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INDEX See also Accommodations and Restaurant indexes, below. GENERAL INDEX AIA Bookstore and Design traveling to, 233 Center, 172, 173 visitor information, 234 AIDSinfo, 258 Amish Experience (Inter- cademic trips and language A Airport Wireless, 51–52 course), 234 classes, 49 Air travel, 37–38 Amish Farm and House Academy of Music, 191 A.K.A. Music, 182 (Lancaster), 237 Academy of Natural Sciences, AllCell, 52 Anabaptists, 230 139 All Join Hands (mural), 131 Animal-rights issues, 49 Academy of Vocal Arts, 189 Amada, 205 Annenberg Center at the Uni- Access America, 257 America-Italia Society of Phila- versity of Pennsylvania, Accommodations, 1, 64–83. delphia, 49 192, 193 See also Accommodations American Express, 254 Antiquarian’s Delight, Index American Helicopter Museum 169–170 B&B agencies, 64–65 (West Chester), 223 Antiques, 169–171 best, 7–9 American Music Theatre Pennsylvania Dutch Brandywine Valley, 226–227 (Lancaster), 253 Country, 242 Center City American Revolution (Revolu- Antiques Show, 34 east of Broad, 84–94 tionary War), 18–19 Aquarium, Adventure, 146 west of Broad, 94–103 American Swedish Historical Architectural highlights, City Line and Northeast, 82 Museum, 140–141 129–132 hostels, 82–83 America the Beautiful Access Architecture, 21–23, 25, 162 near the airport, 80–82 Pass, 45 historic buildings and mon- New Hope area, 219–220 America the Beautiful Senior uments, 135–138 Old City and Convention Pass, 46 Arch Street Meeting House, Center area, 65–72 The Amish, 229, 232–237, 240, 133, 166 Pennsylvania Dutch 243–245, 247–249,
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