Security Challenges for Small Island Developing States: the Case of Cape Verde*
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Revista de Relaciones Editorial Internacionales, año Neogranadina Estrategia y Seguridad Vol. 14(2) julio-diciembre 2019 ■ ISSN: 1909-3063 ▪ ISSN-e: 1909-7743 ■ pp. 155 - 177 DOI: Security Challenges for Small Island Developing States: The Case of Cape Verde* João Paulo Madeiraa Abstract: This article is an exploratory, descriptive study, with a qualitative and interdisciplinary approach. It integrates concepts and perspectives of contemporary history, international relations, and security studies. Its main aim is to analyse security issues in Africa, taking as a reference the Cape Verde archipelago, which is part of the group of Small Island Developing States. This matter suggests a wider multidimensional approach that prioritizes the intersection of data obtained from a critical analysis in order to deepen regional cooperation and integration mechanisms. This can provide the Cape Verdean state with strategic options to prevent and mitigate potential security threats. Keywords: Africa; Cape Verde; Small Island Developing States; development and security. Fecha de recibido: 9/11/2018 Fecha de evaluación: 21/03/2019 Fecha de aprobado: 28 /03/2019 Cómo citar: Madeira, J. P. (2019). Desafíos para la seguridad de los Pequeños Estados Insulares en Desarrollo: el caso de Cabo Verde. Revista Relaciones Internacionales, Estrategia Y Seguridad, 14(2). pp. 155-177. * Project-based research in postdoctoral studies by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation at the School of Science and Technology, New University of Lisbon (fct-unl), as a member of the Network of realp (Net- work of Environmental Studies of Portuguese Speaking Countries). a Assistant Professor at the University of Cape Verde (Uni-cv). Researcher at the Center for Public Adminis- tration and Public Policies (capp-iscsp-ul) and the Centre for Political and Social Sciences Research (cicsp- Uni-cv). Ph.D. in Social Sciences, University of Lisbon, Institute of Social and Political Sciences (iscsp-ul). orcid: 155 Revista de Relaciones Internacionales, Estrategia y Seguridad ■ Vol. 14(2) Desafíos de seguridad para los pequeños Estados insulares en desarrollo: el caso de Cabo Verde Resumen: el presente artículo es un estudio exploratorio-descriptivo de enfoque cualitativo e interdisciplinario, que integra conceptos y perspectivas de la historia contemporánea, las rela- ciones internacionales y los estudios de seguridad. Tiene como objetivo principal analizar los problemas de seguridad en África, tomando como referencia el archipiélago de Cabo Verde, que forma parte del grupo de pequeños Estados insulares en desarrollo. Este tema sugiere un en- foque multidimensional más amplio que priorice el cruce de los datos obtenidos a partir de un análisis crítico con el fin de profundizar los mecanismos de cooperación e integración regional, lo que puede brindar opciones estratégicas al Estado de Cabo Verde para prevenir y mitigar amena- zas potenciales de seguridad. Palabras clave: África; Cabo Verde; pequeños Estados insulares en desarrollo; desarrollo y seguridad. Desafios de segurança para os pequenos Estados insulares em desenvolvimento: o caso de Cabo Verde Resumo: Este artigo é um estudo exploratório-descritivo de abordagem qualitativa e interdisci- plinar, que integra conceitos e perspectivas da história contemporânea, das relações internacio- nais e dos estudos de segurança. Tem como objetivo principal analisar os problemas de segu- rança na África, tomando como referência o arquipélago de Cabo Verde, que faz parte do grupo de pequenos Estados insulares em desenvolvimento. Esse tema sugere uma abordagem multi- dimensional mais ampla que priorize o cruzamento dos dados obtidos a partir de uma análise crítica a fim de aprofundar os mecanismos de cooperação e integração regional, o que pode oferecer opções estratégicas ao Estado de Cabo Verde para prevenir e mitigar ameaças potenci- ais de segurança. Palavras-chave: África; Cabo Verde; pequenos Estados insulares em desenvolvimento; desenvolvi- mento e segurança. 