Dense Nonaqueous Phase Liquid Migration in a Complex Multi-Aquifer System D.B

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Dense Nonaqueous Phase Liquid Migration in a Complex Multi-Aquifer System D.B DENSE NONAQUEOUS PHASE LIQUID MIGRATION IN A COMPLEX MULTI-AQUIFER SYSTEM D.B. Stephens, M. Piepho, J.A. Kelsey, M.A. Prieksat, and M.D. Ankeny, Daniel B. Stephens & Associates, Inc., 6020 Academy Road NE, Suite 100, Albuquerque, NM, 87109 ABSTRACT A laboratory experiment was conducted to demonstrate the behavior of dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA) in a complex aquifer system. The system simulated consists of two unconfined aquifers separated by a low permeable bedrock perching layer that contains a fracture. In contrast to previous work by other researchers of DNAPL migration in hydrostatic conditions, in this experiment, prior to and during the DNAPL release, ground water flow occurs from the upper to lower aquifer via the fracture. Although the experiment illustrates that DNAPL may migrate rapidly in narrow pathways, the observations were predicted rather well by a simplified analytical solution and a numerical simulation with the multi-phase flow and transport code TOUGH-2. With recharge to the lower aquifer occurring through the fracture, a DNAPL pool did not develop prior to its entry into the fracture. KEYWORDS: nonaqueous phase liquids, transport modeling INTRODUCTION DNAPL migration in aquifers pertain to hydrostatic conditions in which the hydraulic Understanding and predicting the migration head gradient is zero. However, Kueper and of DNAPL through the subsurface is McWhorter [3] used numerical simulations important in many ground water transport to address the DNAPL travel time across a investigations. For example, in some fractured aquitard separating two aquifers, instances, it is essential to reconstruct this with upward or downward flow in the process in order to predict the nature and fracture and fully-saturated conditions below timing of the release for insurance coverage the aquitard. cases. Frequently, DNAPL migration is at the heart of litigation or allocation In many hydrogeologic environments, one is proceedings over remedial costs between likely to encounter perched ground water, responsible parties. that is, a relatively permeable, water saturated media of limited areal extent Over the last decade or so, mathematical bounded below by a low permeable layer tools have been developed to facilitate that is separated from the underlying analyzing DNAPL migration, as summarized regional water table by an unsaturated zone. by Cohen and Mercer [1] and Pankow and Perched aquifers usually develop where the Cherry [2]. For instance, analytical solutions downward percolation rate through the have been proposed to assess the maximum vadose zone is greater than the water- thickness of a stable DNAPL pool in the saturated hydraulic conductivity of an vadose zone and the thickness of the impeding layer. Especially in humid DNAPL pool required to penetrate the climates, there can be significant downward capillary fringe, as well as solutions to flux from the perched aquifers and through evaluate the DNAPL pool height necessary the low permeable perching beds which to penetrate a water-filled fracture in an becomes recharge to the underlying regional aquitard. Most analytical solutions for FIGURE 2. STRATIGRAPHIC UNITS. FIGURE 1. GEOLOGICAL CROSS-SECTION. HYDROGEOLOGIC SETTING AND LITIGATION ISSUES aquifer. Continuous fractures or connected fracture networks in the perching layers The site that provided motivation for this comprise preferential pathways for both the analysis is located in the Pacific Northwest recharge and downward DNAPL migration. where mean annual precipitation is about 94 cm/yr (37 inches per year). The site is In this article, we present a new analytical situated on a gentle hillside sloping solution for the problem of vertical DNAPL northward toward the floodplain of the migration through fractures that terminate in Columbia River. The site is underlain by two unsaturated porous media. In contrast to bedrock aquifers which are separated by a prior work which pertains primarily to fully fractured perching layer; both the upper saturated media and hydrostatic conditions, aquifer and the perching layer dip westward the new solution recognizes the contribution at about 5 degrees (Figure 1). The upper of natural ground water recharge through the unconfined aquifer is predominantly vadose zone. In this article, we also sandstone and conglomerate that is perched demonstrate the behavior of DNAPL on a low-permeable sequence comprised migration through a fractured perching layer mostly of sandstone and siltstone (Figure 2). using a sandbox experiment and compare The lower aquifer is an unconfined predictions from the new analytical solution sandstone aquifer which has a water table to experimental observations of travel time located a few meters below the base of the across the fracture. In a companion paper, siltstone perching layer in the area of we present the results of a multiphase flow interest. Thus, there is an unsaturated zone simulation of the laboratory