Jkpsc Kas Mains Syllabus General Studies
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JKPSC KAS MAINS SYLLABUS GENERAL STUDIES General Studies:- Paper-I and Paper-II will cover the following areas of knowledge :— Paper-I 1. Modern History of Ind ia and Ind ian Culture. 2. Curr ent events of national and international importance. 3. Statistical analysis, graphs and diagrams. Paper-II 1. Ind ian Poli ty; 2. Ind ian Economy and Geography of Ind ia; 3. The role and impact of Science and technology in the development of Ind ia. In Paper I, Modern History of Ind ia and Ind ian Culture will cover the broad history of the country from about the midd le of the nineteenth century and would also include qu estions on Gandhi, Tagore and Nehru. The part relating to statistical analysis, graphs and diagrams will include exercises to test the candidate's ability to draw common sense conclusions from information presented in statistical, graphical or diagramm atical form and to point out deficiencies, limitations or incon sistencies therein. In Paper II, the part relating to Ind ian Poli ty, will include qu estions on the political system in Ind ia. In the part pertaining to the Ind ian Economy and Geography of Ind ia, qu estions will be put on planning in Ind ia and the physical, economic and social geography of Ind ia. In the third part relating to the role and impact of science and technology in the development of Ind ia, qu estions will be asked to test the cand idate's awareness of the role and impact of s cience and technology in Ind ia; emph asis will be on app li ed aspects. OPTIONAL SUBJECTS AGRICULTURE Paper-I Ecology and its relevance to man, natural resources, their management and conservation. Physical and social environment as factors of crop distribution and produ ction. Cli matic elements as factors of crop growth, impact of changing environments on cropping pattern as ind icators of environments. Environmental poll ution and ass ociated hazards to crops, animals and humans. Cropping patterns in diff erent agro climatic zones of the coun try-impact of high yielding and short duration varieties on shifts in cropping patterns. Concepts of multiple cropp ing, multi-storey, relay and inter-cropp ing and their importance in relation to food produ ction, package of practices for produ ction of important cereals, pu lses, oil see d fibre, sugar and commercial crops grown during Kharif and Rabi seasons in diff erent regions of the coun try. Important features, scope and propagation of various types of forestry plantations, such as, extension/social forestry, agro forestry and natural forests. Weeds, their characteristics, diss emination and association with various crops; their multiplication, cultural, biological and chemical control of wee ds. Processes and factors of soil formation, classification of Ind ian soils including modern concepts, Mineral and organic constituents of soils and their role in maintaining soil produ ctivity. Problem soils, extent and distribu tion in Ind ia and their reclamation. Ess ential plant nu trients and other beneficial elements in soils and plants; their occurrence, factors affecting their distribu tion, fun ctions and cycling in soils. Symbiotic and non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation, Principles of soil fertility and its evaluation for judicious fertilizer use. Soil conservation planning on water shed basis, Erosion and run off management in hill y, foot hills and valley land s; processes and factors aff ecting them. Dryland agriculture and its problems. Technology for stabilizing agriculture produ ction in rainfed agriculture area. Water use efficiency in relation to crop produ ction criteria for schedu li ng irrigations, ways and means of redu cing run off losses of irrigation water, Drainage of water logg ed soil s. Farm management, scope, importance and characteristics, farm planning and bud geting, Economics of diff erent types of farming systems. Marketing and pricing of agricultural inpu ts and outputs, price fluctuations and their cost; role of co-operatives in agricultural economy, types and systems of farming and factors aff ecting them. Agricultural extension, its importance and role, methods of evaluation of extension programmes, socio-economic survey and status of big, small and marginal farmers and land less agricultural labourers, the farm mechanization and its role in agricultural produ ction and rural employment. Training programmes for extension workers, lab to land programmes. Paper-II Heredity and variation, Mend els law of inh eritance, Chromosomal theory of inheritance, Cytoplasmic inh eritance, Sex linked, sex influenced and sex li mited characters. Spontaneous and indu ced mutations. Quantitative characters. Origin and domestication of field crop. Morphology patterns of variations in varieties and related