Attachment Four – Virginia Brand Book we’re game brand book virginia lottery brand book 01

At the Virginia Lottery, we work I’m game. Get ready, gamer, because here’s your chance to personalize your hard and play even harder. Virginia Lottery Brand Book. Tell us your favorite hobbies, activities and, of course, games. Ready, set… Go!

Our job is to create excitement, This book belongs to encourage friendly competition Lottery team member since: Favorite board or card game: and motivate Virginians to love My lucky numbers are: games. Not just our games, but Favorite Lottery game: Favorite hobbies: all games! We are game gurus Favorite TV game show: with a passion for playtime, and Favorite sports team: Favorite Internet or Mobile game: we love inspiring everyone to join Favorite Virginia festival or event: Favorite video game: in the fun. After all, we’re game. virginia lottery brand book 03 Virginians love games and will make a game out of anything.

GAME FACT: Leapfrog, the classic game in which players vault over each other’s stooped backs, we’re game for giant leaps has gone by this name since the late 16th century and was a popular pastime in Colonial America. we’re game virginia lottery brand book 05 contributing to virginia’s future one play at a time

We play an important role in supporting quality education for Virginia’s children. mission virginia lottery brand book 07 Every game is a chance to brighten Virginia’s future.

GAME FACT: Hopscotch was invented by the Romans as a training exercise for soldiers. Children we’re game for education copied the exercises by marking out their own small courses and creating rules and a scoring system. we’re game virginia lottery brand book 09 to become an innovative leader in delivering gaming products to the broadest possible consumer base vision virginia lottery brand book 11 We search for new ideas and aren’t afraid to be the first to do something.

GAME FACT: During the Apollo 14 lunar mission, astronaut Alan Shepard hit two golf balls on the we’re game for amazing feats moon’s surface, taking the innovative spirit of “We’re Game” to bold new frontiers. we’re game virginia lottery brand book 13 integrity innovation collaboration empowerment customer focus values virginia lottery brand book 15 Virginia’s most trusted name in gaming, we’re honest and play fair. We always stand by our players and behind our people.

GAME FACT: Mario, Nintendo’s princess-saving plumber, company mascot and worldwide we’re game for powering up video game superstar, first appeared in the 1981 hit arcade game Donkey Kong. we’re game virginia lottery brand book 17

It’s a whole new game. To grow the number of Virginians who play lottery games by 2015, we will transform the Virginia Lottery into a consumer-focused organization.

We’re dedicated to connecting with and expanding the number of Virginians who play our games. About 29% of adult Virginians play lottery games regularly. We’re working to improve upon this by better defining both our current and potential players. Actively gaining insight into consumer needs, behaviors, habits and lifestyles, and continuously monitoring changes in trends and technology, will allow us to better engage with and attract potential players while retaining our core audience.

Consumers drive our business. We will identify, meet and anticipate consumer needs and expectations. This will require all parts of our organization to evolve to become operationally agile and responsive to rapidly changing consumer needs. For consumers to be game, mobile we all have to be game.

scan to access more fun game features or online at strategy virginia lottery brand book 19 We weigh risks and rewards to find the right balance between lessons learned and futures realized.

GAME FACT: Whether in sports or in scholastics, trophies are often awarded to those individuals and we’re game for taking risks teams who take the risks necessary to innovate, advance and achieve greater goals. we’re game virginia lottery brand book 21

we’revalotter brand virginia lottery brand book 23

GAME FACT: Punkin’ Chunkin’ is the sport of hurling a pumpkin by mechanical means for distance. we’re game for just about anything The current record for a “chunked” punkin’ is 5,545.43 feet, as recognized by Guinness World Records. we’re game virginia lottery brand book 25

Baby, we were born to play. Virginians love games, and at the Virginia Lottery we love making them. It’s not just what we do, it’s in our DNA.

