First Landing Site/Exploration Zone Workshop for Human Missions to the Surface of Mars (2015) 1058.pdf HAUGHTON-MARS PROJECT: Lessons for the Selection of a Landing Site/Exploration Zone for Human Missions to the Surface of Mars. Pascal Lee1,2,3, Stephen Braham1, Terry Fong3, Brian Glass3, Stephen J. Hoffman4, Christopher Hoftun1, Sarah Huffman1, Brage W. Johansen1, Kira Lorber1, Christopher P. McKay3, Robert Mueller, John W. Schutt1, Karen Schwartz1, Jesse T. Weaver1, Kris Zacny6. 1Mars Institute, NASA Research Park, Moffett Field, CA 94035, USA,
[email protected]. 2SETI Institute, 3NASA Ames Research Center, 4NASAJohnson Space Center, 5NASA Kennedy Space Center, 6Honeybee Robotics. Exploration Zone Name: Haughton-Mars Project, Devon Islamd Habitat Site Coordinates: 75o 26’ N, 89o 52’ W The Haughton-Mars Project (HMP) is an international multidisciplinary field research project focused on Mars ana- log studies at the Haughton impact crater site on Devon Island, High Arctic. HMP analog studies include both sci- ence and exploration investigations. The project began in 1997, and has been hosting NASA-supported research each year since. Haughton Crater is approximately 20 km in diameter and 23 million years old. The crater is re- markably well preserved. Field operations at HMP are based out of a permanent field camp, the HMP Research Sta- tion (HMPRS), established in the northwestern rim area of Haughton Crater. Figure 1: Map of the Haughton-Mars Project (HMP) “Exploration Zone”. This map illustrates, in the same smanner as a Landing Site/Exploration Zone (LS/EZ) proposed for Mars, the main regions of interet (ROIs) within an EZ extending out to 100 km.