisco Clear No. 12,752 FRANK DEAN. Detroit San Francisco San Francisco Clear No. 12,663 BEN HESS, San Francisco Clear No. 12,753 CRAIG BURTON. Austin Clear No. 12,846 JOHN WELLS, JR. Clear No. 12,567 RICK HAUCK, AOLA Clear No. 12,664 JEANNETTE MAY, Clear No. 12,754 BRANDI LEVINE, Austin San Francisco Clear No. 12,568 ANITA BLATTER, AOLA San Francisco Clear No. 12,755 CINDY DANGBERG, Clear No. 12,847 JULIA ANN MC CAULEY, Clear No. 12,569 SHARON THOMAS, Clear No. 12,665 JIM BAILEY, San Francisco Sacramento San Francisco Clear No. 12,570 HENRY COMINGS, ASHO Clear No. 12,666 JAMES NEAL, San Francisco Clear No. 12,756 STEVE BOLDEN, Clear No. 12,848 KATHY KIPSEY, Clear No. 12,571 MARGOTTE-PELOQUIN Clear No. 12,667 KEVIN CREECH, Sacramento San Francisco ANDREE-ANNE. Montreal San Francisco Clear No. 12,757 RANDY ALLEN, Sacramento Clear No. 12,849 KATHLEEN BROWN. Clear No. 12,572 GILLES CAZA, Montreal Clear No. 12,668 JAMES M. PARKER, Clear No. 12,758 KEVIN W. TESTON, San Francisco. Clear No. 12,573 GINETTE BOUCHER, San Francisco Sacramento Clear No. 12,850 FRANK DAUK, ASHO Montreal Clear No. 12,669 CLORIA SILVA. Clear No. 12.759 NEVA MESSAMER, Clear No. 12,851 JESSICA STANDER, Clear No. 12,574 MARTINE HUOT, Montreal San Francisco Sacramento San Francisco Clear No. 12.575 GARY A. LEE. ASHO Clear No. 12,670 KENNETH FITZGERALD, Clear No. 12,760 DELIGHT PRESCOTT, Clear No. 12.852 DAVE GORDON; Clear No. 12,576 JAMES M. REED, ASHO San Francisco Sacramento San Francisco Clear No. 12,577 THERESE BETTENDORF, Clear No. 12,671 DOTTY PITCHELL, Clear No. 12,761 ROBERT D. GILLIAM, Clear No. 12,853 JOHN P. THORPE, AOLA San Francisco Sacramento San Francisco Clear No. 12,578 RUTH BOWEN, AOLA Clear No. 12,672 PATRICIA M. BROWN, Clear No. 12,762 BUCKY RINN, Sacramento Clear No. 12,854 ANTHONY R. PERIN, Clear No. 12,579 DAVID CURTIS, CCLA San Francisco Clear No. 12,763 KATHLEEN O. GILLIAM, San Francisco Clear No. 12,580 PATRICIA CURTIS, CCLA Clear No. 12,673 STEVE FERRIS, Sacramento Clear No. 12,855 RAY L. SCHAEFFER. Clear No. 12,581 RON BARTH, CCLA San Francisco Clear No. 12,764 GORDON BEALL, San Francisco Clear No. 12,582 ROBERT RADSLIFF, Clear No. 12,674 RON P1CCIOLI, Sacramento Clear No. 12,856 WARREN F. MEYER III, Clear No. 12,583 SHAWNMARI MARSHALL. San Francisco Clear No. 12,765 BILL EVELETH, Sacramento San Francisco AOLA Clear No. 12,675 ALLAN MUNKRES, Clear No. 12,766 ROBERT FANTINI, Boston Clear No. 12,857 CARRIE LONGINOTTI, Clear No. 12,584 LU ANNE HAYES, AOLA San Francisco Clear No. 12,767 JOHN EBERHARD, Boston San Francisco Clear No. 12,585 DIANA RIVERO, ASHO Clear No. 12,676 CYNTHIA ALTER, Clear No. 12,768 ELLANORAH ORRELL, Clear No. 12,858 MARY WALD, San Francisco Clear No. 12,586 JIM ELLINGSON, ASHO San Francisco ASHO Clear No. 12,859 JAMES TRYFOLOS, Clear No. 12,587 KIM HOPKINS, CCLA Clear No. 12,677 MARC HAMAJI, Clear No. 12,769 PAULA OLIVER, AOLA San Francisco Clear No. 12.588 BRAULIO MONTEMAYOR, San Francisco Clear No. 12,770 RON GRAY. ASHO Clear No. 12,860 JEAN RAMACCIOTTI, Los Angeles Clear No. 12,678 DICK HILLY, San Francisco Clear No. 12,771 JORGE SALINAS. AOLA San Francisco Clear No. 12,589 LOIS GERMAN, New York Clear .No. 12,679 CATHY GARCIA, CCLA Clear No. 12,772 GARY JOHANSON, AOLA Clear No. 12,861 BRUCE KOBRIN, Clear No. 12,590 MAARET SCHNIER. Clear No. 12,680 ALEJANDRO SCHABES, Clear No. 12,773 JON FYFFE, ASHO San Francisco New York AOLA Clear No. 12,774 URBAN ROMAN, CCLA Clear No. 12.862 LAURA HAWKES. Clear No. 12,591 CHERYL UNDERWOOD, Clear No. 12,681 ERICA STOCKER, ASHO Clear No. 12,775 CARLOS CARIAS, San Francisco New York Clear No. 12.682 KINSLEY GILES, ASHO Los Angeles Clear No. 12,863 GUSTAVE OZAG, Clear No. 12,592 MIKE BLAAUW, Sacramento Clear No. 12,683 DHYAN MARPLE, ASHO Clear No. 12,776 MARSHA GATTO, CCLA San Francisco Clear No. 12,593 DUNCAN C. GUERTIN, Clear No. 12,684 JENNIFER SCHMIDT, Clear No. 12,777 CARL E. BOROWSKI. ASHO Clear No. 12,864 JOSEPH SCOTT, New York Los Angeles Clear No. 12,778 VIVIAN ROBERTS, San Francisco Clear No. 12,594 LINtiA BECKWITH, Clear No. 12,685 CYNTHIA HALL, AOLA Los Angeles Clear No. 12,865 TRACY GIANNOTTI, Sacramento Clear No. 12,686 TOM SORACCO, ASHO Clear No. 12,779 STEVE BACH, AOLA San Francisco Clear No. 12,595 RICHARD HOLMES, CCLA Clear No. 12,637 COBURN KNIGHT. USGO Clear No. 12,780 LES GRAY, AOLA Clear No. 12,866 KEN MC LEOD, Clear No. 12,596 TINA RIBLE, Sacramento Clear No. 12,638 KELL HOUSSELLS, CCLA Clear No. 12,781 J. WHITNEY ROBINSON, San Francisco Clear No. 12,597 LENORE R. HALE, CCLA Clear No. 12,639 STEVEN ALLEN YEICH, AOLA Clear No. 12,867 MARGARET ZARAHN, Clear No. 12,598 JIM UEBNER, CCLA Los Angeles Clear No. 12,782 DEBORAH BALAS, AOLA New York Clear No. 12,599 DAVID PAHK, ASHO Clear No. 12,690 KATHY OLSEN, Los Angeles Clear No. 12,783 LARRY RED ALIA, ASHO Clear No. 12,868 SHEILA ORICK ROBCOFF, Clear No. 12,600 GORDON BELL, AOLA Clear No. 12,691 PATRICK LUFKIN, USGO Clear No. 12,784 DAVID HACKER. AOLA New York Clear No. 12,601 PAUL BAILEY, AOLA Clear No. 12,692 KEN MOKTENSEN, ASHO Clear No. 12,785 BOB ROLEY, CCLA Clear No. 12,869 VERA LANCER, New York Clear No. 12,602 DAVE YAURENKO, Clear No. 12,693 MELINDA LEONHARDT, Clear No. 12,786 MATT BEDELL, AOLA Clear No. 12,870 BOB CUCURULLO, Los Angeles Los Angeles Clear No. 12,787 KEI OKUBO, AOLA New York Clear No. 12,603 SUE CHANDLER. ASHO Clear No. 12,694 PAUL E. MUMFORD, Clear No. 12,788 KATHY DA SILVA, ASHO Clear No. 12,871 JO GANZ, New York Clear No. 12,604 ELEANOR HAYNES, ASHO AOLA Clear No. 12,789 LESLIE M. KIRKLAND, Clear No. 12,872 EDWINA RESTAINO, Clear No. 12,605 CHRISTY CORSON, AOLA Clear No. 12,695 KEN FERGUSON, ASHO CCLA New York Clear No. 12,606 MARILYN TRUDELL, Clear No. 12,696 MARY FLAGLER, CCLA Clear No. 12,790 DEBBIE COOK, ASHO Clear No. 12,873 ROBIN HASSON, New York Los Angeles Clear No. 12,697 DARRELL COLON, CCLA Clear No. 12,791 ANA RITTNER, AOLA Clear No. 12,874 DAN E. RUSSELL, New York Clear No. 12,607 RAY CASSELMAN, AOLA Clear No. 12,698 CYTHIA DURNAM, Clear No. 12.792 BARBARA GAY JONES. Clear No. 12,875 KATHY BELL, New York Clear No. 12,608 LORI PETTYJOHN, ASHO New York Los Angeles Clear No. 12,876 ISABELLE SZALDINER, Clear No. 12,609 HELEN EILEEN MILLER. Clear No. 12,699 ANTHONY INZERILLO, Clear No. 12,793 RACHELLE RUSSELL. New York ASHO New York ASHO Clear No. 12,877 JOAN MC CREA, New York Clear No. 12,610 SUSAN WELCH, ASHO Clear No. 12,700 MARKUS BIHLER, IHQ Clear No. 12,794 GEORGANN MATE, ASHO Clear No. 12,878 DEREK BAUER, New York Clear No. 12,611 THOMAS K. VORM, AOLA Clear No. 12,701 BARBARA ROBINSON, Clear No. 12,795 LORRI GORDON, ASHO Clear No. 12,879 ROBERT SANDS, New York Clear No. 12,612 DANIELLE KENNEDY, ASHO Clear No. 12,796 MARLENE BERMAN, CCLA Clear No. 12,880 EVELYN O'CONNELL, CCLA Clear No. 12,702 JAMES BATES, New York Clear No. 12,797 LAURE YOUDALL, AOLA New York Clear No. 12,613 BARBARA CARTER, Clear No. 12,703 ANNETTE BONUS, Clear No. 12,798 DR. ALFRED W. GARBUTT, Clear No. 12,881 LORI MAC DONALD, Los Angeles New York AOLA New York Clear No. 12.614 CAROL CARTEL, New York Clear No. 12,704 JIM BREEDEN, New York Clear No. 12,799 JOHN H. ANDERSON, Clear No. 12,882 WESTLEY FALCARO, Clear No. 12,615 JIM HARPER, Las Vegas Clear No. 12,705 STEVE SIMON, New York St. Louis New York Clear No. 12,616 FRANK HARVEY, Austin Clear No. 12,706 JIM BERRY, Seattle Clear No. 12.800 BILL NAGENCAST, Detroit Clear No. 12,883 DOUG PHASEY, Las Vegas Clear No. 12,617 STEVE WARSHAW, Austin Clear No. 12.707 LIBBY BERRY, Seattle Clear No. 12.801 LOUIS R. ALACH. FOLO Clear No. 12,884 CLIFFORD W. KUHN. Clear No. 12,618 LESLIE SILTON, Boston Clear No. 12,708 BRUCE J. COLEMAN, Seattle Clear No. 12.802 LISA KUSAI. ASHO Las Vegas Clear No. 12,619 BRUCE HILLIARD, Boston Clear No. 12,709 BYRON JAY FENDER, Clear No. 12,803 ROYCE BOYD MC CLURE, Clear No. 12,885 CHAN JOHNSON, Las Vegas Clear No. 12,620 DOROTHEA BEINLICH, Seattle, 'FOLO Clear No. 12,886 WILMA STEPANEK, Boston Clear No. 12,710 NORMAN NILS HOWE, Clear No. 12,804 NICK ALEXANDER, FOLO Las Vegas Clear No. 12,621 GERRY MAZZARELLA, Seattle Clear No. 12,805 PETER MALCOLM Clear No. 12,887 LOUIS NAVARRO. Boston Clear No. 12,711 KURT LANTZE, Seattle CAMPBELL. FOLO Las Vegas Clear No. 12,622 NED HAUPTNER, Boston Clear No. 12,712 RODGER TENNISON. Clear No. 12,806 MICHAEL JOSEPH Clear No. 12,888 MARY JANE ELMO, Clear No. 12,623 STEVE SKODA, Montreal Seattle FITZPATNICK. FOLO Las Vegas Clear No. 12,624 MARILYN CALVER, Clear No. 12,713 JOSEPH PARENT, Montreal Clear No. 12,807 DENISE BOLSTAD, FOLO Clear No. 12,889 MARCIA ZAWADZKI, Montreal Clear No. 12,714 CAROLE LUSSIER Clear No. 12,808 CATHY NITSCHE, FOLO Clear No. 12,890 MIKE KNEIPP. ASHO Clear No. 12,625 SOLANGE TREMBLAY, LOLIDAUX, Montreal Clear No. 12,809 STEPH COMPTON, FOLO Clear No. 12,891 GEORGE MAKRA, IHQ Montreal Clear No. 12,715 PAULETTE POLIGU1N, Clear No. 12,810 MARK WHITTA, FOLO Clear No. 12.892 FRANCINE TISSOT, CCLA Clear No. 12,626 ROGER VEILLEUX, Montreal Clear No. 12,811 PEGGY DAROESMAN, Clear No. 12,893 GERDA ORGANEK. AOLA Montreal Clear No. 12,716 BILL SPEERS, Montreal FOLO Clear No. 12,894 GF.MMA PICERNI, ASHO Clear No. 12,627 LUC LEMELIN, Montreal Clear no. 12,717 JEAN-MARIE PARENT, Clear No. 12,812 BOB MAGNESS, AOLA Clear No. 12,895 PATRICIA DANS, ASHO Clear No. 12,628 JOHANNE VALCOURT, Montreal Clear No. 12,813 GARY LEE MODRAS, FOLO Clear No. 12,896 LEO HAMEL. Los Angeles Montreal Clear No. 12,715 PAULETTE POLIGUIN, Clear No. 12,814 KAREN THOMAS, AOLA Clear No. 12,897 DENISE QUINTANA, ASHO Clear No. 12,629 HELEN DION DARENT, Montreal Clear No. 12,815 FLEUR STEVENS, FOLO Clear No. 12,898 VICKI DRIES, CCLA Montreal Clear No. 12.716 BILL SPEERS, Montreal Clear No. 12.816 ERIC J. KLIETACH, FOLO Clear No. 12.899 MARY PENDLETON. ASHO Clear No. 12,630 BOB LABRE, Montreal Clear No. 12,717 JEAN-MARIE PARENT, Clear No. 12,817 GORDON BOLSTAD, FOLO Clear No. 12,900 TRACEY J. HANSEN, ASHO Clear No. 12,631 GABRIELLE Montreal Clear No. I2.818SUZANNE BOLSTAD, FOLO Clear No. 12,901 W. L. JONKE. Detroit GAUDREAULT, Montreal Clear No. 12.718 SYLVIE NAUD CAZA, Clear No. 12,819 DINAL STEELE, FOLO Clear No. 12,902 STEPHEN PAUL REID, Clear No. 12,632 RONALD GAUDREAULT, Montreal Clear No. 12,820 JAN SILK. FOLO Detroit Montreal Clear No. 12,719 NATE SMITH, Philadelphia Clear No. 12,821 JONI ADAMS, San Francisco Clear No. 12,903 VINCE CIAVARELLA, Clear No. 12,633 HELENE BELAND, Clear No. 12,720 TIMOTHY MEYER, Detroit Detroit Montreal Clear No. 12,721 CHRIS SOMMER. Detroit Clear No. 12,634 ANDRE ARBOUR, Montreal Clear No. 12,722 MARTIN K. LIVERANCE, Detroit Clear Names Continued on Page 10 Page 4 - THE A UDITOR - 1SS N:004-997 - Issue 159 - The Monthly Journal o f Scientology - Scientology is an applied religious philosophy DIANETICS in 1950: the breakthrough year How a Bestseller was Born

