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1984 The undF amentalist Journal

9-1984 Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 3, Number 8

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Be honest.Does our grammng a computer. computer-crlven.l socl- \Ye believein Word ew intimidatevou? Processirrgof a differ- Do vou sometimes ent sort- thro"gh wonderwhere all the the input of God's'We phenomenaladvances in tech- \ford into the humanheart. nologyare taking us?Sure, 'We've knowthat onlvthe oersonwho we'vebeen to the moon. knowsGod *a isruled bv His sailedour silverspaceships past \7ord canexperience tme suc- the outer limits. Bur what about cess.No, weshouldn't run from life dovmhere? How is all this ourhigh-tech world. In fact,we "progress"helping us cope with shouldmaximize every advance- the stmgglesof our pressure- ment. But wecan cope with the cookerexistence on Planet timesonlv if The!7oidhas been Earth?Would we be better offto processed'intoour thoughtsand reffeatto the hills, to goback to actions. basics? Liberryoffers more than frfty At Libertywe think the answer majorsin a firll-spectrumliberal is\7ord Processing. artscurriculum. But l[:rrTJ];T*LIBEKilT ffi"H'ff*::,nu BAPTISTCO{-LECE

LIBERTY BAPTIST COLLEGE,Dept. CL301, Lynchburg, VA24506 Call Toll Free:1.800.446.5000 Ext.301 Financial Aid infomation available on request.Applicants for admissionare consideredwithout regard to sex, race, national origin, or handicap. Now YOU can teach your child to read beautifully - by the time'tested phonics method. ANd it'S FREE Newprogram developed by a pioneerin the private-school movement. . . and alreadyproved succesful

Wouldyou be curiousabout a readingprognm that canproduce an unsolicitedletter like this one? It's fiom W. M. of Westfield,NJ: I must write to expressmy wife's and my thanks for book that anyone who wants to teach reading can your excellentbook. It has beenso very valuableto us learn to use with a minimum of training. in teachingour 8%-year-old-son,Eric, to read ... This program can be used to teach reading to begin- When I started on September l0th, Eric was almost ners of all ages,older studentsin need of remediation totally retarded as a reader. Evidently he was one of and retraining, functional illiterates,dyslexics, special- thoseyoungsters who refuseto attempt sight reading. I needsstudents, the learningdisabled, and non-English followed your book's instructionsexactly. Would you speakerswho wish to learn to read English and im- believethat we went from Lesson2 through Lesson27 prove their pronunciation. in two weeks? And by Thanksgiving we had drilled It can also be used as a supplement to any other right through Lessonll7? reading program being used in the classroom. Its phonetic Even you wouldn't believethe results! It was as if we systematicapproach to teaching basic skills makes it particularly valuable to programs that lack were witnessinga miracle! suchinstruction. just Eric is now reading Robinson Crusoe, and is lov- The book's step-by-steplessons in large, eye-pleasing ing it! He had been having headachesall through se- calligraphymake it suitablefor both direct one-on-one cond grade and was losing weight. Since he started tutoring and regular classroomuse. Parents who wish learning by your method, he hasn't beensick one day, to teach their children to read at home will find the and has gained weight rapidly to where he has a book particularly useful, since it is written in normal, perfect physique. everydayEnglish and is freeof the professionaljargon characteristicof so many reading-instructionbooks. Needlessto say, we are grateful. Thank you so much for your excellenteffort in helping countlessparents, All of the lesson pages were carefully designed to such as ourselves,in warding off the educationalcrip- eliminatedistraction and to focus the pupil's full atten- pling of countlesschildren. tion on the work at hand. The Teacher's Manual, in the back of the book, provides teachersand tutors The man who evokes that