Whether it’s a winner-take-all wastebasketball showdown or an impromptu office chair Funovation. We are the spark in someone’s derby, we Virginians never tire of playing, day, creating moment-of-fun experiences and imagination-inspiring escapes. Fun starts here. watching or inventing games. We live in a state of play. Literally. In fact, Virginians were playing games Connected. We share a common purpose and at Jamestown long before there even was a Virginia — stand with each other as a team to reach our goals. or the Virginia Lottery! And while we are a state agency, All for fun and fun for all. That’s us. the Virginia Lottery is really a game company at heart. BFFs. We treat our players like we treat our best Our brand celebrates Virginians’ love for friends. Every game is a connection, and we listen carefully to create unique gaming experiences just games of every kind, not just lottery games. for our players. When people play our games it’s a We’re always happy to help everyone scratch their gaming sign of trust, and we’ll never let our friends down. itch and want to engage whole new audiences who have not yet associated that passion for gaming with the Virginia Glimmer. We are positive and see challenges as Lottery. That’s why “We’re Game.” opportunities to create fun, new experiences for our BFFs. That means making a game out of almost So how do we do this? It begins simply enough with anything. That’s how we roll. something we already were born to do — having fun! virginia lottery brand book 27

Games fit anywhere and everywhere. “We’re Game” isn’t just a tag line, it’s the driving principle behind everything we do in fulfilling our commitment to brightening Virginia’s future.

We’re Game for retailers. Retailers are our foundation. We’re Game to “be” our brand instead of We must strive to make working with us easier and more talking about it. The world is constantly changing and fun. We must identify and tear down barriers to working advancing, and so will we. Our actions will be our words with us, even if that means making big changes in how we as we focus on connecting with new consumer segments do business. We must engage retailers in making them avid when they are in a playful state of mind. The Virginia Lottery “We’re Game” ambassadors, for they are the front lines of will become an engaging, entertaining and amazing gaming our bottom-line success. experience that people don’t just buy, they feel.

We’re Game for education. Every day, we contribute We’re Game for your department. No matter about $1.2 million to K-12 education. From Super Teacher what we say, all that really matters is what we do. Before to the Literary Fund, our widely recognized contributions to we can “Be Game” with our retailers, core players and new Virginia’s public schools showcase how “We’re Game” for consumers, we must “Be Game” inside. How will you bring education in all sorts of amazing ways. the “We’re Game” brand to life in your department?

We’re Game when it comes to new and amazing games. Our “We’re Game” brand focuses on creating new experiences that appeal to new consumer segments like Alphas, Calgons and iDrenalinz. We’ll create digital experiences that utilize smart technologies like mobile devices and iPads to connect gamers to us and each other, and encourage spontaneous play. We’re not just Scratchers and draw games anymore. We’re all games. virginia lottery brand book 29 Games aren’t just a part of our culture, games are our culture.

GAME FACT: There are 108 double stitches on a regulation baseball and they are sewn by hand, we’re game for pitching in using 88 inches of waxed red thread. The first and last stitches are completely hidden. we’re game virginia lottery brand book 31

Meet “Game Guy.” Sporting an infectious charm, humor and passion for games, Game Guy represents every Virginian’s love of playing games. All games. Any games.

A true “games guru for all,” Game Guy Game Guy doesn’t replace Lady Luck. They is Virginia’s ambassador of fun, friendly have different roles. Game Guy is a real person and competition. Overflowing with a positive, playful attitude, “man of the people” who represents every Virginian who Game Guy is likable, real and always itching to play a game with wants to play every game out there. Lady Luck is a fictional anyone — even if they need a friendly little nudge to do so. “luck expert.” Game Guy is a regular guy “games expert.” He shares his charismatic personality and infectious energy with everyone as he travels all over Virginia creating games, playing games, watching games and talking about games. There’s no telling where he’ll show up. From events to stores to offices and factories, and anywhere in between, if there’s potential for a game, there’s potential for Game Guy.

Game Guy’s no slouch when it comes to Facebook, Twitter or TV. He can make a game out of anything and will challenge us to play, anytime and anywhere.

He’s always game. virginia lottery brand book 33

What exactly is branding? Great brands think alike (which means really, really differently from everyone else).

Think about a company or product you love — your favorite fast food place or car, or a store you really like. These things are brands, and they have won a special place in the most valuable piece of real estate on earth — the space between your ears. Maybe it’s something they do or believe, or it’s the way they make you feel. Whatever it is, those associations are the basis for differentiation in the marketplace and drive consumer behaviors. Both emotional and functional, it’s an expectation or promise of what it’s like to be their customer. That’s branding. And whether we’re aware of it or not, it’s happening all the time.

