Wonders of Dryland Forestry

he Schools’ Green Initiative Challenge is The ten-year project is designed as a competition a unique project implemented by KenGen amongst the participating institutions for the highest TFoundation in partnership with Better Globe seedling survival rates through the application of Forestry and Bamburi Cement Ltd. various innovations at the schools’ woodlots.

The main objective is the greening of over 460 Currently, there are 500 schools from the three acres in the semi-arid counties of Embu, Kitui counties taking part in the afforestation contest for and Machakos with Mukau (M. volkensii) and the ultimate prize of educational trips, scholarship Muveshi (S. siamea) tree species as a way of opportunities, and other prizes. Plans are underway mitigating climate change and providing wood to add more schools in the coming years. fuel and alternative income opportunities for the local communities. The afforestation competition is in line with the Government of ’s Vision 2030 to achieve Through the setting up of woodlots in participating 10% forest cover across the country. schools, the project acts as a change agent to establish a tree-planting culture for multiple benefits in dry-land areas. Panda Miti, Hifadhi Mazingira


5. EDITORIAL 26. SPECIES OF THE QUARTER A BRIEF FROM THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF THE ACACIAS OF AFRICA By Jan Vandenabeele THE ECONOMICALLY MOST IMPORTANT INDIGENOUS SPECIES OF THE DRYLANDS 6. NEWS & EVENTS By Franchis Gachathi THE FOREST FAIR 2020 AN EXHIBITION PROMOTING COMMERCIAL FORESTRY 30. ADVERT - LONZA By Diana Ahebwe IT’S ALL ABOUT CONFIDENCE A CHOICE OF TRIED, TESTED AND TRUSTED PRESERVATIVE 7. NEWS & EVENTS PROTECTION FOR TIMBER BGF INITIATES THE CERTIFICATION PROCESS FOR THE INTERNATIONAL TIMBER MARKET 31. FORESTS & ENERGY WE ARE CONFIDENT By Jan Vandenabeele WORKING WITH TREES RATHER THAN AGAINST THEM INTEGRATING TREES ON THE FARM AS A SOURCE OF RENEWABLE ENERGY By Roger Sharland 8. FORESTS & ENERGY ENERGY IN WOODY BIOMASS AND THE INDUSTRIES THAT ARE USING IT 36. FORESTS & ENERGY By Nellie Oduor, Emily Kitheka and Churchill Ogutu UTILIZING MATHENGE (PROSOPIS JULIFLORA) FOR CHARCOAL THE OTHER SIDE OF AN INVASIVE SPECIES By Grace Koech, Erick Otieno Wanjira, Moses Kirimi, Ignatius Siko, 12. FORESTS & ENERGY Wonders of Dryland Forestry Phosiso Sola, Mieke Bourne, Jonathan Muriuki and Mary Njenga SAVING TREES FROM THE FIRE BY USE OF LIQUID PETROLEUM GAS AND FIRELESS COOKERS By Fridah W. Mugo 42. FORESTS & ENERGY CONTENTS 15. FORESTS & ENERGY TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE CHARCOAL PRODUCTION IN TREE BIOMASS: HOME-GROWN AND LOCALLY OWNED DISTRICT? A LEGAL INSTRUMENT THAT MIGHT WORK ENERGY By James Ocaka IT’S AN ASSET, AND NOT ONLY FOR THE POOR By Racheal Nalule 45. FORESTS & ENERGY he Schools’ Green Initiative Challenge is The ten-year project is designed as a competition 18. FORESTS & ENERGY SCHOOL CHILDREN ALSO NEED TO EAT a unique project implemented by KenGen RURAL SCHOOLS PUT AN ADDITIONAL BURDEN ON THE amongst the participating institutions for the highest CLEAN BUT NOT ATTRACTIVE ENOUGH ENVIRONMENT Foundation in partnership with Better Globe seedling survival rates through the application of WHY CLEAN COOKING TECHNOLOGIES ARE NOT POPULAR By Daniel Ndolo and Jan Vandenabeele T By John Lwegaba and Sherifa Nabakooza Forestry and Bamburi Cement Ltd. various innovations at the schools’ woodlots. 48. SUCCESSFUL COMPANY 20. FORESTS & ENERGY CROTON NUTS FOR BIOFUEL, FERTILIZERS AND FODDER The main objective is the greening of over 460 Currently, there are 500 schools from the three WOOD ENERGY FOR CURING ECO FUELS KENYA MAKES SUSTAINABLE USE OF CROTON A VISIT TO UNILEVER IN MUFINDI MEGALOCARPUS acres in the semi-arid counties of Embu, Kitui counties taking part in the afforestation contest for By Jan Vandenabeele By McRae Muthomi & Jan Vandenabeele and Machakos with Mukau (M. volkensii) and the ultimate prize of educational trips, scholarship 51. BINGWA MEDIA ADVERT Muveshi (S. siamea) tree species as a way of opportunities, and other prizes. Plans are underway 22. FORESTS & ENERGY mitigating climate change and providing wood to add more schools in the coming years. WOOD WASTE PROVIDES AN INCOME 51. WATER ALTHOUGH EXISTING, THE AVAILABLE MARKET FOR WOOD THE WATER LEVEL OF LAKE VICTORIA ON AN ALL-TIME HIGH fuel and alternative income opportunities for the WASTE IN IS LIMITED LOADS OF ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES local communities. The afforestation competition is in line with the By Diana Ahebwe By Callist Tindimugaya Government of Kenya’s Vision 2030 to achieve 54. BGF AD Through the setting up of woodlots in participating 10% forest cover across the country. 24. FORESTS & ENERGY BRIQUETTE PRODUCTION IN MAFINGA 55. INSIDE COVER: BGF AD schools, the project acts as a change agent to SAWMILL WASTE PUT TO PROFITABLE USE establish a tree-planting culture for multiple By Jan Vandenabeele 56. BACK COVER benefits in dry-land areas.

COVER PHOTO Raw energy. Eucalyptus firewood in a burner of Unilever Tanzania. Panda Miti, Hifadhi Mazingira PHOTO BGF

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This issue is about Forests and Energy. There Which trees are we talking about? Firstly, F. Gachati is a huge link between the two, and one can argue writes about “The acacias of Africa”, a vastly that aside storage of Carbon, energy provision is underestimated resources, ruthlessly preyed upon and currently the most important function of forests, at having multiple benefits. Then R. Sharland explains par -at least- with shielding biodiversity and water how farms can (and have) become important providers storage. In the lead article, N. Oduor gives an insight of biomass, while a team with M. Njenga explains how in exactly how much energy is available in trees, Prosopis juliflora, an invasive species, has become an which is a stimulus to get out of the old-fashioned important source of charcoal in Baringo County (Kenya). thinking of the poor man’s firewood & dirty charcoal, The DFO of Gulu district writes about an Ordinance to and reflect instead on its potential to generate clean, achieve sustainable & controlled charcoal production, renewable electricity. while Better Globe Forestry staff members analyse firewood consumption by schools. Indeed, wood or fashionably called biomass, is the primary source of energy for Africa not only for As usual, our last article is related to water. In this case, cooking, but also for industrial processes. R. Nalule a lot of it, as it talks about the current overflowing of nd (“Tree biomass: home-grown and locally owned Lake Victoria which is the 2 biggest fresh-water lake in energy”) quotes that Uganda’s primary energy is the world. comprised of 88% biomass, 10% fossil fuels and 2% electricity. Out of the energy generated by biomass, We wish you a happy & interesting read. 74% goes to domestic use, 18% to industry and institutions & SMEs take care of the remaining 8%. This says it all. Such is its importance, that for pure Jan Vandenabeele survival, simple living, and for commercial gain,

EDITOR PUBLISHED BY: EDITOR - IN - CHIEF McRae Muthomi Better Globe Forestry Ltd Jan Vandenabeele No. 4, Tabere Crescent, Kileleshwa COUNTRY REPRESENTATIVE - UGANDA P.O. Box 823 – 00606 EDITORIAL COMMITTEE - KENYA Diana Ahebwe Nairobi, Kenya Joshua Cheboiwo, Francis Gachathi, James Kung’u, Rudolf Makhanu, Fridah Mugo, Tel: + 254 20 434 3435 Jackson Mulatya, Mary Njenga, Alex Oduor, Leakey Sonkoyo, Jan Vandenabeele, Balozi COUNTRY REPRESENTATIVE - TANZANIA Email: [email protected] Bekuta Kirongo, Itambo Malombe Noah Lameck EDITORIAL COMMITTEE - UGANDA SUBSCRIPTIONS COORDINATOR UGANDA OFFICE: Gerald Eilu, Hillary Agaba, Robert Bariiho, Alice Akecha, Sarah Akello Esimu, Dennis Claudiah Caroline Deprins Miti Magazine Kavuuma, Patrick Byakagaba, Diana Ahebwe, Jan Vandenabeele, Juliet Mubi Mitala Road DESIGN & LAYOUT P.O. Box 22232, EDITORIAL COMMITTEE – TANZANIA Kampala Uganda Reuben Mwamakimbullah, Jan Vandenabeele, Revocatus Mushumbusi, Felician Kilahama,

Mobile: +256 775392597 Shabani Chamshama, Martin Kijazi, Tuli Msuya, Kastory Timbula, Jared Otieno, Noah MITI 47 FORESTRY © BETTER GLOBE COPYRIGHT RESERVED ALL RIGHTS Email: [email protected] Lameck

TANZANIA OFFICE: Bingwa Media Limited Miti Magazine +256 776314066 P.O. BOX 1668, +256 756314066 Morogoro, Tanzania Mobile: +255759010066 Email: [email protected]



BY DIANA AHEBWE growers in Uganda for collective UTGA members. The meeting was action. The Association was formed intended to bring together various The Uganda Timber Growers in 2007 and currently has 640 forestry stakeholders to discuss Association (UTGA) organized the 7th members who have established over the Association’s annual workplan Annual Forestry Fair that took place 70,000 hectares of tree plantations and budgets and the challenges on the 19th of March, 2020 at Silver throughout the country. It is encountered. At the fair, members Springs Hotel, Kampala. composed of big, medium and small were enlightened on the business of The annual event is an initiative that tree growers and continues to attract tree growing. The exhibitors present brings together key actors in the new members through promoting included agro-chemical companies, forestry sector to showcase goods and high quality plantations. Its overall forestry tools companies, tree nursery services important for promoting the objective is to ensure a sustainable, operators, forest contractors and commercial forestry sector through profitable, socio-economically and commercial tree growers. raising awareness and promoting environmentally sound forestry competitiveness. industry. The writer is the Country Representative for Miti magazine, Uganda Email: [email protected] UTGA is a members’ organization The forest fair was combined with that brings together commercial tree the Annual General Meeting for



BY JAN VANDENABEELE representatives, notably Harrison programmes. The visit went very well Kajwang (FSC Regional Director for and constitutes a milestone towards Better Globe Forestry (BGF) wants Africa) and Paul Opanga (Labour certification. It will be followed up by to be certified in the international Issues Manager at the FSC) visited a meeting next week at BGF’s head timber market for selling sustainably BGF’s plantation of Melia volkesii office in Nairobi to clearly trace the produced timber products. There are (mukau) in Kiambere as well as different steps to follow. different certification bodies through several farmers enlisted in its Seven which this can be achieved and the Forks farmers’ programme. The certification programme is a Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) complex one that looks at all aspects is one of the main players there. As At the end of the two days trip, they related to afforestation not only such, BGF has started the process also had an opportunity to visit the technically but also legally, health by employing an intern that during award-winning school of phase 4 of wise and socially. BGF is very the next six months will dedicate her the Green Initiative Challenge (GIC) confident that it will achieve the services towards documenting all which is a tree planting programme certification. requirements that the FSC standards with schools in the Seven Forks area. prescribes on the path towards On this visit, they were accompanied The writer is Editor-in-Chief of Miti magazine certification. by BGF’s Executive Director of and the Executive Director of Forestry of Better Globe Forestry Forestry and his Deputy in order to On the 10th and 11th of March supply them with quality information this year, two prominent FSC about BGF’s afforestation From left to right: Samuel Nakhone (Deputy Director of Forestry, BGF), Harrison Kajwang (FSC), David Kiilu (partner farmer), Abraham Biwott (Training Officer, Seven Forks Programme, BGF), Paul Opanga (FSC) and Gladys Rutto (intern, BGF). Photo BGF