enthusiasmis Samuel L. with the necessaryinstructional information for each Blumenfeld. Sam is an old friend of us here at the Club, lesson.The program, as a whole, is flexible enough so and we've watched his interestin this problem grow over that any teacheror tutor can adapt it to his or her own some 25 years. First as a New York editor and a member teachingstyle or situation. of the Advisory Council of the ReadingReform Founda- tion. Then as the author of severalbasic books in the If you have never taught reading before in this sensi- private-school movement: How to Start Your Own ble, systematicway, you will be pleasantlysurprised by Private School - And Whv You Need One: The New Il- the results. literates; Is Public Educa[ion Necessary?; and How to Tutor. Finally, as a teacher himself. Sam has the creden- Fromthe Tercher's Manual vou'll lefin t few tials, in abundance, so we'll let him describethe essence things... of this breakthroughprogram: o How today'steachers of readingharm their students, ALPHA-PHONICS was createdto orovide teachers. sometimes for life. The simple remedy. tutors and parentswith a sensible,logical, easy-to-use r for reading. lt is phonics "The fastest and most efficient way to teach the tool teaching an intensive in- - struction program basedon the author's many yearsof alphabet" and writing script, as well. research and experience in the reading instruction o Psychological aids to encourage children without field. It answers the need for a oractical instruction coddling them. O Howto get thisoversized (|Ua x 103/a)$19.95 quality paperback FilEE O

How the Club Works I Every4 weeks(13 times a year)you get a freecopy of theClub Bulletin which offen . I Youthe Fearured Selection plus a goodchoice of Alternates- all of interestto con- 15OAKLAND AVENUE HARRISON,NY 10528 i servatives.* If you want the FeaturedSelection, do nothing; it will come Pleaseaccept my membershipin the Club and sendFREE automatically.* If youdon't want the Featured Selection, or youdo wantan Alter- ! my copy of the $19.95ALPHA-PHONICS: A Primerfor i nate,indicate your wishes on thehandy card enclosed with your Bulletinand return I it by thedeadline date. * Themajority ofClub bookswill beoffered at 20-5090dis- BeginningReadersby Samuel L. Blumenfeld.I agreeto buy 3 additional regular prices : counts,plus a chargefor shippingand handling. * As soonas you buy and pay for booksat Club over the next 18 i 3 booksat regularClub prices,your membershipmay be ended at anytime, either murrrils.I also agreeto the Club rulesspelled out in this by you or by theClub. * If you everreceive a FeaturedSelection without having coupon. ! FJ.17 i had l0 daysto decideif you want it, you may returnit at Club expensefor full ! credit.* Goodservice. No computers!* The Club will offerregular Super- Name I bargains,mostly at ?0-9590discounts plus shipping and handling. Supeibargaini do a NOT counttoward fulfilling your Club obligation, but do enableyou to buyfine Address booksat giveawayprices. * Only one membenhipper household. ! City TUNDAMENTAL16T September Volume 3/Number 8 r9B4 JOUBNAT Stcff Articles Executive Editor, God UsesPcper Plcrtes .terry Folwell Joseph C Aldrich T2 Hlblisher, Nelson Keener Chcnge Has a Price Tog Lloyd XI Perry Senior Editor, 17 Edword Dobson Klm Westover- Editor, Bringing Her Own Gift to LiIe 2T Deboroh Hul{ Quality I.ile in the Sqnctity of His Witl Copy Editor, \lercre Brouwer Eorlene R Goodwrn 24 Associcrte Editors, W Dovrd Beck Inlluencing Public Education Donrel R Mrtchell DCe G Wott Contributing Writers. Angelo Hunt \Al*"rrcs crrd problerns in public Morlrn Mowyer schoolshcrve made fontpoge heqdli:nes, Col Thomos Wqtt tells why Ch-risticrsshould stay in. Editorial Assistcnts, volved in public education crrd how we q Crndy B Gunter ccrr mqke difierence. Connre Schofer Lorno Dobson Quality Educcrtion in Bcckwoods Maine Crecrtive Director, ErrcE Wrggnn 31 S^pi -r ,I Abo l,-n You Mcy GrcpNcs/Desigm, Choose, but Cqn You Vote? .A Vonessq Ilozelton, Mgr Colonel V Doner KeLthflobrnson