Origin of Universe according to Ancient Science ‘False Vacuum’ is a term created by physicists to describe the condition of the Universe as having no space, time or matter. In such a state this universe contained more energy than a universe full of matter. Kabbalistic theory is consistent with this 1st premise also because the concept of ‘Tzimzum’ states that all things that came into existence did so as a result of the contraction of all that “IS” into a finite point in order to allow the existence of matter to take place within the void of light. See ’s book Etz Hayyim () for a further explanation of Tzimtzum. It is the second phase of three transitional states. The Tikkun represents the Unification of the separate forces and the gathering of the broken vessels. Luria grappled with these ideas over 400 years ago, but it is only recently that scientists have actually found proof that there really was a ‘shattering of light’. Adam McLean explains the significance of Isaac Luria’s doctrine for modern Physics today in, Kabbalistic Cosmology and its parallels in the ‘Big- Bang’ of Modern Physics. He analyzes the of cosmology and notes the parallels he has found in various scientific theories. His explanation of how the broken vessels of light parallel the Higgs fields is absolutely amazing. According to McClean,

The energy that the universe contained was bound up in special fields of force, (the Higgs fields named after the physicist who first described them) which were essentially unstable (Inflationary Universe P6 Para 7) The author compares the ‘fields of force’ with the sefiroth or the vessels that were shattered because they could not contain the extreme intensity of the original light. In the original symmetry of the Universe the Higgs fields were in equilibrium due to the temperature of the earlier period. There was no mass or weight until the fields were broken and they released their energy; a change in temperature brought about the transition that is called “spontaneous symmetry breaking”. Matter was contained in energy (spirit) and had no mass until it was released from the intense heat of its symmetrical state. Once the shattering occurred the Universe began to expand and it is still expanding. The Universe as we know it is the result of the broken symmetry of Eternity. According to McClean’s article,

This breaking of the unified symmetry between the four fundamental forces results in the separation of gravity from the other forces and consequently the emergence of particles of matter (P6 para 2)

Thus, there is scientific evidence of Luria’s “Shebirah” or broken vessels motif so prominent in Lurianic . McClean writes:

The matter in the universe arose out of the breaking of the symmetries of the Higgs fields, which Lurianic kaballah parallels with the Shebirah, or “breaking of the vessels”, and the falling down through the worlds of the husks or shells (P6 para 4) How the 4 worlds unfold in the creation of the Universe and humanity is the great secret and mystery of apocalyptic literature. As Above in our Cosmic Consciousness – So Below in our Physical Existence


The 4 Phases of Tzimtzum: 4 Phases of ADAM QADMON:

1. Undifferentiated Light 1. Universe of Malbush (Garment)

2. Constriction around a Central Point 2. Neshamah of Adam the 1st space

3. Ray 3. Ruach of Adam ( hidden Adam)

4. Center Point 4. Nefesh of Adam ( biological body)

The undifferentiated light is the Garment of the Universe; this is the light of Eternity that covers the universe. Then there was the contracting vortex creating a central point to contain the undifferentiated light. From the central point a ‘ray’ of light shines forth illuminating the ‘hidden Adam’ or ‘Ruach’. This word indicates breathing and wind; it is the breath that comes from the center point. It encompasses all and is seen by none. It is the zero-point field of energy that has been referred to as a “background sea of light” that everything swims in including the Universe.


In, “Brilliant Disguise: Light, Matter and the Zero-Point Field”, Astrophysicist Bernard Haisch, exonerates the Genesis account of how there was actually a ‘first’ Light that existed before the light of the Sun was placed in the sky. This has been a sore spot and bone of contention among critics for centuries. But now, Physicists are beginning to discover how the Genesis account is actually closer to the nature of reality than earlier suspected. It is believed that the first light is the beginning of the Electromagnetic spectrum and that even its waves bathe in the sea of light of low background radiation. Haisch writes,

To put it in somewhat metaphysical terms, there exists a background sea of quantum light filling the universe, and that light generates a force that opposes acceleration when you push on any material object. That is why matter seems to be the solid, stable stuff that we and our world are made of (Haisch P3) Haisch explains the Heisenberg ‘uncertainty principle’ that basically says that all waves must move in order for motion to exist, but with zero-point energy there is no wave fluctuation or motion; and this totally contradicts what earlier physicists taught. He explains how media devices such as radios, television, cell phones even microwaves operate by sending and receiving electromagnetic waves of some kind. Haisch thinks that visible light is itself a frequency of the original light. He writes, “Visible light is the same thing; it is just a higher frequency form of electromagnetic waves”. Each wave corresponds to an attribute or spiritual force and has the properties of every other force. It can be compared to a symphony of light sounds that fluctuate and rest in perfect symmetry. According to Haisch, “All are electromagnetic waves which are really just different frequencies of light” that like Superstrings can transform into different particles such as quarks and gravitons. According to Luria, the electromagnetic waves are a result of the Shebirah or the ‘breaking of the vessels’

The term Ayin denotes the zero and infinite space that comes out of the center point. The ayin or the ‘nothing’ is the darkness or cavity void of light. The creation is born from ‘nothing’ as it receives the light. Light is the transforming energy that sustains the earth. Ayin is the boundless, unknowable, ineffable lowest subatomic level of reality that seeks to encapsulate the world of knowledge. It is the world of the infinitely small that Quantum physicists seek to discover. Before form everything was ‘ayin’ or hidden in the center. At the lowest subatomic level of superstrings, the elements are very chaotic and unordered and the darkness of the ‘nothing’ dissolves right and left into today and tomorrow. When Ayin becomes conscious of itself the ‘tzimtzum’ or ‘contraction’ begins as the central dimensionless point suddenly expands into Ayin Sof. There is a zero dimension on the edge of the point. It doesn’t exist anywhere in space. It only really exists in time. The point zero dimension represents the point of potential life before it has expanded into matter and form and the four forces represent the actuality of zero-point energy in time. The nine waves emanate out from the zero point and thus the electromagnetic spectrum is created and begins to form geometric patterns that give life to form. If the zero dimension is the point of the center that creates a vacuum then, the very next dimension is the line that contains points that move out and away from the center. The whirling forces of the wheels as seen by Enoch, Isaiah and Ezekiel called the [Reshit Ha-Galgillim] appear to create a vortex that promotes the wave length of circles that aid in the contraction that opens the point.

The primordial point is the first phase that gives life to everything. ‘True Vacuum’ is a scientific term used to describe a universe of space, time and matter, it is the ‘all that is’.

