OPINION Letters to the Editor: [email protected]
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C2 | SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 2021 CASPER STAR-TRIBUNE Contact OPINION Letters to the editor: [email protected] Natrona Tribune: Est. in 1891; The Casper Daily Tribune: Est. Oct. 9, 1916, by J.E. Hanway; The Casper Star: Est. in 1949 | A Lee Enterprises newspaper 170 Star Lane, Casper, WY 82604 [email protected] | 307-266-0500 ext. 0 MICHELLE ROBINSON President DALE BOHREN Publisher Emeritus JOSHUA WOLFSON Editor SALLY ANN SHURMUR Community News Editor COMMUNITY BOARD MEMBERS: Steve Degenfelder Dave Freudenthal Jamie Purcell STAR-TRIBUNE EDITORIAL When it comes to inclusivity, Wyoming must do better STAR-TRIBUNE EDITORIAL BOARD n Wyoming, we’re proud to tout our state’s live and let live The rule of law matters Iattitude. We see our state as the kind of place where people can live how they want as long as they offer the same cour- s lawyers, retired judges, immediately in court and to the Rep. Cheney, and other respon- tesy to others. We call ourselves the Equality State, and we cel- Aand legal educators of all American people. I understand sible leaders from both parties, ebrate our important role in the women’s suffrage movement. political parties, we share that the President has fi led more by recognizing the lawful results But the reality is, we continue to witness a parade of con- the shock felt by most Ameri- than thirty separate lawsuits. of the 2020 election. We ask that cerning incidents that suggest that we as a state are less toler- cans over the events of Jan. 6, in If he is unsatisfi ed with the re- they recommit to the solemn ant than we’d like to think. And that failure to create a welcom- Washington, D.C. In the days, sults in those lawsuits, then the oaths they swore to uphold and ing and open environment has implications that extend into months, and years ahead the appropriate avenue is to appeal. defend our Constitution. Living our community, our economy and our future success as a state. underlying causes will be de- If the President cannot prove up to those oaths is the bedrock Consider the appointment late last year of Wyoming’s first bated, and accountability will be these claims or demonstrate that of the rule of law, the fi rst prin- Black sheriff, Albany County’s Aaron Appelhans. The new assigned. We all have our own they would change the election ciple of our democracy. sheriff was appointed after an extended community conver- opinions on that subject, and result, he should fulfi ll his oath The events of Jan. 6 will be sation about law enforcement in Albany County. But when he they vary, but we will refrain to preserve, protect and defend long remembered. May they took office, his introduction to the state didn’t begin with a from adding them here. Instead, the Constitution of the United never happen again. discussion of policy. Rather, Appelhans’ start was marred by a at this dangerous moment, we States by respecting the sanctity Signers in alphabetical order: racist tweet by state Rep. Cyrus Western. Western responded to think it is important to keep in of our electoral process.” John Araas, lawyer, Sheridan an article on Appelhans’ appointment by tweeting a GIF from mind that, while the foundations Rep. Cheney’s challenge to the Kenneth Barbe, lawyer, Casper the film “Blazing Saddles,” which depicts a Black sheriff ask- of our democracy have been President, his supporters, and James Belcher, lawyer, Casper ing, “Where the white women at?” shaken, they remain strong. And lawyers to produce evidence to Kim Cannon, lawyer, Sheridan Unfortunately, Western wasn’t alone among state leaders for that, we are indebted to the support their claims was entirely Richard Davis, lawyer, Past who’ve set the wrong example of late. A few months ear- courage of countless individuals, correct. Her further challenge to President Wyoming Bar Assn., lier, Sen. Jim Anderson told the chairwoman of the Wyoming from both political parties, who him, and them, to support the Sheridan Women’s Council that he’d rather look at her than listen to her when tested, stood up to do their sanctity of our electoral process Jeff rey Donnell, lawyer, presentation to a legislative committee. Afterward, Anderson Constitutional duties. was both proper and courageous. Wyoming District Judge (Albany showed little understanding of why his comment was so inap- Thousands of state election Sadly, after all states had County), retired propriate. offi cials, placing themselves in certifi ed their elections and William Downes, United States Last fall, we also heard from former state lawmaker Marti harm’s way, worked tirelessly electoral college votes, and the District Judge, retired Halverson, who argued it wasn’t a problem that Wyoming under the intense gaze of par- litigation eff orts had failed, the Dave Freudenthal, Wyoming women are so