This literary study and close account of her social philosophy has demonstrated that the novelist, Eleanor Dark, was also a vigorous social protester and moralist, both concerned with pressing contemporary problems and with their psychological origins, and bent on showing in her fiction a close connection between political forces and individual lives. It has been made clear in this critical treatment .:hat, with a romantics revolutionary turn of mind, she was determined to open her readers eyes to so many social injustices. These were all too often perpetrated by mediocre leaders, and yet the people, in their ignorance and apathy, were hardly aware of them. To illustrate this she created a series of idealistic, independently thinking characters who set out to right social wrongs by exercising heroic personal integrity, by being true to their own consciences, and by establishing ideals which would enrich, rather than constrict, both the individual and society as a whole. The study has shown, however, that Dark always emphasised the need to put theory into action, and to curb simplistic idealism with a measure of lived practicality.

There was presented in Chapter 2 the writers perception of human existence as a progression or journey, with her questing protagonists energetically engaging with all aspects of life as they struggled toward the goal of social harmony and the desired realisation of personal potential. Throughout, there has been critical emphasis upon the novels impressive celebration of life, and I have endeavoured to show that the vitality of Darks daring protagonists became a means of judging the behaviour of others, as she contrasted them with those lesser and more timid characters who refused Ito participate willingly in the mortal contest.

The study has sought to establish the novelists deep conviction and illustrated contention that the real obstacles to all social and moral progress were put in place by a faltering human will, and by fallible human opinions, convictions and prejudices. The airr has thus been to record her firm, if fictional, protests at this situation. In Chapter 3 there is registered Darks objection to stultifying social ideals which forced potentially free spirits into predetermined roles. She sternly criticised the prevailing restrictive conventions which denied women the sexual freedom granted to men, and 225 compelled most, if they were to satisfy their undeniable physical needs, to accept the domestic role of the economically dependent wife-mother. Darks own society had made an unshakeable ideal of permanent marriage, and the novelist exposed the psychological damage suffered by those men and women who found themselves trapped with incompatible partners. This chapter has recorded, also, her objection to the treatment of those who, through mental or physical disabilities, were excluded from the flow of normal living, and thus became misfits in a society which valued uniformity above all.

Chapter 4 has considered her forceful indictment of all Australian class division, showing how, in the First Settlement, the determination of the elitist group to seclude themselves from the convicts, the and the poorer free settlers hindered the colonys progress. In her own contemporary world Dark was shown to question the moral values of a large group of wealthy and powerful citizens who were able to regard their underprivileged fellows with complete detachment and lack of compassion, exploiting them as often as they chose.

The writers protest at the failure of her countrys legislators to provide ordinary people with enlightening education experience has been discussed in Chapter 5. There it was demonstated that Darks indignation at the lack of sex-education and the widespread ignorance regarding sensible health care was matched by her disapproval of an authoritarian public education system which inhibited original thinking in its students, forced uniformity upon them, and gave them no clear understanding of the social and political forces which were shaping their lives.

Chapter 6 treated of her remc nstrance that, in a world ruled by so- called reason, world leaders had adopted the dangerous habit of misusing both science and technology. Thus there has been teased out the fictions indictment of those who used science, in the form of eugenics, to interfere with natural laws; of that aspect of ndustrialism which, by harnessing all their physical effort and mental potential to machines, made of human beings mere impersonal units who derived no satisfaction from their labour; and of the ruthless materialism which evaluated the worth of human beings by their more visible worldly possessions. The chapter has shown, too, how Darks early pioneering and philosophical concern at the ecological despoliation 226 caused by chemical sprays and juggernaut earth-moving machinery would and did deepen into her bitter condemnation of the use of technology in waging ever more barbaric wars. Her detestation of modern wars and her denunciation of the greed, racism and shallow nationalism which caused them, has been treated in Chapter 7 as well as the disgust with which she regarded jingoistic leaders who promoted patriotism as a means of buttressing their own power, and the industrialists who profited from the sale of munitions and the engines of war. Here, too, Darks bitter indictment of racial discrimination is recorded in the account of the war between the European settlers and the Australian Aborigines.

The present study has also suggested that, beyond the mere plot lines, implicit in the novels was the strong conviction that, on the journey, all the questers must use as energising agents certain spiritual qualities - such as psychic integration, sustaining love, the power of the artists creative imagination, and an affinity with the natural world - each and all proper means of boosting the moral courage necessary for the surmounting of this worlds obstacles. Chapter 8 has illustrated the novelists impatience with those who failed to exercise all the aspects of the psyche and Chapter 9 rebuked those who would jettison less orthodox supportive companionship either by pursuing the false ideal of romantic love or by succumbing to the superficial satisfaction of a purely sexual relationship.