Atomic mechanics studies the “true vacuum” state. The world of form is what distinguishes between “false vacuum” and “true vacuum” states. In other words limits and bounds were put in place to allow

3 the creation of the material universe. Phase transitions influence the formation of ‘cosmic strings’ and their expansion into ‘membranes’ or firmaments. There are two types of transitions: first-order and the second order both include the process of transformation, one is more active than the other. In the first- order type the transitions:

occur through the formation of bubbles of the new phase in the middle of the old phase; these bubbles then expand and collide until the old phase disappears completely and the phase transition is complete (Cambridge P2 para 4)

See diagram of bubbles analogy. In the diagram we see: “A bubble of the new phase (the true vacuum) forms and then expands until the old phase (the false vacuum) disappears” (P3 para 1); an example of this is how steam produces bubbles that rise after they expand. The second-order type is considered to be ‘smooth’ in comparison with the first-order: “The old phase transforms itself into the new phase in a continuous manner” (P3 para 3); trapped matter can only escape by “nucleating bubbles of the new phase, that is, the ‘true vacuum’ state”; so it appears that matter must be able to expand in order to rise. The breath of air was blown into Adam’s nostrils and they became a living being that could rise and walk in the material world. According to assumptions of the M-Theory there are six dimensions that are curled up so tight it seems that nothing can penetrate them except ‘motion’: “The idea is that degrees of freedom like the electric charge of an electron will then arise simply as motion in the extra compact directions” (Cambridge M-Theory P2 para 3), the particle’s ability to rise and expand is what allows it to enter the compacted higher dimensions. Human consciousness must also learn to expand if it is to ‘rise’ into the higher dimensions of the firmaments.

Physicists have begun to understand these same ‘forms’ as the atomic structure of potential energy before it has cooled down to the manifestation of matter in the Earth. This world is the arena of all the activity of the first three forces: Electromagnetism, Weak Nuclear force and the Strong nuclear force. It is also an arena for the three forces of the Sephirot Tree of Life. Atziluth (Emanation), Beriyah (Creation) and (Formation) are all contained in Assiyah (Production). Superstring theory states that the due to the extreme heat of the early Universe it was in a state of ‘unification’ or symmetry. When the Universe began to cool the symmetry began to lose its wholeness until it eventually became disordered resulting in solid crystalline structures. According to the Cambridge Cosmology research on cosmic strings, “The universe becomes hotter and denser until matter actually changes its phase, that, is it changes its form and properties” (P1 para 1). Temperature plays a vital role in how ‘phase transitions’ occur and very common analogy is how ice (solid phase) when melted becomes liquid (liquid phase) and when heated up it becomes a gas (gaseous phase). What is relevant to the discussion is that, “steam is ‘more symmetric’ than water, which is in turn more symmetric than ice” (Cambridge Phase Transitions P1 para 2); thus at the most earliest point in the emergence of Universe there is symmetry, as things cool down the symmetry is lost. Enoch travels to the hottest place in the Universe where he sees a crystal structure that is surrounded by fire. The really odd thing is that the roof of the structure he describes has an ice covered ceiling. The Supreme Being is surrounded by fire and this signifies the absolute Unity or symmetry of the Most Holy Place. Did Enoch go far enough back in time to see the origin of the Universe when fire and ice were one?

According to Sefer Yetzirah fire and ice were one before the fall of light into matter. The world of Emanation represents the time before the Big Bang and each subsequent world describes how the


Universe developed in three further stages beyond the Big Bang. Before the Big Bang the forces of the Universe were in a state of equilibrium; it is the ‘breaking’ of this balance that permits the creation, formation and production of the earth. The earth, as we know it, is the result of shattering the ‘symmetry’ of a primordial perfect state.

Does matter come from an amorphous state of non-being energy (zero point) to a solid structure of being? Yes, it does according to Physicists at Cambridge:

It begins in a unified or ‘symmetric’ phase and then passes through a succession of phase transitions until, at lower temperatures, we finally obtain the matter particles with which physicists are familiar today, that is, electrons, protons, neutrons, photons etc. (Cambridge).

The Universe is the point of infinity whereas the sphere of our Earth is a point of finite circles or cycles that solidify or (contract/‘Tzimtzum’). Out of the contraction come particles and zero-point energy.

Zero-point energy is trapped in bubbles which is the 1st phase transition. A vacuum once was considered ‘empty space’ but this is not true anymore. According to the new quantum physics, zero point energy is held in a tight magnetic grip in the center of the ‘vacuum’ and when the bubble bursts energy is released- zero point energy. Ayin signifies the ‘nothing’ and the singularity point. From the Ayin came an explosion of energy that is later divided into four forces: EM, G, WF, and SF. The zero point energy theory illustrates how ‘something’ can come from ‘nothing’; more importantly it predicts that circles or spheres contain energy. The energy can only be released when the bubble rises in temperature. Energy helps build gravity and gravity influences the EM and magnets influence gravity. Black holes are a good example of how zero-point energy is released. Black holes emit radiation according to Stephen Hawking and the energy contains antimatter and matter. This zero-point energy pervades the center of everything and is more intense than any known energy in use today. This is the same kind of process of generation referred to in the Garden of Eden in Genesis and an explanation of how something can come from ‘nothing’.

In light of this, perhaps the different divine names such as Elohim and Yahweh found in the original Genesis narrative, symbolize 3 different states of energy evolving and changing its structure until finally materializing in humanity. These names are one but have different functions. The verse Bereshith bara Elohim translated in modern versions as “In the beginning God created” is misleading because it does not take into account any of the ancient methods of interpreting the text in regards to the ancient conception of the creation process. The Hebrew denotes ‘In the (Ba) Beginning (Reshith) created (bara) Forces/Powers (Elohim). The term ‘bara’ is related to the idea of hewing or carving out such as a sculptor might cast a figure. The term Reshith signifies both ‘in six’ and ‘wisdom’. The text describes how a particular structure is being built through wisdom and that the process involves six aspects or sides. They are also six phases that eventually rest in the center point once they have been weighed and balanced.

Many have speculated on the meaning of this text and decided that it meant days of time, but according to the Sefer Yetzirah commentary on Genesis that assumption is false. It is the first stage in a two stage

5 process. The first chapter of Genesis is a cosmological account of the spiritual kingdom and the second chapter represents the second phase that results in material existence and its perpetuation. Professor Elton Hall explains the point of the second chapter: “Then the creation story is given again in substantially reversed order, beginning with the emergence of earth and moisture, followed by water and eventually breath (Nephesh). This account occupies 21 (3x7) verses” (Iyer In The Beginning: Bereshith 24). The protagonist is known as Elohim throughout the chapter and is responsible for building the creation. Hall explains how,

The first account flows into the second chapter, suggesting that these are not two separate stories pasted together, but rather one continuous teaching dealing with levels of manifestation. The ‘second creation’ is a kind of lower level inversion of the first (24) This parallels the descent and ascent traditions found in many mystical texts that discuss the operation of the Sefiroth. The sefiroth are the vehicles used by Elohim to enter the world of form and the Merkavah is the vehicle that allows a human to travel into the realms of heaven and the formless. When a person learns the structure of the Universe. The individual is in the world, but no longer of it, and humanity is led by imperceptible stages toward that earthly paradise, which mirrors the archetypal Garden of Eden. Having eaten of the Tree of Knowledge, humanity may rise up to taste the Tree of Life Eternal (25)