In the yean before 1950, L. Ron Hubbard as a writer The National Association of College Stores reported had become very well known in science fiction circles. Dianetics as its “number one” non-fiction seller among In those days the royalties he earned from his writing 2,500,000 students in the months of June, July and wen! to support his independent researches into the field August. of the mind. Meanwhile, multitudes of people were asking L. Ron By 1949, word had spread around among forward- Hubbard for training in the new subject. Overnight thinking scientists that L- Ron Hubbard was really onto 750 non-professional Dianetics chibs and groups something. In 1950, Hermitage House publishers viewed sprang up, and eventually the first Dianetic Founda the new subject with a fleeting skepticism that quickly tion was formed; it offered training and student enroll­ turned to fascination when they discovered that ments swelled immediately. With seemingly endless Diane tic techniques were astonishingly effective! energy, L. Ron Hubbard kept a schedule that would Hermitage House now offered to print a book for the have challenged a dozen men, writing, doing demon­ broad public — but only if L. Ron Hubbard could deliver strations, answering mountains of correspondence and an immediate manuscript. often commuting between die East and West coasts The author’s dream to have a calm three-years to of the United States. write a textbook evaporated and the editor got his By 1952, the subject had expanded through con­ manuscript — 180,000 words — just six weeks later. The tinued application and research and finally evolved into book was published and put on sale May 9th, 1950 with­ Scientology (which means “the study of knowledge”) out any fanfare. and which dealt extensively with the Spiritual aspects Just prior to publication of the book a feature and potentials of Man. In 1954, the movement, because article, “Dianetia, The Evolution of a Science” of its Strong Sprirtual emphasis was incorporated into a appeared in the May issue of Astounding Science Fiction Church and became an applied religious philosophy. magazine, along with an ad announcing the availability Many advanced techniques which improved the spiritual of die new book from Hermitage House. Strangely nature and condition of individuals were researched and enough this magazine was read by practically every developed by L. Ron Hubbard. But over the years he engineer and university professor in America, and was has continuously refined the subject of Dianetics, which the one journal which uniformaly reached aU American is now officially the branch of Scientology that deals universities. Many of its writers were engineers of note. with mental anatomy. When L. Ron Hubbard’s article appeared in the magazine L. Ron Hubbard has recently issued a much more in late April of 1950, it received an immediate and wide L. RON HUBBARD — Author workable version of Dianetics called New Era Dianetics. response from scientists, engineers and the general But, as Ron says, "The basics and fundamentals are JwbBc, and triggered an avalanche of orders for and Carl Jardine.who was the Executive Officer of a Navy stated early in the period of development and have not interest in the soon-to-be-released book, Dianetia, ship in Norfolk, Virginia when he first read about changed . . . things that were true early in the subjects The Modem Science o f Mental Health. Dianetics in Astounding Sri Fi recalls, “1 haunted are stdl true. " The publishers expected to sell at best 6,000 copies the book stores waiting for the book to come out. We So to understand the truth about the mind, the baric of the new horde, hot suddenly Dianetia, The Modem were in Philadelphia when it was released and 1 made book to read remains this aU time bestseller, Dianetics. Science o f Mental Health took off Bke a skyrocket and sure that every officer on the ship got a copy.” The Modem Science o f Mental Health. began to sell 1,000 copies a day — and the explosion The electrifying popularity of the book startled was on! the literary and scientific world, and Dianetics Bookstore owners who were active in 1950 remember became a household word as millions talked about it, what a high turnover there was on the first book. One tried it and got their friends to try it. Over 25,000 The Book Auditor bookseller who handled it reported that there was such letters, telegrams, and phone calls from all over the a steep demand for Dianetia, The Modem Science of world poured into the publishers congratulating the Mental Health that copies of this bestseller were “salted brilliant author, L. Ron Hubbard. away” under his counter for special customers Until The furor continued to grow and by the Fall, new shipments of the book could arrive from the 150,000 copies of Dianetia, The Modem Science o f publishers! Mental Health in hardback had been sold.