In Chapter 10 there is some codification and explication of Darks censure of a poorly educated Australian populace which, blinded by the allure of mass entertainment, not only failed to appreciate the worth of serious artists, but forced many of them to leave the country in search of valid recognition. From the time of the First Settlement, instead of encouraging a harmonious bonding with the land, governments had allowed ignorant, greedy settlers and industrial entrepreneurs to plunder it, and Chapter 11 has dealt with Darks moral castigation 01 such narrow visioned leaders. Chapter 12 then identifies Darks vision of the true human goal, the building of a harmonious society in a gentler world in which the individual had some real chance of reaching full potential, and conveys her conviction that to do this was our only possible alternative to Armageddon.

Throughout the study it is argued that Dark always manifested a 227

reader-challenging romantic sensibility, and, as well as positing her vision of life as a personal quest, I have also drawn attention to her other positivist thought. This personal and authorial stance included: her insistence on the importance of feeling in a world increasingly ruled by intellect; her distaste for contemporary industrialisation and concomitant materialism; her sympathy for the oppressed and for the individual at odds with society; and her utopian vision of a genuinely caring and sensitive political system. Included, also, in her romantic armoury were her faith in art as a force capable of enriching both the human being and life itself, and her attitude toward nature which corresponded to the intuitive assumption of the divinity ever present in, and burgeoned forth by, the natural world.

While I have emphasised this pervasive romantic sensibility, I have sought to demonstrate, also, Darks streak of practicality. This she exhibited so effectively in her insistence that Nigel Hendons idealistic plan for his utopian society was fundamentally sound, and in her Roger Blairs certainty that any hope for a more economically equitable world must be backed up by unbiased investigation into societys divisive practices. She made the young doctor, Valerie, modify not only her dream of healing humanity when she found that many of her patients rejected her ministrations, but also her ideal of romantic love in favour of a love which promised to be practical and sustaining. It has been seen that Dark refused to idealise the country at the expense of the city when she had her character, Tom Drew, concede the practical difficulties of rural life. Similarly, although Gilbert enthused on the vitality of , his creator again refused to idealise the city at the expense of the country. Her compassionate presentation of wars victims - such as Bennilorig, Nigel Hendon and Colin Drew - and her scathing attacks on powerful warmongers undercut any perhaps still lingering modern notion of technological war as a romantic contest between heroic warriors. Instead, she had caused her questioning protagonists to take their own practical steps toward understanding the psychological causes of war in an effort to prevent future tragedies.

It has become obvious that, throughout her oeuvre, against a menacing and horrific background which remained constantly so even as she ever more extensively exposed its various faces, Dark retained a consistent moral position, together with certain ethical and cultural preoccupations which 228 provided an underlying unity of vision and lent her work real depth and positive moral direction. The breadth of that vision has become clearer with this studys investigation of her panorama of the various worlds of medicine, of women, of artists, of early Australian settlers and of Aborigines; with her exploration of the issues of nationalism, internationalism and imperialism; with her confrontation of all scandalous waste - waste of opportunities, of land, of resources and of human lives; and finally, with her vision of a more tolerant, flexible world of fulfilled, me rally free and politically equal

Many earlier literary critics have commented on Darks talent as opposed to genius, and on her lack of any profound vision. 1 It is now suggested that she used the ideas of the influential books of the time to complement her own philosophy of life, but it is pointed out, also, that she expressed and reshaped those reflective concepts both vigorously and with conviction, adapting them successfully to the Australian social and mental climate. Although the novels fast moving action might seem to limit a larger profundity, I have sought to reveal where, in many situations, the authorial voice has become firm and clear, with the tone and solicitude of someone who had made these life-enhancing discoveries herself, especially when she identified so memorably with her entrapped, fictional women who, sadly, lacked choice, knowledge, and personal space. Her concentration on so many domestic problems reflected her moral awareness of the human and social dilemmas all too inherent in the Australian personality, and the study has sought to show that she caught representative people in the movement of their lives, and then developed her picture so that its subject could be fully drawn and understood. Thus this microcosmic focus entailed large themes indeed. Consequently I would argue that, although her tapestry might lack the spiritual intensity of a Henry Handel Richardson, her social analysis was just as aware, reflective and profound.

