Freedom Shipping Ltd, 3 Mepham Street, London Site address SE1 8FS

Ward Bishop’s

Change of use from Offices (Use Class B1) to Proposal Restaurant (Use Class A3) together with the installation of a new shopfront and external duct flue.

Application type Other minor

13/04714/FUL Application ref(s) 14 th October 2013 Validation date Name: Magdalena Kotyza Case officer details Tel: 020 7926 1270

Email: [email protected]

Applicant Mr Nick Hill (Black and Blue Waterloo Limited)

Agent Mr Michael Black (Fusion design & Architecture)

Considerations/constraints Cross Neighbourhood Association South Bank Employers Group Waterloo Opportunity Area Environment Agency Flood Zone Central Activities Zone

Approved plans Drawings ref: 132-09/100; 101; 103; 200B; 250A; 400; 401B; 402; Design and Access Statement; Floor Risk Assessment; Permanent Suspension Modules details;

Recommendation(s) Grant planning permission subject to conditions.

Consulted? Date Response Department(s) or Organisation(s) Received Internal

Neighbourhood Regeneration Project Y No response Manager Planning Policy Y No response

Regulatory Services - Noise Pollution Y No response

Regulatory Services - Food Safety Y No response

Streetcare Y No response

Conservation & Design Y 16.12.13

Transport/Highways Y 02.12.13


Association of Waterloo Groups Y No response

Lambeth Estates Residents Association Y No response

Waterloo Community Development Group Y No response

Friends Of Hatfield Green Y No response

Friends Of Archbishop's Park Y No response

Kennington Oval & Vauxhall Forum Y No response

Waterloo Quarter BID Y No response

Friends Of Lambeth High Street Rec Y No response

Friends Of St John's Churchyard Y No response

South Bank Employers Group Y No response

Network Rail Y No response

Kennington Cross Neighbourhood Y No response Association

Environment Agency Y No response

Background documents Case File (this can be accessed via the Planning Advice Desk, Telephone 020 7926 1180) For advice on how to make further written submissions or to register to speak on this item, please contact Governance & Democracy by emailing [email protected] or telephoning 020 7926 2170. Information is also available on the Lambeth website

1 Summary of Main Issues

1.1 The main issues involved in this application are:

• Whether the proposed loss of B1 use would be acceptable • Whether the proposed A3 use would lead to an over provision of A3 uses. • Whether the use of the premises as a restaurant would have any harmful impact on residential amenity. • Whether the proposed external alterations would have an acceptable impact on the character and appearance of the site and the area

2 Site Description

2.1 The application site comprises of railway arches located between the northern side of Mepham Street (Arch No 3) and the southern side of Tenison Way (Waterloo Road). Access to the application site is from Mepham Street, Tenison Way and servicing access is also available from the pedestranised arches on either side of the application site.

2.2 The lawful use of the site is offices (Use Class B1) but the site is vacant. A part of the site with frontage on Tenison Way has been previously unlawfully used as a café (Use Class A1).

2.3 The area surrounding the application site is of mixed use character with employment, leisure and other food and drink premises in close proximity to the site. Immediately to the east of the site there is an arch passage (Whichcote Street) which has restricted vehicular access (retracted bollards) and is used for pedestrian access. Further to the east is a public house/restaurant and an arch used by Transport for London. To the west is also an arch passage and further to the west there are two restaurants. There is a bus stop directly outside the arch entrance on Tension Way.

2.4 The premises are unlisted and are not located within a conservation area however the site it is adjacent to South Bank Conservation Area and in close proximity to the Victory Arch entrance of Waterloo Station which is Grade II listed. The arch facing Tenison Way is directly opposite the Grade II* listed St. Johns Church and to the north east of the site is No 5 Whichcote Street which is Grade II listed.

2.5 The site falls within the boundaries of the Central Activities Zone, Waterloo Opportunity Area of the London Plan and is also located with the Waterloo Area SPD.