The Checrter Brron C Rooerlsorr Mory Green Ed-worrcrColerrrqn 36 Photogncrphy, LesSc:hofer, Mgr Editoriqls Lynn Hcriborger Bnon Prrnce Jerry Falwell Comments Who Is the Voice of Fundamentqlism Todoy? Typogncphers, r\B Kcthy 1^!rrLngtori Why I Went to Sqn Frclnciscocrnd Dqllas Y Suscn li il oocl Nolo f,oons Fundqmentalism Todcy ta) Thou Shalt Not Altend Movies-Edwcrrd Dobson f \_/ Editoriol Boqrd Verle Ackermon Depcrtments l?mrmnnrj Rarl-,or 'frumon DoLlor Trecrsuresfrom the Text Dovrd Jeremroh A Foretqsteol Glory-Richord D Pcrtterson 14 John Rowhngs Elmer L Towns Jock Wyrtzen Wendell Zrmmermon Fundqmentals in Focus 18 Eternal Security Rightly Underslood Alvln L Bcfter Stqtement of Purpose tal^\ rv/nce soved, olwcrys scrved." Boker 'Ihis mqgczine js crmitled to lhe hislodc tundornen. exqmines the biblicol basis for knowing tols ol the Chrisfm lcdttr bibuco.l sepoodoD moral qb6o thqt our etemol destiny restsin the promises lutes the pdodty ol the l@ol chuctl md world evcngeli. zqtion A.lthough no mogqdne or individuol cqn speok oI o sure scrlvction. for the overqll AndGnentolisl movement il is ou desire to creqle o lom to encouqge Christion leqdels qnd d- stolesmen to stmd for the old.time relig'ion in these citi- cdl dqys. We wlll exomine mqtteE ol contemporary in- terest to qll Fmdmentqlists, providing cn open djs- Ask the Prof cwion ol dlvergent opinioro on relevont isues. The Whct Is the Ncrtureof the Womon's Desire? Fud@enlallst Journdl will also recdflrm our history qnd hedtoge. 6 well G point the wqy to ou ploce in Stephen R Schroder 23 the tuhxe. ililil1ililililt1

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pubtications Funcl(rrnenldllsl Jounal is published monthly, ll issues p6r yedr. by Old.]]me Gospel Hour, Postqge ls paid A Accent at Lynchbug, Virginla, qnd odditional mcdlng oftrce$ Addess dl corespondence lo Funcl@entqllsl l/ /--3, 12100W. SixthAvenue Journcl, Lynchbug, Virgdnio 24514, |L-at''- P.O.Box'1 5337 CcEadlsr Offlco, Box 5O5, Richmond Hill Ontqrio L4C 4Y8. Denver,Colorado80215 AdvertlslDg, sam Pdte Associqtes Inc., P,o. Box 4315,Lynchbug, virginiq ?4502 (8o4) 237"?9a3. Sa:bsqtpUo& SU.95o Veo 0l issues) in US Oubide US, add S5.OOpogtcge prepqid US. cunency. $l9S per issua OUR DIRECTORDER LINES ARE: Chctrrgo ot Adc[os$ Whon ordering a chqnge ol qddress, pledse r€t\rm your old moiling label olong with the new oddress Allow fou weeks lor o chcnge. (303)989-7891 Subrobslon& Mc&uscdpts subrnittedlo Pundctloentallsit Journql shouldbe qccompqniedby s€u,oddresed East of Mississippi envelopos dld reh]m poslqge. Pltblisher qssumes no resporEibiuty lor refum ol moliciled motedol. Mdnuscdpb unqccomp@ied by retu.rn postdge will not be letrmed lo sendel (303)989-7730 All materiql ln lhis issue is sr,tbject to intemqfiondl copydghl lam. Pennission lo reproduce moy West of the Mississippi be obtoined by wituIg lo l\rndmontaltst Journal. O 1984 Old-Tlme GosDel Hour. Sorry, No Collect Calls. ilililililililililililil1ililililililililililililil1ilililili1ililililil1t1 --* < Then we must forglve crnd restore $ven the some educcrtioncrloppor- €b him. When o brother slonders us, he funihes os other childrcn rn the Stcrtes? hos the spidtuol problem, God hos Is o missioncrrysomehow betroylng oJreody forglven him, we must do hrs 'likornriqo colhng rf he owns o decent cor on Ho mmr nnt ke rckrnn the lorergurfield? restorcrtlon,sO we must toke the nr- Tobe zure,there cnethose who loke trolive knowLrrgthot Godwr-llbless our nrlrrnn lano nf iho ryirrina qnr rii nf tlror r efforts churches, but I firmly beheve thot o Flnolly rf he re;ectsus we connot mclonty of mrssronoriesconsider rt o qacrari 'r^h^r, /-^/-l Shimei's Dust fellowship with him If o brother hos JUUTUq ln rf@L rc+ i^ rv yur nr ri th^ rrrY rtt9lluy guu wronged us ond will not occept our sends them to the best posrJcle use, Cur brother r not our enemy He rrnnlorrrz \^/F shor r16l bfeOk Off often socrificrngthef own wonts ond mcry gossrpobout us,steol fiom us,or fellowshrpwilh him (L4ott 181517) needs fol the beneflt