Mineral Industries and Geology of Certain Areas
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REPORT -->/ OF TFIE STATE GEOLOGIST ON THE S 7 (9 Mineral Industries and Geology 12 of Certain Areas OF -o VERMONT. 'I 6 '4 4 7 THIRD OF THIS SERIES, 1901-1902. 4 0 4 S GEORGE H. PERKINS, Ph. D., 2 5 State Geologist and Professor of Geology, University of Vermont 7 8 9 0 2 4 9 1 T. B. LYON C0MI'ANV, I'RINTERS, ALILiNY, New VORK. 1902. CONTENTS. PG K 1NTRODFCTION 5 SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF ZADOCK THOMPSON, G. H. Perkins ----------------- 7 LIST OF OFFICIAL REPORTS ON VERMONT GEOLOGY ----------------- -- -- ----- 14 LIST OF OTHER PUBLICATIONS ON VERMONT GEOLOGY ------- - ---------- ----- 19 SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF AUGUSTUS WING, H. M. Seely -------------------- -- 22 REPORT ON MINERAL INDUSTRIES, G. H. Perkins ............................ 35 Metallic Products ------------------------------------------------------ 32 U seful Minerals ------------------------------------------------------- 35 Building and Ornamental Stone ----------------------------------------- 40 THE GRANITE AREA OF BAItRE, G. I. Finlay------------------------------ --- 46 Topography and Surface Geology ------------------------------------ - -- 46 General Geology, Petrography of the Schists -------------------------- - -- 48 Description and Petrography of Granite Areas ----------------------------51 THE TERRANES OF ORANGE COUNTY, VERMONT, C. H. Richardson ------------ 6i Topography---------------------------- -............................. 6z Chemistry ------------------------------------------------------------66 Geology -------------------------------------------------------------- 74 ------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Huronian 74 Slate -----------------------------------------------------------------77 B radford Schist ------- ------------------------------------------ ----- Si Washington Limestone .......................................... -...... 84 Eruptives in the Washington Limestone ---------------------------------90 Palaeontology........................................ -............... 94 Biblidgraphy ----------------------------------------------------------98 THE GEOLOGY OF GRAND ISLE, G. H. Perkins ............................. 102 Rockwell Bay --------------------------------------------------------- ii TahieBay ------------------------------------------------------------ 117 SawyerBay ----------------------------------------------------------- itS ChippenBay .......................................................... 119 BarnesBay ----------------------------------------------------- ------ 520 '0 McBrideBay ..................... .................................... 122 BeachBay ------------------------------------------------------------ 124 Providence Island ----------------------------------------------------- 139 Summary of the Formations -------------------------------------------- 143 Sponges of the Chazy, H. M. Seely-------------------------------------- 151 Dikes .. ----------------------------------------------------------- 571 PETROGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OF THE DIKES OF GRAND ISLE, H. W. Shimer. 174 III LIST OF PLATES. TO FACE CAGE Fortrait of Zadock Thompson, from the American Geologist. .................. 7 Portrait of Augustus Wing, from the American Geologist...................... 2 2 Plate I. Ely Mine, Copperfield, from The Vermonter......................... 34 Plate II. Waste Dump at Ely Mine, from The Vermonter. .................... 35 Plate III. Belvidere Mountain from the south -------------------------------- 36 Plate IV. Map of Barre Granite Area, Drawn by G. I. Finlay ................. 46 Plate V. Millstone Hill, Barre, G. I. Finlay, Photo. •. ...................... 47 Plate VI. Dike in Schist, Barre, G. I. Finlay, Photo .......................... 50 Plate VII. Schist Inclusion in Granite, Barre, G. I. Finlay, Photo ........... .. 51 Plate VIII. Contact, Granite and Schist, Barre, G. I. Finlay, Photo ............ 52 Plate IX. Geological Map of Orange County, C. H. Richardson................ 6o Plate IXA. Smaller Map of Orange and Washington Counties .................. 6i Plate X. Queechee Gulf, from The Vermonter................................ 62 Plate XI. Schist Hill, Chelsea, C. H. Richardson, Photo ..................... 63 Plate XII. Hill of Washington Limestone, C. H. Richardson, Photo........... 64 Plate XHI. Granite Boulder, Washington, C. H. Richardson, Photo ----------- 6 Plate XIV. Geological Sections across Washington and Orange Counties, C . H. Richardson ....................................................... 75 Plate XV. Slate Quarry, Northfield, C. H. Richardson, Photo ................. 78 Plate XVI. Lake Morey, Fairlee, C?H. Richardson, Photo.................... 