BY NELLIE ODUOR, EMILY KITHEKA AND in supply and 21.6% increase in Sustainable development of biomass CHURCHILL OGUTU demand by the year 2032 which resources for energy purposes signifies a gradually increasing requires not only knowledge of the In Kenya, biomass energy resources deficit. However, most of the wood biomass supply capacity but also the are derived from forests - closed fuel is obtained from unsustainable biomass quality which can improve forests, community woodlands, sources and produced and utilized in the forest-based bioenergy sector farmlands and plantations as well as inefficient technologies/devices. This and may result in its increased and agricultural and industrial residues. exerts pressure on natural forests. more efficient use. The quality of This accounts for about 68 per cent The current moratorium by the the biomass also depends on the of all energy consumed and for 90 Government of Kenya (February 2018 tree species, for not all species are per cent of rural household energy to date), banning logging on public suitable as a wood fuel. In this needs. The main sources of biomass and community forests has further respect, sufficient details must be for cooking and heating energy are widened the biomass fuel demand obtained to characterize and identify charcoal, fuelwood and agricultural gap leading to escalating prices of specific types of biomass because the waste. Various industries use biomass charcoal. quality of forest biomass is strongly energy in their processing; these associated with the contents of include tea and edible oil processors. Sustainability of the bioenergy sector organic and inorganic components. A study in 2013 that analysed is central to Kenya’s aspirations Energy content of each species mostly the demand and supply of wood to achieve middle-income status depends on its chemical content products in Kenya indicated that by 2030. The government has (carbon, hydrogen and oxygen) and it firewood and charcoal supply stood identified substantial potential for is reduced by inorganic elements and at 13,654,022m3 and 7,358,717m3 power generation using forestry and moisture. It is therefore important while demand stood at 18,702,748m3 agro-industry residues, including that biomass is dry. Table 1 shows and 16,325,810m3 respectively. sugarcane bagasse. Other bioenergy various energy sources and their Currently, there is unmet demand resources in Kenya include biogas, calorific values. for biofuels with a 60% demand- fuelwood, briquettes, pellets and supply gap. Forecasts for a 20-year charcoal. period indicate a 20% increase

A rich and abundant resource in the Aberdares, Mt Kenya and the Mau: bamboo (Oldeania alpina), for producing renewable electricity. Photo BGF



Bamboo is fast becoming a source of biomass energy due to its fast regeneration if sustainably managed. Table 1: Energy levels of various sources of energy Various species have been trialed in Kenya which has only one indigenous Energy source Calorific value Kcal/g species (African alpine bamboo). Among the exotic species that have Dry wood General range 3.5 – 5.0 been produced in Kenya are Savanna bamboo (Oxytenanthera abyssinica), Acacia nilotica (Egyptian thorn) 4.9 Bambusa and Dendrocalamus spp. Acacia polyacantha (Falcon’s claw acacia) 4.0 Generally, if the bamboo is chipped, Acacia tortilis (Umbrella thorn) 4.4 briquetted or pelletized, it offers a Acacia xanthophloea (Yellow fever tree) 4.4 great source of biomass energy for several industries. Some tea and Casuarina equisetifolia (Whistling pine tree) 5.0 edible oil processors have tested Commiphora baluensis (Commiphora) 4.4 bamboo chips in their boilers. The Eucalyptus camaldulensis (River red gum) 4.8 energy values for some of the species Eucalyptus grandis (Flooded gum) 4.5 are shown in Table 1 which show Leucaena leucocephala (River tamarind) 4.6 great promise as a woodfuel source for industries and domestic use. Prosopis juliflora (Mathenge) 5.0 Terminalia brownii (Mbarao-Swahili) 4.6 BRIQUETTES Terminalia orbicularis (Spiny terminalia) 5.1 Wood chips (30% MC) 2.9 Briquettes are biofuel substitutes to coal and charcoal and are made from Wood pellets (10% MC) Ranging from 3.8 – 4.3 agricultural and forestry residues. Charcoal General range 5.0 – 9.0 The huge demand for firewood by Acacia nilotica 7.3 the industry calls for greater use of Acacia polyacantha 6.4 alternative thermal bioenergy sources such as briquettes from agricultural Acacia tortilis 5.8 residues. Uncarbonized briquettes are Acacia xanthophloea 7.9 suitable for industrial use and some Eucalyptus camadulensis 5.6 tea, edible oil, cement and tobacco Eucalyptus grandis 7.5 processors are already incorporating these biofuels in their energy mix. Prosopis juliflora 7.9 Carbonized briquettes are suitable Bambusa vulgaris (Common bamboo) 6.7 for domestic use and learning Dendrocalamus asper (Dragon bamboo) 5.3 institutions, hospitals and prisons. Dendrocalamus giganteus (Giant bamboo) 5.5 Bamboo Carbonized briquettes are made from biomass raw material that has Bambusa vulgaris 4.4 undergone pyrolysis after which it Dendrocalamus asper 4.5 is mixed with a binding element, Dendrocalamus giganteus 4.5 moulded into various shapes then Bamboo pellets dried. Uncarbonized briquettes are processed directly from biomass Bambusa vulgaris 6.5 sources through various casting and Dendrocalamus asper 6.2 pressing processes also known as Heating oil 10. 0 compaction or solidification.


Wood waste in a sawmill. How much is recovered? Photo BGF

PELLETS wood without any contamination. husks, husks and maize stalks. Dies are used to obtain the required They are of high calorific value and These are biofuels made from cylindrical shapes of the pellets by burn with less smoke. They are dense compressed organic matter or forcefully passing sawdust through and used in cooking meals in homes biomass. They are similar to them. Owing to the pressing involved and institutions. briquettes but relatively smaller and the corresponding friction that in size. They can be used as fuels results when the particles are pressed Pellets are not a new type of fuel in for power generation, heating, and against each other and against Kenya’s energy market although its cooking. They are extremely dense the wall, sawdust experiences a use at the domestic level remains and can be produced with a low temperature increase of between 700C limited. Studies have been carried moisture content (below 10%) that to 100°C, then the lignin component out using locally produced gasifiers allows them to be burned with a acts as a natural binder. (WISDOM and SCODE gasifiers) very high combustion efficiency. that can burn both wood and pellets. Pellets generally measure 6-10mm Pellets formed from woody biomass Other ongoing initiatives include: in diameter with a maximum remain the recommended feedstock Lean Energy Solutions who set up a length of 38mm and are formed by for the bioenergy industries that deal pellet production facility in Naivasha; compressing biomass under intense with solid biomass. They are compact Green Steps Africa Limited who pressure. The most recommended in nature and are regularly shaped supply gasifier stoves for domestic raw materials for use as feedstock hence, they are easier to handle, and commercial use; Power Spot include white wood chips from store and transport in bulk. Biomass Limited that produces pellets and sawmills, round wood with huge pellets can be made from recyclable distributes gasifiers in Kakamega diameters, untreated wood, and used raw materials such as saw dust, rice County and IKO Limited and


Eco-bora manufactures that sells cobs or shells. According to the Sugar plants in Ruiru. They estimate they Directorate, around 2.4 million tons pellets to households. would require 6,000 tons of bamboo of bagasse generated by the country’s a month to meet their energy needs. A BRIEF OF THE TEA AND 12 sugar mills is unutilized. EDIBLE OIL INDUSTRIES IN IN CONCLUSION USING BIOMASS ENERGY Other consumers of non-carbonized briquettes include schools, hospitals, the tobacco industry and the With a rapidly growing population, Tea Industry vegetable oil processing industry. there is need to look at sustainable provisions of biomass for domestic Kenya is the World’s third largest Edible oil processing factories and industrial use. Processing of producer and exporter of tea. The agricultural residues to solid biomass tea industries moved from using Edible oils are a crucial sub-sector of fuels is becoming an increasingly heavy fossil fuels to biomass fuel to the manufacturing industry in Kenya. important path for moving towards wither and dry the leaves. The industry currently operates at circular economies and cascading Out of the 113 tea factories in Kenya, a production capacity of 850,000 use of biomass. Pellet and briquette almost 99 percent of their thermal tons and has an installed capacity production should be promoted energy comes from firewood and of 1.5 million tons per year. These together with their appropriate other sources of biomass and 1 vegetable oil processing plants in appliances - stoves and boilers. percent is from oil fuel. The demand Kenya use about 200 tons of dry Promotion of commercial wood for firewood in the tea industry is biomass per day. For instance, Bidco farming should essentially be on around 1 million tons of firewood per Africa presently uses over 200 tons private and community land in year. A number of tea industries are of macadamia and coffee husks to marginal semi-arid areas to avoid using alternative biomass sources generate power, however, the supply competition with food production such as non-carbonized biomass of both is erratic and unsustainable. and security. briquettes. Sources of briquettes are They have also trailed bamboo in chip from agricultural residues such as The writers are: Programme Director at KEFRI’s form to meet their need for biomass sugarcane bagasse, straws, husks, National Forest Products Research Programme, to power one of its cogeneration Research Scientist and Research Scientist at KEFRI and also Biofuel4Kenya Project Manager

Extensive thickets of Acacia zanzibarica in Lamu County, with natural regeneration and coppicing. An opportunity for generating electricity? Photo BGF


BY FRIDAH W. MUGO another 5% for poles and posts. sustainable supplies while 57% These proportions were projected was not. Of Kenya’s total land area WOODY BIOMASS to remain the same in the year of 57.6 million hectares, only 6% UTILIZATION: FACTS & 2000. In that year, Kenya was (3,456,000 hectares) is forest cover TRENDS reported to use 34.3 million and is estimated to be decreasing at metric tons of biomass for fuel the rate of 52,000 hectares (0.09%) In 1980, 94% of all the wood of which 15.1 million tons was per year. As indicated above, most harvested in Kenya was used for in form of fuelwood while 16.5 of the wood is used for cooking. woodfuel, 4% for poles and 2% for million metric tons was wood for Over 80% of the wood used for timber. By 1997, the proportions charcoal processed in kilns with charcoal is used in urban areas in were estimated to be 90% woodfuel, only 10% efficiency. Up to 43% of form of charcoal, while most of the 5% for industrial feedstock and the national consumption was from fuel wood is used in rural areas. How can these trees be saved?

Promoting industrial growing of fuelwood. Plantation of Acacia polyacantha, in Bondo (Siaya County, Western Kenya). Photo Nelly Oduor. Photo Nellie Oduor



Results from a baseline survey of 230 low-income households on energy use and cost in Kajiado town (ZEES, 2018b) indicated that households use multiple energy sources for cooking.

Table 1: Urban situation: main energy source for cooking, cost and household distribution

Energy source Cost (Ksh) % of households

Charcoal 1533 68 Firewood 1359 56 Kerosene 932 47.4 LPG 724 5.7 Electricity n/a 1 household

Cost is on a monthly basis

No household reported to use briquettes, pellets, bio-gas, ethanol, sawdust, wood shavings, crop residues and cow dung. The average cost of energy for cooking considering all sources was US $ 18.52 (Ksh. 1,852) per month. Over 80% of the respondents work as casuals and others were running petty-businesses. Income is therefore not stable. The average monthly income was reported as US $ 25-50 (Ksh. 2,500-5,000). Up to 99.5% of the households preferred LPG for cooking because it is cleaner and faster in cooking, but the majority lacked the means to purchase the appliances. Only one household preferred firewood as the main source of cooking. Although this data is from one sub-location, other urban low-income areas are Transport of firewood, the most common source of domestic energy in the countryside. Mostly a likely to have similar results. woman’s task, soaking up too much time. Photo Phillip Kihumuro