of the gospel even Iie oboutus,butourbrother s not An old grondfcrther once worned A system of occountobrltty while ^r rr onom\/ Lia mmr nni ranmr a lnan qd 1/Aryv\4rw rnd l'rmrvvt nnlrrvr lnrv nlmryrvy r^rrlla d aor- naaaeqdnr tn cnmo owtoni a^n nal/ar r rc anA nrvl holI9 mmrtltuy gvgll orron JIII cin uvwllDtnarincl a vltu lnrn,srr r svvrlnn Tha I r rv 1r,lrltlo ,av vvl]'rnrr r^rlrrnorl toke the ploce of o pcrstor cmd church cnmmittinn lhair m icqiannrrr in hurt us, but our brother rs not our beccrusehe loved dogs "V,try cont I rrrruurvrrvr y rv enemy A bloodbought brothel conld nlmr r^riih him Crnnrlnrr')" "Racmrco Chrlst-for correction os well os '/ /,tl nnam-r i^ nnt im vu -t rT vrrvrlrlon6m\/ -tvu lru sllstrty lJ ho hrloc" l}- o r^rico nrnnrlfnilror ploleclron Sotcrn crnswered, On one occosron Peterspoke too BrtrngChrLstrons con rnflrctserLous Melcom Ferstel m ricklrr la lho Tore] nnrj r^rda cfomllr rierr u y domcrge to our sprnfuol llves We BBFInternotronol rebLrked, "Get thee befund me Scrton:' should proy for them, Lovethem, but (nnnrrfialr-l N,4rccnr rri Jesus drd not coll Peter hts enemy stoy owoy from them lest our fellow- Scrton wos the Lord's enem,y ond the shrp wrth God become broken ond Lord recogn-rzed thot Sotqn hod in- SOIE qnrrorl Potar'c r^ qn Shimei He wqs oqsisto me. .. Ccrno brother who hos the Sprntof God rn him be nsprred to odvonce I om cr chcrter slrbscnlcer to the the ccruseof Sotorf YeslVurlicrt ore we Journql ond thoroughly enloy to do when our enemy uses our Deqr Shimei. roarlrna anch icqr ro T rnrac oqnociallrr 'Alvo brother ogcflnstus? pleosed to reod J McCIorn, Fust,we shor.lldnot receive rt A wxe Whrle I wouldn't defend the Forthflil, Honoro-ble, DiJlgent" ond his nccinr nnco lnlri hic cacrai-nr ih.rt Johnsons for therr fcrke newsletters to sen non'The PossmgShov/' rrr the Apd thorr q rnmrhnn chr rrchaq I rln fml rrnr r rccr ro I ronorrrozj mrr thonlnmnal trnin- when critrcismcome over the phone rII rrrvvrvva to respond,"l dont wctr-rtto heor rtl'If might conslder whcrt wolrld dnve o ng under Dr McCloin ond wos in hrs we recerve the words of crrticrsm from mrssloncqg to zuch depths Could rt be flnol theology closs crt Grcrce o brother crrrd intemohze them, we tlro nnqlnrc l^rh^ incict an n norcnnal TheologncolSemrnoryI hod drunk ot wrLldo oneof two thngs Wewr-llerther hcndwritten letter eoch month? Or the dry wellsof liberolisn cu-rdModern be hu1 beccruse of whcrt rs wrongly norlrmq thafl ^ mrqqlnn,.mr ic nfian iqm fnr rronrc nn.] ]riq kmn rnciahi in- 'rtdrreri carrl aot drqcnr rranorl mrl anrl r rn cin- nn+ l-rtr fnilhfir]11955 Ond COn- to theoiogcol rssrreswcs hke o spmhrol nrng ogornsl the Lord ourselves;oT we cicfonflr l-rrrt l-nr qirrtrqhcal {im rroc nf oosisin the desert to me rrrill rarsl tho mtrcicm aoi mmr md ,vvLuIv'},wlv conversions, bcrptrsms cnd misslons Dr Alvo McClorn wos truly one of ogorn, eno up slnnng. stcrted? the grreot stcrlwcrrtsof brlchcol Fun- Second,we shor-rldgo to him wrth Tt qmmc thrrt rrnr r ^ra r rqrn^ a rir ral domentolism Thonks for rncludrng the truth If o brother rsongry with us set of stondords for mrssrononesond hrm, ond our Ncrtionol Fellowship of rmrl .::m}q ill anmncl rrc ho nrnl'mhlrr poslors MuS mssioncries by ncrfureof Croce Brethren Churches. in vour is out of the will of God Therefore he their work, sufier hcrrdshrps?Is there pubuccrtron. mmr nnt le ckrlo tn rmmrzo llro frr rth anrrfhina r^rrnna r^rifl-r"".,,,o mtsslonory beccruseof cr sin problem rn his ov/n hnma herna ir rct ^c ni-a ^c lha n^d^lc Ron E.Thompson, Postor hfeWeshouldccreenougrh obout him home whose church supports hlnr? Is Crcrce Brethren Church to corrlront him with the truth it o sln for o mrssronflv child to be Roonoke Virgnmo

