African & African American Studies

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African & African American Studies AFAM NEWSLETTER AFRICAN AND AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDIES African & African American Studies East Tennessee State University Vol. II Fall 2010 No. 6 AFAM Lecture Series 2010: The UMOJA On February 18, 2010, Dr. Karen Kornweibel, Festival Professor of English, spoke AFAM Graduate on “American Literature Assistant Opens An Enriched by African African Handmade American Writers.” Dr. Commodities Store. Kornweibel teaches African American literature. The story was featured in an article On February 23, 2010, that appeared in the Dr. Karen Kornweibel Dr. Dorothy Drinkard- August 14, 2010 edition Hawkshawe, Director of of the Johnson City Press, the AFAM Program, spoke “UMOJA Unity Festival on “James L. Farmer, Jr. Gets into Gear,” by Matthew Madison. and His Role in the Civil Rights Movement.” As people began filling the streets of downtown JC Friday for the 14th annual UMOJA On March 23, 2010, Festival, vendor Nana Cole was ready to greet Professor Daryl A. Carter, festival goers with a smile and showcase hand- who teaches in the History crafted goods from his home in Ghana. Department, delivered a lecture on “African While JC has been his 2nd home since 1999, Dr. Dorothy Drinkard- Hawkshawe Americans in The Post the ETSU graduate student had never been to the Civil Rights Era: A Glass festival before Friday. “While UMOJA has been Half Full.” Professor going on, I haven’t been an active participant and Carter examined the gains I felt I couldn’t be passive any longer, and it would of the African American be a good opportunity to showcase my shop,” he community over the last said. In the coming weeks, Cole will be opening three decades. The lecture TropicXotic, a store specializing in selling interior covered economics, politics, decorations and other hand-made products from and the 2008 election of his native country, at 3100 North Roan St. President Barack Obama. Daryl A. Carter Umoja Cont. on Page 7 Faculty News Dr. Elwood Watson Dr. Mel Page Dr Marian Whitson Dr. Dorothy Drinkard- Hawkshawe Dr. Elwood Watson, a professor of history who Further, Dr Marian Whitson, who taught in the teaches various courses in the AFAM Program, Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology, received one of the Arts and Sciences’ teaching retired in 2009. awards for 2010. Dr. Dorothy Drinkard-Hawkshawe, who teaches Dr. Mel Page, a professor of history who African American history, published an article teaches African studies, has announced his in the 2009 issue of the A.M.E Church Review, plan to retire on July 11, 2011. However, he has “Religion and Leadership: James L. Farmer, Jr. and requested a post-retirement assignment for one the Founding of the Congress of Racial Equality,” course per semester for three to four years. He Dr. Drinkard-Hawkshawe also wrote a book agrees to teach History 3720, which is History review for the A.M.E. Church Review at the end of of Africa, as part of his assignment for a couple December 2009. The book reviewed was Justice of years or until the History Department hires a Older than the Law: The Life of Dovey Johnson faculty member who can teach African history. Roundtree, by Katie McCabe and Dovey Johnson Professor Marcia Songer, who teaches Roundtree (Jackson, Mississippi: University Press African Literature in the Literature and Language of Mississippi, 2009. 259 pp.). Department, has also announced her plan to retire in December 2010. 2 African & African American Studies BOOK REVIEW by Dorothy Drinkard-Hawkshawe Justice Older than the Law: The Life of Dovey Johnson Roundtree (Katie McCabe and Dovey Johnson Roundtree. Jackson, Mississippi: University Press of Mississippi, 2009, 259 pp.) History comes alive as the story of Dovey injured while trying to avoid being raped by a Johnson Roundtree’s journey, from her youth white man who had been an overseer on the in Charlotte, North Carolina to adulthood in plantation where her father had worked. Thus, Washington, D.C., exposes the evils of racism Dovey Mae’s grandmother understood the pain and sexism. More significantly, her journey of being black and female in the United States; reveals, through dedication, determination, but she was not bitter. She worked with her and faith, how the American dream of liberty, second husband, Pastor Graham, in the church equality, and justice for all came closer to reality and she taught Dovey Mae and her siblings the during her lifetime power of God. These lessons sustained Dovey Dovey Mae, as she was lovingly called by Mae for the rest of her life. her family, and Katie McCabe began work on The one thing from which Grandmother this biography in 1995; and it explores Dovey Rachel could not protect Dovey Mae was Jim Mae’s role in opening