JB METRO Distributors MASTER ORDER FORM Phone: 9733 0500 Date: 6/10/2016 Account Page 1 Fax: 9733 0599

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JB METRO Distributors MASTER ORDER FORM Phone: 9733 0500 Date: 6/10/2016 Account Page 1 Fax: 9733 0599 JB METRO Distributors MASTER ORDER FORM Phone: 9733 0500 Date: 6/10/2016 Account Page 1 Fax: 9733 0599 Customer Order Ref Email: [email protected] CODE PRODUCT Qty CODE PRODUCT Qty CODE PRODUCT Qty MOULDED CHOCOLATE 2P Cadbury Peppermint 200g (15) CS Cadbury Snack 55g (42) Small Moulded Choc 2RA Cadbury Roast Almond 200g (14) TO Cadbury Time Out 40g (48) LED Lindt Exc/dark 35g (24) 2RRO Cadbury Rocky Road 200g (15) TWI Cadbury Twirl 2 Finger 39g (48 LEM Lindt Exc/milk 35g (24) 2S Cadbury Snack 200g (15) TWIM Cadbury Twirl Mint 39g (42) MALB Magnum Almond Bar 31g (30) 2TD Cadbury Top Deck 200g (15) CDMJPC Cdm Jelly Pop/candy 50g (48) MCMB Magnum Class Milk Block 25g(30 2TU Cadbury Turk/delight 200g (15) CSCC Cdm S/wich Crunch Crack 35g(30 MDMB Magnum Dark Mini Block 25g(30) 2DMOM Cdm Oreo Mint Block 180g (15) CSSB Cdm S/wich Sweet Bisc 35g (30) MDCB Magnum Double Choc Bar 37g(30) 2DMOS Cdm Oreo S/bry Block 180g (15) CRIDD Cherry Ripe D/dip 47g (48) MDPB Magnum P/butter Block 39g (30) TCOM Terry C/orng Milk Ball 175g(6) HL Europe Honey Log 40g (36) MWMB Magnum White Mini Block 25g(30 Large Moulded Nestle ES Europe Sesame Bar 45g (36) Medium Moulded Cadbury ABP1 Aero Peppermint Block 118g (12 SR Europe Summer Roll 40g (36) 1CD Cad Coco Dark 70% 100g (20) 2MBWC Milky Bar W/cookie 180g (12) PIFR Picnic Frugly 46g (25) 1CDM Cad Coco Dark Mint 100g (20) 2CRN Nestle Crunch 200g (12) TM Toblerone Milk 50g (20) 1CDO Cad Coco Dark Orange 100g (20) KK1 Nestle K/k Mlk/blk 170g (12) Medium Bars Mars 1C Cadbury Caramello 135g (11) 2MB Nestle Milky Bar 180g (12) B Bounty 45g (18) 1DM Cadbury Dairy Milk 135g (12) 2RO Nestle Rolo 200g (12) MMC M & M Crispy 38g (12) 1FN Cadbury Fruit & Nut 135g (11) 1SM Nestle Smarties 180g Block (12 MMMT M & M Mini Tubes 35.2g (24) 1HN Cadbury Hazel Nut 135g (10) Moulded Choc Kraft MM M & M's Milk Chocolate 49g(12) 1S Cadbury Snack 135g (12) 2DMO Cdm Oreo Block 180g (15) MMP M & M's Peanut 46g (12) Medium Moulded Lindt BAR LINES MAS Maltesers Single Bar 35g (24) 1LM Lindor Milk Chocolate 100g Small Bars Cadbury M Mars Bar 53g (48) 1LW Lindor White Chocolate 100g CCHC Cadbury Chomp Caramel 30g (63) MTRC Mars Triple Choc 53g (24) 1LECH Lindt Exc Chilli 100g CCW Cadbury Curly Wurly 26g (48) MW5 Milky Way 53g (24) 1LESS Lindt Exc Dark Sea Salt 100g TM35 Toblerone Milk 35g (24) SN Snickers Bar 50g (48) 1LERA Lindt Exc Roasted Almond 100g Small Bars Mars SNMC Snickers Max Choc 49g (24) LECS1 Lindt Exc/ Salt Caramel 100g MW Milky Way Chocolate 25g (42) TW Twix Twin 55g (20) 1LEC Lindt Exc/dark Cocoa 85% 100g Small Bars Nestle Medium Bars Nestle 1LEDO Lindt Exc/dark Orange 100g