FUNDAMENTAL]STJOURNAL .^ +^ll, ,^^ r^ ^'+h^r /-^^ Hl^^ ar lad ^aa Not intimidcrted or sloppy. ,. God Whot ccnr be sord obout "Deor D t(.-.l.].Mrv tv glLltgl wlrrusJ 9l luol ]ry God, Pleose Dont Let Me Become o ple Everyverce ls elther tolkng to scrved I oppreciote the stond thot Chnstion Leodef'? It is excellent, This people or JewsGods chosen people RrndcsrnentqlistJoumol tokes on bot- should be every Christicu-isdestrc cnd To soy thcrt God expects mcnried tling cunent sociol, politrcol rociol motive no mcrfter whcrt position or norrlceheversto obey FLm n ludrcrous ond theologncol issuesconfiontrng to rcrnk God hos ploced him rn They ccu-rnotobey One they do not dofs society You hove the keen in- Thonk you for on excellent know sight to wcrn ogorrst "imbolcrnce' mogozine Those who write orticles on such omong the Corrservotive crrrd Fun- sensrtrveissues shor.rld be very coreful domentolist movement, You cne not Todd Zu-Lick not orrly of whcrt they soy but olso of threcrtened by the sword of cnticsm Lebonon, Perrrrsylvonio the woy rt s soid T\,rrofoctors cre of the thot comesyour wcry You cnestrivrng utmost importcnce when we tolk or for unity omong Brlclebelevrrg Chrs- qll wrlte on the subject of drvorce First, ttons You ore not rntrmrdcrted or Prlnt them .. wrth whom ctre we tolking, beljevers sloppy or nonbelievers Second, the time of YourMoy issueis the most beoutiflrl the divorce before solvcrtion or cfter, Gory E Thomos ever, How I loved the lokin ortlcles hrfillinnq nf nannla aro hr rrfrnn \AlhrrY'lrlIvgvvlrIvrlv ann't r/^r r ^ffnr nno nf hrc Seorcv Arkorsos vrrvsvrranarrnh r,rithnrri vs arrr ssl4rrvadrlind mar6rrrvrv moecddoc in aanh icer ro r rniil thorr ma !r rvI vrv gmrltto them Christ'sfollowers need to published? oll His equCIl n not to be be more considerote ond compos- found Hrs serTrlonsctre so hke Chnst, sioncrtetowcrd those oround us who ctmnlo t rr-h na\^/ar-nd.La.i anrl h\lrt unmcrtchoble T oninrr \rnr rr mdddzina rronr mr rnh Feed-dont entertqin. . . r vr rJvI Msttie S Broden Tlvvlvvrvvyvrvvll or-rrec IOO rrerr:cnt wtth Dl K1O[S Bill D Yeots splendrd cnticle "Keeping Preochng Crosby Mirrrresoto Faalo Dncc Tovac Bolcrrced" OloV) I furd rt pcnnfuJlytrue qnd most devostoting thot in some of our lorge ond most renowned rn- Grect dependent Boptrstchurches the con- Job,.. Clqriflcqtion g[egotions hove become bored with your pleochLng. I oppreciote honest curd open In your sound exposrtory No longer to cnticle'SchoeffersSucceed iq'lmch rnrY' frnm I l'ro nr rlnr I cnncrrlorry-l opprooch theologncol ond cunent lvlrvr]ItII9PulJ]' icqr roc in liaht nf iha Qcrinh rroe with'Greot Evongelicol Disoster"' 'Ytrmchtna" '*il a e.u tF.n 'u tV. TI rcrcannll', 1lJ LU i:E li lg 1cn:n quoted os indrcoting thot Vrwv. l5rwll4y Edwcn'd "Unity OloV), Dobson, in ond "l do not know of ony officrol position dlchotomy. Dlersity" grreotjob OzIoV),drd o with on obortion'ot Wheoton College Moy God help us to feed our flocks the s:lcject Nevertheless,I believe our (John 21J517)ond not entertorn them, Although I do not recoll my precrse unity centels in JesusChnst Doctrine wordrng to Mcrtn Mowyer on the Moy the proclomcrtionof the Word of is very importont, every but school, telephone my stotementwcs ntended God ogorn be the source of revivol to every church, every postol moy hove to meon thot Wheoton College does our churches o slightly distinctlve opprooch, not hcrve cm officiol ochon on the sul> whereos, we oll ogrree thot Chrisfs Rodney V l?rce ject in writitrgt. Nevertheless,the sentr- Vrgnn Buth,srrles lifevrccrious deoth, mont nnd nrorrnilrna holiof nt AssocicrtePostor cu-rdvrctonous Resunechon cre centrol West Huntsvilie Boptist Church ond nrrmr-rruio mrr fcnthond l_rfe Wheoton Lsdecidedly ontr-obortion, Huntsvrlle,A]obomo Thanl- rrnr r fnr clari{rrina lhic nnci- your Richcnd L Strort,Postor tron to reoders Altoono First Church of God A-ltoono, Pennsylvorrro Richord E Gedg Director ol Pr.rlcircAfforrs I liked the whole thi:rg... Wheoton College Wheoton. Illrrois T roallrr an imrorl iha \rf nrr Fundomentqlist Journql. "The Be careful... Vcn-rishirrgEVcn rgeLst' brought out the Edrtor's Note, The ocknowledgrment "Porni/Cnr rniomnrnt" / Trqrrno\ cnn- neeci for loccil churches to understcnrrd vryvrr rL w rvl vvr I llne for "Trll Someone ELseDo Us Port" thcrt the evcngehst rsused of