In summary Dark has been sh own to be a writer with a deeply compassionate regard for the particular fallible individual and an intense emotional involvement with her own society. The continual aim of the present study has thus been to reveal the artistic and moral complexity of a

1 See Green, A History of Australian Literature, op. cit., pp. 1162 and 1166, and Wilkes, The Progress of Eleanor Dark, op. cit., p. 142. 229

storyteller whose not inconsiderable fiction has been widely read and enjoyed, and who has had the opportunity to exercise influence on her readers consequent thinking. With both its creative and socio-historical content, her fiction has contributed to Australian literature a valuable body of socially serious and significant prose which is both eminently readable and particularly relevant to our own post-modern times. She was one of the most engaged of s novelists, a pioneer of ecriture fCrninine before the use of that term, whose thinking - if riot her plots - lay far outside the dominant phallocentric paradigm.2 It is certain that her fictions encapsulated moral thought, properly reappraised, will be a force for shaping Australian womens writing far into the future.

2 Cp. the thought of Helene Cixous as in her Angst (translated by J. Levy), John Calder, London, 1985, or in Cixous and C. Clement, The Newly Born Woman (translated by B. Wing), University of Minnesota Press, 1986. 230


Works by Eleanor Dark Novels Slow Dawning, London, John Long Ltd., 1932. Prelude to Christopher, (Sydney, Stephensen, 1934), Adelaide, Rigby, 1961. Return to Coolami, (London, Collins, 1936), London, Collins, 1961. Sun Across the Sky, (London, Collins, 1937), London, Collins, (White Circle Pocket Novels), 1946. Waterway, (London, Collins, 1938), Sydney, F. H. Johnston Publishing Co. Pty. Ltd., 1946. The Timeless Land, (London, Collins, 1941), , Collins, 1980. The Little Company, Sydney, Collins, 1945. Storm of Time, (Sydney, Coll ns, 1948), Sydney, Angus Robertson, 1980 No Barrier, (Sydney,Collins, 1953), Sydney, Angus Robertson, 1980. Lantana Lane, London, Collins, 1959.

Uncollected Short Stories (Chrondogical by publication) An asterisk marks those cited in critical text

`Take Your Choice, (pseudonym P. OR), The Bulletin, 7/6/1923. A Love Story, (pseud. D. E.), The Triad, 1/12/1924. `The Desire of the Moth, (pseud. Henry Head), Art in Australia, Third Series, No. 10, December, 1924. `The Profiteer, (pseud. P. OR), The Triad, 2/2/1925. `Under the Rose, (pseud. Nora Keelard), The Triad, 1/7/1925. `The Book, The Bishop and the Ban, (pseud. Patricia ORane), The Bulletin, 2/7/1925. Wheels, (pseud. Patricia ORane), The Bulletin, 12/12/25. Wind, (pseud. Patricia ORane), The Bulletin, 21/1/1926. `Benevolence, (pseud. Patricia ORane), The Triad, 1/7/1926. `Many Waters, (pseud. Patricia ORane), The Australian Womans Mirror, 5/10/1926. `When Gubbins took to Golf, (pseud. Patricia ORane), The Triad, 1/12/1926. `From Tiny to Jacko, (pseud. Patricia ORane), The Triad, 1/12/1926. `How Uncle Aubrey Went to London, (pseud. Patricia ORane), The Bulletin, 30/5/1928. `Victims, (pseud. Patrica OF ane), The Home, 1/11/1930. 231

`Impulse, (pseud. Patricia OFlane), The Bulletin, 21/1/1931. `Unfaithfulness, (pseud. Patricia ORane), The Home, 1/12/1931. The Tall Thing, (pseud. Patricia ORane), Steads Review, 2/2/1931. Man of Honour, (pseud. Patricia ORane), The Home, 1/7/1932. `Aunt Nan, (pseud. Patricia ORane), Ink, No. 1, 1932. `Hear My Prayer, The Bulletin, 2/5/1934. `Murder on the Ninth Green, The Bulletin, 12/12/1934. `Curtain. The Australian Mercury, Vol. 1, No. 1, July, 1935. The Urgent Call, The Home, 1/8/1935. `The Biffer Rising, The Bulletin, 16/10/1935. The Leader, Australian Writ6rs Annual, 1936. Publicity, The Home, 1/4/1937. Water in Moko Creek, Australian National Journal, Vol. 7, March, 1946. `The Narrow Escape of Herbie Bassett, in J. K. Ewers (ed.), Modern Short Stories, Melbourne, Georgian House, 1965.

Play The Return of a Hero, A Fifteen Minute Play, (pseud. Patricia ORane), The Home, 1/2/1932.

