r V MONDAY, AUGUST !•, 1964 111# Waatkar A w age Daily Nat Preaa Rub Foreeost of D. •. Wenrttor fcwaa r i M H X X M D I Hanrlipater Eo^nitts Hfrallt For the Wadt BBdad August 1, 1064 CloENty, mlM, hmnM toaigM, room vrlU ba adjacant to Bw to a fociiisr dirootor of suraeB duuiee of #rl*slo, low to aOfc The Amy-Navy Okib Aux­ platfom . Two owing-iw bauik- Three Gourset at Itomdisater Memorial Hoa- 13,708 Wednssdoy dondy, Mgfc in 00a. iliary wEl sponsor a card pofty She haa been coordinator Worker^ Move Loose Rock boords tor baskatboU w u ba in­ iSamnar o f tlW A.udlt About Town tonight at 8 at the chMnuae. stalled. Set for Nunes o f tha program slaoe Its begin­ Th* concrete floor will be cov­ ning in November IMS. Buroan o f Orcolatlan Manch^atei^A City • / Village Chmrm ]taR*Mtor W A in wW me«t Second U . Rkdiard H. Caih- At Highland School Site Additional taformatton m6y ered with vinyl asbeetoe tMe in Three emirsaa will be etfeced tumo r i w at th« ItaUan Amer­ ptn, husband of the form er Caro­ walking areae. Walla wKI be o< ba obtained by writing the pro­ (Caasslfled aOvertlaiag on Page 13) PRICE SEVEN CEN’l f IV lyn A. Uri» of U l Pine St., has by the Hartford Rafresher Prb- ican OMb. ndri<I(e 8 t Weigh- One thouaand cubic yards offcrete pUars thgt huge. demoU- maaonry Mock with eprayed on gram at 68 Imlay St, Hartford. (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CO^^^., TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1964 i» '■'K ^ T to 8 p.m. arrived for duty at Military Atr hard flnlah in high abuae areas. gram tor Nuraea thle ton, pro­ VOL. LXXXra, NO. 266 tm Transport Serrice unit at Mc­ hard. rock-------- must1 -be------ removed•* tion atateet balls wouldn’t touch. «lRBatlMrwelght” award* for Highland Park School before Construction Is expooted to Some oelllngB will be finished gram eoordinator Mrs. Tera have been preaented to Guire A r e , N.J. He la a plldt with acoustical tile. and served at LaughUn AFB, .construction can begin, George begin toward the middle of the Dormer has announced. Mra. David Applestelh, wltii a Johnson, Associated Construc­ month of an addition and reno­ The exiBtIng kitchen wlH be The six-week programs of weigllt low d IS pounds, and Texas. His new squadron sup­ port the MATS mission of pro­ tion Company’s site superin­ vations to the old school build­ remodeled end enlarged end an two day coureea and one eve­ Kr*. Fred IiaBraque, with a tendent said today. ing. Compatitxlttty. with the ex­ oK heating system with Indi­ ning course wlU be eunraned LAUGHTER WiIgM low of 11 pounds. viding global airlift to tf.S. LECLERC Military forcw and equipment Blasting has been temporar­ isting building and the use of vidual room thermostatsywlll be by a grant from the Hartford Bolton Lake House Bums Greeks Hold 3 Villages, f u n e r a l ily stopped while loose rock Is maintenance-free materials will Installed. The plav field will be Foundation for Public Giving. and M to aM tabjfli M « o r * em HOMI M. Chndr. Robert M. Ihomp- removed an& the blaster enjoys extended, a kindergarten play Pvt. John J. Golden Jr., son mark the design bt the new ad­ There will be one advanced a l to ihaiMl v M tor awas M i l e i KB. son o( Mrs. Lucy Thomp- of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gol­ his honeymoon. Ronald Ravls- dition which Is expected to be area added, more pariring pro- course for staff and private FUNERAL •OB, 18 VlrglnU Rd., Is a crew­ den, ISO Porter St., has been sa, the Berlin dynamiter who completed In nine months. vlded, and the seirvicr dee area kn- duty nursea and two standard aaf frteadi tor Im g DManoe. It’s to member of Patrol Squadron 16 assigned to O Oo. of the 3rd is doing the tricky work of L ^ ls J. Drakos and Aaaocl- proved. courses for registered nurses gsitk and sev. Ifs tto atKt tort tiased at the Naval Air StaUon, SERVICE loosening the bedrock for the atea of Farmington archltecta who have been away from nure- Jacksonville, Fla. The squadron training regiment for eight toimtototogtoen. WALTBR M. weeks basic training at Ft. Dlx, power shovel, was married Sat­ working with Manchester of­ Per Diem Rail Rent Ing for five years or more. Cyprus Truce Menaced la making a transition from the UJOUStO N. J., In conjuctlon with the Re­ urday. Ravizsa and his 1960 ficials say thiey have ooncen Each oouree consists of lec­ tiocfcheed Neptune to the Lock­ Cadillac hearse that hauls the Dtreetor serve Enlistment Prog^ram. He ture end demonstration classes heed Orkm patrol aircraft. The dynamite