COUNTY D'onegal ~Negal, the Most Northerly C in Ireland, Extends Along Much of E North- West Coast

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COUNTY D'onegal ~Negal, the Most Northerly C in Ireland, Extends Along Much of E North- West Coast Vol. III - No. V Whole Number 15 Neil Stack~ Editor COUNTY D'ONEGAL ~negal, the most northerly c in Ireland, extends along much of e north- west coast. It is a region amous for its scenery--with a iful, much indented coast, great reas of mountain, deep glens and lakes. All kinds of rock, from ave-riddled limestone to complicat­ mixtures of igneous rocks, make the fQundations of the countY;mID is this which gives so much vari­ ty of form and color to the scenery There are many important antiqui­ ies and historic sites in the cou.n-I '1, and the island retreat of Lough , .with its famous pilgrimage, is of Ireland's celebrated holy ces. The whole country is a sple ndid na t­ ~~:--Floimra;~rarur-=--wnletliEilr~yf<o)iu~sS:eeeif'h: alth and gaiety 'in one of its al resorts, or climb, walk or travel by road over the county, Doneg cast her spell on you and will draw you irresistibly back. BUNDORAN (bun Uo1)'R6m: Mouth oj th e Dobhra'J River) One of the principal Irish seaside resorts, Bundoran is ideally located B;l,y, with the Sligo-Lei trim mountains behind it to the south and the hills of Donegal across 'R!';INE .. ,\m.'. ["1: "':'" the bay to the north. The Strand, a fine sandy AI _J.,,__ "~1t beach fronting the promenade, has at either end iSH:A.Nl~ON AIRPORT, Ireland (INA)--A special a range of cliffs carved by the waves into vari- 1"Jl.J.rJLl.Ille. Village" may soon be laid out ous fantastic shapes. Near by is a small public Ireland's transatlantic Airport at park; but it may be said that the ,-Thole coast­ iSIl>anno:n to meet the housing needs of the , line at this point is one great park- -free to all and airport employees. NOTED FOR HEALTHFUL CLll1ATE At present many of the 1'10rkers at the Eminent medical man have testified to tIle heal1~lrj jAi:l'p<lrt have to travel nearlytwentymi1es ful nature of Hundoran's climate. is get to work. They live in Ennis, Coun- comparatively low, and the high mean annual tmno··1 Clare or in Limerick. And they point erature of the distriot is attributed to the that-in the airport that never closes- imity of the OUJ.!. Stream. The town is well eq'J.l.~)-1 may have to report for duty at all ped to cater to ·the thousands who viSit it each Iho,ll's of the night or day. year and numerous holiday recreations are provided. Airport offiCials and representatives of' There is much in the immediate vicinity to inter­ Irish State Officials Housing Society est the visitor, and the many beauty spots of Ire1cerltl;y met to discuss plans to build a south Donegal, north Sligo and north Leitrim are lOO-dwelling village, complete with wi thin easy touring distance. The tourist should Isnlops and schools near Firgrove, County make this county 'a must' on his itinerary. 4i miles from the Airport. 1117 (.Pag.118,·-'·-....~ .... iIE.P."'. OFFICERS! ,Ishannon is built on the steeply rising banks PRESmENT -- Dr. Tha1las F. Armstrong, Jr, l of the Erne, where the river becomes tidal. SUSquel:ianna University SelinsgI"ove,l'a., There are many interesting features in the tICE PRtSWm -- iii! - cIRCiJIt HAlWlIm town and its environs, including a great deal John A. Raibel DewittvilleL- New York of channing scenery, The harnessing of the E.P.A. SECRETARY - JolUl J_cuark &me for lwdro-electric power involves the fop 947 East 32nd Street, Brooklyn 10, N.Y. nation of a large lake in the river valley im- fWSUm --- 'l'h<iIiS F. Biinnigan, Jr. mediately above the town. When tlds power Box ll-Vanderveer Station-B'klyn.10,N.Y. project is completed it will be a valuable EDI'iOR--TRE REVEllEi - Hlt11 ~k (AW) asset to the country's power system. 