Welcome to AP Human Geography Boot Camp! ● Find a seat

● Take out a pen or pencil

● Check your phone to make sure it is on silent - Unless given EXPLICIT

permission phones must be out of sight OR on desk, screen down. Getting Started

● Attendance

● Name plates

● Pass out summer work packets- Flash card list and map list. GOAL: complete

most of unit one flashcards this week! Mental Maps Activity...getting to know your geographic background Today you will work in groups. No notes, phones, or devices! You should collaborate with your group. Each step is timed. Listen carefully to directions.

1. Draw a world map. For every step change color of ink. a. Label continents and oceans b. Label as many countries as possible c. Label as many physical features as possible d. Draw a circle around and label each of the following regions : North America, Latin America, Caribbean, Middle East, Central , Siberia, Melanesia, Polynesia, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North , Sub-Saharan Africa, East Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia, West Africa, Canada, and Micronesia 2. Draw a U.S. map. a. Draw a circle around and label each of the following regions: Atlantic, North, New England, North East, Middle Atlantic, South, Midwest, West, Pacific, Northwest, Gulf, Southwest, Acadia What is a mental map?

Create a flashcard based on your personal definition based on the activity we completed. We will discuss what flashcards should look like in a bit. Introduction to AP Human Geography

● Watch AP Human Geography promotional video(1:14)

● View College Board website- course outline, practice questions, exam info

○ What is AP? Goal of class, what /when is the test, what does it mean if I pass/fail etc…

○ See AMSCO p. Xiv-xxviii, INTRODUCTION

○ Course goals/objectives (google site)

● Watch Jaywalking “Why We Need to Teach Geography” video (6:21)

● View 18 Geography Fails Geography: Its Nature and Perspectives

Geographers seek to understand the world through spatial analysis. They use location, distance, scale, pattern, and distance to examine the distributions, what causes them, and what results they have. Students of human geography learn to examine the changing interrelationships between places, human-environment interactions, and the evolution of landscapes. Although geographers often use information provided by other historians, biologists, and other scholars, the perspective of a geographer is distinctive because it focuses on spatial organization.

-AMSCO pg. xx Geography: Its Nature and Perspectives Expected Background Knowledge (aka as the stuff College Board thinks you already know)... 1. General locational geography knowledge, including but not limited to, placement of continents, oceans, equator, prime meridian, etc. ○ Consider get in the habit of practicing - find an app on your phone, a great online resource is Lizard Point Geography . If you have me for class we WILL take map quizzes regularly! 2. Cognizance of commonly referred to geographic regions of the world (also see maps on following slides, and AMSCO pg. xix 3. Also, be aware of general climate zones such as deserts, tropics, etc. 4. Consider reading this article (Harm de Blij author of the article is also the author of our textbook)


On a world map, be able to identify:

· The seven continents: North America, , Europe, Asia, Africa, , Antarctica · The four global oceans: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic · Major degrees of latitude and longitude: Equator and Prime Meridian · Cardinal Directions (Compass) & the Hemispheres: North, South, East, and West

In addition, students will know the following information: · What is found on a map: Compass, Key, and Scale · The difference between continents and countries Completing Good Flash Cards ● Must be handwritten on one note card

IND & DEV ● Term, unit and number should be written on one side and the definition/explanation on the other side. Some students highlight term/unit a different color for each unit.

● It is recommended that you complete your flash cards while reading the textbook and taking notes, rather than looking them up in the glossary all at once, if you complete prior to unit be sure to look at each term within the context of the unit! Key to success: USE THEM TO STUDY THROUGHOUT THE UNIT Reading and Notes Part 1

● Read AMSCO pages 1-3 (Intro-Subfields of Geography) and discuss how to read a college text ● Complete flash cards for the following terms: ○ Spatial approach ○ Geography ○ Physical geography ○ Human geography ○ Cartography Geography: Its Nature and Perspective, a preview of resources

● AP Human Geography Maps and Projections video (1:39)

● Globe Making: How the World Was Made video (2:40)

● Why All World Maps are Wrong video (6:00)

● Modern Geography and the 3D Map Revolution video (16:32) Reading and Notes Part 2

● Read AMSCO pages 3-5 (The Early History of Geography - The Modern History of Geography) History of Geography Timeline Activity

