SECTION 1 – SITE LOCATION MAP SECTION 2 – APPLICATION SUMMARY Freedom Shipping Ltd, 3 Mepham Street, London Site address SE1 8FS Ward Bishop’s Change of use from Offices (Use Class B1) to Proposal Restaurant (Use Class A3) together with the installation of a new shopfront and external duct flue. Application type Other minor 13/04714/FUL Application ref(s) 14 th October 2013 Validation date Name: Magdalena Kotyza Case officer details Tel: 020 7926 1270 Email: [email protected] Applicant Mr Nick Hill (Black and Blue Waterloo Limited) Agent Mr Michael Black (Fusion design & Architecture) Considerations/constraints Kennington Cross Neighbourhood Association South Bank Employers Group Waterloo Opportunity Area Environment Agency Flood Zone Central Activities Zone Approved plans Drawings ref: 132-09/100; 101; 103; 200B; 250A; 400; 401B; 402; Design and Access Statement; Floor Risk Assessment; Permanent Suspension Modules details; Recommendation(s) Grant planning permission subject to conditions. Consulted? Date Response Department(s) or Organisation(s) Received Internal Neighbourhood Regeneration Project Y No response Manager Planning Policy Y No response Regulatory Services - Noise Pollution Y No response Regulatory Services - Food Safety Y No response Streetcare Y No response Conservation & Design Y 16.12.13 Transport/Highways Y 02.12.13 External Association of Waterloo Groups Y No response Lambeth Estates Residents Association Y No response Waterloo Community Development Group Y No response Friends Of Hatfield Green Y No response Friends Of Archbishop's Park Y No response Kennington Oval & Vauxhall Forum Y No response Waterloo Quarter BID Y No response Friends Of Lambeth High Street Rec Y No response Friends Of St John's Churchyard Y No response South Bank Employers Group Y No response Network Rail Y No response Kennington Cross Neighbourhood Y No response Association Environment Agency Y No response Background documents Case File (this can be accessed via the Planning Advice Desk, Telephone 020 7926 1180) For advice on how to make further written submissions or to register to speak on this item, please contact Governance & Democracy by emailing [email protected] or telephoning 020 7926 2170. Information is also available on the Lambeth website www.lambeth.gov.uk/democracy 1 Summary of Main Issues 1.1 The main issues involved in this application are: • Whether the proposed loss of B1 use would be acceptable • Whether the proposed A3 use would lead to an over provision of A3 uses. • Whether the use of the premises as a restaurant would have any harmful impact on residential amenity. • Whether the proposed external alterations would have an acceptable impact on the character and appearance of the site and the area 2 Site Description 2.1 The application site comprises of railway arches located between the northern side of Mepham Street (Arch No 3) and the southern side of Tenison Way (Waterloo Road). Access to the application site is from Mepham Street, Tenison Way and servicing access is also available from the pedestranised arches on either side of the application site. 2.2 The lawful use of the site is offices (Use Class B1) but the site is vacant. A part of the site with frontage on Tenison Way has been previously unlawfully used as a café (Use Class A1). 2.3 The area surrounding the application site is of mixed use character with employment, leisure and other food and drink premises in close proximity to the site. Immediately to the east of the site there is an arch passage (Whichcote Street) which has restricted vehicular access (retracted bollards) and is used for pedestrian access. Further to the east is a public house/restaurant and an arch used by Transport for London. To the west is also an arch passage and further to the west there are two restaurants. There is a bus stop directly outside the arch entrance on Tension Way. 2.4 The premises are unlisted and are not located within a conservation area however the site it is adjacent to South Bank Conservation Area and in close proximity to the Victory Arch entrance of Waterloo Station which is Grade II listed. The arch facing Tenison Way is directly opposite the Grade II* listed St. Johns Church and to the north east of the site is No 5 Whichcote Street which is Grade II listed. 2.5 The site falls within the boundaries of the Central Activities Zone, Waterloo Opportunity Area of the London Plan and is also located with the Waterloo Area SPD. 3 Relevant Planning History 3.1 03/02567/FUL - Change of use of Arch no.1 from office (Class B1) to bar (Class A3) and change of use of Arch no.3 from storage and part ancillary (Class B1) to office (Class B1) along with associated alterations. Granted 16.01.2004. 3.2 05/01446/FUL - Change of use from office and storage (class B1 use) to cafe / internet cafe (sui generis) along with the installation of a new shopfront to Waterloo. Withdrawn 08.11.2005. 