156 J. P. Madeira Revista de Relaciones Internacionales, Estrategia y Seguridad ■ Vol. 14(2) Introduction To answer these questions, we suggest a flexible and interdisciplinary approach Studies on insular territories have gai- (Graça, 2014, p. 70), prioritizing the ned prominence since the 1990s, in- intersection of environmental sustaina- sofar as institutions and international bility, contemporary history, internatio- organizations have been focusing on nal relations and security studies. The their systematization and consolida- method is based on the triangulation tion (Baldacchino, 2007). In this con- of data obtained from a critical view. text, Cape Verde is no exception to the For this purpose, a systematic review rule for its paradigmatic position in the of scientific literature has been under- African region, which makes it wor- taken through searches in different thy of study. We analyse Small Island databases, thus allowing a selection Developing States (SIDS), especially the of articles to characterize African SIDS. Cape Verde archipelago, regarding se- This also entailed the identification of curity challenges in Africa based on its environmental, economic and social geographical features. In addition, we vulnerabilities in order to evaluate intend to dissect to what extent the knowledge of the subject. The analy- socio-economic and territorial struc- sis of results is mainly concerned with ture of African SIDS can help them get carrying out all the necessary actions to greater comparative advantages in the achieve the goals of the research. This international panorama. is justified since there is not only one approach, nor a ‘theory of small states’ In order to delimit the subject matter, able to explain their behaviour (Freire, we propose the following questions 2007, p. 73). which will constitute the starting point for this research: How will Cape Ver- Another reason for this methodological de fight the proliferation of pheno- choice is that there are few studies that mena that threaten its security? The relate SIDS security implications with archipelago and the other SIDS have environmental challenges on the Afri- daily limitations and structural constra- can continent. The works of Adebajo ints resulting from insularity and their and Rashid (2004) and Sharamo and vulnerability. In this regard, what mo- Mestin (2011) present a broad view of del for regional integration would be security in Africa, but little about the more appropriate to mitigate these role of SIDS; therefore, we seek to open threats? Taking into account the cost- new perspectives, particularly in rela- benefit ratio of high amounts spent on tion to the case of Cape Verde. the modernization of information and communication systems, can these in- This research allows us to analyse the vestments be a viable solution to envi- impact of the environmental security ronmental and security problems? of African SIDS on the geopolitical de- Security Challenges for Small Island Developing States: The Case of Cape Verde 157 Revista de Relaciones Internacionales, Estrategia y Seguridad ■ Vol. 14(2) sign. Regarding the lack of theoretical similar concerns about their territorial evidence that relates SIDS and environ- development. These countries are mental mismanagement, natural re- particularly vulnerable to the negative source depletion, and lack of adequate consequences of climate change such security controls on the African conti- as rising sea levels, tropical storms, and nent, we try to provide researchers and long periods of drought like those fre- experts on the subject with a contribu- quently occurring in Cape Verde or, on tion that can be of public interest. the contrary, of abundant rainfall like in the São Tomé and Príncipe archipe- Integration of island territories in lago. These were some of the reasons the international context why island territories gained, through AOSIS, voice and visibility at different Since the 1990s, there has been a clear meetings that have been held since evolution of studies on island territo- the 1990s. ries because, besides being an empiri- cal basis for the application of different The concern of these territories is jus- scientific theories ranging from biology tified insofar as it is conjectured that, to biophysics, and from geography to over the next century, the sea level political science and international rela- may rise by an average of 6 cm per de- tions, they have also promoted intense cade (Swain, 2016). As it represents a debate within the academic communi- real threat to island states and coastal ty. Other specialized research centres zones, the AOSIS, whose members are and international academic institutions engaged in regional groups such as the have sought to invest in this area and, South Pacific Regional Environment therefore, safeguard the research nature Programme (SPREP), required concer- of the maritime and terrestrial territory. ted actions in order to promote the development of these territories. Des- In 1989, UNESCO created the Internatio- pite not having a formal structure and nal Scientific Council for Island Deve- a status like that of other international lopment (INSULA), a non-governmental organizations, the AOSIS has an office in organization that promotes cultural, New York that advises its members to technical and scientific cooperation work on major current issues in a coor- among island states towards sustaina- dinated way