USE AND COST OF ENERGY CONSEQUENCES OF (i) aggressive promotion of LPG for BY RURAL HOUSEHOLDS UNSUSTAINABLE BIOMASS cooking in both urban and rural areas USE to substitute charcoal and fuel wood; A baseline survey of 106 households (ii) large-scale manufacture and from 19 villages in Migori County The consequences of unsustainable aggressive marketing of fireless indicated that almost all the rural extraction of woody biomass for cookers that reduce LPG use by 50%, households depend on fuel wood energy are many: deforestation, this can reduce cooking energy cost to for their cooking energy (Mugo and land degradation, reduction in Ksh. 1000 per month; Kaudia, 2018). the ecological services of forests, (iii) subsidize acquisition of LPG woodlands and bushes such as appliances by 75% for a limited period The households that buy all their water/river flow regulation and of time to ensure that all households fuel wood use about US $15 (Ksh. carbon sequestration, increased soil can afford to purchase and use them; 1,500) per month. About 26% of the erosion, loss of biodiversity, loss of (iv) mount an aggressive promotion households use charcoal. Those that jobs, increased suffering especially for bio-gas use in rural areas. The bio- use charcoal for their cooking spent for the women as they search for gas project could be in combination on average US $ 30 (Ksh. 3,000) household energy, food insecurity with intensive promotion of dairy per month. Only four households as a result of limited woody farming. (3.8%) out of 106 were found to biomass for cooking and diversion use LPG and one out of the four of household income to purchase (v) introduce low-interest through reliable micro-finance use it full-time. One household wood fuel for energy. All these institutions. To ensure that uses a combination of fuelwood can be avoided by implementing a households shift completely from and a fireless cooker and it works biomass substitution policy whereby using charcoal, its production and use very well. LPG supply was readily households currently using charcoal should be banned completely. available at the Uriri and Awendo and fuelwood are encouraged and commercial centres. Further supported to change to cooking with (vi) stable supply of LPG should be analysis revealed that full time use LPG. guaranteed and of LPG for an average household (vii) commercial growing of trees of 6 persons would cost about US SAVING THE TREES for the industry to be promoted to $15 (Ksh. 1,500) per month. A enhance household income for rural combination of LPG and a fireless Given the high demand for LPG households. cooker on full time basis would cost for cooking mainly in urban areas, US $ 7.50 (Ksh 750) per month with seven strategies have promise to The writer is a Lecturer at the University of Nairobi almost no polluting emissions. save the trees and the forests: Email: [email protected]

I Electricity in rural areas. Every homestead connected? A 14 ISSUE 47 | JULY - SEPTEMBER 2020 distant pipedream? Photo Jan Vandenabeele FORESTS AND ENERGY TREE BIOMASS: HOME-GROWN AND LOCALLY OWNED ENERGY IT’S AN ASSET, AND NOT ONLY FOR THE POOR

Firewood for sale at the roadside, Karamoja. Photo BGF

BY RACHEAL NALULE is 74%, industry 18% and institutions be a major source of energy given the & SMEs 8% (Biomass Strategy increasing demands for energy by Uganda’s total primary energy is 2013). The country’s population is the growing population. Over 95% comprised of 88% biomass, 10% estimated at about 40.3 million and of the population especially in the fossil fuels and 2% electricity (Draft projected to reach 55.4 million by rural areas depends on firewood for Energy Policy, 2019). Out of the total 2030 (UBOS Statistical Abstract, domestic energy. The influx of about energy produced locally, biomass 2019) at an annual growth rate of 1.4 million refugees in Uganda has energy consumption for domestic use about 3.2%. Biomass energy will still further increased the demand for


biomass energy to an estimated 1.6 is unfortunate that the role of cooking financial appeal compared to other million m3 of fuel wood per annum energy is often downplayed as if it sources of energy. The government (WB/FAO, 2018). Biomass is and is possible to have a healthy and hasn’t recognized this. This partly will remain an important source of productive population that does not explains the low level of investment energy for Uganda, hence the need cook food and drink boiled water! and general interest in the sub- for investment in its sustainable In the area of value addition and sector. On the other hand, other production and utilization. industrial production, biomass sources of energy are characterized by Unfortunately, it continues to energy is widely used for tobacco international value chains with high be unfairly maligned by a cross- section of people including decision and tea curing, pottery and ceramics, financial appeal and attracting big and policy makers. Statements cement and lime production, brewing investments. A Life Cycle Assessment such as dirty, backward, cooking and brick making. The total energy of these energy sources reveals that fuel, unsustainable, unhealthy, consumed by the industrial sector they are neither cleaner nor more environmentally harmful are very in Uganda is dominated by biomass sustainable than biomass. The common. Yet, energy such as fossil contributing over 68%, followed by biomass energy sub-sector is largely fuels does not attract the same level electricity. Additionally, biomass informal, and can hardly attract of demonization and criticism like value chains are entirely owned and lobbyists, big local and international biomass. controlled by Ugandans unlike other players to undo the injustices and energy types, where Ugandans play misinformation levelled against it. It Sadly, the positive attributes of a minor role or come in just at the also lacks well-researched data and biomass energy such as its enormous tail-end to pick residue for their information to convince top decision contribution to the economy, small businesses when almost all makers to have it among government potential to generate jobs and the benefits have already accrued to priorities. incomes, and the country’s conducive foreigners. climate that supports fast growth and Petrol and diesel shortages are accumulation of biomass are rarely However, it is important to recognize occasional and power outages more accorded the publicity they deserve. It that biomass by nature has low frequent. One would wonder “why

Stacked piles of eucalyptus firewood for drying and subsequently burning to cure tea leaves (Western Uganda). Photo BGF

I 16 ISSUE 47 | JULY - SEPTEMBER 2020 FORESTS AND ENERGY is the former rarely felt at the policy RECOMMENDATIONS and use technologies. These level and easily noticeable by the incentives include performance transport and power sectors? Could The recommendations to develop the grants, soft loans, tax waivers and it be that biomass energy is for the biomass sub-sector moving forward subsidies. poor and disadvantaged with no include: voice and other fuels are for the rich n the Ministry of Energy and Mineral n MWE, MEMD and Local whose slight discomfort is a concern Development (MEMD) should Governments should strengthen and cause of outrage for everybody?” prioritize biomass energy production regulation and enforcement of laws, Indeed, there is no single source of within the energy sector, and include ordinances and bylaws throughout energy that can meet all the energy it in its present review that focuses on the value chain of biomass energy needs of the population. electricity; resources especially charcoal to reduce the loss of forests, raise Thus, complementarity of different n the Ministry of Finance, Planning revenues for re-investment in sources is key in ensuring energy and Economic Development biomass energy production and security and fostering national (MoFPED) should increase the create a conducive environment development. This makes it the allocation of funds for biomass energy for the private sector to invest in more compelling reason why the production to the Ministry of Energy biomass energy production. government should also consider to and Mineral Development and the prioritize development of the biomass Ministry of Water and Environment n MWE should also promote the sources in the on-going policy review (MWE); establishment of dedicated large- processes and National development scale biomass energy plantations plans. n MoFPED needs to provide the in all the seven Forest and Land private sector with incentives to Restoration landscapes. support investment in dedicated The writer is a Program officer at the biomass energy plantations and Renewable energy CSO Network efficient biomass energy production Email: [email protected] Firewood at landing site, Kampala. This firewood comes from forests on Lake Victoria islands and it is mainly used for smoking fish. Photo BGF



BY JOHN LWEGABA AND SHERIFA NABAKOOZA, ALL PHOTOS BGF With this case, one can do some simple math and notice that fifty The adoption of clean cooking people running similar businesses technologies is still a challenge in like Bob in the same trading peri-urban areas. Through a rapid centre would require 2,600 bags a assessment study conducted in April year! This means that many trees 2019 by Ages Considered (ACO) have to be cut down to satisfy the in Mende sub-country (Wakiso demand. This is a huge issue and district), it was found that 85% of requires serious intervention. It households and small businesses has been noted that the country use charcoal as the main source uses 60 million metric tons of of cooking energy, thus imposing wood annually valued at USh a huge demand on charcoal. 1,179,385,920,000 (approx. 350m This statistic was also consistent USD) for charcoal production with several studies including alone (Uganda National charcoal the 2016/2017 Uganda National Frying potato chips in oil, and more food being survey, 2016 policy brief report by Household Survey, which noted prepared. Bunga roadside market, Kampala the Ministry of Energy and Mineral that 90% of households use biomass Development-MEMD (the Green (firewood or charcoal) for cooking. Charcoal project)). According to UBOS1 Statistical the majority, who are low-income abstract 2018, the Wakiso district earners, from accessing clean In the earlier mentioned rapid population growth at 4%, is greater cooking technologies.Taking a close assessment exercise, it was found than the national annual growth look at the situation in Wakiso that: rate of 3%. This results in a high trading centers, many mobile n 35% of the population did demand for food for this ever- restaurants open up in the evening not know about energy-saving increasing population which has led to sell chapatis, fried potato chips alternatives to the sprouting of multiple small and meat; all these use poor or low n 38% said alternatives like cooking businesses. quality cooking stoves that consume electricity are expensive and that a lot of charcoal. they cannot afford it The adoption of clean cooking n 22% said charcoal is easier to technology has not been fully Bob, one of the businessmen find and accessible since supply is embraced in peri-urban areas running a chapati business in always guaranteed only, but also in rural areas due Namusera trading centre is an n 5% gave responses depicting that to the high costs involved in example. He only runs his business they lack access and information home solar systems, bio-gas, in the evenings since during the about energy saving and clean Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) day he manages his bodaboda cooking stoves. and electricity. A unit of electricity (motorcycle) transport business. costs close to USh 1000, and the He reports using a half a bag of These responses show a big gap in refilling of a 12kg LPG cylinder costs charcoal a week and explained that realising clean cooking in peri- about USh 130,000. This hinders working full-time, would see him use a bag of charcoal per week. 1Uganda bureau of Statistics

I 18 ISSUE 47 | JULY - SEPTEMBER 2020 FORESTS AND ENERGY urban areas. Ignoring this fact has Postbank Uganda are providing need to promote standards for implications on environmental loans for solar system acquisition improved cooking stoves and should issues like increased deforestation only, with credit support from popularize and disseminate them to and its effects, financial issues UECCC. This is highlighted in target populations. including reduced revenue from a study by Environmental Alert associated wood products, and titled, “Unlocking Financing n Media engagements should be health-related challenges, for and Investments for Clean and used regularly to educate the wider example, increased respiratory Renewable Energy Access in population about clean cooking diseases from inhaled fumes.To Uganda (a case study of the alternatives. address the above challenges, there Albertine region)”. is need to formulate policies that n Donor funding to support promote use of clean energy for Due to this fact, ACO recommends renewable energy technologies cooking through establishing by- the following: for cooking at community level laws at local level that encourage should also emphasized rather than the use of clean energy and regulate n The MEMD and the Ministry promoting energy for lighting only. the use of charcoal. of Finance Planning & Economic Development should subsidise Some of these recommendations At the national level, the MEMD alternatives like Liquefied can be addressed through adoption should make a deliberate move to Petroleum Gas, bio-gas and into the on-going Energy Policy reduce the cost of electricity. On electricity to make them affordable. review. ACO is also committed to the other hand, private funding supporting initiatives geared at opportunities for renewable energy n The MEMD, the Ministry of solving this problem with support should focus on supporting clean Water & Environment, and Civil from the Renewable Energy CSO lighting rather than clean cooking, Society need to train the population Network (c/o Environmental Alert) which has lowered the rate of and target groups like restaurant and other development partners. adoption. To encourage this move, owners and similar businesses to financial institutions such as Pride use alternative energy efficient The writers are Program Officer and Program Assistant, Ages Considered (ACO), Member of Microfinance, , solutions. the Renewable Energy CSO Network , Barclays Email: [email protected] / Bank Uganda, Stanbic Bank n The MEMD and the Uganda [email protected] Uganda, Finance Trust Bank, and National Bureau of Standards

This chapati is for breakfast. Bunga roadside market, Kampala. At least nine cooking devices Bunga roadside market, Kampala working with charcoal in this small space


One of the furnaces at Unilever in Mufindi. Eucalyptus firewood on the right WOOD ENERGY FOR CURING TEA A VISIT TO UNILEVER IN MUFINDI

BY JAN VANDENABEELE, ALL PHOTOS BGF to cure the tea leaves. The curing involves heating the leaves to Unilever Tanzania Ltd has a stimulate bacterial fermentation. tea estate situated in Mufindi, Heavy fuel can also be used for Tanzania’s Southern Highlands, this heating process, but it is at an altitude of close to more expensive, as proven by this 2,000masl. It rains plentiful, and simple calculation: the area is good for growing tea and trees (Eucalyptus grandis- Calorific value of heavy fuel Flooded gum and a bit of E. (diesel oil): 10,750 Kcal/kg smithii-Gully gum) of which its Calorific value of eucalyptus estate has respectively 3,500 wood: 4,250 Kcal/kg and 1,500ha. As common with Ratio is approximately 2.5, or East African tea factories, the roughly 3kg of firewood for 1kg of eucalyptus is grown for firewood diesel oil.


are cut into pieces of 50cm long But firewood is far cheaper: and 12-18cm diameter, upon which Cost of diesel at the pump in it is dried under roof for a period of Nairobi: 102 KES/ltr 12-15 months. Cost of firewood: maximum 5 KES/ kg (delivered at factory gate). Long-term experience from the The ratio here is 1 to 20…, and even Kenyan tea sector shows that 250 if it would be 1 to 10, it would still kg of processed tea requires an be at least three times cheaper to equivalent of one m3 of stacked use firewood. firewood1, translating into 0.7 m3 of solid wood2 . Unilever grows its eucalyptus on At Unilever, all curing is done with a 9-year cycle, achieving firewood firewood. volumes of 350-400m3/ha. After 1 3 The writer is the Editor-in-Chief of Miti Note: one m of stacked wood is 4 rotations of which 3 are coppice called one stere (1m x 1m x 1m). magazine and the Executive Director of management, replanting is done. One stere is about 0.70 m3 of Forestry at Better Globe Forestry solid wood. When the trees are felled, the logs Email: [email protected] Miti #11, Jul-Sep 2011, p16 Massive storage of firewood in protected conditions, to get a minimal moisture content (“Calling on small-holders”).