Can we doctor our at home?

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______^ * t o £ **r% On i; The Early days of Dianetics saw the emergence of the Book Auditor. These were people with the mitative and willingness to put Dianetics to use after just reading the book Dianetics, The Modem Science of Mental Health. There were no formal training courses in those earliest ire ~—? days, and Book Auditors were bom from those hearty beings who could skillfully duplicate the technology of L. Ron Hubbard as he laid it out in this first book on Dianetics. Those pioneer Dianetic Auditors who applied I the technology of Dianetics from the book exactly, with nothing altered or added, achieved miraculous results. Ron had proven over and over that Dianetics worked. It was only a question of getting people to work Dianetics, 1 /io M fia center* dra w and many did so admirably. tmriouK sincere people Pictured above is Mary Lynn Haberman, Dianetic Clear and Class VI Auditor, and a recent graduate of the T W liu , Hew F't*U v V ^ «£¿5? New Era Dianetics Course and Internship at ASHO. She is demonstrating how it was using the “finger snapping” techniques in early Dianetics while holding a First SeC m dianetic, Edition copy of Dianetics, The Modem Science of Mental Health for a reference as many of the early Book > 'W eased ^ '>Ved key f_ f a5*d ***i f o r i c i Auditors had done. The Book Auditors made a vital contribution to the growth of Dianetics. They were truly a new breed and fPianefies Fans Delua* Srhnnl* provided a major advance for the whole of Mankind. THE A UDITOR - ISS N: 0044-977 - Issue 159 - The Monthly Journal of Scientology - Scientology is an applied religious philosophy - Page 5 ¡M PPippPM Bj N E W E R A

The word ERA is defined in the dictionary as “an age in history; historical period distinguished by certain important or significant.happenings . .. a period o f time starting from an important or significant happening." The discoveries that L. Ron Hubbard has recently made truly establish a new Era of technical effectiveness. Floods of Clears are appearing each day now, and the major goal of a Cleared planet Earth looks immensely nearer and more real than ever. New Era Dianetics is the biggest single breakthrough since Dianetics, The Modern Science of Mental Health. What follows are excerpts from L. Ron Hubbard’s personal introduction to the magnificent new techno­ logy he has given us called New Era Dianetics.

NEW ERA DIANETICS A group of Dianetic Clears on the steps of the American Saint Hill Organization enjoying a lunch break and each other’s company in the warm California sun. From left to right (front) are Mona Fells from Phoenix, Sally Hamaji from San Francisco, Ann O’Hare from By L. Ron Hubbard Denver. In the rear are Curtis Jones from St. Louis, Barry Wellman from Detroit, Phil Tunison from Denver, Lynn Fountain from Greensboro, N.C. and Marian McPhee from Detroit.

It is my pleasure to offer you a new and much more workable version of Dianetics. It is called NEW ERA DIANETICS. Dianetics in its early days produced quite a few DIANETIC CLEAR miracles and many, many well-and' happy pcs. - As time went on it underwent many refinements and changes and also, unfortunately, suffered the loss SUCCESS STORIES of a lot of its Tech. So recently I overhauled it extensively. The course checksheet of basic NEW ERA DIA­ I feel fantastic about attesting to Dianetic Attaining the state of clear has given me a NETICS is much shorter. Clear. I needed and wanted the state thoroughly whole new perspective on life. I feel I can clearly The hours of auditing that can be done in NEW validated and it feels great to get that validation! see cause and effect and can place myself at ERA DIANETICS are greatly extended with higher I had certainty in my own universe of this cause whenever I wish. The altitude I have results for every hour! ability and now this has expanded to others gained on situations and problems that may NEW ERA DIANETICS is more precise. which really makes it real. Congratulations to occur gives me the ability to be at cause, to It does not supplant Scientology, no way. m e! create m y own effects, avoid reasonableness, and It makes the trained Dianetic auditor more valuable. PATRICIA K. PON keep my space clear! It achieves, in skilled hands, anything older Dianetics Thanks Ron! I now know for myself what the DA VID KUTNER ever sought to achieve. state of Clear is like. It’s everything promised I just attested to Dianetic Clear and it feels New Era Dianetics is a summary and refinement of and some surprises too. It’s wonderful, wonder­ terrific to have attained this state. I really feel Dianetics based upon 30 years of experience in the ful. at cause over my own life and am ready to con­ application of the subject. Every person who in some large or small way tinue on the OT levels. Thanks to Ron, my In that 30 years I have found much that could helped me to reach the state o f clear must know auditors, C/S’s and everyone involved who improve results if properly applied. how important their contribution counts. When helped me get up the bridge. And in that 30 years, many issues have been written you’re' clear yourself (or if you are) you will ARC, by others that were a bit altered and some materials have k n o w h o w im p o rta n t it is. HOWARD ALDEN been lost. New Era Dianetics corrects these points. I want you to know that I love you for it. When I was younger I recall having moments Also, recently, I have done additional research and Thanks again Ron! when I was at peace with the Universe. I was have come up with a few breakthroughs. M uch L ove always alone when this occurred and in a forest In 1950, I said we should build a better bridge. BILL JOHNSON or by a stream. Now the feeling is there all the Well, in 1978, here is a better ,Dianetics section of Words are only symbols for reality and are to time. Thanks, Ron, for making the condition the bridge. that extent untrue. But of all the words in the perm an en t. Old timers in Dianetics will only approve these English language, the one that comes closest to Much Love and Admiration, upgrades. There is no invalidation of what they know defining this state is the word clear. I feel so BILL GRAHAM . already to be true. But there are refinements about clean and transparent that if you looked through Wow! I haven’t felt this good in many many which they are jumping with joy. me you could see a hundred miles. The thought years. It is there — and there is a new world to New Era Dianetics is even more acceptable, even that this state is stable is almost too much to be had. The new era is dawning and I can’t think more workable. bear. Thanks to Ron and my auditor and all the that there could possibly be any place to be — 1 did this review to move Dianetics back into the staff at ASHO. I will be eternally grateful. but there being a part o f that dawning. My deep­ “miracles as usual” band and the student studying it FLOYD L. TWEDE est thanks to Ron and all else that made this and the auditor practicing it will find that if he follows A major goal has been attained here today — possible. It's great! its precision drills with precision he will be able to "Clear”. I am having continuous cognitions. It H A R R Y L E E WILSON. handle life and the spirit as never before. feels great to have certainty about cause Today I attested to a state I have sought for and know it isn 't going to disappear! / am rea d y many, many years. The actual gain and aware­ to really expand on the dynamics and get the ness came a while back but I’ve been enjoying planet together! the results none-the-less. G A R Y M O R T O N After handling a few lingerbig masses, etc.. / feel real good about attesting to Dianetic I’m back operating again at peak capacity. Clear. To me, it’s a relief. I’m relieved! I feel I wish to thank ASHO, who I feel is operating better knowing why / was having problems with at a state of the art level and of course all my my past Dianetic auditing. And basically, I just love to Ron. Thanks all. feel like myself, which ain ’t bad and like having PHILL JESTER the state validated! It feels good. SUE MUCKLER