Articles (Literary, Topographic, etc.) `The Art of Nagging, (pseud. P. OR), The Australian Womans Mirror, 16/12/1924, p.19. `Naughty Children (pseud. E. P. D), The Triad, 2/2/1925, p. 42. `Caroline Chisholm and her Times, in F. Eldershaw (ed.), The Peaceful Army (1938), Ringwood, Penguin, 1988, pp. 55-85. `Australia and the Australians, Australia Week-end Book, Vol. 3, 1944, pp. 9-19. `Drawing a Line Around It, The Writer, Vol. 59, No. 10, October, 1946, pp. 323-25. `A word damned a man, but what does it mean?, Daily Telegraph, 23/4/1948. `They All Come Back, Walkabout, 17, 1/1/1951, pp. 19-20. `Tribute to Mary Gilmore, Overland, June, 1955, p. 9. `The Blackall Range Country, Walkabout, 21, 1/11/55, pp. 18-20. Appreciation of Vance and , Meanjin, XVIII, No. 2,1959, pp.247-49. `This Land of Ours, Farwell, G., and Johnston, F. H. (eds.), This Land of Ours Australia, Sydney, Angus Robertson, 1949. 232

Unpublished Manuscripts `Women and Fascism, Fellowship of Australian Writers papers, Mitchell Library, uncatalogued MSS 2008, I3ox K22104. (Written for Writers in Defence of Freedom, which was to have been published by Angus Robertson in conjunction with the Fellowship of Australian Writers in 1939). `Political Parties, undated, ML MSS 4545, Box 10 (25). The Peril and the Solitude, undated, ML MSS 4545, Box 10 (25). Untitled, undated fragments, ML MSS 4545, Box 110 (25). Letters (An asterisk marks those cited in the critical text) Letter to Nettie Palmer, dated 14/12/1933, Palmer papers, NLA, MS 1174 Palmer 1/Box 6/F=older 57. Letter to Nettie Palmer, dated 16/5/ [1936?], Palmer papers, NLA, MSS 1174/1/4438. Letter to , dated 19/9/[1936?], M. Frankin papers, ML MSS 3641. Letter to P. R. Stephensen, dated 1/4/1938, Stephensen papers, ML MSS 1284 Box Y2140. Letter to Miles Franklin, dated 14/4/1941, M. Franklin papers, ML MSS 364/26/443. Letter to Jean Devanny, dated 31/3/1943, ,, JD/CORR (P)/27. Letter to Jean Devanny, dated 11/1/1944, James Cook University, JD/CORR(P)/27. Letter to Jean Devanny, dated 26/12/1948, James Cook University, JD/CORR(P)/29.

Interviews de Berg, H., Interview with Eleanor Dark, de Berg Collection of Tape Recordings, NLA, MS 998, Tape 92 - Cut 3, First Side, Transcript p. 979, 1960 or 1961. Devanny, J., Writers at Home. Eleanor and Eric Dark, in Bird of Paradise, Sydney, Frank Johnson, 1945. May, B., Patricia ORane, The Austialian Womans Mirror, 25/9/1928.

Reviews of Eleanor Darks Novels Slow Dawning `Slow Dawning, Times Literary Supplement, 28/4/32, p. 313.

Prelude to Christopher Palmer, N., A Readers Notebook, All About Books, Vol. 7, June 12, 1934, pp. 115-16. Desiderata, 1/8/34, p. 28. 233

Burnell, F. S., Some Books, The Home, 1/3/35. Spring, H., A Eugenic Tragedy, Evening Standard, London, 5/11/36. `Prelude to Christopher, 5/12/36, Times Literary Supplement, p. 1014.

