


Maestro: Dai Luqing

William So, Voz

Orquestra Chinesa de Macau

Conductor: Dai Luqing

William So, Vocal

Macao Chinese Orchestra


/ Insomnia 失眠 / Never Like Being Alone 從不喜歡孤單一個 / If One Day I forget 假使有日能忘記 / Men Should Never Let Women Cry 男人不該讓女人流淚 / Kiss More, Hurt More 越吻越傷心 / To Love Someone is Hard 愛一個人好難 / So-and-so 那誰 / Sujeito a alteração / Subject to change) (演出曲目或有更改 31ST MACAO INTERNATIONAL MUSIC FESTIVAL

20:00 演出時間連中場休息約二小時 Duração: aproximadamente 2 horas, incluindo um intervalo 威尼斯人劇場 The Venetian Theatre Duration: approximately 2 hours, including one interval XXXI FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE MÚSICA DE MACAU 第三十一屆澳門國際音樂節



自幼學習鋼琴,十九歲以優異成績考入上海音樂學院作曲及指揮 Gennady 系,師從張眉、馬革順、曹鵬、張國勇、王永吉等,並受 Rozhdestvensky Roger Norrington Michael Tilson Thomas Jorma 、 、 、 Panula Thomas Sanderling 1997 、 等指導。 年指揮“上海—台北音樂薈萃” 音樂會及上海音樂學院七十周年海外校友交響音樂會,得到海內外專家 的高度讚賞。其後活躍於多個重要音樂舞臺,包括江蘇省音樂舞蹈節、 中國藝術節、北京現代音樂節、上海之春國際音樂節、中國上海國際藝 2000 術節等,並曾榮獲江蘇音樂舞蹈節指揮金獎。 年與上海交響樂團 的合作獲中國《音樂周報》譽為“上海當代極具潛力與才華的新一代青 年指揮家”。曾任周小燕歌劇中心小燕合唱團常任指揮、江蘇省演藝集 團交響樂團常任指揮,並客席指揮上海歌劇院交響樂團、上海愛樂樂 團、湖南交響樂團等。現任教於上海音樂學院指揮系,並兼任上海音樂 學院民族管弦樂團首席指揮。


Dai Luqing entrou com excelentes notas para o Departamento de Direcção de Orquestra do Conservatório de Música de Xangai, onde estudou sob a tutela de Mei, Ma Geshun, Cao Peng, recebendo ainda formação de Gennady Rozhdestvensky, Roger Norrington e Michael Tilson Thomas. Actuou no Festival de Artes da China, Festival de Música Moderna de Pequim e Festival Internacional de Música Primavera de Xangai. No Festival de Música e Dança da Província de Jiangsu, foi galardoado com o 1.º prémio de Direcção de Orquestra. Em 2000, colaborou com a Orquestra Sinfónica de Xangai, sendo aclamado pela revista chinesa Music Weekly como “jovem maestro contemporâneo da nova geração de Xangai com grande potencial e talento”. É maestro residente da Orquestra Sinfónica da Província de Jiangsu e maestro convidado da Orquestra Sinfónica da Ópera de Xangai, da Orquestra Filarmónica de Xangai e da Orquestra Sinfónica de Hunan.


Dai started learning the piano from a young age and was admitted to the Composition and Conducting Department of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music (SCM) at the age of 19, studying under Zhang Mei, Ma Geshun, Cao Peng, as well as Gennady Rozhdestvensky, Roger Norrington, Michael Tilson Thomas, among many others. Dai has participated in the China Art Festival, Beijing Modern Music Festival, Shanghai Spring International Music Festival, to name a few. Winner of the Golden Award for Conducting at the Jiangsu Provincial Music and Dance Festival, Dai’s cooperation with the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra in 2000 was hailed by Music Weekly in China as “a contemporary and young conductor in Shanghai with great potential and talent”. He serves as the Principal Conductor of the Symphony Orchestra of the Jiangsu Provincial Performing Arts Group, and as the guest conductor of Shanghai Opera House Orchestra, Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra and Hunan Symphony Orchestra. 31ST MACAO INTERNATIONAL MUSIC FESTIVAL