, Page 6 — THE AUDITOR — 1SS N:004-99T — Issue 159 — The Monthly Journal o f Scientology — Scientology is an applied religious philosophy Doug Hober from Strwns Q w k. California. is by doing a course on it. by doing New Era | been in Scientology for about 10 years. H e ist Dianetics. by doing a Dianetic Internship after Dtanmr Clear and has completed the Class VI Saint finishing the course and really auditing it a lot. But H il l Special Briefing Course and New Era Dianetics even an Intrm ship isn’t the end. You've got tA keep Course. Doug is currently doing the New Era auditing. The more you use it the more you know Dianetics Internship at AS HO Day Oig. and tn this about your mind. And even if you get rid of your interview talks about what New Era Dianetics bank like 1 did — well. I'm a Dianetic Clear, great! training has been like for him. But that doesn’t mean that you're cause over it |1 Had you done any Dianetic auditing prior to the totally. Sure, from the First Dynamic, but you've got NED Course that you recently completed? your other Dynamics. You're dealing with people A. Ob, yes. many hundreds of hours. I’ve always every day. If you totally understand the mind from enjoyed auditing Dianetics. To me it's realty the viewpoint of an auditor who has audited for y«Hting the bank at it's basics. It's always been an hundreds of thousands of hours, no one is going to education, not only for the preclear, because he's knock you off that pedestal — you’re there, you learning about where he has been, what he has done, understand the mind. how he got in the situation he is in, but it’s been Q. If there were more New Era Dianetic Auditors, quite and education for me too. what difference would it make in the progress of Q. When the NJLD. Course came out, what was Scientology? yonr viewpoint as you saw this whole new break- A. Well no question about that. Scientology would through and upgrade of Dianetics technology? boom. I mean NED is exciting stuff! Every student A. 1 was real curious, and I wanted to know what I’ve seen who has learned the techniques of New Era new development Ron came up with . . . It seemed Dianetics is excited about Scientology. You know, like R3R was pretty workable; it always worked for they're out there using it in their daily life, because me. But when he started talking about handling the that is where NEd is intended to be used, right on the preclears Postulates, that got me interested. street. So it would expand Scientology by by getting Q. Did all the new technology on the New Era D u t Hober, a Dianetic Clear, teBs «boat his training with New people excited and pulling in others. Dianetics Course meet with your expectations? Era Dianetics. Q . W ith the new data on bow a person can go Clear A. O h Yeah! It exceeded them! N ow it’s m uch more on Dianetics, and now that you have a reality that streamlined. I was one of those people who had an A. Great. Let me say it this way: It’s a great bunch of you can actually make a Clear with New Era “endless drug rundown” in my own auditing. It was students here. Students at ASHO are really on Dianetics, how does that seem to you? good, but I could really see it being streamlined, and purpose; you know, ASHO Day Students — can't A. That seems right, that’s all I can say. with a I could really see Ron going A - to - B with his beat 'em. capitol "R’’l I mean I always thought that Dianetics handling of the bank. Q. What do you feel are the benefits of the Training operates at basics on the bank, and it certainly can, What personal wins did yon experience with New Route? and it certainly does. 1 don’t mean basics on a chain, Era Dianetics as you audited it on others? A. T hat’s a good one. What I recommend to someone I mean basics to the bank. It totally brings in my A. Well, I noticed preclears winning — bigger wins who doesn’t know anything about his mind or indicators that Dianetic Clear can happen on than before. And 1 noticed their speed in the anything like that do is to pick up the book Dianetics Dianetics. handling, the speed of particle flow is faster, much The Modern Science of Mental and read it. Now after Q. And how about you knowing that you could faster. Mainly 1 noticed that it's just more wins per that if you understood that book, you will know actually be making these clears, how do you feel unit of time.; about your mind. But "know about” isn’t very high about that? Q. And how did your N.E.D. training go for you? as far as I am concerned, on the Know to Mystery A. Fantastic, man. The more clears I make, the A. Fantastic! You know, the training department at Scale. It's up there, but if you really want to be at happier I am. ASHO Day is great, just excellent. cause over your bank, you’ve got to get above that. Q. What would you say about the satisfaction of Q. And how about the students you worked with? You’ve got to KNOW it. And the way you KNOW it being an auditor; how would you compare it with other things you could be doing? A. W ell, I thought of that ten years ago when 1 quit working in the everyday world and went 100% with Scientology, and 1 don't think there's a more Here's how you can learn to fully handle worthwhile activity than Scientology. There’s other things a person can do in addition to it, but my purposes are 100% behind Scientology even though 1 MISERY, UPSET; SUPPRESSION and AGONY. do other activities. Q. How would you summarize the wins available with New Era Dianetics training? A. 1 think NED training can give someone the Get Trained on the New Era Dianetics knowledge and certainty that puts him at cause in life. Q. Any further comments you’d care to make? Course at ASH O A. One thing I must say is that I really encourage people to do their Internships too. Because I've found that no matter how good I felt about the Ron’s amazing advances in New Era Dianetics will give you powerful technology after doing a course, there’s always some questions that never got answered, and after an new took and skills to handle a broad range of unwanted conditions in internship you don’t have questions that didn’t get fife. Easier than ever to leant, this course will give you the answers to answered. the mind that can be proven by practical application in your life. The only prerequisite to starting is the Student Hat Course which teaches advanced study methods. The cost of the NED Course during May is $2,495.92. Scholarships are also available. (Prices are also less for people who have had prior Dianetic training.) Recent ASHO

For enrollment information simply write to the Letter Registrar at the Church of NED Graduates Scientology of California, American Saint Hill Organization, 1413 N. Berendo Robert W. Elder, Ron Salat, Christine Kirkland, Danny Webster, Richard J. Martin, Craig Johnson. Mike Feld­ Street, Los Angeles, Calif. 90027. Or man, Joan Bishop, Bob Price, Herbert D. Williams, cafi (213) 660-5553. William C. Moon, Louise F. Williams, Nancy Perry, Sally Tate. Lisa Boyd, Cathy Rizzardini, Lynn Pitton, Jean Chromoy, Bruce Taylor, Cat Klinger. Jean Blake, Patricia Mason, Caryl Burnett, Jon Gerson, Pamela Hatch, Irene Tanbe, Linda Johnson, Jerry Dufour, Jr.. E. David Sweetland, Mireya ViryaUonga, Jim Rogers, Donald Brayton, Patricia Perry, Jack Terrell. Susan Notaro, Rich Nisbet, Bob Grant, Richard Mantori. George Seidler, Janet Rysgaard. Karen Simons, Travis Stracener, Alice Saecker, Mary K. Hamazi, Michel M, Sherman, Rita Gerson, Bill Bliss, Ginny Bochme, C. Douglas Holser, Carollynne 'Morse, Pern Wall, Trent Lyon, Aida Thomas. Sid Yoder, Donna Atherton, Jane Shaw, Steve Hall, Patty Lurie, Glen Genovese, Jim Condon, Spyro Morfopulos, Bob Azevedo, Doug Neuman, Banner Moffat III, Bill Worden, Isabel Metzger, Diane Pierson, Alan Sermon, Nelson Betancourt, Karen Mangiamele, Greg Holzworth, Joe Andreatte. John Kramer Jr., Bob Guignon, Pete L. Faslert, Janis Jackson, Wayne Mize, Jay Hanson, JaneMerrone, Robert Wilborn. Ellen Price, Jim Olson. Colleen Tanko, Charles Borom. Denise Dori, Florence Burghom, Diane Korringa, Barbara Caldwell. Janice Raiiwr, Mark Rost, Jim Zak, T E Lane, .

THE A UDITOR - ISS N: 0044-977 - Issue 159 - The Monthly Journal o f Scientology - Scientology ft an applied religious philosophy - Page 7 Does Clearing Cancel the Need for Training?

By L. Ron Hubbaid

To answer the important question "Does know-how necessary to handle and control the have happened earlier because there was not Clearing cancel training?” all you need to do as laws of the universe. Scientology is the data enough livingness to study. We have arrived an auditor is clear someone without training necessary to live. near bottom. him and then say to him, "All right. Go out and If everyone were now to concentrate only There are people getting cleared now all clear people." on how to get clear and forget all about how to over the world. Just remember that you share You'll get a blank stare. stay clear, we’d be back in the soup in a century. the agreement of the society in which you live. Why? Oddly enough, the best time to study You’ll have to be able to audit to skillfully Because Auditing skill is a discipline in auditing is when you're aberrated — when the handle aberrated persons. And it will take a lot living and a know-how of the parts of life, which thing looks impossible, when you can achieve of auditors to have a cleared society. is in itself something new in the universe. Even subjective reality on the grimness of it. Right now it’s all right to keep your eye on OTs don't have auditing skill since there have that first dynamic and get clear. You should. never been any auditors behind them. But when, suddenly, you find you’ve achieved There is such a thing as learning. There are clear, remember when I tell you this one thing: such things as data. There are eight dynamics. The fact is, that a cleared Zulu is a cleared “Auditors will Always You cannot stay clear unless you solve Zulu. A cleared advertising man is a cleared things by the equation of the optimum advertising man. A cleared Zulu is not a cleared solution: The greatest good for the greatest advertising man. Be Senior to Clears. number of dynamics. Failing to so solve things Now a Zulu uncleared has scant chance of dug you in to where you were in the first place. becoming an advertising man. But a cleared A lw ays.” Scientology got you out. Zulu would probably be able to become one Stay out by knowing Scientology well. rapidly. And there’s the difference. Being clear gives one the potentia l of being and makes the being rather easy, and fun. Further being cleared makes it possible to con­ The best things a person can do are to (1) tinue to be something. There’s nothing wrong get trained and (2) get cleared. Auditors will “If we only had Clears with being dear. A person ought to be. The always be senior to clears. Always. T hat became state is so valuable several hundreds of millions very obvious in the 19th ACC. People who and no Auditors we’d of people in the past 2,500 years have concen­ weren’t clear created clears. trated on nothing else. If a person gets cleared first, he can, of But how about getting dear and staying course, learn very rapidly how to be a good have another slump clear forever? The auditor alone w ith his data Scientologist. If he is to be a very good being he well learned could manage that. will be both a good auditor a n d a clear. That ahead.” Remember, you were clear once — trillions combination cannot be beaten. of years ago. Why didn’t you stay that way? If we had only clears and no auditors we’d Because the traps were well designed and you have another slump ahead. Scientology is not had no anatomy of traps. in the experience of anyone’s back track. It is I look forward to seeing your bright, Well, Scientology does have the anatomy itself. It is the one thing senior to life because it of the-traps, the Axioms, the discipline and handles all factors of life. Scientology could not smiling face; clear or not, in the Academy or an ACC, or both, in D.C., or London, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa. A Clear world to be, needs y o u as a good and skilled Scientologist. Take the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course at ASHO! And that’s how you’re going to help me. Okay?

