UNIVERSITY OF JAMMU MIl{UTES 82"d MEETING OF THE UNIVERSITY GOUNGIL HELD ON 22.04.2(J17 NEC'SjrRAR Unlt dtr ol,tdtu E&. A.tu Atib..rka. Roa4 Ii.u Vntdalt,, C@tI,t,Jztu (tdtdl |A0006 Minutes-82nd University Council Dated: 22,04.2017 UNIVERSITY OF MMU Draft Minutes of the 82"d meeting of the Universiw Council of the Universit-v of .lammu held on April 22, zo17 6aturdayt at 1o.3o a.m. at the llaj Bhavan, .Iammu, under the. Chairmanship of Sh. N. N. Vohra, Chancellor (Hon'ble Governor, I&K Statel, University of .lammu. PRESENT; Sh. Syed Mohantmad Altaf Bukhari, II. Prof. R. D. Sharma, Hon'ble Minister for Education, Vice-Chancellor, Jammu and Kashmir State; University of Jammu; III Prof. Kharshid lqbal Andrabi, IV Prof. Vinayshil Gautam, Vice-Chancellor, Ph. D. FRAS (London) of Kashmir; 6ouncler Director, llll-K; 1" tlead, Management University Dettartnrcnt, IIT-D) Chairman, D.K. International Foundation, O-27, South City, Gurgaon, Haryana-122002; Prof. Vinod K. Singh, u. Sh. Asgar Hassan SAmoon, us Director, C ommissioner/Secret ary to Indian Institute of Science Education Governntent, & Research, Bhopal, Hi g her Edu c atio n D ep artment, Madhya Pradesh; Government of J&K; vii. Shri Navin K. Chondhary, tAs viii. Prof. Naresh Padha, C ommis si oner/ S e c r et ary t o Dean Faculty of Sciences, Governntent, University of Jammu. Finan.ce Departntent, (Financial Advis or Universities ) Governntent of J&K; Ix Dr. Kuldeep Singh Charak, Dr. D.S. Manhas, President, President, Teachers Association (CTA), V J amntu University Teachers College Association Jamntu Wing.
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