BY DIANA AHEBWE Sawmilling and wood workshops waste given the opportunity, as the are some of the thriving businesses biomass is considered a good source In recent years, considerable in Kampala and its suburbs, such of fuel, biogas, organic manure, attention has been turned towards as , , , , mulch, and a basic component the use of biomass, especially wood and Banda. These businesses of particle board and briquettes. residues and waste, towards energy accumulate a lot of waste that would Currently, there’s demand for and other products. Use of biomass potentially become a menace to biomass waste by many enterprises came as one of the mitigation the environment if not properly in Kampala such as poultry farms, measures to climate change, which managed. Biomass waste includes briquetting companies, coffee was being fueled by the continued sawdust, wood chips, off-cuts and farms, as well as large complexes use of fossil fuels, hence the call to wood shavings, with sawdust being such as Mukwano Industries. The greener approaches. Today, biomass the most dominant. Owners of the availability of wood waste has given waste is used for several purposes timber yards and workshops look an opportunity for manufacturing including heating water, briquetting forward to economic disposal of this industries that would like to reduce and mulching.

Sale of wood waste at the sawmill of Global Woods. The chipper can take care of different sizes of off-cuts to produce chips of uniform dimensions, easy to transport, handle, and feed into a furnace. Photo Moses Otim.

I 22 ISSUE 47 | JULY - SEPTEMBER 2020 FORESTS AND ENERGY their carbon footprint to provide a market for the waste.

Mukwano Industries in the industrial area of Kampala for example, uses biomass for its energy needs, especially its boilers. This is done because it is cheap and readily available, and, most likely as an afterthought to compensate for its carbon footprint. According to one of the wood scientists in Kampala, these industries use biomass for their boilers not only for the reasons mentioned above, but also because they have the equipment installed. In Uganda electricity mostly is renewable (hydropower), and competitive in its pricing, hence the incentive for energy out of biomass is not strong.

The waste is accessed through middle-men who buy from timber yards and carpentry workshops. Mostly, they’re the same people supplying timber or wood from the countryside. Fuso trucks collect biomass from a radius of 12 kms or more from Kampala depending on the demand. People buying smaller quantities of biomass from these workshops, like for poultry farms and mulching, spend between 600- 2000 USh per sack. For Mukwano, Lorries waiting alongside Mukwano Road (Kampala), which is named after the of the trucks park at the roadside close Companies, to deliver sawdust for its boilers. Photo BGF to the plant, and wait to be called in. They can spend up to three days But what is the economic sense in is abundantly available and the before this happens. Upon entry, view of the low price offered? In most market’s absorbing capacity seems to the biomass quality is checked for cases, truck owners engage in this be limited. In short, supply is bigger moisture using a syringe and is business as an extra activity as their than demand. rejected if it doesn’t meet required main job is transport of timber from standards. The requirement is that up-country and sell it to timber yards In conclusion, Mukwano Industries it must be dry, to avoid excessive in Kampala. They continue to sell has done a good job creating a smoke and weight, which would because Mukwano occupies sort of market for wood biomass that hike its price. The trucks line up for monopoly in this respect in Kampala. would have become a menace to the inspection as they wait to deliver Sectors like poultry and briquetting environment, but also benefits from the biomass. Over 30 trucks can be don’t take much compared to its monopoly position. However, served in a day, and it generally takes Mukwano. A last aspect to consider there’s need for more innovative ways two more days before Mukwano is the seasonality e.g during the rainy to utilise this waste, and simply, for a allows another batch of trucks. season the biomass doesn’t dry well bigger market. The “waste” should be The trucks are weighed and a truck and is easily rejected. getting a better price. carrying 7/8tonnes goes for 250,000 to 280,000 USh (equivalent to 75-85 In summary, this is a “buyers” The writer is the Country Representative of Miti market, meaning the buyers call magazine, Uganda USD). Email: [email protected] the shots, because the commodity


The most important final product, packed and ready to be sold BRIQUETTE PRODUCTION IN MAFINGA SAWMILL WASTE PUT TO PROFITABLE USE

BY JAN VANDENABEELE, ALL PHOTOS BGF dryer. Most of this was imported inside the furnace reach 400oC, the from China, although the plant furnace starts producing its own gas There’s lots of sawmills in Mafinga manager, Mr Peter Payovela, (syngas). It is however dirty, and town, Tanzania, slicing trees mentioned that the steel quality of first wood tar is separated from it grown in the Southern Highlands the furnace was such that it had to by passing through a cyclone. Next, into timber of different sizes. In be rebuilt locally. it is cleaned through condensation, the process, they generate a big for which 4 m3 of water per hour volume of off-cuts and sawdust. Its prime raw materials are is required, with wood vinegar as Several companies have seized this timber rests, which are chipped. a by-product. The now clean gas opportunity to establish factories Occasionally rice husks are bought. is ready for burning and through for producing charcoal briquettes. The chips are dried to maximum multiple nozzles heats the furnace, Tractors Ltd. is one of them. It 10% moisture content and fed into that at this stage doesn’t need installed a furnace in the form of the cylindrical furnace operating LPG anymore. At one end, the a giant rotating drum, a cooler, on LPG. When the temperatures wood chips, mixed with sawdust a briquette press machine and a are moved by a conveyor belt into

I 24 ISSUE 47 | JULY - SEPTEMBER 2020 FORESTS AND ENERGY the furnace, that is rotating with a helix inside, so that the chips slowly move towards the other end of the cylinder, being carbonized in the process. At the other end, carbonized chips come out of the machine, at a conversion of 30% and at a pace of 1 tonne per hour. The operating cycle is 2 days, for a total of 48 tonnes. The temperatures inside the cylinder rise to 600oC and even reach peaks of 700oC which strains the material, requiring serious maintenance at least for every 100h of use. A water supply of 200m3 is required for one View of the conveyor belt that feeds the furnace with wood particles & waste cycle, and the plant disposes of a pond with 700m3 water storage capacity, although most of the water is recycled.

The charcoal is bound at a rate of 20% with clay or starch like cassava, depending on what is available in the market at a good price. Some 10kg of this blend are mixed with 50 ltr of hot water and moulded in the briquette press into an egg-like shape. These briquettes are put in a drier powered by fuelwood and dried at 140oC. After cooling down on racks, they are packed in bags of The furnace, with cyclones (greenish) and cleaning cylinders, and the pump through which the syngas is 25kg. fed to the burners (at the bottom of the furnace).

The plant hence produces three products (i) charcoal briquettes, (ii) wood tar, and (iii) wood vinegar. The majority of the briquettes is sold to the army, while Dar Es Salaam is an important market. Wood tar is used for timber preservation, and the vinegar can be used as a fertilizer and a biopesticide.

The writer is the Editor-in-Chief of Miti magazine and the Executive Director of Forestry at Better Globe Forestry Email: [email protected]

Racks with dried briquettes, coming out of a kiln



TEXT AND PHOTOS BY FRANCHIS GACHATHI making mats. Seeds of some species popularly called “thorn trees” while are boiled and eaten. They stabilize most shrubs have hooked prickles. BACKGROUND soil and improve soil fertility, act These are the most economically as windbreaks and provide shade and socially important indigenous Acacias are among the most in hot weather. They are trees and trees in Africa, based on the widespread and dominant trees shrubs that are prominent and form following: in sub-Saharan Africa, where an important feature of dryland different species provide fodder vegetation of Africa, being endowed FODDER AND BROWSE for livestock and wild herbivorous with necessary features that enable mammals, firewood and charcoal, them to adapt to the hot and dry Nomadic pastoralism and agro- construction and fencing materials, environments. In general, acacias of pastoralism constitute the tool handles, carvings, bee forage Africa are very distinctive and easily predominant production systems and other valuable non-wood recognized by their characteristic of land use, and the mainstay of products like gums, tannin, dyes, thorns, feather-like leaves and economy of the arid and semi- nectar for honey bees, traditional pods. Most trees have flattened or arid lands (ASALs) which occupy medicines and fibre for tying and umbrella-shaped crowns and are extensive areas of Africa. Herd

A magnificentAcacia tortilis, growing on a rocky soil

I 26 ISSUE 47 | JULY - SEPTEMBER 2020 SPECIES OF THE QUARTER diversification (cattle, sheep, milk) and industrial products Stacks of firewood on roadsides camels, goats and donkeys) ensures (skins, hides, bones etc.). Livestock are also familiar although much that both browsers and grazers are rearing is not only a source of food, of it is usually used in the rural present and that an extended dry but also a source of investment and areas, but also for some industries. spell or a single disease is less likely wealth building as well as means of Preferred acacias for fuelwood to wipe out an entire herd. transport in the drylands. They are include: White swollen-gland acacia essential in traditional ceremonies (Acacia bussei), A. drepanolobium, New herbs including grasses sprout and sacrifices. Even waste products A. nilotica, Falcon’s claw (A. immediately after the rains (often such as manure are exchanged with polyacantha), False umbrella inadequate and erratic) and are other commodities like cereals or thorn (A. reficiens), A. seyal, A. both nutritious and palatable. They sold to farmers who grow crops in tortilis and Yellow fever acacia (A. are, however, soon consumed by high potential areas. xanthophloea). sheep, cattle, and donkeys, which are primarily grazers, and later the CHARCOAL AND FIREWOOD GUMS animals must be fed entirely on leaves and shoots lopped mostly The majority of people in sub- Acacia senegal is the source from the acacia trees, or on picked Saharan Africa are still strongly of true gum arabic (hashab) or fallen pods from the same dependent on firewood and charcoal of international commerce; a trees. Camels and goats, which for their day-to-day domestic widespread tree species in tropical are browsers and quite hardy energy requirements; cooking Africa from Senegal in the west for the drylands, are sustained and warming their houses. There to Somalia in the North-east, and almost exclusively from foliage and is therefore unceasing pressure southward to Natal in South Africa. pods of acacia trees. The species to ensure a sustained supply of The gum exudes from the stem of acacias browsed depend on fuelwood. The same acacia trees and main branches but the flow is their occurrence in any particular preferred for firewood are also used generally stimulated by tearing off area but some popular browse for charcoal production, normally a thin strip of the bark (tapping). species are well-documented. those with hard dense wood with After about 2 weeks, it hardens on These include: Prickly thorn high proportion of heart wood. exposure to air in form of round or (Acacia brevispica), Whistling Charcoal is mainly produced in oval “tears” which are pale yellow to thorn (A. drepanolobium), Red earth kilns where a stack of logs and orange in colour. This is gum arabic, thorn tree (A. gerrardii), Black branches is tightly piled, covered traded since biblical times and still thorn (A. mellifera), Egyptian completely with soil with regulated fuels a multi-billion industry in the thorn (A. nilotica), Gum Arabic vents at the rear to control air drylands. Thousands of tons are tree (A. senegal), White thorn (A. supply for slow carbonizing process exported annually from African seyal) and Umbrella thorn (A. which could take several days. countries, particularly Sudan, the tortilis). A. tortilis in particular, Thousands of bags of charcoal on world leader in production, Nigeria, is a very important tree of the roadsides, ready for transport, are a Chad, Senegal, Niger, Burkina drylands; leaves, flowers and pods common site in the drylands. Much Faso, Mali, Cameroon, Mauritania, are excellent fodder. Pods are of this charcoal is largely destined Ghana, Ethiopia and Kenya to especially important as dry season for urban slum dwellers and Europe and the USA. fodder reserve, with reputation for restaurants. Charcoal from acacias fattening animals. is indeed a huge business, involving The use of gum arabic falls into different categories of stakeholders three main sub-sectors: food and Pastoralism is therefore an from poor tree cutters and charcoal beverage industry, pharmaceutical important area of economic producers, middlemen, transporters industry and technical areas production that utilizes acacia from donkey carts to huge trucks, such as printing, ceramics and browse resources by converting wholesalers and retailers, traders of textiles. It’s a natural emulsifier, into high quality food stuffs (meat, different categories to consumers. keeping together substances which