Let’s try it. Look at the logos on the left. What are your associations with each of these brands? Chances are you share those same associations with a lot of other people. That’s because Now, let’s try brands constantly work to connect with and develop we’re game relationships across a broad range of audiences and the same thing lifestyles. These bonds are the foundation of lasting consumer brand loyalty. with our logo. virginia lottery brand book 35

Feeling lucky? It takes more than luck to build a successful brand. It takes connecting with people in new, unique and relevant ways. We may be the only lottery in Virginia, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have competition.

What immediately springs to mind when you If you’re like most of our core players, you see our Virginia Lottery logo? Write down probably said words like “tickets,” “money,” the first five things you think of: “luck,” “excitement,” “fun” or “wishes.” Chances are, you’d probably say the same things about the , the North Carolina Education Lottery, 1. bingo or even a casino in Las Vegas. That means we don’t have a unique position in the marketplace. 2. One challenge is that we can’t count on our core players to 3. grow our brand. We need to attract new players in order to achieve our vision. That means connecting with whole 4. new groups of people. Let’s face it, Virginians know about the Virginia Lottery. So why aren’t more people playing? 5. We simply aren’t meaningful to them. It’s time to change that. virginia lottery brand book 37

That was then. This is now. The Virginia Lottery has gone through lots of changes over the past three decades. So have our players.

Customers are in charge now. We are living in the “Relationship Era.” Forget everything you knew about Old School New Age marketing. It is getting turned upside down so it can land “Sell Era” “Relationship Era” right side up. push more build more products relationships How do we get loyal customers to not just buy our games interrupt invite but to write positive reviews, share links, retweet and post and persuade and engage photos on their Facebook pages that generate positive “We’re Game” conversations? What Why Brands Do Brands Exist To do that, we must change. We must embrace new ideas and fresh thinking. present the differentiate the We must recognize changing consumer organization in organization in desires and lifestyles, and learn to connect a positive way an authentic way with and engage people in unique, authentic and interesting ways. virginia lottery brand book 39 they’re game.

our customersGAME FACT: With more than 40 million people playing competitively worldwide, table tennis has we’re game for Virginians been recognized by the International Olympic Committee as the world’s largest participation sport. we’re game virginia lottery brand book 41

One game does not fit all. We’re the Virginia Lottery after all, not Spandex. When it comes to creating unique gaming experiences, we realize that not all gamers are alike.

Virginians come in all shapes and sizes, and from all sorts of backgrounds. We want to connect with as many of them as we can. The most effective way to create games that appeal to Virginians is to recognize their differences. Different games appeal to different people. Our job is to understand and Joe & Jane What-ifs Calgons embrace our consumers’ differences and offer games that appeal to vastly different tastes.

“Being Game” is not all fun and games. It takes a little work. We are a customer-focused organization that uses research-based insights to create the right kind of games for Virginians. Virginians are grouped into different segments with shared lifestyle behaviors, habits and character traits. We are focusing on four key segments that align with our growth goals.

Let’s meet them.

Alphas iDrenalinz virginia lottery brand book 43

Joe & Jane What-ifs Calgons Family-valued hopefuls who like Female-dominated segment of to believe today could be their socially active dreamers who like “lucky day.” to feel in control.

Joe & Jane What-ifs love to believe, “Today could be my lucky Calgons are a predominantly female consumer segment that day.” Although primarily influenced by friends and family, they Game preference: High-stakes games full of thrills, likes feeling in control of their lives. They are wishful when Game preference: Social games like those on are surprisingly the group least likely to engage in social media. risk or fast action with a possibility of success. thinking about the future and have high hopes for their Facebook that give them a little break in their day. They trust traditional media outlets like radio and TV, and use the families. Calgons are likely to join loyalty programs at local Internet mostly for checking email and news. Joes & Janes work stores and clip coupons, and use the Internet for more social hard for their luxuries. They want the future to be better than the purposes, like browsing Facebook, connecting with friends past. They are willing to put in extra effort to achieve this desire. and family and playing Internet games. virginia lottery brand book 45

Alphas iDrenalinz Career-focused, challenge-loving Tech-savvy social networkers and achievers who believe money team players who aren’t afraid to defines success. take risks.