22, -- 76th Street - BrookJ;rn 9. N.Y. _. .A. connnemorative tablet marks the house in {3TAFF PHO'l'OGRAPHER - Jtimars E. DomIII~ l'he Mall, where William Allingham, the poet, ASSOCIATION AT'l'OlUIEY --- Loi'1ii L. ~ ~as born. Box bB9 - Riohland Center.L Wisconsin KILBARRON CASTLE B.pOl. EuROPEAN DIRECTOR _ LP. dU'fnq The ruins of tlds castle stand on a rocky 22 But Road Dublin Ireland E~ontory 2 miles south west of Rossnowlagh. k1tOElWSk SOBSUIliPi16NS b NON-MJiIBEfIS "'\, probably in the thirteenth or f ourteen- Raw - $2.00 per year. Write Seo. Ol.ark. th century, by the O'Sgingins, hereditary his- ~ ________________________________________ ~torians of Tir Chonaill, the property passed C 0 tJ N T Y DON EGA L by marriage to the O' Clery family. Michael (Cone,. u'O" "' nJ:; ' " ) p-'Cleirigh, chief of the Four Masters, was (Continued from page 117) ~orn here about. 1,80. In 1609, w1wn the castJ.e MANY DIVERSIONS OFFERED THE VISITOR ~d lands were confisoated, they were in the Besides bathing, Bundoran offers the visit- Possession of lBwry O'Cleirigh., the outstand­ or a fine golf course situated on Aughrus Has.( literary man of his day in Ireland. at the east end of the town. There are pub- LOUGH DERG lic tennis courts in the park, and also those This lonely lake, surrounded by moorland and attached to some of the hotels. Scheduled ~athery Idlls, is famous for its pilgrimage pleasure trips are made by motor boat inDone ot St. Patrick's Purgatory, the greatest and gal Bay. Dancing is held in some ot the ho- most ilnportant of Irish pilgrimages. A very tels while Irish dancing can be found in St. early legend tells that St. Patrick, by spe!m. Patrick's Hall and on open-air platforms. ing forty days of praysr and fasting in a Cinema, plays and concerts are also offered ~sterious cavern on an island in ths lake, the vacationist. For the sportsman--there is ~xpelled the evil spirits who had infested the excellent salmon and trout fishing on rough ~ave. The tradition of St. Patrick's assoc­ Melvin, the Drowes River and Bunduff River. p.ation with rough Derg has been handed down If one preters sea fishing, then Donegal Bay ~or 1,500 ysars, and the beginning of the ·pil- ofters the best in this sport. ~rimage is lost in the dim mists of time. In WALKS AND POINTS OF INTEREST ithe Middle Ages the legend ot the cave and its Walk 1. By the Promenade to Rogey and ~arvels spread throughout Christendom, and along the clifts of Aughrus Head to Tullan man ot high rank came pilgrimaging to Lough Strand. Rock formations at Aughrus Head in- ~rg from many parts ot Europe. Throughout clude the "Fairy Bridges," the "Puffing Hole" ithe centuries the pilgrimage has continued to and the ''Wishing Chair." ~iourish, even in the worst times ot oppress- Walk 2. Along the clifts west of the town.p.on, and the rigorous exercises are still per­ Features of the clifts are the "Lion's Paw ~~rmed by many thousands of pilgrilns each yeaJ:1 Cave," huge tissures and monstrous rocks of various geometrical shapes. Near Bundrowes DONEGAL TOWN (-'OUI1 11.6. Th~ Fort,ess oj the Foreigners) (2 miles) a small rootless tower called "Cas­ sidy's Folly stands by the sea's edge. MiclBel Donegal town, a thriving market town at neat O'Cleirigh, chief of the Four Masters, began appearance, is loca.ted ~t the head ot Donegal his journeying at BundroWBs in 1627, A castle !say, where