
THE AUDITOR?'!IMNi (MH4 WW1 THE MONTHLY JOURNAL O F SCIEN TOLOGY. N w I^Miy ypHMimthh kv ihf 4(^)ituinli Uus MI9NuMhI *»» $qqj[7(11I) JUMHIOilMKilJSJ, in i CUm pttjiHkft {Mill «1 tan t '«IiDm ttu -M X s JSfiX N X ®E«5® X Nix Ni vSggrt N v K v ggf \ N v Ni a $ESQg$>v N X N X NI X N v K v $ I Celebrating the 29th Anniversary of Dianetics, The Modern Science of Mental Health !Si v N v N X tgSSx IS* N ' Ni ^ # $ > % XJ^l * N s S§&SH Sggv $|j X ^ \ \ ® \ JJJ§J x \ ® \ Mx Nt DIANETICS: ITS BACKGROUND by L. Ron Hubbard T h r World hcfow DÌAiirdrx httd i i w r Every xrhonl child Ami univnxity xiudntt wax rfforl to inirrrupl thi* Riohopoly inuxt hr kiiowit a pie« ixìon n in n a i M iriuT, ir«juur«l Iti xtudy Pavlov in onr dixgnìxr or xtAiuimi olii ut ontr". Moti hai ioni ninnai knowlrdgc in ihr another. The burtlrn of l’uvltiv's work i» tliAt rxychology und pxythirttry wrrr xlur# punì nialnly fui ro u tin i, p o liti«» and nirtii is Ali Aiiinirtl Aliti only work» through (gtivrruinrni) subJet ». puxbrtl by dir "vrry brut prO|lAgAIHÌA. "mndìtioniiig". l'hr Wrxtrrn i i a i ì o i » ovrr< proplr". Thr woixl "{wyt hology" in thr poppiti» looked thr fari dirti thi» wtuk luitl ulirAtly I hry could noi inukr thrir wuy on dirti usagli i* »ynonynun» with "uritlno annuiti" destroyed severttl countries including Giurisi own Imn aiixt tliry w n r tontiury lo dir pillili«' somebotly, Russiti, th<it Stulin hud nirttlr Pttvlov write up ntorulx und nutoini. ITir publit Atiuully In thr thouxandx ni yrais brforr 1950 ih rif hi» work in thr Krrnilin in l!U!S in tmlrr lo WAiitrd Not/nng lo do willi ihrin. wrrr many philosophrrx and unirli knowlrdgr (iriiiiit thr tonimi ol inni. U&iug dir inriiiiil In inrntAl inxtitiilions torture, tmniAnrnt wax galline«! in thr fìrhl of logie, niadirniatìrx, Studies of un ru n n y it a vrry dMiigrroux thing to duniAgr und denti» w nr dir ortln of tbr dfty, ou elèi noni« x Mini thr inuirrìal xrìnurx, do. thr busis tluit il did noi inutlrr if onr killrt) Ilowrvrr, «lur to ìdrologìrx unii {Hilìdral l'hr west ut dmi lim r wux run by only thr {»copie a» tltry wrrr just a iiìiiia Ix unywuy. tonila ». Uulr t)f ili» putti knowlrdgr waxrvrr "very best people1' uud possibly it plruxnl thnn So t hè pubi ir was ou dir side of Dianetics appi ini to thr firld of thr hutntin inind. gm itly to thiiiK ihut thr nui.xxr.x thrv ttiuindlrtl (und lutri Si irniolouy» und thr govnumnitx I hr x, imitili idra oi rcgitrtUtlg « « a nudi w n r only Aiunirtlx .itic oil. 1'Iiai llux ulxo mmlr w n r ou dir xtdr ol dir "vtiy Iwxt |iro|>lr". only dirti wliìrh rmild tir dnnnnxirutfd with a thnn Aiiiintdx did not occur to thnn. l'rrxx, con d'oli ed hy govrrninrntx unti testili wax nrvrr irtilly appi ini lo dir minti. Hillionx of tftillrti.x w nr tippmprirttrtt hy in trllìg n u r xrrvhr» unti dir "vrry Ima {iroplr", "Rrxrart hrtx" in ili» fit'ld wnr noi lullv mrUtuneuts mid t'ongir.xx iti subsidise inni to lird rntllrxxly abolii Dìaneiics (und trai ned in ntudinnuttrx, thr xrìrnlìfii inrthndx ''better control" their uninuils. St ìnitology). or logie, Ihry w n r ìntrrrxtrd niaiiily in thr ir l'h«‘xr nini Inni no ith'u of liraling mivonr Diunnit x. a uew valiti inrnial Science, wns invìi pii va ir idra» iiiitl in |>oliiitrtl vl urgets. or hrlpiug mivonr. Riots und « ivìi tlixortln piiirtl AgAìuxt Russimi ami t Axinn European As un nonuple, dir only "xrhoolx" of were the only prodm t ihry achievrd. teachings. rtychology tanghi tu lollowrti in dir West wrrr Diunrtit x wax irlruxni xiirtight into thr Dianetics is noi only dir firxt lurutul Itiixxìan rtiid Enti (imitali teéth of dirxr hravilv subsidised nuronx of dir sciencr dèvèloped in thr west, it is dir lìrxi T h r ptìnirtiy xrhnnl was iluil ni Ivan Mìliti with d u ll "it tukrx 151 yruix to inukr a ninittil sciencr ou dir piane! that iniiioinily l’rtrovitch ILivIov (1IM9*I936) a vrtrrìiiaiìan, lixyrliirttiixt" Aliti "Atidiorìiy xtiiU'x" Aliti "miy pitNlutrx benel'idal resuìts. Muli is hrìiig subjet mi io taimudr antf violrnt rlfortx to lureorcrush bini ìiuodot ìlitv. l'hìx is dir ohvioux rntl piotila t ol Russimi and l'.uxinu European triihnologies uow heavily fiiiAiuril unti xtippoimi, unwìttiiigly, hy VVrxinn govn iiuirutx. M.tu'x respoUNr to dii.» ix rio » unti rivii disorde» in dir univet'sities, unioiis ami surets. Man tltM'x noi art urutrly trace dir xourt r ol liix opiurxxion. tir ìx violrudv worrirti. l'hr govniiiunil irxponxr In» lirrn nioir in illio i» to pxyt hologix» Aliti pxyt liìatrixlx to tlrvrlop nrw