The first chapter of Genesis becomes the next stage in the process of evolution. Mystics describe it as various ‘spheres’ or ‘sefiroth’ that unfold from within the point of to form the light and darkness with a sphere or firmament between them. Again bear in mind how the Electromagnetic spectrum operates and it will help to visualize what the ancients may have actually meant to describe. The Wisdom of the explains:

The Holy One, Blessed be He, found it necessary to create all these things in the world to ensure its permanence, for there must be, as it were, a brain with many membranes encircling it (Iyer 48)

Like the branes described in M-Theory these spiritual membranes also protect an inner core that contains all the seeds of potential existence. Raghavan Iyer the General Editor of Bereshit writes,

Although at first a membrane or vesture, each stage becomes a brain to the succeeding stage. The same process takes place here below, so that on this paradigm man in this world combines brain and shell, spirit and body, for the harmonious ordering of the world (48) According to the Superstring theory something similar happens in the Universe as the three forces emerge from the point of ‘unification’ to become distinct forces: “Viewed from the moment of creation forward, the universe will pass through a succession of phase transitions at which the strong nuclear force will become differentiated and then the weak nuclear force and electromagnetism” (Cambridge P2 para 3). Each force proceeds out of the other. It is important to remember that Genesis is not a story about when, in Time, the creation took place. It was all created in just one day actually and not six; yet it is an eternal ongoing and cumulative process that has a definite aim. The Day of Eternity (Symmetry) contains all the prophecies (properties) that become history (materialized) in time. The prophets all received their visions from this day and physicists receive their scientific data from going back into the earliest stages of the Universe. The creation, however, takes place inside of Eternity in time. Eternity contains Time. Quantum

6 physicists have actually begun to realize how the four forces originated from the point of the Universe and how the state of energy has changed as the Universe continues to expand. Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity only dealt with the really big things in the Universe such as the planets and space itself, but it cannot account for the really small things that can only now be discovered with quantum mechanics.

The term Gan Eden denotes a defined period of time and amount of space that is embodied or surrounded by an organized sphere of activity or force. The Garden of Eden contains Eternal time and when humanity was expelled or created it became bound by physical time and space. Time existed in the Garden as a revolving sphere of movement and energy. Waves move in time and yet are limited by cycles for their movement, whereas particles can be anywhere at any time in and out of time. The Elohim prepare and maintain the Garden that symbolically denotes a living, moving, evolving form of life. Material life is bound by the rhythmic movement and therefore spiritual life must be freed from the oscillation and fluctuation of time in space.

II Enoch describes a figure named Adoil or “Yad-El” (the hand of EL) a figure that he says shaped and formed everything in the physical universe out of the ‘Ayin’ or nothing. According to the Slavonic II of Enoch, the invisible and the visible came out of “Adoil”. According to Gershom Scholem, the Primordial “Great Aeon” is related to the name of “Adoil”: “Ado” means ‘his eternity’ or ‘his aeon’. The “il” is a reference to ‘el.’ Is this a variant form of ‘Ed’? If so, ‘Adoil’ means the “Great Aeon or Age of Elohim”. The Great Aeon/Year is 10,000.00 yrs. This secret Age may also be related to the concept of the Garden of Eden and Enoch’s 10 Week Apocalypse. The amorphous, infinite, limitless source and substance of Yahweh’s essence was unknown to any mortal being until disclosed to Enoch. Enoch is the harbinger of the Messiah that takes on the mysterious garment of YHWH. The fact that there are two principles that arise from the invisible boundless Elohim is the origin of the dualism characteristic of physical life. Paolo Sacchi, author of Jewish Apocalyptic and Its History, sees an Iranian influence on the concept of “from not being to being, from invisible to visible”, in ancient times Iranians, Jews and others shared and embraced many common spiritual traditions concerning the sacred science of the Universe. Their life was not characterized by total aggression and violence; they all seemed to spend more time contemplating the science of the Universe as they understood it at that time. What the author of Enoch adds to the Iranian concept of creation is unique:

The world is created; but the author thinks that spiritual things and beings were created before physical things and beings (247) This may be the origin of the two creation stories in Genesis. The 1st chapter deals with the creation of spiritual realities and a spiritual creation called Adam. The 2nd chapter refers to the physical creation of Ha-Adam and how the generations of time began. The generations of Adam portray a progression of individuals, families, communities, nations and finally empires. Enoch’s author taught that the Elect become as Elohim when they participate in the Tikkun. Some see this Tikkun as a Holy War among the angels in heaven and on earth. However, the true Elect learn that the secrets of the Son of Man are for the sake of learning and healing the broken vessels; never war or aggression. Theirs is a non-aggressive role that is performed through their use of understanding and wisdom; they pray for the restoration of the Universe. The Universe is the tabernacle of the Divine force as the Kosmos is the tabernacle of humanity. Ha-Adam is a tabernacle of the Holy Spirit. The three components function as one unit. Humanity lives in a three-dimensional world with two polar opposites for each dimension. This is represented as six days or edges of the Universe with good and evil at each point. In esoteric cosmology,

7 there is a theory that the manifested universe is the result of the unity of Yahweh (essence) in Elohim (form) or the resting of energy in matter. Before the perfected or ‘complete’ heavenly man Partzuf Shalem was formed other primordial men were created which were referred to as ‘Kings of Ancient Time’ in mystical texts. In the scriptures they are also known as ‘Kings of Edom’ this signified they were at a different state of evolution. ‘Edom’ signifies unbalanced force because there was no unity between the positive and negative sides, whereas the term ‘Israel’ signifies balanced sephiroth. The ‘worlds’ or universes that were created and destroyed before the perfect world was created were all derived from the ‘Kings of Edom,’ many mystics consider these worlds as types of planets that existed before the earth. They also say these worlds are types of consciousness not just physical planets or worlds. Many different systems indicate that there were at least 10 separate worlds. This is how the solar day is calculated because 10 x 10 x 10 = 1000. This may be the origin of Enoch’s 10 Weeks motif; at the close of these 10 weeks the heavenly man consciousness will have been created. This was a way of imagining infinity due to the way the sefiroth were compacted within other sefiroth. There is a continual unveiling that leads to further evolution and development. The Heavenly man consciousness is able to enter the Timeless Kingdom, but flesh and blood can never touch the Holy Mountain. Adam Qadmon was created after the Kings of Edom, according to Paul this figure is known as the 2nd Adam. This new creation allows for interaction between the Unique Cherub that contains and is contained by the sefiroth which are potencies and powers known to science as forces. Before the Big Bang the World of Aziluth- the archetypal world of pure spirit was contained in the primordial ten forces. This Archetypal World gave birth to three layers of worlds. YHWH is the source and substance of the world known as Olam Aziluth. The Superstring Theory states that there are at least 10 dimensions and that three Superstrings interact to connect all the dimensions to each other in a number of different combinations. Our experience of the Universe may be just one such combination.

