I Quaker • 'Quotables
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'age 2 THE· SALEM QUAKER May 12, 1961 Hot rods, flash. bulbs, dragstrip. f-Aonologues, discs Five, four, three, two, one, ;zero! The rocket rose gracefully into the lead hit parade sky. The United States had just put .fascin.ate SHS photographer By Mary Grisez their first man into spac~. Pull up a chair, prop up your feet and By Becky Snowball as the.Gearjammers, which meets regular Through the medium of radio we tune in to the latest platter chatter. ly <µld discusses car intricacies. were there, as ·astron a.ut Alan Shep Amidst the flash of bulbs and the roar Copping first place fu the list of the of car motors, QUAKER photographer Dave Having bought a car last August from ard. waited for the countdown and as nation's most popular r ecords is Runaway Rice spends his free .moments taking pic . money earned working at the drag strip, he made his historic ascent into tures· .and tinkering with hot rods. Dave plans to repay them by dragging at by Del Shannon. Moving into second place the unknown. the strip this summer. is Mother-In-Law by Ernie K-Doe. ·Brenda The founder of the Camera Club, Dave Lee offers a reassuring You Caµ. Depend America and the whole world were has been snapping pictures for the last 10 on Me in the third ·m ost popular song. listening, for regardless of the po~ years and has worked as a QUAKER photo Leading the list in the LP department sibility of success: or failure, the grapher all his high school days. ' are the sound tr acks from G. I. Blues and people of the United States hear the "My brother, an employee of the East E xodus. Close on . their heels are Ca melot results-the results of democracy at man Kodak Co., opened up the field of and The Sound of Music with the original work. photography to me ' as a boy by giving me Broadway casts. a small box cam era," recollected Dave. In the fa d for m onologues by comedians, · "'Now I take and develop all of, m y own Bob Newhart ranks high with his two best pictures, for o~ basement is equipped with sellers: Button-Down Mind of Bob Newhart a darkroom." and Button-Down Mind Strikes Back. His hobby has turned pictures into money, Music hath charms to soothe the as he has progress.ed from simple snapshots savage breast, but it is· also the re to more elabor ate-and profitabl~ photo sult of hours of hard work. gr aphy in1 his home studio. Dave became Spring has sprung· Santa's helper when he snapped pictures The quality of the music pr_oduc of gleeful children at Santa's Larie. ed by the SHS band and choir proves poet into exhaustion that h:ard work and patience do Taking physics, Algebra II, Wood III and pay off. - Mechanical Drawing II, Dave finds his By Kay Luce :physics classes · most challenging. Slam~ The choir well deserves their sup ming and scrubbing dishes in the cafeteria Spriilg has sprung, erior rating earned in state contest, also occupies part of Dave's sch90l day. We'r e on saving time; Now it's one hour less as do the individuals who went to Undecided -about his future, . Dave holds 'Till we rise and shine. st ate solo .and' ensemble contest . sever al part-tim e jobs. Working as an at The band, small but mighty, · at ten~ant at a local gas- station andi running CAREFULLY TAKING his latest print out Spring has sprung clocks for the Quaker City Timing Associa of the rinse, Dave Rice develops some pic And the grass is growing; its festival' and concert also helped tion satisfies Dave's desire to know more tures for the. QUAKER. In his own home The- violets bloom , prove that SHS has a great musical about cars. To increase his knowledge still darkroom he processes photos as a hobby But the lawn needs m owing. department. further, he formed. a hot rod club lmown· and a profitable after -school occupation. Spring has sprung, ,I That's for certain; Gotta clean the window And wash a curtain. Iron Curtclin refugee tells poignant tale Spring has sprung · And, oh m y gosh! · When Mrs. Regina Alzner returned from reach the free world again. He decided to is perilous ; they must number the letters I have to help Dad~ a communist labor camp to her home in scrimp and save and ti;Y to bring his wife . to know Whether all reach their destination. There's a car to wash. Rmr..ania, she could scarcely recognize the and children out of the communist country