Clemson University TigerPrints Monographs Clemson University Digital Press 2006 Growing Up Cartoonist in the Baby-Boom South: A Memoir and Cartoon Retrospective Kate Salley Palmer Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Growing Up Cartoonist in the Baby-Boom South: A Memoir and Cartoon Retrospective, by Kate Salley Palmer (Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2006), x+188 pp. Paper. ISBN 0-977-1263-4-x This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Clemson University Digital Press at TigerPrints. It has been accepted for inclusion in Monographs by an authorized administrator of TigerPrints. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Growing Up Cartoonist in the BABY-BOOM SOUTH For JIM MCKINNEY and AUBREY BOWIE, who weren’t afraid to take a chance or to take the heat for my work. Their lives would have been less complicated without me, but I’d never have developed as a cartoonist without them. I hope they know how much I miss them. Growing Up Cartoonist in the BABY-BOOM SOUTH A MEMOIR AND CARTOON RETROSPECTIVE by Foreword by Richard W. Riley CLEMSON UNIVERSITY DIGITAL PRESS 2006 A full-text digital version of this book is available on the Internet, in addition to other works of the press and the Center for Electronic and Digital Publishing, including The South Carolina Review and The Upstart Crow:A Shakespeare Journal. See our Web site at, or call the director at 864-656-5399 for information. Publication of Growing Up Cartoonist in the Baby-Boom South was aided by a grant from The Caroline McKissick Dial Publication Fund, South Caroliniana Library, The University of South Carolina.