I Most Holy Place World of Creation = Elohim the Word is the direct emanation of Primordial Light/AUR (Olam Aziluth)

II Holy Place World of Formation = Yahshua (incorporeal form) & the house of Angels (Olam Beriyah)

III Outer Court World of Action = Yahshua (corporeal form) The Reflection of Yetzirah is Humanity (Olam Yetzirah

From this Elohim gave birth/berith to 9 creative acts (Olam Assiyah).


The 9 creative acts of Elohim KETER Crown of the Universe is Space Extension/Space

CHOCKMAH Wisdom of the Universe is Helical Nebula Spiral

BINAH Understanding of Universe is Radiant


GEBURAH Judgment of Universe is Cyclic


CHESED Mercy of Universe is Oscillation


TIFERETH Beauty of Universe is Structure Matrix

HOD Strength of Universe is Order


NETZACH Glory of Universe is Radiant Energy Elements

YESOD Foundation of Universe is Boundaries

Limits/Bounds Aleph Thav

Malkuth is actually contained by Keter so it is in this state considered the 10th which is the Kingdom hidden in various dimensions. The dimensions can be revealed through understanding how spiritual realities operate within the laws and functions of the physical earth. Humanity is contained in the space time of YHVH the 4-dimensional membrane operating through the four forces that create and maintain every living thing located within space. Of the 4 coordinates, 3 are spatial 1 is temporal. The whole of physical reality is considered as ‘space time’ and the space-time continuum equals the 4th dimension. In order to transcend the upside-down view of spiritual realities one would have to be ‘translated’ back into the World of Eternity or before Time. Before the Big Bang Eternity contained the past-present & future all at once, since expansion occurred an otherworldly dimension developed simultaneously. This ‘other world’ can only be seen through a realization of the hidden forces or powers contained in apocalyptic literature. For an exercise in seeing the invisible world hidden within and behind this visible world consider the following:


Diagram- Manly Hall-Secret Teachings of all Ages-1977

Definitions of the 9 Creative Acts of Elohim:


Has extension in all directions as well as all positions, it is the aggregate of points, or ordered sets and a limited extension in 1-3 dimensions (limiters). It can also be reservations or accommodations or an interval between two points of time and it can also manifest as an opportunity, chance or an open area. I contend the living Being encompasses all realities simultaneously.


Has the form of a helix or spiral, anything of spiral shape winding or circling around a center or pole which gradually recedes from its center. This spiral reality has been referred to in mythology as a serpent entwined around the Earth. The Helix is the movement of the glow that forms when gaseous properties of nebula emit light. Some nebulae are bright and some are dark.



The emanation is a result of the energy waxing and waning throughout the universe, it also has the function of emitting rays. Radiant rays of light and the reflecting beams of light glowing can also be compared to the brilliant and beaming sense of happiness, joy, and love, emitted or transmitted by radiation. It is the point in the heavens at which the visible paths of meteors appear to meet when traced backward. We too must learn to trace our steps backward through the mysteries of Time to meet our future.


It has a tendency to recur in cycles, possess a nature of cycle; it is characterized by a ring or closed-chain. El Shaddai is a numeric code (314) that circles the universe. The Chain continues to bind the forces of Chaos and will for a succession of Great Years (1000). This contraction or restriction is what allows material life to exist inside the Tzimtzum.


These masses of liquid have a whirlwind motion that forms a cavity in the center of the circle. Objects are forced toward the center and are caught up in its whirling motion. The Galgillim of the Merkavah also ‘caught up’ individuals in its motion. It is this swirling motion that creates all things that descend upon the earth.


This swinging back and forth momentum like a pendulum is characteristic of the contraction and expansion laws of the universe. YAH --- WEH is a movement in time and consciousness through the breath of energy. It is aspiration in and out of air each time a breath is taken. It is a fluctuation between fixed limits and it also means to be ambivalent in beliefs & opinions. It also means to vibrate above and below a mean value. The flow of electricity alternately in opposite directions that so characterizes the dual reality that characterizes the Universe in its operation.


Are movements one way or the other, an undulation or a moving ridge on the surface of liquid such as a body of water, or something that swells, has a crest, rises and falls. It is also a period of intensity and unusual activity. One of a series of several events/ a change of atmospheric pressure like a cold wave that causes temperature to drop, while a single pulse in a vibrational disturbance passing through a body (gas or liquid) such as light a simple wave where each particle of the medium undergoes changes through a 360-degree revolution. A Wave continues as long as the disturbance lasts. These waves are acted upon by all of the above attributes; this is Elohim in the act of creating the Kosmos. Ever becoming and growing in accordance with the will of Yahweh.



Any kind of arrangement or construction such as: buildings, dams, or bridges. Also, an arrangement of parts or organs and types of tissues or particles in any substance that depend on the interrelation of parts as dominated by the general character of the whole. A good example is the structure of the Universe, world and society. There could be no physical existence without structure.


Is a place or enveloping element within which something originates, takes form, or develops, it is the natural material that metal, fossil, pebble, crystal or gems are embedded within, it is that which gives form, origin, or foundation to something enclosed. Humanity has been placed in the Womb of the Universe.


A line, hierarchy or a society of persons united by some common rule or distinction; any of the 9 grades of angels; a harmonious relation in a system or conformity to public law; customary mode of procedure in debate; Order pushed Chaos back into Darkness.


The binding custom or practice of a community and the rules of conduct enforced by authority figures; a procedure, a principle, a maxim or whole body of rules relating to one subject; the rule or formula by which anything comes into being; a statement of an order of phenomena which, so far as known, in invariable under given circumstances. It is also an allowance of time given to a weaker competitor to even the discrepancy. All laws come from the spiritual laws of the Universe.


That of which any physical object is composed; whatever occupies space, that which is considered to constitute the substance of physical universe. The result of the combining of proton-neutron-electron; the indeterminate subject of reality seen first as unorganized experience which when combined with form gives phenomena or real objects. The Elements: Fire, Air, Water, Earth. The state or sphere suited to any person or thing also one of the constituent parts of any system; a substance which cannot be separated into substances different from itself by ordinary means.