Return to Coolami `Across the Blue Mountains, Times Literary Supplement, 1/2/36, p. 92. `Reading for Pleasure, Leader, Melbourne, 21/3/36. Macartney, F. T., Two Good Novels, All About Books, 8, 11/4/36, p. 53. R. P., Several Novels by Women, The Bulletin, Sydney, 22/4/36. pp. 2-4. Pride, W. L. S., Post Despatch, St. Louis, 31/5/36. Eagle, Brooklyn, New York, 31/5/36. Call Bulletin, San Francisco, Cal., 6/6/36. Register, New Haven, Conn., 7/6/36. Green, H. R., Journal, Dallas, Texas, 8/6/36. Star, Washington, D.C., 10/6/36 Cortt, M., Salt to Taste, News, Middleboro, Kentucky, 11/6/36. Culver, F., Pens Margins, Nassau Star, New York, 11/6/36. News-Journal, Mansfield, Ohio, 11/6/36. Hunter, R., S., Sorrows of Susan, Sun, New York, 13/6/36. News Week, New York, 13/6/36. Dickson, S. T., Discovery of Contentment in Australia, The New York Herald-Tribune, 14/6/36, p. 8. H. S. A., Knickerbocker Press, Albany, N. Y., 14/6/36. Kazin, A., Australian Journey, The New York Times Book Review, 14/6/36, p. 16. Young, E., Sin in Order, Post, Washington, 14/6/36. `An Australian Experiment, Daily News, New York, 14/6/36. `Motor Trip is Unusual Link in Four Lives, Times -Herald, Dallas, Texas, 14/6/36. Oregonian, Portland, Oregon, 14/6/36. Herald News, Fall River, Mass., 17/6/36. `A Miracle, Times, Buffalo, N. Y., 19/6/36. A. C., Fiction, Saturday Review of Literature, New York, 20/6/36. News, Red Bluff, California, 20/6/36. `Tells Story Neatly, News-Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, 20/6/36. Journal, Rochester, N. Y., 20/6/36. Shaw, T., Jr., Book Slants, Record, Greensboro, N. C., 22/6/36. Liberty, New York City, 22/6/36. Journal, Pottsville, Pa., 26/6/36. Star Times, St. Louis, Mo., 2E/6/36. Telegraph, Dixon, Illinois., 30/6/36. `Journey, Post Gazette, Pittsburg, Pa., 30/6/36. Bates, G. G., News, New York, June, 1936. American News Monthly, NexA, York, June, 1936. The Australian Monthly, October, 1936. Spring, H., Return to Coolami, Evening Standard, London, 5/11/36. Lord, M., A Good Bundle of Early Goodies, Australian Book Review, October, 1981, pp. 16-7. 234

Lexau, 0. H., Pleasant Trip, Banner, Nashville, Tenn. M. W. S., Christian Science Monitor, Boston, Mass.

Sun Across the Sky `An Australian Day, Times Literary Supplement, 7/8/37, p. 575. `Eleanor Darks New Novel, The Bulletin, Sydney, 22/9/37. `Novels of the Day, The Sydney Morning Herald, 24/9/37, p. 7. Transcript, Boston, Mass., 23i10/37. Pruette, L., The New York Herald Tribune, 31/10/37, pp. 10, 14. `Eleanor Darks new Book, Sun Across the Sky, Fulfills Promise of Earlier Work, Times, Buffalo, N. Y., 2/11/37. Field, L. M., A Pair of Geniuses, The New York Times Book Review, 14/11/37. Star, Washington, C.C., 20/11/37. Times, Washington, D.C., 20/11/37. Robinson, J., News, Savannah, Ga., 28/11/37. C. H. M., Saturday Review of Literature, New York City, 4/12/37. `An Irish Poet and a Millionaire, Star, Kansas City, Mo.,11/12/37. `Money and Power, Register, New Haven, Conn., 19/12/37.

Waterway `Love and Tragedy on Sydney Harbour, Sun, Sydney, 2/2/47. `A Local Novel Comes Home, Daily Telegraph, 22/2/47. `Waterway, Times Literary Supplement, 30/4/38, p. 297. A Sydney Day, The Sydney Morning Herald, 24/6/38, p. 6. Holt, E., Herald, Melbourne, 25/6/38. K. S., Tangled Threads in Sydney, Argus, Melbourne, 25/6/38. Mercury, Hobart, 2/7/38. The Bulletin, Sydney, 6/7/38. Hutchinson, P., A Dramatic Novel of Australia, The New York Times Book Review, 7/7/38, p. 6. `Books, Australian Womens Weekly, 9/7/38. Hunter, R., An Australian Novelist Recalls a Tragedy and Looks back on the Story of the Continent, The New York Sun, 2/8/38. Green, H. R., Unusual and Powerful is Latest Dark Novel, The Dallas Morning News, 8/8/38. Dangerfield, G., Twenty-four Hours in the Antipodes, Saturday Review of Literature, No. 18, New York, 13/8/38. Harrop, M., The New York Herald-Tribune, 14/8/38, pp. 7-8. E. W., Australian Background in Fascinating Novel, The Chicago Daily Tribune, 1/10/38. Perkins, E., Quality Reprints, Quadrant, Vol. XXIII, No. 9, 1979, pp. 70- 1 Clancy, L., Classic collection reclaims our neglected riches, Weekend Australian, 20-21 October, 1990. 235