Let Ron P.S. When I solve a case I always ask the pc for one unnamed favor. I’ve never called these favors in. The favor I tell you now for the first tellyouthe time: Whatever else you are, be a good Scien­ whole story of tologist and help me clear these Earth people.


The answers to all the questions you have ever for yourself and value to all of mankind will be T H E W OR LD’S F A S TE S T asked can be found on this course! enormously enhanced. There is no substitute for GROWING NEW RELIGIOUS On the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course you will training on the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. PHILOSOPHY* hear and read about the whole story of what auditing Here are some futher benefits: * Study in is and how it developed to it's current state — straight spacious class-rooms in ASHO’s beautiful new from Ron. building * Expert student handling by highly trained Scientology has the answers. Don’t wait Originally given by Ron personally at Saint Hill and dedicated Course Supervisors * Compre­ another thousand years; be a Scientologist now! Manor in Sussex, England, the Saint Hill Special hensive checksheets fully cover all the data at each International Members are eligible for Briefing Course has developed into the most compre­ level * Good housing arranged in advance * Earn the valuable discounts on Books, tapes, E-Meters hensive course in all of Scientology. Starting with the covetted Class VI Hubbard Senior Scientologist and Scientology insignia. earliest data of the begining Dianetic years, you will Certificate. And as added bonuses, on completion of If you have never had a membership before progress along the research track that Ron daily Class VI you will be awarded Power Processing at your first 6 months are FREE. The.entrance continued to develop as he expanded and refined the Half Price, and you will also get the Solo Auditors fee is $30.00 and is renewable each year after subjects of Dianetics and Scientology. Course FREE. for $15.00 Here are the priceless lecture tapes, books, bul­ Prerequisites: Completion of the Student Hat, It is mandatory that all auditors hold an letins and other materials collected and arranged in New Era Dianetics Course and Class IV. If you are exact date order ready for you to absorb in just 4—6 Clear, you only need to have completed the Student International Membership to keep their certifi­ months full time on the Fast Flow System. (Full time Hat and NED Course. cation in force. Students, preclears, as well as schedule is 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., 6 days per week, Donations: Class V Section $3,517.02. Class VI pre-OTs must also hold a membership prior to 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday.) Section $5,079.60. their starting a service. This is a tough and demanding course, but when There are scholarship rates available. This infor­ Send to the Membership Officer, the Church you complete it you will know the subject of Scient­ mation will be provided by the Registrar. of Scientology of California, ASHO Day, 1413 ology from a more powerful and vastly expanded Call (213) 660-5553 or write the Registrar, The North Berendo Street, Los Angeles, CA 90027. level of understanding. As a class VI Briefing Course Church of Scientology of California, American Saint graduate your competence as an auditor will be up Hill Organization, 1413 N. Berendo Street, Los "according to survey by Encyclopedia to thoroughly professional standards and your respect Angeles, Calif. 90027. Brittanica.

Page 8 - THE A UDITOR - ISS N:004-997 - Issue 159 - The Monthly Journal of Scientology - Scientology is an applied religious philosophy The Least Expensive Route to NED For O T ’s Editors Note: See page 2 for definitions of Scientology terms. ¡For the From an attempt to run New Era Dianetica on remaining problem is getting it applied skillfully. an OT, L. Ron Hubbard discovered that you cannot "This is why I started the Saint Hill Special run N.E.D. or any Dianetics for that matter, on a Briefing Course. The extremely high calibre of Clear or above. Research into this paid off auditor' we are turning out is causing gasps of Auditor who handsomely with a fantastic breakthrough for amazement whenever these fine graduates return Clears and OTs. The results from this new rundown into an area." called “N.E.D. FOR OTs” are the talk of the SPECIAL OFFER TO CLEARS Scientology world. Some of the miracles of life have Many students after completing the NED cares... been exposed to full view for the first time ever. This Course have gone on toautfiteach other using NED. fabulous series of rundowns is being delivered now Many of these students have achieved the state of at AOLA, the Advanced Organization of Los Dianetic Clear as a result. If a person is a Dianeticor Angeles. Scientology Clear and has done the NED Course he is eligible to immediately begin the Saint Hill Own the RON RECOMMENDS TRAINING Special Briefing Course, he does not have to do the In many places and different ways Ron has Academy Levels. The Saint Hill Special Briefing mentioned the vital necessity of training. Course chepksheet easily .accommodates a NED "Many people believe that Scientology auditor who is Clear, or a NED, Class IV auditor new Mark VI materials contain mainly processes. They think of who is Clear, without skipping gradients or Scientology as processing. This is a very narrow covering already known territory because the SaintM view. It is understandable enough as processing is Hill Special Briefing Course Practical checksheet is the way out for them. But this neglects the more individually programmed (or each person as he E-Meter considerable materials which deal with basics and starts course. fundamentals. THE SENIOR SAINT HILL "Processes are only one use of these." SPECIAL BRIEFING COURSE "Other people, having gotten their smallest toe After the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, damp as an HAS then wander off to other fields Class V, the student goes on to the Senior Saint Hill looking for answers, whereas had they taken Special Briefing Course, Class VI. This is the course Dianetics or Scientology Grade training, to say that accelerates the students auditing skills to the nothing of the Saint Hill Briefing Course, they level of superlative auditor. It comprises a series of would have found more fundamentals than exist in special auditor training courses that specialize in all other subjects combined, a faet which any areas of auditing skill. advanced student of Scientology can confirm The student then internes on the Class V and I . RON HUBBARD Class VI courses at one time or the Class VI THE TRAINING ROUTE Intemeship. The basic training route begins with the CLASS VIH COURSE Student Hat Course. This is the course that instructs The next course is the Class VIII Course. Ron a person fully to be a successful student. says this about the course: The student, who now knows how to study goes "In Class VIII we bring the basics back in and on to take the New Era Dianetics Course which is reinforce them until the auditor will do them and elsewhere discribed in this issue. One then usually nothing else. interns as a N.E.D. auditor on the N.E.D. "From this we get a ‘magical’ high velocity case Internship. gain curve upwards on all cases. From the New Era Dtanerics Course on up to The Academy Levels are the next course "The purpose of the course, then, is to produce S the highest level of auditor training you’ll need normally taken. These are a series of five training an uncompromising zealot for Standard Tech whose your own E-Meter. This precision Instrument gives courses (Class 0 ,1, II, III, & IV) that gradiently teach reality is such that he will not do or tolerate sloppy you the valuable tool necessary ro help measure a student tt> become an auditor capable of auditing rendition." the state and change of state In your predear. Scientology grade processes. All five of the Academy LEAST EXPENSIVE ROUTE Only CXaneflc and Scientology auditors or levels are interned at one time on the Class IV those In training m ay own an E-Meter. They ate Here are the monetary benefits for doing the Internship. above mentioned training route: not herd ro understand and operate and you con Method One Word Clearing is required for the easily learn to do so on various training courses 1) Scholarships are available on training. offered at your local Academ y of Scientology. levels and for the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. 2) A Class VI auditor is awarded the Solo Audit One can receive his Method One Word Clearing by The Hubbard Professional Mark VI E-Meter Is Course FREE. an exdttng new engineering breakthrough and purchasing it or through student auditing. At Saint 3) A student on the Academy or Saint Hill Special Is the first real Improvement In the meter Hill we arrange this for you in the way that will get Briefing Course can co-audit all his grades^.tyith movement since 1962 when the first Math Vs you up the Bridge the'quickest. (CONTACT THE another student. were released. This new Mark VI Is possibly the SAINT HILL REGISTRAR FOR MORE 4) A N.E.D. Student or graduate can co-audit most accurate and sensitive device of its kind in DETAILS — see below for address and phone). N.E.D. the world today. Even the most subtle reactions THE SAINT HILL com e through with crystal clarity. 5) All Saint Hill auditing including Power SPECIAL BRIEFING COURSE Processing is HALF PRICE TO ACTIVE CLASS VI The Mark VI shell is mode of Injection The next training course is Ron's Saint Hill molded high Impact plastic (similar material to AUDITORS. the US telephones) easily deaned with a dam p Special Briefing Course. This is the course that 6) N.E.D. for OT’S is HALF PRICE AT AOLA doth. The shell has been specially designed contains the chronological study of materials from FOR ACTIVE CLASS VIII AUDITORS! Internally to be dust proof ana, unlike the Mark V, 1948 to 1966. It includes almost all of LRH’s books, In dollars and cents one can save well over ten every opening (like charge socket, PC Jock outlet, the first six technical volumes and over 400 taped thousand dollars by this training route. etc.) Is completely sealed Inside. The Tone Arm lectures by Ron, L. Ron Hubbard says this about the CONTACT THE REGISTRAR FOR FULL DE­ Knob and dial has spedally been recessed so that SAINT HILL SPECIAL BRIEFING COURSE: TAILS. PHONE (213) 660-5553 OR WRITE THE you could audit without a meter shield and the "It is time we spent time on improving auditing ADVANCE SCHEDULING REGISTRAR, C/O PC cannor easily see the TA position. skill. AMERICAN SAINT HILL ORGANIZATIONTION, This new model features a spedally "We hope the technology. We can make clears 1413 NORTH BERENDO STREET, LOS ANGELES, designed digital read out for Tone Arm Divisions. CALIFORNIA 90027. It Is for more accurate than prior Tone Arm and OTs with it as you will find out. Our only Counters and even records all the way up to 199.91 A Digital Clock Is also Installed In the Mark VI with large read out numbers that m ake it easy to spot the time progression of a session. The new Mark V i comes in 5 popular colors and all attachments (Charge Cord, PC leads) exactly match the color of the meter. A m olded plastic carrying case (which is also lockable) is included with the purchase of your GET THE ABILITY Mark VI. The inside is lined with dark grey foam molded to accept the meter and accessories, and case design was mode espedally durable and sturdy so that It can be used for shipping the TO HANDLE POWER m erer. Th e M ark VI is fo r use b y a ll Auditors. It's for th e Auditor who cares! Price: $725.00 (Membership discounts a p p ly ). Contact the Bookstore officer In your local Church of Sdentology or write the Church of Get Power Processing at ASH0 now! Scientology of. California, Publications Organ­ ization, 4833 Frountoin Avenue, East Annex, Los Angeles, CA. 90029. POWER PROCESSING is an immense step towards clear. It releases you from major and deep rooted problems and frees your submerged Send verification with your check/money and hidden powers. POWER PROCESSING gives you the ability to order that you are entitled to own and use the handle power, to get done what YOU want to do. Church Confessional aid. (Any non-verified reauest POWER PROCESSING requires no training or skill on your part. will be returned with the check or money order.) Highly trained Class VII Auditors interned at ASHO apply Ron's tech effortlessly to give you the full benefit of this miraculous grade. The Hubbard E-Meter la a religious artifact developed for the exclusive When you get POWER PROCESSING at ASHO,' our skilled use of ordained Ministers and theological students who are trained In Its use In its use In Church ministrations. It Is not Intended for and Is forbidden by the professionals guarantee top-drawer service from the day you sign up to Church to be used In any medical or physical treatment or the diagnosis, the day you leave as a beaming Power Release. treatment or prevention of any disease By Itsdf It does nothing and Is strictly not to be employed for medical or scientific purposes. Its purpose Is to assist the minister to locate In his parishioner areas of travail so that he can assist In Prerequisites: Grade IV Release, Drug Rundown. the relief of spiritual suffering. The existence and use of the E*Meter Is Donation: $4,063.66 (Includes up to SO hours Power Processing). sanctioned bylaw and the copying of it or attempts by unqualified persons, doctors, scientists, psychologists, or psychiatrists, to obtain or use one are 50% DISCOUNT FOR BRIEFING COURSE STUDENTS ON THE actionable under law in the United States. To obtain an E-Mcter one must be sincerely enrolled student of the Church of Scientology or a fully qualified TRAINING ROUTE TO CLEAR! Minister of that Church and must undertake as well to becom e wholly skilled In Its purpose and use. No other persons are permitted to have E-Meters. The Write or call the Registrar for full details. Church permits the E-Mcter to be sold, possessed, or owned only under these SEND your check/money order to REGISTRAR, Church of conditions. Scientology of California, ASHO Day, 1413 N. Berendo Street, Los Angeles, Calif. 90027. Or call (213) 660-5553.