Sorting of gum, one of the few job opportunities in remote drylands Another important use of acacias: energy providers. In this case firewood normally would not mix well. generations in Africa and its rounded or elongated clusters, Pharmaceutical companies use it demand still remains strong. It is are valuable sources of nectar for to keep medicines from separating a well-established article for both bees and production of honey. An into their different ingredients and local and export trade with health excellent resource is the shrub A. as binding agent in tablets. It is benefits. Honey from the drylands mellifera which flowers profusely used in soft drinks and beers. It is is generally free of chemicals and over extensive areas attracting used to make lozenges, adhesives therefore fetches better prices in the many bees which produce excellent- and sweets. It makes printing ink world honey market. Locally, honey quality honey (specific epithet more cohesive and permanent. is sold along roadsides in drylands “mellifera” is Latin for “producing Acacia seyal is another important and in shops and supermarkets in honey”). Other important acacias commercial gum-producing species urban centres. Flowers of acacia for honey production include: whose gum (talha) has similar species, which are arranged in Flame thorn (A. ataxacantha), A. uses to that of A. senegal. Others include: A. polyacantha, A. paolii, A population of acacias in drylands Black-hooked acacia (A. laeta), A. drepanolobium, A. gourmaensis, A. macrostachya and A. tortilis. Acacia gums are very nutritious and are collected for domestic use as dietary supplements by many people all over Africa especially in times of food scarcity and when herding livestock or simply as sweets.


Natural honey has been produced by traditional communities for


Ships of the desert. Camels wading & browsing through acacias, their lifeline during the long dry season in ASAL

drepanolobium, A. senegal, A. seyal concentrations of tannin, useful example the bark of A. nubica and A. tortilis. for tanning and dyeing leather into is used to treat rheumatism and various shades of brown. backache. An made from The bark, pods and even leaves macerated roots of A. brevispica of several acacias including Various species of acacia are much is taken to expel intestinal worms. Acacia nilotica contains high used in traditional medicines. For A bark decoction of A. nilotica is used to treat various stomach The fruits of A. tortilis, a hot commodity because the high protein content. Much loved by goats problems including indigestion and painful joints. Fresh leaves of A. tortilis are chewed into paste and applied as a poultice on a boil to make it ripen. Gum from A. senegal or A. seyal readily dissolves in water to form mucilage used as soothing agent in various inflammatory conditions of the respiratory, digestive and urinary tract. It is also used to control diarrhoea and dysentery.

The writer is a Consultant Botanist Email: [email protected]

I ISSUE 47 | JULY - SEPTEMBER 2020 29 It’s all about confidence A choice of tried, tested and trusted preservative protection for timber.

Lonza Wood Protection Telephone: +27 (0)39 682 6019 t/a Arch Wood Protection (SA) (Pty) Ltd Fax: +27 (0)39 682 6022 16 Indus Road, Marburg, Port Shepstone, Email: [email protected] PO Box 54344, Marburg 4252, South Africa. Visit:

® - TANALITH and VACSOL are registered trademarks of Arch Timber Protection, a Lonza company. Use wood preservatives safely. Always read the label and product information before use. FORESTS AND ENERGY WORKING WITH TREES RATHER THAN AGAINST THEM INTEGRATING TREES ON THE FARM AS A SOURCE OF RENEWABLE ENERGY It’s all about confidence A choice of tried, tested and trusted preservative protection for timber.

TEXT AND PHOTOS BY ROGER SHARLAND has led to widespread destruction of trees and is cited as a cause Firewood is the commonest source of environmental degradation, Cutting back a hedge of fuel for most families in Eastern deforestation and soil erosion. on the REAP farm Africa. The demand for firewood (Rural Extension with This in turn has contributed to Africa’s Poor) has increased substantially in recent natural disasters such as flooding, years as more people live in urban landslides and siltation of lakes areas and is further exacerbated and reservoirs. So many have come Lonza Wood Protection Telephone: +27 (0)39 682 6019 by the demand for charcoal. This to see the use of fuelwood as an t/a Arch Wood Protection (SA) (Pty) Ltd Fax: +27 (0)39 682 6022 16 Indus Road, Marburg, Port Shepstone, Email: [email protected] PO Box 54344, Marburg 4252, South Africa. Visit: I ISSUE 47 | JULY - SEPTEMBER 2020 31

® - TANALITH and VACSOL are registered trademarks of Arch Timber Protection, a Lonza company. Use wood preservatives safely. Always read the label and product information before use. FORESTS AND ENERGY

many other roles on the farm and if encouraged in the right way can easily enable fuelwood sufficiency while improving agricultural sustainability. This requires a shift in thinking as to what is good agricultural practice and what is best for the sustainability of the farmland and the overall holistic benefit of the farm family. Firewood is a significant need within the family, and if available on the farm reduces the outgoings needed to purchase fuel as well as we will see as increasing productivity. Working with trees rather than against them on the farm is a clear renewable strategy.

TREES AND CROPS Stacking firewood behind the REAP kitchen In the natural environment, environmental crisis. However, If we take the view of balance trees are significant in protecting firewood is potentially a renewable between agriculture and nature, the soil and in the creation and and sustainable source of energy, and the inherent sustainability maintenance of fertile and healthy and our experience is that it is of natural habitats, we see that soils. When trees are cleared, the very compatible with agriculture, trees have a very significant place land has good productivity and especially on small-scale family in agricultural land. As well as farms where the family home is trees which are crops, trees have holds moisture well for a few years, surrounded by the family farm. In traditional agricultural systems, the farm was integrated with the Sesbania trees planted to revitalise exhausted soil natural environment and trees were categorised as to their effect on the agricultural environment. It was understood that some trees were not compatible with an agricultural environment, others were not much of a problem while others were beneficial and were treated according to their properties. With the introduction of agricultural teaching from temperate zones, and in some cases mechanisation, the ‘wisdom’ started spreading that agricultural land should be completely cleared of trees, and that clean exposed soil was good soil. This has led to an unsustainable form of agriculture which as a spin- off has led to a shortage of fuelwood even on farmland.


Cutting a Sesbania tree on the REAP farm to create space and Natural regeneration of Black Wattle (Acacia mearnsii) on small-holder farm around Eldoret. It just comes by itself and it is perfect sense to let it grow, and then just exploit it for firewood and poles. Photo BGF but this soon declines. This was so doing, a sustainable productive and medicinal properties. If planted understood by traditional farmers system can be achieved, and as an strategically on farmland, these who when land was plentiful added benefit, abundant fuelwood trees also create microclimates practiced shifting cultivation. When can be produced. suitable for niche crops. Like the land became unproductive, all crops, these trees need to be they left it to return to the natural There are several agricultural crops managed and controlled. bush, and cleared a new piece of grown from trees, especially fruit. land. This is no longer a viable These are important on many family Pruning helps improve the trees method of farming with increased farms, and their importance may themselves and keeps the trees from population pressure and shortage of be increasing with climate change. overgrowing and shading out crops. agricultural land. The ideas behind Other trees are being promoted The prunings are a good source of it however can be applied in settled for other edible sources, especially fuelwood, when managed properly. farming by learning to work with notable being Moringa (Moringa Hedges are significant on most trees rather than against them. In oleifera) for its nutritious leaves, farmland for demarcating land and

Loading firewood sold from the REAP (Rural Extension with Africa’s Poor) Mahogany trees planted at the REAP farm farm in Kajulu, Kisumu County

I ISSUE 47 | JULY - SEPTEMBER 2020 33 FORESTS AND ENERGY dividing fields. If well selected trees compatible with crops nearby as but also provide very good shade are planted in hedges, they can well as very productive. However, for sitting under near the home, protect crops from severe weather these are also exotic, and there are and branches can be pruned from events such as driving rain, wind a number of indigenous trees which mature trees to thin them out and and even drought, but also need to are underrated but good for timber, used as firewood. be maintained; by cutting back such such as Nile tulip (Markhamia trees, regular sources of fuelwood lutea), East African cordia (Cordia One particularly significant category can be maintained. Where land africana) and Croton spp. Timber of beneficial multipurpose trees is adequate, a fuelwood lot can be trees are often seen as men’s trees, is the legumes. Legumes have the planted; possibly in a part of the whereas it is the women who are property of fixing nitrogen through land not suitable for crops or a concerned about fuel. However, nodules on their roots. This is the corner. A fuelwood lot can generate all timber trees benefit from side same as with crops such as peas, considerable amounts of fuelwood pruning and the pruning of such beans and groundnuts. They thus for home use, and for selling like a trees can generate significant increase the fertility of the land. cash crop. fuelwood on the farm. This can be observed in indigenous species such as Acacias. The grass Many farmers have seen the benefit MULTIPURPOSE TREES can be seen to be healthier and of timber trees for generating more productive close to the tree money on the farm. Eucalyptus is Many trees have a number of because of the effect of the nitrogen widely grown in some areas, though different uses and benefits for fixed in the roots. We therefore it is not compatible with crops the family farm. One of these is particularly encourage the planting and draws a lot of water from the almost certainly the availability of of leguminous trees on farmland. ground with a tendency to dry up fuelwood. Trees that have multiple They benefit the land and when they streams. However, in recent years benefits are very beneficial to a have grown to a size where they are more farmers have been planting family farm as they make much becoming a nuisance they can be Grevillea (Grevillea robusta). better use of the land. Mangoes for cut out for abundant fuelwood, as This has the advantage of being example are an excellent fruit tree, well as poles and other needs on the farm. Grevillea (Grevillea robusta) is a very popular agroforestry species in Kenya. It is compatible with crops and produces good timber. It tolerates heavy pruning, which branches are used for firewood. Photo BGF There are three common leguminous trees that are easy to grow and work well for the purpose of improving the land and producing abundant fuelwood. These are Sesbania (Sesbania sesban), Leucaena spp. and Calliandra spp. All three are good at fixing nitrogen but have different properties. Sesbania is the only one indigenous to Africa but is normally a relatively short-lived tree. It is very useful for reclaiming exhausted land. It can be broadcast and after a couple of years harvested for fuel, and by that time the land will be greatly improved. All three can be used for fodder for livestock, but Calliandra is particularly nutritious while also adding to the soil and providing fuel. Leucaena is a

I 34 ISSUE 47 | JULY - SEPTEMBER 2020 FORESTS AND ENERGY harder wood than the other two, make them cook faster and use less and while improving the soil and EFFICIENT USE OF FIREWOOD fuel providing fodder is a good source • Covering food while it cooks saves of sustainable wood for poles and Whereas firewood is a sustainable fuel charcoal production. source of fuel when grown on • Fireless cooking in an insulated farmland, it is also a fuel that is basket continues the cooking WILDLINGS often wasted because of inefficient without using fuel use. Much more firewood is used • Put out the fire when you have In our experience wildlings are very in most homes than is necessary finished cooking and save the half- significant in working with trees because of inefficient usage. We burnt wood for another time. on the farm. Wildlings are those have developed a number of trees that germinate from seeds principles which help reduce the In conclusion, when trees are dispersed from mature trees and home firewood consumption. Here understood as an important which germinate where the seeds are some of them: component of the farm land. Whereas trees can be grown • Store your firewood so that it is environment, they can be in a nursery and planted out in an dry by the time you use it encouraged rather than destroyed. orderly manner, wildlings often • Use dry wood which will burn They are important for maintaining grow randomly over the land. If better and more efficiently healthy soil, and at the same time we see trees as a resource to work • Use more efficient stoves such as produce abundant renewable with, wildlings take on a different the Maendeleo Jiko energy, both for use at home as significance. Trees germinate and • Cut and split firewood for faster well as for selling. Fuelwood can as long as they are not a nuisance drying and so that they burn better be a significant source of cash, and can be left to grow where they are • Soaking dry food such as maize sustainable charcoal can also be until such time as they become a and beans reduces firewood needed produced from trees grown on the nuisance. They can then be cut out for cooking farm. and will have benefitted the land • Cutting solid foods like potatoes and produce abundant fuel for and meat into smaller pieces will The writer is the Director at Rural Extension with Africa’s Poor home use and surplus for selling. Email: [email protected] Maendeleo stove using only two pieces of firewood Best practice is to leave beneficial trees that germinate on their own, but to be comfortable to cut them as soon as they become a nuisance or impede other production. They result in an abundance of fuel but also greatly improved living soil.


