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11-5-1967 Kabul Times (November 5, 1967, vol. 6, no. 182) Bakhtar News Agency

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Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (November 5, 1967, vol. 6, no. 182)" (1967). Kabul Times. 1633.

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',J <,.,j , ;'" '.~, ,y,~::i~~~:'YI~:\:.Af:~i.'P~" . ~~¥j'!r ;", : ,)::, D:om~),!»nel~' " ',,!d' " > >'''/,9 " (€ontd.,jrom paNt 2) nq close' a 'match as lppssible can 1~:"l'''''IJ:.~'''e' .'l.~',;Ii'''' T' .;: .' ~hf{ ·':~&'\·~'!1.ff~ic~\\'·7.:"\,(.-';·~'r"\I'i,\Ji,}~<,,~L':,· ," ,... ~. " ". ' ,," • '. ,. ::: \,',',/ ." I~'i':> 'erly' l·rre'''"lous. Bu··r'do belle- bE: obtained between' host and 1ll, ,f "~'..f, . , ~ •.},~."'~~ i l",.:i"J-;.;·-'O·'iii.' ;"'dv',~;"" ... ,~(npJbt~",' dlon; ~W'!U, \r!lilt,:, , sites; " ·S.H.) , . can be taken from donors aftey crucial problemS. When a man 'TIleibOdy;'cif 22.:r~~oi4\'ar;;:, :t~ihg le~ves.. ,':':',;.. ;, ':_}j:..s:~~.,;~~~'J:~ii!l~ ';';G~R,Bf,~:N.;OV. 4, (i}~~H'ri.--;-TlJe their death and used to replace can be fitted with a second-hand ,m;y' cilli ~"III - \ ' ..,...... ". , .....,.. Za k \'''11 ID velopment P1:0- those same'organs In living peo heart. lungs. legs, fingers and- from FOri'.....III"80~....·CaroU: ,. ~SING, M.lch!g,an, t:;ov.,;,,~ ;OrVille Freeman has 1,,'eri!barlied I "\ a ,o!;, ura t ,e , I pie. Human corneas-the cornea eventull1ly-an. artifIcial brain, na, was ~ to • 'Vletaam (~P),~vernor.~rge! Ro~Y for,J, Rome,'to tell the: UN:'Food ject o~ed a, v ~Ia~e~school ,in .Jaj~ ·- Vie4!-Ml S~ttl~ll(~~t IS the transparent window It! the how much of hIln ~ll there be grave - ....vatioD loom .H-t , ~ald ~uisday., he 'Wll!'. announce and'AgriCulture Org~lsatlQjJ. that Mangal, lakailah In ~,wples~ab. .IPI a~Pt8 revlve~ ,.",!,~d1da~.fllr front of the eye-can be transpl- left? How far are doctors to be va:ID to If he IS tIIe.Re. 'the Uilited Sta:tes favours"eiillst- IEighteen students ,en,rolled In the P~:)-J~ant anted from dead people to living expected to go In renewing a life from the explosloD that 'oceur.. 'Rublican nOlJUIll\tlon}o.t;:p~dent ing many nations In the fight., ag- .~~~I.. '., OpeftDOQr ,To ones. Kidneys, too, are beiJIg ob-, that has failed? What is. death, if' red near ~aIaJ Jan July 18. .I~.~e nea~.future. ",',. slnst world hUnger," , ••".' ." UNITED NATIONS" ·Nov. 5.