3 Relevant Planning History

3.1 03/02567/FUL - Change of use of Arch no.1 from office (Class B1) to bar (Class A3) and change of use of Arch no.3 from storage and part ancillary (Class B1) to office (Class B1) along with associated alterations. Granted 16.01.2004.

3.2 05/01446/FUL - Change of use from office and storage (class B1 use) to cafe / internet cafe (sui generis) along with the installation of a new shopfront to Waterloo. Withdrawn 08.11.2005.

3.3 05/01447/ADV - Display of externally illuminated fascia signs on Waterloo Road frontage and non illuminated fascia sign on Mepham Street frontage. Approved 05.08.2005.

3.4 09/02751/FUL – Change of use to A4 bar and installation of a kiosk to the front elevation of railway arch to retain A3 use, and installation of new shopfronts to both Mepham Street and Tenison Way along with alterations to Whichcote Street elevation. Withdrawn 16.10.2009.

3.5 13/02493/FUL - Change of use to restaurant (Use Class A3) and alterations to shopfront & external ductwork for kitchen extract. Withdrawn to address design concerns raised by the Conservation Team.

4 Proposal

4.1 Planning permission is sought for the change of use to a restaurant (Use Class A3) including external alterations consisting of alterations to shopfront facing Mepham Street and installation of kitchen extraction duct in the shopfront facing Tension Way.

4.2 The proposal changes - the internal layout of the site including partially raising the floor level to achieve levelled floorspace within the Tenison Way arch where currently there is a two step change. A kitchen and bar area would be created in the middle part of the site and seating areas by both entrances. A seating area would also be provided at mezzanine level in the arch facing Mepham Street including external seating area on an in-set terrace. Overall, the scheme would provide 107 dining spaces. Customer toilets would be provided including one for disabled people.

4.3 The proposed opening hours sought by the applicant are Monday – Saturday 10am – 1am; Sunday and Bank Holidays 10am - 2am. It is estimated that up to 25 people would be employed.

4.4 A new aluminium framed shopfront is proposed on Mepham Street. At ground floor level it features four large glazed panels with outward opening doors. A tiled stallriser is proposed and the shopfront would be set back 0.2m from the arch face. At mezzanine level the shopfront would be predominantly glazed and set back by 1.2m to create an external seating area enclosed by clear glazed balustrading. The existing shopfront on Tenison Way would be retained with minor alterations to its upper part of the shopfront to allow for the installation of a louvered kitchen extract.

4.5 Internal refuse and recycling store and cycle store for staff would be provided in the eastern part of the site accessible from the pedestrianised area to the side of the application site. It is proposed to replace the existing double doors serving this area with a narrower single door and an extended brick wall.

Figure 1. Proposed floorplan

Figure 2 . Proposed elevations – Tenison Way and Mepham Street

Figure 3. Proposed elevations - Whichcote Street (arch passage)

5 Consultations and Responses

5.1 A site notice was displayed on 1 November 2013 and a press notice was published on the same day. The occupiers of one neighbouring property were notified of this application. No representations have been received.

Internal Consultation

5.2 The Council’s Conservation and Urban Design Officer considers the proposed shopfront to be an improvement on the existing. The proposed external alterations incorporate the feedback provided by the Conservation Team at pre -application stage.

5.3 The Council’s Highways and Transportation Team reviewed the proposed development. No objection is raised against the planning application, however a condition requesting a Delivery Management Plan has been recommended.

5.4 The Council’s Policy Team has not provided comments on the current proposal but detailed feedback was provided on the previously withdrawn scheme ref: 13/02493/FUL to which no objections were raised.

5.5 The Council’s Food and Safety Team were consulted on the proposals. No response has been received at the time of writing this report.

5.6 The Council’s Noise Pollution Team were consulted on the proposals. No response has been received at the time of writing this report .

External Consultation

5.7 The Environment Agency were consulted on this application. No response has been received at the time of writing this report.