nirunx of ttiiiirol Aliti oppressiti!». Wliat In» ut» worked ili dir {taxi Ìx noi lìkrly iti VVOl'k in dir pirxnil or dir Intuir. Cìsarist Russia, thèeutive Balkaus, l'olantt. (ìnniAny unti iiianv nitiir Kuxtrrn t'uitiiK'Aii t tinniiìrx havr uliratlv pei'ished irvìug lo tixr dir woik ol I’avIov, Wuuth unti othnx, l'hr rntìir Wt'Si, haviUK "houglil" dir xaiur governing ideas. ìx uow in ininioil mal ix pevìshing in ìtx turi», Dìminìt x irluxrx to he a vevolutioiiary ;i, lì vii y, li tbirx noi bave lo hr, All ìi In» as a inissimi ix lo grt ilxrll fip/Wicd, I tir basir building (dot k ol a sm inv ìx dir nnlit itliiul I iiiiii indivìdiwlx group» me luuli. Alai ibis ix dir sta iel\ No sta ìri\ ìx liriln lliun 11x htixit Iniìliling lil,h kx Mrn are noi uiiiiiiaIx. W rU mrn me sant' nini, Dianrlirs, il applìrd io iudìviduals in dir Stu'iety, liiiugx liopr, well aliti SUI ir brìugx I lirxr wt'll Aliti salir liringx, xriu mi lo Ni irnlologv, limi tirioinr luiIli.mi and \t'i\ alilr liringx, W r ari' rvtdv mg Mau io a li iglin sia ir, In ili» siale tir tan bri (ri bandir li» piolilrn». I Run llultl»ivt\l. wot til iottow tu'il tuiihot ol Himioili'«, 1 hu Mmlont Soleiwe *>l Mwttlnl Ututlllt »util k'oiiiuloi of Ni itutlolo^ t \ i/l flW lt\f itti fhlj(t‘ ' C on tin u ed fro m page 1 We are not H ying to overthrow anyone. We are not revolting again»! anyone. In truth we Here is the first can even make the fancied “very I people" into actual very l»e*i people. Dianetic & publication Dianetics was first conceived in 1980 and the developments of SO years have gone into producing Standard Dianetics. ! Scientology on the subject. Dianetics: The Original Thesis was published in 1949 in manuscript form. It was copied in various ways, hand to nand across the Definitions world. Dianetics: The Eyolutiori of a Science was published in late 1949, Dianetics; The READ Modern Science of Mental Health was ACAMMV In feirDiotiwy ihr u «Army (■that depart mint 0I the Technical Division in published May 9, 19.10 and has since sold which tiiunn m il ifdliung am (Wtiwntii Dvpuimmi lit Division 4. millions of copies. ADMIN a contraction or «nociming of iht won! administration Admin It UMd « I D ianetics, noun to ttcnodi iht action! Involve« in administratina in organisation. Alio uml m In the early '50's new discoveries denote (he action nr tori at keeping auditaf't reports, luminary repot ii, wwkihmt and other record» rrlnnl in an auditing tm im . concerning tbP spirit brought us into ASHO American Maim Hill Organisation. ACC Advanced Clinical Dourer. T he O rig in a l T hesis Scientology. AUDITING The application al Ht tentology prtkiw t and procedures to tutiwom by • irainad auditor Rut Dianetics was never lost sight of and AUDITOR On* who hai brat trainrd in th* technology nl At irntology. An auditor applln Mandard tec hnology to prre lear*. On* who liatrni and i timpuini a He leotology every little while 1 would push it further ahead practitioner. By L . Ron Hubbard toward a fast, easy, 100% workability. SANK. A enHaquiel name lor th* tratiiv* mind. Thii ll what ihr nrmtdures oI St irntology are mpvoiwI to disposing oft tor It it only a burdrn to an individual and hr it The present release of Standard Dianetics much brtirv off without |t, gAttIC The first experience recorded in mental imaae picture* o( that type of pain, is a near final product. •rotation, discomfort' etc. Every chain hat its batir. Tt it a pecularity and a fart that when one geti down to the hath on a chain, (a) ii ante* and (b; th* whole c hain vanish*« If done exactly, it produces good, for good. Katie it «imply earliett. DIANETICS M ID U I The « A term organ bunion in early Dianetic day« to symbolise travel from permanent results in only a few hours of unknawingneu to revelation. The routc^to clear, the Bridget which w* call the ru n OTJOINW- THESIS Clatsiliiaiion, Gradation and Awarenett Chari. auditing. CAIR Th* wav a person respond! to the world around him by reatnn of hitabmationt. i. on mumaau CHAIN A trtiet of incident! of timilar nature or timilar ivibJet i mutter. V N One can train a Dianetic auditor in CHBCK&HBKT A Hit of material«, often divided into «action«, that give the theory and Standard Dianetics in from 10 days to a month prac lkal slept which, when cumiilnnl, give one a uudy completion, The item« are •elected to add up to the rrouireu knowledge of the subject, They are arranged in the at the most, with an average of about 2 weeks.
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