This generally well-educated group of business-driven iDrenalinz are adventurous, tech-savvy gamers who enjoy professionals is highly influential, likes being challenged Game preference: High-stakes, mental or casino team collaboration and heart-pounding excitement. They Game preference: Physical and creative games and strives to reach the top of their respective careers. games with fast thrills and risk, spectacular victories aren’t afraid to take risks. Highly influential among their peers, that make you sweat and your heart race, and are As heavy mobile users, Alphas connect to the Internet to seek and failures, which require decision-making and skills. iDrenalinz are heavy Internet and mobile users. They actively exhausting and social at the same time. information, check the news or network via sites like LinkedIn. participate in social networking sites and Internet games. Competitive by nature, Alphas enjoy participating in raffles, office pools and fantasy leagues. They love to gamble. we’re game.

our employeesOur games are our culture and our culture is our people. Every day you bring your best to make us our we’re game for our people best. You power the Virginia Lottery to fulfull its commitment to brighten Virginia’s future one play at a time. we’re game virginia lottery brand book 49

“We’re Game” for our employees. The Virginia Lottery employees live, breathe and embody our mission, vision and values. The most important tool for our success is YOU.

Everything we say or do can impart a lasting effect on our image. We are in the public eye Getting our Game on. If we’re not living and represent our brand at all times. If you’re at a neighbor- the “We’re Game” experience, we can’t expect hood cookout and are asked about the Virginia Lottery, others to, from our consumers to our retailers. your response directly reflects on our brand. Remember, For them to “Be Game,” we have to “Be Game,” too. “You’re Game.” Always. We’re Game at Work. We collaborate and encourage our people to work and play as a team. Like we said earlier, we are a state agency, but we’re When we look for ways to make work into play, also a company that loves creating, playing and selling it translates to better customer experiences. games. We make the games that Virginians love to play. And when we come to work, Our “Culture of Games.” To build a we should feel and convey the same fun, great culture, we must own and nurture it. That energy and playfulness our customers do. means expecting the best of each other, holding each other responsible for greatness and giving each other the tools to turn “We’re Game” into something a lot more powerful than two simple words. “Being Game” is hard work — and the most fun you’ll ever have between paychecks. virginia lottery brand book 51

What exactly is “culture?” It’s a word that gets thrown around a lot in business, yet everyone seems to have a different idea about what “culture” actually means. To work together toward our common goal, we must first share a common definition of “culture.”

Like people, every organization has a Our culture doesn’t just happen by chance, unique and distinctive personality. That it springs from our core values and how we personality defines its culture. The Virginia Lottery’s culture transform those values into actions: should reflect our brand, and our brand should reflect our culture. It’s the story of where we’ve been, what we are and • Collaboration. We have a passion for working closely with who we want to be. It’s how we work together inside and each other, our customers, partners and other shareholders how people outside experience our brand. Our brand and to achieve the Virginia Lottery’s goals and objectives. culture must mesh seamlessly, inside and out. This means listening to what others say with respect and understanding; engaging in open, two-way communication; Everything we do is an opportunity to providing support and encouragement to each other; and embrace, celebrate, reinforce and project freely sharing ideas, knowledge and resources. our “We’re Game” brand. • Customer Focus. We are dedicated to exceeding the expectations and requirements of our people and our customers. We gather firsthand customer information to improve our games and services, and act with the customer in mind to establish and maintain their respect and trust. Even when we are not serving a customer directly, we are serving someone who does serve our customers. • Empowerment. We understand the strategy, goals and objectives of the Virginia Lottery and are willing and able Customer-focused companies have to take appropriate action independently and proactively several things in common: when we see the need. Each of us has the power to make decisions that will positively affect business results, and is Customer-centric Innovation. Our “bosses” expected to do so. We actively participate by sharing critical are our customers, and our innovation is based on information, ideas and opinions to help fulfill our mission. and inspired by their needs, wants and desires.