5.8 Network Rail were consulted on this application. No response has been received at the time of writing this report.

5.9 No comments have been received fr om other external consultees.

6 Planning Policy Considerations

National Guidance

6.1 Central Government guidance is contained in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), which was published on the 27th March 2012. This sets out the current Government’s planning policies for and replaces all existing Planning Policy Statements (PPSs) and Planning Policy Guidance Notes (PPGs). The NPPF must now be taken into account in the preparation of local and neighbourhood plans and is a material consideration in planning decisions.

6.2 Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires planning decisions to be made in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The development plan in Lambeth is the London Plan (July 2011), the Lambeth Core Strategy (adopted 19 January 2011), and the remaining saved policies in the ‘Lambeth Unitary Development Plan (UDP) 2007: Policies saved beyond 5 August 2010 and not superseded by the LDF Core Strategy January 2011’. Material considerations include national planning policy statements and planning policy guidance.

The London Plan 2011

6.3 The London Plan was published in July 2011 and replaces the previous versions which were adopted in February 2004 and updated in February 2008. The London Plan is the Mayor’s development strategy for and provides strategic planning guidance for development and use of land and buildings within the London region.

6.4 The London Plan is the overall strategic plan for London, and it sets out a fully integrated economic, environmental, transport and social framework for the development of the capital over the next 20-25 years. It forms part of the development plan for Greater London. All Borough plan policies are required to be in general conformity with the London Plan policies.

6.5 In October 2013, the Mayor published Revised Early Minor Alterations to the London Plan which are operative as formal alterations to the London Plan and form part of the development plan for the Greater London.

6.6 The key policies of the plan considered relevant in this case are:

• Policy 2.12 – Central Activities Zone – Predominantly Local Activities • Policy 2.13 – Opportunity Areas and Intensification Areas • Policy 4.7 – Retail and Town Centre Development • Policy 4.8 – Supporting a Successful and Diverse Retail Sector • Policy 6.3 – Assessing Effects of Development on Transport Capacity • Policy 6.9 – Cycling • Policy 7.2 – An inclusive environment • Policy 7.3 – Designing out Crime • Policy 7.4 – Local Character • Policy 7.8 – Heritage Assets and Archaeology

Lambeth Local Development Framework Core Strategy (2011)

6.7 The following policies are considered to be of relevance to the assessment of this application:

• Policy S1 - Delivering the Vision and Objectives • Policy S3 – Economic Development • Policy S4 - Transport • Policy S6 - Flood Risk • Policy S8 - Sustainable Waste Management • Policy S9 - Quality of the Built Environment • Policy PN1- Waterloo

London Borough of Lambeth Unitary Development Plan (2007): ‘Policies saved beyond 5 August 2010 and not superseded by the LDF Core Strategy January 2011’

6.8 The following policies are considered to be of relevance to the assessment of this application:

• Policy 4 Town Centres and Community Regeneration • Policy 7 Protection of Residential Amenity • Policy 9 Transport Impact • Policy 14 Parking and Traffic Restraint • Policy 19 Active Frontage Uses • Policy 23 Protection and Employment of other Employment Uses • Policy 24 Use of Railway Arches • Policy 29 The Evening and Late Economy, Food and Drink and Amusement Centres • Policy 31 Streets, Character and Layout • Policy 32 Community Safety/Designing out Crime • Policy 36 Alterations and Extensions • Policy 37 Shopfront and Advertisments • Policy 39 Streetscape, Landscape and Public Realm Design • Policy 45 Listed Buildings • Policy 47 Conservation Areas

Local Guidance

6.9 The council has adopted the following Supplementary Planning Documents, which are relevant:

• SPD: Safer Built Environments • SPD on Shopfronts and Signage (April 2008) • Waterloo Area SPD (2013)

7 Land Use

7.1 The application site is located within the Central Activities Zone (CAZ) and the Waterloo Opportunity Area. Core Strategy Policy S3(d) supports the vitality and viability of Lambeth's town centres, including the Waterloo Opportunity Area, for retail, service, leisure, recreation and other appropriate uses. Policy PN1 (b) seeks to maximise the area’s potential for the full range of Central London and town centre activities. It lies within the Railway Character Area under the Waterloo Area SPD where development is sought to enhance pedestrian routes together with the promotion of viaducts for retail uses.

