REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS For – Comprehensive T&D, Streetlight Assessments and Inspections Deadline: Wednesday, October 14, 2020 at 2:00pm PPT For all questions about this RFP, contact: Jaime Reyes Supervising Electrical Engineering Associate
[email protected] GLENDALE WATER & POWER ATTN: Jaime Reyes, Supervising Electrical Engineering Associate 141 N. Glendale Ave., Suite 420 Glendale CA 91206-4975 Issued: September 3, 2020 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Comprehensive Transmission & Distribution and Streetlight Assessments and Inspections The City of Glendale (“City”) through its Water & Power Department (“GWP”), doing business as Glendale Water & Power (GWP), seeks proposals from qualified firms to provide assessment and inspection services for the energy delivery function of its electric utility to comply with all applicable laws, statutory requirements, and regulations. The required services and performance conditions are described in the Scope of Work. In the preparation of this Request for Proposals (RFP), the words “Proposer,” “Contractor,” “Consultant,” “Bidder,” and “Firm” are used interchangeably. Proposers are solely responsible for ensuring proposals are received by GWP on or before the submittal deadline. All required forms of the proposal must be received no later than 2:00pm PPT on Wednesday, October 14, 2020, at the following address and email address: Glendale Water & Power ATTN: Jaime Reyes, Supervising Electrical Engineering Associate RE: GWP Electric Assessments and Inspections Proposal 141 N. Glendale Ave., Suite 420 Glendale, CA 91206-4975
[email protected] Proposers shall submit: 1. A sealed envelope or box with the name of the Proposer and the RFP Title clearly marked on the outside of the package. The package shall contain an original signed proposal (signed by a representative authorized to bind the Proposer) and two (2) duplicates.