Under the Patronage of

Rainer Brüderle, MdB Volker Bouffier, MdL Federal Minister of Economics Minister President of the and Technology, State of Hessen, Wiesbaden


Business Opportunities in Africa and Global H 2O Expert Round

Thursday, 19 May 2011 Frankfurt Chamber of Commerce and Industry

www.frankfurt-gbw.com Programme · Thursday, 19 May 2011

8:30 a.m. Registration

9:30 a.m. Welcome Address

Dr. Roland Gerschermann Managing Director, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung; Deputy President, Frankfurt Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Frankfurt a.M. Hans W. Meier-Ewert Executive Vice President, German-African Business Association,

10:00 a.m. Country Presentation – Angola, Ghana, Nigeria

Ricardo Gerigk Delegate, Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Angola, Luanda Patrick Martens Delegate, Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Ghana, Accra André Rönne Delegate, Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Nigeria, Lagos Marc Dugge Correspondent, ARD German Radio in North and West Africa, Rabat Moderation Christian Hiller von Gaertringen Economic Editor, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurt a.M.

11:00 a.m. Coffee Break

11:30 a.m. Parallel Discussion

Panel 1 A »Investment Opportunities in Africa, with Special Focus on Microfinance and Mobile Banking«

H.E. Paul King Aryene Ambassador, Embassy of the Republic of Ghana, Berlin

»Affordable Rural Internet as Enabler of (Micro) Finance Solutions« Dr. Daniel Henkel Consultant, Strategy & Marketing ICT Innovation, Detecon International GmbH, Bonn

»Sub-Saharan African Capital Markets: Overview and Outlook« Marion Mühlberger Economist, AG, DB Research, Frankfurt a.M.

»Fond de Promotion de Microfinance« Jules Ndambu Bendebende Project Coordinator, Microfinance Promotion Fund, Democratic Republic of Congo, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management gGmbH, Frankfurt a.M.

Prof. Njugunda Ndung’u Governor, Central Bank of Kenya, Nairobi

»Profitably Delivering Banking to the Mass Market« Christian Wessels Partner, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants GmbH, Frankfurt a.M. Moderation Ernst Welteke Chairman of the Board, Banco Quantum Capital, S.A., Luanda/Angola; Former President of Deutsche Bundesbank; Former Minister of the State of Hessen Business Opportunities in Africa and Global H 2O Expert Round

Panel 1 B »Investment Opportunities in the African Water Sector: Assets – Governance – People« (Part I) José Frade* Head of Division and Deputy Director, Projects Directorate, European Investment Bank, Luxembourg Eric Heymann Senior Economist, Deutsche Bank AG, DB Research, Frankfurt a.M. Olaf Hoffmann Chief Executive Officer and President, Dorsch Holding GmbH, Offenbach a.M. Andreas Holtkotte Head of Division Water and Sanitation Sub-Saharan Africa, KfW Bankengruppe, Frankfurt a.M. PH Dr. Thomas Kluge Member of the Executive Board, Head of Water Research, Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ISOE), Frankfurt a.M. Fanyana Mntambo Regional Head, Department of Water Affairs, Mpumalanga, Republic of South Africa Dr. Rainer Müssner Deputy Head of Department 723 – Global Change, Ministry of Education and Research of the Federal Republic of , Bonn Prof. Dr. Ulrich Scheele Adjunct Professor for Economic Policy, Department of Economics and Statistics, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg; Partner, The Regional Planning and Environmental Research Group (ARSU), Oldenburg Christian Schulmerich Managing Director, RODECO Consulting GmbH, Bad Homburg v.d. Höhe; Head of Africa Section, German Water Partnership e.V., Berlin Moderation Dr. Hannah Büttner Senior Advisor, IFOK GmbH, Munich

1:00 p.m. Lunch Break

2:00 p.m. Parallel Discussion

Panel 2 A »Natural Resources Industries and Commodities Finance« Dr. Dirk Küster Head of Africa Section, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Hannover Sylvia Sedlacek Vice President, Structured Export Finance, BHF Bank AG, Frankfurt a.M. Moderation Marc Dugge Correspondent, ARD German Radio in North and West Africa, Rabat

»Legal Framework and Business Governance« José Filomeno de Sousa Vice Chairman of the Board, Banco Quantum Capital, S.A., Luanda/Angola dos Santos Sylvia Schenk Member of the Board, Transparency International Deutschland, Berlin; Lawyer, Schmalz Rechtsanwälte, Frankfurt a.M. Moderation Dr. Oliver Lamprecht Head of Division Sub-Saharan Africa, Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, Berlin

Panel 2 B »Investment Opportunities in the African Water Sector: Assets – Governance – People« (Part II) Continuation of Panel 1 B

3:45 p.m. Closing Remarks

H.E. Francis Ambassador, Embassy of the Republic of Uganda, Berlin Kamujanduzi Butagira

4:00 p.m. End of Conference *requested General Information

Business Opportunities in Africa Conference Location and Frankfurt Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Global H 2O Expert Round Börsenplatz 4 Thursday, 19 May 2011 60313 Frankfurt am Main i U | S Hauptwache Conference Language YP Börse or Schillerpassage (at your own expense) English

Participation Organiser Conference participation is by personal invitation and is free of charge. Attendance requires registration and is limited. Registration will be on a first-come, first-serve basis and will be confirmed in writing . Maleki Group Programme Financial Communications & Consulting The organiser reserves the right to change the Contact: Susanna Kutzner / Hana Michlovská programme as may be necessary. Programme updates Wiesenau 1 are available on the congress website: 60323 Frankfurt am Main · Germany www.frankfurt-gbw.com/africa Phone +49 [0] 69 97 176-13 8/ -178 www.frankfurt-gbw.com/water Fax +49 [0] 69 97 176-360/370 Accommodation [email protected] Further information and special conditions at [email protected] www.frankfurt-gbw.com Hotels r Project Management Global Business Week Directions Dr. Katrin Pickenhan Further information at Phone +49 [0] 69 97 176-0 www.frankfurt-gbw.com r Directions [email protected] Status: 18 April 2011

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