Tree leaves are an important source of mulch for protecting farmland from the hot sun and heavy rains. Larger trees shed their leaves periodically and rather than burning them, they can be spread over the land for the benefit of the soil. When trees have been left on the farm and later cut for fuel, they can be left for a few days on the farmland so that the leaves mulch the soil for greater benefit before collecting the fuel.




biomass of 37t/ha utilizable for charcoal production (Choge, 2011).

Prosopis juliflora has spread and colonized the tropics of Latin America to Asia and Africa. In Kenya, Prosopis juliflora was introduced in the 1970’s- 1980’s to arrest desertification and address woodfuel shortages, but the species aggressively adapted itself and now covers another 500-1300ha/ year in drylands such as Turkana, Baringo, Garissa, Tana River and Taita Taveta Counties blocking roads, waterways, and displacing settlements, crop lands, woodlands, and pasture lands (Ng et al., 2017). This brought dissatisfaction to the local communities in the affected areas as the tree was associated with dangerous thorns that caused injuries to humans and their livestock. Efforts to manage the tree did not bear much fruit because the tree is thorny, impenetrable and requires sophisticated tools to cut. The local communities campaigned to the government to remove the species; little did they know the species could be a valuable resource.

AN INITIATIVE ON PROSOPIS CHARCOAL Improved Earth mound Kiln (IEK) outfitted with 6 breathers and 2 chimneys. Photo Recently the government of Kenya Mary Njenga/ICRAF has allowed communities to make BY GRACE KOECH, ERICK OTIENO WANJIRA, and heating (IEA, 2017). By 2013, charcoal using Prosopis. MOSES KIRIMI, IGNATIUS SIKO, PHOSISO This presented a win-win case SOLA, MIEKE BOURNE, JONATHAN MURIUKI Kenya used 2.5 million tonnes of AND MARY NJENGA charcoal and earned 1.6 billion for the community as they now USD annually, despite the deficit have an incentive to promote the INTRODUCTION in supply of 55% (MEWNR, management of the species. The 2013). This growing demand for World Agroforestry (ICRAF) in About a third of the world’s charcoal following urbanization partnership with the Adventist population relies on solid biomass and population increase and the Development and Relief Agency for cooking and heating using need to find sustainable solutions International (ADRA), the Food traditional stoves. Of those users, for supply, are good reasons to and Agriculture Organization of the 50% are in developing countries utilize the invasive mathenge tree United Nations (FAO) and Baringo especially Sub-Saharan Africa where (Prosopis juliflora) which covers County are implementing a project 90% of households rely on woodfuel 2% of the land in Kenya with a aimed at generating knowledge, (charcoal and firewood) for cooking


Figure 1. The evolution of an invasion (source Mbaabu et al., 2019).

(A) Overview map of Marigat subregion, Baringo County, Kenya;

(B-F) Land Use maps from 1988 to 2016. The red-brown colour shows the areas where Prosopis juliflora dominates the vegetation. Prosopis advanced on average by 640ha/year


Stacking wood tightly to reduce air spaces and enhance heath transfer. Photo Mary Njenga/ICRAF

Table 1. Commodities and services provided by mathenge (Prosopis juliflora) policy options and facilitating engagement for more Benefits of Prosopis as Women Men ranked by women and men sustainable woodfuel value Rank Rank chains in Kenya. Extra support 1 1 was provided by the CGIAR Charcoal 2 4 programme on Water, Land & Firewood 3 2 Ecosystems (WLE)-sustaining Fencing Shade 4 6 rural-urban linkages. Posts 5 3 Roofing 6 8 Analysis from the project Soil erosion control 7 5 has showed that the species Furniture making 8 10 has potential to provide Improvement of soil fertility 9 9 communities with 14 different Medicinal value (roots) 10 13 products and services with Animal feeds 11 11 charcoal ranking highest and Windbreak 12 7 food for humans the lowest Wound soothing 13 14 14 12 (Njenga et al. 2019: Table 1). Food for human beings


In terms of contribution to livelihoods, both men and women rank charcoal among the top three livelihood sources after farming and livestock keeping (Table 1). Pods, another product from Prosopis can be sold as feed for livestock at KES 100 (USD1) per 50kg bag.

Table 2: Annual livelihood calendar for communities in Marigat in Baringo county

Activity Months Rank of product Jan Feb Mar April May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec (1) Charcoal production xx xx x xxx xx x x xxx xx x xx xxx (2) Bee keeping x x xx xxx xx x xx xxx x xx xx xxx (3) Livestock keeping xx x x xxx xx x x xxx xx x x xxx (4) Farming x x xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xx xx xx x

xxx- high, xx-medium, x-low

High charcoal production in content, proper stacking of wood to Similar results were obtained in April, August and December is reduce air spaces and enhance heat Democratic Republic of Congo attributed to availability of labour transfer and monitoring kilns to where charcoal yield from IEK as schools are closed and the youth enhance charcoal yield. between trained and non-trained are at home. This is fueled by high charcoal producers tripled for the demand for money for school fees During trainings of the community, former group (Schure et al., 2019)1. and favorable weather conditions; Improved Earth Mound Kilns active Prosopis management can be (IEK) were demonstrated. Other If thinned and pruned stems are achieved during those months. improvements of Traditional Earth below 5cm in diameter they are Mound Kiln (TEK) included fixing better carbonized using a drum kiln, Sustainable charcoal production 6 breathers and 2 chimneys at a a kiln type which was introduced includes consideration of the entire cost of KSH5500 (USD50.5) which during the training. The resultant charcoal value chain. From the each producer was supported with charcoal is then used as fuel or production to the end of the value by the project. After the training, added into the soil as biochar or chain, it includes wood sourcing, charcoal yield from the IEK was processed into charcoal briquettes. drying wood well to reduce moisture 50% higher than from the TEK.

Demonstration on thinning & pruning of Prosopis at KEFRI Baringo. Photo Mary Njenga/ICRAF CHALLENGES THAT STILL NEED TO BE ADDRESSED

Despite the high promising potential of Prosopis for charcoal as a management tool, the

Note from the Editor: Many kiln types have been proposed and tried, both of the mobile and fixed kind. Despite those efforts, the traditional earth mound, although less efficient, is still the most widely used, by far. This is because it is convenient (no extra materials except soil, grass and the biomass), cheap and, well, traditional, meaning the skills are wide-spread. And it can be constructed fast and anywhere.

The Improved Earth mound Kiln (see text box next page), stands a fair chance of adoption, because it greatly resembles the traditional type, and because the extra inputs are few, simple, cheap, sturdy, and easy to find.

I 40 ISSUE 47 | JULY - SEPTEMBER 2020 FORESTS AND ENERGY communities still face a wide range the government, research and livelihood activities and enhance of challenges such as, development organizations, environmental health. community-based organizations, 1) perception of Prosopis charcoal and local communities by: TAKE HOME MESSAGE as of low quality compared to indigenous species such as Acacia, 1) strengthening CPAs so that they Management and utilization of the can manage leasing and sharing almost 19,000 hectares of Prosopis 2) fluctuation of charcoal prices, of equipment for harvesting and juliflora in Baringo for sustainable processing Prosopis, charcoal production presents 3) long and complex permit system potential for improving livelihoods for charcoal production and trade, 2) promoting formation of Village and the environment. It presents and Saving and Association an opportunity for supplying (VSLAs) and links to other the growing urban centers with 4) it is hard to cut the tree with rural finance options to enable affordable cooking fuel, a strategy machetes (pangas) and axes, producers to buy the equipment for that can be scaled out to the other limiting the area charcoal producers harvesting and processing the tree, affected counties. can be able to harvest the wood. 3) promoting charcoal production Also, there is need for complete The challenges could be addressed using IEK to increase yield and removal of mathenge in some through collaborative actions of earn more income to support other pockets to create room for enrichment with native high- value multipurpose tree species to enhance biodiversity.

The writers are (i) Assistant Scientist Biodiversity and Tree-based value chain development, (ii) Research Assistant in Agroforestry, (iii) MSc Student in climate change Mitigation and Adaptation, (iv) Research Fellow, (v) Scientist Natural Resources Governance and Bioenergy, (vi) SHARED Facilitator, (vii) Associate Scientist on Agroforestry, (viii) Bioenergy Research Scientist at the World Agroforestry (ICRAF) Corresponding Email: [email protected]

Drawing by Fucha Media

NOTES ABOUT THE IMPROVED EARTH MOUND KILN (IEK) The improvement consists of the use of chimneys and inlets, in the form of Galvanized Iron (GI) pipes. The kiln shown on the design is small, 2x3m and 60cm high. This covers about 750kg of dry wood. Bigger kilns are possible. For this size, there are 2 chimneys and 6 air inlets. The kiln is covered by a layer of grass (7cm thick) and soil (15cm thick), total cover thickness 22cm. Chimneys Diameter 10cm, total length 2m of which 185cm sticking out of the kiln, and 15cm inside, penetrating the soil layer and sitting on the grass layer, and should not touch the wood to avoid burning. Air inlets Two times 3 GI pipes of diameter 8cm and length 60cm of which 45cm sticking out of the kiln and 15cm inside penetrating trough the soil layer and touching the grass layer. The inlets should not touch the wood to avoid burning. Firing of the kiln is done at the opposite (windward side, that’s the direction the wind is coming from) of the chimney side, on the upper part.

Developed by KEFRI (Nelly Oduor et al., 2006)



BY JAMES OCAKA children. The slogan behind the environmental justice in Acholi. ordinance is “Our environment, The ordinance has 46 sections Gulu district in northern Uganda is our life, our wealth, our heritage”. arranged in 11 parts with 4 faced with a serious deforestation We must therefore guard it, survive schedules. problem, caused by unsustainable in it, and preserve it for our future charcoal production to meet the generations. n Part 1 is the preliminary section energy demands of the urban with the following content: short population. To address this The vision of this ordinance is title, commencement, application, problem, the district developed to achieve a bottom-up control interpretation, object and purpose an ordinance known as the “Gulu of environmentally sustainable of the ordinance. district sustainable charcoal charcoal production by local production, transportation and households and small businesses, n Part 2 has prohibited activities in marketing ordinance, 2019”. and innovative marketing. All charcoal production. The ordinance The background to the ordinance is these must complement and prohibits the following activities: that “This country is ours! We must support community and private cutting of certain plant species for live here!“ Living here means we sector organizations to ensure charcoal production; production must keep it well, as it was kept for energy security in a manner that of charcoal using unsustainable us. Our children must find it safe, increases rural household incomes and destructive methods, and and leave it safe for their children and enhances local government unlicensed production of charcoal. too. Charcoal is a key commodity revenues through concerted we use to feed ourselves and our environmental politics to realize n Part 3 entails the establishment of