species of important field crops. Causes and utilization of variations in crop improvement. App li cation of the principles of plant bree ding to the improvement of major field crops; methods of bree ding of self and cross polli nated crops. Introdu ction, selection, hybridization. Heterosis and its exploitation, Male sterility and self incompatibility utilization of Mutation and polyploidy in bree ding. Seed technology and importance; produ ction, processing and testing of seeds of crop plants; Role of national and state seed organizations in produ ction, processing and marketing of improved seeds. Physiology and its significance in agriculture nature, physical properties and chemical constitution of protoplasm; imbibition, surface tension, diffusion and Osmosis. Absorption and translocation of water, transpiration of water economy. Enzymes and plant pigments: pho tosynthesis-modern concepts and factors aff ecting the process, aerob ic and anaerobic respiration. Growth and development; photo periodings and vernalization. Auxin, hormones and other plant regulators and their mechanism of action and importance in agriculture. Cli matic requ irements and cultivation of major fru its, plants and vegetable crops, the package of practices and the scientific basis for the same. Handling and marketing problems of fruits & vegetables, Principal methods of preservation, important fruits and vegetable produ cts, processing techn iqu es and equ ipment. Role of fruit and vegetable in human nu trition; land scape and floriculture including raising of ornamental plants and design and layout of lawns and gardens. Diseases and pests of field vegetable, orchard and plantation crops of Ind ia and measures to control these. Causes and classification of plant diseases; Principles of plant disease control including exclusion, eradication, immunization and protection, Biological control of pests and disease; integrated management of pests and diseases. Pesticides and their formulations, plant protection equ ipment, their care and maintenance. Storage pests of cereals and pu lses, hygiene of storage godowns, preservation and remedial measures. Food produ ction and consumption trends in Ind ia. National and International food policies. Procurement, distribu tion, process ing and produ ction constraints, Relation of food produ ction to nation al dietary pattern, major deficiencies of calorie and protein. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND VETERINARY SCIENCE Paper-I 1. Animal Nutrition: Energy sources, energy, metaboli sm and requ irements for maintenance and produ ction of milk, meat, eggs and wool. Evaluation of feeds as sources of energy. 1.1. Advanced stud ies in Nutrition-protein-sources of protein, metaboli sm and synthesis, protein qu antity and quality in relation to requ irements. Energy protein ratios in ration. 1.2. Advanced stud ies in Nutrition Minerals: Sources, Functions, requ irements and their relationship of the basic minerals nu trients including trace elements. 1.3 Vitamins, Hormones and Growth stimulating, substances-Sources-fun ctions, requ irements and inter-relationship with minerals. 1.4. Advanced Ruminant Nutrition: Dairy Catt le Nutrients and their metaboli sm with reference to milk produ ction and its composition Nutrient requ irements for calves, heifers dry and milking cows and bu ff aloes. Limitations of various feeding systems. 1.5. Advanced Non-Ruminant Nutrition Poultry-Nutrients and their metaboli sm with reference to poultry, meat and egg produ ction. Nutrients requ irements and fee d formulation and broil ers at diff erent ages. 1.6. Advanced Non-Ruminant Nutrition Swine- Nutrients and their metaboli sm with special reference to growth and quality of meat produ ction, Nutrient requ irement and feed formulation for baby growing and finishing pigs. 1.7. Advanced Applied Animal Nutrition- A critical review and evaluation of fee ding experiments, digestibility and balance stud ies. Feeding standards and measures of feed energy. Nutrition requ irements for growth, maintenance and produ ction Balanced rations. 2. Animal Physiology : 2.1. Growth and Animal Production: Prenatal and po stnatal growth, maturation, growth curves, measures of growth factors aff ecting growth, conformation , body composition meat qu ali ty. 2.2. Milk produ ction and reprodu ction and digestion-Curr ent status of hormonal control of mammary, development milk secretion and milk ejection, composition of milk of cows and bu ff aloes. Male and female reprodu ction organs their components and fun ction. Digestive organs and their fun ctions. 2.3. Environmental Physiology - Physiological relation s and their regulation; mechanisms of adaption, environmental factors and regulatory mechanism involved in animal behaviour, methods of controlling climatic stress . 2.4. Semen quality: Preservation