• Innovation. We combine our knowledge of customer Courage. We challenge ourselves to embrace needs, marketplace trends, best practices and advances bold ideas and try new things without a fear of in technology with our passion for creativity in the failure, and appreciate any failure as an opportunity development of new games, services and partnerships. to learn and grow smarter and stronger. Our focus on innovation translates into opportunities Collaboration. We collaborate to create a for personal growth for our people, increased customer seamless flow of information throughout our satisfaction and enhanced financial benefits for Virginia’s organization, producing a competitive advantage public schools. by combining the collective ideas of us all.

• Integrity. We always are open, honest and trustworthy Curiosity. We are curious to a fault, constantly with our customers, partners, stakeholders and each other. learning about our customers while seeking to We walk our talk and do what we say we are going to do. create new ideas and solutions for them. We all are accountable for our actions and inactions, and Integrity. Our customers trust us because we understand that acting with integrity is critical to fostering back our word with the truth of action — that the trust and confidence required to ensure transparency means honesty, quality and competence. and security at the Virginia Lottery. Inspiring Leadership. We lead one another Being successful in our vision requires by encouraging creativity and collaboration, not transforming from a product-focused strategy by enforcing command and control. to a customer-focused strategy. *Turknett Leadership Group virginia lottery brand book 55

“We’re Game” is an attitude. It’s an expression of “everybody get in the game” excitement. From words to images, it’s a whole new language.

If it uniquely describes fun activities or The Virginia Lottery is about more than tickets competition, it has a place within the “We’re – it’s about attitude and tone. We’re Game, Game” brand vocabulary. This includes words like and we’ve got personality to spare. “Games,” “Fun,” “Play,” “Spontaneous,” “Inclusive,” “Funny,” “Anticipation,” “Real,” “Genuine,” “Authentic,” “Exciting,” • Playful Competitiveness. We are driven, spunky and know “Entertaining,” “Spirited,” “Competition,” “Energy” and how to have a good time. We bring energy and edge to “Engaging.” everything we do. Win or lose, we always find fun in the game. We embrace the rules, revel in the moment and Even though this isn’t a sports campaign, the use of celebrate with everyone. sports-related catch phrases such as “Going all the way,” “Out of the park,” “Unstoppable” and “Threading the needle” • Inclusive. We encourage diversity in every form. We help can help deliver the action and excitement of our “We’re Game” people understand the game and invite them to join in the brand to new players. fun and share their experience with others.

• Spontaneous. We are outgoing, playful and always ready to jump right in without hesitation. It’s happening right here, right now. It’s on! tone virginia lottery brand book 57

Our brand look and feel. Every touch point and every experience we create is an opportunity to convey our brand’s mission and expressive personality. It’s the we’re game core of who we are and what the Virginia Lottery is all about. virginia lottery

The look and feel of the Virginia Lottery is evolving, strategically blending the sophistication of today’s consumers with our engaging “We’re Game” brand spirit. From our refreshed “Lucky Fingers” logo and expanded color palette to updated game logos and a simpler, more Think green. Although our logo has appeared in many Getting our game face on takes teamwork. stylized approach to imagery, the Virginia Lottery is poised colors over the years, it’s known best in classic green and It takes more than a logo, color palette and typographic to connect boldly with today’s next generation of gamers. The original classic (left) becomes a modern classic (right). we’re game white. Our new logo continues this tradition, updated with style to build a brand. It takes all of these elements working And from Abingdon to Danville to Norfolk to Richmond and a brighter, friendlier and warmer tone. The full-color version together like a pro team. From POS to posters to billboards every point in between, when it comes to gaming across (shown here) adds depth and energy. and banners, from our website to our mobile site, every place the Commonwealth, nothing says the “Virginia Lottery” we meet, connect and engage with people is an opportunity like our “Lucky Fingers” logo. Our logo has been carefully refreshed and Name that brand. You may think we’ve accidentally to express and reinforce our brand’s visual appeal and refined, infusing its classic look with a more forgotten the “Virginia Lottery” name, but we haven’t. “We’re Game” spirit. Since its historic introduction in 1988, the Virginia Lottery modern personality and contemporary It’s there. The presence and instant recognizability of has grown to be one of the most celebrated brands visual style. A key part of the Virginia Lottery’s visual our logo is so strong that we don’t have to say, “We’re the The Virginia Lottery’s new Visual Brand Standards will help in the region. Our trademark logo, originally created by brand is our logo’s iconic shape and ”Lucky Fingers” motif. Virginia Lottery.” Our logo does that. coach and guide all of us as we deliver winning play after advertising agency Lawler Ballard, remains among the While the freshened logo includes many subtle refinements winning play in our mission to brighten Virginia’s future. most iconic and memorable in the lottery industry. that bring it up to date, its instant recognizability and Tag, “We’re Game!” More than just a tag line, it’s It’s a whole new look. It’s a whole new brand. It’s a whole Over the years our logo aged gracefully, but it did age, and character remain unchanged. Whether illuminated, animated the essence of who we are and what we do. We’re the new game. a slight facelift was required to bring our brand up to date. or printed, our logo remains a clear signal that We’re Game. Virginia Lottery — and We’re Game.