God cu-rd tcnned some rrrterestrrrgstotements by (p 48 June) should hove reod os needed todoy "Umty ond Diversty, Adoms, Rynq ond Steele I hcrve one fnllnrnrc. J)onrrntor'l l-rrr normrccran af Controdrctory or Complementcnfl" comment. Both sidesfcnled to explcnn Fidelity mogozrne, 206 Morquette (if wos well put The nonessentiols of thev e.wen recrlize) thcrt God rn- Avenue, South Bend. Indiono 46617 Chnsticn'rity shor.rld not seporote the stifuted mcn-riogern thestote of perfec- body of Chrrst. tion to His two crecrted beings before 'Ve Jrzfrrfr-nrnrric rcr-n rlrrr OfttCle iS"Btl3le the Foll welcomeJanr cornmmtsand will inclulc Shrdy" by Hcnold L. Wilirningrton, who Nonbehevers cne not sons of God, tllem in our Letters to the Editor sectionas I feel is in the top three men tned of Not one verserefened to by the writers spore pemits-subject to condensationat the discretion of the editorial staff.

SEPTEMBER1984 JXPPYTALVXLL COMMXNT6 Who Is the Voice of Fundamentalism Today? 'We wantedthese "voices" to lead us, They weregiven their authority by God, not by a majority vote of pastorsor some '!7e self-promotion.They wereGod's gift to our generation. knew Wn r, youngerpdsrorsit and never quarreledabout it. As a matter of fact, we were will alwayslook to olderond glad they werethere. We wanted them to run everythingand to dominate every fellowshipmeeting. success/ulleaders for counsel But the "PatriarchalPeriod" of the modern Fundamentalist ondencouragement, movement is over. Many of the patriarchs are in glory. Others have voluntarily begun to pass their mantles to the next independenceis here to stoy, generation. While I cannot speak authoritatively about the \7BF, GARBC, and other Fundamentalistgroups, because my ex- periencehas been primarily in the BBF, I believe the same rior to the 1950s,Dr. J. Frank Norris, when he was phenomenon has occurred with them-and has passedinto healthy in body, mind, and spirit, had been the un- history. challenged"voice of Fundamentalism"as far as in- Dr. Vick has not been replaced-nor will he be replaced. dependentfundamental Baptist pastorswere concerned. And the samemust be said for Dr. Ketcham, Dr. Jones,Sr., When he died,several men steppedforward to leadthrough and Dr. Lakin. They are gone-forever. the Vorld BaptistFellowship and the BaptistBible Fellowship, \ilhen Noel Smith died, God did not raiseup a replacemenr. and in that sense,provide strong voices. Of course,the Baptist Bible Tribune continues as the official Shortly after I was converredto Christ in 1952,1felt God organ of the BBF. But as the powerfirl and perceptive voice leadingme to full-time pastoral work. My pastor,Paul F. Don- of Noel Smith, the Tribune is no more. \ilhile JamesCombs nelson,recommended that I rransferfrom Lynchburg College, is doing a marvelousjob and we all appreciatehim and the quali- which I had attendedfor two years,to Baptist Bible College ty of his work, he has no illusionsthat he is "Noel Smith re- in Springfield,Missouri. incarnated." He understandsthat we reserve the right to \7hile I wasthere, I met the greatleaders God had prepared challengehis editorial opinions-a risht we never wanred or ex- to guide Fundamentalismthrough the twentieth century. In ercisedwith Noel Smith. The patriarchis dead.And there will Baptist Bible Fellowship, where my roots were established, not be another Noel Smith. Dr. G.B. Vick was clearlvthe leader.Kev men rallied around John R. Rice had an unsurpassedtheological background, him and gavedirection to those of us who were "in training" academictraining, and writing skill. When he died, the Sqlord at Baptist Bible College. of ilrc Lord-with his patriarchal authority and voice-died with \7hi1e attending BBC I met great patriarchs who led Funda- him. Neither will be replaced.Although Curtis Hutson is do- '!7.8.mentalism so faithfully-Drs. Fred Donnelson,John Rawlings, ing an excellentjob with the "new" Su,,ordand reachingmany Doweli, \Tendell Zimmerman, R.O. \Toodworth, and soulsfor Christ, America's Fundamentalistpreachers