r V

MONDAY, AUGUST !•, 1964 111# Waatkar A w age Daily Nat Preaa Rub Foreeost of D. •. Wenrttor fcwaa r i M H X X M D I Hanrlipater Eo^nitts Hfrallt For the Wadt BBdad August 1, 1064 CloENty, mlM, hmnM toaigM, room vrlU ba adjacant to Bw to a fociiisr dirootor of suraeB duuiee of #rl*slo, low to aOfc The Amy-Navy Okib Aux­ platfom . Two owing-iw bauik- Three Gourset at Itomdisater Memorial Hoa- 13,708 Wednssdoy dondy, Mgfc in 00a. iliary wEl sponsor a card pofty She haa been coordinator Worker^ Move Loose Rock boords tor baskatboU w u ba in­ iSamnar o f tlW A.udlt About Town tonight at 8 at the chMnuae. stalled. Set for Nunes o f tha program slaoe Its begin­ Th* concrete floor will be cov­ ning in November IMS. Buroan o f Orcolatlan Manch^atei^A City • / Village Chmrm ]taR*Mtor W A in wW me«t Second U . Rkdiard H. Caih- At Highland School Site Additional taformatton m6y ered with vinyl asbeetoe tMe in Three emirsaa will be etfeced tumo r i w at th« ItaUan Amer­ ptn, husband of the form er Caro­ walking areae. Walla wKI be o< ba obtained by writing the pro­ (Caasslfled aOvertlaiag on Page 13) PRICE SEVEN CEN’l f IV lyn A. Uri» of U l Pine St., has by the Hartford Rafresher Prb- ican OMb. ndri


that the rabbit hutdMs be kept Rod tlia oostonMa—frofn toe ragged London "duatmen" to Uon, he said, “ our course is clean and orderly so as net to 12tk Cfawflit ‘ Fair L a d f Shemwold on Bridge clearly known in every land. be of any offense to the nslgh- the ategant Ascot rac# enaem- KockvUle-Verfwn Atlanta Restaurant Owner blea - 7 art wortby of apacial Board Okays "There can be no mistake, no / bom Ddiorge was advised to By AUnUBD IHBINWOU) mlzcmlculatlan, of where Ameri­ UNWANTED 11 consult Bernard A. Dion, build­ Court Cases A t Oakdale mention. NattsmaMMi’s tk Hiere ara U acenea in tha ca stands or what this genera­ Losijng Court Test on Bias m Dwiocrats Set Caucus^ ^ ing inspactor, for necessary Team Ohompiea Salary Plan tion of Americans stands for.” H Am permits. first act and aaren in the aecetuL / MANCHESm SESSION If you listen carefuUy to tfa* SI Taxes Key in M erger--W elles He ssld ir Southeast Asia The pace is brecdc-neck all tba Parm ant^ Removed Albert Varga of WlUlmantlc Still Tops conversatidn that follows most The board of education ac­ (Ceotliiaed from Page Om ) came through clues uncovered House Nomination Stayed was granted permission to re- Richard A. Hawea, M, of way, and that’s the only fiaw "there is nothing we covet, lieeneed Bi«etroio(let WlUimantic, yesterday pleaded bridge hands you will discover by Detective 8 ^ . Donald Cole­ construof^the building and ap­ we could find. A ooupla o f mu­ 2: cepted last nig^t an adminis­ nothing we seek. Our one desire, Maddox’s restaurant today. giiUty to a charge o f operating that fiobody ever makes a mis­ Om of Ysmoa'a leading eitl- our one determination, is that man and Lee Ooty while taiveeti- purtenances on the property of By HOWIB HOLCOMB sical numbers are reeled off at that date Is Arthur W. Peck trative salary schedule propos­ "But that doesn’t mean that MkueiM la^Mid Mra. Albert Meyera Jr., Mr. a motor vahicla while his li­ take. Occaakmally, a player la 5 the people of Southeast Asia be gating an unrelated crime. Claira Allardyca . Maxine Stlckney that he la ob­ •The oldies are the goodies.” such a fast pace the lyrioa ara aans aaid today toat local raot- Jr. 19, of Dart mil Rd., charged someone won’t try it on Ms and Mm. Roger Olann, Mr. and cense is under suspension and P lu ck y. AI4B $ 108CS2 ed by its personnel committee. left in peace to work out their Held without bond were J. W. _____ for next Tueeday, taining under bond for deed. That was never more true lost in the leas than ideal donte ara ready to aeoapt eqa- with faUure to carry operator’s own,” said a spokesman for the Mm. Paul Haddad and Mra. was fined glOO. Utoutb dsoler AS7 The 6-atep schedule for guid­ own destinies ill their own Rich, 31, Wayne M. Chesaman, 449-5577 ; n d plafla to be announced Hie board has advised Varga, than at Oakdale Muslcil The­ acoustics in the big tent. Ekit solidatlon of oie town’s three Ucense. He was arrested last Student Non-violent Coordinat­ Sanelli. Hawes was arrested in Man­ North-South vulnerable JI088 ance counselors, princiiials, and way." 21, and Elmer Kato, 19, all of ^ Wt party town conunlttoe ty said Rich show (spedaliziBg on fura) Mr. and Mrs. William Farr, restaurant and motel that the -gtot aaafca any recommendations The Coventry school system Mr. and Mm. Claude Archam- latw revealed that Hawes had And now It has reached the wall If West bappanad to have opponante gat a heart and three toe legal terminology of toe of $12,650. Secondary school "How different America’s re­ signed a statement saying he Cosmetics for npreoentativas at the town prior to each evesubg perfeem- New Britain; a daughter to Mr. sponse might have been, how specific constitutional Issues in­ Is seeking applicants as clerical bault and son, Bmest, have re­ a long motor vehicle record and summer theater circuit. both toe aoe and toe king of taistoad of a ehib and dxarter,” Sen. Wwaa and Mrs. Carl Oslund, 30 Range principals under the new sched­ fired the fatal shot from a pass­ oommlttee meeting at 8 p.m. turned home after a week's va­ ance. And dad isn’t forgotten ule receive a minimum of $11,- different America’s role might volved should be decided as ing car. The officers said Chess­ ITB help in the system. Further in­ license suspension. ' But it has lost nothing in the •Ithsr. Eleven lovely young diamonds. throe diamonds. “they are oonenmad wito what Hill Dr. today in the Booth-Dimock Me- formation by those interested cation in Vermont and Canada. Rosalie Rinaldi, 23. Hartford, 575 and a maximum of $15,950, be, If we were today a nation soon as possible. man signed a statement saying repetition as the show is consid­ ladlee do the modeUng, and This forlorn bops was daitasd Tbsro aro tones when you toe toxea under a unified gov- Discharged yesterday: David anorlal Ubrary. in applying may be had by con­ was fined 850 after she pleaded depending upon experience and divided by struggles of class or "F or that reason, I would wel­ he was in the car at the time. ered among the all-time clas- nobody even mentions a price! when East captured dummy’s must try a finises tax your etnment will be.' Phlllipe, Warehouse Point; Su He aaid that he had asked tacting David McKenrle, sys­ Mancheater Evening Herald guilty to larceny (under 815) queen of diamonds and returned slni^oton suit ovan If you rUk H ie Senator urged commls- sen Huckins, 8 Neill Rd.; Mrs. educational preparation. strife between capital and come motions to the Supreme A .22 caliber revolver, be­ AverlU to nominate only can- Coventry correspondent F. slcs. labor.” Court to expedite both cases in lieved to be the death weapon, Liggeffs tem business manager and which stemmed from a shop­ Veteran movie and TV actor ^ suit. going down two instead of >xst aUmna to have an accountant Virginia Durocher and daugh­ An attached administrative didataa tor raflatram of voters maintenance supervisor at the Pauline UtUe, telephone 748- lifting Incident at the Grand- “It wasn't your fault," South ono. Tou ahould ho wQltaig to gatbor toe present budgets of ter, 26 N. Park St. Henry Cabot Lodge, leaving the hope that they could be has been found, police said. Ray Milland la a most fitting policy provides for continued made ready for final argument A t Tha iParkada and Juaticeo of peace. office of the superintendent of 6181. Way store at the Mancheeter GOP Committee told his partner magnanimously. gamblo an axtrn hundred points axe three gcvammental organi- this weekend on a mission to ap­ Racial unrest reached a vio­ Professor Higgins, cruel and but not completion of salary praise European allies of the the first week we meet in Octo­ lent stage here during spring MANCHESTER mock Dance Saturday schools at Coventry High Shopping Parkade on July 21. "Toa had a parfocUy good Jump on an evsn ohanos to score aetione and eome iqt with ai Vernon news Is handled by adjustments owed to the princi- Hie Mothers Club of Coven­ School. Frank LaRose, 60, no cer heartless as he tries to trans­ Southeast Asian situation, told ber," Black said. demonstrations by Negroes de­ Meets Tonight raise. Wa ware Just unlucky game and zubbar. aattmsted taxc. Sea. Franklin O. Wellea Hie Herald’s Rockville Bureau, palf by the town for the last six Rotary Club Dinner tain address, was given a 30- form the Cockney flower ped­ that you bad three diamonds 5 W. Main St., telephone 876- newsmen Monday "it is safe to Three Negroes brought suit manding integration. try will sponsor a public block Hebron Dally QaesOen “The people are anttUad to years. A revision of salary stance from 9 p.m. to midnight The Rotary Club will have day suspended jail sentence af­ dler into a lady (and succeeds). and two hearts instead at tha 81M or 648-2711. assume" that North Viet Nam’s against Maddox’ restaurant Rioting, resulting in riioot- The Republican Town Com­ As daator, you hsMi I pafies, be informed about conaollda- schedules at that time allowed leader, Ho CM Mlnh, "is not a when they were turned away Baturday at thet plana at the its dinner meeting at 6:45 p.m. ter he pleaded guilty to a He handles every line well, opposite.'* toe oommittee charged wito Ings, stabbings and property mittee will meet at 7:46 tonight q-l6A-6; Heorla, A-Q; Die- tton,” Sen. WeUaa said. "An for paying the total cost over free agent.” last month. The federal govern­ Miopping center at the comer tomorrow at the First Oonije- Town to Open charge of intoxication. knows every bit of stage busi­ Gourteous Reply monda, Q-6-8: Otobs, K-7-M { account, by uotaig current budg' toe high seboed addition. damage, broke out two days af­ gational Church vestry. Vmdel Nash, 21, of Stafford ness going and in general is an in the hearing room of the Mu­ "K wasn't your fault either. He is a member of the Ver­ an unspecified period of time. He said he had to believe that ment later joined the suit. Rol- ter Jacksonville Mayor Haydon o f R t 81 and Stonrtiouse Rd. nicipal Buildtaig to endorse one What do you M yt •t flgune, can determine Just Barry’s Fortune The new schedule provides leston’s g;roup also brought suit. Rotarians are making plans Dump Aide Bids Springs, was arraigned in excellent choice for the role North replied courteoualy. "Tou Answer: Bid ono aliib. Tou what toe tax will be and bow non Republican Town Commit North Viet Nam would not have Bums, now Democratic nomi­ CAR RENTALS In OMS o f rain, the event will regisArar o f voters and three for a bulk payment of $500 be held the . following night. for their annual picnic at 1 n.m. court on charges of rape and created by Rex Harrison. did your best." taavs 18 points tax blgh oacds and toe changes under eensolida- tee and served as town chair­ attacked U.8. destroyers with­ A three-judge federal court in nee for g(ovemor, deputized 496 Aug. SO at the home of Mau­ contributing to the delinquency justices of peace for election man. He is'a former vice pioai- this year plus one-quarter of out first clearing it with Red sanM time and place, Instead of Hie board of education will Helen Ahola as Eliza 1s not This was true, but South's 1 point tor too doutaloton, enough Mon will affect ub.” Said 81.7 Million Atlanta heard both suits and firemen to aid the city’s 600 po­ cr L E A SIN R rice French on Tolland Rd., of a minor. Judge Benedict Julie Andrews, but who is? She on Nov. 8. best was not good enough. Ha dent of toe Elllington-Vemon the money due. No date is set . upheld the constitutionality of licemen to keep the peace. the Nathan Hale Community open bide for the poaltlon of There will be no endorsement for an opmlng bid. Wtto four Sen. WaUas has been a Ver­ Fanners Exchange and is pres­ featuring a chicken barbecue. Holden set bond at 810,000 and ie, however, noisy and belliger­ threw away a perfectly safe clubs and four spades, open with (Continued from Page One) for the complete adjustment of the act’s public accommoda' At that time. Bums said in a Center as previously reported. of atato representativas, due to non resident for more than 80 e n t on Ms board of directors. each principal to the salary •AR Mokfifi Officials remind club membem pervteor at the town dump at continued the case to Stafford ent as the flower girl and ohanca to make Us contract. It one elub. Tou can bid toa spades $350,000 BEQUEST tions section. Maddox and Rol- televised speech that Negroes In Oharg* of affair are that their dues am now pay­ Springs Circuit Court 12 ses­ a recent court ruling which de­ years. He wae bom in Wethers­ Welles served six years as a step on which he belongs. leaton both appealed to the su did not have the right "to force •AH ModMt M4l. *niotnas Small and Mrs. ite meeting, Thunulay. Bids properly sweet and fragile simply nevsr occurred to him to at your second turn. field and his famUy was one The magazine reported Mrs. BOSTON (AP) — Yale Uni­ able. sion tomorrow for consolidation clared the preaent unit form ot state x^M-esentative before en­ The adopted plan eliminates versity received more toon preme court. their presence" at hotels, res­ Rofoad Stoodley. Assisting will •ought are foraupervlalng when finally transformed Into rqireaentatlon unconstitutional. try a finesse in his singleton of the original settlers theio. Goldwater’s stock holdings as; •AH TlmM ZBA Osaats Requests with other charges in that tering toe State Senate. from consideration all previous $350,000 from the estate of JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) taurants and other businesses. be Mrs. FVank Sanelli, Mrs. dumping during the 16 houm a proper lady under the tyran­ A special seoslon of tba State suit, hearts. fVxr fiheliiwold’a t6-page book­ When he moved to Vernon, 1,690 shares of American Elec­ The sonlng board of appeals court. Nash was sent to the After drawing tiumpa. South '^Tf I ever made any prom­ tric Power Co., worth $77,740; ratio plans. These plans would Randolph FYothingham, a Bos­ — Three white men were jailed Racial tension eventually Kdgar W. Helbig, Mrs. Donald per week that the dump la open nical teaching of Professor Hig­ Legislature is now meeting to let, “A Pocket Guido to Bridge,” ha began farming’ estamiahed P cw l D odg* F om Ho c has voted unanimously oh two SUte JaU at Tolland in lieu of should lead his singleton heart ises,” he aaid, "I kept them. I’m 849 shares of Arizona Bancorpo- have connected Increases in ton attorney who died Aug. 4 on murder chargee today while eased through the a -i--'-' - ChsiMSer and Mrs. Harold and for an hourly rate for the gins. set new district linea for the aend 60 cants to Bridge Book, a dairy and a milk route, and INC. appeals, with stipulations. bond. and try a finesse with dummy’s not the baloney-throwing type.” ration, worth 87,880; 5,W8 principal’s salaries to increases at the age of 80. His will, sub­ police sought a fourth in the fa' of a biracial committee, ISra, use of equipment to maintain Prosecutor William Collins en­ But the one who really steals election of state repreomita- ManchoErter Eve. H em d, Box more recently opened two busi- 878 MAIN STREET Doody. Joseph a. DeliOrge of Jewett queen. As the cards lie, the fi­ shares of Associated Dry Goods, in teacher’s salaries. mitted for probate yesterday, tal shooting ot a Negro woman Chappell's death at the ne,„... v.. Attending and assisting at the modified land fUl method every scene he’s in is Australian tlves and aenators. When that 8818, Oraixd Central Station, New ntimse. Oxmecticut Gkxlfland He is married and has three Phone 649-2881 City, has been granted permis­ tered noUes in the cases of Hugh nesse works, and South can dis­ worth 88U.400 ; 2,491 shares of left the bulk of his estate to during race riots last March. demonstrations was the only fa- of operation at the dump. R. Hamilton, 20, of 648 Vernon Rod McLennan who plays is accomplished, with Sept. 10 Tork 17, N.T. daughters, all married, and the dsBoe wiU be Mr. and Mm sion to construct 10 portable card his losing club on the ace and the Welles Country Store. Borg-Wamer, worth $119,568; the university. The arrests late Monday taUty. Bmall, Mr. and Mm. Stoodley, rabbit hutches on the Property Htoron’a aelectmen, Richard St., for breach of the peace; Eliza’s father. Given two solid aet as the deadline, another Oopyrigtat. 1966, each a college graduate. of hearts. He eventually loses Ooep. Both are located on Rt. 88 in 200 shares of Continental Casu­ Atty. and Mm. John AUen, Mr. of the estate of Mm. o v a U p- M. Grant, LaRoy B. Kinney and Theodore Staudt, 34, of 198 numbers in the score—"With a meeting will be held tai the Mte- sietal fnataiiM the TaloottviUe sectlcxi o f Ver­ His most important poliiteal President Signs Nelson Carrier, have joined the UtUe Bit of Luck" and "Get Me clfled~ ' districts _ for endorsing three diamonds, but nothing aocompllahment, Sen. Welles alty S STATE Sen. Welles. As for the future W A M R R SHOP RARBER SHOP and Bob Senkbeil, superintend­ for 10 years, was a member of George Henry Reitze Jr. and friends relatives and neighbors who Go- Elvis Presley Mary D. Reitze to Norman E. were so kind to us during our re­ 830 G i ^ R oad_ 6H Pearl Street ents; vegetables, Douglas Fel­ Tlie town is advertising for the first Charter Consolidation!- lows, judge, Suaan Merritt and “FOLLOW THA'T WHAT A CAST!. Gerber and Jeanne L. Gerber, cent bereavement in the loss of bids for construction of a 12- DREAM” Commission, served on the Ver- I our beloved Mother and Grand­ BtANiDIHEBTER CAPITAL Mildred Wakins, superintend­ Inch thick brick wall, and the Regular Prices PrevaU non Fire District Board of Com­ Benefit Bail Set property at 148 Walker St. mother Mrs. Josephine K. Finn. BARBER SHOP BARBER SHOP ents; flowers, Frilowa, judge, installation of a four-hour rated, WHAT A PAST!.. missioners where he was chair­ The Vernon Junior Women's Executor's Deed lOM Main Street Mr. and Mrs. Clifford H. 843 Main Street Jessica and C^thla Wakins, ou- fire-insulated door for the East Hartford Aug. 12: “How The Weot man during some of his service. Club has scheduled its Third Bldith E. Eaton, executrix of Fisher A Family STATE EAGLE perintendente; Cake contest, town’s clerk’s vault in the base­ Wae Won" WHAT A SHOW!... "I was a charter member of Annual Benefit Ball for Nov. the estate of B. Evelyn Reed, Mrs. Frances Crsel and ment of the Munlclped Building. DRIVE-IN ROUTE; 5 at the National Guard Armory to Harry W. Hoover and Brenda family. msMiCR SHOP BARBER SHOP record books and 4-H booths , Stow eemwiv-rea Oo. 8 of the District’s fire de­ 19 Bteaell S tr e e p _nSH Center Streep contest; 4-H horse judging, The fireproofing will be done partment. I traveled to (>ans- on West Rd. Bobby Kaye’s or. M. Hoover, an undivided half C%ris Sartre, judge, Betsy Web­ to conform wldi a rerammenda- ton, Rhode Island, back in 1942, chestra will play. interest in property at 91 RUSSELL’S / JAMES tlon made last February by Oimmittees are being formed Wetherell 8t. ber, ringmaster; tractor driv­ s i l i m atM m a r to get our first fire truck," Seif' MME. MARGO BARBER SHOP BARBER SHOP State Examiner of Public Rec­ under the co-sponsorsMp of Mrs Quitclaim Deed 360 Main Street ing, Allan Rychling, judge, with Wells recalled. IW Spruce Street prises for first, second, third ords Rockwell H. Potter Jr. ONLY DRIVE-IN SH0WIN6! "It was the first real fire Harold Pusch and Mrs. Gary William C. Bray to Ethel Character Reader and PARKADE and fourth obstacle courses. Potter, at th« time, rated the truck in the district. The other Ramsdell. Proceeds will be ap­ May Bray, property at 100 Advisor on all problems preeent vault doors as being "o f METI»40L0WYN-IUyER ad GMERAHA pmat plied toward a local community Grandview St. Ck>me and see her SHOP BARBER SHOP Anyone having artldes to do- at 2:45 - « * 9 two companies were using Civil Sdl North Main Street 878 W. Middle Turnpike nate for the aucUon is asked to u obsolete type, with a very oMesnAecope Defense pumpers, a temporary project. Marriage Licenae 812 Albany Avenue affair." The International Relations Douglas Lee Steffens, Flint, (Cor. of Green St.) EBIIL’S contact Rich, the chairman, or 1®*"^ rating.” W ALTER’S bring the items to the elemen He recommended that the HOV "Our truck was purchased Committee of the club held its Mich., and Sqndra Gtene Kelley, Hartford, Connecticut HABBKR SHOP BARBER SHOP cleric’s vault be made fireproof, PLUS used from the Cranston Fire organizational meeting recently Thompsonville. TeL 527-5866 _813 Main Streep tary school the day of the foir. B15 Main Street This is only a sketchy account and suggested that all wooden Department. They had obtained at the home of Mrs. Robert Al- Building Permits TEDPURIVS of doings at the fair, and desks and shelving be removed. WITH H from the Navy. It was a peri. Plans were discussed for To Keystone Builders for PAOAMl COOPER ST. future meetings. In the spirit of Kenneth Yeomans, alterations CLOSEOUT BARBER SHOP BARBER SHOP 4-H’ers should consult Fair leaf­ He emphasized that "State Bobby VintonI white pumper with four cylin­ 701 Main Street statutes require that public rec­ ders,” Sen. Welles continued. tMngs, the committee was to dwelling at 399 Woodland M H Oo«q>er Street lets. generously distributed, for 9 Great Hits served a new foreign dessert. additional details. ords be k e^ in fireprixif vaults, "The drive from Rhode I^.and St., $3,000. MAN0HE81SR QBEEN VERNON H fflS lI H B •ENDS TODAY City Arrests ’To David Mordansky for dntreh News safes or buildings. was interesting because the • Phlleo BABHEB SHOP BARBER SHOP He had tempered his crit­ 24 Great Stars “ROBINSON CRUSOE ON MARS” at 2:56 A 8KM Walter Jesanis. 72, 4 Malden Frank Yankowski, alterations Ilie Rev. Stuart Rapp of Metrocolor truck had no windshifid.” 999 E. Middle Turnpike Route 30, Vernon icism with the statement that phis “ STAGE TO THUNDER ROCK” at 1:85, 6:80 * 9iU Since Ms entrance into the La., was arrested yesterday and to four-family dwelling at 93 a G.E. Briar Cliff Manor. New York, the Municipal Building, itself, is political field via Ms Vernon charged with intoxication by North St., $1,000. was guest minister st the He­ a solid fire-resistive structure, — PLUS — school efforts, the senator has Sgt. Robert Kjellquist. Jesanis To Eugene G. Rail, fence at • Emerson bron and Gilead Oongregational and that Hie area directly out­ “PHILBERT” also served on the building com­ is scheduled to appear in Cir­ 16 N. FUm St., $100. Ohurchea, Sunday. side the present vault doors is mittees for the Lake Street cuit Court 12, Rockville, Aug. To Harold Hubbard, addi­ • WestinghouBC Ends Tonight Previous information given protected by an automatic School, aUso located in the dis- 2S. tions to garage at 41 Summer Display models toe Herald correspondent that sprinkler system. "Ensign Pulver” Irict, Rockville High School and Also scheduled for court on St., $150. the pulpits would be supplied Bids on the improvements will DRIVE-IN HARTFORD * 527 2222 color SPECIAL now as low as by toe Rev. George MUne, for­ be opened at 11 a.m., on Aug. Hrtrttoiil Sprtlil F>|un. - Route 91 Nntih “Palm Springs mer local pastor, postponed to a 18, In the hearing room of the Weekend” later date. Munleipal Building. i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i QUALITY INSURANCE SINCE 1923! The Rev. Mr. Rapp is the son THE COMMON-SENSE CAR o f the late Rev. Alfred H. Rapp, .00 who for many years spent his 164 EAST CENTER ST. vacations at his summer home ENDS TONIGHT I K l VKTM - eO lM In Gilead, and preached one DRIVE MANCHESTER — 649-5261 Bunday in toe local Oongrega- "ROBIN AND THE DISPLAY tfcmal dmrehos, annually. IN 7 H O O D S " Ample Parkinfif Front and Rear MODELS Bvcataig Herald BOLTON NOTCH WINDOW TELEVISION a eerreopondent Mies "BRAMBLE BUSH" Routes 6oftd44 A DON'T WAIT TILL OCTOIER Pewdletoa, Selepheae 8SS- f Ts h f r y w hk ^ (ALL YOU CAN EAT) SHADES GET CLOSE-OUT PRICES HAYLEVS ROMANTIC ADVENTUREt ’‘Before Losses Happen, Insure With Lappen!” ODD ASSIGNMENTS Y o b M jo y« 4 Modo to Ordor UHF ^ SEATTLE (AP) — Although It ALSO RIG H T N O W handled IM cases over the WALT DISNEY'S Holay MIMs Ib weekend, the ISth Coast Guard VENETIAN BLINDS District ooastad into aome im- "13ib ChoBi OordM" Bring your old rollera tax guarded moments. NEW LOWER M T K NOW IN EFFECT oa and i6c per shade VHP Hurrying to Investigate a Now S M h«r In H i* "body” bobbing in the surf at S p m n e r s AETNA’S “AUTO-RITE” AUTOMOBILE IN­ Depoe Bay, Ore., Coast Guards­ 11 rlinirnlii\- comic ood suspensef ul EVERY WEDNESDAY men found a seal. I Some 10 mllas south of New­ UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY port, Ora., two aldarly woman "The Moon Spinnon" S P.M. to 9 P.M. SURANCE; plus Lappss’s usual P A — piokad the wrong spot to dig for clams. BNJOY ONE OF OUR DIUCIOUS “P sn o a a l S srv issI” 2-DOOR SEDAN Mrs. Josephine Bruanlng, 76, MOADWArSM t stuck in the mud. The Coast Great songs frofis a riot­ ... Rafora you raiiaw your proMnt poHey, ehoek wlHi 4-C Y LIN D ER luard pulled her out. NV-lOVESfAlAIM-SRl CO CKTAILS SAnnnmo ous Broadway musical SENSATION IS Radio, heater. n 6 9 5 comedy ON THE SCREENI Loppofi for furthor dotaik on our now lowor rotos! ■ M [(Automatic traiui. Delivered **Pajfima Gfanc” optional aatra) In MancheaUr "Hey nimr** HOWARD JOHNSON’S CEMENT "Henmndo’s Hidsawar" THE FRIENDLY APPUANCE, TV coid STEREO CENTER "Steam Heat" I ' : " • ,W. . , .y,. v; .',V# ,t> W. H. IN^LAND May tee quote rates and a$aiet you L A. JOHNSON Boland Motors "Tlyere Once Waa A Mile Off Oakland 8 t 445 HARTFORD ROAD, M iK K 349 CENTER $T. at Wotf Cwifw St. L U M H R C O . Man” carol On Tolland Tmrmdke su tee have so many others? PAIN T 00. ToL 443-4079 Opoo EvMrfiKN -AttkaOnsa” MS-fiSn and many, many bm^ PHONE 149-4501 725 MAIN ST. Opsn ptuly 9 fp 9 f - - Serfurday fill •