The Timeless Land `Literary Honor from Uncle Sam, Smiths Weekly, Sydney, 13/9/41. Butcher, F., Australia in Its Pioneering Era, The Chicago Daily Tribune, 1/10/41. A Special Contributor, Evening Journal, Ottowa, Canada, 1/10/41. Gannett, Books and Things, The New York Herald-Tribune, 1/10/41. Davis, H., Out of Australia, Nation, New York, 4/10/41, p. 316. Lambrecht, K., It Happened in Australia, Saturday Review of Literature, New York, Vol. XXIV, No. 24, 4/10/41, Rugoff, M., The Birth of a Nal ion - Down in Australia, The New York Herald-Tribune Review of Books, Vol. IX, 5/10/41, pp. 5. Woods, K., Eleanor Darks Novel of Australian Settlement, The New York Times Book Review, 5/10/41, pp. 5 and 18. `The Timeless Land October American Book of the Month Club, Daily Telegraph, 6/10/41. Thompson, R., The New York Times, 8/10/41, p. 21. Owens, 0., tong-ago Convict Colony is Recreated by a Genius, Post, Boston, Mass., 12/10/41. Pippett, R., Book on Australia Rings USA Bells, PM, New York, 12/10/41. Morgan-Powell, S., Eleanor Dark Tells Story of the First British Settlement, Star, Montreal, Canada, 18/10/41. Messenger-Chronicle, Fort Dodge, Iowa, October, 1941. T. L., Age, Melbourne, 1/11/41. `Redemption, Times Literary Supplement, 1/11/41, p. 541. `New Novels, Terra Incognito, The Sydney Morning Herald, 20/12/41. Editorial, The Birth Pangs of White Australia, Telegraph, Brisbane, 3/1/42. Two Historical Novels, The Bulletin, Sydney, 7/1/42., p. 2. `A Book to Read, Australia - The Timeless Land Country Life, Sydney, 9/1/42. McKinnon, F., Panorama of Early Australia, Courier-Mail, Brisbane, 24/1/42. `Out of the Void, Herald, Melbourne, 24/1/42. Scribe, Story of Their Life Told in The Timeless Land Mercury, Hobart, 5/2/42. `Latest Fiction, Advertiser, Adelaide, 14/2/42. R. K., Eleanor Darks Outstanding Work, Age, Melbourne, 11/4/42. `Australian Authors Success, The Timeless Land , Advocate, 30/4/42. Barker, U., Matrix of the Past, B. P. Magazine, 1/6/42, pp. 62-3. M. P., The Timeless Land, Idealising the Aborigine, Age, Melbourne, 21/9/46. Montague, M.F.M., The Timeless Land , pp. 303-04.

The Little Company Prescott, 0., The New York Times, 9/5/45, p. 21. The New Yorker, New York City, 12/5/45. Frederick, J. T., Ive Been Reading, Sun, Chicago, 13/5/45. 236

Sapeiha, V., The New York Herald Review of Books, 13/5/45, p. 6. Martin, J., The New York Times Books, 20/5/45, pp. 16-7. Hollis, E. E., Dilemma of Writer, Treated by One of Australias Best, Tribune, Salt Lake City, Utah, 10/6/45. M. C. R., Star, Washington, D. C., 10/6/45. The New Republic, New York, 11/6/45. Baer, H., News, Chicago, 13/6/45. `Briefs, News, Newark, N. J., 14/6/45. `Man and Sociology, The Bulletin, Sydney,11/7/45, p. 2. `Miss Bronte, Torture, Step by Step, Daily Telegraph, Sydney, 14/7/45, p. 13. Mair, I., Mrs. Eleanor Darks novel, The Little Company, Argus, Melbourne, 21/7/45. `New Novel by Eleanor Dark, Sun, Melbourne, 21/7/45. G. F., Do You Believe in Human Beings - or Dont You?, Tribune, Sydney, 2/8/45. D. E., The Sydney Morning Herald, 4/8/45. Daily Telegraph, Sydney, 15/11/45. Mass, N., Australian Womens Digest, December, 1945, pp. 14-5. Tasny, A. K., The Little Com pany, The Australian Highway, 1/4/46, p. 32 Barker, U., The Little Company, Meanjin Papers, No. 5, 1946, p. 167.

Storm of Time ABC Weekly, Sydney, 30/10i48. `Historical Novel of Infant Colony, Herald, Melbourne, 30/10/48. L. V. K., New Fiction, The Sydney Morning Herald, 30/10/48, p. 6. Scribe, A Historical Novel With Too Much History, Mercury, Hobart, October, 1948. The Bulletin, Sydney, 10/11/48, p. 2. Storm of Time, Times Literary Supplement, 15/7/49, p. 457. Covell, R. D., Rum - A Comrnon Denominator, Courier-Mail, Brisbane, 23/10/49. New York Times, 3/1/50. Davis, U. B., The New York Herald-Tribune Book Review, 29/1/50, p. 19. Burger, N. K., The New York Times Book Review, Old Australia, 5/2/50, p. 30. Walker, M., Hate and Fear in Early Days of Australia, The Chicago Tribune, Illinois, 5/2/50. Bonner, W. H., News, Buffalo, N. Y., 18/2/50. Hass, V. P., Bligh of Botany I3ay, Saturday Review of Literature, Vol. 30, 25/2/50, p. 19. Torkelson, L., Mutiny Again for Captain Bligh, Journal, Milwaukee, 5/3/50. J. V., Chronicle, San Francisco, Cal., 23/4/50. News, Framington, Mass., 4/5/50. Gazette, Berkeley, California, 8/5/50. Record, Chelsea, Mass., 24/6/50. 237