No matter how many scientific theories are formulated that can theoretically displace the living Being (Eloah) from the Creation, humanity will always ultimately be inseparable from the energy of the Universe because it is how we live, move and have our being. We are the Elements and the Element is life. The 6 Heavens of the Solar Universe are composed of: cosmic dust, energy, gravity, electromagnetic force, oxygen, atoms - An atom contains the invisible 3 Heavens or strings of the electron, graviton and proton. 6 + 3 = 9 Divine Attributes and these 3 Heavens give birth to the lower 7 realms of matter. As it is stated in the Sefer Yetzirah, the three Mother letters created and then formed the 7 Doubles or realms of duality.

The Universal Spirit Law operates in the Earth through two basic energies that first emerged from the Unity. These two energies were then placed inside water and fire. Thus was created the ‘eshamayyim’ literally fire and water known as Heaven in Hebrew. ADAM was placed in the World of Assiyah or Action; inside of Adam are the letters of the buried in the elements or seeds. (Y) Fire represents

12 oxygen, (H) Water represents hydrogen, (V) Air represents Nitrogen and the (H) Earth which contains them all represents carbon. Hesiod and Ovid both mention how Chaos is a “yawning and void receptacle for created matter” (G.H. Pember 19), and Ovid describes a very different creation story than the one found in Genesis” The ancients used to call me Chaos: for a primeval being am I. See of how remote an age I shall recount the events! This air, full of light, and the three remaining elements, fire, water and earth were a confused heap. As soon as this mass was separated through the discord of its component parts, and had dissolved and passed away into new positions, the flame ascended upwards; a nearer place – that is, nearer to earth- received the air; the earth and the sea settled down to the bottom. Then I, who had been but a mass and shapeless bulk, passed into a form and limbs” (20); according to Greek and Roman mythology Chaos was the first thing in existence. Moses clearly dispels this notion when he says that YHWH ‘voiced’ existence into being with the sound and command “Yehi Aur!” The primordial light of the 1st day.

Fire = Energy

Water = Atmosphere

Air = Space

Earth = Matter

Aryeh Kaplan, renowned teacher, scholar and Kabbalist wrote: ‘On a somewhat deeper physical level, fire, water and air represent the three basic physical forces. ‘Fire’ is the electromagnetic force, through which all matter interacts” (Kaplan Sefer Yetzirah 145). Water will extinguish fire; thus, air is the balancing force between the two. Like fire and water the centrifugal and centripetal forces act together to form and control all the possible combinations of the atoms and their physical manifestation. The centrifugal activity goes out from the center then scatters as it goes into space and ceases to be a solid structure. It has limitless potential energy. While the centripetal force reaches out, gathers in, takes control of the positive. It binds it within its own limits and forms to itself the essence of all being and energy. A ray of solar energy gives it life; it then begins to aspire. This is only at the atomic level, at the sub-atomic level the activity of strings, particles and branes totally defy the imagined order of the atom. Things are in chaos and the forces of expansion and contraction work very differently. Strings can stretch and expand into great branes or dimensions.


Atoms under the command of strings combine and form the elements and structures of the material universe. The nine creative acts of Elohim are arrayed like the branches of a great tree with rings inside rings. These creative acts are the laws, forces, elements, waves and vortices that together comprise the Universal structure of all things. These systems work together to emanate, create form and animate every part of the Universe. It always takes the physical creation (the shadow) to explain the spiritual creation (the light); while we are confined to the operation of the 5 senses. The physical creation exists in the past (howeh) and the spiritual creation exists in the future (yihyeh), only humanity can live in both at once in the present. In a mystical context the manifested Universe is a result of the:

Yahweh is the radiant energy and Elohim is the vortex that contains the energy.

Margaret Barker informed me that the term ‘Hallelujah could also mean ‘Shine Yahweh’ and that Hallel can mean ‘praise’ but this is the minority meaning. The major meaning is to shine!!!!!!! Things that shine emit rays of light that emanate waves of brilliance. Even light emanates waves of circles that vibrate and cause things to be seen. Yahweh is the vortex and Elohim is the wavefront. This vortex is also evident in the cyclic events of the planets in their orbits and the ever-evolving seasons. For ancient astronomers each of the cosmic, electromagnetic, microwaves, gamma rays and light rays are angelic beings that constantly interact together to aid and restore the Earth’s original atmosphere. The Ephemeral ‘Ayin Sof’ constitutes the source, substance and sustainer of all that is. The astronomical portions of the Enochic texts, along with many other descriptions of his journey through the dimensions, can be elucidated with many modern scientific concepts found in the Superstring Theories. The Psalms mention several descriptions of anthropomorphic activity of the Creator in the act of emanating life from Eternity and the subsequent creating and forming of laws and matter. Notice that even the Creator is portrayed as ascending and descending through realms or Heavens in order to reach a specific destiny. Einstein was shown how these dimensions exist in time. Today, Witten’s quantum mechanics and M-Theory is also beginning to realize that the Universe is composed of many Dimensions and that all of these multilayered planes exist in the past -present and future all at once just as it was related by the prophets of old who often referred to the Creator as He Who Was-He Who is-He Who Will Be in John’s words the First and the Last or the Alpha and Omega.

Da’at and the 5th Dimension Da’at the sefirah of Knowledge fell from the Tree of Life and became ensphered as the eleventh attribute; it exists in order for humanity to have free will. The fifth dimension contains six contracted dimensions according to the Superstring Theory, ancient science of the Sefer Yetzirah taught that the realm of good and evil have such great depth it cannot be measured. This realm is in the fifth dimension known in Lurianic doctrines as the Moral dimension and its two directions are good and evil. Kaplan defines “depth”: “In general, the concept of depth indicates something at a great distance, as when one

14 looks down a deep well, gazing at its ‘depth’” (Kaplan). The 5th dimension consist of contracted circles of strings, are they the “depths” of how good or how evil humanity can become? Can our behavior influence the other dimensions?

Joseph Dan provides an excellent analysis of the fifth dimension in the literature of the Unique Cherub Circle. According to the ancient science human consciousness can either help restore the unity of light or further divide the light. He analyzes the way this circle interpreted the Sefer Yetsirah and he found some very interesting ideas that help to explain the role of the fifth dimension. He describes 10 directions and how the Creator’s abode is situated in the center of the Universe. He writes: “To these six the two directions of time are added (the fourth dimension according to modern physics): the beginning and the end. The last two directions, representing a fifth dimension still undiscovered by modern science, are good and evil, the ethical dimension” (44), I think science has finally caught up with the ideas of ancient cosmologists, mystics and prophets when they describe a fifth dimension in M-Theory. A very important

15 point to consider is that this text is not a religious text; it is actually a scientific text. Dan says: “Sefer Yetzirah is essentially a work of science. It is an attempt to discover, analyze and present in a systematic manner the laws governing cosmic existence” (44). This ancient science sought to explore, test and confirm the observable and the unobservable natural and supernatural phenomena.