7.2 While there would be a loss of 212sqm of B1 employment floorspace (as defined by Policy 23), it is noted the site has been vacant for approximately one year and for several years a large part of the site was used as a café (Use Class A1). Furthermore, this proposal is

likely to generate the equivalent of 25 full-time jobs. As the application site represents a vacant railway arch saved UDP Policy 24 is of particular relevance. Given that the railway arch is both vacant and within the CAZ, and the proposal is for a change of use which would introduce an active frontage; it is considered that a more flexible approach towards use of railway arches would be appropriate. The location of the site is within the Waterloo Opportunity Area and the Waterloo SPD states that active ground floor uses such as restaurants help create a lively, safe and attractive atmosphere. The SPD further states that “Lambeth supports projects to turn viaduct arches in Waterloo from problems into assets by putting them to active uses or showing how they could be safe and attractive routes. Making the railway arches more welcoming and permeable will help to reconnect the area and create a more pedestrian friendly environment, e.g. through imaginative lighting and live frontages.” The SPD specifically refers to Mepham Street as an area where Lambeth will encourage active frontage uses.

7.3 Overall, the principle of the proposed change in use is acceptable from a land use planning perspective.

8 Amenity

8.1 Saved Policies 7 and 29 of the UDP and Core Strategy Policy S9 are relevant with regards to the impact of the development upon residential amenity. The application site is situated within railway arches, in a mix use area between Waterloo Station and a London Distributor Road (Waterloo Road on the opposing side of Tenison Way) consequently, the noise levels in the area are relatively high. The nearest residential properties are located on Waterloo Road some 130m away and as a result there would be stronger competing sources of noise for the nearest residential units. Outstanding permissions to the west and south are considered also not to be affected.

8.2 The applicant seeks opening hours of 10.00 – 1.00 Monday – Saturday and 10.00 – 2.00 Sunday and Bank Holidays. Notwithstanding the function of the area as a major transport hub and the nearby premier arts and cultural venues on the Southbank which are supported by food and drink premises, it is considered that the hours sought are out of keeping with the area and could result in harmful noise and disturbance to the neighbouring occupiers. It is recommended that the operating hours are restricted to the following hours: 10.00 to 00:00 Sundays to Thursday and 10:00 to 01:00 Friday and Saturday. These hours are in-keeping with other planning permissions granted for food and drink related uses in the area. It is recommended that a management plan is secured by a condition to ensure that the restaurant operates a 'quiet door policy' during later hours and that it promotes and encourages responsible behaviour among its customers. This may include measures such as gradual turning up of the lights/turning down music before the closing time, customer notices or door supervision. Overall, it is considered that the proposed change of use to a restaurant (A3) would not have an adverse impact on residential amenity in terms of noise and disturbance with the suggested measures in place.

8.3 All premises where hot food is prepared require direct extract ventilation of fumes likely to cause smell nuisance. Ideally all fumes and smells from any cooking process should be extracted through internal or external ducting, which is so designed that the ducting discharges at roof level. In instances where this is not practicable, an alternative solution which ensures that the best practicable means have been used to prevent, or to counteract the effects of, any possible nuisance should be utilised.

8.4 The proposal includes installation of an internal kitchen extract with an exhaust louvre to be located within the upper part of the shopfront fronting Tenison Way. The application site is located away from residential properties and given its location within a railway arch there are no other uses above the application site. However, the proposed extract exhaust

would be located in close proximity to a pedestranised area and a bus stop and therefore a condition requiring further details of the proposed extraction system together with the maintenance plan is recommended. A condition requiring that noise from the extraction equipment should not exceed existing background noise levels is also recommended. In these circumstances, with the recommended condition, it is considered that the proposal would not have significant negative impacts on residential amenity and as such would comply with policies 7 and 29 of the UDP.