charges worked fe- trated on providing the maxi­ WASHINGTON — Per diem, is a graduate o f Manchester designed to familiarise nurses 1R m m HR BMMi Orian la primarily an antl-sub- ferlshly last week to get ahead mum facilities consistent with in railroad parlance, la the rent 3$ Main B tftot Maaohatoar matlna warfare bomber. High School and attended Mas- the budget and established edu­ paid by one railroad to another with the Utest developments In m Bmmtmm on his work. general hospital nursing. Call 649-5869 sachusetU Institute of Techno­ Ravlsea has been working cational requirements. for the use of a freight car. Mfle db ear beef to son* |W taoer Turks Want The executive board of the Basic construction will in­ It varies from $2.16 to $7.74. Mrs. Dormer of 259 Porter S t logy- with 2 or 3-pound charges of Dempsey Asks Senate Newcomer’s CAvh of the Man- straight dynamite In ♦ ^to 6 clude a steel frame and hollow cheater TWCA will meet to­ Pvt. Jowph M. Murphy, son charge-holes. Johnson said Ra- walls for good heat and sound Pullback in morrow at 8:30 p.m. at the o f Mr. and Mr*. John W. Mur­ vissa retains remarkable con­ Insulation. An exterior of alum­ home of Mrs. Roger Nearine, 38 phy, 69 Edmund St., ha* been trol over the blasts and has yet inum doors and curtain walls Speed Reapportioning Coast Area Grandview St. assigned to M Co. of the 4th to have otte away from of brick and pre-cast concrete training regiment at Ft. Dlx, facia will require no painting or The Stsin dub of the VFW N. J., for eight weeks basic Raviasa says he Intends to other traditional maintenance A HOLIDAY FOR 2 IN EUROPE NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) blast within 20-feet of the to do,” Dempsey said. The gov-«for meana of reapportioning the wffl have a special meeting training. After basic he will re­ costs. HARTFORD (AP) —’ em or said he hoped the Senate General Assembly aa the le^ da- — A deadlock between Tur­ Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the ceive two weeks leave, then en­ school. The remainder of the The ground floor of the two- Gov. John N. Dempsey tors returned ^ continue their rock must come out by hand. is MS 'HVis^hUpeKoffM'' (MtoitI would devote longer hours and key and Cyprus about post home. ter advanced infantry train­ level school will contain two urged the Democratic-con- longer days — more days if special session ing. Ravlzaa packs his charges In special classrooms for teaching Greek Cypriot troop dis­ to -feet deep charge holes trolled Senate today to “ set necessary — to the job. Both houses of the General 4 6 educable children plus toilet fa­ “It is my sincere hope,” he positions on the northwest drilled by 80-pound jackham­ Stop $ Shop CoffM Assembly were expected to hold Peter J. Casella Jr., son of cilities and storage space. The a good example’’ by passing said, "that the task can be fin­ routine sessions today. coast today menaced the mers. Spacing and pocking of first floor will have sU regular ths (nspdlisst Mr. and Mrs. Peter Casella Sr. 21-DAY EXPENSE-PAID TRIP 100 a legislative reapportion­ ished well in advance of the Bills on reapportionment peace restored shakily un­ the chargies mean everything. classrooms, an auditorium-gym­ Savor in ths mrUl y of 62 Windemere St., has re­ ment plan quickly. deadline, set by the court." A were being submitted by Dem­ cently entered the United Ravissa uses earth mixed with nasium, showers, drying and OTHER der U.N. auspices. ■FOR 2A Vto 1^1 A I A \ Af Wt ’The Democratic governor three-judge federal court has ocratic and Republicam repre­ Turkish jets maintained re­ FREE!! States Navy for two year* ac­ water to tamp the charge In the locker rooms, a general office, set a Sept. 10 deadline for the met with the leaders of the sentatives and senators before tive duty. Casella has been a rock. He says this prevents the PRIIES connaissance flights. lobby, principals office, work­ Senate and told them "If you General Assembly to reappor­ today’s 6 p.m. deadline. Premier Ismet Inonu’s An­ A New Roll Of Naval Reservist since Febru­ force of the charge blowing ver­ room, boiler room, custodial TOP& h j ^ H I r w A ) ! want a good example aet. you tion Itself. ary 1963, and is a 1964 gradu­ tically out the charge hole. In The Democrats favor a bill kara administration was report­ rooms, and a nurses suite. should aet It yourself.” The House is controlled by ed continuing military prej^ra- ate of Manchester High School.
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