Barker, U., Southerly, No. 2, 1950, pp. 101-03. Cubis, D., Storm of Time, Royal Australian Historical Society, Journal and Proceedings, Vol. XXXV, 1950, pp. 65-8.

No Barrier `When Macquarie Ruled, Age, Melbourne, 20/6/53. Hutton, G., Eleanor Dark and Ruth Park Again, Argus, Melbourne, 27/6/53. `No Barrier Falls Short, Daily Mail, Brisbane, 28/6/53, p. 17. Bartlett, N., Daily Telegraph, Sydney, No Bosomy Romance, 4/7/53. Baker, S. J., The Great Australian Novel, The Sydney Morning Herald, 11/7/53, p. 8. Tonkin, M., Beyond the Mountains a New Land, IVews, Adelaide, 12/7/53. Three Australian Novels, The Bulletin, Sydney, 15/7/53, p. 2. Keesing, N., The Bulletin, Sydney, 24/8/53, p. 42. P. M., Eleanor Dark Has Achieved Much, Tribune, 2/9/53. Shaw, A. G. L., Meanjin, Vol. 12, No. 3, 1953, pp. 342-43. `A Very Human Villain, A.M., Sydney, 16/2/54. No Barrier, Times Literary Supplement,12/3/54, p. 165. Murray-Smith, S., Darkness at Dawn, review of The Timeless Land, Storm of Time and No Barrier, Australian Book Review, Vol. 2, No. 11, 1963,13. 178.

Lantana Lane `Salt of the Earth, Times Literary Supplement, 10/4/59, p. 214. Covell, R., Humour in the Pineapple Belt, Eleanor Dark turns out a good one, Courier-Mail, 9/5/59. Weir, W. J., Pineapple Souffle, The British Weekly, 14/5/59, p. 2. Mair, I., Pineapples among the Lantana: Eleanor Darks Cosy Comedy, Age, Melbourne, 16/5/59. `Lantana Lane is Mill Hill Road, Courier-Mail, Brisbane, 16/5/59. Baker, S. J., Our Good Earth, The Sydney Morning Herald, 23/5/59, p 13 `About Farmers: And Lantana, Times, 30/5/59. `Theres Nothing - and Nobody - Dull in Lantana Lane, Mercury, Hobart, 11/6/59. `Happy Families, The Bulletin, Sydney, 24/6/59, p. 2. Henrey, R., Pineapples and Prose, Books and Bookman, No. 4, June, 1959, p. 15. `A Community in , The Press, Christchurch, N.Z., 8/8/59.

Critical Articles and Books on Eleanor Dark Brooks, 13. and Clark, J., Introduction, Return to Coolami, Sydney, Angus Robertson, 1991. `Introduction, Storm of Time, Sydney, Angus Robertson, 1991. `Introduction, No Barrier, Sydney, Angus Robertson, 1991. 238

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Tylee, C. M., The Great War and Womens Consciousness, Images of Militarism and Womanhood in Womens Writings, 1914-64, Iowa, University of Iowa Press, 1990. Wagar, W. W. (ed.), H. G. Wells, Journalism and Prophecy 1893-1946, London, The Bodley Head, 1964. Ward, A. C., Twentieth-Centur3 English Literature, 1901-1960, London, Methuen, 1966. Warner, R., The Aerodrome, London, The Bodley Head, 1982. Wells, H. G., The Time Machine, an invention, London, Wm. Heinemann,1895, The Island of Doctor Moreau, London, Wm. Heinemann, 1960. The War of the Worlds, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1964. When the Sleeper Awakes and Men Like Gods, London, Odhams, undated. Tono-Bungay and a Modern Utopia, London, Odhams Press,1909 undated. Ann Veronica: A Modern Love Story, London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1909, The History of Mr. Polly, London, Thomas Nelson Sons, 1910. Travels of a Republican Radical in Search of Hot Water, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1939. West, A., H. G. Wells, Aspects of a Life, New York, Meridian, 1984. Whitehead, A. N., Modes of Thought, New York, Macmillan,1968. Williams, R., Keywords, A Vocabulary of Culture and Society, Fontana/Croom Helm, 1981. Woodcock, G., The Writer and Politics, London, Porcupine Press, 1948. Woolf, V., Three Guineas, London, The Hogarth Press, 1986. Zinsser, W. (ed.), Paths of Resistance, The Art and Craft of the Political Novel, Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1989.