underrepresented in the Legislature. Why? Be- tisan poll watchers and video President and some Republicans Governor (2003-11), lawyer, cause men have wives and mothers and therefore understand audiences, in a transparent in Congress began a campaign Cheyenne women’s issues as well as actual women. eff ort designed to assure all of urging Congress to reject the Megan Overmann Goetz, Finally, Park County this fall became the site of an extended us that “all legal votes would be electoral college votes of swing lawyer, Laramie debate about tolerance and inclusivity after a same-sex cou- counted.” Votes were cast and states which the President had Michael Golden, Justice, ple were told they were not welcome there. That homophobic counted, and in hotly contested lost—a campaign which, if Wyoming Supreme Court, retired incident occurred as the county welcomes an influx of new states, recounted (and in Geor- successful, would have disen- Amberly Goodchild Baker, residents seeking a slower paced, more rural life. Thankfully, gia manually counted again) or franchised tens-of-millions of lawyer, Jackson many in the community stood up against this sort of hatred. subjected to various post-elec- voters and put the nation into a Paul Hickey, lawyer, Past But there were others who argued in its favor. tion challenges allowed under full-blown Constitutional crisis. President Wyoming Bar Assn., Some are tempted to dismiss these as isolated incidents or diff erent state laws. After all of Rep. Cheney, putting aside con- Cheyenne political correctness run amok. But that reasoning ignores the that, state election offi cials in siderations of party, promptly Rob Jarosh, lawyer, Past true damage these comments can cause, not only to individu- contested states, mostly Repub- called out those actions for President Wyoming Bar Assn., als, but to all of us. Put simply, they hurt Wyoming. licans, publicly affi rmed that what they were: “unconstitu- Cheyenne The comments, taken together, send a painful message to no meaningful anomalies were tional” and “dangerous.” The Dennis Kirven, lawyer, Buff alo people of color, the LGBTQ community and working women: found, conclusions that sub- Congresswoman went to the Marilyn Kite, Justice, We don’t value you here. And that message has major implica- jected them to violent criticism eff ort of preparing a lengthy Wyoming Supreme Court, retired tions. and threats. Rather than retreat- memorandum reviewing all of John Masterson, lawyer, Past At the most basic level, we should want all people to feel ing, they stood their ground, in the litigation that had debunked President Wyoming Bar Assn., that they are welcome in Wyoming, whether they are the great defense of their own state laws the “allegations” of fraud and Casper granddaughter of a homesteader or a same-sex couple looking and in adherence to their Con- illegality to convince her Repub- Matt Mead, Wyoming to find their own piece of quiet prairie. And it’s harder for peo- stitutional duties. lican colleagues that the election Governor (2011-2019), lawyer, ple to realize their full potential when they must strive against Ultimately, the integrity of was over and that they had a Cheyenne the headwinds of sexism, racism and homophobia. the election was challenged in duty under the Constitution and Nick Murdock, lawyer, Casper Nor do we want to turn away people who might want to re- every swing state in over sixty federal law to uphold the right of Devon O’Connell, lawyer, Past locate here, especially at a time when our economy desperately lawsuits. Judges and their sup- all states, including Wyoming, President Wyoming Bar Assn., needs talented, entrepreneurial workers. How many young en- port staff s, Republicans and to control and determine their Laramie gineers are we missing out on because of incidents like these? Democrats alike, following their own electoral college vote. In Anna Reeves Olsen, lawyer, How many of our young people are fleeing the state for more oaths, rose to the challenge by response to her actions, she was Casper tolerant places? issuing dozens-upon-dozens personally targeted by the Pres- Dave Park, Wyoming District We can all agree that we want Wyoming to grow and thrive. of reasoned written decisions, ident, who told the angry parti- Court Judge (Natrona County), To accomplish that, we need to do our part to ensure Wyoming addressing all claimed irregular- sans he had summoned to Wash- retired is a place all people can call home. We need to call out intoler- ities, including fraud, raised in ington on January 6th: “The Liz Jerry Parkinson, former Dean, ance. We need to ask our leaders to do better. And we also need multiple state and federal courts. Cheneys of the world…we have Wyoming College of Law to do better ourselves. Only then will we truly deserve to be No court found any material to get rid of them.” William Schwartz & Cheryl called the Equality State.