m ( ,

A'*;-* ‘ ‘4'- F A C E f t m MANCHBSTER IVBanNO HERALD. IfANCHBBTBR. COMM, TUESDAY, AUCrtJST 11, 1SS4 ICANCHE8TER EVENIKO HERALD. ICAMCHESIER. CONN, TUESDAY. AUUUST 11, 1964 South WindfCH* Columbia NOTICE Teacher Negotiation Group Events Groobert Plan Bars Andover TV-Radio Tonight G O P Caucus Volunteers K S£m s WTWl M HS May Be Ba$ed on Members In W orld Splits Within Towns State Aide Tonight for 6 NOBTH BCAIK fiTBBBT B um Down Television Xt was imxxnmandad to thatTan Rejport” which would have WAflHmOTON (AP) — Orn­ To Talk on il board ot eduoatloD last sight an it the wadpon of allow' ate laadera ara reported near Manchester Rep. A tty. Paal B. Groobert will file a bill 4:90 ( t) M > theater CLOSER FOR vm TION that the two rival teacher or- or refusing tha Mancheeter (M) WSat'a New agreement on a oompromlae Open Spaces L o ( ^ Posts gaataatianB ha r epraaaatod in of­ today calling for the establishment of a 200 member ») Lodge Shell ( •) News a$) iuWaiptioa TV KFederation of Teachers partici­prt^xisal that would direct, but (10) Ere Deatify 1:00 ( i-M) High Adventure ficial mattora cn a haato pro­ pation in negotiations. State House of Representatives. Lee Fracchia Rai^ $ h Sb| . IS Carl N. Otte, coordinator tor ■ifa *o»Ootnmunl*t alfi- (U-lB-aO) Movie (St) Afrloaa Wrltert (Amth WlndMris RapubUMM portional to thoir membormlp. In other action the board of not compel, oouits to go slow on Only tha aheU o f Brloktop (30) BUirly Show 3:30 (34) BeUeti Matter CUae A tty. Grooberfs plan is substantially similar to a p ro ­ open spaces in Connecticut De­ . Such a inovUkni In toe (33) Movie St 6 (33-SO) Momeat of fear will eaueus tonight at S hi Atty. WlHIam OaUna, chaliv education voted a $800 insur­ ordering reapportkmment of posal made by Ally. Leo Par-O Again Praised (1-3040) McNale'e Navy partment of Agriculture and Datai^ HM^atlon Act Lodgs was left standing eftsr a (40) Itoney Burke _ the W a p p lB f Bsmentary OPEN MONORY, AUflUST M man of tiw peraonnri commit­ ance policy to protect partid- state legislaturea cn a popula- sky, the state DemocraUe ttvee elected by gU tfaS town’s ■om« coUefes to reject 6:M (3 ) Newt Sportt and Weath- 3:00 ( 3-13) Pettieeat Juaetkm School to pick party-aodera^ tee, made the recommendation piuita at F T A meetings from Natural Reeoureee, will meet diaastrous fire a few weeks ago. (34). . fir iiidse tton p s ii^ a counsel, with one excep­ electors. Under' Parsky's pita, with the Ootwervatlon Commls- ifvem aient aid and It aventual- Lee Fracchia, Manches­ 4:30 (10-33-30) Huntler-Brlakler (10-3330riUchard A mbiae candldatoa for efaetiixi Nor. $. to the board, Meug with tha sug­ nbel suits. Tha policy la cape- Sunday, CMumlbia volunteer The compromise would aubsU- tion: tha town would be divided into U w ae repealed. ter’s dog warden, has bean (13) Newibeat (8-30-40) Qreateet Showow (C) To be nominated are eight Jua- gestion that no formal action eiaUy dcalgnsd to protect PTA rion tomorrow night at 8 o’clock t'30 ( 3-13) Jack Beaay Atty. Parsky's bill calls for three assembly district; elec- -e 'Tnwn ■%# Bouaa alto inserted a pro- praised ^ M r. and Mrs. Lo- firemen, with the help of other (M) Velee Beaeatli Sea tieea of the peace and a ngia- be taken on the matter until officers. tute for a proposal by Senate tore in each district would vote J® ^ headad by W . Lindaey Booth, H. Curtta and town dlreetor by school huatneae manager aid authorisation bill, would de­ for a man to represent only Rcprenentattvee from toe Let Beneficial put Irae antipoverty measure rep- for they have resided in sev­ Pastures’’ and the cabins, all (13) HucUeberry Hound ( 8) Movie tive. yeaents Jranson's major on-his- will maet after the talk. Theodora PoweU were on the Do4iglas Pierce from eatlmated lay court-ordered reapportion­ part of Manchester in the House I planning and sonlng cixnmiS' MPAV. Amoont en states in the past 10 very large, were among the fiBE SATUMDAX^ TV WEBK FUR CXiMPLBTB UNTING ment by from two to four years. The two bills are otherwise oerp legislative achievement Nnrataig Program committee which made this re­ operating coats for ttie coming of Representatives. I sion, board o f selectmen, and MONTHLY OFLOAN years, and “ have had occa­ very first to be built at the In the meantime, eflorti would stiice he became president last Offlciala o f Hartford’a nine- port under the auapicea of the year. Hla four-pages of calcu­ slmUar. Both call for a house Although Atty. Grooberfs I recreation commission have sion to meet many public of­ lake. PRESCRIPTIONS • COSMETICS be pressed to nullify the Su­ $16.75 $300 Novembw. Most of the other month old refreaher nuraa w o- Oonnecticiit Rtata Board of Bdu- lations include the coat o f in- ot 200 representatives, each plan is similar in moat re-1 invited to attend and be- ficials.’’ Dr. Wilson Hughes, present preme Court ruling , requiring domestic measores sent to him gram announced It will offer RUSSELL STOVER CANDY eation. tetoat on the aehool debt and representing about 12,600 per­ spects to Parsky’s, It le not aloome familiar with the proce- 26.58 500 The “thank you” stems owner of the lodge, had asked Radio population to be tbe basis of ap­ by Congress were proposed orig­ couraes again this fan from Oollina said the peraonnri insurance charges. Neither the sons. Towns with populatl<« piarty-aponaorea proposal. A tty. I Involved ki Implementing 36.41 700 from an incident last month the firemen to complete the de­ 1$ LIQUOR * ZENITH HEARINO AIDS portionment in both houses of inally by the late president (IW a fisttog taolndes only those news brondoasta e f IS «r September to November for all committee had found that two diarges nor the coat estimates ■mallw than the minimum G ro(^rt drafted the pita him-1 an open :^ c e program, i j j ’ involving one of the Iken- struction of the building but to years of negotlatlona. had state legislaturea. 5U 6 1.000 Jdim r . Kennedy. ratanto length. Some statioas oaery other short newscasts). nurses o f the greater Hartford Include transportation. would be grouped to form a sin­ self, with toe court’s guide-1 x o Dtoouae Districting berg’s two dogs and a neigh­ try to save a beautiful tulip tree proved the feaafifillty of the •On 24 month piaa AMhoiMh Atty. Oen. Robert F. ■VDBO—Utt al0:30 Music to Reiss By area. QUINN'S PHARMACY The chargee for mentally Dlriuen’s . proposal, opposed gle district. lines in mind. It was ^ibmitted I xhe Tolland County Dwn- bor’s girl. near the house. The firemen ob­ proportlcmal plan. "W orking by President Johnson, brought in your pocket-fast Kennedy testilied last April that 4:110 Loos Joba llsda ^12:16 Sign Off Since the first oourae waa 07$ M AIM BT. 'While A tty. Groobert sup­ to the Clerk of the House last I ocratic Association, made up of The girl’s parents claimed liged and Dr. Hughes recipro­ w n v - iie t w ith tha plan leads us to be- handicapped Children wfll be Kennedy had ordered the for­ 8:00 Dicit Robiasoa offered In November, 1968, lit FRBB DELTVBRY PARKING IN BKAB the threat of a filibuster hy lib­ ports tha general form of the week, but was returned by the I Democrats from all 13 towns ot Planning a vacation at tha bageh? In tha ntoun* that their daughter had cated with s generous contribu­ 1 O', News Slsa Ofl 1:00 News. Weather Sporta llve it la the better eolutlon to $628. mulation of a program to com­ 1:36 Old Borrowed Blue nuraes hav# participated. Be' erals that could delay adjourn­ Parsky proposal, he believes Legislative Commissioners to be I the county and now in its 34th tains? Or, maybe a visit to the World's Fair? With been nipped by the dog and tion to the department, accord­ WRAt -sit 6:46 ry-ree dtar Extra Manoheeter’s problems,’’ he Acceptance of final adjust­ bat poverty, Johnson was the cause of this great response a ment of Congress. that the division of towns into rewritten. It is the rewritten | year, will meet Thursday at 8 cash from Beneficial, you may taka advantags o f BO notified Fracchia. ing to Fire Chief Ward Roee- 4:00 Fred Swaaaoa Show 7:06 Conversation Pises* aald. ments in the 1068-64 budget The compromiae, worked out first to present it to Congress. 6:80 News, Sports and Weather 7'3o News fall program la being offered assembly districts is oontraiy version that will be submitted p.m. in the Elementary school today’s exciting vacation opportunities. Phone now brooka. Collina said the Manchester waa tabled for the superintend­ in four days of conferences ptur- He declared “war on poverty” In tha meantime, the Iken- 7:00 Edward P. Morfsa 7:46 Stand By snd will consist of one ad­ to the Federal Oourt decision to the Legislature today. to a talk on reapportionment — or come in. Apply for your cash and get fast hi bis State of the Union mes­ Two pumpers were stationed 7:16 Ed Hyaes Show 1:00 Red Sox vs. Orlote* Education Association (MBA) ent o f sch(x>ls to provide some tlclpated in by Solicitor General bergs had placed the dog 1 Sfi Sim Oft vanced course designed for staff requiring reapportionment of The General Assembly has and redistricting. The speaker, service, too— during Benafidars Gkildan Annhn^ sage in January but did not at the lake and pumped water 10:30 NIghtbeat and private duty nursaa, and auppports the "Oommittea of additional Information. Archibald Cox, would direct for observation in the ken­ WINS—list 11:00 News the State House of Representa­ been meeting In special session not yet announced, w ill be a sary celebration. swd Congress a draft of the to two otheni halfway between 11:18 Sports Pinal two standard courses for rag- lower federal courts to take into nels of s local veterinarian. 4:00 Naws tives. It is for this reason that since last week to prepare a member of toe state administra­ measure until March U. the lake and the building. Local 4:30 Radio Greater Hartford 11:30 Art Johnson Show latered nuraes who have been account all In tim a te ditficul- They say that when Frac- 6:45 Lowell Thomas WPOP >414 he has eubmltted his own alter­ tentative reapporUoiiment of I tion. Since then the President has firemen began their work at sway from general h04)pttal ties surrounding reapportion­ ohla called at their home to 7:00 News 6:00 Loll Terr) nate bill, he says. toe House and redtstrictiiig of As toe legislature, now in kept pressure on both houses for 7:30 Public Affairs 7:00 Ken Griffin nursing for five years or more, ment in any case. make inquiry, he was “so 9:30 ajn. and were Joined by Events in Nation toe Senate to carry toe suts! session, must come up with a action. House Republicans 8:00 Yankees vs. Whit* So* 13:00 Oerrv Gordon The two-day couraes will It also would direct c(wrts to Arding to Groobert, the sollcitious that one would volunteer firemen from Ando­ H0LA\ES through the next eieetlon InKo-1 workable plan for reapportl(m- guidelines established by the charged that unprecedented think the dog belonged to ver, Hebron and Eaglesville in start Sept. 28 and continue consider: Giving adequate time 400 m iN trSHT . kW4O«STW,C0NN. MOSCOW (A P ) — Alexei Ad-^OOrreapondents d u b of Japan late District Court Judge Jo- vember. I ment by Sept. 10 toe subject is pressure had been applied to him ." the early afternoon. N o spec­ through November 11. Hie lec- to cany out (wders, tbe difficul­ \joms ap to i the dlfferoicea would revolve seiA Clark do not favor split A Constitutional Ccmvwition of such interest that a large members of both parties to n|p- tators were allowed in the area .tures will be every Monday and ahubei, editor of the government ty of drawing new boundary ta to-i—■ m The letter states, "H e Maine Educator Will Fill around Japan’s tride with Com­ ting towns into voting dis­ w ill meet in November to sj>- number of peoirfe are expected •a Ctt.of pokt the bill. during the buniing operations. Wednesday between 1 and 8 in newspaper Isvestia and aon-in- luiea and the nearness of rsgu- QOP presidential nominee (Fracchia) is stncarely de­ munist nations, negotiations on prove permanent ooostitutional to attend toe aseoclation’e meet- Members of the women’s auxili­ the afternoon. Hie evening lar elections. tricts. 806 N SL. MANCHEariER Barry Ooldwater denounced voted to his Job, and deals law of Prem ier KhniBhchev, a new North Paenfle flaherlea Judge Ctaric recommended reviaions in the House organ- ing. ______with the people he has to ary served coffee and sand­ course will begin Sept. N and M ld w R M U G • r i k Mm B b M 1 A Johnson's "Madison Avenue” Nathan Hale Principalship An Apt Description aaya there is a ebanca for better agreement and an agreement to WASHINGTON (AP) — Myrl "total membership . . . ranging iaation to be preeentod fo the Manchester Bvetong HemM see, and sometimes hurt, wiches to the firemen. continue to Nov. 17. Hieae lec­ an p roa^ to the problem and relaUona between West Germa­ allow Ja^ianese alrllnera to fly B. Alexander, 66, a retired 80- from 200 to 300, with the ideal voters at a atate wide rafMrsn- Andover oorreapoBdent, la w - with intelligence and firm ­ SoluMfi Rcglstralioa tures, given every Tueaday and ny and the Soviet Union. out of New York. voted against the bill’s passage. Maxwell G. Morrison of^Prlnclpal William F. Freeman year veteran of tbe Bureau of figure aa low as poealblo to se­ dum hy A pril 6. | m os, Setophoae 74S-«T9«. • ••••• ••••••••• ness, yet kindness and graat Registration day at Porter Thursday, ivlll be hel