SSM Nes Small Smarties 16g(24) KKCC K/kat Chunky Caramel 55g (36 LENM1 Lindt Exc/mint Intense 100g GR Nestle Golden Rough 20g (48) KK4CW K/kat Salt Caramel 4f 45g(48) 1LERH Lindt Exc/roasted H/nut 100g MP Nestle Mint Pattie 20g (48) KKBB Kit Kat Best Of Best 52g (36) LESB1 Lindt Exc/smooth Blen 70% 100g Small Bars Miscellaneous KKCDC Kit Kat Chunky Dbl Choc 52g(36 LED1 Lindt Exc/x Dark 70% 100g ATTF Arnotts Tim Tam Fingers 40g(28 KK4MW Kit Kat Mint Whirl 4f 45g(48) LEM1 Lindt Exc/x/crmy Milk 100g 611570 Lindor Coconut Milk Bar Tower MBWCO M/bar W/toasted Coconut 45g(36 LEC1 Lindt Excellence Caramel 100g SCA Sweetoz Caramel 26g (24) ABM Nestle Aero Milk 40g (24) LGDB3 Lindt Gold Dark Block 300g (10 SMS Sweetoz Musk Sticks 60g (24) ABP Nestle Aero P/mint 40g (24) LGMB3 Lindt Gold Milk Block 300g (10 STUD Sweetoz T/delight 26g (24) NC Nestle Chokito 55g (36) Medium Moulded Ctc WW Wagon Wheels 48g (16) NCCB Nestle Club Classic 45g (36) DCC6 Dc Comic 6pk Chocolates (30) Hammond Bars NCC Nestle Crunch 45g (36) MCMB1 Magnum Class Milk Block 90g HCDM Hammond Cook/dough Milk 64g(12 KK4 Nestle K/kat 4 Finger 45g (48) MDMB1 Magnum Dark Block 90g HGHD Hammond G/hopper Dark 64g(12) KKC Nestle Kit Kat Chunky 50g (36) MWMB1 Magnum White Block 90g HSCM Hammond S/caramel Milk 64g(12) MBC Nestle Milky Bar 50g (36) Large Moulded Cadbury Medium Bars Cadbury PC Nestle Peppermint Crisp 35g(36 2BF Cad Black Forest 200g(14) TUD Cad Turkish Delight 55g (32) SM Nestle Smarties 50g (24) 2CNR Cad D/milk C/nut Rough 200g(16 CBOC Cadbury Boost 60g (35) VC Nestle Violet Crumble 50g (42) 2OGDC Cad O/g Dark 70%cocoa 200g (16 CC Cadbury Caramello 55g (42) Usa Candy - 22.5 2OGD Cad Old Gold Dark 200g (16) CRI Cadbury Cherry Ripe 52g (48) HCC Hersheys Cookies N Cream43g(36 2C Cadbury Caramello 200g(15) CR Cadbury Crunchie 50g (42) NBF Nestle Butterfinger 60g (36) 2CR Cadbury D/m Crunchie 200g (15) CDM Cadbury Dairy Milk 50g (48) RPBCP Reeses P/butt Cup C/p 150g(12) 2DM Cadbury Dairy Milk 200g (16) CDMO Cadbury Dairy Milk Oreo 45g(42 RPB Reeses P/butter 2 Cup 42g (36) 2D Cadbury Dream 200g (15) CD Cadbury Dream 50g (42) Darrell Lea 2FN Cadbury Fruit & Nut 200g (14) FL Cadbury Flake 30g (50) DLCSO5 50g D/l C/stix Milk Orig (25) 2HN Cadbury Hazelnut 200g (13) CFN Cadbury Fruit & Nut 50g (42) DLCMR5 50g D/l C/stix Milk Raspber(25 2OGP Cadbury O/g Peppermint 200g(15 CHN Cadbury Hazel Nut 55g (42) DLBHT D/l Block 100's/1000's 60g (18 2OGRA Cadbury O/g R/alm 200g (14) PI Cadbury Picnic 46g (48) DLBH D/l Block Honeycomb 60g (18) 2OGRR Cadbury O/g Rum/raisin 200g(15 RDM Cadbury Rolls D/milk 55g (36) DLBM D/l Block Milk 60g (18) JB METRO Distributors Phone: 9733 0500 Fax: 9733 0599 Date: 6/10/2016 Page 2 Email: [email protected] CODE PRODUCT Qty CODE PRODUCT Qty CODE PRODUCT Qty DLBPC D/l Block P/nut Crunch 60g (18 LCR Cadbury Crunchie Lge 80g (24) XSB Extra Spearmint Bottle (6) DLBRR D/l