Enoch says some of the stars disobeyed and altered their orbit by not coming out at the appointed time, thereby creating conflict and chaos in the operation of the solar system. Kaplan says the reason for the 11th sefirah is due to the need for an opening of choice to give humanity a chance to experience good/evil and develop a conscience by exercising free will. Boccaccini explains what happened, “On the fourth day of creation, the angels of the seven planets that revolve around the earth carried their planets outside the orbit ordained by God, damaging creation from the beginning. Adam was put into a universe already contaminated” (Boccaccini The Contribution of Italian Scholarship 40). The heavens are ruled by archons, fallen angels and wicked powers of the air, humanity is accused and persecuted and has to develop knowledge through these experiences. The archons are powers and principalities that hold the world and humanity in bondage to poverty, war and death, Kaplan writes about this war: “In discussing the death of the Kings of Edom, we pointed out that the shattering of the vessels began with the quasi-sefirah of Da’at knowledge” (85); Superstring theory states there is an 11th dimension that doesn’t appear in all five models, but it is there. Supposedly our brane has been separated from the higher dimensions; there are 10 others beyond our comprehension.

Kaplan explains why there is an 11th sefirah, “This is the only time that eleven are mentioned as constituting one unit. It is only in the Universe of Tohu that Keter Crown and Da’at – Knowledge are both present simultaneously” (86), Tohu represents ‘chaos’ and the Crown represents the Divine Spirit, never had these two come so close. Da’at the fallen sefirah was used to ward off evil and cure plagues. According to Kaplan Moses had a special mixture composed of 10 spices that were pleasant and one that was bitter – galbunum which had a foul odor was brought in with the rest in order to repair it. The 10 sefirot parallel the 10 Dibburim of Creation, “the eleventh saying of creation was introduced by God’s statement that ‘It is not good for man to be alone” (86), are we alone on the sometimes-elusive 11th dimension or brane of quantum mechanics? Superstring theorists predict that there are 11 dimensions. This too, is in agreement with an ancient doctrine about the 11th sefirah that fell from the Tree; its name was Da’at which means ‘knowledge’.

It is the level of spiritual consciousness that keeps humanity out of the Most Holy Place or the world of emanation which is pure spirit or energy with no form. It may be the gate between Heaven and Earth. If this is analogy is also true of the membranes, then perhaps the eleventh one is the dimension we are in right now. When the resurrection takes full effect, perhaps we will rise and ascend simultaneously to our inner reception of the Light and Wisdom, as we become part of the other dimensions.

However, according to a view put forward by Boccaccini, in Mysteries and Revelation the very fundamental nature of ‘apocalyptic’ in spite of its longevity and historical development, is not about secrets and fantastic journeys to other realms. It is more about the choices that humans must make and the responsibility that comes with the choice. Boccaccini writes, “It is possible to identify its core in a peculiar conception of evil, understood as an autonomous reality, antecedent even to humankind’s ability to choose. This conception of evil is not simply one of so many ‘apocalyptic’ ideas; it is the generative idea of a distinct ideological tradition of thought, the corner-stone on which and out of which the whole ‘apocalyptic’ tradition is built” (37). Boccaccini analyzes Sacchi’s work in the field and is convinced it is by

16 far the most revolutionary work of its time in terms of gauging the true purpose of ‘apocalyptic’ literature. He notes that, “Sacchi in the Italian edition of and commentary on the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, the ‘apocalyptic’ tradition has become a familiar and indispensable notion for understanding those ancient documents” (37); and Sacchi has proven that the crux of the matter lies in the ability of humanity to choose life and live.

The Ruach is the level of intellect and reasoning and it can be materialistic or spiritual, it all depends on the individual. As Ruach (Spirit/Breath) strives to rise above the abyss it manifests as an earthly Adam or a spiritual Adam. The earthly Adam can only use its reasoning faculties and therefore is considered as originating below the abyss. The spiritual Adam is able to use the spiritual faculties of intellect and intuition and this allows the Ruach to rise above the abyss thereby becoming the Ruach Ha-Qadosh (Holy Spirit). Ancient near eastern groups such as the Mandaeans, Samaritans and Iranians possessed documents describing a ‘First Man’ that served as a prototype for Adam. However, this Adamas is filled with light and heavenly gifts. From the First Man is born the Son of Man and this symbiotic relationship exists throughout the centuries according to many ancient sources found in texts excavated at Hag Hammadi. The theme involves how a human creation rises from the image or form of a previous spiritual creation. Frederick Borsch gives a comprehensive summary of the figure’s nature in The Son of Man in Myth and History. Borsch describes how the ‘Man of Light’, “Is seen as a cosmic figure, made in many sections, so that he might even be designated as a city, or perhaps a prototype of human society” (Borsch 63), this figure has several functions. Humanity shares in the image of this primordial figure through the Son of Man. According to Borsch an ancient saying was popular among the sects: “Man exists and so does the Son of Man” (63). The Son of Man restores the link between the pre-historic Man and humanity.


In the Tree of Life pattern, Tifereth represents the Son of Man reconciling the upper sefiroth with the lower. Ruach manifests as a false sense of importance (Ego) and the Id or I that changes its faces over the years. It is always changing it has no unity or continuity. The lower side of Ruach is represented by Da’at – a false illusion of self knowledge. The Son of Man has overcome the Ego and Id and is able to remain connected to the Ruach. The Tree of Good/Evil is symbolic of the lesser Ruach, while the Tree of Life is a representation of the greater Ruach. Knowledge represents the form of an idea or the body of a concept and as soon as the knowing is scientifically and logically examined the original essence of the idea breaks apart and goes back to the abyss. Things come into existence in order to be created in time, but once its purpose is fulfilled it returns to the ‘chaos’ or ocean of possibilities. This is verified by the fact that underneath the world of structured molecules there are atoms that can be further reduced to a world that exists with no structure or order- the world of superstrings. The first three sefirah are really one. Keter (Center) represents ‘Knowledge’, Chockmah (Space) represents ‘The Knower’ and (Time) represents ‘The Known’; all three are extensions of the same thing. Keter represents the Monad that contains a secret center in the heart of the Universe, Chockmah is the space that provides a place for Binah to grow and develop in time. Time in turn descends into the six lower sefiroth which denote the six days of Creation and the six edges of the Cube. Time can cease whenever Da’at is restored to its original place within Tifereth (Harmony) it is within the power of human consciousness to repair the breach.

A double polarity of energy is intrinsic to the operations of the Universe and is responsible for the forces of expansion and contraction. The Chayyoth (living beings) of Ezekiel’s vision also had faces that worked together in pairs. Each face had to face in its own direction. There were 64 sides in all. The tesseract also has 64 sides represented as 8 cubic boundaries. The diagram right above the Halo of the Sun is a comparison of the similarities of the sides and dimensions of the cubic figure described in the Sefer Yetzirah.