9 Design

9.1 A high quality of design is an integral requirement for all new buildings, alterations and extensions. The policy objectives for achieving this are set out in saved Policies 31, 36 and 37 of the UDP and Policy S9 of the Core Strategy. Saved Policy 47 of the UDP states that development outside conservation areas should not harm the setting of the area or harm the views into or from the area. Saved Policy 45 requires development not to affect the setting of listed builings.

9.2 Policy 36 (d) states that development should retain, reinstate and repair as much original architectural fabric of value to the character as possible. Policy 37 (b) (iii) deals with replacement shopfronts, and states that “replacement shopfronts should always relate well to the character of the building in which they are located and neighbouring buildings. Materials and proportions must be appropriate".

9.3 Paragraph 2.35 of the adopted Shopfront SPD deals with railway arches, and states the following: " The creative use of railway arches for commercial purposes is encouraged. Where this involves the provision of shopfronts these should be designed in a warehouse or contemporary glazed style so that the railway viaduct remains the dominant feature. New work should not harm existing fabric, should be recessed from the arch face, and protected at ground floor with a stallriser. The character of the arch should always be retained and expressed within the design."

9.4 With regards to the proposed new shopfront on Mepham Street, as indicated by the SPD, the use of a contemporary glazed style would be appropriate to the setting of the application site within a railway arch. The proposed glazed shopfront has been curved at the top so that it fits within the full area of the arch, thus respecting the shape of the arch. The proposed use of glazing would create a relatively lightweight and simple design, which would promote the railway arch as the dominant feature.

9.5. The proposed alterations to the existing shopfront facing Tenison Way are restricted to the installation of an extraction louvre within the existing shopfront and replacement of a small glazed panel with a solid panel which is required to partially screen the internal ductwork. The proposed extraction system has been designed in response to comments received from the Conservation Officer in relation to the previous scheme on this site. The proposed ventilation louvre would be integrated within the shopfront and therefore not as visually prominent as a more traditional external flue. A condition requesting further details of the proposed ventilation louvre is recommended to ensure that this aspect of the proposal would not have a detrimental impact on the visual amenity to the arch or detract from the character and appearance of the nearby conservation area or settings of listed buildings. The Council's Conservation Officer has been consulted and has raised no objection to the proposed external alterations.

9.6 The proposal also involves alterations to the existing side entrance on Whichcote Street to install a narrower door which would be used for servicing. The proposed changes would be relatively minor in scale and have limited impact on the appearance of the site. However, a condition requesting further details of the proposed doors is recommended to ensure that the doors are of sufficient width, durable and designed to meet the servicing

requirements. Overall, it is considered that the proposed external alterations, subject to the suggested conditions, would be in-keeping with the character and appearance of the site and the wider area and are compliant with the relevant polices of the Development Plan.

10 Traffic and Transport

10.1 The transport implications of a proposed development are regulated by Policy S4 of the Core Strategy (2011) and Policies 9 and 14 of the UDP (2007). The relevant provisions of these policies have been considered in an assessment of the subject application and the specialist advice of Council’s Transport Planning team sought.

10.2 Policy S4 of the Core Strategy (2011) calls for the promotion of walking and cycling in and around new development. The proposed change of use proposes an internal cycle storage for members of staff and it is recommended that further details are secured by condition to ensure that the proposed cycle storage is usable and secure. Although the proposed development does not propose cycle parking for visitors, the site is situated within walking distance to excellent passenger transport facilities. There are a number of cycle parking facilities within the vicinity including Tfl cycle hire docking stations and more generic municipal cycle racks.