Block Rocklea Road 55g(18) CDMK Cadbury D/milk K/size 68g (28) XWB Extra White Bottle (6) DLBSC D/l Block Salt/caramel 60g(18 PIK Cadbury Picnic Kingsize 67g(24 XWLLB Xtra White L/lime Bottle 64g(6 DLCSB D/l Choc Cara Snow Bar 50g(25) TUT Cadbury Turk/del Twin 76g (28) Wrigleys Eclipse Ice DLCGB D/l Choc Ginger Bar 55g (25) TWIK Cadbury Twirl Kingsize 58g(36) EIP Eclipse Ice Peppermint (30) DLCLS D/l Choc Liquorice Stix 40g(30 PIFRK Picnic Frugly King Size 67g(24 EIS Eclipse Ice Spearmint (30) DLLT D/l Liqourice Twists 40g (30) TM1 Toblerone Milk 100g (20) Wrigleys Pellet DLLTS D/l Liquorice T/sort 70g (20) TM4 Toblerone Milk 400g (10) AWME Wrigleys Airwaves Men/euc (30) DLPBB D/l Peanut Brittle Bar 45g (25 Large Bars Mars JF Wrigleys Juicy Fruit (30) DLCPB D/l Pep Nougat Whip 40g(25 B3K Bounty 3 King Size 63g (18) PK Wrigleys Pk (30) DLRT D/l Raspberry Twists 40g (30) MAKS Maltesers King Share 60g (16) PKB Wrigleys Pk Blue (30) DLRRDM1D/l Rock Road Dark Mint 145g(6 MK Mars King Size 72g (24) Wrigleys Hubba Bubba DLRR1 D/l Rocklea Road Milk 145g (6) MTRCK Mars Triple Choc King 72g (24) BTG Hubba Bubba B/tape Grape (12) DLRR D/l Rocklea Road Milk 60g(12) SNK Snickers King Size 72g (24) BTS Hubba Bubba B/tape S/berry(12) DLRRC1 D/l Rocky Road D/cherry 145g(6 SNMCK Snickers Max Choc King 72g(24) HBG Hubba Bubba Grape (20) DLSNB D/l S/berry Nougat Whip 40g(25 TWK Twix King Size 72g (20) HBO Hubba Bubba Orig (20) DLWCSSD/l Wh/ch Liquorice S/b 40g(30 Large Bars Nestle HBS Hubba Bubba Strawberry (20) DLAN D/lea Alm/nougat Whip 45g(25) ABPK Aero Peppermint K/size 60g (24 Wrigley 5's DLRR2 D/lea Rock Road 250g (16) KKKMW Kit Kat Mint Whirl King 65g(24 5C Wrigleys 5 Cobalt (10) Grans Fudge KKCK Nes K/k Chunky K/size 70g (24) 5S Wrigleys 5 Strawberry (10) GCI1 Gran Coconut Ice Hang 140g(10 KKK Nes Kit Kat Kingsize 65g (24) 5T Wrigleys 5 Tempest (10) GAF1 Grans Asst Fudge Retro 150g(10 NCRK Nestle Crunch King Size 80g(24 Wrigleys Pre Pack GAF Grans Asstd Fudge 40g (36) MC9 Nestle Milk & Cook K/s 80g (24 XPP Eclipse Lemon Lime Pre Pack GAFR2 Grans Astd Fudge Retro 150g(12 MBK Nestle Milkybar K/size 75g (24 ESPP Extra Spin Pre Pack GCIR Grans C/nut Ice Retro 150g (10 Medium Bars Fyna W5PP Wrigleys 5 Pre Pack (60) GCAF1 Grans Caramel Fudge 120g(12) PLGB Pink Lady Ginger Bar 45g(15) WCU Wrigleys Tower Hello Aus GCF2 Grans Caramel Fudge 150g (12) PLPB Pink Lady Peppermin Bar 45g(15 WPP Xtra Lemon Lime Pre-pack GCS2 Grans Caramel Slab 2.2kg OTHER GUM MINTS/ROLLS/STICKS/PKTS GCF1 Grans Choc Fudge 120g (12) Jila Gum Wrigleys Eclipse GCH1 Grans Choc Hangsell 140g (10) JIGS Jila Gum Spearmint 22g (18) EMCLL Eclipse Che/mint L/lime 27g(20 GCHF2 Grans Chocolate Fudge 170g (6) Mentos Gum EMCF Eclipse Chewy Mint Ft Trio (20 GCOF2 Grans Coconut Fudge 150g(12 PFBF Mentos P/f Bubble Fresh Tin(12 EMCP Eclipse Chewy Pepmt Mints (20) GCI2 Grans Coconut Ice 120g (12) PFDPT