Art: Graphic Design and Illustration (ARTC) 1
Art: Graphic Design and Illustration (ARTC) 1 ARTC 165 Illustration ART: GRAPHIC DESIGN AND 3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU) Lecture: 36 Lab: 71 ILLUSTRATION (ARTC) Prerequisite: ARTD 15A or ANIM 104 Corequisite: ARTD 20 or ARTD 21 or ARTD 17A or ANIM 101A (any of ARTC 100 Fundamentals of Graphic Design which may have been taken previously) 3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, C-ID #: ARTS 250) Lecture: 36 Lab: 71 Contemporary illustration with an emphasis on story, editorial, and Advisory: ARTD 15A and ARTD 20 advertising applications. Proper uses of illustrative rendering techniques in traditional drawing and painting media, paper, and their integration to Fundamentals of graphic design for the commercial art industry. electronic media. Using professional illustration software, peripherals, Technology, creativity, design, and production. Adobe Photoshop to and color laser printing, students advance to produce more complex produce effective commercial art. illustrations. ARTC 120 Print Design and Advertising ARTC 167 Visual Development 3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU) 3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU) Lecture: 36 Lab: 71 Lecture: 36 Lab: 71 Prerequisite: ARTC 100 Prerequisite: ARTC 163 or (ANIM 101A and ARTD 16) Corequisite: ARTD 20 (May be taken previously) Development of conceptual designs for illustration in video games, film, Theories, concepts, and skills for the design and layout of animation, and comic books, using composition, shape, value, and color printed commercial art. Covers typical printed products including as visual tools for storytelling. Students cannot receive credit for both advertisements, flyers, brochures, posters, books, and catalogs. Focuses ARTC 167 and ANIM 167. on using Adobe InDesign with additional exposure to Adobe Photoshop ARTC 169 Contemporary Illustration and Adobe Illustrator.
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