THE A UDITOR - ISS N: 0044-977 - Issue 159 - The Monthly Journal of Scientology - Scientology is an applied religious philosophy - Page 9 Ckw No. MAW GUNN SWENSON. Clear No I3.0TT DAVE. SHORT. Las A 1*0« Clear Names Continued From Page 4. Swuwwm» Cktw No 13,078 JIM MASSEY. Los Angel« Cfe*v No, ) t£ N DON C WATKINS» Cknr No 13,081 BILL VAN ALSTYNE. StrawteMO lx» Angeles d m No. I t W LAI R A M PASQUA. Orami Char Nix 12.938 TOM VAUGHN. St Lotto Cknr No 13,082 JOSE PH P CHANI K O n N«. 12.985 JANE T S. St' AMAN. Dettoti Chat No ILSB NORMAN CARY'ER. Ck*r No. lt97S DONNA W ESU R ROGERS» ctw No. u rn rHuootAi'. St. Lotto Sacramento ASHO ASMO Char No lUMJIM IE RUNG. St. Louts C kai No. 12,396 CHUCK UAMPE. Sacramento Cknr No 13.0*3 BARRY WELLMAN. ASHO C kai No. MATT BRIAN ASAV. Sacramento Clear No I3.0M LARRY CASE, lew Angelo (] m N » v 12.987 SUSAN W a \U N . A O U Chat No 12.941 1 RINA R. BENCH. St. Lotus Ckar No. MATS BECKY HOBBS. Sacramento Cknr No 13.0*5 MARY STANYB. ASHO Gkmr Nix ItW H O U R I M W ll LIAMS Char No ILAUPAl’LW THOMAS.St. Louts Lax AaraAn Char No ISAM GARY MICHAEL RICH. - Ckar No. MATA G U N BECRMAN. Ckar No 13.086 JUDY Ol.MSTE.AD. G'LA d m No. IU M CHAR US DI BR l U l . St. Louts Sacramento Cknr No 13.007 KAREN KUYPER. AOLA A m Chat No IÎ.EH JAGQCE LINE ANDERSON. Ckar No. ISABO MATT GIAN NOTH, Cknr No 13.088 DON SWIHART. ASHO Cknr Nn,IL9l9 CHARLES F. COX U. CCLA St. Louts ‘¡»cramrntn Cknr No 13.089 GLORIA GRANT. CCLA O a r No IO II JON RIP. OCLA Char No ISAM RILL RING. St. Louis Ckar No, MARI CHRIS RAE'LOl'GH. D ram Cknr No 13.090 FRANQNE Mll-NER. O at No £§Sn It'IV NEAL ASHO Char No ISAM DOROTHEA BEINUCH. Ckar No. MARS GENE V VAN NURDEN. Los A weeks O a r No IU M ROWLAND BARKELY. Boston D ram Ckai No 13,091 JONNIE DE WYN CAERE, AULA Char No ISAM RRl’CE HILLIARD. Boston Ckar No, 12.983 ARIRA GOItYH. Drover AOLA Onw No IU H DONNA HAWKINS. ( X U Chat No 19AM MICHKLLO SASSO. Boston Ckar No. ISAM RATHRYN ANN STEVENS. Ckai N o 13.092 CHRISTOPHER QUINN. O a r No 12.915 CAL THOMAS. AOLA Char No 1*919 JERRY HINES. Austin Denver CCLA O a r No IU K DON ALD PHILUP Char No ISAM .ANTHONY J. GROSSO. Ckar No. MARS SUZANNE GREENWOOD. Ckar N o 13.09$ GERALD WESTNEDGF. CHITESTER. AOLA Dravrv Denver ASHO O tar N o ItM ? REBECCA WESTOVER. Char No ISAM LINDA BARBOSA. Drover Ckar No. 18AIM MARY E. GRAVES. Denver Ckar No 13,09« STELLA WFSTNEDCE. AOLA Char No MASS BRADLEY BAl'MAN. Denver Ckar No. IS.ABT CARIL CAMPBELL. Dmvrr ASHO O a r No ItM l TERRI LA VOIE. AOLA Chat No IU U GEORGE P. HOLUNGER Ckar No. IS. 9*8 JOY N. MC REE. Denver Ckar N o 13.095 MAXINE EVANS, AOLA O m NO ID I» BILI. RUDDOCK, AOLA D rain Ckar No. 12.989 PAMELA EIXENRERGER. Cknr N o 13.096 MIKE SMITH, AOLA Char No I I J N I O t GRAHAM. CCLA Char No MAM SCOTT E YOUNG. D ram D ram Ckar N o 13.097 JIM PHILLIPS, law Angrk* O a r N o ItK I ROSEMARY PEABODY. Chat N o ISAM DANA J. YARNOLD. Dmvrr Ckar No. 12.989 PAMELA EIXENBERGER. Ckar N o 13.098 WILMA STEPANEK. ASHO Char N o MAS? PEGGY M ILUR. Nr» York Denver Las Vegas 'O a r No 12.922 MICHAEL RANANACR. Chat No MASH ELLIOT PALTER. Nr» York Ckar No. ISAM) R JON KNUTSON. Ckar No 13.099 CHARUS L. STEWART. ASHO Char N o MASS EUGENE RALLMAN. Denver Las Vegas O a r No 12.983 DEBBIE CA Y ALI TRA NO. Nr» York Ckar No. ISAM MATTHEW ROY Ckai No 13.100 ARI HOWE. U s Vegas ASHO Char No 12,960 ELLY PR1NCEN. Nrw York PLAHl’TA. Dmvrr Ckar No 13.101 JOHN RAINONE, U s Vegas O a t No IU N NOEL LAND, AOLA Char No 12.961 BOB HAMMER. Ponfcsnd Ckar No. ISAAK JEFF BRA BE NEC. Dmvrr Ckar No 13.188 LYNNE CRAYVFORD. Clna No ll.* 5 SHEILA LA CROIX. CCLA Char No MASS SHERRI CUNNINGHAM. Ckar No MAAS BARBARA ATKINSON, Austin O a r No l i j a s CARLOS CASTANE1RA. Portland Denver Ckar No 13.103 JOHN C WALSH. Boston AOLA Gkar No. 12.963 BARBARA QUALBEN. Ckar No MAM JAMES A BUCCL Denver Ckar No 13.104 ROGER GIRRARD. Boston Char 12.987 BERME DLEMONCEAl'X. Nr»* York O ta r No. MASS CHARNIE RLEDSOE. Dmvrr Ckar No 13.105 IRENE PIOl ROW SKI. AOLA Char No ISAM ROGER GIRARD. Boston C kar No. 12.996 YVILUAM E. ST1CE. Denver CSol BC O rar N o I L » U O NOTAR. AOLA Chat No MASS ANDREW R BOONE. C kar No, 13.997 PA T H DAVIS. Drover Ckar N o 13.106 MELANIE AMAR1NO. Char No 12.929 HOWARD SCOTT YOUNG, Las YYeas C kar No. I8A98 TERRI ERDRAMP. Denver Los Angeles ASHO Ckar No MASS MARCI HOMAN. Las Vegas C kar No. IS.999 VICRI JOST, Denver Ckar No 13,10? HECTOR ESPINOSA. O a r No I L » KIRR FLOWERS. .ASHO Char No. ISA67 JUDY ALUSON. L t Vegas Ckar No. 13.000 LEE PURC-ELL AOLA Los Angeles Char No 12.931 BEN O EVANS. AOLA Char No MASS ANDREW W CAREY. Ckar No. 13.001 JORDON POWELL Ckar No 13.108 GERALD SIMONS. ASHO Char No 12JSK LORENE HIRSCH. AOLA Sacramento New York Ckar No 13.109 AIDA THOMAS, ASHO Chat No 12.913 RErrH CLARK. AOLA Oçar No 12.969 AL ROBERTS, lx» Angeles Ckar No. IT.DOS LOREN TROESCHER. Ckar No 13.110 TREY'OR B MELDAL- Char NO IU M LINDSEY' JANE CIFEIN. Ckar No I2A70 SHAHAB EMRANL AOLA JOHNSEN. AOLA ASHO Sartammto Ckar No. ISADS LARRY MEYERS. Hawaii Ckar No 13,111 ULLIAN J. COFFEY. ASHO Char N o 12.996 TONY FALCARO, AOLA LJrar N o 12.971 GLENNA YY'EST. Sacramento C kar N o ISAM RATIE HARROLD. Hawaii Clear No 13.1 IS LIZA COURANT. Boston Char No 12.937 HE U N BOOR. L » Angel« Char N o MATS DAVE HJEI.1.E. Sacramento Ckar No 13.005 CLIFF BONNER. Hawaii Ckar N o IS.M3 STEPHEN L WHITMAN. C kar N o IS.006 DENNIS CLARKE. Hawaii Boston Ckar N o 13,007 NANCY RICHARDSON. Clear No 13.114 NINA PtUUJPS. Boston Hawaii Ckar No 13.113 DAVID TOSH1YUKI, Ckar No 13.008 RENE WALKER. Hawaii San Francisco C kar N o 13.009 KATHY' ELLIO T!'. Hawaii Ckar No 13,116 CASSANDRA MAGNUSSON C kar N o 13.010 ANDRE APODOCA. Hawaii 'GOSME. San Francisco Clear N o 13.011 JANE R l'H L Hawaii Clear No 13.117 MICHELLE DANA. Ckar N o 13.01S JOM HARDER. Hawaii San Francisco Contribute to Ckar Ntx 13.013 UNDA BLATT. Hawaii Ckar No 13,118 BOB CERHOLDT. Ckar No 13.011 THELMA R1CHESON. San Francisco Hawaii Clear No 13.119 RUBY MURPHY’. C kar N o 13.015 U E EV ANS. Hawaii San Francisco C kar N o 13.016 DONN A PAGUNAUAN. Ckar No 13.130 D1NO DARE. San Francisco The Committee for Hawaii Ckar No I3.ISI DAVID MANTELL. Clear N o 13.017 MIKE STECKLER. Hawaii San Francisco C kar N o 13.018 FRANK WALRER. Hawaii Ckar No 13.122 TOMOYE SUEMATSU. C kar N o 13.019 SH 1RU Y JONES. Hawaii AOLA C kar N o 13.020 ROBERT STAUFFER. Ckar No 13.123 BARRY JOHNSON. Hawaii San Francisco a Safe Environment Ckar N o 13.021 THOMAS A'lLLAiPE. Hawaii Ckar N o 13.IS4 QALVIN MC DANIEL. Clear N o 13.022 LINDA M CLA l’U N .H aw aii San Francisco Clear N o 13.083 CLYDE ROBAYASHI. Ckar No 13.123 HELENE L. BOGART. Tire Committee’s immediate purpose is to raise the funds Hawaii San Francisco needed to pay tor the legal procedures and activities necessary Cleai No TsJEI DANIEL R1CHESON. Cleat N o 13.156 PAT ROSENKJAR. to ensure we win the court battle between the U.S. Justice Hawaii San Francisco Ckar No 13.023 JAMES BARNES. Hawaii Ckai No 13.127 JAMIE KYNDBERG, Department and the 11 Scientologists Indicted by the Ckar No 13.026 DIANE REG, Hawaii San FraiK tsro Government. The ultimate purpose of the Committee is to bring Ckar No 13,027 MARGIE LARSON. Hawaii Ckai N o 13.128 PAM YVE1SSMAN. Ckar No 13.028 TONY SHAFTEt. Hawaii San Francisco religious freedom and a sate environment to ail. Ckar No 13.089 D. LAI HEE CARROLL. Ckar No 13.129 SANDRA JURIS. Hawaii San Francisco How much are the legal costs? How do they get paid? CJear No 13.030 DARLENE NANI AHIA. CJear No 13.130 KATHY ROCHARHOOK. Hawaii San Francisco The monthly tee tor pre-trial legal costs is approximately Clear No 13.031 W ALTER HINTON. Hawaii Clear No 13.131 JAYNE CANCELUERl. Ckar No 13.032 Ml'RTLE K.AAPl’. Hawaii New York $135.000. Once the trial begins the cost wffl be approximately Clear No 13.033 MYRON THOMPSON. Clear No 13.132 SHARON HOOPER. $15,000 per each trial day or $300,000 per month. As the legal Hawaii New* Y ork procedures are Intricate and take som e time It is not known how Clear No, 13.034 SALLY SEELY. Hawaii Clear No 13.133 BEN DUNHAM. New York Ckar No 13,035 BRECK MC K1NUY. AOLA Cleat No 13.134 JOE CRUZ, New York long It wll take to wrap up the case. However, It has been Clear N o 13.036 LARRY COHN. AOLA CJear Ncx 13,135 STEVE HUELSMAN. estimated that the total legal cost wfll com e to approximately Clear N o 13.037 SIMONE GAD. CCLA New York 3% million dollars. Clear N o 13.038 BRENDA N.ASSE. Ckar No 13.136 RON HARMON. AOLA Los Angeles CJear No 13.137 MICHAEL A l'OUSSAINT. The best attorneys tor the case have been chosen based on Clear No 13.039 JOHN WATERMAN. CCLA Denver their prior work, results in similar cases and actual statistics, Clear No 13.040 SHARON COURTNEY. Clear No 13.138 DALE BOSCOE. Denver without any consideration as to the costs involved. .ASHO Cleat No 13.139 STEVEN 1- SMITH. Drover Clear No 13.041 CONNIE SMITH. ASHO Cleat No 13.140 VICRI 1- ARNOLD. Denvet Donations from Individuals enable the Committee to keep Clear N o 13.042 DEBBIE RANKING. Seattk Clear No 13.141 TESS MAPl’A (ARENAS) these top attorneys FNing and to pay the legal btts. As con be C kar No 13.013 DEVON WHITTIER. Seattle , Denver seen from the above figures, donations cue needed dally, Clear No 13.014 BILL SLl'SHER. Seattle Clear No 13.142 ARNOLD ARCH. ASHO Clear No 13.045 R ALPH RANKING, Seattle