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MINERAL COLLECTING in VERMONT by Raymond W. Crant MINERAL COLLECTING IN VERMONT by Raymond W. Crant Vermont Geological Survey, Charles C. Doll, State Geologist Department of Water Resources, Montpelier, Vermont SPECIAL PUBLICATION NO, 2 1968 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figures Page 1. Index Map of Vermont Mineral L()cIities . 3 38. Slate Quarry, Poultney ............................................. 31 2. Metaiimrphic Map of Vermont ................................. 4 .39. NI ap showing the location of the mineral area, Rouiid 3. Geo logic NI ap of Vernio i it ....................................... 7 Hill, Shrewshorv................................. ..................... 32 4. Topograpl ii NI a!) S y 0)1)0 Is ....................................... 10 40. Map showing the location of the Molybdenite Prospect 5. Map showing the location of the Vermont Kaolin Coin- (1) and Copperas Hill Mines (2), Cuttingsville .............32 paiiy Quarry (1) and Monkton Iron Ore Beds (2) ......... 14 41. Map showing the location of the Marble Quarry, Dorset 6. Map showing the location of the Huntley Quarry, Leices- Nit., South Danhv ..................................................... 33 terJunction ............................................................. 15 42. Map showing the location of the Devil's Den, Nit. Tahor 34 7. Calcite crystals from the Huntley Quarry, Leicester 43. Smoky Quartz crystal from Devil's Den, Mt. Tabor ...... .34 Junction (times 1.6) .................................................. 15 44. Map showing the location of the Roacicuts on Route 155, 8. Map showing the location of the Roadcut on Route 9, Mt . h-lolly ................................................................ 34 nearWoodford ......................................................... 16 45. Map showing the location of the Sherburne Mica Mine, 9. Map showi iig the location of the Parrot Jasper Mine (1) Sherhurne ............................................................... 35 and l)oloniite Quarry (2), Colchester .......................... 16 46. Map showing the location of the Waterbury Talc Mine, 10. Map showing the location of the mineral area near East Moretown ............................................................... 35 Richford .................................................................. 17 47. Map showing the location of the Mad River Talc Mine 11. Map showing the location of the Manganese Prospect (2) and Serpentine Quarry (1), Duxbury ..................... 36 west of Richford ...................................................... 18 48. Map showing the location of the Clay concretion locality, 12. Map showing the location of the Berkshire Copper Mine 18 Barre ...................................................................... 37 13. Map showing the location of the Mineral area hetweeii 49. Clay concretion, Barre (times 1.6) ............................... 37 Fletcher and Bakersfield .......................................... 19 50. Map showing the location of the mineral areas south of 14. Polished sample of Swanton Red Marble" from Swan- Whitingham ............................................................ 38 Rutile crystal in quartz, mineral area south of Whiting- ton, Vermont (times 1.6) ............................................ 19 51. 15. Map showing the location of the Swanton Red Marble han) ......................................................................... 38 Quarry, Swanto n ...................................................... 20 52. Geologic Map of the mineral areas, south of Whitingham 16. Map s 1mw iii g the location of the Roadcut south of B loom- (Skelian, 1961) .......................................................... 38 53. NIap showing the location of the Adams Brook nickel field . ........................................................................ 20 17. Map showing the location of the Mineral area southwest prospect and Dover ultramafic ................................... 40 (;hk Niap of Adams Brook nickel prospect and Dover of Island Pond1 ......................................................... 21 54. 18. Cut sample of andalusite in schist from Route 102 sotitl) iultraivahc (Skehan, 1961) .......................................... 40 of Bloom he 1(1 (ti ines 1.6) .......................................... 21 55. Map showing the location of the mineral area along the 19. Map showing the location of the Road fill and quarry Connecticut River at Bellows Falls............................. 41 between North and Smith I lero ................................. 21 56. Map showing the location of the Pine Ilill Quarry, East 20. Map showing the location of the quarry west of Sand Bar of Perkiiisville ......................................................... 