doors in the military for Crow. At age six or seven Dovey Mae, traveling women, particularly black women; challenging with her grandmother, faced segregation on segregation on interstate buses; defending city transportation for the first time. It would black clients in the all-white judicial system not be the last time. When Dovey Mae sat in of Washington, D.C.; and protecting children one of the front seats reserved for whites, the through her legal work and position as an driver shouted an obscenity at her. There were ordained minister in the A.M.E. Church. only two choices that Grandmother Rachel saw: Dovey Mae’s childhood in Charlotte, North Move to the back of the bus or leave the bus. Carolina shaped her future. She was raised in Grandmother Rachel and Dovey Mae took the the A.M.E. Church. Her father, James Eliot latter action; and they walked to town. This Johnson, taught Sunday school at East Stonewall incident had a lasting impact on young Dovey A.M.E Zion Church, where her Grandfather Mae, and her life’s work in the Civil Rights Graham was the pastor. Her mother, Lela Bryant Movement was greatly influenced by it. Johnson, sang in the choir. Her father died when Grandmother Rachel made lye soap, locust Dovey Mae was only four. Her mother, who was beer, and medical potions. She also helped stricken with grief, took Dovey Mae and her her husband operate a store in town, and sisters to live with their maternal grandparents. accomplished much more, although she had Grandmother Rachel had been born ten years only a third-grade education. However, she after the Civil War. Her first husband, Lela Bryant encouraged her grandchildren to get a good Johnson’s father, had been killed by the Klan; education; and they did. Beatrice, Dovey Mae’s and Grandmother Rachel had been seriously African & African American Studies 3 BOOK REVIEW oldest sister, attended Winston-Salem Teachers attended Morehouse College. They dated for a College and Dovey Mae wanted to attend while; but after graduation there was a break in Spelman—although it was considered a school their romantic relationship. for the wealthy and privileged. Where would After graduating from Spelman, Dovey Mae Dovey Mae get the money? The cost to attend had bills to pay. With the help of Professor Spelman was eight times higher than the cost to Neptune, she had borrowed money to pay for attend Winston-Salem. Her Grandmother Rachel her studies at Spelman. Therefore, she could not worried not just about the money but also about immediately enter medical school, which had Dovey Mae’s safety in Atlanta, Georgia, where been her goal even before she began her education Klan activity in the 1920s and 1930s was very at Spelman. She took a teaching position near high. The solution to both concerns came when Charlotte for a short time; but it paid too little to the family was informed that a trusted former save for medical school, pay old bills, and help employer, Mrs. Hurley, would be moving to her family, which included two sisters who were Atlanta and she needed help with her housework. then in college. She made the decision to move to It was the opportunity for Dovey Mae to work Washington, D.C., where she thought there might and save money for her Spelman expenses and be greater job opportunities because on June 25, her Grandmother Rachel would feel comfortable 1941, President Roosevelt issued Executive Order knowing that Dovey Mae would be living in a 8802, which banned employment discrimination safe house. in defense industries. In Washington, Dovey Mae looked up Mary McLeod Bethune, who was After working for two years to save money, Grandmother Rachel’s friend. How they became Dovey Mae was admitted to Spelman. The good friends is unknown; but as a little girl, Dovey news was followed by a change in Mrs. Hurley’s Mae met Mrs. Bethune through her grandmother. attitude towards Dovey Mae. She became envious Dovey Mae hoped that Mrs. Bethune would help and revealed her racist attitudes that had been her get a job in a defense industry. Instead, hidden. Inwardly, she believed that black people Mrs. Bethune had other plans for Dovey Mae. did not need a college education. When Dovey For a time Dovey Mae helped Mrs. Bethune in Mae started attending Spelman, Mrs. Hurley her work as president of the Council of Negro hardly spoke to Dovey Mae; and when she did, it Women. While working with Mrs. Bethune, was with contempt. Dovey Mae learned to “wear Dovey Mae witnessed communications between a mask” in order to hide her heaviness (p. 22). Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt and Mrs. Bethune. Finally, Mrs. Hurley falsely accused Dovey Mae Included in their conversations was talk about of stealing, which led to Dovey Mae’s temporary the service of women in the military—white and imprisonment.
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