10.3 Lambeth's Transport and Highways Officers were consulted and raised no objections to the proposals on highway grounds subject to a condition requesting a Delivery and Servicing Management Plan including a strategy to manage delivery vehicles in case a different business occupied the site in the future. This would be secured through a condition should permission be granted. It should be noted that the proposal is for a restaurant rather than a hot food take – away (A5) and no deliveries by motorised vehicles such as mopeds are proposed from the premises.

10.4 Officers are satisfied that subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions outlined above, the development would not have an adverse impact on the safe operation of the highway. Servicing is dealt with under section 11 below. The proposal therefore complies with the objectives of Saved Policies 9 and 14 of the UDP and Policy S4 of the Core Strategy.

11 Refuse and Recycling and Servicing Considerations

11.1 Policy S8 of the Core Strategy places a requirement on developments to contribute to the sustainable management of waste. Specific guidance is set out in the Council's Refuse and Recycling Design Guide (2013). In addition Saved Policies 9 and 14 of the UDP and Policy S4 of the Core Strategy (January 2011) seek to ensure that proposals for waste collection and servicing strategies have a minimal impact on the performance and safety of the highway network. More specifically, Lambeth's Guidance for Waste and Recycling Storage and Collection Requirements provides specific advice on refuse and recycling stores with regard to provision, location and access.

11.2 The above guidance states that restaurants should provide 1.5 cubic meters of waste storage for every 20 dinning spaces. Officers are of the consideration that the waste storage shown on the submitted drawing (8 cubic meters) can accommodate and adequately store waste from the premises. The refuse and recycling storage would be located adjacent to the servicing entrance which complies with the Council’s guidance. It is recommended that a waste servicing strategy should be secured by a condition, and this should include details of the storage of cooking oil and fat. The Delivery and Servicing Management Plan will ensure that deliveries to the site and servicing

(including refuse and recycling collection) have no unacceptable impact on the highway and pedestrian safety.

12. Community safety/Designing out crime

12.1 Saved Policy 32 of the UDP and Policy S9 of the Core Strategy seeks to ensure development enhances community safety. Saved Policy 29 of the UDP seeks to reduce over-concentration of A3/A4/A5 uses in order to mitigate the risk of public disorder/anti social behaviour and impact on community safety. Section 17 of The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 imposes an obligation on the Local Planning Authority to consider crime and disorder reduction in the assessment of planning applications.

12.2 It is considered that a restaurant patron management plan, which details how potential crime risks would be mitigated including anti social activity, noise pollution and staff safety should be secured by way of condition. In addition to this it is considered appropriate to ensure that the development complies with the physical protection measures as set out by secured by design, this would also be secured by way of condition should the application be granted permission.

12.3 The proposed opening hours are considered to reflect the existing night economy of the local area. The proposal is considered to comply with Saved Policy 32 of the UDP and Policy S9 of the Core Strategy.

13 Conclusion

13.1 Planning permission is sought for the change of use from vacant offices (Use Class B1) to a restaurant (Use Class A3) including installation of a new shopfront on Mepham Street and alterations to the existing shopfront on Tenison Way and the servicing access.

13.2 The proposal will result in the occupation of a currently vacant arch by a land use that is appropriately located in, and will contribute to the vitality of the Waterloo Opportunity Area within the CAZ. The proposed scheme would introduce an active frontage on Mepham Street and support the objectives of the Council’s regeneration objectives for the area.

13.3 The application proposes a number of changes to the exterior of the arches which would be in-keeping with the character of the site and would preserve and enhance the character and appearance of the adjoining Conservation Area and not harm the setting of neighbouring listed buildings.

13.4 It is considered that there would not be an undue impact on neighbour amenity in respect of noise and disturbance, due partly to the existing background noise level within the area as well as the distance to residential properties both existing and in the pipeline.

13.5 Therefore, as there are no material planning considerations that indicate the proposal should be determined other than by the granting of planning permission subject to conditions recommended below and the following recommendation is made.

14 Recommendation

14.1 Grant planning permission subject to conditions.


1 The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning from the date of this decision notice.

Reason: To comply with the provisions of Section 91(1)(a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.)