I 42 ISSUE 47 | JULY - SEPTEMBER 2020 FORESTS AND ENERGY a local environment committee, its general penalty and effect of the program, with about 250,000 composition, functions and powers. conviction. seedlings planted. The same company is training tree owners n Part 4 explains the establishment n Part 10 emphasizes enforcement, in modern methods of charcoal of charcoal producers associations, composition of enforcement team, production using the Casamance their role and functions, charcoal powers of the team and powers to kiln (commonly used because it’s farming and community make subsidiary legislation. cheaper (500,000 USh) but with participation. low recovery (25%)) and the Sam I n Finally, part 11 has miscellaneous retort (more expensive (5,000,000 n Part 5 contains the licensing items such as compensation for loss Ush) though with better recovery procedure: establishment of or damage. (30%)). It also manufactures licensing committees, revocation, these kilns in partnership with suspension or cancellation of The district has realized the Consultant holding the license, prohibition relating to considerable success in regulating Patent. These technologies are licenses, requirement to provide and controlling the charcoal implemented through farmer production and sales data. industry. For example, the number groups starting in Paibona sub- of unsustainable industrial charcoal county, Gulu District. n Part 6 has reforestation and producers has reduced drastically, conservation plans, protection of the local community has embraced Despite the above and the endangered or threatened plant tree farming for fuelwood, charcoal, existence of an ordinance, the species and tree felling (stumpage) poles and timber, and investors district still grapples with a fees. establishing tree plantations for number of challenges including charcoal production have started putting a stop to unsustainable n Part 7 relates to charcoal farming: their operations in the district. commercial charcoal production; requirements and licensing One example is Kijani Forestry incentivizing local household and of charcoal farms, revocation, Company. It has established small business charcoal production; suspension, cancellation of license, nurseries in the community which improving rural household prohibition relating to licenses and are managed by the community incomes and livelihoods; ensuring requirements to provide data. groups (8 groups so far). Seed is environmentally-sustainable locally collected and the only thing charcoal production; increasing n Part 8 concerns charcoal the company provides are potting local government tax revenues transportation: charcoal movement bags and technical advice. Some of from trees and charcoal; adopting permit, trade in charcoal, record the species raised: Acacia senegal, alternative and affordable energy keeping and inter-district trade Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Gmelina sources like biogas and solar, and relations. arborea, Terminalia brownii (Red ensuring regular fuel wood and pod terminalia) and Combretum charcoal supply for national energy n Part 9 has offences and penalties molle (Soft-leaved combretum). So security. under inspection, presumption, far 10 villages have benefited from Charcoal production out of the valuable Shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa), prohibited under the Charcoal Ordinance. Photo Philip Kihumura/ICRAF


Some of the lessons learnt are; we Casamance kiln and Sam I retort (k) Brand ‘Environmentally should not blame household or kiln; Sustainable Charcoal’; and small-scale charcoal producers for (e) Introduce local licensing. This (l) Leverage the comparative the problems caused by industrial will be done through associations advantage of the Acholi Region unsustainable charcoal production. like the Gulu Charcoal Dealers in biomass production into Problems arise from top-down Association, of which each member competitive advantage in wood fuel control of charcoal production, pays a monthly fee, the current one and charcoal production. transportation and marketing, lack being 36,000 USh and a stumpage of accountability at all levels, lack of tax. The fee will depend on the Some of the suggested solutions to community organization to protect size of the tree, though currently the challenges are: common resources and uninformed communities charge per acre e.g. n to inform the leadership of leadership. Ush 1,000,000. the true nature and scale of the (f) Introduce incentives for problem; This ordinance is anticipated to indigenous producers; n to end the current unsustainable have the following outcome: (g) Enhance local government industrial charcoal production (a) Enhance local custodianship and revenue through the movement through concerted political action stewardship of tree cover; permit. The tax per bag is by local governments, cultural (b) Ban current environmentally Ush10,000 as a district collection, leaders, religious leaders, opinion unsustainable industrial charcoal paid to the district general fund leaders, civil society and donors; production practices; account. n to expand, regulate and improve (c) Prohibit felling of certain tree (h) Transform charcoal packaging the household and small business species for charcoal production, from sacks and other means of modes of charcoal production so such as the Shea nut tree (Vitellaria measurement to kilogram bagging; that more revenue is retained by paradoxa) and Afzelia Africana (i) Ban energy-wasting cooking communities. (African mahogany); methods; (d) Introduce improved charcoal (j) Introduce ‘Charcoal Farming’ for IN CONCLUSION production technologies: environmental sustainability; Most people that burn charcoal New Casamance kiln Units in Gulu District. Photo James Ocaka come from outside the District like from Kampala. The ideal is that the community only sells trees if the charcoal dealers association is trained in efficient charcoal production, that they are able to burn the charcoal by themselves and make more money. If the charcoal industry is formalised, the district will be aware of what is taking place and be able to advise the community on which trees to cut. In the case of clear- felling, they can advise on how to replant to ensure environmental sustainability; to improve rural household incomes and enhance tax revenue to local governments; and to engender environmental politics that ensure environmental justice.

The writer is the District Forestry Officer, Gulu District Email: [email protected]


Detail of the food being cooked (beans and maize, to make githeri, a Kenyan delicacy) in Kwa Wanzilu Secundary SCHOOL CHILDREN ALSO NEED TO EAT RURAL SCHOOLS PUT AN ADDITIONAL BURDEN ON THE ENVIRONMENT


Over 2.5 billion people in the world depend on burning biomass for fuel. Smoke from stoves and fires in homes has been associated with over 1.6 million deaths per year of women and children (World Vision, 2013). In Kenya, wood fuel is the main source of energy at household level in rural areas. Currently, schools in these areas also depend on firewood as the main source of energy for cooking. This is because it is affordable and readily available as compared to other sources of energy. The wood is mostly obtained from nearby communities whose resource base is rapidly dwindling due to overuse.

School budgets are strained because of several factors, one of them being over-reliance on firewood. Therefore, it has become crucial for schools to establish their own woodlots. The firewood consumption depends on the type of cooking stove and the calorific content of the wood, among others.


Adoption of energy-conservation strategies especially the use of energy-saving stoves, helps School Kwa Wanzilu Secondary Masaku Secondary in conservation of wood fuel, reduces energy costs and type Boarding school Day school minimizes in-door pollution 3 consequently controlling Meals per day 1 respiratory diseases. population 554 100 A visit was conducted in two schools in Masinga Sub-county Wood consumption (T/y) 100 18.5 (Machakos County) where the School’s Green Initiative Cost/y (Ksh) 200,000 37,000 Challenge (GIC) project is being implemented. The main objective Stove type Energy-saving (boiler) Improved traditional * was to establish the volume of fuel Stove cost (Ksh) 180,000 6,000 wood used per day, the source of wood and the type of cooking * Note: this is a modified traditional stove, if it was the traditional three stove used. The price of fuel wood stones stove, it would consume even more firewood. It has a fired-clay is considered the same, at 0.5Ksh/ liner that provides thermal insulation to minimize heat loss so the stove kg. The results are presented in stays hot for a longer time. the table below: Improved traditional cooking stove at Masaku Secundary


To put this into perspective, the following calculations and assumptions are made: - one tonne of wood equals about 1.25 m3 (medium dense wood, not dried at 800kg/m3) - one young acacia of about 20 years old: 1.5m3 of wood, branches included - one tonne of wood is then 1.5/1.25 = 1.2 trees - the wood consumption of Masaku Sec School is then 1.2x18.5 = 22 trees per year - the wood consumption of Kwa Wanzilu Sec School is then 1.2x 100 = 120 trees per year

It is obvious that the Acacia/ Commiphora woodlands in ASAL, at standing volume of 25-70m3/ha and a growth rate of barely 0.5- 2m3/year or some 20-50 mature acacia trees per ha, cannot cope Modern stoves at Kwa Wanzilu Secundary with the simultaneous exploitation for charcoal (to export to major The fuel consumption per day in In financial terms (at 0.5Ksh per cities), firewood for households, the two schools depend on the kg of firewood) and for schools; even in theoretical following: Kwa Wanzilu: 0.21*0.5 = 0.1 Ksh/ circumstances where regeneration meal/student and regrowth through coppicing a) The number of meals prepared Masaku: 0.90*0.5 = 0.45 Ksh/ can take place. Real conditions per day, meal/student include heavy browsing by goats, a b) The days per year spent in the major factor in destroying both new school (41 weeks, of which 7 days The initial installation cost for seedlings and sprouting from tree per week boarding, and 5 days per an energy saving stove is high stumps. week non-boarding), (Ksh 150,000-300,000) though c) The number of students per this depends on the size and the Therefore, there is need for schools school, distance from the supplier. to establish own woodlots and d) The type of stove used. explore use of energy saving stoves. The fuel wood is purchased by The tree growing activities help Comparison between the 2 the schools from the nearby the students/pupils to understand schools (for 41 weeks of school community. The fuel type is mainly the need to protect and conserve time per year) from assorted tree species such our environment. This also instils In consumption of firewood/ as Terminalia brownii (Red pod positive attitudes, knowledge student/day (in kg) terminalia, muuku) and different and behaviour to care for the For Kwa Wanzilu School: acacia species which have high environment, not only in school but 100,000kg/554/3/(7*41)=0.21kg calorific value. It was also noted that also at their homes. For Masaku School: 18,500kg/100/ some parents bring firewood to off- (5*41)= 0.90kg set school fees balances. The writers are a Monitoring & Evaluation Hence, the consumption of Masaku Over-dependence on indigenous Officer at the GIC programme and the Sec School is 0.90/0.21 = 4.3 times tree species to meet energy Executive Director of Forestry, both at Better Globe Forestry higher with its modified traditional needs is exerting pressure on the Corresponding email: daniel.ndolo@ stove. surrounding ecosystems resulting to reduced tree cover.



Based in Nanyuki, Laikipia county, Since then, it has mobilized over gather the nuts from their farms, in is a company that pulled off the trick 6000 farmers that have been turn the agents aggregate the nuts of simultaneously making money, supplying the main go-downs in and deliver them to the warehouse eradicating poverty by improving Nanyuki and a recently opened one in Nanyuki or Nakuru. The community livelihoods, and helping in Nakuru. Nut collection takes company buys a kilo of nuts for Ksh. to conserve the environment. This place over a 300 kilometer radius 5 from collectors / farmers while the is all done by utilizing trees in a covering over 17 counties viz Meru, agents are paid Ksh. 10 per kilo at sustainable way, as the trees are not Kirinyaga, Nyandarua, Laikipia, delivery. chopped down, but to be harvested Makueni, Machakos, Kiambu, yearly for their fruits. Eco Fuels Nairobi, Bomet, Samburu, Baringo, CROTON MEGALOCARPUS Kenya (EFK) makes biofuel, animal Kajiado, Narok, Nyeri, Muranga, (MUKINDURI) feed and various fertilizers from the Nakuru and Kericho. The company nut of the Croton megalocarpus directly employs 30 people. Croton megalocarpus, or simply tree, locally known as Mukinduri. Annually, the company collects croton, is a widely distributed The company began its operations 2000-3000 tonnes of croton nuts tree species in Kenya thriving at in 2012 with a mission of creating that are processed into various altitudes of 1200-2450 m and mean value out of croton trees and a products. Collection takes place annual rainfall 800-1900 mm. It vision to become the world’s first on the ground through collectors/ can grow up to 35 meters and has croton agro-value chain business. farmers who are paid by agents to a rather flat crown with layering

Seeds of Croton megalocarpus Empty husks of Croton megalocarpus


The pyrolysis equipment, in operation branches. A young tree has broader seed and 70% husk, cold pressing production. leaves that are silvery at the bottom seeds produces 30% oil and 70% and dull green at the top which seedcake. Meaning that one tonne ORGANIC COMPOSTS grow smaller as the tree ages. Its of fruits contains 300kg of seeds bark is grey and in good conditions and 700kg of husk, and from those EFK is a zero-waste manufacturing will have a straight bole up to 10 or seeds, one can extract 90ltr of oil, company hence we turn our waste 20 meters. leaving 210kg of seedcake. into other products that are on sale in the market. Unripe fruits are green but turn Annually, EFK has the capacity to After extracting the seeds using a grey when mature, each containing produce 900,000 ltr of croton oil. dehulling machine, tonnes of husks 3 grey-brown seeds that are shaped By using a screw press (oil expeller), remain as waste but this is turned like a tick. The tree begins to fruit croton seeds are pressed into oil to compost and fertilizers. Their between 3-5 years depending on that can be used straight as fuel machine has a capacity of dehulling climatic conditions. A mature tree in heavy engines and is miscible 10 tonnes of husks per day. will yield up to 70 kg of nuts per with normal diesel. EFK does not To make the compost, the husks are year in ideal conditions. Mukinduri do transesterification, a process decomposed for 6 weeks occasionally is used by various communities for used for making bio-diesel. The oil adding fresh water when required; medicinal purposes, for timber and goes through a filter press, to get and when ready, it is ground into as a live hedge. filtered oil and sludge. In addition, a finer product. EFK’s eco planting the oil is used for tanning leather, compost sells at Ksh 1750 per 50 kg Nut processing for biofuel paint manufacturing and soap bag. Four to six bags can be applied In processing, the nut contains 30% The table below shows the content of Eco-planting mix (Specialized compost for planting) and Eco-Top dress (Specialized compost for top dressing)