Clear No 13.143 SCOTT SPARKMAN. AOLA weekly, and monthly. Cleat N o 13.046 DEBR A BAKER. Seattk CJear No 13.144 l'OM WOODS. AOLA Clear No 13,047 EDNA HOFKERT. Seattle Cleat No 13.145 RALPH D. ADAMS. AOLA Cleat N o 13.048 JULIE ROBBINS. Seattk Cleat No 13.146 CATHY SMITH, AOLA How to contribute? Ckar No 13.049 DARRYL MERIWETHER. CJear No 13.147 DARRELL EVANS. AOLA There are a number of ways that you can support the Seattk CJear No 13.148 ISELA FERMOILE. ASHO C o m m ittee: Clear No. 13.050 E1LÏKN G LASS. Seattle Clear No 13.149 DANIEL EERMORE. ASHO Clear No. 13.051 Jl'D Y PIERI. Seattle Cleat No 13.450 ANN HENN1NGER. 1. Donate as much as you can possibly give, as often os Clear No. 13.052 LYNN GRANTHAM , Seattle Los Angeles p o ssib le. Clear No. 13.053 HAROLD BERCE. Seattle CJear No 13.151 DANNY W ARREN. Clear No. 13.05-1 JIM CLARK, Seattle Los Angeles 2. If you are an FSM, donate a# or part of your FSM Clear No. 13.055 JEANNE ARNOLD. Seattle Cleat No 13.152 CHRIS FINE KIRKLAND. Commissions. Clear Nos 13.056 JOHN Cl .AIMING. !Seattle ASHO 3. If you don’t have an FSM actively helping you onto your Clear No. 13.057 MARY H ELU N G . Seattle Clear No 13.153 DONNA EARLEY. AOl.A CJear N o 13.058 VIRGINI A MC GOYERN. Cleat No. 13.1*4 J AMES C. ANDERSON. services, the Committee would like to be your FSM. To m ake this Austin AOLA happen all you have to do is let your registrar know and also Cleat N o 13.059 KELLY J ACKSON Austin Clear No 13.155 Jl'DY WOOLSEY. write us, so that we can take care of any necessary paperwork Clear N o 13.060 RON AI D M RIEDENRACH. Los Angeles New Y o ri Clear No. 13.156 DARRELL NAY'LOR. ASHO and give you any needed assistance. Cleat N o 13.061 PEARL VHOM.ASOS. Cleat No 13.157 SUNNI FUCKINGER. 4. Any originations from you on other ways you would like to New York AOLA contribute are very much needed and wanted. Cleat No. 13.062 JAMESSPANIER. New York CJear No 13.158 D ALE P A FI ON. Los Angeles CJear No. 13.063 l .ARRY F l’LLER. New York Ckai No 13.159 BOBBY L. GILES. .AOLA Your donations actually pay tor hours of competent Cleat No 13,064 NIC.K W HI1F, New York Cleat No 13.160 DAN KIRKLAND. CCLA attorney time tor those individuals who need legal defense. Cleat No 13.065 LAl'REL Bl'RNS. New Votk Cleat No 13.161 JANICE 1. BRl NO. ASHO Cleat No. 13.066 ABBYE G l' 1K1N. New Ywik Cleat No I3.I62CILBER 1 SCHROCK. ASHO Cleat No 13.067 ED BEGLI l'Ol.D. Fon land Cleat No 13.163 CFl il t A DOUL1N. AOl .A How to keep up to date on the legal scene? Cleat No. 13,068 GINETTE LE l'O l RNFAl' CJeta No 13,164 SIVI KEY'S. ASIIO LEMfc UN. Montreal Cleat No 13.165 LEE CUFHEROE DILLEY. We have begun issuing a monthly Religious Freedom Cleait Nay. |3.069 Gl Y PELOQl’IN, Montreal AOLA Newsletter, which Is sent to all those Individuals who are C'Jeair No. 13.070 ANDRE H l’OT. Montreal Cleat No 13.166 GEORGE GRIESEL. AOl .A supporting the Committee tor a Safe Environment. This newsletter Cleair No 13, 071 SHARI.ENE ELLSWORTH I'Jear No 13.167 Jl'DY HARMON. CCLA ASHO Cleat No 13.168 SHOSHY LANG. CCLA keeps you up to date on the facts of the current legal scene. Cleai! N\y, 13.072 ELU PRESENE PERKINS. CJear Ntx 13.169 JUDITH KNOW! ES. CCLA Buffali> Cleat No 13.170 DAY'ID CHRISTOPHER. Donate today! Cleaii N\y. 13.073 DICK CLARK. Bollalo ASHO CJeair No. 13.074 WENDY ORR. U » Vegas Cleat No 13.171 CHARLIE GRAHAM. ASHO To: The Sate Environment Fund, P.O. Box 85657, Los Angeles. CA Cleair No. 13.075 MARTY GUTMAN. Clear No 13.172 STANLEY GAINSFORTH. l as Vegas 90072. If you have any questions write us. or telephone — (213) CCLA Cleair No. 13.076 MIKE H l’NSAKER. Cleat N o 13,173 VALYA MORGAN. AOL.A 661-1045 or (213) 661-7780. Las Vegas Cleat No. 13.174 DI AN A GREENE. AOLA Cleair No. 13.077 UNDA PULLEN. Dettoti Cleat No 13.175 DEBOR AH SIXil AR/. Cleair No. 13.078 DENNIS CHEEVER. •ASHO Los Attgeles Cleat No 13.176 CINDY PIERSON. CCLA Page 10 - THE AUDITOR ISS X - Seieni/oA'^v is an applied religious / Go Clear Why I Wrote For the first time in your life you will be truly yourself. On the Clearing Course you will smoothly achieve the stable Dianetics, The Modem Science State of Clear with: *Good Memory j Raised I.Q. *Strong of Mental Health Will Power * Magnetic Personality Amazing Vitality 'Creative Imagination. Go Clear and be more Cause in Life! Donations; Solo Audit Course By L. Ron Hubbard $3,517.02. Grade VI $1,693.18. Clearing Do you know why the first book Course $2,709.09. DIANETICS, THE MODERN SCIENCE Contact the Registrar at the American OF MENTAL HEALTH was written? Saint Hill Organization who will be able 'to assist you .to plan out your route to Word of mouth on Dianetics was Clear. Call or write The Registrar. (213) going forward so rapidly that my letter '660-5553, or write: 1413 N. Berendo volume, even before the first .book, was Street, Los Angeles, Calif. 90027. DO IT startling. Each one of these people ex­ TODAY! pected me either to write them a long letter and tell- them whit it was all about, or to be given a chance to come and see me so that I could tell them You Can Always Write to Ron personally what it was all about. RON’S STANDING ORDER No. 1 In other words, my time was going “All mail addressed to me shall be received by me. to be consumed, not in further re­ search, but in writing letters and talking “A message box shall be placed in all Scientology organizations so that any message to' people. My answer to this was to for me may be received by me. write DIANETICS, THE MODERN “All Hubbard Communications Office Personnel and Scientology Personnel should not SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALTH discourage communication to me. which rapidly Informed the newly “By my own creed, a being is only as valuable as he can serve others.” interested person what this science was all about. L. RON HUBBARD Addresses for your communications to Ron L. Ron Hubbard, Founder are: International Address: L. Ron Hubbard The newly interested person must have an opportunity to go and sit down In care of L.R.H. Personnel Secretary . Continental Address: quietly by himself, without any social strain, and study a book on the subject. L. Ron Hubbard Only in this way will he come to a decision about the subject which is his own East Grinstead, Sussex Local Org Address: Post Office Box 23751 independent decision having inspected the materials. This has to be done quietly England RH 19 4JY L. Ron Hubbard Tampa, Florida 33623 and it is best done through the pages of a book. In Care of the Church of Scientology of California, If you have questions about Dianetics and Scientology, no matter how obstruse American Saint Hill Organization or abstruse the questions are, your best answer to these questions was my earliest 1413 N. Berendo St., Los Angeles, answer and that was - “Read DIANETICS, THE MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL California 90027 HEALTH, and that will answer your questions." Most of the world does not yet know anything about the reactive mind. They do not know what makes them tick. They have no concept whatsoever of the basic THE AUDITOR of human reaction. They are at war with one another. They follow strange leaders and wind up in strange places. They have no hope that anything will dig them out. The Monthly Journal of Scientology But we have made a break-through in Dianetics and Scientology. The exact Edition for the Americas moment of the break-through is recorded at public level with DIANETICS, THE - ISS N: 004-997- MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALTH. Volume 16, Issue 159 applied religious philosophy. Scientology* The newly interested person should read this book as something new, startling and Dianetics* are registered names. and strange in the world. It forms the necessary bridge from knowing nothing to May,1979 FOUNDER: L. Ron Hubbard 2nd Class postage paid at Los Angeles, knowing something about the mind and human reaction. California. Contributions to The Auditor Guest Editor: Jim Zak ’ from readers are welcomed. Send such to If people do not read this book, they will just not have broken through. Photographer: Patricia Kettler the Editor Auditor Journal US, 4833 Foun­ Pasteups: Craig Jones It is an exciting book. tain Ave., East Annex, Los Angeles. Calif. £pntrit)ut°rs: John .Hadley, Chris Savage, 90029* N.OIL,, Nothing in Thu Apdilui To this day it sells more copies around the world than the average best seller. Patty Azevedo, Frank Benjamin, Kenrty may be reprinted or reproduced in whole or Acs, Sherman Drier. in part without express written permission Read it. from the Editor. Copyright (c) 1958, I960, 1952, 1967, Repayments on donations are subject to the Get your friends to read it. 1968, 1969, 1973, 1978, 1979 by L. Ron policies of the Claims Verification Board of Hubbard. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Pub­ the Church of Scientology. And let’s get going. lished monthly by the Church of Sciento­ logy of California Publications Organiza­ POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS tion, 4833 Fountain Ave., East Annex, Los CHANGES to the Church of Scientology Angeles, California 90029. (213) 660-5553. of California, ASHO, 1413 N. Berendo A non-profit organization. Scientology is an Street, Los Angeles, California 90027.