2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in complete accordance with the approved plans l isted in Schedule A of this decision notice, other than where those details are altered pursuant to the requirements of the conditions of this planning permission.

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.

3 The opening hours of the premises shall be restricted to the following:

Sundays to Thursday: 10:00 to 00:00 Friday and Saturday: 10:00 to 01:00

Reason: To protect the amenities of adjoining occupiers. (Policies 7 and 29 of the London Borough of Lambeth UDP: Policies saved beyond 5th August 2010)

4 Noise from the ventilation louvre and associated equipment shall not exceed background noise level when measured outside the window of the nearest noise sensitive or residential premises during daytime and night-time hours.

Reason: To protect the amenities of adjoining properties and the surrounding area in accordance with Policies 7 and 29 of the Unitary Development Plan: Policies as saved beyond the 5th August 2010 and Policy S2 of the Local Development Framewor k Core Strategy (2011).

5 Notwithstanding the information shown on the submitted drawings, full details of a recycling and refuse store and a waste management plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to commencement of the use of the commercial unit hereby approved. The refuse and waste management plan, which shall include details of the disposal waste from the cooking process (including the disposal of fat/oil) and details of refuse storage facilities, ventilation, access (including Whichcote Street door details) and collection arrangements shall be implemented prior to the commencement of the use and shall be retained for the duration of the use.

Reason: To ensure that adequate provision is made for the storage of refuse and the provision of recycling facilities on the site, in the interests of the amenities of the area (Policy S8 of the Core Strategy (2011).

6 The use hereby permitted shall not commence until a Crime and Safety Management Plan (CSMP) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority following consultation with Secure by Design Officer, and until the approved CSMP has been implemented. The CSMP shall include details of any CCTV coverage, and any other measures that will be taken to mitigate potential crime risks including robbery, anti-social activity, noise pollution and risks to staff safety/welfare. The SCMP shall include details demonstrating that the premises will operate a ‘quiet door policy’. All equipment and measures put in place as part of the CSMP shall thereafter be retained for the duration of the use and the use shall be operated in accordance with

the approved CSMP.

Reason: To prevent crime and disorder occurring within and in the immediate vicinity of the site and in the interest of public safety (Saved Policy 32 of the Unitary Development Plan: Policies saved beyond 5 August 2010 and not superseded by the LDF Core Strategy January 2011).

7 Notwithstanding the approved plans, details of the proposed cycle storage including the layout and manufacturer's specification of the proposed cycle parking shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority before the hereby approved use commences. Secure provision shall be provided for a minimum of 2 cycles. The development shall thereafter be carried out solely in accordance with the approved details and retained as such for the duration of the use.

Reason: To ensure adequate cycle parking is available on site, to promote sustainable modes of transport and in the interest of the visual amenities of the area (Policies 9 and 14 of the Unitary Development Plan: Policies saved beyond 5th August 2010 and not superseded by the Local Development Framework Core Strategy January 2011 and Policy S4 of the Local Development Framework Core Strategy (January 2011)).

8 Notwithstanding the approved drawings, further detailed drawings of the proposed kitchen extract louvre at a 1:20 scale shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to any works commencing or change in use. The premises shall thereafter be occupied in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To safeguard the visual amenities of the area. (Policies 37 and 47 of the London Borough of Lambeth Unitary Development Plan (UDP) 2007: Policies saved beyond 5 August 2010 and not superseded by the LDF Core Strategy January 2011).

9 The bricks to be used for the external surfaces on Whichcote Street elevation shall match those of the existing building. All new works and works of making good to the retained fabric shall be finished to match the adjacent work with regards to the methods used and to material, colour, texture and profile, unless the prior written approval of the local planning authority is obtained to any variation, or except where otherwise stated on the approved drawings.

