National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Alaska Park Science Alaska Region Understanding and Preparing for Alaska's Geohazards Volume 18, Issue 1 Cape Krusenstern Alaska Park Science National Monument Volume 18, Issue 1 August 2019 Bering Land Bridge Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve National Preserve Denali National Editorial Board: Park and Preserve Leigh Welling Wrangell-St Elias National Debora Cooper Park and Preserve Jim Lawler Jennifer Pederson Weinberger Lake Clark National Park and Preserve Guest Editor: Chad Hults Managing Editor: Nina Chambers Kenai Fjords Katmai National Glacier Bay National Design: Nina Chambers National Park Park and Preserve Park and Preserve Contact Alaska Park Science at:
[email protected] Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve Alaska Park Science is the semi-annual science journal of the National Park Service Alaska Region. Each issue highlights research and scholarship important to the stewardship of Alaska’s parks. Publication in Alaska Park Science does not signify that the contents reflect the views or policies of the National Park Service, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute National Park Service endorsement or recommendation. Alaska Park Science is found online at Table of Contents Geohazards in Alaska's National Parks Risk and Recreation in a Glacial Spring Breakup on the Yukon: What C. Hults, D. Capps, and E. Bilderback ................1 Environment: Understanding Glacial Lake Happens When the Ice Stops Outburst Floods at Bear Glacier in Kenai S. Lindsey .......................................................71 The 2015 Taan Fiord Landslide and Tsunami Fjords National Park B. Higman, M. Geertsema, D.