- ~~ ~';' ~uter tained in the same way. So are a body can be kept gomg Inde- Some hours atter lie "died;" ' ,'" Romney said ,h.lL.has cancelled . 'Bo~t/~ Nov. ~. 4; (Bakhlar).-The United Nations Secretary Ge· move In of space heart valves-from animals as' f1Oitely? an arm_ em"blamer inade' thie • I t~e . Cotumblp :aroadcailt1ng'Sys- agrlbulture'depar\n'lent' In HelIilAnd Ineral U Thant called again Satur­ treaty, barring the use of the co&­ Liver transpl- '_t SayS Professor Itenedl: "There' . " . tern half hour telllVislon "rogram· " . -, '. mos for military pUrposes. well as dead men. firSt ronUne InclaJon aDd' .-" " " Valley Ii•.s distributed 100 '}?nt,of l day for solution of the Vietnam antatlOn is becoming possible and; are virtually unanswerable quo withdrew startled when';its:· "!e,,hl!,h~a scheduled'for ,No~- Ty"pe" '~....i.fl·~9 lamarho wheat and 500 ton. of I ' conflict: In order that the door "I want to be very BI1l'e that It IS hkely to be one of the main D estions In ~enns of present-day kilJfe uneovered a fIIe.ker, 'of- I\er, '15, ~au~ of the ..,itrlctions .:K:1o "chemical 1ertIliSer to 1amers In ... 'might b& oPened for 'other ac-, is within the tenns ,of reference medical talking-points In thel ethiCS" Medical ,lIlorality will life • Imposed' by the net\yOrlt. ,: . 'Darweshlln, Shamlan, and Marja. cords, including a Middle East of the scientific advisory coJJUnlt­ months to come. Lungs are being 1'\ have to be completely rethought· . "These restrictions would have, (Cotlld. ftont page 3) settlement. . tee" be said when asked 11 he transplanted m animals A dog in: If these possibilities are realised. The body Wllli ~en , hliAlk III effect, made It mandatory that tremely high quality reprOduction Assessing the world sitwltlQn as would seek the vi~ of this bo- RUSSia it was reported from Mos-"And not only medical morality, to a ~ hospital where ~- I announce til; a alngle network ·Is can run as fast as 10,000 char-. , > • he elitered his seviinth year as , dy of top technll'81·cOD.uUants, cow I~st month, has been living.. but much of human philosophy ther s1gus of Ute wen deJected, two weeks In.advance thlit I, had scters per second for ,Print of .ty- MAZARE SHARIF, Nov. 4, (Bakb­ , UN Secretl!l'Y . General, he' told Friday'was'the sixth QmJvena­ for 28 weeks With a lung trans-~ too' Doetbrs,at Walter Heed th· reached an.lIf(irmatlv.e'.declS!on pewrlter quality. There are, lnOV- tar).-The Imam Bukrl bridge cons­ • , rePorters that he Considered' the ry of hlB aPP


