Testimony BOE From: brad silva <
[email protected]> on behalf of brad silva Sent: Friday, February 12, 2021 8:39 PM To:
[email protected] Subject: TESTIMONY Aloha, I am testifying in support of Action Item A, for the Special Meeting, regarding Superintendent Christina Kishimoto’s discontinuance of extra compensation for classroom teachers in special education, hard-to-staff geographical locations, and Hawaiian language programs. I am a Special Education teacher on Hawaii Island for 18 years. I was in the midst of leaving the classroom / profession, but then discussion of the differential pay for SPED teachers were being discussed. When it happened, it definitely made me want to hold my position. To finally get compensated for all the EXTRA work we do as case managers was awesome. Now that it is being taken away, I am waiting for the job postings and exploring other avenues due to the loss of pay. Please reconsider allowing differentials for SPED, LANGUAGE, and hard to fill positions. Mahalo for your time, Brad Silva SPED Teacher Keaau Middle School Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Testimony BOE From: Kaylie Breaux <
[email protected]> on behalf of Kaylie Breaux Sent: Friday, February 12, 2021 9:10 PM To:
[email protected] Subject: Testimony Hello, I am testifying in regards to action item A. My husband and I are both HIDOE teachers, I am a special education teacher for middle school and he is math. Without question and as a great understatement, this has been the most challenging year of my career as a special educator.