Index to Vermont History
INDEX TO VERMONT HISTORY ........................................................ 70 (2002) & 71 (2003) Volume 70 (2002), Winter/Spring and Summer/Fall Volume 71 (2003), Winter/Spring and Summer/Fall Prepared by Reidun Dahle Nuquist Please note that each year’s issues of Vermont History are numbered consecutively. It may be helpful to know that the 2002 and 2003 volumes are paginated as follows: Winter/Spring 2002, 70: 1–96 Summer/Fall 2002, 70: 97–188 Winter/Spring 2003, 71: 1–134 Summer/Fall 2003, 71: 135–264 A Aiken, George D.: mentioned, 71: 24; and Abenaki Indians: historiography of, 71: 8, New Deal, 71: 233–34 27–28, 50–51, 55–56 Albany, Vt.: 1964 hail damage to crops, Act 250 (1970): passing of, 71: 222 70: 30 Adams, John: death of, 71: 152 Albers, Jan: quoted on Vt. economy, 70: Adams, John Quincy: quoted on death of 64–65; mentioned, 71: 23–24; her dis- father and Jefferson, 71: 152; 1826 Vt. cussion of women, 71: 49–50 election support, 71: 153, 159, 161, 167, Alburg, Vt.: Vt. border in, 70: 45, illus. 168, 173, 174 Allen, Ethan: John J. Duffy and Eu- Addams, Jane: mentioned, 70: 183 gene A. Coyle, “Crean Brush vs. African-Americans: volunteer refused by Ethan Allen: A Winner’s Tale,” 70: Civil War regiment, 70: 159; historiog- 103–10; marketing use of his name, raphy of, 71: 27 71: 104; Scott Stevens and Steven C. Agassiz, Louis: mentioned, 70: 180 Mallory, “Revisiting the Ethan Allen agriculture. See also dairying; farming; Homestead: A Closer Look at a sheep: clearing forest for, 70: 11; popu- Vermont Landmark,” 71: 181–96, lation and economic trends, 71: 90–91, illus.
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