4 i . ■ ■ '"^r4 ■ I -. ■■■

- -1- t !• < MANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, TUESDAY. AUGUST 11, 1964, PAGE 8 S V II| HIf AW/*nsiMvtt A n v B a ^ iM l BVk^O kkitAlD. ilANCHfiSt^ c b i^ ' k* ffc C 1 ^ V ^ 1 ■■ ’ . B p l t o n ■=V . / ■ . »' - v ; u v ' > %. F\ i^f.iV-M^.4; iTiizuTvwtrs t , ' Greeks Hold Three Villagei^ Tbweta m li^ wp Cyprus Truce Threatened ataad for aoma kind eC atpry W - - a ^ • « , Mrs. Jkmes 8. Wright mr ^ m o . RCXacVlUJD — Mrs. Bessie (CenMnnsd ffoos Page One) copter to tbs village ot Paphos, yean ago they wen aa urfant Wright. 01, c( r BrocAlyn SL. whsrs hs toursd a hospital that 'naoeartty, worth the waetgeaay n paadli Increase in Budget wife ot Jam e^S. Wright, died break of fighting along Cypnia* had recslved soms of tbs tore of 150,000,000. last night at RockvlUe a ty northwaat coast. woundsd from the Turitish air Hospital aftar a abort Illness. Turkey said it would send its attacks. The bearded Greek Oti The other day the Igat tAe thne Thb board of oducation at itafto tba board at lU aoxt moat- Jets on scouting missions until thodox prelate emerged with n ( groat towota oama craihlaS down. ROW m ea tin g last...... night votad to Ing, bo said. Mrs. Wright was horn In tears In his eyes. f Greenwood, S. C , Feb. so, iSM. the U.N. troops can enforce the mudi the eert of operating. the three maka inoiraaaaa In thalr budget Briafs truce and Greek Cypriots with­ Newsmen who visited tl4 raquasta tor lM4*«i. Supt rallp Town Republicans will cau­ She waa a member of- HopeweU draw from positions they cap­ string of villages attacked by towera whUa'they wen apenttaig. aad L l^ori aad Harold Porcharon, cus tcnlgbt at 0 Ip tba Com­ BMXlBt Onirch, Hartford. tured in the fast six days. the Turkish Jeta reported wides­ how much the coot of wrecking them board ’Chairman, wUl prasent munity Hall to aomtnite a iurvlvora; besides her hus­ The Turkish Air Force began pread destruction. Many towns­ the changes to th«' board ot fl* band, include two sons, Joe OM "WSSTHiJKr. ••••••••«••••••••«•• aftar It was deddad not to operate thkm raglatrar of voters and 13 jus- its retaliation raids after the people remained in nearby nance whm It disoussas the edu­ Frasier of Rockville and Wil­ Greek (Jypriots opened a drive t t | MMtlM «••••••••••••*•••• any more, had added to the orlgflial ticss of the paaca. liam Frazier of PhlladelpUa, wooded bills, afraid the planes s ■: TtoM McntiiG •••••••••••••••• cation budget tonight Mrs. Mamie Uanaggla, in­ Aug. 6 on the Only remaining would return. A few farm snL om ii<«r fS0,000,000 nobody aaya Uguorl explained that tuition Pa.; six stepdaughters, Mrs. Turkish Cypriot coastal atrip. cumbent, has filed tor registrar. Floyd BaUey of Philadelphia, mats roamed the quiet streets. Of There la one other thing on the d M t chaifOs tor Manchaatar IVgh Filing for Justices are Ray T h e C ^ ru s government In London, British officials HUB iS oC U T IB D PRIBia aide of the ledger. One of these towprs School are going to b« $10 more Mrs. Caroline Harrlscfn . of ehargea that Turkish troops and explored the ides of a four-pow* • ItM ABBadatwl P r«n u ueiiMiyBly w U M than ha antieipatad. For tba 100 Cooper, Herbert Johnson, Rhode Islend and Mrs. Noel arms were being landed at the to tkt uM ot rapubilcaUoa ot mil b b w d>^ weakened and toppled down, off New Douglas Ciheney, Dr. Laura McCarthy, Mrs. Albert Nevlns, er ministerial meeting In Gene­ MtSito crMIttf to II to Ml otMtwiM e rc ^ Students currently anroUad In Turkish Cypriot fishing village va at which , Turkey, ths SStoUklB P*P«'*' told toio th» looBJ n«w» eio- Jersey In January. lOOl, and took it Manchaatar High School the re­ Toomey, JoOeph Praatlce, A1 Mrs. Lutoer' Wright and Mrs. of Kokktna. bert Pullo, John Harris, Mrs. United Statea and Britain would American Uvea with It quest win be for fM.OOO, or 9000 Florence Rogers, all of Rock- The crisis left, the government again try to seek a permanent ' All* rtSlB to r«i>ubllo»tioii to apBcttl dto per pupil. Uguorl had anti Margaret McCarrlck, Mrs. Nor­ villa; three stepsons, James of Cyprus badly split, possibly ytochto torBln to« to»o rtotoTBf An emergency necessity 10 yean ago, Wright, serving In the U.8. solution. clpated tOBO. ^ tio n last yakr ma Tedtord, Milton Janaen, impairing the political strength Such a conference would aO* Tb« Bartod Pnattot Uomuw. too.. a tragic casualty In IMl, an expe^ was 96M. Mrs. Dorothy Miller and CUf' Army In Turkey, and Thomas of Archbishop Makarios, Greek ■unM no-- tinoncmJaoMivHM roapootobtUty for !r* typo* Wright and John Wright, both Of deatep Makarios, whom th^ Bopbieal orrora appaartnt to adrwtlaamaBU slve wrecking operation now—how The board said that tha tui­ ford Stavena. Cypriot president. Rightists and British accuse of aahotaging E y ^ y ^iatotiiif maltar to Tba Manobralto does the Texas Tower balance Sheet tion raquast would be aubject to AU bus fare money must be New York City, and 35 grand leftists in the cabinet exchanged children. previous efforts at a settlement. come outT change up to the time of the in by Aug. 22 to the coaches or angry words over whether to The Cyprus civil war broke annual town meeting, aa It was managers for boys In the base­ Funeral aervlcea will be held count on Greece or the So'vlet out laat December when Makaw What waa the original necoasity for last yeiar. Thursday at l;80 p.m. at the S u '^ ^ W ^ N e w Tom CM* ball program 11 to 16 years old Union for help, Informants said. los tried to amend the constitil- the Texas Tower? It t® *•! radar One niore pupil has been; who plan to go to the Yankee Burke Funeral Home, 76 Pros' Both factions were disappoint­ tion to end the Turkish Cyprtok AODIt ’bTOBAO Of CIKCOUU out where it could conceivably give the added since Aug. 10, the data Stadium Sept. 13 to see the pact St. The Rev. Edward King, ed by the less than wholeheart­ minority’s legislative veto. He mainland of the United SUtea a few ad­ the budget request was due, to Yankees play the Minnesota pastor of HopeweTil Baptist ed support they received from said the veto blocked the is­ Olaplay adrcrtlaiiis ol the mentally retarded group, Twins. Since Uiere a n accom­ Church, Will officiate. Burial Greece and the Soviet Union. land’s progress. The Turkish For Mow^ — 1 p.m ditional momenU of early warning If bringing that tuition to 940,000. will be In Grove Hill Cemetery. In Athens, Greek Premier modations for only 100, they Friends may call at the fu­ Cypriots are outnumbered near­ < For Tbaaday — 1 p.m - an enemy air attack started eroasthg the An additional $300 will be are distributed on a first-come, George Papandreou indicated ly 5-1 by the Greek Cyjpriota. Yar Wadnaadv - 1 f n Atlantic toward us. aaked for language lab installa* neral home Wednesday from 7 Monday night he does not look, For Itiuiaday — 1 p.«J, flfst-aarve basis to 0 p.m. For Friday - 1 P-m. T The Texas Towera monitored no Indpt* tlon and repur. The lab la In- forward to a war over Cyprus For Itolww-O-p-to etalled In the new Junior-aenior All boya who have finished with Turkey,, Greece’s eastern Claaainad daadllM: W:» a. day a( ent air attack against ua Nobody, that the season should turn In clean wMIcatlop aacapt Batnrday - high school. Repair and rewir­ Mr*. James 8. Benson Mediterranean partner in the Pekingese Pups we know of, haa ever launched hostila ing ware nOadOd bacau9% uniforma to their managers as Mrs. Helen C. Benson, wife of North Atlantic Ireaty Organlza TuawUy, Au(u>t 11 bombers at ua across the Atlantic. Pre­ abuse. •oon as possible. James S. Benson of 16 Monroe tion. Welcoming the cease-firei The fire depertment will drill WiU Help Pay sumably, the Texas Towers never once Uguorl said that he dlsco^v- St., died early this morning at Papandreou said: tomorrow at 7 p.m. at the fire- Hartford Hospital. "The Greek government rs' got even a taste of the emergency to ered. to hiO .aurprlae while For Schooling ••Just Right”—“Not Far E noagh” woritlng on the bus routes for hoiiss. She waa bom Sept. 18,1013, in Bolton Fire Chief Peter Massolinl examines charred remainf of kitchen area at the Bolton peats the assurance that it will which they were designod to function. the coming year that the mile Manchester, the daughter of the Lake Hotel after building was deatrored early this morning. Blaxe Is believed to have start­ support peace and will btoitrl' A weok now haa gone by, and there Concdvably, then, the Texas Towers age will b e ' almoat the aame MaacbMter Evening HcraM late Arthur and Wilhelmina ed in the kitchen. (Herald photo by Oflara.) . ' bute to achls'vlng i( peaceful and Four pedigreed Pekingeee pup­ li atlU no overt retaliation from North may have been nothing mere, tai resits* since the entire town muat be BoHen eomepondent, Cleme- Parson Olson. Just solution of the CyprtM prob­ pies are going to help Philip covered by two buses for the weQ Ytomg. telepbeM SO-SMl. lem." Vietnam or from Oommunlat China to tic hindsight, than a very expensive Air Other survivors are a aon, Fischer get a Ph.D. « Manchester High School run. Sherwood J., and a daughter, In Ankara, a Turkish govern' the action of United Btataa planea fight* Force boondoggle, an illustration of how as well as runs to the two Karen C., both at home, and a Homeowner ment spokesman accused Mak­ Mr. and Mrs. Fischer arrived Ing on direct ordera a t Prealdent John- foolish and extravagant we can g et Bolton schools. He Is adcii^ brother, Roy A. Olson of 62 Bolton Lake Hotel Burns^ arios of trying to push Greece at Storra Saturday, wher# for an increase in his trartS' About Town Cambridge St. into a war with Turkey, but he Fischer is soon to be$;in full­ •on. Tet the preparedness planner eaa portation request of $3,000. To­ Mulls Task I added: Thla lack of overt raaponae aeema to think of the kind of vindication he wouJd tal cost of transportation laat She waa a member of Ehnan- Alarm Warns Occupants As far as we know the Greek time study toward a doctoraM .Indicate that the Prealdent'a act and poU Two Manchester residents uel Lutheran Church, the Order government wants to avoid any in history. love to have history coma twisting up year waa around 180,000. The have been appointed members ley are becoming recognlaed aa a auo- estimate this year la now of Amaranth and the Order of conflict with Turkey. We do not Along with them came their with some day. There might be—then of a national convention com­ Eaatem Star. Of Painting (Continued from Page One) bartenders. Hotel property on want it. But if there is a war, oaaa, or at laaat open to a free and ra* Just might be some dajr—the diseovery around $36,300, with $14,000 mittee of tbe VFW which con­ the lake Is used for picnicking Pekingeee and its litter of four for elementary transportation Funeral services will be held sunporch that circles the build­ Makarios will bear the sole pedigreed, AKC registered pups, taxed kind of evaluation. of the secret minutes of some torelgB venes In Clsvsiiand, Ohio, Aug. at 2 p.m. Thursday at Emanuel TULSA, Okla. (AP) — One of and boats are rented to visi­ isponsibiUty.’’ and $13,000 for high school. 31. Department surgeon C arles ing. tors. about 6H weeks old. Two klnda of auch evaluation are now general staff meeting which had bean Lutheran Cihurch. the lesser joys ol owning a Clreece took the view that Members of the board 'ap­ Hlrth of 70 HolUster S t Is on home of your own is that sooner The new owners, George, Gil­ The Negro Brothers also own Monday’s attack by two Turkish The Fisotaera are aiming 16 appearing. One holda that the Preal- plotting the chances of waging a suc­ Nature Study By Joeeph Satemls proved the budget request In- F'rlenda may call tomorrow Bolton Dairy and the Negro lU the puppiee to help pay the a committee on national bylaws, evening from 7 to 0 at the Wat­ or later—probably sooner—it’s bert and Raymond Negro had F104 Jets on the town of Polls dent’a action waa a maaterplece, Juat cessful war against the United States. CLAPP’S FAVORITES creaae “without any Intent to miss and procedures; and De­ Transportation Co. that oper­ family's expenses during the indicate board approval” of the kins-West Funeral Home, 142 going to need painting. renovated the dining room and ates school buses in the area. may have been the result of a rig h t Ih e other holda that It did not And It might be—it Juat might be—that partment Service Office. O. J. If your suburban tract in­ delay in traiumlsalon ot ordera coming academic year. bus routes themselves. Uguorl Agostinelll of $1 Leland Dr. Is E. Center St. bar area. A three-piece band The last major fire in the They tried all laat week to begin, after all. to be enough. such a general staff study of the poasl- said the board would be shown Burial will be in Eaat Ceme­ cludes half a dozen producing was recently Introduced for town waa in July of laat year to some Turkish air bases. The on a committee on rehaMIitatitm tery. oil wells, a mother lode of uran­ Greek Cypriote claimed 10 per­ aell the pups In Wellesley, ' The flrat vlear—that ediat the Preal* bUlty of atUcMng the United States— a map with all bus routes and welfare sendees. dancing on Saturday evening. when the CHark Wellpolnt Co. Mass., where they have been drawn in colored pencil. ium ore and the site for a new The hotel employed kmour on Stony Rd. was heavily dam­ sons wsre wounded when the llent did waa Juat right—la expreaaed In all in good dean fun theory of eourse ■■■ multlmillion-d o 11 a r shopping Jets strafed the 'village square. living while Fischer taught at In other businees the board The Guard Club cf the Wom­ HarriMn Johnston waitresses, 'a cook and two aged. eaally ipiotable form by Drew Middleton, had concluded that the presence of the awarded the oil bid to the Ten- Harrison Johnston, 74, for­ center, this is no problem. A Turklah government Babron Institute. veteran newa aqalyat writing In the New Connecticut Yankee an’s Benefit Association will You just call the painter and spokesman denied the planes They advertised in the Both Texas Towera cut the surprise time table Jimmy aco Co. of Hartford, the sole have an outing Thursday, Aug. merly of Manchester, died Sun­ you’ve splashed the last bit of York Ttanea from Parla The Preaident’a By A .H .O . bidder and present supplier, at day at hie summer home in tell him to do your house. had opened fire. He said they ton newspapers that all tha down by Just enough mtnutes aad sec­ Fetcliit 30 at 6:30 p.m. at the Village But if your circumstances are gleaming white onto the floor — Hospital Notes flew Over Cyprus because the dogs had to be sold by Friday. Vietnam action gave him a reputation in New York harbor tank price aO Lantern Bam, Tolland l^ke. Bingham, Maine. thank goodness it’s tile and onds to render the proposed air attack Nobody planned It that way Thus, because a Speaker advertised plue a .76 differen­ Mr. Johnston was born in more modest—and perhaps Greek Cypriots broke an unoffi­ Came Friday and they etUl had J^urope aa a atateaman, litiddleton ruled, and not becauae an iffy Reservations close Monday and more typical—with a mortgage, paint scrapes off easily — the inoperable. for any such purpose, but the tial. may be made by calling Mrs. Enfield, Mass., Feb. 10, 1890, Vlaltlng hours are 2 to 4 p.m. cial truce by resuming their at­ all four, so they loaded theih wrltea. lAter on, as everybody knows, the de* Breslin very first action of the special question had been resolved one The board authorised the and lived in Manchester many a car and whatever cash value wife comes into observe and In all areas, excepting mater­ tack on Kokklna, about 10 miles into the family car and brought way or another, the House pass­ William Tuller, 13 Diane Dr. comments, “It’s too white — it •TTatO thla week,** wrote Middleton, velopment of InteroontlBental balllstie session of the General Assem­ superintendent to award the years before moving to Maine might accrue to a wife, a cat nity where they are 2 to 4 p.m. east of Polls. He also aald Greek them to Storrs. NEW YORK, Aug. 11 — Leo marily on hamburgers at the "Do you mind?” he asked a bly illustrated what kind of a ed out of its temporary no-rules milk bid to Dart’s Dairy If the about nine years ago. He waa a and sundry other assets, you looks like a hospital." and 6:30 to 8 p.m. and private planes bombed the village. Early thla week they tried *TBoriq»eaBa had been rather chary In missiles, capable of speeds of 16,500 land and began functioning. All Alan A. Garblch, aon of Mr. join the mighty army of do-it- So back to the store. Greece denied It. does not have a job and he does bar, he gets a lot of katsup girl next to him. “I’m sweating legal no man’s land was being paper containers they quoted and Mrs. Louis Garblch of 414 tool grinder at Pratt and Whit­ rooms where toey are 10 a.iii. peddli^ the doge door.to-door their attitude toward the Prealdent . . . miles an hour, made such Texas Taweb stains on his pants. To get to death.” adventured into, and what the the nice refinementa of legality on are plastic coated and not Hartford Rd., is stotioned with ney, division of United Aircraft yourself painters. Even If you bought the color to 8 p.m. Visitors are requested The U.N. Security Council In Manchester’s Rockledge sec­ *The diange In attitude . . . la a be* radar Installations a Joke, and cleared not Intend to get tme, either. He them cleaned, he does guard Leo lives in a two room apart­ nattire of ultimate escape would or conatitutlonallty which misjit wax coated, at .0664 a half the 3rd Training Regiment at Oorp., East. Hartford- He and Now and then a neighbor no you both thought would look nob to smoke Jn patients’ rooms. adtq^ted a U.S.-Brltish resolu­ tion. But pedigreed PeUngesa Bef on their part that Mr. Johnaon acted the dedalen for tearing them down. Bat finds It Is too easy being a bum. duty in front of the cleaning ment, and bath, in a private be. have been raised to hold the pint If the containere ere not Ft. Oix, N.J. He attended How- hia vM t wintered in Florida. more affluent than you will an­ best, there’s no guarantee, of No-more than two visitors at tion calling tor a halt in hostili­ do not seem to be a spur-of-the- home and he always is loused' The House of Representatives, House paralyzed were avoided plastic coated, the matter will eCI Cheney Technical School. He was a retired officer with nounce grandly, "No painting course, that it will be right ties on Stlnday, with only the So­ moment purchase. •- In a critical hour aa they believe a Preal* If there were one six month period dur­ Re has a service pension of store until a friend arrives. Leo for me this summer—I’m going one time per patient. finds people more willing to up with the rent. He comes in in its organization moments, and ridden down by the com­ M tabled until the next board 16 years service in the U.S. when you get it on the wall. viet Union and Czechoslovakia, The Fischers are ataylnf aL dent of the United Statea ahould a c t He ing which, on the war ooUego planning 1150 a month, which forms his at four in the morning and tip­ found itself confronted by a sit­ mon sense will of a presiding meeting. Dart bid .0619 on glaas Tlie Hockanum Dog Club will Navy, having served in both to have it done." Nor is there any standkrdlza- abstaining. ITie lighting on Cy' Hunting Lodge Apartments In stand still for a pants cleaning. officer, who knew he had to get But after he gels his free esti­ tlon of colors. One company’s Patients'Ttidayi 2(28 prua broke oft temporarily waa firm, they aay, but he waa calm. boards, the existence of these extra ra* base income. He gets the rest of It is cheaper than a jacket. toes around so the landlady uation which Required proce­ containers. Bolton Dairy bid meet tomorrow at 7. p.m. at World Wars. Storrs, and the pups are at Pet V **Naturally,” Middleton continued, ' dar warning towers altered a problem bis money by working. won’t hear him. When he takes dure specified by the House his House going. .C)620 on plastic COhteirierii.' Newmaricef Farm. Newmarker Survivors include his wife, mate and calculates that to pay oyster white looks like another ADMITTET) ‘YESTERDAY: shortly thereafter Acres Kennel in Andover. Once Leo gets the nod on his And there, in that little open­ The board spent conMderable Mrs. Arts Gilbert Johnston; the bill he’d have to give up brand's pearl white but not at Keimeth Bain, East Hartford; Turklah Premier lamet Inonu "there remain thoM who believe that the even slightly, there will be some theorist, *nir>nnecticut The refined nice­ tslners. golden retrievers and live birds, Mass.; a sister, Mrs. Joseph Not o-.ly must you decide ering rainbow of seashell pink ver; Robert Davidson, Wethers- complete dlearmament on Cy­ 180'degree Nevada desert today, year. pants out over the top, then Leo is an old friend. We first ties of legality or constitution­ The board unanimously what color to paint, but what prus. In a similar note to NATO. cannot be conaidered an innocent by- A couple of weeks ago, a met him when we had a sum­ taken by roll call. But the pro­ and utilizing a pond on the Moore of Manchester, and sev­ and coral green and oriental flqld; CYndy Downer, Tolland; fortified with a sample of what sits and reads the paperback vision for roll call vote exists ality which have been used to agreed to Increase the per diem property. The public is Invited. eral nieces and nephews. kind of paint to buy. yellow and dusky gray and Mjj^ Marjorie Mitchell, ' 68 Inonu said Turkish planes will the clever desert cook can whip atander. But . . . by ualng the enormoua friend of Leo’s from a gin mill until the cleaner has the pants mer lifeguard job at Long create the crisis will never, all rate for substitute teachers to Refreshments will be served. Funeral services will be held For outside use there is a not shoot or bomb the island but The Tennessee Primary was able to find a Job for him Beach. Lm hung around and only within the rules of the dawn’s early blue. Spruce St.; Helmar Modean, 29 up If he can catch It first power of the Seventh Fleet only once, ready. House, when they have been by themselves, be able to solve $18 in order to remain competi­ In case of rain the meeting will Thursday at 2 p.m. at the choice of paint, including out­ And all of this overooks the Lyness St.; Cynthia Owen, 28 will continue reconnalsaance The 14 Gemini space trainees; As followers of the Republican presi­ In a restaurant at the World’s Sometimes, Leo makes the waited for rescues. When some­ i t All by themselves, they tive. Uguorl said that last be canceled. Bailey Funeral Home, Broad side suede which the clerk tells flights "until the United Natipns albeit effectively, Mr. Johnaon apparent* Fair. The Job paid gSS a week, body would get in trouble in adopted. fact that nothing In your ordin­ HUlcrest Dr., Rockville; Mrs. who will camp out two full days dential nomination can attest, one pri­ deal for hia pants in the gin Conceivably, at such a point would merely keep prolonging year they had increasing diffi­ St, Plainville. Burial will be in you "breathes" and outside la­ ary life—even the most dedicat­ Dorothy Gagne, 192 Oak St.; forces can effectively enforce beginning Wednesday, with haa convinced hia alliea of hia adminla* plus meals. the water, the lifeguaurds blow culty In getting substitutes, the-family plot in West Ceme­ tex. Some take one coat, some mary, or several primaries, do not make mill. On Saturday mornings, in ita proceedings, the House it and complicating it. The an­ The ^>ecial event on all the ed schedule of golfing and the Darren White, 17 Talcott Ave., the cease-fire and the withdra­ nothing out water and a stand** Cration'a reaponalbllity. •THsrhtyjflve a wedt," Leo men always pick up clothes or their whistles snd run into the could have stalled, or tied itself swer, if there is to be one, will who must have a B.A. except in playgrounds supervised by the tery, Plainville. take two, some are advertised best office-desk posture—has wal to pre-Aug. 5 poalUons." ard survival kit, are being a trend. But what comes from the bor­ said. “I don’t know how I’d get water. All the people on the smergencies. The rate laat year as needing only one coat and Rockville; Anthony Zelonis, 98 , 'The conviction that the Prealdent un* say they need a. haircut and up, or even gone to some high have to be one brought in by recreation department tomor­ Friends may call at the fu­ prepared your muscles for per Elizabeth Dr.; Paul Arcari, 182 In Nicosia, Makarios said his taught at Stead Air FOrca Bast deratanda the baaic rule of power politica der state of Tennessee, in the Demo­ along on th a t It’s not enough." then go out of the house and beach would jump up from their court for clarification of its simple common sense, with no was $16, and the previous year, row evening at 6:45 will be a neral home tomorrow from 3 still take two and they all come ching atop a ladder or snaking government would fully respect how to forage for food. Leo is not a Bowery bum. He blankets and run down to see one ever knowing whether the 111. to 5 and 7 to 0 p.m. In varying prices. Oak St.; Frederick Nlll, 47 the Security Council’s call for a —that power, however overwhelming, cratic primary there for nomination fCr head for the gin mill. Leo powers to proceed by the rules watermelon eating conteat All along a floor splashing at un- Starkweather St.; Walter R. Monday they were given ti(L it a ludd guy of 40 who prefers catches somebody like this com­ the rescue. Leo would run, too. it was about to adopt before new Constitution is the chicken The board voted 3-2 to Include interested boys and girls arc in­ For the Inside, you naturally paintable places. ceaae-fire. He said the Greek bits of fried caterpillars and In­ Ihould never be puahed to the ultimate United Statea Senator for the seat one* sitting at the bar with a news­ He would run back to the emp­ or the egg. the ^ d a n c e counselor, the el­ Mrs. Leslie Bolton plan on using the water-based Jones, 28 Union St., Rockville; Cypriote had Stopped fighting on sects. ~ ing in with clothes under the they had been adopted. vited to partcipate in thla pro­ All things considered, maybe Walker Brliygs Jr., 84 Finley point—la aomethlng Ehirope haa been held by Estes Kefauver, Is a t least a paper and a drink instead of arm, and asks for the favor. ty blankets and rifle the purses Here, in short, was a neat ementary school principal and gram at their nearest play- BOLTON — Mrs. Marguerite paint which you can spread with the summer wouldn’t be too bad Saturday. None refused, a spokesmas healthy reminder that you can never working for a living.