will never other championsfor Christ. allowhim to replaceDr. fuce asthe "voiceof Fundamentalism." Dr. Robert Ketchamof the GeneralAssociation of Regular This doesnot diminish the responsibilityand leadershipof BaptistChurches came to Springfieldto conducra seriesof ser- Jimmy Combs, Curtis Hutson, or any other man of God to- vices at BBC and High Street Baptist Church. I quickly day. This is simply a statemenrof fact-the patriarchs are gone. understoodwhy he was "the leader"among the GARBC. Dr. Neither Jack Hyles, Charles Billingron, A.V. Henderson, Bob Sr., was Jones, askedto deliverrhe commencementaddress Harold Henniger, Truman Dollar, nor Jerry Falwell have replaced for our graduatingclass. He was a true spiritualhero to many Dr. Norris or Dr. Vick. of us "preacherboys." Of course,Dr. Lee Robersonplaced his As I seeit, we have now moved into a "PastoralPeriod." stamp upon ali of us as did Drs. B.R. Lakin and Today, unlike 25 yearsago, there are hundreds of dominant Billington. and dynamic Fundamentalistchurches. And every day we hear During those early yearsof my Christian life, the writings of young pastors who are outstripping their mentors and are and sermonsof Dr. John R. Rice provided the doctrinal and reachingentire cities for Christ. spiritual leadership we all needed as twentieth-century Fun- The conviction thar the local church is God's sole agency damentalismwas taking form. And Dr. Noel Smith challenged for world evangelismis becomingprevalent and accepted.\ilhile and inspired us for over two decadesas editor of the Babtist fellowshipsand associationsof churches will continue ro grow Bible Tribune. and work together,the day ofpatriarchal authority haspassed. 8 FUNDAMENTAUSTJOURNAL No longeris it possibleor desirableto organizeand control different issuesand platforms. Rather than attacking them and local churchesand pastorsunder one exclusivefellowship ban- their motives,let us rejoice and thank God for them. ner, to the end that the pastorscannot and will not, at times, Already, young men are standing tall-young men like Jerry find friendship and spiritual participation in other conferences, Prevo, David Jeremiah, George Zarris, David Janney, Bill communions,or coalitions.Exclusivism and the absolutecon- Monroe, Chuck Baldwin,Buddy Frankland,George Sweet, Al trol of the local churchesand pastorsby a "patriarchalvoice" Henson, David Rhodenhizer,Terry Smith, Erven Burke, Roy or headquartersloyalty is now history. Mclaughlin, 'V/hile Gary Coleman, Ed Dobson, Ken Adrian, Ron youngerpastors will alwayslook to older and successfirl Adrian, and hundreds like them. leadersfor counseland encouragement,independence is here Let us not jealously wrestle and fight for position and to stay.The Southern BaptistConvention is learningthis the dominance.Let us never ask the question,"Who is the voice hard way as their "Fundamentalists"are bolting and doing their of Fundamentalism?"- expectingthat our name will be spoken. own thing. This is pride in its worst form. And this kind of "Diotrephes More and more, good and sound pastorsare joining hands spirit" will causeus to constantlycriticize others whom God in scripturaland citizenshipefforts outside their own "camps." is using and who appearto threatenour successin our selfish '\ile '84." saw this in "Baptist Fundamentalism \ile seemen from effort to become"the voice of Fundamentalism." BaptistBible Fellowship,\ilorld Bible Fellowship,and the new There is no "voice of Fundamentalism"today. There are hun- Independent Baptist Fellowship Internationai at Dr. Hyle's dreds,perhaps thousands, ofsuch voicestoday. And the number Pastors'Conferencesand at Southwide BaptistConferences. We will multiply as we approachthe coming of the Lord, and as '!ile see them in our Lynchburg conferences. see them we continueto train thousandsof youngChampions for Christ representedin joining hands in political organizationslike Moral in our many great schools. Majority and the American Coalition for Traditional Values. May God deliver us from