蘇永康,演唱 1985 年,蘇永康參加香港電視廣播有限公司及華星唱片合辦的第四屆 Careless Whisper 新秀歌唱大賽,憑日文版《 》獲得亞軍,其後簽約華 1989 星唱片加入樂壇。 年推出首張個人專輯《失眠》,其後更參與電視 劇《壹號皇庭》的演出。歌曲《越吻越傷心》大受歡迎,並榮獲多個 2009 Big Four 獎項。 年與好友張衛健、許志安、梁漢文組成“ ”,並於 2010 2011 年展開世界巡迴演唱會。 年憑歌曲《那誰》榮獲多項大獎,包 括第三十四屆十大中文金曲頒獎音樂會十大歌曲獎、全球華人至尊金曲 獎等。


Em 1985, William So participou na 4.ª edição dos New Talent Singing Awards de . Venceu o segundo prémio com a versão japonesa da canção Careless Whisper, levando-o a assinar um contrato com a e a iniciar assim uma carreira musical. Em 1989, lançou o seu primeiro álbum a solo, Insomnia, tendo posteriormente integrado o elenco da série televisiva File of Justice. A canção Kiss More, Hurt More foi muito bem recebida pelo público, arrecadando vários prémios de música. Em 2009, formou a banda Big Four com os seus amigos , e Edmund Leung, com a qual iniciou uma digressão mundial em 2010. Em 2011, venceu múltiplos prémios com a canção So-and-so incluindo um Melhor Canção no âmbito da 4.ª edição do Top Ten Chinese Gold Songs Award Concert e o Global Chinese Best Song Award.


In 1985, William So participated in the 4th New Talent Singing Awards in Hong Kong, which was jointly organised by the Television Broadcasts Limited and the Capital Artists, his Japanese version of Careless Whisper gained him second place in the competition as well as a contract with the Capital Artists, and thus started his singing career. In 1989, William released his first solo album, Insomnia, and subsequently participated in TV drama File of Justice. His song Kiss More, Hurt More was hugely popular and earned him multiple music awards. In 2009, William partnered up with his good friends Dicky Cheung, Andy Hui and to form the band “Big Four” and embarked on a world tour in 2010. In 2011, his song So-and-so won multiple awards, including the Top Ten Gold Songs Award and the Global Chinese Gold Song Award at the 34th Top Ten Chinese Gold Songs Award. 敬請關掉所有響鬧及發光裝置,請勿擅自攝影、錄音或錄影。多謝合作! Agradecemos que desliguem os vossos telemóveis e outros aparelhos emissores de luz e som. Não é permitido filmar ou fotografar o espectáculo. Muito obrigado pela vossa colaboração. Please switch off all sound-making and light-emitting devices. Unauthorised photography or recording of any kind is strictly prohibited. Thank you for your co-operation.

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澳門中樂團 1987 成立於 年,澳門中樂團旨在將中華民族優秀的音樂帶到海內外。隨著近 年不斷招攬民樂界的精英樂師及對外交流演出,樂團演奏水平不斷提升,已 發展成一個高水平的職業樂團,獲得了國內外音樂界的一致好評。演出的節 目包括有傳統與現代的音樂作品,並探索和發展民族音樂的交響藝術,尤其 注重演繹委約創作及以澳門本土文化為元素的作品,將中西文化有機地融合 一體,創作曲目新穎優美,獨樹一幟。


A Orquestra Chinesa de Macau foi fundada em 1987 e apresenta a distinta música nacional chinesa noutros outros países e regiões do mundo. Ao continuar, em anos recentes, a recrutar músicos de elite ao mesmo tempo que realiza inúmeras digressões, a orquestra tem desenvolvido um alto nível de desempenho e ganho boa reputação. A orquestra toca peças musicais clássicas e modernas. Para além de explorar e desenvolver sinfonias de música folclórica tradicional, também interpreta obras musicais encomendadas inovadoras, elegantes e únicas com elementos culturais de Macau.