^ Once, the women left there. the school nurse under the mile­ a roller but which brand? Here without beer. And we might be St.; Mrs. Camilla Zagorskl, Makarios later flew by heli reported. „ looking for alnce laat November. They Leo goes into a booth in the dilemma, of the kind which age allowance of 10 cents a mils. grotmd. M. Bolton of West Dennis, Souf.h Windsor; Mrs. Edith quite take everything for granted fat years ago, he had a lot of am- back of the saloon and takes But he hasn’t done anything might delight legal and conati- Mass., formerly of Bolton, died you enter a maze. able to freeload on relatives for aaw thla, and rejoiced, in Prealdent Ken* like that in years now. Leo is Uguorl suggested that the prin­ Grenon, Andover; Chester Jedr- American politics. Mtion and he tried to become a off his pants and hands them tutionsil mtods, and lead to all A Thought for Today Salters and Verplanck pools yesterday at Cape Cod Hospital, "One coat covers every­ a month or so. aedy'a handling of the Cuba criaia. Now, prise fighter. He had one fight such a bum that he won’t even kinds of scholarly enlighten­ cipal and nurse be given mile­ thing," one brand boasts. It ziewakl, Kingsbury Ave., Rock­ out to the guy. Then Leo opens age since they are authorized to will again be open for adult Hyannls, Mass. She was the ville; Charles Apel, 236 Hilliard yiey aay, they dlacem In Mr. Johnaon What Tennessee did the other day In a place called Jamaica a newspaper and sits in the lift a finger to steal anymore. ment if enough research and de­ Sponsored by the Manchester swimming only tomorrow even­ wife of Leslie Bolton. may cover everything, but it "He is the white S t e p i n Council of Churches drive home sick children. In the won’t conceal the underlying St.; Bradford Grisel, RFD 1, a almllar wUlingneaa to temper atrength was to select Congressman Ross Bass, Arena. He came out for the booth in his underwear until bate were devoted to it past, volunteers have done this ing. from 6 to 8. Tickets may Mrs. Bolton was born in Bol­ Newington Firm first round and ducked so low the pants are ready, and some­ Fetchit,” his best friend Eddie Something of the fascinating ton, a daughter of John and color with one coat, especially if Bolton; Norman K. Jones, 91 ^th reatralnf’ who voted for the civil rights bill, as Its says. service, now terminated be­ be purchased at the pools. the old paint is one of those Ridge St. The aecond kind of evaluation of the Democratic nominee for the Senate, that when the other guy took a body goes and gets them for character of the research and The Ministry of the Laity: cause of liability. Rhoda MaePhereon MacCallum, step forward he knocked out 1M4 Publlahen Newspaper debate that might have been In Rediscovering Prayer horrifying pinks builders seem Supplies Tractor ADMITTED TODAY: Mrs. greaident’a performance, that it waa not over Governor Frank Clement, who an­ him. 8>-ndlcate The superintendent's mileage and lived In Bolton and the to inflict on new houses. L«o with his knee. Once, however, after making was indicated by House Speak­ Real prayer is not just ask­ allowance was increased from Hartford area all her life before Jenlnle Wohrlln, 309^ Spruce mough, came from Senator Barry Gold* nounced, In hia campaigning, that ho Leo's personal wardrobe con­ er Tyler Patterson. The question ing for something; it is en­ "No paint odor,” another R. W. Thompson of Newington St.; William Saimond, Tolland. one of these Saturday deals, 8 cents to 10 cents a mile earlier ^Doctor Sam’ moving to West Dennis about says. The stuff smells like some DRAPERY SHOP - 11 OAK STREET water yeaterday in hia apeech before the would have voted against the dvU stats of one plaid sports Jacket Leo fell into an afternoon party raised by the motion to have a visioning something. this year. one year ago. has been awarded a contract for BIRTHS YESTERDAY; A roll call vote on the resolution In order to pray intelligent­ sort of exotic rocket fuel and National Aaaembly of Countiea at Waah- rights bill as it stood. snd a pair of slacks. He wears and people kept sendhig gin Herald The board granted a request She was a member of Bolton you wince a bit every time you supplying the town highway de­ daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar PHONE 643-5171 this ensamble seven days and back to the booth. Leo got load­ establishing the rule by which a ly we have to see what our by the four local pastors to uae In Hospital Kennedy, Hublard Dr., Vernon; ftigton. This la supposed to be the year when roll call vote could be held was, prayer involves. Jesus taught Congregational Church. light a cigarette. partment with a new industrial nights a week. But you can take ed and fell asleep in his under­ Yesterdays either school building for rell- Survivors, besides her hus­ You also must choose colors tractor. J a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ron­ Senator Ooldwater aidd that he and hia the civil rights issue Is turning the South him anyplace, because he al­ wear. When he woke up, it was Speaker Ps,tterson said, the good His disciples to pray for the rtouB instruction after school ald Nourle, 133 Walnut St.; a old question of which comes Kingdom of God and to ask for (Conttnued from Page One) band, Include three sisters, Mrs. and this Involves consultation Thompson’s price of $2,409 was SEMI­ party do aupport “the Preaident'a firm upside down politically. This would make ways is dean and well pressed. 7:30 p.m. and the cleaner was 25 Yean Ago hours. There would be no rental Arllne Grant of Simsbury, Mls.s with the wife. the lowest of five bids opened son to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Every couple of days, Leo first, the chicken or the egg. things in keeping with it. In fee, but any group would pay Whltehill, 669 E. Middle Tpke.; action In reeponae" to the North Vietna- It the year, then, when even a Tennessee closed for the weekend. Speaker Patterson has Uist prison scuffle but Sheppard de Muriel MacCallum of Hartford "I want the bathroom while," on July 0, and takes into consi­ stands in front of the dry clean­ People were starting to come CTheney Bros, velvet weavers the Lord’s prayer it was as­ the custodian. Children would dined to comment on it. .. she says. a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Pas- ANNUAL meae torpedo boat attacka. which had In other years supported a direct good sense which has dis- sumed proper to ask for the have to supply their own trans­ and Mrs. Raymond Hall of deration the trade-in of a 1948- quale Quaratiello, Tolland. *% t,’* he continued, “I muat point out Kefauver might obey some kind of back­ ing store snd waits until some­ in for the night, a lot of them return to jobs after 92-5A vote tingui^ed all the great Speak­ things we should have. He said only that he put him. West Hartland; a brother, D. "No, you don’t,” you suiswer model Cast tractor. body he knows comes along with girls, and the gin mill own­ ratifies agreement. ' portation home. Before recom­ self “in traction" while in pris­ firmly. “You want if off-white. BIRTHS TODAY; A son to SALE Siat it waa Juat that—a reaponae—an in­ lash on the racial Issue. ers in the histq^ of the Con­ Our primary need in prayer mending to the board that the Stanley MacCXillum of Hamden, Specifications call for the new with a bundle ot clothes. Then er told Leo that he had to leave Board of Selectmen^ put off on and added: and several nieces and nephews. Plain white will make it look tractor to b« equipped with a Mr. and Mrs. Roger Cottle, cident not a program or a new policy; necticut, House, ^ d be did not is to have something that will request be granted, Uguorl said Wapplng; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Inatead, Congressman Baas led Oov* Leo takes off his Jacket and the place unless he put on a indefinitely decision on instal­ pause over his chicken and egg make us envisage the Kingdom “I did chin bar work, using F\ineral services will be held like a hospital emergency four-cylinder, 89 horsepower mo­ a tactical reaction, not a new winning emor Clement by some 100,000 votes. asks the guy if he would mind pair of pants. A friend of Leo’s lation of parking meters. he sent letters to ail Hartford the weight of my legs to pull room." tor, and to be capable of han­ Gordon Key, Windsor. Locks; a allusion long enough to allow of God—something to lift hs County superintendents to find Thursday at 2:30 p.m. at the son to Mr. and Mrs. Henry •trategj-. Conceivably, winning the Demoentie putting the Jacket in with the went out to the car and anybody in the still unorganized from the momentary plane of down on my back. Tne jerking Holmes Fiineral Home, 400 "White,” she decrees. dling existing town mowers, out i fsuch things were done in had a traction effect. Some of Sq white you paint. After Siebenburg, 27 Goslee Dr. ' "Tea. all of ua aupport the Prealdent nomination is not, thla jrear, any auto­ load of clothes and getting it brought in a blanket. A thick, 10 Years Ago House to begin either scram­ life to the Reality and the pur­ their schools and how they Main St., Manchester. The Rev. plows and sweepers. cleaned and pressed for him. plaid hospital blanket. Leo bling or fricasseeing. Instead, pose of God for our lift and the inmates helped me by giv DISCHARGED TODAY: In thla atrong right action. No, we will matic guarantee of election. It may be worked out. Ail replies were ing me rubdowna.” J. Stanton Conover, pastor of "Quick sen’ice, just until I WTapped the blanket around Ten-minute hailstorm lashing he quickly went on to order the our world! favorable. Bolton Congregational (Jhurch, Normamd LaFlamme, 8 Dart riot let thla one action obacure a multi­ that the racial issue explosion which was wi my feet.” Leo says. "Ask himself and got up and came up through heart of Tobacco Val­ roll call vote on the resolution That must happen if ws are In other business, the board In Columbus, Maury C. Kob- wlH officiate. Burial will be in Hill Rd., Rockville; Mrs. Myra tude of other needed actlona . . . supposed to guarantee victory to Gover­ the fellow to give me the jacket to the bar and let people buy ley wreaks destruction totaling which would, among other to find a faith in a worthier lentz, Ohio commissioner df cor­ Trombly, Nlantlc; Allen Krob, denied a request for a child who rections, said Sheppard's prison Bolton Cemetery. 119 Maple St.; John Caselli, 7 ^ W e muat, inatead. proaecute the war nor Clement will now transfer Its bene­ when it’s ready, and put it on him g;in. This yas all right, ex­ over one million dollars. things, provide for the taking of prayer! may have failed Grade 10 in Friends may call at the fu­ mm Manchester Cltisens Commit­ disciplinary records make no WORLD N. School St.; Harold Lane, la Vietnam with the object of ending it fits to the Republican ticket But It may your bill. “Then Leo goes cept it was a hot night and the roll call votes. The leg^lslators This becomes a requlsits in Manchester to repeat the grade neral home tomorrow from 3 to around in his shirt-sleeves for a gin was making Leo feel like tee, organized to fight Bowers thmselves had’ sense enough our life if we are to imderstand there. The board felt the student mention of a scuffle. Glastonbury; Mrs. Viola Bailey, diong u-ith the threata to peace that It also be that the racial Issue Is going Bloc on Keeney St. School con­ the Mind of Christ. He lived 5 and 7 to 0 p.m. Glastonbury; Thomas Greer Jr., couple of hours until the jacket he was on fire and at midnight, not to challenge him formally should come back to Bolton, 145 Loomis St.; Llndell Grant, poaea all over the world. to cut a lot less ice thla fall than most Is ready. with the bar jammed with troversy, announces participa­ with the unresolvable dilemma, and taught that the Kingdom along with other pupils in Grade Pigment Signals Bloom of God waa both present snd East Hartford; Mrs. Anna Alic- *Taking atrong action almply to re­ . people have been expecting, hoping, and The pants are a bit more of people. Leo started asking if he tion in coming political cam­ and the House got its rules, by 10. zi, 83 Bissell St.; John Slater, a pt^blem. Since Leo lives pri­ could take off the blanket. paign. * roll call vote. coming! Eiarly Christians, look- ' A request of a 86-year old man WASHINGTON — A llght- turn to the atatua quo la not worthy of fearing it might ing on the opposite side of that Funerals Suffleld; Jacqueline Albert, 4 to attend Bolton Junior-Senior senaltlve pigment that tells Flint Dr.; Mrs. Dorothy Pierog, our aacrificea, our ideala, or our viaion coin, taught that we were to High School was denied. The plants when to bloom, phyto­ Of a u-orld of peace, freedom and jua- be in but not of the world. Mrs. B fargsrerb.^elhhert 30 O'Leary Dr.; Mrs. (Jail Mac- man will be commended and re­ chrome, haa been isolated by Manus, 9 W. Middle Tpke.; An­ tice. Herein lies th* saving tenMon ferred to various other avenues researchers studying plant Funeral Mrvlces for Mrs. President And CtW b that challenges the ministry of drew Savage, Wiimted; Mrs. "Now thla doean*t mean the uae of available in the area for obtain­ breeding at the Beltsvllie, Md., Margaret O. Teichert of 843 Rose Pillard, East Hartford; the laity and ita tuk. ing his diploma. experiment itation. Main St. were held yesterday i^litary power alone. We have vaat ro* President Johnaun—or so the cliche Aa we pray the worthier James Leonhardt,'Glastonbury; went—was the men with the h ^ touch The board voted not to start afternoon at Watkins-West Fu­ Cheryl Ekstrom, Wapplng; ■purcea of economic, political and pay- prayer, we are not so much an adult education program neral Home, 142 E. Center St. for politics at home but a fumbhag, concerned about changing Kim Danahy, 148 Chestnut St.; ecological power which have not even hesitant approach overseas. thla year, with a brand new HEALTH CAPSULES The Rev. Paul C. Kaiser, pas­ Brian Hanezar, Willlmantic; God’s mind or Plan as we are system to run. No money haa tor of Concordia Lutheran been tapped In our A^etnameae atrategy. Lacked the “style,'' we were told, to to become part of that Plan. hyMleltoelA.Ftoll.IIJ). Robert Hlghter, 59 Carpenter Save up to *45’°® deal with these great matters of war been budgeted. They asked the Church, offlclated. Mrs. Marion Rd., Bolton; Thomas Vennard, "Theae, I auggeat. can be peaceful In a vital relaUonahlp to God superintendent to bring In a HOW LONG CAN VOU hXPiCT Moberg was organisrt. Burial meana of wkging war on war itaelf and and peace. Not too IntelleotuaL Didn’t we affirm our true selvea and 21 Elro St.; Francis Murphy, read the right booka Didn't associate proposed curriculum together TO L IV i AfTtR A HSART waa In Eaat Oematary. 29 Mt. Nebo Pi.; Mrs. Alice all I aay la, let*a uae them.'* find meaning in tba Ufa wa with suggested rules for such a ATTACK 2 Beareni were Bernard Schu­ with the r l ^ t people. Didn’t think the lead. Cahoon, 15 St. John St.; Rol- on re-upholstering There are the two main viewa. The right unthinkable thoughta Nor did he program In January. bert, Robert Schubert, John Ile Thompson, 915 Main St.; aay quite the right words (empty, mut­ In the meantime, Liguori Schiebenpflug, Joseph Schie- Mrs. Edith Metcalf and son, Prealdent did Juat right, and went Juat “So it is when ray soul steps said that private arrangements benpflug, Frank Schiebenpflug f ^ enough. Or the Prealdent didn't be­ tered incantations though they were). through the postern gate 184 Bissell St.; Mrs, Antionette Sofa and chairs worn out and sagging? We never believed this nonsense and could be made with the instruc­ and Ernest Klssman. Head and son, 181 Loomis St.; gin to go far enough. Into the presence of Gm . tors for such things as an oil You can transform them to new again suspect only a handful of the public, Big thinn become small, and Mrs. Florence Pardus and with Watkins Reupholstering Service. • It happena to be our opinion that vocal though that handful Is, ever did. painting class if anyone wished. Ernest W. Johnson dSUghter, East Hertford; Mrs. small things great. Hie board will continue its You select fabrics right in your home. ther the admiring complacency of our And even among the handful, only a The near becomes far, and the Largely attended funeral Doris Kneeland and daughter, professional dissenter like Senator agenda Aug. 24 at 0 p.m., in services for Ernest William Lebanon. Sofa and chairs are stripped to the ropean alliea nor the dlacontent of future is near. the library of the new school, if i Morse of Oregon can. publicly fault the The lowly and despised is shot Johnaon of 1 Hackmatack St. frames; Ic^e joints are reglued; old Sanator Ooldwater la very firmly baaed. President's quick, sure reacUca to the the public building commission were held yesterday afternoon TAX COIXECmONS UP through with glory . . . allows It. webbing replaced with new. Springs Qie net reault aeema almoat certain to events in the Gulf of Tonkin la^t week. When I am in Him. I am in at Emanuel Lutheran Church, HARTFORD (AP) — Tax col- b|^ aomethlng in between the obvloua da* There wasn't much ground fbr evsB Teacher Reelgna '.the Rev. C. Henry Anderaon, lecUona are up $1.8 million this hand-tied 8 ways with finest Italic the Kingdom of (3od The resignation of Ralph Twine; new filling are added when of both. Wa have not really, aa our the most convinced peace-moog«ts ,o And in the Fatherland of my Sweet, junior high science pastor, officiated. Helge Pear­ month. Inheritance taxes led the stand on. Someone shoots at you, you Soul” teacher, was announced this son was soloist. James McKay increase with a rise of $50,000 needed. Then faoHcs are carefully ^iropean frienda aaam to hope, atruck shoot bade and tell them to step H. waa organist. Burial waa in over collections last July, State afw Itoid blow and then atepped back. morning by the superintendent. matched, cut and tailored to Wawns They shoot again, and you Aioot where (The Little Gate lo God— Sweet taught In Bolton for one .Xiaat Cemetery. Tax Collector John L. Sullivan tradition quality. New MQTiDED Wa have actually moved forward Into it really hurta. What else eaa y«« de? Walter Rauschenbusch) year and has accepted a posi­ Boaren ware Carl Johnson, reportad yeaterday. Other In­ tfaapar commitment In all Southeaat Whatever the form of new Oeasmu- fOa V5AA6. N MCSNT Craig Johnaon. Robart Stran- creases came from cigarette FOAM RUBBER CUSHIONS replace vntst violence In the arei* there |e Uttle Rev. Alex H. Elsasser tion In another school. Llguorl taxes, motor fuel taxes and tax* Apia. There will bo no return to the exunmunity Baptist Cburch said his replacement was dis­ RIFORT OF -DK mniNT<( dahl, Robart Stavnttsky, Rich­ old cuidtions AT NO EXTRA GOST! doubt the President will have the fhith cussed, a l ^ with another WSRS UVING f YIAAO OA ard Pitkin and Donald Andar- aa on alcoholic beverages. Total Take im;to 90 : days' toV pay. Phone slatua quo, aa Senator OoMwatar aeema of most Amtoloans In any new rSae- LONGOR AFTER Dtf IR FlRor aon. collecUona tor this July ran to matter at an executive meet­ 0 guMt'i W# 1$ work, work, work ssrf toe $18,160,148, compared to collec­ 648*6171 now for Shopqat-HfHne Smrv' la fear. Tlwre wlU be trouble enough tlona Nor Is there much doubt he Qnotallaa E mt Veday ing after the regular board HffART am c K . TIm WatRlna - Waat Funaral ice. a|ead. and the aocalation of the war will will get Increasing opposition from fftstlng list B i^ t Candldatea Homa, 142 B. Canter a t, was wkatf So ko coo toko oH tor a eoapio wooks aad gal tions of $11,780,206 in Jiily, 1963. . those, moetiy within his party, A man Iqnt poor tf Mb MV " ' ■ win be presented a choago at scoaarfr Sales and use taxes are not In­ Wtiwuab area If at a aloar and uncertain don't like a forthright styls. uugb —Actor Raymond Hltcb- la eharga of anmngamanta. cluded in this montW^ljPgure. —THE NATIONAL “ Vir s m Hfi iom piv cock (1886-lMO). P A G E N IN E 'JitY MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1964 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANGHBSTIS. CONN« TUESDAY. AUGUST 11, 1M4