3.3 05/01447/ADV - Display of externally illuminated fascia signs on Waterloo Road frontage and non illuminated fascia sign on Mepham Street frontage. Approved 05.08.2005. 3.4 09/02751/FUL – Change of use to A4 bar and installation of a kiosk to the front elevation of railway arch to retain A3 use, and installation of new shopfronts to both Mepham Street and Tenison Way along with alterations to Whichcote Street elevation. Withdrawn 16.10.2009. 3.5 13/02493/FUL - Change of use to restaurant (Use Class A3) and alterations to shopfront & external ductwork for kitchen extract. Withdrawn to address design concerns raised by the Conservation Team. 4 Proposal 4.1 Planning permission is sought for the change of use to a restaurant (Use Class A3) including external alterations consisting of alterations to shopfront facing Mepham Street and installation of kitchen extraction duct in the shopfront facing Tension Way. 4.2 The proposal changes - the internal layout of the site including partially raising the floor level to achieve levelled floorspace within the Tenison Way arch where currently there is a two step change. A kitchen and bar area would be created in the middle part of the site and seating areas by both entrances. A seating area would also be provided at mezzanine level in the arch facing Mepham Street including external seating area on an in-set terrace. Overall, the scheme would provide 107 dining spaces. Customer toilets would be provided including one for disabled people. 4.3 The proposed opening hours sought by the applicant are Monday – Saturday 10am – 1am; Sunday and Bank Holidays 10am - 2am. It is estimated that up to 25 people would be employed. 4.4 A new aluminium framed shopfront is proposed on Mepham Street. At ground floor level it features four large glazed panels with outward opening doors. A tiled stallriser is proposed and the shopfront would be set back 0.2m from the arch face. At mezzanine level the shopfront would be predominantly glazed and set back by 1.2m to create an external seating area enclosed by clear glazed balustrading. The existing shopfront on Tenison Way would be retained with minor alterations to its upper part of the shopfront to allow for the installation of a louvered kitchen extract. 4.5 Internal refuse and recycling store and cycle store for staff would be provided in the eastern part of the site accessible from the pedestrianised area to the side of the application site. It is proposed to replace the existing double doors serving this area with a narrower single door and an extended brick wall. Figure 1. Proposed floorplan Figure 2 . Proposed elevations – Tenison Way and Mepham Street Figure 3. Proposed elevations - Whichcote Street (arch passage) 5 Consultations and Responses 5.1 A site notice was displayed on 1 November 2013 and a press notice was published on the same day. The occupiers of one neighbouring property were notified of this application. No representations have been received. Internal Consultation 5.2 The Council’s Conservation and Urban Design Officer considers the proposed shopfront to be an improvement on the existing. The proposed external alterations incorporate the feedback provided by the Conservation Team at pre -application stage. 5.3 The Council’s Highways and Transportation Team reviewed the proposed development. No objection is raised against the planning application, however a condition requesting a Delivery Management Plan has been recommended. 5.4 The Council’s Policy Team has not provided comments on the current proposal but detailed feedback was provided on the previously withdrawn scheme ref: 13/02493/FUL to which no objections were raised. 5.5 The Council’s Food and Safety Team were consulted on the proposals. No response has been received at the time of writing this report. 5.6 The Council’s Noise Pollution Team were consulted on the proposals. No response has been received at the time of writing this report . External Consultation 5.7 The Environment Agency were consulted on this application. No response has been received at the time of writing this report. 5.8 Network Rail were consulted on this application. No response has been received at the time of writing this report. 5.9 No comments have been received fr om other external consultees. 6 Planning Policy Considerations National Guidance 6.1 Central Government guidance is contained in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), which was published on the 27th March 2012. This sets out the current Government’s planning policies for England and replaces all existing Planning Policy Statements (PPSs) and Planning Policy Guidance Notes (PPGs). The NPPF must now be taken into account in the preparation of local and neighbourhood plans and is a material consideration in planning decisions.
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