79 Plate XVII. Glen Falls, Fairlee, C. H. Richardson, Photo.................... So Plate XVIII. Outcrop of Washington Limestone, C. H. Richardson, Photo. .... 85 Plate XIX. Quarry of Washington Limestone, C. H. Richardson, Photo........ 86 Plate XX. Pieces of Washington Limestone, C. H. Richardson, Photo......... 87 Plate XXI. Blue Mountain Granite Quarry, Ryegate, C. H. Richardson, Photo. 91 Plate XXII. Mount Ascutney and Windsor, from The Vermonter.......... 92 Plate XXIII. Slab of Slate with Graptolites, Drawn by C. H. Richardson ...... 96 Geological Map of Grand Isle, G. H. Perkins ................................ 102 Plate XXIV. Clay Bank, Balls Bay, from The Vermonter. -------------------- 111 Plate XXV. Glaciated Outcrop of Black River Limestone, G. W. Perry, Photo.. 112 Plate XXVI. Synclinal Beds of Trenton Limestone, G. W. Perry, Photo ........ 513 Plate XXVII. Cliff of Utica Shale, G. W. Perry, Photo....................... 114 Plate XXVIII. Horizontal Trenton Beds, G. H. Perkins, Photo............... L Plate XXIX. Rockwell Bay, G. W. Perry, Photo ............................. '15 Plate XXX. Chary Cliffs, Rockwell Bay, G. \V. Perry, Photo ................. Plate XXXI. Dike with Calcite Vein, G. H. Perkins, Photo .................. a 16 Plate XXXII. Table Bay, G. W. Perry, Photo............................... 117 Plate XXXIII, Black River Outcrop, Tahie Bay, G. H. Perkins, Photo ........ 117 Plate XXXIV. Cliff, Black River, G. Fl. Perkins, Photo ...................... itS Plate XXXV. Black River C1i6 Sawyer Point, G. H. Perkins, Photo .......... 118 Vi REPORT OF THE VERMONT STATE GEOLOGIST. TO FACE PAGE - Plate XXXVI. General View of Chippen Bay, G. W. Perry, Photo------ Plate XXXVII. Caves at Chippen Bay, G. W. Perry, Photo... STATE OF VERMONT, Plate XXXVIII. Chippen Point, Looking South, G. W. Perry, Photo..... -. Plate XXXIX. Contact, Black River and Trenton, G. H. Perkins, OFFICE OF STATE GEOLOGIST, Photo - 121 Plate XL. Trenton Limestone, McBride Bay, G. W. Perry, Photo 10, 1902. 122 BURLINGTON, VT., October Plate XLI. Trenton Beds McBride Bay, G. \V. Perry, Photo 122 Plate XLII. Contact, Trenton and Black River, G. H. Perkins, Photo - :::::::• 123 To His Excellency, William W. Stickuey, Governor of Vermont: Plate XLIII. Overhanging Chazy Cliffs, Beach Bay, G. W. Perry, Photo ... .... 124 Plate XLIV. Chazy Cliffs, Wilcox Point, G. W. Perry, Photo_ 525 SIR.—In accordance With the provisions of Act No. 6, Plate XLV. Chazy Cliffs, Phelps Point, G. W. Perry, Photo-------------------- 126 I have the honor to present herewith my Plate XLVI. Phelps Point, G. W. Perry, Photo Statutes of 1900, 1901 and 1902. Plate XLVII, Great Layer of Chazy, Phelps Point, G. \V.Perry,Photo_.. -- 128. report as State Geologist for the years Plate XLVIII. Map of the Southern Part of Grand Isle, Drawn by E. Brainerd. - 129 The somewhat increased appropriation which has been at Plate XLIX. Headland of Utica, Allen Point, G. W. Perry, Photo ........ it possible to Plate L. Large Dike, Robinson Point, G. W. Perry, Photo I disposal during these two years has made Plate LI. Cliff of Utica Shale near work than could be accomplished Sandbar Bridge, G. W. Perry, pZ::: -. 132 undertake more extensive Plate LII. Middle Portion of Same Cli G. W. Perry, Photo 132 years of my term of office. Plate LIII. Eastern Portion of Same Cli in the preceding G. W. Perry ........................133 Plate LIV. Sections, Southern Grand Isle, Drawn As a consequence, it is believed that the present report will by E. Brainerd ...............136 Plate LV. Map of Providence Island, Drawn by E. Brainerd .................. 139 he found more valuable than its predecessors. Plate LVI. Strephochetus ocelatus, Drawn by H. M. Seely ................... i6- Through the assistance of Dr. Richardson, of Dartmouth Plate LVII. " Strephochetus, Sections, Drawn by H. M. Seely -------------- - '57 Plate LVII. Strephochetus, Microscopic Sections, Drawn by College, and Mr. Finlay and Mr. Shimer, of Columbia Univer- H. M. Seely - 158 am able to present a not inconsiderable amount of matter Plate LIX. Block of Chazy Limestone, made of Strephochetus, G. W. Perry, Photo i5 V sity, Plate LX. Cli 9 Black River Limestone, Chippen Point, G. W. Perry, Photo.... 16, no small scientific value. Plate LXI. Glaciated Black River Limestone, G. W. Perry, Photo of •:...... 162. on Grand Isle is intended as a beginning of a Plate LXII. Trenton Cli My own work McBride Bay, G. W. Perry, Photo 165, This survey complete geological survey of the whole State. ill necessarily occupy several years, but it is highly important w I that it be done and as rapidly as the means at the disposal of this office will permit. In addition to the necessary field and office work connected with the survey of Grand Isle, there have been tested, and more or less completely analyzed, several hundred samples of ores,