Theses Doecke, B., Australian Historical Novels of the 1930s and 1940s, Ph. D. Thesis, Deakin University, Harmes, B., The Fictional Treatment of Women in Inner-City Sydney from 1880-1950, M. Litt. Thesis, University of New England, 1991. Harrington, C. D., Landscape in Australian Fiction: The Rendering of a Human Environment, Ph. D. Thesis, Indiana University, 1970. Scheckter, J. S., The Conditions of :he Australian Novel, Ph. D. Thesis, The University of Iowa, 1981. Stuart, J. L., The Non-Historical Fiction of Eleanor Dark, M. Litt. Thesis, University of New England, 1989. 261

Works by E. P. Dark Medicine and the Social Order, Sydney, F. H. Booth and Son, Pty. Ltd., 1943. Who Are the Reds?, Sydney, F. H. Publishing Co., 1946 (with a foreword by Eleanor Dark). The World Against Russia, Sydney, Pinchgut Press, 1948. The Press Against the People, Bankstown, Pinnacle Press, 1949. Political Bias of the Press, Meanjin, Vol 8, No. 1, 1949.

Interviews with E. P. Dark R. Darby, Interview with Dr. Eric Dark, November 1980, transcript of tape, NLA, TRC 896, pp. 2-20. G. Giuffre, Eleanor Dark, Dr. Eric Dark Interviewed, Southerly, XLVII, No. 1, 1987. R. Macey, E. P. Dark Interviewed, The Sydney Morning Herald, 5/3/84.

Articles and Dossier concerning E. P. Dark Apthorpe, J., The Bookseller, in P. Stanbury (ed.), The Blue Mountains: Grand Adventure for All, Leura, N.S.W., The Macleay Museum/Second Back Row Press, 1988, pp. 177-79. Baxter, L., "Fires in the Fall": The Story of a rational reformer, Dr. Eric Dark, New Doctor, No. 32, June, 1984. Low, J., Speaking of the Past: The Blue Mountains Through Oral History, in P. Stanbury (ed.), The Blue Mountains, Grand Adventure for All, Leura, N.S.W., The Macleay Museum/Second Back Row Press, 1988, pp. 174-77. Unnamed Author, typed manuscript, Dr. Dark and the Secret State, Springwood, The Blue Mountains Historical Library, undated. `Dr. E. P. Dark, M.D., (Commonwealth Investigation Branch dossier, Folio 2), Springwood, The Blue Mountains Historical Library, 7/5/1940. 261

Works by E. P. Dark Medicine and the Social Order, Sydney, F. H. Booth and Son, Pty. Ltd., 1943. Who Are the Reds?, Sydney, F. H. Publishing Co., 1946 (with a foreword by Eleanor Dark). The World Against Russia, Sydney, Finchgut Press, 1948. The Press Against the People, Bankstown, Pinnacle Press, 1949. "Political Bias of the Press, Meanjin, Vol 8, No. 1, 1949.

Interviews with E. P. Dark R. Darby, Interview with Dr. Eric Dark, November 1980, transcript of tape, NLA, TRC 896, pp. 2-20. G. Giuffre, Eleanor Dark, Dr. Eric Dark Interviewed, Southerly, XLVII, No. 1, 1987. R. Macey, E. P. Dark Interviewed, The Sydney Morning Herald, 5/3/84.

Articles and Dossier concerning E. P. Dark Apthorpe, J., The Bookseller, in P. Stanbury (ed.), The Blue Mountains: Grand Adventure for All, Leura, N.S.W., The Macleay Museum/Second Back Row Press, 1988, pp. 177-79. Baxter, L., "Fires in the Fall": The Story of a rational reformer, Dr. Eric Dark, New Doctor, No. 32, June, 1984. Low, J., Speaking of the Past: The 13lue Mountains Through Oral History, in P. Stanbury (ed.), The Blue Mountains, Grand Adventure for All, Leura, N.S.W., The Macleay Museum/Second Back Row Press, 1988, pp. 174-77. Unnamed Author, typed manuscript, Dr. Dark and the Secret State, Springwood, The Blue Mountains Historical Library, undated. `Dr. E. P. Dark, M.D., (Commonwealth Investigation Branch dossier, Folio 2), Springwood, The Blue Mountains Historical Library, 7/5/1940.