Nutrient Eco-planting mix Eco-top dress Composition (%) Composition (%) Nitrogen (N) >1.85 >2 The difference between the 2 types of Phosphorus (P) >0.4 >0.3 compost is in terms of Potassium (K) >1.5 >1.5 n Texture Calcium (Ca) >3.8 >1.7 n Calcium composition Carbon >40 >40 n Repellant effect of the Top dress pH 5.5-8.5 5.5-8.5 Moisture 15-25 15-25 C/N ratio <20:1 <20:1 O.M >70 >70 I.M. <3 <3


Croton vinegar and bio-fertilizers Further, the husks are carbonized in a kiln to produce biochar, through a process called pyrolysis, where biochar is one product and the vapours generated during the process are condensed into a liquid called “croton vinegar”. The latter is condensed into separate containers. A kiln can take up to 380 kgs of husks to produce 90-120 kgs of bio-char. In two days, a single kiln produces 20-22 liters of vinegar. The biochar produced usually has inactive ingredients, but when soaked in compost tea, the resultant product is a highly potent soil conditioner. “Compost tea” refers to the watery solution in which the Wood vinegar, packed in different sizes husks have been soaking during the with farmers, EFK has established reduce the impacts of global composting process. The biochar is various demo plots where the warming and climate change. Since sold at 40 Ksh/kg, and the chemical benefits of applying its compost 2016, the company has planted composition is as follows: are shown, on crops like potatoes, 150,000 croton trees with various institutions, community-based maize, cabbages, French beans, organizations and farmers. Their Table 2: Chemical composition of the onions etc. biochar produced & sold by EFK target is to plant 300,000 trees by 2022, all outsourced from farmers Nutrient Composition (%) Another by-product of this at Ksh 15 per seedling. carbonization process is tar, that Nitrogen (N) 1.98 can be used as a wood preservative. The list of benefits of the croton Phosphorus (P) 0.6 tree is big. A visit to EFK by Miti Potassium (K) 6.5 THE SEED MEAL team was an eye-opener, seeing Calcium (Ca) 1.86 tonnes of nuts packed, waiting to be Magnesium (Mg) 0.6 After the oil press, the seed cake processed, and tens of workers busy pH 8.5-10.5 is ground using a milling machine in different operations. It was a C/N ratio 20:1 into a relatively coarse powder that glimpse of what one tree species can O.M >70 is sold as a protein supplement do when its usefulness is harnessed by a sustainability-minded team. I.M <3 (chicken feed) at Ksh. 22 per Kg. Surely, there are other useful trees, The feed is sold to smallholders Croton vinegar has insect repellent but the fact that this is a relative and companies that make chicken properties to it repels harmful abundant species, and easy to feed. The seed meal is a safe source soil-based dudus like aphids and multiply in nursery and establish of protein (32%) ideal for proper thrips. Croton vinegar is also used in the field, makes it quite valuable. poultry development, improved The potential of this particular as a foliar spray that promotes shoot egg production for layers and faster species is one more reason to development and when drenched, weight gain for broilers. promote research & investment that promotes root development. A liter is geared towards conservation and of croton vinegar sells Ksh 500, and CONCLUSION livelihood transformation. a 20 liter jerry-can at Ksh 10,000. Market for these specialized EFK encourages preservation, The writers are Editor of Miti magazine and composts & biochar comes from sustainable utilization and the Editor-in-Chief of Miti who is also the small-holder farmers and flower Executive Director of Forestry at Better Globe increased planting of croton trees in Forestry farms in Naivasha, Kajiado and the order to contribute to the 10% forest Corresponding email: mcrae@betterglobeforestry. Mt. Kenya region. In cooperation cover in Kenya and consequently com



BY CALLIST TINDIMUGAYA surface run-off with increased parts of Kampala, Wakiso, erosion, siltation and reduced and Rakai. The water levels of Lake Victoria storage capacity of water bodies. have been steadily rising since The onset of rains from March to The high-water level has resulted October 2019 and continue to May is expected to magnify the in the rise in head water levels rise due to the increase in inflows situation as most water bodies are at the Nalubaale and Kira power by rivers, and heavy rains in saturated by now. station, threatening the safety of and around the lake. On top of the 60-year-old Nalubaale/Kiira that, urbanization has created The rising water levels have already dam. Floods interrupt essential impermeable surfaces like roads, had negative impacts on people and services like water supply, power, roofs and pavements. These human various activities. Specifically, the farming, sanitation, health, induced factors have reduced water rise in water levels has had serious education, and livelihoods with interception and infiltration into the effects on development around possible long-term effects. The soil. Environmental degradation has the lake and River Nile with many rising water and resultant waves further caused alteration in land use hotels, beaches and individual are dislodging huge chunks of patterns, resulting in accelerated houses flooded. There is flooding in encroached swamps, forming

Ggaba beach house submerged. Photo BGF


Figure 1: Trend of Lake Victoria water level. In a span of about 4 months, a rise of 80cm, that’s quite something.

floating islands. An example of this islands have been reported. From of environmental degradation, is the floating island of papyrus the water resources point of view, population increase (6 times the mats which docked at the Owen increase in water level and floods population of 1964), encroachment Falls Dam Complex on 14th April are not totally without benefits. on wetlands, lakeshores, 2020, choking inlet screens and Flooding for example is good for riverbanks and floodplains with affecting the cooling system of increased storage, ground-water establishments, settlement and the power generating units and recharge, fish spawning, restoring farms, the cost is higher than the resulting in a national power floodplain ecosystem and providing benefits. blackout. This island has since been fertile soils for productive farming. removed but many similar floating However, with the current situation As of 12th May 2020, the Lake water

Increased outflow of water from Lake Victoria at 2400m3 per second. Photo Callist Tindimugaya


Landing of construction material (sand) almost being submerged. Photo BGF

level had risen to 13.42 meters stopped as there is inundation as well as the safety of Nalubaale/ which is higher than the highest and submergence of jetties and Kiira dam and including authorizing recorded in 1964, where the level landing sites. Other impacts are increased water releases. was 13.41 meters. felt in tourism, fish landing sites, water level monitoring stations n A real-time data sharing To address the problem of and settlements. The Kyiko bridge arrangement among all the increasing water levels, water construction, downstream of Isimba Hydropower operators indicating releases at Jinja had to be increased Hydropower Dam has come to a discharges per hour has been progressively since 10th March from halt. established through Google Drive 1,300 cubic meters per second to to authorized personnel to improve 2,400 as of today. ACTION TAKEN coordination and communication among the dam cascades (Eskom, As releases increase, the Ministry n Increase of outflows with the Bujagali and Isimba). of Water and Environment (MWE) intention of lowering the lake water is working closely with Eskom level (Eskom Uganda, Bujagali n The floating islands at the Owen Uganda Ltd and other hydropower Energy Limited and Isimba Falls Dam Complex have been dam operators on the River Nile to Hydropower dam). Despite action removed. Additional ones that monitor the impacts of the releases taken, there has been low and appear are also taken care off, downstream. The increase in release insignificant lake level reduction before they can affect the dam at to 2,000 cubic meters per second due to increased rainfall in the Jinja. as of 24th April 2020, was already basin. leading to a rise in water levels of CONCLUSION all receiving lakes downstream n The dam operators (Nalubale/ (Kyoga and Albert) causing negative Kiira, Bujagali and Isimba) The Lake Victoria water level impacts. The rains from mid-April routinely communicate to the continues to rise despite increased to end of May are expected to be downstream users/community releases due to higher inflows and between normal and above-normal, (ferry operators, fisher men, hotels, heavy rains around the Lake basin. and will make the situation worse. etc) about the releases. An alarm Evacuation of people from high is installed and acts as an early risk areas will also be considered if Downstream impacts are felt on warning system to downstream measures already taken prove to not transport systems, where six ferry water users to get prepared. be enough to control the situation. crossings operated by Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) n The MWE continues to monitor The writer is the Commissioner, Water have been affected. In addition, the change in the water levels and Resources Planning and Regulation at Ministry ferry movements along River of Water and Environment take action to protect the people Email: [email protected] Nile and Lake Kyoga have been and developments around the lake,



To eradicate poverty and corruption in Africa


By “Social Entrepreneurship” plant as many trees as there are people on this planet, and thereby finance a sustainable implementation of the Vision.


Better Globe Forestry Ltd Better Globe Forestry Ltd

No. 4, Tabere Crescent, Kileleshwa Kansanga Mitala Road Since the beginning of 2009 BGF In partnership with the KenGen publishes “Miti” magazine, on a P.O. Box 823 – 00606 P.O. Box 22232, Foundation and Bamburi Cement Ltd, quarterly basis, as a service to the Nairobi, Kenya Kampala Uganda BGF executes a school supporting environmental fraternity. This is now programme called the Green Initiative 10 years back, and the magazine Challenge in the Seven Forks area, that keeps consistently appearing, with is reaching out to hundreds of thousands ever better articles and photos. of school children, to teach them how Apart from a few exceptions, all The plantations of BGF can be distinguished into two categories: photos are from East Africa. The to plant trees in their schools. This (i) traditional plantations on a large scale, on leased land, and articles are written by voluntary picture shows the children of Wikithuki (ii) trees planted by farmers on their land, in an agro-forestry collaborators from Kenya, Uganda lay-out, meaning widely spaced and intercropped with food Primary School in Kitui county, that were and Tanzania, who are specialists crops. This photo shows training of pruning techniques by BGF’s awarded the first place in the Challenge in their field. The magazine is a extension agents, called Agro-forestry Agents (AAs), and a in 2019, for planting a beautiful woodlot unique depository of forestry know- farmer group. in a quite harsh environment how, and internationally used as a reliable reference in various articles and books related to East African forestry. It is only available on subscription basis.


BGF’s AAs team is a strongly trained task force, very mobile and rural based, constantly in touch with farmers in their operating area, which is in Seven Forks alongside Tana River in Machakos, Embu and Kitui counties.

In Nyongoro, all pitting is done by BGF has a substantial operation in mechanical drills, northern Uganda, Dokolo district, mounted on tractors. with thousands of farmers planting giant lira (Melia azedarach) in their fields. This picture shows the nursery, with a yearly production capacity of two million seedlings.

The industrial plantations are located at the Kenyan coast, in Lamu county, and in the Seven Forks area, up-country. BGF provides micro-credit to At the coast, the plantation is in Nyongoro ranch, with farmers, as part of its Corporate operations that are strongly mechanized. This photo shows Social Responsibility Programme. Rino Solberg, Chairman of Better Globe Forestry, in a Through its partner K-Rep Fedha stand being cleaned with a brush cutter. Services Ltd, it has several Financial Services Associations, commonly called Village Banks, in the Kenyan country side. In Dokolo district, Uganda, BGF supports the farmers organisation YICAFA, through a Revolving Fund that is yearly reviewed.

BGF practices year-round planting in Nyongoro, including during the dry season, for which the seedlings have to be watered. This is also mechanised, with sprayers mounted on a bowser as can be seen on this photo.

View of stand of mukau trees (Melia volkensii) in Kiambere plantation, in the Seven Forks area.

Seedlings are being transported to farmers in hundreds of crates, a complex logistical I operation, that has to be 55 ISSUEtimely 47 and| JULY executed - SEPTEMBER in 2020 a prudent manner, so as not to damage the plants (Dokolo nursery). Do you want your child to love and care about trees? Get your child a copy of Osisi the Mighty Tree storybook packed with lots of activities that will inspire a child to observe and love trees. The storybook comes with a complimentary MitiKids T-shirt, 10 tree seeds and 10 poly pots from The Bingwa Things Store. We encourage children to nurture their own trees from seed to a tree as big as Osisi.

ABOUT MITIKIDS ABOUT THE BOOK NATURE SERIES Osisi the Mighty Tree is the flagship edition of the Miti Kids Nature Series. It is a We do whatever it takes to save the powerful book with inspiring stories for the environment using children as change African child. agents. We have written a dozen well-illustrated storybooks to engage In the storybook, Osisi tells children about young children in climate change his kindness to Earth and all the good awareness by communicating in a fun reasons to love and plant trees. The book and understandable way the causes, further informs children of the terrible impacts and measures we can all take consequences of living in a world without to adapt to its effects. trees. It enfolds children with love for caring for the earth and entrusts them with the task We believe that educating children of protecting it. on climate change awareness from a young age is necessary in order CURRICULUM COMPONENTS to empower knowledgeable and The Importance of tress, Tree Care, Nature conscientious adults. Awareness, Nature Appreciation

10 seeds + 10 Poly Pots