You’ve got to read this book!

Dianetics, The Modern Science of Mental Health is required reading for anyone who desires to discover the exact nature and anatomy of the Human Mind. And there is no such thing as a good Dianetic or Scientology auditor who does not ■ thoroughly understand the contents of this book. Variously referred to as “The Handbook,” “Book One” and “Dianetics,” this text covers the entire theory and use of Dianetics. Many of the fundamentals later developed in Scientology are here in their embryonic stage. Here in simple language for anyone to easily understand and use are the basic truths and mechanics of the mind. When Dianetics, The Modern Science of Mental Health burst upon the public scene in May, 1950, it immediately soared to the top of the best seller’s lists and stayed there week after week. The discoveries that were unveiled in this electrify­ ing book created such a jarring impact that one New York Times book review editor wrote: “History has become a race between Dianetics and Catastrophe. Dianetics will win if enough people are challenged in time to understand it.” Dianetics today enjoys more popularity then ever. Recently L. Ron Hubbard has issued a more refined and advanced version of the subject called New Era Dianetics which makes modern Dianetic methods more comprehensive and efficient than ever before. But the basic discoveries of the mind are nowhere better stated than in this world famous book, Dianetics, The Modern Science o f Mental Health. Order copies for yourself and your friends. PRICE: $10.00 hardback edition. 10% discount for International members. (Larger discounts are available when purchasing this book in quantities of 25 or morej. Send your orders to ASHO Day Booksotre, Church of Scientology of California, American Saint Hill Organization, 1413 N. Berendo, Los Angeles, Calif. 90027. (In California add 6% sales tax).

THE AUDITOR - ISS N: 0044-977 - Issue 159 - The Monthly Journal o f Scientology - Scientology is an applied religious philosophy -- Page 11 fig « *+ 9 ftg » Sg 1 BT w * w i n n 3 , O SOON TO BE RELEASED Sot»- IS T e c h n ic a l V o lu m e X I

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