the three m:nn roads trom Derry, bUilt here in the fifteenth century by O'Con-lwest Donegal and Sligo converge. In ancient nor Sligo was frequently contended tor by the tilnes, and down to the seventeenth century it O'Donnell~. !was the chief seat of the O'Donnells, princes of T1r Chonail. Walk 3. To Finner Church ruin, about one MOUN'l'CHARLES Imne fran Bundoran on the Ballyshannon road. A typical northern Irish town, Mountcharles On the hilltop, about 200 yards to seaward, is is built on a steeply riSing hill, trom whose the now prostrate pillar stone called "Flaith-summit can be seen a fine panorama ot Donegal eartach's Stone," named after a fairy chief- lBay and the pretty country surrounding it. tain in local legend. Hare one can find hand-embroidery work for h BALLYSHANNON ,[hich this town is noted. The Hhole district, ' _____~ largest town in south Donegal, Bally- 1118 (Pa~'li19, pleas •. i'l County Donegal (Cont1.nued from pagel18,~1 MOUNTCHARLE8 When you tour IRELAND ... You'll be glad you saw your Travel Agent beCore leaving home, because you'll find his arrange­ menta {or your Irish tour-uaing the facilitica (t:4mn4t 4' cS4t41ntl : The .Green Field of Ihe of C.I.E., Ireland's Tran.port Company-" surrounding 1100Ultcharles is identi.fied with exactly .uiled to your. wishes and budget. the writings of Seamus MacManus, who ~ras b Ai. him about SCENIC TOURS of Ireland. here. by motor coach-six, nine, eleven and thirteen­ DUNKINEELY day itineraries, all.inclusive and remarkably . ('Oun Ce4tlnrb.otb.t-o: Kineely's Fort) low priced. Jle'll aJlo secure your transportalion by rail or road ... reaervationl on express trains. From this Village a long, narrow strip of for cabina on crosa·channel Sleamers, and at land, terminating in St. John's Point, juts outstanding hotels. out into the sea bett·reen Irrv'er Bay and Nac­ SI'lY!lfl'S Bay. There are many fine views from Further infonnalion and literature ma,.
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    Charities granted tax exemption under s207 Taxes Consolidation Act (TCA) 1997 - 30 June 2021 Queries via Revenue's MyEnquiries facility to: Charities and Sports Exemption Unit or telephone 01 7383680 Chy No Charity Name Charity Address Taxation Officer Trinity College Dublin Financial Services Division 3 - 5 11 Trinity College Dublin College Green Dublin 2 21 National University Of Ireland 49 Merrion Sq Dublin 2 36 Association For Promoting Christian Knowledge Church Of Ireland House Church Avenue Rathmines Dublin 6 41 Saint Patrick's College Maynooth County Kildare 53 Saint Jarlath's College Trust Tuam Co Galway 54 Sunday School Society For Ireland Holy Trinity Church Church Ave Rathmines Dublin 6 61 Phibsboro Sunday And Daily Schools 23 Connaught St Phibsborough Dublin 7 62 Adelaide Blake Trust 66 Fitzwilliam Lane Dublin 2 63 Swords Old Borough School C/O Mr Richard Middleton Church Road Swords County Dublin 65 Waterford And Bishop Foy Endowed School Granore Grange Park Crescent Waterford 66 Governor Of Lifford Endowed Schools C/O Des West Secretary Carrickbrack House Convoy Co Donegal 68 Alexandra College Milltown Dublin 6 The Congregation Of The Holy Spirit Province Of 76 Ireland (The Province) Under The Protection Of The Temple Park Richmond Avenue South Dublin 6 Immaculate Heart Of Mary 79 Society Of Friends Paul Dooley Newtown School Waterford City 80 Mount Saint Josephs Abbey Mount Heaton Roscrea Co Tiobrad Aran 82 Crofton School Trust Ballycurry Ashford Co Wicklow 83 Kings Hospital Per The Bursar Ronald Wynne Kings Hospital Palmerstown
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