sandbox below the siltstone. The difference in head experiment. across the siltstone, as well as the slickensides, fractures, and joints observed The analyses presented in this article were in some drill cores and in shallow developed in support of litigation between excavations in the perching unit, indicate two adjacent industrial facilities seeking to that there is potential for downward ground allocate costs for remediation of chlorinated water flow from the upper to the lower hydrocarbon in ground water. aquifer. Although field investigations did not attempt to quantify fracture aperture or connectivity, a literature review indicated that fracture apertures of 10 to more than contaminants migrated from the upper 100 microns would not be unexpected in aquifer to impact only a localized part of the siltstone. lower aquifer. The upper aquifer contains volatile organic The other party argued that vertically chemicals, primarily solvents such as continuous, open fractures probably do 1,1,1-TCA and trichloroethylene (TCE), that occur at the site, and that relatively rapid are believed to have migrated as a DNAPL DNAPL transport from the shallow to the phase. An issue in the litigation was the deep aquifer is facilitated by fractures in the potential for a DNAPL to migrate downward low-permeable perching layer which also through fractures across the siltstone transmit ground water as recharge naturally perching layer, through the lower vadose to the lower aquifer. The potential for zone, and into the lower aquifer. DNAPL migration across the aquitard is important, not only to allocation of costs to One party argued that all fractures in the remediate the contamination currently perching unit were discontinuous and filled. present in the lower aquifer, but to assessing This party calculated vertical travel time the long-term effectiveness of a remedy for across the perching unit using Darcy’s the lower aquifer that could be prolonged by equation and the assumption of vertical continuous leakage of contaminants across porous media flow through each subunit of the perching layer. the perching layer. The effective hydraulic conductivity was based on a thickness- MATHEMATICAL MODEL weighted harmonic mean of laboratory tests of core samples collected from the four DEVELOPMENT subunits. Using the mean hydraulic The aquifer and fractured perching layer conductivity of 5.9 x 10-4 feet per day, system described above is conceptualized as vertical gradient of 1.4, and effective shown in Figure 3 for purposes of porosity of 0.25, the predicted travel time mathematical model development. We across the perching layer was about 40 assume that there is a constant height of years, based on porous media flow. This water, hw, above a NAPL-water pool party further argued, based on a hydrostatic mixture, and the DNAPL water pool has analysis, that a critical DNAPL pool height constant thickness, hnw, above the base of of several centimeters to perhaps more than this aquifer. The DNAPL water pool consists a meter would be required before migration of both water and DNAPL, with the of DNAPL through the fractured perching percentage of pore space occupied by layer could occur. Thus, a considerable DNAPL, %Sn, increasing toward the base of volume of solvent could be “stored” in the the fracture (e.g., [3]). In the general case, vadose zone and upper aquifer before we assume that the fracture will also contain DNAPL could migrate across the aquitard. both water and DNAPL. Inasmuch as the Based on the long calculated travel time and porous media below the perched layer is DNAPL storage potential above the unsaturated, the fluid pressure is assumed to perching layer, this party argued that any be atmospheric below the fracture. In our DNAPL constituents in the lower aquifer mathematical analysis, we neglect DNAPL were derived from either an off-site source entry pressures and capillary pressure or from improperly constructed but recently between the various fluid phases; these plugged production wells in which effects are considered in the companion through the siltstone perching layer. The a hydraulic gradient is in = ρρρ ρρ(1) h+(w wnhnwhwS+S )hnw +(SnL n+S wL w )L ρ , n L where L = the fracture length, ρn = DNAPL b density, ρw = water density, S nh = average saturation of DNAPL in the mixed DNAPL water pool above the fracture, S wh = average saturation of water in the mixed DNAPL water pool above the fracture, S nL = average saturation of DNAPL within the fracture, S wL = average saturation of water within the fracture, and hw = height of pure c water pool above the mixed DNAPL water pool. The DNAPL pore velocity in the fracture is ρ f n gk k rn (2) V=pn µ f in , n n SnL FIGURE 3. (a) SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF where kr n = relative permeability of NAPL f DNAPL POOL ABOVE A FRACTURED in the fracture, k = intrinsic permeability of f PERCHING LAYER; (b) FLUID SATURATION the fracture, n = porosity of the fracture, µn PROFILE AT INCIPIENT PENETRATION OF = dynamic viscosity of DNAPL, and g = 2 DNAPL; AND (c) FLUID SATURATION gravitational constant (9.8 m/s ).
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