Israel's Geula Glll was aC­ ." )FI'ore1\~e; lIllr golden 'city of the epplant Turcan soil could not repair and strengthening of the cllltmed tilE! '''International reve­ ·tell'aissmcout 23 million cubic feet) of happen after rains like last year's, of the music tor Per Una Don­ She holds an art education deg­ Corps volunteers In Afghanistan l!~s yeUo~ mud, several people drow­ a spokesman threw up its hands na, gave credit for the success to ree from Southern Illinois Uni­ .9P8IltfJiUl, 'and fresliJy-?aIn­ opened Wednesday at the U.S. vers,ty and has displayed her ·ted restaurants dOIng a ned, 45,000 people homeless, and said, "we'll j~t have to ho­ E: I?{!rreta who wrote the Iyncs '!i.8rs and and singer Jimi Fontana. Cultural Centre in Share nau. works In several 8rt shows in ~1 _~ad~, ., 40000 cars wrecked, 18,000 shops pe it won't happen." The exhibition of weavmgs by .un y earthworks On the river bars ruined and hundred. of:paln­ , High water wmes about once the Umted States, including the every ten years and bad floodS ,'rhe poetry of Perreta...and Mrs Nina Arnold and paintmgs 1965 Massachusetts National blinks and an oCCilslOl'lai rat on tings, ancient books, statues slid by Jerry Spurgat will remain op­ Art Show. about once a century. V" 'the interpretation of Fontana t~ ibl'fJlime P,lstres earthworks art· objects damaged or destroyed. en to the public until November w~11s From all over the world came For long-term Pl'Qt~~j\iJl., a we~ .. f Herat. ~iPb+S(26 first one-man show in 1984 at Mi­ ."~i1\11l re-re- moSt· utIIent, defence 'work,. the ved. . '.Teacher • 'l'rhinlhg ,Academy in '1"':' - drawn more and more towards Al.- itetf(ational . Understanding Pro­ pie who have preserved the noble ghanistan not only because of the giamme which aims at fostering traditions of natural· fnendliness, beauty nalure has endowed it with ,knowledge ·about the world. hospitaltty all.lJ chivalry." but because i1s people have still · , The Idea came about 15 years r~O. The above were the sentiments ex- kept up the noble traditions like has· said AminuUah Amin chief pressed by Dr. Max Reisch, the lea- pltahty. generoslly and friendliness."' "Of the history department at the der of the tour group 10 a Rolhng < Academy. Since then intematio- Dr Reisch and von Bienenstamm : na1 understanding is being taught Hotel, now on a visit to Afghanistan. Dr. Reisch who served under added "What impressed us more -io"many countries. was that we did nol find any Mghan! . In Afghanistan this is the first Field \lIarshal Ronunel of Germany for two years In his cam~ begging as in many countries noJ , time such a programme i. being palgTls of Wo:-ld War II in African dId anybody look at our pockels as < taken up. The programme was deserts IS the author of a book a Source from which steal something _.$parked by the visit, earlier this "Mavsafalle Afrika" on the war Bnd They received only what they had iYear, by a UNESCO representa- his hero Field Marshal Rommel. earned and deserved." · tive. Rommel who is considered as the . 'Two 12th grade classes of cleanest General ot German Army Dr Reisch said 'IThe roads Ln Al­ .. boys and girls, are taking part admired by friends llnd enemies ghanJstan are the best in ASIa and .._i!, the exhibition,. Amin said. alike tOL" his briliiant lacts and dar­ even better than many of lhe Euro­ :... The girls have studied Japanese , . Ing exploits was ultimately defeated pean countries It IS tbe only coun­ · ('uiSine, fashion, flower arrange­ by another war hero of world fame try where our drivers, to the saU.~ ,. ment and indoor decoratioc and Field Marshal Montgomery of Great factIOn of our tourist passcngera, ; the boys have studied the histo­ Bntam. can make one hundred kin per .: ry. arts religion, geography, ag- hour." ri~v.lture and industry -of Japan. Dr Reisch who was an officer un· der his command IS still very much At the opening ceremony gu­ Dr Reisch in reply to another ests were welcomed among others energetic and methodic, preserving still the techniques and philosophy QuestIOn described as superb the Qld by 'a kimona clad girl and judo bazaars. CIties, koochi (nomad) llfe uniformed boy. of his old mentor-Field Marshal Rommel-to roU and storm mto dif· hisloncal monumenlS and the mar: Japanese flower arrangements are ad mired all over the world. Pictures of life in J opan were ket day. given to the Academy by tbe ferent regions, not of course, With Japanese embassy. guns and cannons but with a huge vehicle equipped with a giant trailor, Dr. Reisch and Von Blenenstamm UNICEF 'gave the acade­ cailed Rolllng Hotel The Hotel both said that It wili not be In fu­ my pictures of UN development carries and accommodates about 40 ture once in a year as now that we · programme activities 'Promoting passengers, complete with a kitchen will visit Afghanistan We are gomg , farming and agricultural indUs­ and sleeping cabma. to have more frequent trips to thiS try. Dr. Reisch and the publicity mana­ country as more and more people The purpose of the show it to ger of the tourt Von Bienenttamm learn of our tours and the charms ,promote understan

