Catalogue Ten –Part Four THE RANCHING CATALOGUE VOLUME ONE A-C Dorothy Sloan – Rare Books ◆ , Dorothy Sloan-Rare Books, Inc. Box ,Austin, Texas - Phone: () - Fax: () - Email:
[email protected] All items are guaranteed to be in the described condition, authentic, and of clear title, and may be returned within two weeks for any reason. Purchases are shipped at customer’s expense. New customers are asked to provide payment with order, or to supply appropriate references. Institutions may receive deferred billing upon request. Residents of Texas will be charged .% state sales tax. Texas dealers must have a tax certificate on file. Catalogue edited by Dorothy Sloan and Jasmine Star Catalogue preparation assisted by Manola de la Madrid (of the Autry Museum of Western Heritage), Peter L. Oliver, Anthony V. Sloan, Jason Star, Skye Thomsen & many others Typesetting by Jasmine & Jason Star Offset lithography by David Holman at Wind River Press. Letterpress cover and book design by Bradley Hutchinson at Digital Letterpress Photography by Eric Beggs, with the assistance of Anthony V. Sloan INTRODUCTION R C evolved as a result of our firm accepting on consignment TDudley R. Dobie’s massive library on Texas and the West. In truth, it was the two lovely edi- tions of Mary Austin Holley’s wonderful and guides to Texas that initially caused an acquisitive gleam to sparkle in my eyes. However, the first logical question was:“What in the world will we ever do with the other , books?” Confronted with a veritable avalanche of books, we decided to organize the material into subject catalogues that had the potential to enhance the understanding and bibliography of Texana and Western Americana.