Image from Wikipedia Tesseract en.wikipedia.org

Sefer Yetzirah contains many terms that describe the construction of something. Like the gems embedded in quarries, picking, chipping, breaking, sanding and polishing are just a few verbs that are applicable characteristics of the refining process of minerals or stones. Our soul is also like a stone that too must be refined by the transformative properties of energy. The soul in its embedded, raw and refined state can be equated as the states of the soul.

Refined = Pre-existent Neshamah

Raw = Alive Ruach

Embedded = Existence Nephesh The Rod which measures and refines the solidity of earthly life may actually be our own consciousness. An earthly person has to first of all break out of the quarry of disproportionate senses and emotions that lead to a disparity of actions and statements. The only way of shattering the hard exterior of the surface is with force of will and the Active Intellect. The ability of gaining control of one’s 4 sides results in the equilibrium of the double polarity. The earth is a symbol of the Cube that contains all energy and matter that was exhausted in the creation of the physical earth (Adamah). The Woman or earth is contained in the Male heaven. Pandora’s Box was “safe” until it had been opened then all chaos was set free upon the earth. This is a Greek expansion on the mystery doctrine known to reside in the 4-fold box of ancient wisdom. Life on this earth is also contained within the Box of logic and science. All things live to escape confinement.

Most people are also confined in some type of container at the end of their life be it a coffin or an urn. Everything of the physical creation is really contained in something else that must be transcended. The Ruach is the immanent force that frees life from its solidified state by allowing the soul to transcend its container. Light is the force that gives life its freedom from death. The 4 corners of direction [North- South-East & West] exist in one circular motion and yet there are 4 corners. This is an example of how the circle is squared. This represents Eternity (circle) entering Time (box). There are 24 times zones where time is different for every zone experiencing the “noon” shadow. This proves that everyone experiences a different type of reality and that no one can ever really explain their life experience to another, unless they enter the person’s reality of the “noon” shadow. Time is the shadow of Light.


The Sun travels along a definite circuit according to II Enoch 13:1-15 which describes the various paths and circuits that the Sun makes on its grand tour of the Universe. Enoch says that the Sun’s light is greater than the light of the moon and he explains how this fact was revealed to him in the Heavenly Tablets. Enoch measured its path of travel according to the constellations of the stars. The sun turns on a circle in a (circular orbit) on wheels (Spheres or Ophannim). Its solar energy gives life and momentum to the circular movements of the planet spheres. It provides a type of solar blood, oxygen and carbon dioxide in its process of cleaning the Universe. The Sun of the Solar system has a 3-fold work that it too must perform throughout the Universe and on the Earth.

The heat-light- and chemical transformation of the Sun fluctuates with the seasons and that is why it is intense in summer and weak in the winter. Everything has its own particular time even the circuit of the Sun. The Son promised to be with the Bride (Earth) until the end of Time even through all the seasons and changes. Yahweh changes not, unlike the Sun the moon goes through various phases when certain parts are hidden from view. Unlike the nature cults, ancient Judaism taught that time is linear and is always moving towards a particular purpose and goal. This was an innovative thought for most of the then known world felt it was an unending cycle of cycles. The Son of Man, like the Sun battles with the night and is victorious in his rising during the Omega.

The circuit of the Sun is the true keeper of the solar year. Enoch was informed that a calendar based on the measurements of the wandering planets or the phases of the moon is incorrect and wicked. Calculating the months by the circuit of the Sun is called “measuring them correctly” but the sinners don’t measure time correctly, instead they measure falsely by altering the calendar and over emphasizing the role of planets, stars and the moon. The Sun goes forth progressively towards the West it is then made even, and rises throughout all the months. Then it turns back in the opposite direction from the six gates according to the occurrence of the seasons. The sun rises and is responsible for the different parts of day and night which continually evolve; the constant struggle between light and darkness is won with every Sun/Son rise. The journey of the Sun signifies the journey of life and death that everyone must take, each hour is a gate and we must cross its threshold, never to return to the place from whence we come. We must continually move forward through time, unlike the Sun that completes its journey everyday. These are the Great Gates of the composition of the hours of the year. For this reason the Sun is a great creation whose circuit lasts twenty-eight years and then begins again at the beginning of the year in March/April according to our calendar. January is thought to be the first month of the year, but according to Moses, April is the first month of the New Year or 360 degree revolution. The circle is the symbol of heaven that is intersected by the line of time.

The cube symbolizes the earth and its boundaries. Carlos Suarez explains the significance,

When this psychological East is understood, we can follow the cabbalistic “Spatial Cube” introducing the human being in an inner space constituted by the first four sephiroth and in the outer space made of the six other sefiroth, every one of them pointing to one of the 6 directions of that space” (Suarez 85). The 1st 4 sephiroth (Four Forces) give form to the ‘Inner Space’ (quantum mechanics) of Adam Qadmon. While the next 6 sephiroth (Six Days) give form to Adam Qadmon’s ‘Outer Space’ (general relativity theory). Adam’s face is pointed in the East direction of ’s Cube. Standing upright his head reaches to the 5th Sephira as the 6th Sephira becomes a footstool. Adam Qadmon then gazes at the 7th sephiroth while the 8th sephiroth supports his rear. He extends one hand towards the right pointing at the 9th sefirah (South) as his left hand points to the final one (North).


Carlos Suarez believes that the 6 directions of space are ‘sealed’ like the surfaces of a cube. The “directions” of space are known by the ancients as the ‘Arms of the Kosmos’ for they seem to reach out and give shape and structure to the Universe. Electrons are freed from the binding state of crystalline structures because they can change form. Are we responsible for keeping the energy of the universe bound and fettered with our lack of spiritual consciousness? In the M-Theory it is thought that the densely compacted six dimensions that lie within the fifth dimension are actually responsible for providing shape and form. Perhaps all of us still exist in a shell of our own creation and each of us must learn to open our own cell, in the words of Suarez, “Thus everybody lives inside an enclosed and bounded cube locking inner space in a package” (Suarez 87). If Humanity is able to challenge questions, ask statements and lose assumptions it may begin to find a way to really experience life ‘outside the box’. There is a force at the center mass in atoms and at the center of all things there is a unified harmony of force and energy. This is the contraction of the atomic energy of Yahweh’s radiance. At the center of all things is a hot fiery burning core waiting to burst itself upon the outer perimeter of its Shell in order to break free from its solidified death state of solid reality. M-Theory has confirmed that this is exactly what life does in its struggle to become free of form. Ancient mystics discovered this through deciphering the symbolic images found in apocalyptic-merkabah texts.