Although she speaks Germ an, Saxon, Ru Spring has sprung, town. In the three years since she had been of Rumania. m anian and som e Russian, Mrs. Alzner get no rest. sent to Russia communist collective farms · We Mrs. Alzner was suddenly sent to the cannot speak much English, since she has Mrs. Loria is planning had sprung up throu~out . the countryside. Ukraine in Russia wher e she was forced to been in/this country only one year. Yet sus A geometry test. Who is Mrs. Alzher? A famous E uropean work in a labor camp. After her day's toil tained. by t he hope Of becoming a citizen , citizen, or one whose flight from the Iron in the commune, she worked part of the· and by the recent arrival of another Ru Spring has sprung Curtain has made her known t hroughout night to save money for use after she was m anian family in this ar ea, she is :working And I'm exhausted; the free world? freed. She related that the conditions are steadiby toward the day when she m ay see I'll flop in the hammock No, Mrs. Alzner is today a resident of as bad as r eported. In three years she gain her daughter and grandchildren again. And think back when it frosted. Salem who can be seen every day in SHS ed her rele'ase and went back to her home working as a janitress. Reunited with her in Rumania. husband, whom she had not seen in 16 Rumania had changed and the land was • years, she hopes to save enough m oney to now dotted with collective farrr.s. Her own send: for her married daughter still living land had been confiscated and m ade into Profs recall mD;gtc at for mer dances under com munism. a collective. Her children, who had been Her story begins at the end of World War staying with their grandparents, had grown II, when her husband, who had been for ced up. - .'. as enchanting prom time looms ahead to fight in the German army, was left in F ive -years ago Mr. Alzner came to the / t he Allied-occupied part of Germany. To r e United States. Mrs . Alzner and her young Girls with a dreamy look and fluffy dress "Hawaii' was the exciting them e in 1960 turn to his wife and two daughters was im daughter followed him after their r elease. es, and guys hard at work earning m oney when the juniors and seniors lived it up possible, since he wolli.d not be able to To communicate with their older daughter indicate that prom time is approaching. I at the Golf Club. This. year , with the theme High school teachers recall that basically "Under Paris Skies," many girls are ,wish the Junior-Senior Prom hasn't changed too ing for another Date Bureau. much over the years. Miss Claribel .Bickel, commercial teacher , does admit, though, Quaker •'Quotables I· that her Alm a Mater (Columbus North) hadn't thought o{ the prom yet when she Biologists s·crutinize I went to school. By Sally Shears Also J udy F isher, '57, has won a fellowship E nglish teacher Mrs. Adele Zeitler'$ class marigold mutations to the University of Wisconsin. M~asles-heck no! enjoyed a dinner in the gym before they Congrats , Recently Kenny Moore was sent home removed the tables to dance. She said every By Elaine Underwood . to µirraine Pardee, our Bandsman of from school with the diagnosis of measles. one was home by 2 a.m., even though they To determine the effect of radiation on the Year. It was soon discovered that he was only had cars. Since it was during W. W. II, pl;mt genes, Rick Shoop, sophomore biology suffer ing from a heat rash on that day) when Wdcome there was a gas ration and many couples student, planted marigold seeds which had we had an all-time high of 47° F . to Karen Greenisen and Ken Pinkerton even walked. · been subjected to gamma rays. CongratuJations who have r eturned from a vacation in. t he Miss Martha McCready, rnath prof, re The flowers are now on the card catalog hospital• Karen' returned minus one thing, members decorating their banquet tables in the library. Germination and blooming . to Linda Griffith who is . sporting a dia her appendix. with bowls of violets which she had helped were earlier in the specially treate'd seeds mond ring. Versatile ,Pick the day before .. The couples, walke d than in untreated marigolds. Absent-1\linded Prof MMtha Talbott (alias Mark, age seven) to the dinner and walked home after the Although no obvious mutation appeared, a . was Mrs. Fred Cope when she carried has r evealed her true talent. Making a t ape dance.