While on way to DamIan and Bonde Arnir in Afghan tour cars the party saw drastic cha.nges in the weather llIld in geography. They got stuck UJ: in snow but weathered the storm with a smile on their faces.

Dr. ReIsch sajd. "I have been through many storms and I llke Il especially 10 the deserts. Pescrts are always enchanting to me. They empower me."

Dr. Reisch went into a meaningful pause for some moments, then hoot­ ing his Rolloing Hotels' horn, and .1... ;:';.'. '.~ , started his journey down towards Scenes of cultliral activities In Japan. The RoDIn; Hotel at a 'campsite In Kabul Ghazni to see tQe ruins of another monarch's and seneral's dream­ Mahmood of Gbaznl. \ . ,


Israel's Geula Glll was aC­ ." )FI'ore1\~e; lIllr golden 'city of the epplant Turcan soil could not repair and strengthening of the cllltmed tilE! '''International reve­ ·tell'aissmcout 23 million cubic feet) of happen after rains like last year's, of the music tor Per Una Don­ She holds an art education deg­ Corps volunteers In Afghanistan l!~s yeUo~ mud, several people drow­ a spokesman threw up its hands na, gave credit for the success to ree from Southern Illinois Uni­ .9P8IltfJiUl, 'and fresliJy-?aIn­ opened Wednesday at the U.S. vers,ty and has displayed her ·ted restaurants dOIng a ned, 45,000 people homeless, and said, "we'll j~t have to ho­ E: I?{!rreta who wrote the Iyncs '!i.8rs and and singer Jimi Fontana. Cultural Centre in Share nau. works In several 8rt shows in ~1 _~ad~, ., 40000 cars wrecked, 18,000 shops pe it won't happen." The exhibition of weavmgs by .un y earthworks On the river bars ruined and hundred. of:paln­ , High water wmes about once the Umted States, including the every ten years and bad floodS ,'rhe poetry of Perreta...and Mrs Nina Arnold and paintmgs 1965 Massachusetts National blinks and an oCCilslOl'lai rat on tings, ancient books, statues slid by Jerry Spurgat will remain op­ Art Show. about once a century. V" 'the interpretation of Fontana t~ ibl'fJlime P,lstres earthworks art· objects damaged or destroyed. en to the public until November w~11s From all over the world came For long-term Pl'Qt~~j\iJl., a we~ .. f Herat. ~iPb+S(26 first one-man show in 1984 at Mi­ ."~i1\11l re-re- moSt· utIIent, defence 'work,. the ved. . '.Teacher • 'l'rhinlhg ,Academy in '1"':' - drawn more and more towards Al.- itetf(ational . Understanding Pro­ pie who have preserved the noble ghanistan not only because of the giamme which aims at fostering traditions of natural· fnendliness, beauty nalure has endowed it with ,knowledge ·about the world. hospitaltty all.lJ chivalry." but because i1s people have still · , The Idea came about 15 years r~O. The above were the sentiments ex- kept up the noble traditions like has· said AminuUah Amin chief pressed by Dr. Max Reisch, the lea- pltahty. generoslly and friendliness."' "Of the history department at the der of the tour group 10 a Rolhng < Academy. Since then intematio- Dr Reisch and von Bienenstamm : na1 understanding is being taught Hotel, now on a visit to Afghanistan. Dr. Reisch who served under added "What impressed us more -io"many countries. was that we did nol find any Mghan! . In Afghanistan this is the first Field \lIarshal Ronunel of Germany for two years In his cam~ begging as in many countries noJ , time such a programme i. being palgTls of Wo:-ld War II in African dId anybody look at our pockels as < taken up. The programme was deserts IS the author of a book a Source from which steal something _.$parked by the visit, earlier this "Mavsafalle Afrika" on the war Bnd They received only what they had iYear, by a UNESCO representa- his hero Field Marshal Rommel. earned and deserved." · tive. Rommel who is considered as the . 'Two 12th grade classes of cleanest General ot German Army Dr Reisch said 'IThe roads Ln Al­ .. boys and girls, are taking part admired by friends llnd enemies ghanJstan are the best in ASIa and .._i!, the exhibition,. Amin said. alike tOL" his briliiant lacts and dar­ even better than many of lhe Euro­ :... The girls have studied Japanese , . Ing exploits was ultimately defeated pean countries It IS tbe only coun­ · ('uiSine, fashion, flower arrange­ by another war hero of world fame try where our drivers, to the saU.~ ,. ment and indoor decoratioc and Field Marshal Montgomery of Great factIOn of our tourist passcngera, ; the boys have studied the histo­ Bntam. can make one hundred kin per .: ry. arts religion, geography, ag- hour." ri~v.lture and industry -of Japan. Dr Reisch who was an officer un· der his command IS still very much At the opening ceremony gu­ Dr Reisch in reply to another ests were welcomed among others energetic and methodic, preserving still the techniques and philosophy QuestIOn described as superb the Qld by 'a kimona clad girl and judo bazaars. CIties, koochi (nomad) llfe uniformed boy. of his old mentor-Field Marshal Rommel-to roU and storm mto dif· hisloncal monumenlS and the mar: Japanese flower arrangements are ad mired all over the world. Pictures of life in J opan were ket day. given to the Academy by tbe ferent regions, not of course, With Japanese embassy. guns and cannons but with a huge vehicle equipped with a giant trailor, Dr. Reisch and Von Blenenstamm UNICEF 'gave the acade­ cailed Rolllng Hotel The Hotel both said that It wili not be In fu­ my pictures of UN development carries and accommodates about 40 ture once in a year as now that we · programme activities 'Promoting passengers, complete with a kitchen will visit Afghanistan We are gomg , farming and agricultural indUs­ and sleeping cabma. to have more frequent trips to thiS try. Dr. Reisch and the publicity mana­ country as more and more people The purpose of the show it to ger of the tourt Von Bienenttamm learn of our tours and the charms ,promote understan

While on way to DamIan and Bonde Arnir in Afghan tour cars the party saw drastic cha.nges in the weather llIld in geography. They got stuck UJ: in snow but weathered the storm with a smile on their faces.