ESS* DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE B Y R O D SO N OUR BOARDINQ HOUSE iHth MAJOR HOOPLE Dempsey JJrgen Senators Annual Report Early Land Acquisition i G irl Clears AMERICAN LEGION ^ S m K >HtRD I Wedding Mb | To Speed Reapportionment Big Demand Explained to School Bpard $103 Weekly

V4MArARELP/ (<7«ittinM4 from Pn(o One) Ted Cummings told the boardfbe completed by next Tuesday As Bootblack SE^lDMlMOUT For Westhill Of edueation last night ha eould to take advantage of the favor MMV.M0U«^«JMP/V!ERS ncMN(^ •28SSSS=:|H----- bMS •■■JS "«(- i> 1t>1M0IQCHM«P. Republican blUa also were to Pope to Take not aee the .value In the urban able construction bid price by (Continued from Pago One) 1HCW ESM tSS FOE pie>»A4 HT^ llltalny*’* 45BiMm b*Ni b# filed before today's dead­ Thi number of available renawal aarly land acquisition if Jack R Hunter Inc. The MRA SbuwnrE<^cKifJ* '•am n u KB A SOME APPlMt, it eould not apeed conatmctlon expects to let demolition con­ BINGO line. They were expected to unite In Manchester’a federal­ her atari in the bootblack bual- 8 O’CLOCK—LEGION HOME, LEONARD 8T. SLOrr AtACmMB/ LIFE WITH MOU ANt> HE'D srr “ S S S S * ^ m K« embody a way In which each HeKcopter to of the Robertson School any tracts on Monday. M A RICE »> A S»/A^4 eCATJVHILS ^ « S S f t i ___ WPtotub«w« ly aponaored housing for the neaa laat November, but when UM OftRATAI town would still have at least faster than it Is doing. Tha school must be ready by cold weather set In she gave it J t l L -nr RS6T OF US PULLTME O A R6/. WITH A “g§jgw »£sr“ one repreaentative. elderly project ia running fer The school board mamber and September 1966 or the school EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT BUGUS BUNNY ElVEAteWATPAILI behind demand. system faces a problem of up until thla aummer. ,CAT0A6^ S£!!£m«<> gW ^**** The move was expected to Orvieto Rites Democratic town chairman said, Sou OROP>^lB-jr a>Wo«taw To h«)p alleviate the problem "Preasnt ctrcumatanceS seem to housing the 8 or 9 classrooms Her biggest Up, 88, was glvan .CLOVE A Wl ngltidMi get solid OOP and some Demo­ to her by a policeman. "Now m PSL •licnfl cratic support from small towns the Mancheeter Houaing Au­ teach that early land acquisition Of children elsewhere. HEyiTHATWONfiEOS oowmih'JCF// aomucniootai^, 6 r n b « kaoti (Oontinoed from Bag* Oae) you get out of here and get A <00 0 gBWtOWi^ DOWN IBUfalMi^ which stand to lose most by the thority (MHA) hae Initiated is an imaginary procedure.’’ nimaranoi (»W SSAt no am oourt-ordered reapportionment. plane to double the capacity of HOMB SWEET HOME home to your mother,’’ said the ttGcnlsr* Mte 34IUU bird Sonrin 1 hie helicopter skimmed along Manchester Redevelopment Bills calling for reapportlon- the low-rent Weethlll Gardens Agency (MRA) director Edward GRIFFIN, Os. (AP) — Police officer. "lav a hanp on M Itw t,put SUmrMtled SSNu t UM wnr MWwIding the fringes of Rome and over Passersby sometlmea expreae JOBoniith RttediBMBK ment that would retain baslr apartments off Hartford Rd. Rybctyk replied that land being say a 67-year-old man may have •IMAN'VA'U. 4Bil(Ul the rolling green countryside to­ worry about the youngster AN9WERT' adommMB X7N«thre at town representation either with According to the annual re­ 1 purchased under early acqulal- run Into a sttimbllng block In his Pmdeiis 4 B r ^ £ o a system of weighted votes for port submitted by MHA secre­ plan to return to State working on the streets, but xiR o^ ^ r BBMqiUaa — ■apoWattaa ward Ovleto. I tlon ia considerably ahead of Theodore Levy, an ln*irance BlmeinM' aOBoPiMirood legislators or by adding repre tary Leon W. linderllng, the normal purchasing procedures. Prieon. RESPONSIWJl ttBirtnc SOHiidTbn^!^** erfllrtamla The Italian-built helicopter is agent, said; TU m p jw . Alilet sentatlves on the basis of popu preeent number of appllcante He^0 saidsaiQ regularrcgui»r land purchase j Officers said IValter K. Vick- FCRWHAT M P a ^ 8 L om Uood 81 WHO o( Paris especially fitted to carry very "She's a hell of a lot safer in ^ 'Secretaries Love Mel' 3SlDtoKlcat«d «BlMrwiai« lation were being sponsored by eligible for admlerton le "eev- would not be poaalble until No- ers toased a rock through a post ME DOES! •AlteTiate Reps. Philip Doran, D-Berlln; eral times greater” than the this neighborhood than any­ No slow, balky copy machinosi Lunch hour sorvicti 10 HU important persons, with lounge- vember and December. ofNce window In a bid for anoth- U Afternoon^ Lawrence Cacdola, D-Mlddle- total number of unite ( 100) In Rybesyk said the agency ex- er prison term. They said he where. We’ll write her up for In­ rrc k m ^ type seating accommodations surance right now." Lass stencil cutting! Sharp bond paper copia^. ■odal ertnn town; Benjamin achlossbach, for four Instead of the usual 12 the project. __ pects to complete purchMe of told them most of his friends SSSSJL n r i T R-Weatbrook; Benjamin L seats In this type of craft. And, Bnderlln sayA "The early acquisition properties are In prison and prison life Is Happy boat! Only 1 5 < par copy T“ 6 7 Barringer, R-New Milford; rate of now applications being YOUTHFUL HOP r r Not only was It the first papal within the next week. easier than on the outside. TiM l*S*M< REED'S. INC. Charles K. Crary, D-Preston; helicopter trip, but It sJso was proceseed far exceeds the move- However, damaging a post OCEAN PARK, Calif. (AP)— nsex etriiR VT and Douglas Fellows, R-He- out rate” from the existing After the meellng Rybezyk At 90. David Epstein Is still an IT i T the 66-year-old Pope’s longest said it w6a hU understanding office is federal offense. lefYss r « n Mancheater Shopping Parkade bron. trip since his Holy Land pilgri­ apartments. Vickers could wind up In a active bellhop. "I do errands," ) J ± AND THE 17 Some of the bills being To combat this shortage the that the board buying land federal prison without hls he says, "for old people who ± 0 . I f I f mage in Jimuary. without the agency would still YfffOGRAPHIC COPY SERVICE, readied called for a single leg­ Pope Paul made the trip to at­ MHA haa entered Into an agree­ friends after all. can’t do things for themselves.” ment to construct lOO new units have had to wait on the school BY V. T. HAMLIN W islative body instead of a tend a religious service in the A IX Y OOP IT T9 Houst and Senate. great Gothic Cathedral of Orvie­ on an 11-acre tract to the south referendum before beginning Rep. Oerard 8 . Spiegel, R- to marking the 700th anniver­ and west of the present project. the purchase of propertlee. Sec­ Trumbull, propoaed a 100-mem­ sary of the foundation of the Ro­ The MRA has begun discus­ ondly. he said,, ‘‘Were they ber body and Rep. Romeo G. man Catholic feast day of Cor­ sions with archltecU Pedersen working on their own, they MISTBRMCaOW/ MTS t o r n » Petronl, R-Rldgefleld, called pus Christl. and Tllney of New Haven on would not have our considerably the proposed design and layout for a 136-member assembly. The papal bull “Traniiturus’’ faster condemnation proce­ Rep. Joseph M. Pattlson, R- of the addition, and, pending re­ dures.” BY DICK TURNER establishing the feast was pro­ view by the Public Housing Ad CARNIVAL Blmshury, proposed a single mulgated In Orlveto by Pope Under urban redevelopment legislative body with 40 repre­ ministration, has decided upon law, the MRA gains title to the Urban IV on Aug. 11, 1246. the new project’s general con­ sentatives from each of the Accompanying the Pope In the Jlroperty Immediately upon fil­ State’s newly created six con­ helicopter were his private phy­ figuration. ing condemnation proceedings. gressional districts. No target date has been set M sician Dr. Mario Fontana, and lor completion, however. It does not have to prove In a Reps. James J. Hartnett and his private secretary, Giovanni court of law that it deeerves Victor Tudan, Democrats of Macchi. the right to condemn. It has Windsor, proposed a bill calling The papal schedule In Orvieto this right bv statute. for the creation of 250 House included mass marking the 43 44 47 48 Low Bid at $305 In addition, Rybceyk said, districts. 700th anniversary of the start of the board would not have been Both parties have bills o>it- the annual Corpus Christl feast BT For Rotavalor able to supply the economic Mning the makeup and rules for day and a speech before he re­ help to families which his |^W^♦^, MW. ».TJi «»»*>» a constitutional convention turns tonight to Castel Gandolfo. agency supplies. This help, 54 The Italian Air Force supplied The Chriscola Farm Equip­ which would convene after the ment Co. of Agawam, Mass., such as partial moving ex­ BY AL VERMEER special session to make per the big helicopter for the flight. penses, makes moving less ex­ PRISCILLA’S POP with a net price of $306, is the pensive for the families and 56 57 manent reapportionment charg It comes one day after a ma­ apparent low bidder for supply­ ^/iEenai^< jor papal document saying Ro­ makes it more likely that they man Catholicism will try for ing the town’s park department will move without legal force, FINAL WEEK! Bl J. R WILLIAMS The Republicans have pro- with a 24-blade rotavator, to OLi OUR WAI poeed M convention delegatee dtalogvie with all aspects of the he said. modern world. replace one of 1964 vintage. The Isadora Wolf, principal of Imported HERNAL HARVEST Stainleos and the Democrats 36. Both old tiller is figured into the net eoaoHEMEUS. •’VEAH.AWOl CERTAIKJLVPREADTHIS In his encyclical “Ecclesiam Manchester Green School who AUCmiERONE ONE ’CAUSE I HAVE TO TAKE parties agreed that half the Suam,’’ Pope Paul said Monday cost as a trade-in. |is employed by the MRA as a OF THOSE THE CAR THIS TIME/ delegatea should be Republicans the paths of church conscious­ Others who bid on the piece ; relocation consultant, said all UKIEXPECTEP FLEOtSUKie and half Democrats. of equipment are Carpenter and DRIVER ness of itself, church reform of the six famlllee who live on Steel Flatware OFFER will end AUG. 14th. BUStMESS ^ y , WHERES b o b ? AMbSE Republicans were to discuss and church openness to the Chapmsm of Bloomfield, 8370;' the properties In question are . TRIPS. . COULD TALK HIM IMTD OOIMO J. S. Woodhouse Inc. of Brook­ ALOM S FOR CQMPAKiy--AMDNOW Ifielr convention proposals in a world lay before contemporary being completely reasonable. THAT H E5 CLP EMOUOH, HE caucus today. CathoUclsm. lyn, N. Y., $480; South Wind­ Although faced with problems O XiLP SPELL ME OFF In Washington, meanwhile. Against a background of war sor Elqulpment Co., 8496; Capi­ of their own In each Instance, OW S O M E O F T H E Senate leaders were reported to tol Tractor Co. of Warehouse' ha said, they ar* all making ef­ \ threats in Cyprus and Viet PRIVIMO/ be near agreement on a propos­ Nam, the pontiff said in his en­ Point, 8499; and Lemac Inc. of forts to relocate. al that would alow the reappor­ cyclical he would be "ready to Enfield, 8600. j The acquiring of properties O tionment of state legislaturas. intervene, where an opportunity Christola’s price is considered and building demolition must The Republican - controlled presents itself, in order to assist a very favorable one, since a M any m rom ance Many a heart Unless, of course,the On the shore of Connecticut House has passed a the contending parties to find sum of 8622 net had been allo­ is on the rock^ -f-ull o f ach e . rocks are those a mountain lake. resolution, over Democratic op­ honorable and fraternal solu­ cated for the item in the park position, In favor of congres­ tions for their disputes." department’s current budget. sional action to delay reappor- Flags and bunting of papal ’The rotavator is to be mount­ BARRiCiNi BONNIE BY JOE CAMPBELL tionment. white and gold hung from Or- ed on a tractor to perform such exclusively at tasks aa tearing up greens for i ' ^ Yesterday's compromise pro­ vieto’s windows and walls to 1 ; I \ - f*OCOpy CALLS OM CECOND THOUOHT, WU.AB*.OR» _ welcome the pontiff. lawn, reseeding, reconditioning, Uggeff Drug posal In the Senate -would call loosening of baseball Infields, NIC ST W ay - HERE, .iUST CALL /VNE &-M for a “rule of reasonableness" Hundreds of foreign tourists ! were here for the Pope’s visit. preparation of flower beds, and PARKADE A TACTC.'^ $ T lN C jy by federal courts ordering reap­ weed-killing around shrub*. portionment but it would not There wasn’t an empty hotel **Vou know something, J.C.? I think you are ovardoing ask for a specific period of room In the area. your follow-through a little bHf* grace for state legislatures. Window space in buildings Tha three-judge federal court near Orvieto’s famous cathedral that ordered Connecticut’s leg­ was booked solid. islative reapportionment set The cathedral is an outsUnd- Sept. 10 as the deadline for the | ing e-ff 1963 General As.sembly to re -1 style. ’Tradition has It that the j»a«,ha TJi 01 NA «a vise Its Senate and House. The I building was started in 12M at M e. ccrilRNM coTutitutional convention must I request of Pope Urban W to 1 BEN CASEY be convened by Nov. 5. commemorate the miracle of A public hearing begins to- ^ Bolsena.” morrow. ’Ihe Judiciary Com­ Legand says that at nearby A S OOLHOMARD REVIEWS A M R IIA L /^HE RAN OFF Bolsena in 1263. drops of blood HISTORy OF NILB LS 0 6 ... mittee will take up Senate re- WITHOUT districting — less controversial miraculously appeared on an..al- AT INWOOD ARMY HOEPITALI HAS IN than chajiges slated for the Ur cloth before a priest who OMRGE OF TREATINO S6T. LEEDS. House — and on TTiursday the doubted the Church’s teaching SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL THERAPHinC PSKHIATRICS committee will hold hearing on i that the body and blood of AND PHYSICAL REHABIinA- House_ reapportionment. .. . Christ __ areIn really th* present In the RENT A FLAMELESS 0N£M. TKM W B S ID BE FOLLOWED bread and wine of the eucharist. I'U. P1NI5M BY SURGERY. One bill calling for the elim­ A IT APTER ination of the mandatory party This particular date for Pope LUNCH. lever on voting machine.s was Paul’s visit has no special reli­ ELECTRIC W ATER HEATER with the deposit of $25 or more to a being prepared by Rep. Nich- gious significance. It was just a C 3 ola.s B. Eddy, R-New Hartford. convenient day during the an­ All Hot wat*r you wont for yourself and Connecticut voters must puT. niversary year. a party lever as the first step your family without having to buy a water new or existing account, you may purchase: In voting before they are able SKUNK IN SEWER heater. No installation costs for normal In­ A a I KNOW IS THAT to .split their ticket. SEA’TTLE (AP) — The smell • ^ MY FINGERS STARTED stallation. No maintenance worries. No re­ TO MOVE UKE THEY KW«V The optional party lever bill was too much for workmen BCACny WHATTDOO.IMUST was approved in the House dur­ building a sewage-treatment pairs. Coll your plumbing contractor, your • S-Piaca Plaaa SattlRf...... $2.25 HAVE BEEN HALF-ASLEEP. I ing the regular ses.sion of the plEint Monday. legislature but it died in a Sen­ A service tunnel connecting electrical ..contractor or . . . ate committee. two areas of the subterranean • Sat af 5 Taas|NM»NS...... 2.$$ MORTY MEEKLB BY DICK CAVAU.I plant was abandoned. Pilot K^pt Bitty Authorities said they hoped • Bravy Ladia...... 1*50 BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE the cause of all the fuss would eecAoae THAT^ (2IDICmD06/ rVe


v m x , M3U HMIAAE DOWN M THE CELLAR WONDCnN.'TOO' WITH SUNNV EXAMINHM j ALL THE JUNK! WE'l &CO.,INC. eOTTD6 ET RIDOl 5 R I T CENTS THAT OLD STUFF, i T«8, lt'» double In —doubl# in goodneei, toe. 'Anothw McDonald’s axclualve in good eating—a doUbl* U> MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER McDonald’s 100% Pure Beef Hamburger topped with tnat Cunont ANNUAL MVtDWD delightful golden Cheddar flavor. AU youra for only >• —that’s right only 88 cents. Try this tempting McDouble From Day o f Dopotlt Cheeseburger. We’re eure you’ll agree "It’a the beet Caieeee- AT YOUR SERVICE burger tn all the land.” Paid QUARTERLY MCDONALD'S IS OPEN TILL 12 P.M. PAID IMMEDIATELY FRI. and SAT. NIOHTS on total balanea • MR. GEORGE JOHNSON la jroor MgttUr Mvingi a«0oon* eMR. ROBERT STARKEL MR. ABERNATHY BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY DAVY JONES BY LEFF and McWILLIAMS eMR. HECTOR RIVARD

AN* THIS BUS IS TH • MR. ALFRED J. SPAIN 'SKIP' PART... UH-TH' FARE'S ^ 2 EACH. WW TO A SSIST YO U IN A N Y look for Hm foW M orehM ... , Saviifes B ank SECURITY TRANSACTION McDonald’s TEL 643-1105 f OF M anchester HAMBURGERS M j m o m e a '*22w5wm?»2l** '.‘vj J j l m i , •> (

^HjoaKV^'^' m* . F A O l MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, TUESDAY, AllGUST 11, KANCHBSTEB EVENING HERALD, M A N C H V in , OONN« TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, IM I Sox THE Law of Averages with Herald Angle Wyman Oil Wins Softball As They Open Series with Yankees EARL YOST Jones^ Bo»s ______------______«.»•_ B eatA & N Da/e Nicholson have Mt 12 Bueball’i Biggest Attraction After Shot NEW YORK (AP)-ThetK!?lta wUi — ttie Orioles took ttiree of four timwe and 7, 2.17 ERA, against,the Yank­ each. BaMball’g biggest attraction is still the New York By 2 2 -1 2 Chicago White Sox will New Yorit. ees’ Ralph Terry, B-8, in this games at the Stadium — due to After the White Sox leave Yankees. Despite the presence of the National League the Against Glay have baseball’s big yard­ The Sox san't Ignore afternoon’s opener. Juan Pisar- a pulled groin muscle, la a ques­ town, the Yankees have a three- four game series at Baltimore and a Meta in the No. 1 city in the United States, the Yanks— Yankees for the next ro, the league’s No. 1 ■outhpaw tion mark. If he plays. Mantle stick—the law of averages four-game visit to Chicago. with a big aasistance from the Baltimore Orioles— at­ NEW YOiOt (AJ») — games, beginning with a day- with a 14-« mark and 2.14 ERA, will be fighting an O-for-18 bat­ In Finale —going for them today night doubleheaoer today- But ting slump. The Orioles, meanwhile, have tracted the largest crowd of the 1964 major league sea- W BA can show thars’a some opposes New York’s Jim Bou­ i«ason for their existence if A1 Lopes, who pays less heed to The White Sox are healthy, an opportunity to widen their - when they open Phase II of ton, 12-9, at night. ion Sunday when 58,102 paid to watch a doubleheader. hey Mder (Jasahis Clay to make the law of averages than to his though their offense is less than lead in a three-game aeries N«w York otMckad its two-^- Adding up runs and hits the American League’s The Chicago sharpshooters lis first defense against Doug pitching staff’s 2.7B robust. Floyd Robinson, who against Boston, beginning to- will face a Yankee team beset nms loilag streak by winning League wlM Me Philadelphia by the gallon, Wyman Oil Jones, ths No. 1 contender. If three-way pennant stretch average, believes the defending leads the attack, has climbed night at Baltimore. Rookie sen-' opoiar, bshlnd the ef­ by injuries to its key men, Whi- 5* a-1, PhllUee, Roberts, who now trounced the Army A Navy he doeen’t. Men Mey Mould at Yankee Stadium. champions are ready to be tak­ into the ninner-up spot In the satlon Wally Bunker, 12-8, will fective four-Jtit pitching of tey Ford and . works at his trads wiM Me The White Sox will be Iboking en. AL batting race with a .810 av­ pitch for the league leaders southpaw A l Downing. BalU- Club, 22-12, last night at vacate the title.” Ford, who shut out the White Baltimore Orioles, has a career So laid Alex KoekowiU, who for their first 19«4 victory over “ After losing so many close erage. Bill Skowron, the ex- against the Red Sox’ Bob Heff­ nors came back in the nightcap Charter Oak Park to cap­ games to them,” the ever-op- Sox in each of three previous ner, 6-4. Detroit, working on a record of 967 wins. AlMough he I not exactly neutral in Mis New York but their 0-10 nose* Yankee slugger, also is hot, to gain a 4-9 declalon and cap­ ture the 1964 Town Softball timlstlc Chlsox pilot said Mon­ season starts against them, hM seven-game winning streak, vis­ wasn’t around lor Me finish of partieulsr east. Koekowits ia dive against the Yankees with a .208 mark — but has hit ture three of the four-game Playoffs. The winners emerged day, "I feel the pendulum is a painful Wp injury and wUl not its Minnesota: Cleveland is at, Sunday’s second tilt, Roberts re­ Ms manager of J o n e e, the doesn’t show up in the league only one since the Sox nelcsror-hreak eerlae. from Me double elimination about to swing the other way.” pitch. ’The veteran left-hander Los Angeles and Washington at ceived credit for Me victory heavyweight who loet aa un­ FAST MAN— Jim Clark, world champion driver, is a fast man on throttle. standings. Chicago, having acquired him in a trade with Back to M e crowd which was post-seaaon action wiM a 6-1 shrugged off the Yankee hex It he turns out to be correct, the has strained ligaments and a Kansas City. and it moved him into 18M popular dedelon 18 montha ago Washington last month. the blggaat nawe of a perfect record while A A N, after win­ He averaged 147.2 kilometers per hour in this Formula One Lotus-Climax in a while building a fat 07-34 bulge Yankees may need more than calcium deposit in hie r i^ t hip. There were no AL games^ place as the all-time wlnningest today before Me latter de­ Pete Ward is the home run August sftemoon, thanks to a ning ite first three, dropped two Grand Prix race at Stuttgart, Germany.______;;______against the rest of the league. Is their patented September finish­ Mantle, who sat out the final scheduled Monday. in baseball. He was tied throned 6 o a a y Liaton aa heavy­ two games of last weekend’s un- leader with 28. Skowron has 14 big sssiat from Ms weather­ in a row to Me Oilmen and fin-, in second place, 12 percentage ing kick to get back in the race. wiM Bob Feller and Eppa Rlx- iahed, 8-9. weight king. man. ey -i- two membera of base- Clay has signed for a return In addition to the 68,102 cash Wyman’s buUt up so big a beUl’s Hall of Fame — before lead (including an 11-riin aec- light with liaton despite Me On Guard oustomers, there were 1,160 his latest decisions. disapproval of the World Box­ Ruttman Retires em^cemen, etc., whUfli booated ond Inning) they weren’t even * * * excited when A A N pushed ing Association, the New York the on-the-acene total to 59,252. Athletic Commisaion and most OmCAOO — (NKA) — Major League Life with Trisco Giants over a half dosen ecores In Me The paid figure — the one Overlooked Ace boxing bodies of the world. American Medical Aaaocia- final Inning. That only served which oounta in the American The WBA is scheduled to tion Committee on the =Lea