Reason: To safeguard the visual amenities of the area. (Policies 36 and 47 of the London Borough of Lambeth Unitary Development Plan (2007): Policies saved beyond 5 August 2010 and not superseded by the LDF Core Strategy January 2011, and Policy S9 of the London Borough of Lambeth Core Strategy (January 2011))

10 No deliveries by motorised vehicles shall be undertaken from the premises unless otherwise agreed in writing by the LPA.

Reason: In order to minimise danger, obstruction and inconvenience to users of the highway in accordance with Policies 9 and 14 of the Unitary Development Plan: Policies saved beyond 5th August 2010 and not superseded by the Local Development Framework Core Strategy January 2011 and Policy S4 of the Local Development Framework Core Strategy (2011).

11 Prior to the commencement of the A3 use hereby permitted, a Delivery and Servicing Management Plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Plan shall contain details of the frequency of deliveries to the site (and other servicing vehicles such as refuse collectors), details on the dimensions of delivery/servicing vehicles and the proposed loading locations and a strategy to manage vehicles. The Delivery and Servicing Management Plan shall be implemented

in accordance with the approved details prior to the occupation of the unit and shall thereafter be retained as such for the duration of the permitted use, unless otherwise

Reason: In order to minimise danger, obstruction and inconvenience to users of the highway in accordance with Policies 9 and 14 of the Unitary Development Plan: Policies saved beyond 5th August 2010 and not superseded by the Local Development Framework Core Strategy January 2011 and Policy S4 of the Local Development Framework Core Strategy (2011).

12 Prior to the commencement of the A3 use hereby permitted, a Maintenance and Management Plan for the Ventilation and Extraction System shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Plan shall make provision for inspection and maintenance of the extract system by a qualified professional at appropriate time intervals and shall ensure that the Ventilation and Extraction System is upgraded (if required) to mitigate impacts of any future occupier of the site. Documentary evidence to demonstrate that the inspection and any necessary maintenance has been carried out must be readily available for review as and when required by the Local Authority. The Maintenance and Management Plan shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details prior to the occupation of the unit and shall thereafter be retained as such for the duration of the permitted use, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the LPA.

Reason: To protect the amenities of adjoining occupiers and users of the adjoining pavement/bus stop (Policies 7 and 29 of the London Borough of Lambeth UDP: Policies saved beyond 5th August 2010 and not superseded by the LDF Core Strategy January 2011)


1 This decision letter does not convey an approval or consent which may be required under any enactment, by-law, order or regulation, other than Section 57 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2 Your attention is drawn to the provisions of the Building Regulations, and related legislation which must be complied with to the satisfaction of the Council's Building Control Officer.

3 Your attention is drawn to the need to comply with the requirements of the Control of Pollution Act 1974 concerning construction site noise and in this respect you are advised to contact the Council's Environmental Health Division.

4 You are advised of the necessity to consult the Council's Streetcare team within the Public Protection Division with regard to the provision of refuse storage and collection facilities.

5 You are advised that this permission does not authorise the display of advertisements or alterations to the shopfront at the premises and separate consent(s) may be required from the Local Planning Authority under the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 1992.

6 Thames Water recommends the installation of a properly maintained fat trap on all catering establishments. We further recommend, in line with best practice for the disposal of Fats, Oils and Grease, the collection of waste oil by a contractor, particularly to recycle for the production of bio diesel. Failure to implement these recommendations may result in this and other properties suffering blocked drains, sewage flooding and

pollution to local watercourses. Further information on the above is available in a leaflet, 'Best Management Practices for Catering Establishments' which can be requested by telephoning 020 8507 4321.

7 You are advised to consult the Council's Environmental Health Division with regard to the extraction of fumes from the premises.

8 You are advised to consult the Council's Environmental Health Division concerning compliance with any requirements under the Housing, Food, Safety and Public Health and Environmental Protection Acts and any by-laws or regulations made there under.

9 Your attention is drawn to the necessity to register your food business with the Council's Environmental Health Division, under the Food Premises (Registration) Regulations 1991 before the use commences. Failure to do so may result in prosecution.