Founded in 1987, the Macao Chinese Orchestra frequently introduces the distinguished music of the Chinese nation to other parts of the world. As it keeps recruiting outstanding musicians and touring in recent years, they have developed as a high performance level orchestra with good reputation. It performs both classical and modern musical works. In addition to exploring and developing symphony orchestral folk music, the orchestra emphasises on commissioned works as well as performing works which consist elements of Macao culture. Integrating both Chinese and Western cultures, these works are novel, elegant and unique. 31ST MACAO INTERNATIONAL MUSIC FESTIVAL


/ Concertino / Concertmaster / Zhongruan / Líder da Banda / Band Leader 樂團首席 中阮 樂隊領隊 Zhang Yueru Lin Jie △ Tang Kin Ming 張悅如 林 潔 鄧建明 Yeung Ka Leung * 楊家樑 / Gaohu Hoi Kai I * / Baixo / Bass 高胡 許佳怡 低音結他 Zhang Yueru Lam Chi Wang 張悅如 林志宏 Liu Xinran / Daruan 劉馨然 大阮 Cai Feng Choo Boon Yeow / Bateria / Drum 蔡 鋒 朱文耀 鼓手 Chang Ya-Ling Leong Oi Kan # Poon Kenneth 張雅玲 梁愛勤 潘兆業

/ Erhu / Bangdi / Piano 二胡 梆笛 鋼琴 Dong Lizhi △ Wei Zidong △ Lau Chun Ting 董禮治 韋子東 劉俊廷 Jiang Xiaodong 姜曉東 Tian Jie / Qudi / Vozes / Backing Vocalists 田 杰 曲笛 和音 Sun Huaran Qian Qing Law Hoi Yan 孫嫿然 錢 青 羅鎧欣 Jia Xiefei Lo Yee Kwan 賈雪飛 盧宜均 Xin Yu * / Xindi 辛 宇 新笛 Chai Jing * Lin Chia-Ho / Agenciamento / 柴 靜 林家禾 經紀公司 Shi Yu Xin * Management Company 石雨新 Xiang Ke Xin * / Sheng Soprano / Soprano Sheng 向珂芯 高音笙 Kam Ka Lung * Jia Lei △ 甘嘉隆 賈 磊 Guo Chen Ge * 郭晨歌 Peng Wen Jiao * / Sheng Alto / Alto Sheng 彭文姣 中音笙 Zhang Tong Yao * Li Mingyang 章童謠 李明陽 Zhang Yue * 張 玥 Ming Chen * / Sheng Baixo / Bass Sheng 明 辰 低音笙 Leung Yan Chiu 梁仁昭 / Zhonghu 中胡 Li Feng △ / Suona Soprano / 李 峰 高音嗩吶 Xie Bowen Soprano Suona 謝博聞 Xia Jun Tian Ding △ 夏 軍 田 丁 Huizi Guo Shuangxi 許惠子 郭雙喜 Gai Yao Xu * 蓋堯旭 / Suona Alto / Alto Suona 中音嗩吶 / Violoncelos / Cellos Zhang Kai 大提琴 張 凱 Han Yang △ 韓 洋 Chan Soi Ieong / Percussão / Percussion 陳水英 敲擊樂 eung Chon Hang * Li Chang △ 梁俊恆 L 李 暢 Ng Chi Fan * Wang Juan 吳梓芬 王 娟 Kuong Pou In 鄺葆賢 / Contrabaixos / Double Basses Chen Yen-Ting 低音提琴 陳彥廷 Yao Yao 姚 堯 Yao Yuanzheng 姚遠征 Sam Kit * 沈 傑

/ Yangqin △ / Chefe de Naipe / Section Principal 聲部首席 揚琴 # / Músico a tempo parcial / Li Kewei △ 兼職樂師 李可威 Part-time Musician Chan Hio Iong * / Músico convidado / Guest Musician 陳曉蓉 客席樂師 / Liuqin 柳琴 Tian Yue 田 玥

/ Guzheng 古箏 Sou Man Ieong 蘇文揚

/ Pipa 琵琶 Deng Le △ 鄧 樂 Li Tong 李 彤