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1964 PAGE ffAJWMKHWEK gVENlNQ HERALD, J ^ G H ttT M L CUN^.. TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1964 Honsfifi For Salt 72 — ~ ^ - ■ — ' ■•'-•■:■ —-■ flouaefi For Sal* 72 Housafi For. Sals 72 Houses For Salt 72 Offics and Stsra pnndfihcd Apfinmenta 63*A Hoosefi P«r Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Church Held THERE OUOBTA 3E A LAW B y FAGALT snd SHORTEN Tsnsmwts 83 TWO FAMILY, 64,^ oil steam COVENTRY NORTH - N a 6 r l a r g e RANCH — WootBiill Bqoiimient 84 ONE ROOM, heated, tumlshed $6,600 — WStL KEPT note ROCKLEDGE a r e a Bight BOLTON—Big 7 room ranch on Helt^U. 8 bedrooms, separate iqmitment, bedroom net, gas miwh, 0 badfiaoBa, attnMtIaa room Ranoh. Ahimlnum aiding. 4 -acres, batha, 6 car ga­ heat, good Income, S-oar ga­ Ouvantiy gotf course. 100 aors liniMs staat soda BBAimFUL new T owim Bouse rage, aluminum storms, close farm, Ugh location, lota ot road dlnl^ room, att^ed $^raM, At Lakeside BOBTAIL range, refrigerator, kitchen dining a n a . antwriMm Ownat Two toll baths, 2 fireplaces, 3- rage, baeement flnlabed: oft. firil oversize basement, paneled up. Also, apartmont, 4M m om s (g bad- to s()hool8 and diopplng. ’Town frontage, (rider 9 room borne, fouataina, 5 n om s) with veMnniter, set Free gas, electricity. Low anodouA Oartton W. car haatad garage. Lovely jel- large productive blueberry living room, den, bedroom. CLASSIFIED aaKVtment r a M a u ^ . . . good tor $800.00 and Obuntry Real Estate, 649- dairy bam, out butidlnga, range, heat and hot erimr, dis- rent Adult Apply Apautment Realtor. 0d»«m . oiuled and screened family Outstanding condltipn thro^h- modaUar o t ■ all typaa. Dkeal- per year Income. Vacant, low 8478. many potenUala. Lawrence F. For Boaters ment. Fontaine s Used poaal, individual cellars, laun­ 4,10 Depot Square. room in rear at home. Three out. La>Ya ttevated lot. Cnty laat wwkmanahip. Ni-MM. Equlptnent, 471 Wind- thlrtlea. T. J. Crockett, Reel- Fiano, Realtor, 648-37$6. rant Bqulwn dry, $lt . monthly. Damatos twin sise bedrooma. ’Tremen- MOVE RIGHT IN! $18,800. Red- watar, sewers. Near schtwls, St., Hartford. 6 ANDOVBR — ’TWO room fur­ Vemon tor, 848-1877. Ctwrles Nicholson, 742-6864. Of mm OonigrosB jMreet Towna Rouse doua Itvlng area, AA aone. dential. Qiilet. 8 bMroom (rider ■iiopplng areas. 18 minutes ac­ By B n x HIIDBON nished apartment for rent, re­ Priced to eell Immediately. MONTTCBLLO, Ky. (AP) — ADVERTISING Roonng BBd CUomcYS 18«A H O U iR i Apiinments. Can be seen any­ PLAYTIME NEW RANCHES - three neW home modernised for comfort­ cess to Hartford. Om assume frigerator, stove. C. H. Stlene, Ask tor Norman HotaenthaL The Rev. Dehnar Rtnlgeni ANDfeUOM f Wsnled— To Buy 58 time. Apply at Apt. 6ffi, Con- poute 6, 743-7278. ranch homes undsr ednstrue- able living. See to appreciate. Coventry 4H% O.I. UKirtgage. Realis­ CEJUWIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS ROOFDfa — specialbriac ra- gresa St., 949-9091. H no an­ is funtime in this 4 bed­ Bttflore Agency, 6414121. H. B. Grady, Broker, 64S-8009. tically priced tor quick sale by sometimes finds his congrega­ M D O O M f W R ^ tlon. Six rooms, garage, full palrlnc roofa of all kinda, new WE BUT. 8B U . or trade an­ swer caU 848-7091. room Remdi. 3 fireplaces, basements, big - lots w»hto a SIZEABLE CAPE owner direct' at $31,600. 648- tion In play dothM. 8 A A I . to i P A L roofa, gutter w ork, dtimiMjra W M SilfflM M r* paneled living room, TsRaa ADBMJDB ROAD ARBA-Re- 3989. But, it’s ohly natural beoanse tique and used furniture, china, ANDOVER — TTiree room fur- cent fisting. Chnlrmtog 7 room block of a nev achooi. FHA cleaned, repaired. Alianinum riass, sKver, picture frames VERNON nished ^lartment, 743-7841. ailed lot tor Ude to romp. or Va. Terrific value for only 2H acres is the setting tor many of the worshipers cesne COPY CLOSING TfttE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. aldlnf. M yealra* experience. $780 down may buy it. Tlilidc Cape, 3 lavat(»1ee, one ^ this 6-room home with room by boat uid oM coins, old dolls w d bath, profaaalonal and execu­ $18,600. T. J. Creckett, Raaltor, Fine New Homes! Lots For Sale 73 MONDAY n ra IWDAV MAS A.M .-«ATCBDAt • AJL Free eatlmatea. Call Howiey. vuns, hobby collections, attic TWO ROOM furnished apart­ carefully but fast R. Tour- 648-1877. to enjoy both indoor and Once a month, the young mtn- tive area. Half acre treed lot. outd(x>r living. Must be seen contents or whole estatw. You Can Afford ment, heat, gas and electricity teEotte 6494806. BOLTON—Btislnesa zoned '.ot, ister of the Monttcello Christten furnished. 648-0080. Adc for Len Charhoneeu. Bel- Less Than Rent! to be appreciated. $16,990. approximately an acre. Some church (»nducts a lO-mlnute nlture Repair Servlc* Talcott- flore Agency, 648-6121. PLEASE READ YOUR AD RAT’S ROOnN O OO.—Shiiiirie v a c a n t r a n c h Call S. Qark 649-6806, S7B- frontage on Route 6 and 44A. Sunday evening service at near­ futtera, built-up n ^ , vUle, Oorai. Tel. 948-7449. VA—NO MONET DOWN n h u tflit m “ W uit AM" mtt takm «rer tke ■* • Luxury Living! Barrows AWallace BIO COLONIAL in exceCIent On the west side, of Town 2800. Gravel base. T. J. Crockett, by Lake Cumberland. roof and chimney/ raaaliira, Ray WANTED TO BUT—Anttow (High Street) a five room OTHERS—MINIMUM DOWN Realtor, 648-1677. The Rev. Mr. Rodgers de­ i i t m It— Tha s«TertiMr liMiaM m U f hla M Mm m S T Jackaon, Mt-ssao, Ray H a f^ BoriWHIMMl ' BusineM Locations Manchester Parkade, Manchester Green locatian, aawerut MiMMi and good used furniture. V il­ Elegant new 4 room apartments m baths, enclosed breeseway, ranch with full basement. scribes his waterside service as d a y n A P P B A U mM MEPOST BRSOM la Mine far Um now, ata-9314. For Rent 64 Mancheeter 640-88O0 $18,900—Unbeatable value in Barrows a Wallace BOLTON — ONE ACRE, level, ■act hiarrHr- Yha BaraM la faapoaalhifc far aaly ONC laeor- lage Peddler Auction Bouse, in lovely sidnirbim naighbor- covered rear paUo. 2-car at­ Brick and frame, fireplace, an effort to unite pleasure and nice corner lot. Excellent thla qtarkling new 6H nice location. Also, acreage. Met ar aaiHI^ laaerttea tor aay adrertlaemeat aad tkea oaly Route 88, BlUngtcn. 878-8711# hood within walking distance of tached garage. Adt for Nor­ Manchester Paricade, Christianity. His pulpit general­ SIX ROOMS for offloee, store, condition Uiroughout, Will room RANCH on almost Phone 846-0889. "a m k » goaiT laaertlaa. BrraM wklek 4a aot WriHClOORi, Bob FhKddger, and Son. hi|d) school, bus, ttnppiiw ind CONCORD RD. - man Hohenthal. Betflore Agen­ ly is Qie deck of a boaL M tha axtaat af a RsAo*TY RciMlr and apartment. 476 Main (piallty for FHA minimum acre tree shaded lot In Manchester 649-6806 laaaea the ralne a( tfee airartataneat will aai ka aametaJ by R tG E gof rriEF minutes from Parkway. Equip­ ranch, largo Mvliifi room, Com­ cy, 6484121. scenic country area 3 “ A lot of people in our congre­ S errlM S 18 CASH IMMEDIATELY—W# ^ Street, Manchester. 649-6229, down. Selling for only $17,- gation have Ixiiats. Rather than -B a te gaar* laaerttea.______QUm CALMLY- anything from a pin to battle­ ped with OB reftlgsrator, 9-6. al (fining room, canaet kttelMn, miles from parkway. WYLLYS STREETT — 240 toot built-in GB oven, range 2 bedromns, reereatton room, COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE in 600 and trades wtil be con­ REXJEINT FTVE bedroom home frontage, 648-7444. let the boats become a wedge CONNIE’S TV and Radio Sarv ship. Used furniture and ap­ sidered. T. J. Crockett, Dream kitchen with i t u n m g c m f m garbage dlqxraer. Rent includes landscaped yard. Hatton B. Manchester. Seven room Gar­ built In oven and range plus den with lavatory. Two between them and their faithful­ ico, available all houra. Satla- pliances. Arit for Mr. Reed, 2ND FLOOR SPACE rison Colonial, custom built by Realtor, 648-1677. faction guaranteed. CaCl A M A i A W f heat and hot water, frea park­ Robertson. Roallor. 4lS488$. and dining area, spaci­ full batiis. Two car garage Suborban For Sale 75 ness to the church, we have the D IA L 643.2711 649-8264, 346-4794. ing, outdoor ptenio and raerea- Suitable tor offices, distribu­ Oambolat!, automatic kitchen Family room. Acre yard with service at the lake,” the minis­ ISIS. tion space, beauty parlor or ous living room with tlon area. PICTURESQUE aatttog—T room featuring Tappan - built-lns. Co­ CENTER ST. — Income plus fireplace, S good size trees smd brook. At edge o( TOLLAND — 6H room ranch, ter saiid. barber shop. High traffic brick ranch, family room, IH lonial Mrch rec room. Plas­ from this 14 room 2 family lo­ Manchester near Parteway basement garage, 10 acres with "Let's say its accommodat­ Rooms Vnthont Board 59 count. Main St. location. bedrooms, colored cer­ MwvIiik—1 baths, double garage, wooded tered wafia. Ask tor Len Char- cated to a Business. Zone in amic tile bathroom. $27,800. Your present home view, 6 minutes to Parkway ing. Those with boats, feel Only $125! Will build to suit needs. lot, Mancheeter. Caritos W. boneau. Belflore Agency, 648- Stoncv f u r n i s h e d ROOMS, complete heajrt of Manchester. Call The taken In trade. Glenn Roberts and striiool, riorm windows, ar­ they’re putting tiiem to g(xxl Reasonable lease. Hutchins, Renltor, 846-8112. 8131. $14,990—You’ll love this ram­ TnaUe Rcathiaf Oar MrarliMr? light housekeeping faclllUee. Jarvia Realty Co., Realtors, bling new 8 bedroom Agency, Realtors, 644-1621, tesian well, $18,600. Owner, use.” 878-6168. MANCHESTER Delivery. Liglit (%ntrally located. Mrs. Dsjr- Completely Furnished With 649-1647 CUSTOM BUnJT $ bedroom SEVEN ROOM Colonial to St. 648-1121 or 649-1200. RANCH on almost acre 283-3328. The service is sponsored by trucking: and package delivery. sey, 14 Arch Street, Manches­ the young pe<^1e ot the church. lAHear Jhmnrtaf Saniae Free Air - Conditioning snd OFFICE space and store space ranch, 2 batha, large ttvli James paridi. Garage, 1% RANCH, SH rooms, nestled in lot In high scenic wood­ Refriguratora, waahara and ter. tion meeting of toe governors It began last summer and atten­ pSree Wssher snd Drytr for rent, Mato St., near Cen­ room, fireplace, Mtdien wli baths. Ideal tor large family at the trees in a beautiful wooded ed area With magnifi­ atove moving: apacialty. Foidinf cent view just east of dance has averaged about 100 Heb Wanted—Asttiale iu Halp Waatod— ^Bialc S6 Articles For Sale 45 ter. 649-5229, 9-5. built-lns, flniahed rtc room moderate cost. Ask for Leonard neighborhood. Just off Route will be held. There are 86 Dem­ ohaira for rent. a4t-0^. t h e ’THOMPSON House, Cot­ with flreiriace and bar, at­ Charboneau. Belflore Agency, Manchester. Dream Events ocratic governors In the nation. persons. Fraa la HanM Raadan LADY’S winter ooat, size 18; tage Street, centrally located, 15. House has 3 bedrooms, ” We print up material and TWO HOURS weekly ia all It | D B L IV 1«T MEN for light Sat- Only $150! LEASE—Excellent loca­ tached 2-car garage, large 6434131. baths, large rec room, patio, kitchen with GENER­ man’s Mectrlc raaor; other large pleasantly furnished FOR send it out to boat owners in the ) at aa ■r Na PsinthiK— ^Pspcrtns 2 1 takea to run a shoppingf club ' urday ^llveriea in Manchester tlon tor doctor’s ofileo or w(X)ded lot for maxunum pri­ large lot, $18,400. I^ lbrlck AL e l e c t r i c built to for few friends. Toa gat $29 area, t £ selling, car neceasary. items. Tel. 649-7904. rooms, parking. CaU 649-3868 vacy, $28,900. PhKbrick Agen­ SIX ROOM Cape on bus line, 4 oven and range arid Vote Ethic* Code area. If it rains on the night of at Me Matedr Wiwbla for overnight and permanent beauty parlor. 416 Mato Street Agency, 649-8164. PAINTINO, EXTERIOR and in­ in name branda free in lO Apply 969 Main St., Offic* 7, Completely renovated and am­ cy, 849-8464. - bedrooms possible, priced ri^t ample dining room; In State WILTON (AP) — A code of the service, they know to coma guest rates. Samuel M. at $18,900. Ask for Leonard ethics governing all town em­ out the next w e ^ ,” he said. EDWARDS terior, paperhanging, wall­ weeka. Send for catalog and Ttarsday evening 7-9 p.m. Boats and Accessories 46 ple parking. J. D. Realty, 648- KING SIZE SPLIT — Huge spacious living room; 8 paper removed, dry wall work. details: Alice WHliams, Popu­ CENTER HAIX. Ootonlal—fit Charboneau. Belfltrre Agency, kitchen, fireplace, 1% baths, good sized bedrooms; (Contlnned from Pag:e One) ployes and officials in conflict Dress is Informal though the MAN FULL-TIME fo r delivery COMFORTABLE room in quiet 6129. James Parish. Porter Street Reaaonable rates. Bank financ­ lar Club Kan, Department single home, garage available, 6484121. recreation room, garage, cel oil hot water baseboard of interest coses has been ap­ minister explains "We a A for ANSWERING SERVICE and to help in store. Call for 12 FOOT PENN TANN boat Lavitt Agency area. $ years old. 6 large some measure of dignity. The ing arranged. Fully inaured. K809. Limhrook, New York. with 6 h.p. motor, excellent gentleman. Call 648-6848. 241 MAIN STREET—1,100 sq ' lar, shade, only $18,600. Carl­ heat. its operations that might lead proved by Wilton voters. A49-0S00 — ETS-RBiy Free estimates, iit tWB, Jo­ interview 849-4641, Manchester ft. paneled air conditioned of­ rooms, IH baths, huge recrea­ COMPACTT OLDER home, nice­ ton W. Hutchins, Realtor, 649' The code was approved last people definitely are on vaca­ condition. Call after 6, 643-9956. 648-3168 Realtors 876-6397 ly located on east side, 2 bed­ $15,990—You can’t match this to major revislonB to public seph P. Lewis. Drug, 717 Main Street. fice space. WiK subdivide to tion rtxnn arltb fireplace, built- 8182. night at a town meeting attend­ tion. Some stay on their boats Vernon Circle, Pkwy Exit 96 rooms, 2-car garage. Good eT.egant new S bedroom street transportation. M i laaaa yaor aaeaaaga. Y ean bear traaa < FURNISHED room. 196 Bis- suit. Reasonable. Call Warren 1ns, breeseway and attached RAISED RANCH on ed by more than 100 persons. A during the services.” DIGNIFIED SPARE TIME Open 7 Days A Week 2-car garage. $28,900 PMI- sized rooms. Ask tor Leonard The company, a subsidiary ttaw wtthoat aptadlaff all eiraalar at the EXnCRIOR and latarlor paint­ Diamonds—Watches— s«;i St. ’ E. Howland, Realtor, 648-1106. FOUR BEDROOM Colonial, great big parkllke tree meeting held last w e ^ was ad- There are boats ot all descrip­ ing. Wallpaper booke. Paper- brick Agmicy. 646-8464. Charboneau. Belflore Agency, pane’led family room, kitchen of the New Haven Railroad un­ 'SALES’ Jewelry 48 BOLTON CENTER Apartments, shaded lot in beautiful til it was purchased last June ;ouined because less than the tions, usually including five or hanging. OelUnga. Fioora. Fully FRONT ROOM, centrally locat­ 6484121. with built-ins, formal dining 50 needed for a quorum showed six houseboats. Liberal commiaeione, near Service Station Comer Bi’andy St. and BoUton MANCHESTER — Year-old cus­ high area just east of by E. Claj^on Gengras, presi­ Insured. Woricmanshlp guar­ ed, parking, 89 Birch St., 649- luom, fireplace, attached ga­ up. Rodgers has been in this AmHmncMMOti Auto DrlTliiY School 7*A home, wiBt WATCH AND JEWELRY re­ Center Rd., new 8 rooms, heat, Houses For Rent 66 tom 6^ room ranch, aluminum PROFESSIONAL smd executive Manchester. Big coun­ dent of the Security Insurance anteed. Leo PoIloUer, MMM*. . Attendants, pairing. Prompt service. Up to 7129. hot water, stove, refrigerator, rage, $22,900. Philbrick Agen­ try kitchen with decora- The code stipulates that any south-central Kentucky town of If no anawer, 943-9049. ddlhg, 3-cst garage, 2 baths, area. Slight luom Ranch on cy, 649-8464. Co., serves the Netw Haven, BLJKTTROIAJX aalea and aarv-' LEARN TO DRIVE — Special AVON $20 on your old watch in trade. $126. 849-8366, 648-4812. FIVE ROOM Cape Cod, 2 bed­ family room wito fireplace, one acre professionally land­ tor colored GENE3RAL Hartford and Stamford areas. ;>era(m elected, appointed or 8,000 population tor about ona Ice, bonded repreaentatlve. Al­ attention to nervous and el­ Experienced Closed Mondays. F. E. Bray, rooms, garage, parking, stove, huge suburban lot. Hayes Agen­ scaped lot. Two baths. 8 fire­ ELECTRIC built in Ekirle R. Mortemore, presi­ tired by the town who has a fi­ and one-half years. He came INTERIOR and axterior paint Apartments— Flats— FIVE ROOM heated flat, 142 CUSTOM RANCH—8 bedrooms, lred Amell, 110 Bryan D r, derly. Classroom for teen- Ing, waliMper removed, fully Cosmetics. No experience re­ 787 Main Street, State Theater refrigerator. 643-0888 after 4 cy, 648-4803. places, 6 bedrooms. This Is a oven and range and dent of the Connecticut Co., nancial interest in any matter from Rockford, HI. Prevl(jua Tenements 63 So. Main St., now available, 2 baths, large living iwom, Mancheater, aia-tiai. agera Pickup service. Day or insured. R m e Belanger, 941- quired. Good opportunity now. Building. p.m. ’’must see" residence. Many fireplace, dining room, rec ample dining area; spa­ said the survey will take at being dealt with by a town agen­ pastorates were in large cities, evening lessons. Reasonable oCder people. 648-8573. BEAUTIFUL paneled heated cious living room over­ cy — such as a land purchase including Chicago. 0612 or 944-0004. (Phone 289-4933), personnel desired, $86. 4^ ROOM APAR’TMENT. heat other features too numerous to room, attached 2-car garage, least six months to complete. rates. Manchester Driving weekly, 44 hours, $1.60 per Garden—Farm— Dairy COVENTRY LAKE — 4 room family room ofi Uteben, $ bed­ mention. Ask tor Norman Hoh­ beautiful view, $81,000. Phil- looking entrance foyer; The survey, he said, "might — must notify the agency In His lakeside services are lim­ P ersonals Academy, 742-7249. QfSIDB AND OUTSIDE paiat- and hot water, rent $126.50 per house, lake privileges, one room ranch, aluminum otonns, S generous bedrooms; writing. ited to SO mlnutea ot music and hour part-time. Apply Mo­ Products 50 month. Call 643-8106. THREE R(X>M apartment, 464 enthal. Belflore Agency, 648- brick Agency, Realtors, 649- result in modification of exist­ ing. You name your own price. child acceptable, $80. monthly. cellar, 158x248 lot, only $!$,• garage and :q>ace for ing routes, limited-stop or ex­ a brief sermon. RIDERS WANTED Manchester EXPERIENCED WOMAN for bile Service Station, 917 Cen­ Main Street, $86. 649-6230, 941. 6121. 8464. 949-7863. 875-9401. ter St., Manchester. We are AN AC7RE of blueberries, choice LOOKING for anything In real 643-1686. sen. Oartton W. Hutohtos. 649- family room and extra press service, or extension of 177 TO 180 For music, “We use local tal­ to New Britain, leave Man­ fashion department, 6 days, lavatory on lower level; Busmess Sem ces equal opportunity employer. cultivated variety and picking, estate rentals — apartments, 5183. ESTATE LIKE property min NEW-CmCA 1760 — Gambrel lines Into developing areas.” HARTFORD (A P ) — ’The ent and quartets such as we can chester 7 a.m., leave New PAINTING OONTRACrrOR — company benefits. W. T. Orsint, 116 MCKEE ST.—Second floor, amesit« driveway. Offered 13 Paricade, Manchester. 30c pint. Dooley, Watrous Rd., homes, multiple dwellings, call utes from MaiKhester. BH roof, 8% room Colonial on "Many of our present find.” Britain t p.m. 87B-1142. Interior, exterior painting. 4 large room flat, $80. month­ SEVEN ROOM older home, 4 acres. Garrison Colonial, near State Motor Vehicle Deparb- Bolton. 649-3096. J . D. Realty. 643-6129. Resort Property Chestnut Hill Rd., Glastonbury. $16,990—Lovely large new com­ routes,” Mortemore said, "are ment reported today the f(ti- At one recent service, he dealt Free esfimates. Immediate ly. Inquire flret floor, Mr*. bedrooms, 2 batha, lot 72xlBL now rolf course. Elxcellent In­ One of a kind true Colonial, RIDE WANTED from Woodland | LAWNMOWER ttiaipening; re- For Rent 67 pletely finished 6 room a carry-over from the old street lowlng comparison of traffic with pre<»utions tor boaters and pairs, sales, rotor blades service. Call Eddie Kane, 742- NEW POTATOES for sale. Pas- Defoure. Marion B. Robattoon, Realtor, vestment. Ask for Norman dream kitchen, 2% baths, 3 CAPE COD with full car operations. Because these the steps they must take to obey Street to The Connecticut Bank Party Plan GLASTONBURY 643-8968. fatalities from Jan. 1 through sharpened; bicycle sales, eerv- 8666. qualinl Farm, 248 Avery St., Hohenthal. Belflore Agency, bedrooms, 2-car garage, 2 fire­ shed dormer In choice routes fostered population de^ the law. Then the minister and Trust, Main Street. Man SIX ROOM DUPLEX, good lo­ COLUMBIA LAKE — Small midnight: Ice. Manchester Cycle Shop, TOT DEMONSTRATORS Help Wanted— Wapping, 644-0604. COLONIAL VILLAGE 6434121. places, paneled doors, profes­ neighborhood with city velopment to certain areas, linked this message to obedi­ Chester. Call after 5, M9-8028. cation, heat, hot water, garage waterfront cottages tor rent MANCHESTER — $14,900. filx 1068 1964 149 W. Middle Turnpike, 949 sionally decorated . . .ESxpen- water and sewer near m a ^ may still be good. ence to the spiritual laws. Electrical Rerrices 22 Male or Female 37 GARDEN APARTMENTS Included. Now vacant. Children Call 643-3898, 646-4929. room brick Cape, fireplace, 180 177 2098. WIN A FORD! garage, excellent oondltlan, sive—^worth it! Call tor guided schcKri smd shopping. "But changes in population Rocigers said other congrega­ Antomobllce For Sale 4 WANTED — Men or women, I TOMA’TOBS, com, cucumbers welcome. 