● Create a timeline of the history of geography from the early history to modern history ● include top 10 most important dates, names, and/or innovations ● Be creative - add pictures! Geography: Its Nature and Perspectives Expected Background Knowledge ● Basic knowledge (general time period and very ● A key to success is the basic description) of major historical as well as Recognition of connections current events/conflicts such as the Industrial between geography, Revolution, Colonization, World Wars, Cold War, history, current events, pop the Gulf War, Arab Spring, Arab- Palestinian culture, etc. When I see a conflict etc. good connection I tag it and ○ MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE HERE IS JOHN GREEN...I will post it to my Scoop It page. use Crash Course throughout the year. I recommend My students from last year watching videos on the above events a few times (not just in class but on your own too!) and use them to make are in the process of trying connections to get me to convert to SnapChat...we will see :) ○ Scoop It Closing thought for the day...

If someone asked me to describe the class in just one word it would be globalization. What is globalization? Take a guess write your definition on a note card.

Look up globalization.

Review the National Geographic “Globalization” article. How can you improve your definition?

○ Let’s hear what John Green has to say in Crash Course . Can you revise your definition more? Add examples? Flash Cards

Any time remaining will be used to work on your Geography: Its Nature and Perspectives flashcards Day 2 Welcome to Day 2 of AP HuG Boot Camp!

● Find a seat

● Take out a pen or pencil and your summer work packets

● Check your phone to make sure it is on silent Cultural Patterns and Processes

The languages, religions, and ethnicities of people vary tremendously. The regional patterns exhibited by these elements of culture are part of human geography. Geographers study conflict, cooperation, cultural exchange, and cultural evolution. In recent years, gender and the cultural role it plays in the spatial distribution of human activities has become a greater component of human geography.

-AMSCO pg. xx Cultural Patterns and Processes Expected Background Knowledge A grasp of religions that dominate the realms of the world, most notably Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Hinduism

● Here is a great map showing the basics, but have you ever heard of The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster aka FSM?

A grasp on what people eat. Do you know what the staple food is for some of the major realms?

Staple foods are food items that can be stored easily and eaten throughout the year. Different kinds of staple foods are used in different parts of the world. The term means the common basis of the everyday diet in a place.

Can you think of some examples? Cultural Patterns and Processes Resources, a preview of resources

● 20 Cultural Do’s and Taboos: Manners Around the World article

● Stereotypes, World Views, and Cultural Differences

● The Big Religion Chart website

● A Language Family Tree in Pictures article

● How Languages Evolve video (4:02

● Fresh Prince Google Translated video (4:18)

● It Was Never a Dress Cultural Patterns and Processes Preview

Our culture unit has many parts including LANGUAGE... Flash Cards

You have 30 minutes to work on your flash cards Textbook Scavenger Hunt

Let’s take a look at the book we will be using in class this year. It is a college textbook.

You may work in small groups to complete the textbook scavenger hunt. Population and Migration

Critical to human geography is the human population. Geographers seek to understand the distribution of people on the earth, why people decide to live where they do, why they migrate from one place to another, and the effects of migration. The demographic characteristics of populations, such as their birth rates, death rates, and life expectancy are key to understanding population change.

- AMSCO pg. xx Population and Migration Resources, a preview of resources

● Hans Rosling Global Population Growth, Box by Box video (9:57)

● 5 Ways Europe is Trying to Convince its Citizens to Make More Babies article

● 7 Billion: How Did We Get so Big so Fast? video (2:33)

● Population Pyramids video (5:02)

● Global Migration Flows Interactive Map

● Why Do People Migrate? Video (3:14) Flash Cards

Additional time will be given to work on your flash cards Political Organization of Space

People divide the world into political units, such as countries, cities, and neighborhoods. Geographers are interested in how units at each scale evolved, and how they function both internally and with each other. Political geography examines the forces that create and strengthen countries as well as those that work to tear them apart.

-AMSCO pg. xx Political Organization of Space Expected Background Knowledge An awareness of the major types of governments and where they are used. i.e. what is the difference between a federal and unitary state? The blue states are unitary. Are there more federal or unitary states in the world?

