COUNTY D'onegal ~Negal, the Most Northerly C in Ireland, Extends Along Much of E North- West Coast
Vol. III - No. V Whole Number 15 Neil Stack~ Editor COUNTY D'ONEGAL ~negal, the most northerly c in Ireland, extends along much of e north- west coast. It is a region amous for its scenery--with a iful, much indented coast, great reas of mountain, deep glens and lakes. All kinds of rock, from ave-riddled limestone to complicat mixtures of igneous rocks, make the fQundations of the countY;mID is this which gives so much vari ty of form and color to the scenery There are many important antiqui ies and historic sites in the cou.n-I '1, and the island retreat of Lough , .with its famous pilgrimage, is of Ireland's celebrated holy ces. The whole country is a sple ndid na t ~~:--Floimra;~rarur-=--wnletliEilr~yf<o)iu~sS:eeeif'h: alth and gaiety 'in one of its al resorts, or climb, walk or travel by road over the county, Doneg cast her spell on you and will draw you irresistibly back. BUNDORAN (bun Uo1)'R6m: Mouth oj th e Dobhra'J River) One of the principal Irish seaside resorts, Bundoran is ideally located B;l,y, with the Sligo-Lei trim mountains behind it to the south and the hills of Donegal across 'R!';INE .. ,\m.'. ["1: "':'" the bay to the north. The Strand, a fine sandy AI _J.,,__ "~1t beach fronting the promenade, has at either end iSH:A.Nl~ON AIRPORT, Ireland (INA)--A special a range of cliffs carved by the waves into vari- 1"Jl.J.rJLl.Ille. Village" may soon be laid out ous fantastic shapes.
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