643-0261. tour and bring your check IH baths; decorator FREE ESTIMATES. Prompt Leading toy party company GIANT’S NECK Heights—8 bed­ trees, near bus, VALU E PLUS patterns, such aa expansion of tions have been invited to attend HAROLD A SONS Rubbish Re­ press operators, experienced | squash, 21 Angel St. Minutes from Hartford shopping book. You’ll love it. Warren E. colored FRIGIDAIRE suburban areas while people D IE S AT AGE 100 m oval-Cellars, attics, yards. service on all typee of elec­ will pay top commissions to FIVE ROOM flat, 868 Oakland room cottage August 28 and 80. school. Carlton W. Bute! the services. "We have a lot of NEED CAR? Tour credit turn­ trical wiring. Licensed and In­ prefe:referred. Apply 384 Hartford areas. Howland, Realtor, 350 Main built in oven, range still continue to work In the SIMSBURY (A P) — Mrs. (^immunity spirit, a different Weekly or mcmthly pickup. high-calibre toy demonstra­ ’TOMATOES — Already picked, , Street, no central heating, $40. Lovely September reduced Realtor, 649-6182. In this elegant 7 room Capw^ ed down? Short on down pay­ sured. Wilson Electi;ical Co., Rd., Manchester. St., 643-1108. Evenings Henry dishwasher, disposall, center city, call for a thorough Carrie Jacobs Mores, who cele­ audience each time,” he added. Harold Hoar, 949-4034. tors . . . PLUS FORD FAL­ 75c half bufdiel, bring basket Spacious 1-2 bedrooms and du- Call 643-6226. rates. Furnace heat. On prem on Ferguson Road to Rock- ment? Bankrupt? Reposses­ Manchester, 649-4817, 643-1388. SO. WINDSOR-4800 dewnm buys Madden, Glastonbury 633-7328. exhaust fan; 4 huge re-examinati(m of the entire brated her 100th birthday July The site of toe service also is sion? Don’t despair! See Hon CONS as Bonus Prises. For for exchange. 480 CT.ark St., I plex apartments. Ises 34 Bayvlew Road weeks ledge. Features 4 bedrooms, August 9 and 16. Otherwise, a 8 bedroom 6H room naxm, bedrooms or S bM- situation.” 17, (Med today at a convalescent accessible by road and is near a est Douglas. Inquire about low -, I^ P ID RUBBISH rennov^ At- details, call or write for Wapping, off Route 30. 644-1 . j ’THREE SPACIOUS rooms, heat oil hot water heat, I0ag200 let. 2 baths, 3 flreplsutes. Par­ SO. WINDSOR, Wapping. $14,- rooms and formal est down, smallest payments i colors, and yards. Handy personal Interview: FRIENDLY ICE CREAM 033" I Luxurious garden setting. and hot water, modem kitchen eal'i 643-6888, 990. 729 Griffin Road. Clean 5H home. popular spot called Conley Bot­ Floor FlnlshinY 24 Philbrick Agency, 846-8464. tially finished basement. dining rexim; loads of Formerly a resident of New anywhere. No small loan or fl- ] man service. Call 640-0218, 643- SHOP Includes range and refrigera­ Built-lns and wall to wall room ranch, carport, full base Beginner^$ Luck? tom. 7479. SWEEJT (30RN for sale, 30c Swimming Pool and play area COVENTRY LAKE — Lakeside closets; numy other Britain, Mrs. Mores had lived ’Tt’e a good place for swim­ nance company plan. Douglas FLOOR SANDING and reflnish- AMERICAN HOME TOY tor, garage, adults only, no carpettag. Sensibly priced at ment, half acre treed lot. Own­ NORTH HAVEN (AP) — Bs dozen, pick your own. AI.so, cottage with private beach NO. COVENTRY — Custom fine features — one of at the convalescent home for ming and boating,” Rodgers ex­ Motors, SSS Main. ing (specializing In older 172 Union St., Rockville Many wonderful built-in appli­ pets. Call 648-7774 after 6 p.m. Dullt L-colonla) ranch, paneled $38,500. Call Cari Zinsser. er transferred. Occupancy Sep­ our best buys! ginner’s luck? REPAIRS on all makes of re­ PARTIES, INC. Now accepting applications for fresh eggs. 122 Newmarker available Aug. 18. Carlson several years. She was bom in plained. “ Folks have been con­ frigerators, wa.shers, ranges, floors). Waxing floors. Paint­ ances and conveniences. 24 toot living room, man)) au­ tember 1st.' A.ssumable 4% % Patrolmsui Kenneth Rider, the Marilyn L,entocha fall and winter part-time posi­ Road, Vemon-So. Wind.sor line. Cottages, 742-7268. G.I. mortgage. Call 'oWner, 644 $16,990—You ought to see this WUMmantlc. gregating in that area tor a long and dryers. All oil burners ing. Ceilings. Pai>erhanglng. -SI5^ ROOM duplex, ideal loca­ thentic details, B picturesque new s^endld SPLIT newest supernumerary on the N-S job too^mali. JohnVe^r: ' tions evenings and weekends, Natsisky Farm, Inc., 644-0304. All moderately priced. tion, two children accepted. JARVIS REALTY CO 0610. time. It’s a natural place to go.^ cleaned and .serviced. All work Rockville, Conn. 06066 BLACK POINT—Cottage, iibed- acres. Hayes Agency, 64S-4M. LEVEIL cm sm almost North Haven police force, was V.8. PRESITOE UP faiKe. 849-6760. msle snd female, over 18 Call 649-1146. rooms, fireplace, screened parked on Middletown Ave. The playgnxmd-chundi site Mercedes-Benz guaranteed. Oosma Appliance Phone 876-1332 Directions: Take Glastonbury 648-1121 Elves. 643-0038 MANCHESTER — New 8 room acre treed lot In a beau­ NEW HAVEN (AP) — United acquired a nickname: Service. 606 Center, 649-0066. Household Goods 51 to Hebron Ave. porch, near beach, August 15 BRKJK RANCH — Comer Of tiful high country neigh when he received-a radio report 875-9910 Expressway ’THREE ROOMS, upstairs, fur­ Garrison Colonial, 12x24 living States prestige in India has gone LARGE SHIPMENT apartment Exit, right on House St. to Co­ on. 643-6000. Parker and Stephens, owners room, family nx>m, built-in bortiood just minutes of a stolen oar. up since It bombed PT-boat n>e most wanted oar In the ’TYPEWRITERS — Standard Bonds— Stoekfl nished or unfurnished, gas are transferred, living out of size stoves, $25. Fontaine’s lonial Village. MANCHESTER — central, bus kitchen, master bedroom with from Manchester. Deco­ At the same moment, juot bases to North Vietnam, a visit­ world. All models, new and and electric. Repaired, over­ MortYhYCii 31 LEGAL SHX3RETARY. law of­ heat, reasonable, parking. Town and want this spotless rator colored GENER­ about midnight last night, a car fice, Manchester. Box A,. Her­ Restaurant Equipment. 473 Adults. New Bolton Road. (M3- line. Elxcellent 2-fsimlly of dressing room , low twenties. ing Indian politician said. hauled, rented. Adding ma­ CALL GLASTONBURY Wanted To Rent 68 ranch home Sold. Beautiful lo­ Hayes Agency, 643-4803. AL ELECTRIC built In bearing the same license num' Professor Balra] Madhok, sec­ used, including the fabulous chines rented and repaired. SECOND MORTGAGE — Un­ ald. Windsor St. Hartford. 527-8771. 6389. 4 ^ -4 % . Two heating systems. cation. has three bedrooms, oven sind range, loveSy her passed Rider’s vehicle. retary of the All Indian Peo- Pickup and delivery service. limited funds availabie for sec­ Situations Wanted— living room with a separate Priced to sell at $16,600. Front End DieseT, — brings you 86-45 EVERY’THING in sterilized re­ 633-7131 COUPLE with two (riilldren de­ WALNUT ST. — Buy yourself living room, 8 roomy Rider pursued the oar, re­ jde’s party, said yesterday in Yale Typewriter Service. 649- ond mortgages, payments to! SBCRBJTARY, insurance _s*rv- Female 38 ’THREE ROOMS, first floor. In­ dining ell, kitchen with a Hayes Agency, 643-4803. m.p.g., with minimum up­ ice office. Duties consist of conditioned used furniture and sire 3 bediw m diqriex or apart­ good income with this 2 fam­ bedrooms, garage and ported stolen from New Haven A press conference at Yale Uni­ 4986. suit your budget. Expedient ~ WE HAVE customers waiting quire 93 Wells Street before 9 breakfast room. One car ga­ dictation, typing, policy writ- vviLL CARE for children in m y ; appliances, high quality—low ment in residential neighbor­ HILLIARD ST. - $18,900—plus ily located centrally in Man­ space for family room Six teenag,era from Roxbufy, versity that many Asians had keep. Call Robert Ck>ehring, seivice. J. D. Reaity. 643-5129. for the rental of your apart­ p.m. rage. We listed the house at on lower level, ameslte Special STEPS, SIDEWALKS. stone ing, general office work. 5-day licensed home five days a | prices. LeBlanc Furniture, 195 hood. Excellent references. another $3,000 for a B. zone chester. Call Jarvis Realty Co., Mass., In the car, wore turned doubted that the U.S. would your Newman Import man, A BETTER ARRANGEMENT South Street, Rockville. 875- ment or home. J. D. Realty, 875-7988. $21,900. but they want action lot. Neat home, 6 large rooms, Realtors, 643-1121 or 649-1200. driveway. over to New Haven police and walls, fireplaces, flagstone ter­ week, 8:80-4:80. Call 649-5296 week. CaH 844-1369. 3V4 r o o m g a r d e n Apart­ and wUl listen to your offer. use force to oppose Communist R*9. $12.10 of your finances will make for appointment. 2174. Open 9-8. 643-5129. porches, tiled bath, garage. charged with using a motor ve­ aggression. The Indian history, at 996-3231 or 949-0666. races, hatchways, dry wells. ment, heat, hot water, stove T. J. Chockett. Realtor, 648- MANCHESTER—6 room Cape, 200 OTHER LISTINGS - (1) AUON FRONT SND All concrete repairs. Reason­ more of your income available Worth investig:ating. T. J. hicle without pormlaslon of the professor arrived in this coun­ ’THREE PIECE French Proven- THREE ROOM apartments, all refrigerator Included, _$120. 1577. Crockett. Realtor, 648-1677. shed dormer, 2 partly finished, owner. i t ) BALANCE FRONT able. 643-0851. for personal use. Lump debt ACT NOW — WOMAN would like to babysit, utilities and air conditioning. available immediately. Office Business Property try after a tour of the Far Elast, into one monthly payment of cial sofa, carved frame, tufted 2-car garage, open staircase, WHEELS—R ^ lAM days. Call 649-0843 after 4 p.m. For appointment call Mr. 16 Forest Street, 648-0000. For Sale 70 MANCHESTER RANCH — 2 including South Vietnam. J066 CHEVROLET Bel Air, 4 YOU ARE A ll Truck is A-1! $22.26 for each thou.sand dollars DEMONSTRATE TOYS back, excellent condition. 649- NEW COLONIALS — We have flrep'.ace, paneled wall. Gates- Samuel M. Truck KUlt Boy (t) CHECK FRONT door sedan, good second car, Cellans, attics. tra.sh. small DEPENDABLE teenager avail- 2963. Peterman, 643-2488, or Mr. years old, excatent lotsaOon, just listed two four bedroom Hanley Agency, 643-0030, 649- WHEEL BEARlNaS including repayment over five BUSINESS ZONE HI - Eight 21 toot living room, fireplace, HTTS DEFICIT 8PENDINO 1260. CaK 643-6998 after 6;S0 trucking done A-1 right! Caii Pontlcelll, 649-9644. colonials with oul the extras up 3175. NORWALK (AP) — A nine- (4 ) aiHSiflK B R A K E years. Frank Burke, 246-8897,1 Work now ’til December full or I able for babysitting job in the o t o v e and refrie#erator nxtms with two offices, sep­ kitchen with bullt-ins. natural on Grandview Street. One home Lavitt Agency NEW LONDON (AP) — p.m. 643-2928, Tremano Trucking Connecticut Mortgage Ex- part-timj. Experience unneces- Manchester Shopping Parkade 4 year-old boy on a bicycle was Belton A. Ctopp, Republican SYSTEM 9x12 beige patterned rug and i'A ROOM GARDEN Apart- arate entrance, suitable tor woodwurk, aluminum windows, has two and a half baths, the CAMBRIDGE STREET area— killed by a truck today at an Service. (hange, 16 lyewis St., Hartford, sary Excellent commissions. area. Please call 643-8(X)6. Read Herald Ads. 643-2158 Realtors 876-6297 candidate for Cktogress from the 1969 CHRYSLER New Yorker pad, very good condition. Call ment, heat, hot water, stov^, business or professional use. doors, and awnings, attached other 1%. Two car garages, ^mpletely remodeled large 8 intersection at the top of a hill. Clonn. No investment. No collecting. room home with 1% baths, Vemon Circle—Pkwy. EStlt 96 second district said last night Al Four (My Convertible, full power, excel­ HAVE SMALL pickup truck— 649-5184 after 6 p.m. | refrigerator i n cl ud e d. $120. Philbrick Agency. 849-8464. garage, $21,900. Philbrick walk-out basements, family Open 7 Days A Week The victim was Marie Taylor lent condition. 643-2123. No delivering. Write or Call col­ ------Available immediately. Office Agency, 649-8464. room, etc. Has to be seen to kitchen with new formica coun' that long time Democratle con­ Attics and cellars cleaned. lect SANTA’S PAR’nES. INC. ESSO 8ERVK3E station tor Police said the boy was struck trol of Congress had led to Rubbish removed. Reasonable, Help Wanted— T emale 35 Dogs—Birds— Pets 41 FIVE PIEX3E chrome breakfa.st 16 Forest St., 643-0000. NOTICE be appreciated. (Jail, we have ters, birch cabinets, and stain when the diaper service truck CHEVROLET, 1968, Bel Air, 4- ______^______Avon, Conn., OR3-3465. After 6, set in very good condition, $15 lease at Bolton Notoh, High­ $13,900 — ATTRACnVB 8 bed­ the key. T. J. Crockett, Real­ less steel sink, new ceramic MANCHESTER — Income prop­ corruption and g;reater spend­ Cab 649-1043. ’THREE ROOM apartment, first moved over the (urest of the hlU door sedim, automatic, 6 cy- PART-'TIME and full-time fab- OR3-9829. DACHSHUND, AKC registered, 649-2731. TOWN OF BOLTON, ways 6 and 44A. Contact Mr. room raiurii, fireplace, alumin­ tor. 648-1677. tile bath, 100 ampere electrical erty, four family plus single ing. The Old Lyme Republican Hnder, excellent condition. Call floor, stove, refrigerator, heat, D. Lothrop, 827-4188. service, and other improve at Glenn Ave. and Styles Lane, accused the Democratic major­ SHARPENING Service - Saws,, ric .sales girls wanted. Apply __ , ______puppy shots, champion blood I um storms, enclooed carport, home, within two blocks of The truck, veering in an at­ 649-4869. lines 643-9482. all utilities furnished, $90,’ CONNECTICUT EIGHT ROOM raised ranch, ments. This property you must ity o f becoming “utterly c(m- knives, axes, shears, skates, to Manager. Pilgrim Mills, s e C^IETARY-Receptionist. U n - ______basement, large lot, nice view. schools and shopping, excellent tempt to avoid too boy, turned COMBINA'nON gas and gas monthly. Call 649-4555. even BOARD FOR ADMISSION two years old, large living see. Owner-agent, 643-9278. income. Town and Country temptuous of its responsibility VOLKSWAGEN, 1964, Sunroof. rotary blades. Quick service. Hartford Road, Manchester. u,ual opportunity for a career q r o OMING and boarding, will Carlton W. Hutchins, Realtor, on Its side. The boy was pinned Capitol Equipment Oo., 38 Open daily 10 a.m.-9 p.m. stove, $60. Call 643-4761. ings 644-0181. I OF ELECTORS 649-5132. room with fireplace, mcxlern Real Estate, 640-8478. to the electorate.” He salA SERVICE ON AIX No longer need this second car. in a worthwhile. Interesting collect and deliver. H. C. Two-Part Glamour VERNON—If you want a com­ beneath the vehicle, police sai(L Main St., Manchester. Hours Saturday. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. ' Notice is hereby given that kitchen with built-lns, family “ their the.j Main Street. stereo, and televi.sion. Package $125., no pets. 643-7704. |ralized citizen of the United en, partial rec room in bsae- 8464. vitation from Mayor Robert automatic, radio and heater, graduate, type accurately Kennel, Andover, Route 6. deal- no dealers. 1108 Tolland kiw mileage. Ca'.i 649-e649, glad to pick them up. Call 643- States shall present the certifi- ment, lot 90x156 with trees, Wagner of New York City to and rapidly, take snd tran­ Turnpike. THREE ROOM apartment, sec- — ;------— ‘-7- „ $14,600. Philbrick Agency, 649- SPACTOUS 6 room cider Co­ serve as associate chalrmiui of 6724. ond floor, stove, refrigerator, cate of his naturalization HAPPIER LIVING scribe shorthand, experi­ Help Wanteo— Male 35 8464. lonial, m odem kitchen, PA the Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial "Siiioe 1907 B f BcM all utilities fumi.shed, adults the seal of the court Issuing the Of Coone” I 1967 Plymouth, automatic V-$, enced in office procedures A rticles For Sale 45 Machinery and Tools 52 baths, 8 bedrooms, 2-car ga­ Foundation. It’s Bceai PLUMBING and heating men. only, no pets. Inquire 125 same, or a copy thereof issued LAKEWOOD CnUJLBl—Want a Here is your opportunity to AUCTION good eondition. 876-1142. Household Semces and intereated in a poaition rage, aluminum combinations, Wagner is chairman of toe that will pay well while SCREENED loam for the best EIGHT FOOT porcelain sinks Spruce St. by the United States Im m i^a- home with quality through­ pick up a custom built 7 100x140 lot, $17,900 Offered 13-A tion and Naturalization Service w(X)ded foundati(»i, which will sponsor AntiqiMS— MNch China. Irie^-Broe— Fimiltiiia doing work that is de­ tlr 6 p’m. 7«-«290 af- delivered from r Clerk Stenographer Monday evening, August 17, es and recreation rooms. Call Capitol Equipment Company, And------slim,------aUm--- skirt. _ , Pattern No. 2679-N has cro- garage, large ame.site drive, LINCOLN COLLECTION:—Assembled by Mr. Herbert j er plant. The prices quoted are ply Manager, W. T. Grant, tion attendant, experience pre­ $3,913.00 - $4,895.80 1964 at 8 P.M. in the hearing Russ Atkins, Builder, 648-0411. 38 Main St., Manchester. Chet and trto directions f w f ^ fenced In flagstone patio, DUPLEX 6-6—Close to all fa­ Thorpe, well known Westfield auctioneer and collector. Here-1 to be delivered prices in Man­ Parkade, Manchester. ferred, no nights or Sundays. Open daily 7-6, Thursday 7-9, Thirty-five hour week, 8:30 room of the Municipal Building In sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. styles in sizes small, medluin cilities, 1,060 square feet liv­ tofoN offered (mly In Its entirety; wfll be sold In tndlvldi^ ; chester, Conn. References necessary. See Mr. Saturday 7-4. a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; paid holidays, to hear all, persons claiming to Bust 31 to 40. Size 12, 82 bust, lot size 80x176, plus central BITUMINOHS ASPHALT PAVINfi CASHIER-Sales-Variety store. and large for men, women and location, are among the ing area each floor, new heat­ I pieces. AH of Lincoln—Parian bust (MUmor), woven silk The bids will be accepted by Sloan, Vemon Esso Service paid sick leave and vacations, be affected by the altering of a top with sleeves, 1% yards of 35- ing, hot water units, new cop­ Rooring— 16 Steady, part-time, 4 days plus Septic Tanks children. many extras featured in this a DRIVEWAYS a PABKINO LOTS (Stevens), porcelain and bronze medallions, etchings, crayon President Victor E. Swanson, 30 Center, Route 88, Vemon. 1961 JOHN DEERE crawler Insurance, pension and social building line as follows: tach; skirt, 1% yards. To order, send 36c in coins to . per plumbing and more. Re­ (Chyka), wSdgeiarood blue plate, 50 ass(»rt^ m ed ^ otiier one night and Saturdays. Ap- loader, excellent condition, 730 security benefits, AND home. $16,990. Hudson 8 t, Manchester, Conn., DION CONSTRUCTION—Roof- Alter a 10’ established To order, send 60c in coins to : Anne Cabot. The Manchester cently painted In and out. Live a OAS STATIONS' a B A SK E T B A LL CXITJBTS I items. 3 minlaturo war type canneno. or at the firehouse, 32 Main St., Ing, siding, alterations, ceil­ ply to Mr. Edelson, Fairway EXPERIENCED tire changer. working hours, 228-9823, after por application, job descrip- building line to coincide ■ue Burnett, The Manchester free with rtxMn to sphre. Be­ Stores, 706 E. M id^e Tpkt., Apply in person, 106 Center Evening Herald, IIBO AVE. OF AH Wort: Petooiudly Snpervkwd Mancheater, Conn., until 7:30 ings, gutters and aluminum * P-***' I tlon and Information apply to | with the street line, start­ Plugged Sswsn Xvening Herald, 1160 ^VE. OT AMERICAS. NEW YORK. N.Y. J. D. REALTY low 20. Warren E. Howland, 1 SECOND 8AXJ1:—Thursday, Aug. M 10 a m . « M l o - ] .n. wi Monday, Augtist 17, windows. 648-4852, 648-0886. next to Popular Maric^t. Hours St. ing at a point on the west AllDDRnaAB, NEW YORK, N.Y. Realtor, 360 Main St., 648-1106. W a A n 100% inaared cattom Balance of ahop atock, mootty china, glaaa, brio-a-nrac.. not suitable for students. No S ’S TORIuiiclhe way we’re r .u w w " ! 10086. 648-5129 M4. side of Electric Street and MachlM OlesMd For Ist-class mailing add 10c Additions—^Furniture, and other fine offerings from vartow Itie Board reserves the right HIDWEIjL SIDING and roof phone calls please. CERAMIC TILE helper, must r and^tKs/ei!y ‘^Rem I Manchester, Connecticut, i north side of Hilliard Street, Septto Tanks, Dry WaVs, For Ist-class mailing add 10c tor each pattern. Print Name, MANCHESTER — Executive hornoe, residue of eatatee, etc. Watch next week's paptv Iter Ing—finest ^qugllty aluminum have car. No experience neces­ for each pattern. Print Name, to MJact any or all bids. TO Y 8-TO Y 8—TOYS. Gitts-I sary. Will train on job. Apply the line will extend northeC'-' ^ w e r Lines Installed— Cel­ Address with Zone and Pattern neighborhood, lovely 7 , room detailed Usting.—Lunch-Truckman. Victor E. Swanson, .siding />and In.stallation. 648' ployment Office, 806 Main Address tirith Zone, Style No. (jolonial, manimoto living 6379. gifts—gifts. Ambitious women at 147 No. Main Street, Man­ Variety Store. ly 286’, more or less, to the lar Waterproofing Done. Number. SUNKEN FAMILY room with DE MAIO BROTHERS President j needed to demonstrate the Street, Manchester, Connecticut. south line of Loomis Street. and Size, New—’64 Fall-Winter Album! fireplace, 6% room ranch, 1% room, modem kitchen with chester. Ready tor you now — toe new ToL 648-7691—W« Csiry Jondte Soskr ROBIRT M. RlID A SON, AUCTION! J. A. Vols, A. A. DION, INC. Roofing Royal Christmas line of gifts, PAGE 2-t»dieel tractor with Testa will also be given for Town Karinlng Commission Articles; Custom OoUaotion; batoa, buUt-ina, garage, cov­ buUt-ins, 2-car garage. Sacri­ M l MAIN KTn IfANCailMTIS. CONN. Cnerk ' part-time workers. c inney bros taU A wtater ’$* laaue c i fice at $10,900. l^yes Agency, siding,'‘"f- painting.- Carpentry. Al- toys, and houseware. Exper­ WANTED—Good man $0 drlva heavy duty blade; cord wood Martin E. Alvord, MK . regular features; ItaoM to ered patio, osjitlvstlng view. im nghth UUUUea District, Applications must be In Gen- Faahlon, our aomplete pattern 040-4606. teratlons and additions. Ceil­ ience unnecessary. Full or achooi bus. Must be reliable. saw table; WllHama fuel oil phairman Sfiwerage Diapoafil Co# ■m M OteF $0o A 60|W. O m to a W . Baled at Manchester, Conn., H. A. Frink, Sidttvan Ava., aral Manager’s Offlca, 4:30 ings. Workmanship. guanui' part-time. Free Demonstrating eompraaoor; rkdin. 0i$- Dorothy C. Jacobson, us Pmrl tt -4 M l lO tt day o f Aufuat 1964. teed,. M0 Autumn 9t. 04I-406O kit. OaU for iatarriaw 0M494T. Wapping. Mi-MOS. .1. PM ., Monday# August I'r# 1064. SacreU iy