When an atom’s internal structure changes due to temperature fluctuations then they are able to be resurrected from the death like state of crystallized cubic structures. The baptism in the liquid sea of Elohim (Son) has freed them from the grip of material limitation. Freed atoms can literally ‘pop out’ of death’s grip like gravitons can float off a membrane into other dimensions. This is due to the law of the second order phase transition. How can humanity try to achieve some sense of freedom? Suarez says, “By showing that the energizing properties of the Autiot [letters] have a dual cosmic flow, the way to an essential stage of modern physics is cleared; the study of consciousness, in its material manifestations, as energy” (Suarez 41). Consciousness is a form of energy that can also undergo a change of state. The Cube of spatial directions has boundaries and faces from which the letters of creation are said to be engraved. The names on the gates are various permutations of the Tetragrammaton or the # 26.

The Mysterious #26 and the M-Theory Is it only a coincidence that initially Superstring theorists were confounded by the fact that strings can only change phase position in 10 or 26 dimensions? As pointed out earlier, the Tetragrammaton is numerically equivalent to 26 and it is one of the ‘magic numbers’ that may hold very relevant information for continued research of the M-Theory. The “magic numbers” are very intriguing as Kaku explains, “We will see that these self-consistency conditions force the string to move in a specific number of dimensions. In fact, the only “magic numbers” allowed by string theory are ten and 26 dimensions” (155). The mystery of ‘magic numbers’ is something the mystics were very much aware of. The strings require an adequate amount of room or space to develop and transform. All living things have a string like system that governs their existence. All things are dependent on the DNA chain of protein molecules that wrap around each other to form double strands of the DNA ladder. Michio Kaku sees a connection or analogy between human biology and genetics,


For living things, nature uses the double strands of the DNA molecule, which unwind and form duplicate copies of each other. Also, our bodies contain billions upon billions of protein strings, formed of amino acid building blocks. Our bodies, in some sense, can be viewed as a vast collection of strings – protein molecules draped around our bones. (156) What is even more interesting about the strings is the polarity, “The heterotic string consists of a closed string that has two types of vibrations, clockwise and counter clockwise, which are treated differently. The clockwise vibrations live in a ten-dimensional space” (158). Closed strings form circles only for a time, until they too are transformed into some other product of the Universe. Like the faces of the Sun and the living beings that pull the Chariot Throne strings also operate under an invisible set of laws that determine their function and class. What I find really intriguing is that the clockwise vibrations “live in a ten- dimensional space” as opposed to the counter clockwise vibrations. Vibrations are circles of wave movement that can extend infinitely; this is why it is hard to understand the activity of the different membranes, especially when no one can see these strings or vibrations. Currently scientist must rely on mathematical formulas and calculations to understand how this invisible world operates.

16 dimensions of the 26 are contracted in size and are counter clockwise. Kaku theorizes that the fifth dimension contains compacted, contracted dimensions. What is even more enlightening is the connection he makes between the Big Bang and the strings, “In conclusion, the symmetries that we see around us, from rainbows to blossoming flowers to crystals, may ultimately be viewed as manifestations of fragments of the original ten –dimensional theory” (159). These ideas were not easily accepted at first in scientific communities, and even at the time Kaku wrote his book, there were still arguments over the five different theories. It wasn’t until Witten developed M-Theory that Superstrings were back on the scientific agenda for exploration. According to Kaku, “It was soon realized that, in dimensions other than ten or 26 dimensions, the theory completely loses all its beautiful mathematical properties. But no one believed that a theory defined in ten or 26 dimensions had anything to do with reality” (168), many people still don’t believe that ten or 26 are significant to spiritual reality, but it is. At the time Kaku wrote Hyperspace, the M-Theory had not been born. Many baffling questions still plagued early superstring theorists.

Why 26 space time dimensions? According to Michio Kaku a brilliant Indian mathematician named Srinivasa Ramanujan discovered another “magical number” the number 24. Physicists added 2 to Ramanujan’s “24” and got 26, “Since physicists add two more dimensions when they count the total number of vibrations appearing in a relativistic theory, this means that space-time must have 24+2 = 26 space-time dimensions” (173), 3 x 8 = 24 and when polarity is added it = 26. A very strong point of evidence for the importance of the Octet Theory is the following fact: “When the Ramanujan function is generalized, the number 24 is replaced by the number 8. Thus, the critical number for the superstring is 8+2, or 10. This is the origin of the tenth dimension” (173). Quantum mechanics can provide a huge support for the argument that spiritual concepts could be used to elucidate and complement scientific concepts. When asked by audiences why nature might exist in 10 ten dimensions, physicists are forced to answer, ‘We don’t know’ (173).

However, a startling new discovery is that some other shape may lie between these numbers. This shape may be found in the structures formed by the six dimensions of hyperspace. However, there are other compelling reasons to believe that there is some form of order in the Universe and that the number 26 plays a big role in it. Another such reason is the following citation from Mysteries of the Kabbalah,


“From a geometrical point of view, a square is an area, and a cube is a volume. Perhaps 26 was a dimension other than an area and a volume; more specifically, a dimension that made it possible to pass from an area to a volume!” (393); it sounds similar to strings vibrating from an electron to a graviton and then back into a proton.

The development of matter in space involves the movement from a point, line, and triangle; this demonstrates different states of transition in motion. The point represents 0, the line is 1, the plane is 2 and the triangle is three. From the zero or the Ayin came the 3 or the Father, Son and Holy Spirit or vapor, liquid and solids. The number 26 may be the way to travel from dimension to dimension, “The number 26 would thus be a fourth dimension, enabling the transition from the second dimension to the third. It could not refer to time, since the time dimension is also necessary to pass from 0 through 1, and from 1 through 2” (394).

There are a variety of analogies to show the scientific and spiritual relevance of the number 26 and the number 8. The number 26 may be the code or formula for the transition of matter into energy. It also may also help to begin to determine what or how the 26 dimensions will influence life in our own dimension. 10 dimensions were before the Big Bang, 16 are compacted and that leaves 10 more. Each set of 10 seems to function in two ways: one is clockwise and one is counterclockwise. The sefiroth also have a law binding on how they interact within each other. Attraction and repulsion or contraction and expansion create a momentum that sustains its infinite evolution. The attributes also have a positive and negative influence on the ascending and descending energy that circulates through each circle that contains all the other circles. But at the very lowest sub-atomic level where there is no fluctuation and momentum has ceased – zero-point energy continues to radiate tons of particles into our limited portion of the Universe. Zero-point energy totally defies modern scientific theories that once taught that all energy comes from the force of momentum. The singularity point may hold the clue to why created things come from inside a structure of some kind.

Zero Point Energy of Space https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.forbes.com%2Fsites%2Fstartswithabang %2F2020%2F04%2F18%2Fask-ethan-what-is-the-zero-point-energy-of- space%2F&psig=AOvVaw3WvRjxtQBuYi- YEQmbXkuG&ust=1611337685314000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=2ahUKEwihnYXkyq3uAhUPZN8KH ZV_BIwQr4kDegUIARCzAQ



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