41 57. Map showing the location of the Carleton Talc NI i ne, Bridge ..................................................................... 22 21. Map showing the location of the Ruberoi €1 Asbestos Chester .................................................................. 42 Actiiiolite in talc, Carleton Talc Mine, Chester (tiiiies 1.6) 42 Mine , I owell ........................................................... 22 58. Pvrite and nagnetite in chlorite, Carleton Talc Mine, 22. Ruheroid Mine, I Owe11 ............................................. 23 59. 2:3. Garnet in calcite, Ruheroid Asbestos Mine (times 1.6) ... 23 Chester .................................................................. 4:3 ap show ng the location of the Ri adciit on Route 103, 24. Idocrase crystals, Riiheroid Ashestos Mine .................. 23 60. Ni 25, Map showing the location of the Johnson Talc Mine, (;tss'tts .................................................................. 43 61. NI ap showi ilg the location of the Roacicut on Route 103, Johnson .................................................................. 24 26. Map showing the location of the Wolcott Copper Mine Lii dlow (2), and the Ki ii gman Brook iiii n eral area east of (2) and Morrisville Lead-Zinc Prospect (1) .................. 24 Tyson (1)................................................................. 44 27. Map showing the location of the Arsenic Mine, East 62. Cliloritoid (dark crystals) in muscovite schist, Kingman Brook, Fvson ........................................................... 44 Braintrce ................................................................. 25 28. Map showing the location of the Pike Hill Mines, Corinth 26 63. Map showing the location of the Plymouth Five Corners ........................................................................ 45 29. Map showing the location of the Ely Mine, Vershire ... 26 area 64. NIap showing the location of the Briclgewater Gold Mines 46 30. Elizabeth Copper Mine, Sooth Strafford ..................... 27 31. Map showing the location of the Elizabeth Mine, South 65. NI ap showing the location of the Vermont Ni arl ) Ic Coin- panv \erd Antique Quarry, Rochester ........................ 46 Strafford .................................................................. 27 32. Map showing the location of the Roadcuts on the east 66. ( eo logic mu ap of the \Te rmont NI an Ic Compaii v Verd Antique Quarry, Rochester (Osberg, 1952) .................. 47 side of Lake Willoughby .......................................... 28 33. Biotite orl)ic(ile in Craftshnry Granite, Craftshury (times 67. NI ap showing the location of the nil neral area near Hart- ford ........................................................................ 47 1 .6) ........................................................................ 29 34. Map showing the location of the Craftsbury Granite 68. Rock of Ages Granite Quarry, Barre ........................... 48 69. Vennont Marhle Company Quarry.............................. 48 (boundary of area marked by dashed line) .................. 29 35. Map s howi ii g the location of the Oram Lead-Zinc Mine 1), Stucco l'ink Quarry (2), and Kaolinite Pits (3), Bran- (101) ........................................................................ TABLES 36. Map showing the location of the Slate Quarries north of I NIl neral Ia cal i ties in Ve rnmont arranged according to FairIlaven ............................................................... 31 geological occurrence ...............................................8 :37. NI ap showing the location of the S late Quarries so utli of 11 Minerals found in rocks of different compositions in di lie remit metamorphic Zn nes ...................................... I 2 Fairhaven .............................................................. :31 11 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION . ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ....................... .5 MINERAL OCCURRENCES ................. .6 MINERAL LOCALITIES ....................... 14 Addison County ............................... 14 Bennington County ......................... 16 Chittenden County .......................... 16 Essex County................................... 20 Franklin County............................... 17 Grand Isle County............................ 21 Lamoille County .............................. 22 Orange County ................................ 25 Orleans County................................ Rutland County................................ Washington County .......................... Windhani County ............................. 37 Windsor County ............................... 41 MUSEUMS AND SPECIAL EXHIBITS.. 48 MINERAL INDEX ................................ 49 The author is Assistant Professor of Mineralogy in the I)e- partment of Geology at the University of Vermont. He was instrumental
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