. f V - 1 , , -1 . T V IF I L. M m-V' r

A fim g * M I 7 N et P t m Tht Wdgtkir F irtsast ef U. g. Wtorfhar W m m m lianrh^iBl^r lEttntitis ¥«raib Vor tha WMk W a M ! T f « ' Ancuat 1, 1M4 I ^.vt* * Partial Mearteg, bswa f t cooler tonight and Thursday. Lew 13,708 tonight to 56a, Mgh Thu rater If^mliwr of tlM Audit to 75. Bmwu of Circulatioii CUy of ViUago Chmrm

VOL. TiTYYm, NO. 267 (TWENTY-FOUR PACKS—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1964 AdvartWag «■ »•) PRICE SEVEN ■ \ 96 ^Copterg^ Events tt CO 1J)00 Troops In State Parties Back Plans Assault Reds U.S. Agents Say XA BA HAO, Viet Nam (AP)—One of the largest Former Resident CM helicopter assaults of the ^uth Viet Nam war was A Counterfeiter Realign Senate hurled today against a re­ ported concentration of SAN FRANCISCO (AP) some 8,000 Communist Viet —A man identified as Cong in a jungle area. Stanley Frederick Withe 1/2 mrnmm Ninety-six Vietnamese and Jr. has been arrested, and 100 Present ■ ■- 02■ s ■ s U.S. Army helicopters carried LU LU nearly 1,000 Vietnamese troops Secret Service agents quote into the attack. him as saying be has about At Hearing in 0 0 0 0 0 0 Minutes after the assault be- 2750,000 in counterfeit bills >- an, a young U.S. Army first stored in a Hartford, Conn., Sip S p §eutenant slumped dead at his State Capitol 0 2 0 2 0 2 CO controls. * warehouse. A .80-caliber armor-piercing Withe, 44, wan arrested CO machinegun builet had passed yesterday at his Berkeley home. HARTFORD (AP) — €/> CO through the windshield as the Agent Tom Hanson said he was Spokesmen for the Demo­ n helicopter was making a straf­ charged with possessing |20,- 2 000 in counterfeit >10 and >20 cratic and Republican par­ 0 ing pass and pierced his heart. ties supported Senate re- J “He was the seventh pilot in billa, and passing about >500 ft our class of 50 to be killed in in bogus bills in the Bay Area. {istricting plans offered by H 3 • Viet Nam,” Capt. Robert Estes Withe told the police that he ;heir respective party or­ s of Auson, Maine, said. had a job printing shop in ganizations at a legislative Another armed helicopter, Unlonvllle, (kmn., and that he < had printed about >1 million public hearing today. s flown by Maj. Ralph Irvin of About 100 persons, many of 0 1 • 8 Redding, Calif., also was shot of the bills there shout a year U a t them legislators, were present > up badly but limped back to ««o- for the hearing to the Hell of S'SS z i/l Ch Saigon. Redding and his crew Hanson said that S e c r a t the House. tt 1 escaped injtiry. Service agents in Connecticut A spokeeman for the League ^ u S i S 13 R Every available helicopter in had been told where to find the of Women Voters, the organ­ 8 2 the southern half of South Viet trunks containing the counter­ ization that helped q>ark the T > « S ( 9 €C Nam was rounded up for the op­ feits, and were under instruc­ Ul 0 § eration. reapporflonment suit in Con­ ^ D O 0 ziue z $ tion to seize them. necticut, endorsed no particular HI 0 T 8 But the morning started poor­ In Hartford last night, pollcs plan but did outline criteria by O "O >- <* Ul S DC LO ly. The helicopters and the Viet­ said they were not yet con­ which the organization would Uitt « z 2 i Ul ^ namese Air Force fighters that tacted about counterfeit money evaluate thoae plana presented. 0 were to have blasted rockets reportedly stored in a ware­ The first speaker, Leo Par- 0 X Ul 0 ^ into the assault zone had to turn house. ■key, counsel for the Dem­ 0 5 ^ t/i £0 s away when heavy ground fog Withe, who told auttwrities ocratic party, said that the plan S” rolled in. he had no previous record of offered by his party’s leader­ U z It was nearly 9:30 a.m. before arrests, was arraigned in Oak­ ship and presented to a three- DC the operation got under way land before U.S. Ounmissioner ;)udge federal court, met all the 0 2 Ul Eg U l ag^ain. Harold Jewett. constitutional tests set down by X S ; "It’s nice for the Viet Cong The Secret Service agents J i l l V) Z 0 this way,’’ a crewman said. Pastor Papas Michael Cristophi stands amid ruins the court. < S “Our spotter planes have given said Withe operated in the Bay ’*Whatever tost used," Par*' .. ■5 -o c S H them fair warning. They’ve of his church at Pahyamos, Cyprus. Greeks say Area for about two w e^s, and skey said, “we Ssel ws hava £ < i seen the sky black with chop­ church and most of the town were destroyed this apparently worked alone. prepared a fair {dan, and a plan < 1 Withe’s job printing shop In should be aeesptahie to both “U P - 0 i l CD 0 i s § pers, and now they have a cou­ week by Turk jet planes using bombs and rockets. 8 • s i S • ple of hours to pack up at lei­ (AP Photofax.) UnionviUe went into bank­ houses of the General Assem­ sure.” ruptcy early this year, and his bly.” 08 LO LT2 1/2 1/2 A pilot added: “We know that equipment was sold at auc­ Rep. Iiouia J. PadiBa of Nor- O) ■ 02 02 s 02 they’ve got at least one .60-cal- tion. He then moved to Berke- walk. Republican majority Ibre machinegun with a good Ity with his wife Harriet and leader to the House, spoke flO mount. That’s bad news.” two children, Jeffrey and Re­ brieffy to bdialf of the plan 6 0 A Frantic radio messages crac­ Turk Overflights becca. offered by his party. kled in the earphones of pilots Padula said that this plan 0 2 CO 0 2 CM and crew members as the fleet Woman Nominated also satisfied the ocHUtituUon- of helicopters roared toward the al requirements and foUowed z ▼■HI objective, an open field sur­ SHELTON (AP)—Mrs. Isa­ the guidelines suggested by 40 rounded by jungle and rubber Violate UN Order belle Kyed Laborie, Shelton’s the three-judge court that heard - plantation groves. Pilots main­ first woman city clerk, now ia the legislative reapportionment X e tained tight formation and pro­ the first woman to ba nom-- suit. 1- «/) peller-driven fighter planes NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP)—Turkish jet planes cruised inated for mayor fh’ the city’s Mayor Frank X. Graves of Paterson, N. J., confers with police in area where Mrs. Nels party’s candidate for mayor last mlttee that the arganMsUon’s 0 0 < Cypriots demonstrated outside pearance of Turkish planes but night. membership of more Hum 6,000 < 3 the U.S. Embassy in Nicosia, a spokesman said first informa­ She was chosen on the secT women "is eommttted to giving fiO w i U. < s sHouting for the 4(X) or BO Amer­ tion only told of one Turkish jet ond ballot over former mayor Racial Riots its full support to measures to •« o icans in Cyprus to get out. fighter flying low over the Turk­ Frank E. Cicia and two others. Dirksen Bill Fight correct the groes inequaliUea Ul 0 \ Peking Says “Murderers, get out!” they ish-held village of Kokkina. Mrs. Laborie announced her of representation to the Con­ 1/) I yelled, expressing a conviction The Morphou alert lasted candidacy only yesterday morn­ Erupt in Two necticut General Assembly.’* lb U l Ul s 6/1 that both the United States and more than an hour. Citizens said ing. Mrs. Miller said that, ta^ Soviet Timid Britain supported the Turkish two Turkish jets roared over After winning the party’s evaluating rediatrioting plans, g d 1 air raids last weekend. "Get several times, apparently flying nomination, she said: NJ. Cities To Delay Senate the League would far com­ 0 3 o Ui 9 i l out, you sons of donkeys!” between Morphou and Xeros. “I'm so excited I could die." pact, contiguous districts with Sa flo 0 1 In Viet Stand Banners demanded: “Yan­ Turkish jet fighters carried R is believed that no wom­ a population ratio of oloae to I - kees go home. Britons go out daily attacks on Greek an holds a mayor’s or first ELIZABETH. N.J. (AP) — one-to-one between districts WASHINGTON (AP)—Senate battle lines formed to­ Sit CO SAIGON (AP) — Ommunist home.” Cypriot villages in northwest selectman’s post in Connecticut. Negroes In Paterson and both and a no-greateivthan 10 per > S s 0 0 China accused the Soviet Union A government spokesman in Cyprus from last Friday until The current mayor of Shelton, Negro and white youths in Bli- day over efforts to tie a legislative reapportionment rid cent deviation from the norm. 0II 0 d 2 >U 0 Tuesday of being too cautious in Ankara said the Turkish jets Monday. Republican Vincent Tlsi Jr., did aa^th went on -riolent sprees er to the coattails of the foreign aid hill. In Connecticut, with Ms 80 > 0 % uS < 0 denouncing the United States had taken off before receipt of Tbesday, Turkish plants con- not seek re-election. Tuesday night in which gasoline Administration leaders saw^- senatorial districts, the ideal Z ^ 1/) < for its recent reprisal attack on the council's request to all na­ bombs, rocks and empty bottles little prospect of heading off a population per district on the A 1 z S z S 0 mittee, slashed the bill >266.7 basis of the 1960 census would ui UJ 8 z 1 North Vietnamese patrol boat tions to stop flights over (Cyprus. (Bee Page Ten) Lever Bill* Killed were hurled, store windows long floor fight on the rider million below the original "bare oiS *J He said they were fighters or­ smashed and one store was loot­ sponsored by Senate Republican be about 70,000. This to what flO > 0 .J Incises HARTFORD (AP)— Demo­ bones” request. Supporting the is meant by the norm. cd Shortly after Peking radio dered to photograph but not to ed- leader Everett M. Dirksen. slash were SI Democrats and 19 lb li 2 0 k strafe or bomb (jreek Cypriot crats, Including a sympathetic Tbs outbreaks began first in The League ^wkesman also 0 t § broadca.st the rap at the Krem­ Security Council (Sov. John N. Dempsey, have Unless a compromise can be Republicans, while 26 Demo­ Md the hearing that another 0 < 3 lin, U.S. Ambassador Maxwell posiUons or troop movements. Paterson iand, as order was res­ reached, final action on the btll crats and 9 Republicans op­ z 1 sau A J 0 Taylor told a news conference Greece charged that the turned thumbs down on a Re­ tored here, flared up in Eliza­ may not come until late next 0 fiC On Standby Alert publican legislative bid for an beth. Ek)th are major industrial posed it. <«eo Page Ten) 0 5 i 3 t; 0 Z In Saigon the United States has Turks also . flew ^ over j the Greek j week, killing any prospect for Shortly afterward, the pro­ < 1 2E 0 1/) Ul adequate military resources to I islands of Crete and Rhodes, end to the mandatory party cities in northeastern New Jer­ the adjournment of Congress in gram suffered what Sen. J. W. flO 2 a " repel any Communist attack on ! both Tuesday and today, and UNTTEp NATIONS, N.Y. lever on Connecticut voting sey. advance of the Democratic na­ Fulbright, D-Ark., its floor man­ South Viet Nam. I demanded that they quit it, (AP) — The U.N. Security machines. Elizabeth police said three tional convention which opens In ager, described as a much more The official New China News Premier George Pajumdre- Council went on a standby alert Dempsey, himself an advo­ cars carrying white youths car­ Atlantic enty a week from Mon­ crippling blow. The Senate Agency complained that state­ ou's Athens government warned today after issuing an appeal cate of an optional party lever, eened through the streets of a day. weighted the bill with an BuUetms ments by Soviet officials "did Turkey that any further viola­ aimed at stopping Turkey’s jet said yesterday he did not be­ predominantly Negro neighbor­ The foreign aid hill suffered amendment that would raise in­ #.// not refer to extending support to tions of Greek airspace “would flights over Cypru.216.7 million from the >3,616,- under the Alliance for Progress Though bidding for coopera­ (Council President Sivert A. ’’Since it is a matter of elec­ charged with looting. 700,000 asked by President program in Latin America. VJS. AIDS CONGO tion of Greece in negotiations to Nielsen of Norway made the ap­ tion mechanics rather than Paterson Mayor Frank X. Johnson and approved by the Administration leaders were WASHDiiGTON (AP) — 5 ^ * s s settle the Cyprus crisis, Turkey peal Tuesday night after anoth­ Graves said today. ”We have hopeful the cut will be partially is gearing* up for further mili­ election procedures,” he said, House. The action came on a 60- The United States tow dto- ^ -I * I er emergency council ses.sion to ”it to not germane to the issues every reason to believe there 36 vote adopting an amendment restored, and that the interest patohed four Air Force tary action if the Greek Cypri­ deal with a complaint by CJyprus will be further trouble. We are amendment can be eliminated transports to The Congo and ots press on, as they threaten, for which the present special by Sen. Wayne Morse, D-Ore. ■■r-'-wy w News Tidbits that Turkey violated the cease­ prepared for further trouble tO' This reduction, added to a >60 or modified in a meeting of Sen- will supply other aid, Inetod- in an offensive against Turkish fire by an air attack Monday on session was summoned." night.” ► ^ from the AP Wires Dempsey’s statement came million cut recommended by the ing trades and jeeps, to help Cypriot holdings in the Kokkina the village of Polls. Police appeared to be in con' Senate Foreign Relations Com­ (See Page Ten) the Congolese government \^i coastal area that was halted Turkey denied that its planes after House Republicans had trol in both cities. deel with rebel uprisings. In Monday by a U.N. sponsored fired during Monday's flight. It filed two bills dealing with par- Twelve separate incidents a series of developmento to­ 2’s-fl II s2 A 32-year-old Chicago carpen­ cease-fire. were reported In Paterson. At day: The Dedenee IM art- 4S ter wins a trial reconciliation A dispatch from Iskenderun, a (See Page Ten) (See Page Twenty-Three) least three store windows were ment announced transports with his wife by accepting her 1 Turkish port 100 miles northeast ■mashed. are on the way and carry 66 CO 31-point ultimatum that In- 1 of Cyprus, said more than 30,000 Mayor Graves said a dozen Republican Chieftains paratroopers for proteetioa 1 1 2 ^ 1 eludes an agreement to cooper- troops stood ready at barracks Negro youths boarded a bus and ot the aircraft after their J I S ■? 1 I ! XflllilS HtWX ate ‘in everything and any- there for embarkation and ar- smashed its windows . arrival: Underseoretary of thing.” . . . Republican presl- mored units, including tanks Two fires were started in Eli­ State W. Averell Harrlnwn, dentlal nominee Barry Gold- and artillery, were already Kennedy Seen Firm Hold Summit Meeting wisnohww O zabeth firms with gasoline ju st returned from a oemfer* □ water says that if he wins the aboard naval vessels, bombs and a third was started ence with Belgian otfkdals . □ election he will talk over with Police in Morphou, 26 miles under the front porch of a white on The Congo problem, re- ' former President Dwight D. Ki- west of Nicosia, sounded the air On N. Y. Senate Bid residents’ home facing an inte­ HERSHEY, Pa. (AP) — Re-^publlcans, among them vice lated some details of planned h aenhower and Vice President raid alarm. grated public housing project. publican chieftains gathered in presidential nominee William E. assistance; and the State Ito* ; Richard M. Nixon, and “other ^ A loud explosion was heard One store was looted. summit conference today in the Miller of New York and national partment announced that experienced leaders seasoned in Xeros No serious injuries were re­ wake of a secret preview talk chairman Dean Burch, were on Congolese rebels have ou-; ■ 2 ^ ^ NEW YORK (AP) — Atty.^preas approval” by Wagner, the hand for a private dinner there worid affairs” his appointments ste mi es farmer west, state’s most influential Demo­ ported in either city and only between GOP presidential nomi­ dered UJ8. Oonste^Ml«*ae>' I touhey national security posts Nations headquarters Gen. Robert F. Kennedy has de nee Barry Goldwater and Gov. Tuesday night. Hoyt and hto stajff^of foar'». elded to enter the New York crat. one person in each was arrest­ to the Cabinet. in Nicosia confirmed the reap- ed. Nelson A. Rockefeller of New It was billed as pqrely a so­ out of Stanieyvjiye. ET) race for U.S. senator, the New That has been the last public cial gathering, and Miller said i ? n i Preaident Johnson signs into word from Kennedy on the sub­ Paterson is about 15 miles York. law a bill that will send father f T„_l_ IT rk York Times said today. (See Page Ten) The Arizona senator and the no business was transacted. FUOHT8 StSPBNDED • The Times said it learned ject. Burch said he knew of the i p l l pay checks to almost every UllClU ollOW S U p Wagner, at a news conference New York governor were to fly ANKARA, Turkey (AP)— American serviceman by the . * ^ 1 Tuesday night that Kennedy had in early today for the closed- Rockefeller-Goldwater meeting, Turkey has told the United i told relatives and a few close Tuesday, stuck to his position of but didn’t know what went on. s I P i 8 first of next month. . . . James A l t e r H l S t U l i e r a l speaking highly of Kennedy as a door conclave of 38 party lead­ Nations it has suspended re* -- ^ i I a Farmer, national director of friends of his decision. ers, among them former Presi­ In Washington, Goldwater'a oonnalssance flights over Oy* Kennedy expects to make a possible senate nominee without Eiombingg Puzzle press secretary, Edward K. . a « 2 u% the (Congress of Racial Equal­ making an outright endorse­ dent Dwight D. Eisenhower. prus "for the tfanaJtoM,’* LOS ANGELES (AP) — Ra- formal declaration of his candi­ GOP governors and guberna­ Neller, said, “I’ll tell you all I Fordgn>Mlntoto|!' F e r u l i n '^ ity (CORE), describes the Mls- mundo Reyes’ funeral was a re­ dacy next week and in all ment. 1 •iBSippi. Freedom Democratic Wagner said he will meet Chicago Police torial candidates, summoned know. They met.” msl Eridn sgWtoday. Eritot, Party as a "bold, heroic at­ verent event, carefully ar­ probability announce at the here by the Arizona senator, Rockeieller has said he sup­ told newsmen- jfnrkey also hso' A ranged by members of his fami­ same time his resignation as at­ again with Kennedy in a few ports the Goldwater-Miller tick­ tempt to open the door" of days “to see what he has to CHICAGO (AP) — Officials talked confidently of party unity pledged to hAp the UalteAjv ly. torney general, the story added. as they gathered for the confer­ et but pl^ns to campaign only in Nations restore poace a a ft what he calls the closed society They chipped in >150 to pay The Times said an authorita­ say.” The two men met here are trying a new tack — a mass ot BOssisslppl. survey of all potential victims ence. New York. order fn the MedMert aneato the mortuary and cemetery. His tive source disclosed that the Friday. But there was no word on the Miller, a New York congress­ Island. ^ Strategy panel of businessmen nephew contributed >22 for the Kennedy camp anticipates an Wagner was asked 14 times at — in an effort to uncover a clue and retired military officers a news conference whether he to the baffling wave of bomb­ outconie of the secret sqsslon man, said he didn’t know of the burial suit. Reyes’ Social Secu­ endorsement from New York Tuesday that brought Rockefell­ Rockefeller-Goldwater talks. k e n n Ikoy «|l|l8 -J -g, I • calls for nuclear arming of rity was cut off, his other world­ City Mayor Robert F. Wagner was ready to endorse Kennedy. ings and arsons that have hit N North Atlantic Treaty Organi- Chicago area restaurants, night er, a leader among Repubileatn Gov. John Reed of Maine, whq NORTH > HAVEN, Maine I 8 a 8 : ly affairs were terminated. within the next few days. Each Ume he parried the ques­ has withheld support from the (A P )—A tty. mtion allies as step to ensure tion. clubs and taverns in the last two moderates, to Goldwater’s peace , . . Communist bomb Final rites were conducted The story said Kennedy's in­ Washington apartment. national ticket, said he hopes to Kennedy, to Mfc8to««6r' a last Friday. tentions became known after a Wagner said his statement years. endorse Goldwater and Miller coastal orutoe, ooold uot h^ N MUt Into bicycle explodes in Tuesday, Reyes, 74, was home day in which the campaign to praising Kennedy was “Just James McMahon, assistant That session i;ecaUed Rocke­ reached today for oomment ou.; Saigen outside restaurant, kill­ what it was — a strong state­ director of the Illinois Depart­ feller's 1960 rendezvous with after the conference. ing three Vietnamese and again. get him the Democratic nomi­ former Vice President Richard Reed said he wants to know reports teat he has decided trt I The nephew, Adam Rios, nation “gathered momentum in ment.” ment of Public Safety, has run for tee U.S. Beuate IMt: wounding 27 persons. The mayor was asked if be mailed 11,000 questionnaires' to M. Nixon in New York. The “Just what (Joldwater meant by Segregationist Lester Maddox saw him first. Reyes was cross­ all sections of the stae.” Rockefeller-N i x o n meeting extremism” when he said it is New York. As guests aboard OP ing the street, toward his house. Republican Sen. Kenneth B. thinks Kennedy — who lives operators of such businesses In tee Palavan, 55-foot sloop plans to continue his defiance of Virginia and votes in his native northern Illinois. helped shape the party’p moder­ “no vice in the defense of liber­ M oral court order requiring ”I put my hand to my fore­ Keating of Rochester is expect­ ate 1660 platform. (Joldwater ty.” Goldwater already has ex­ Thomas J. Watson Jr. of . head,” Rios related, “and I ed to run for re-election. He has Massacbiuetts — would be vul­ “So far we have had 2,261 re­ him to admit Negroes to his plies but they all were nega­ called it “a Munich." plained to Nixon, who to on to- tematlonal Bushwsa Mssktem » restaurant in Atlanta under the said, 'Oh, my God I’ " the support of his party’s stata nerable to ehargsB of carpet­ day’s guest list, that be meant Corp., the attsmsy Reyes’ sister, Paula, 76, waa organisation, but ho says he bagging U ha antered the New tive,” McMahon aaid today. There was another advance Civil Rights Act , . . Taxi tMte McMahon, ooordlnator of a gathering, at the manston ot to speak out for "wholehearted" and his P3 flf XB70 bomber to ba re- more calm. hasn’t mado tqp his mind. York raee. larlly toi turn Wagnar aapHad; aeven-eoun^ flgrt against the Pennsylvania Gov. William W. devoUdn to liberty when he MMMd this waric after repair of "Whero hava you baauT Konnady baroi Monday Scranton to nearby Indlantown abaeot toe leak that waa lliat ha wouM not aoosMar lUB- (■m Page M ^ ) W atM U im ui T Bti« iir aanatar wMiout ISaa Page Wmmi^ Gag. About toro 'floaan top Re- ,1-