Mentos P/f Dragee Fresh Tin(12 EMCS Eclipse Chewy Spear Mints (20) GCI Grans Coconut Ice 40g (36) PFDST Mentos P/f Dragee Spear Tin(12 EMPB Eclipse Mint P/mint Bag (10) GCNF Grans Coconut Ice Fud 40g (15) PFLM Mentos P/f Lime Mint Tin (12) EMP Eclipse Mint Peppermint Tin(16 GFC Grans Fudge Caramel 40g (15) MPSM Mentos P/f S/berry Tin 29g(12) EMSB Eclipse Mint S/mint Bag (10) GFCM1 Grans Fudge Choc Mint 120g(12) PFWM Mentos P/f White Mint Tin (12) EMS Eclipse Mint Spearmint Tin(16) GFCH Grans Fudge Chocolate 40g (15) Novelty Gum & Bubble Gum EMB Eclipse Mints Berry Fruit (16) GFET Grans Fudge Eng/toffee 40g (15 CHFFB Chupa Fairy Floss Gum (12) EMCB Eclipse Mints Cool Breeze(16) GFRR Grans Fudge R/road 40g (15) Project 7 EMI Eclipse Mints Intense (16) GFSC Grans Fudge S/caramel 170g(6) P7CL Project 7 Cocont Lime (12) EPP Extra Bubbblemint Tower GFT Grans Fudge Tower 40g (60) P7GM Project 7 Gra/fr Melon(12) Life Savers GFV Grans Fudge Vanilla 40g (15) P7BC Project 7 Gum Bday Cake (12) LFT Lifesaver Fruit Tingles 34g(36 GGF2 Grans Ginger Fudge 170g (6) P7PV Project 7 Pep Vanilla (12) LB Lifesavers Blackcurrant (24) GFLI2 Grans Liqueur Infusions 170g(6 P7RI
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    Managing for Value Annual Report and Form 20-F 1998 Results Summary % Change As At constant 1998 1997 reported exchange rates Sales (a) £4,106m £4,173m –2% +4% Trading profit before exceptional items and restructuring costs (a) £642m £624m +3% +8% Trading margin before exceptional items (a) 15.3% 14.5% +0.8pts +0.8pts Profit before tax, exceptional items and disposals £609m £575m +6% +11% Basic earnings per share 35.0p 68.7p N/A N/A Underlying earnings per share (b) 39.4p 37.2p +6% +11% Net dividend per share 19.0p 18.0p +6% +6% Capital expenditure (a) £162m £209m –22% –18% Marketing expenditure (a) £726m £706m +3% +6% Free cash flow £157m £157m Nil N/A Total Group employees 38,656 41,320 – 6% N/A (a) From continuing operations (b) Represents Basic earnings per share adjusted to exclude exceptional items and gains and losses on disposals of subsidiaries and investments Contents Page 1 Letter to Shareowners 3 2 Description of Business 21 3 Operating and Financial Review 31 4 Report of the Directors 57 5 Financial Record 77 6 Financial Statements 83 7 Shareholder Information 135 Glossary 147 Cross reference to Form 20-F 148 Index 150 This is the Annual Report and Form 20-F for the year ended 2 January 1999. It contains the annual report and accounts in accordance with UK generally accepted accounting principles and regulations and incorporates the annual report on Form 20-F for the Securities and Exchange Commission in the US. A Summary Financial Statement for the year ended 2 January 1999 has been sent to all shareholders who have not elected to receive this Annual Report and Form 20-F.
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