Clinical Education Initiative
[email protected] TRANSGENDER MEDICINE FOR ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS Speaker: Katherine Blumoff Greenberg, MD 5/24/2017 Transgender Medicine for Adolescents and Young Adults [video transcript] 00:00:07 - YeS, So I already introduced mySelf as I Said, I'm the director of our Gender Health ServiceS Clinic. Here we See people from puberty through age 25, but I find mySelf in a conSultative role for people of lotS of ages. And We have, at thiS point, betWeen 800 and 1,000 probably, patientS and families that We've Seen in the laSt five yearS. 00:00:28 I have nothing to discloSe. 00:00:29 And the learning objectiveS are really broad. I Will try to get through as much of thiS as I can Within the time that We have, but I alSo hope to be really uSeful. I knoW that theSe are areaS Where people often have a lot of queStions. Some caSe exampleS, if theSe thingS have come up in your practice, I'm really happy to be a reSource, in addition to Sort of plowing through the Slide tech that I prepared, So pleaSe let me knoW hoW I can be helpful to the folkS out there in the audience. We're gonna talk a lot about psychosocial comorbiditieS. We're not gonna talk that much about STDS, although I want to say, I think it'S in here someWhere that tranS women of color are at juSt aStronomic HIV risk, sort of globally, so it'S definitely one of the thingS We think about really prominently in tranS medicine.