Recognition of major governmental organization and/or agreements such as the UN, EU, NAFTA, etc. MAJOR ALPHABET SOUP in this part of the course-- Preview acronym list Political Organization of Space, a preview of resources

● The 5 Most Common Political Systems Around the World article

● Crash Course Political Organization of Space video (7:17)

● 22+ International Borders Around the World article

● Why It’s Always Chile in Norway article

● Gerrymandering video (2:45) Closing thought...hot topic- Gerrymandering ger·ry·man·der

ˈjerēˌmandər/ verb gerund or present participle: gerrymandering 1. manipulate the boundaries of (an electoral constituency) so as to favor one party or class. ○ achieve (a result) by manipulating the boundaries of an electoral constituency. ○ "a total freedom to gerrymander the results they want" Closing Thought- Cultural Landscape

Create a vocabulary card for the term “Cultural Landscape”

GeoGuessr: https://geoguessr.com/maps/5b3d510b7a2b425ef47b54fd

How did we see the cultural landscape in each of these places?

Update your vocabulary card with additional ideas & information. Day 3 Welcome to Day 3 of AP HuG Boot Camp!

● Find a seat

● Take out a pen or pencil and your summer work packets

● Check your phone to make sure it is on silent

Where are we in terms of flash cards? I will adjust today’s agenda to meet your needs! Industrialization and Development

The distribution of manufacturing facilities, the reasons why certain industries locate where they do, and how those reasons evolve are essential to understanding the geography of industry. Geographers analyze where resources are located, how people use them, and the impact of resource use on the environment, as well as how sectors of the economy change over time. Large questions include the methods that countries use to develop their economies, and how people respond to economic inequality and the growing economic interdependence of the world.

-AMSCO pg. xxi Industrialization and Development Expected Background Knowledge

A general understanding of the importance of resources such as what the major resources are and where they are distributed.

Consider how colonization has affected distribution and therefore global economic wealth.

● Resource Distribution and Its Consequences article ● Natural Resource Maps Industrialization and Development Resources, a preview of resources

● Miniature Earth video (2:27)

● First Taste of Chocolate on the Ivory Coast video (5:55)

● Industrial Revolution video (3:58)

● The Magic Washing Machine video (9:15)

● What is Sustainable Development? video (3:40)

● Cabo Pulmo video (2:03)

● China’s Development video (5:58)

● How a Steel Box Changed the World video (4:05) Flash Cards

You have 30 minutes to work on your flash cards Agriculture and Rural Land Use

Food is central to all human life. Hence, human geographers examine questions relating to how people grow, process, and consume food. Key issues include how and why do the techniques and purposes of farmers vary by region, and why farmers decide to grow certain crops in certain places. Geographers study the impact of modern food production on the population, the environment, and rural landscape, and society in general.

-AMSCO pg. Xx

40+ Maps that Explain Food in America article Agriculture and Rural Land Use Resources, a preview of resources

● Crash Course: Agricultural Revolution video (11:11)

● Industrialization of Agriculture article

● The Past, Present, and Future of Agriculture video (3:22)

● Vertical Farming video (3:37)

● Food Inc Trailer (2:16) Cities and Urban Land Use

Geographers study why cities are where they are, and how those reasons continue to evolve. They develops models to explain the spatial organization within cities that determine which regions are business districts, cultural zones, residential areas, and zones of manufacturing. These models can help explain how urban areas vary from country to country.

-AMSCO pg. xxi

Urbanization and the Future of Cities video (4:08) Cities and Urban Land Use Resources, a preview of resources

● How to Make an Attractive City video (14:02)

● Burma’s Bizzare Capital article

● The 9 Worst Designed Cities in the World article

● Urbanization’s Cost in China video (4:56)

● Why We Live Where We Do video (10:04)

● How Barcelona is Taking Its Streets Back from Cars video (5:30)

● Why Cities Are Where They Are video (15:43)

● The High Cost of Free Parking video (6:42) Flash Cards

Additional time to work on your flash cards TIME REMAINING???

AMSCO chapter 2 and 4 level map analysis??? Hungry for more??

There are many study guide books available for this, and other, AP courses such as Barron’s “AP Human Geography”, McGraw Hill “5 steps to a 5”, REA “AP Human Geography Crash course”.

Used books and older editions are absolutely satisfactory (and much cheaper). I have purchased numerous copies on Amazon and other retailers.

These study guides are not mandatory, just a suggestion for additional help. AP Practice Questions

What types of questions can I expect on unit and THE exam?