And We’re Game! look & feel virginia lottery brand book 59

From our first game to “We’re Game.” 2000 – 2005 2006 – 2009 2010+ Since 1988, we’ve been growing and giving back to the Commonwealth. Our hard work and imaginative games have 2000 Big Game jackpot reaches 2006 Win for Life replaces Lotto South 2010 As part of strategy development, $363 million. Lotto is replaced employees create a new vision for 2007 Mega Millions jackpot reaches generated more than $8 billion for Virginia’s future. by Lotto Virginia the Virginia Lottery: To become $390 million, the largest in an innovative leader in delivering 2001 The Virginia Lottery sponsors North America. Bingo, the first gaming products to the broadest NASCAR driver Hermie Sadler Fast Play game, is introduced possible consumer base. for races held in Virginia. Later 1987 – 1989 1990 – 1995 1996 – 1999 2007 The winners of the first that year, Virginia joins Kentucky 2010  comes to Virginia “Virginia’s Millionaire Raffle” 1987 Virginians vote 57% - 43% in 1990 Lady Luck is introduced 1996 Virginia helps create the multistate and Georgia in holding the first are drawn on June 14, 2007: 2011 Launch of Lottery Match and a favor of creating their own state to Virginians in the lottery game, Big Game Lotto South drawing • Donnie Taylor of Lynchburg mobile website. Planning for lottery, the Virginia Lottery very first Lotto 1997 Howell & Loretta Ellis of Richmond 2002 Mega Millions replaces Big Game • Betty Miller of Swoope and potential e-commerce begins commercial, and Ron Washington of Crozet (co-workers) 1988 The Virginia Lottery’s “Lucky receive $14.6 million as the first as the new multistate game a star is born • Mark and Sally Tierney of Alexandria 2012 The Virginia Lottery Fingers” logo is introduced with winners of Big Game introduces its new the launch of its first $1 scratch 1990 Anthony Palermo of Virginia 1998 Celebration of 10 years with 2008 The Virginia Lottery brand, We’re Game, game, Match 3 Beach wins $7.1 million in “Scratchiversary” hits a milestone and Game Guy Lotto to become the first and celebrates 2012  hits a new world 1999 Virginians vote to change the “20 Years of Fun” Lottery jackpot winner 2004 Virginia’s first Mega Millions state constitution so all annual record jackpot – $656 million jackpot winners, J. R. and Peggy 1991 Virginia is the first state to Lottery proceeds go to benefit 2008 The Virginia Lottery begins Triplett of Winchester, win $239 2012+ The Virginia Lottery innovates its introduce vending machines public education K-12 to develop a comprehensive million – the largest prize awarded way to becoming one of the top strategic plan. Super Teacher 1989 Ticket sales rocket past the 1992 Lotto by Mail subscriptions begin by the Virginia Lottery to date gaming organizations in the U.S. is born $400 million mark after the 1993 The Virginia Lottery introduces a launch of Pick 3 new game, Cash 5, in celebration of “5 Fabulous Years”

1994 The Virginia Lottery introduces Bingo, its first $2 Scratcher heritage everywhere every time everyone we’revalotter we’re game