Dr. ReIsch sajd. "I have been through many storms and I llke Il especially 10 the deserts. Pescrts are always enchanting to me. They empower me."

Dr. Reisch went into a meaningful pause for some moments, then hoot­ ing his Rolloing Hotels' horn, and .1... ;:';.'. '.~ , started his journey down towards Scenes of cultliral activities In Japan. The RoDIn; Hotel at a 'campsite In Kabul Ghazni to see tQe ruins of another monarch's and seneral's dream­ Mahmood of Gbaznl. \ FaIt SHEER . .. DELIGHT r.~ , ~\ "~""-.. "'" , . . KABurJ, MO~r;Y, N9~r~ER 6, 1~ (AQRAB 14, 1346 '~ S.H.)

" .. ; J'I', I • Br~~ne:v" :Ad~ Yemen COup Ousts Sallal; Kiesinger Welcomes :~u~I~' ~eetiJl~. 'New Reg'ilne Seeks Peace ~GRAD, Nov. 6, '(T8SII) ADD{, Nov. 6, (Reuter).~A new Saana radio announCed earlier De Gaulle's View -LeQhid" Brezhnev, , general regline sel2led POWeT in the ;Yemen that Iryanl had been chosen jo bead serret8!'Y, of itlie CPSU ceJl.ti(l a. al' Sallal was paying a visit 10 , the Council aa provisional bead 01 Of United Europe Committee 'declal1!d for aU and aaid It would seek a recqnclllll: stste. ' Sovl,et people thl:Be lubl!lT. days tion with royalist tribem.en to end ' Qadi Abdel Rahman al-lryanl la a the days of grellt 'joy anil In- the ftv,,"year-old civil war. ataunch RepUblican. BARDEN, West Germany, cOmparable emotional uplift, AI Qadi Abdol RahInsn al Iryanl, 1Ie Is 53, married and baa lour Nov. 6, (Reuter).~West Ger. . , !;lut our jubilee Is dear not ouly provisional pmldent of the new chlJilren. , man Chancellor Kurt Geors Kie­ , LONDON, November 8, (Reuter).­ ,to tlie Soviet pe- ftapplng in drlvlnll wind and rain, Tshombe Won't Be aelves of oolonlal oppression by Cairo .Radio, be, alaq, said the building up in the Common Mar­ pIe bad been taken to bospltal. slithered l!irougb lbe mud pronoun<>- World News In Brief I sold at the jubilee meetfna In altuallon was calm all over the Qadi Iryani was appointed a mem­ ket over French resiatance to MOSCOW, Nov 5, (Reuter)­ Sabn was speaking a jubilee Surleonl Bnd nurses crawled un- lng last rites for the dead and ,ivin, Moscow, "that the country at Yemen. ber of the preSident councll, prime Britain's applicatillft for member­ Hungarian taxI driver Gyorgy meetmg marking the 50th an­ Extradited From der the creaking wreckage .. fire.. comfort to the injured. ship the Soviets always was and re- --~------~---­ minister and Vice president in 1963. SlriIla yesterday completed a mversary of the 1917 October re­ men cut a path for them with oxy' Loca1 hospltala called In blood , On May 5, 1065 be presided over APDIS ABABA, Nov. 5, (DPA).~ mains a dependable bulwark of AVOIdance of a Common Mar­ marathon run from hlS native volutIon m the Soviet Union Algeria: Lawyer acetylene IOrcbea and used beavy donor' from their becjs to cope wilb the Khamer peace conference held VlaltiDI Prealdent Jomo Kcnyatta lifting lear to make a few inches of the unprecedented. drain on their all the forces f1ghtiDg for peace ket cnals on the BritiSh entry IS­ Budapest to Moscow to celebrate B1'ezh~ by the

