CONCLUSION This Literary Study and Close Account of Her Social
224 CONCLUSION This literary study and close account of her social philosophy has demonstrated that the novelist, Eleanor Dark, was also a vigorous social protester and moralist, both concerned with pressing contemporary problems and with their psychological origins, and bent on showing in her fiction a close connection between political forces and individual lives. It has been made clear in this critical treatment .:hat, with a romantics revolutionary turn of mind, she was determined to open her readers eyes to so many social injustices. These were all too often perpetrated by mediocre leaders, and yet the people, in their ignorance and apathy, were hardly aware of them. To illustrate this she created a series of idealistic, independently thinking characters who set out to right social wrongs by exercising heroic personal integrity, by being true to their own consciences, and by establishing ideals which would enrich, rather than constrict, both the individual and society as a whole. The study has shown, however, that Dark always emphasised the need to put theory into action, and to curb simplistic idealism with a measure of lived practicality. There was presented in Chapter 2 the writers perception of human existence as a progression or journey, with her questing protagonists energetically engaging with all aspects of life as they struggled toward the goal of social harmony and the desired realisation of personal potential. Throughout, there has been critical emphasis upon the novels impressive celebration of life, and I have endeavoured to show that the vitality of Darks daring protagonists became a means of judging the behaviour of others, as she contrasted them with those lesser and more timid characters who refused Ito participate willingly in the mortal contest.
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