in-fighting, pettiness,and nit- And on the list goes.Further, thesemen arenot violatingtheir picking. May we grow past the place where our pulpits and theologicalintegrity or positionsof biblical separation. papersare usedto attack God's servantswith whom we may All this meansis that no singleindividual will ever again have minor differences-or who may, in our carnal thinking, speakfor all of us. No three or four individualswill do this for be threatening the successof our effort to be the last us. Every pastor is "a voice for Fundamentalism." "Patriarch"-when no such thing will ever occur again.There There are hundredsof articulateand mature men who will should never be any competition between lighthouses-only walk point for us and will representour position on scoresof cooperatlon. D Why I Went to San Francisco and Dallas RevoiutionaryParty tossedrocks at the police,the demonstra- he Free CongressFoundation and Moral Majority tions werepeaceful-though absurd.Particularly tasteless were Foundation jointly sponsoredFamily Forum III in San the characterizationsof Phyllis Schlafly and myself,as actors Francisco 12 and 13, and in Dallas August 16 July mocked her view of women in today's societyand my stand and 17.Both Seminarsimmediately preceded the nationalcon- againsthomosexuality. ventions of the Democrats and Republicansrespectively. Capacity Since the Republicanshad alreadydrafted a pro-family, anti- crowds attended and every sessionproved to be productive. abortion platform in in 1980,we went to Dallasto en- The media askedme why we choseto hold a convention couragethem to "stay the course"that had helpedseveral who in San Francisco.Some have chargedthat by exercisingour supportedit to attain electionvictories on the stateand federal constitutional rights to assemblein San Francisco,we were levels. deliberatelyprovoking violence.This is as ludicrousas suggesting Family Forum III went to San Franciscoto speakto the na- that women who carry pocketbookswhile shoppingare pro- tion on thesematters and to bring the national spotlight on voking thievesand muggersto break the law. We did not go the Democratic plarform, which wasvirtually written by radical to San Francisco to confront the gays or other militant and specialinterest groups. And indeedwe did so, as329 represen- radicalgroups. Our statedpurpose was to reinforcetraditional '$7e tativesfrom the national media wereregistered. We were allowed family values. selectedSan Franciscobecause the Democrats to make our statement.The San FranciscoPolice Department chosethat city for their convention-no other reason. did al outstandingjob of guaranteeingour safety and free Thirty-five radical groupsobtained permitsto demonstrate speecn. outsideour hotel in San Francisco.The Oral Majority, pros- If the demonstrationson the streetswere ludicrous-what titutes from the Hookers Convention which was aisomeeting went on inside Moscone Center was even worse. Geraldine there, delegatesfrom the LegalizeMarijuana Committee, Sister Ferraro, chairpersonof the Platform Committee, capitulated to Boom-Boom and her Sistersof PerpetualIndulgence, the Nazis, abortionists, homosexuals,and apparent supportersof the the Communist RevolutionaryParty, and others compriseda Soviet-Cubanexpansionism in Central America. Ferrarore6.rsed "human zoo" of weirdosand reactionarieswho numbered in to allow Moral Maioritv to aooearbefore her committee.She the thousandsand madeit very interestingfor all of us-to say the least.Except for a brief altercationwhen the Communist continuedon page26

SEPTEMBER1984 I 1 -i

by Edward Dobson Thou ShaltNot Attend Movies

hildren often ask the most difficult theologicalques- The Appearance of Evil. Although there is some merit tions. ln simple innocencethey challengeour basic in the appearanceof evil argument I gave to Kent, again, con- vaiuesand demanda reasonfor what we believeand sistency would demand that we not eat in a restaurant that has do. I was sitting in the den talking to my 7-year-old son, Kent, a lounge, we should not buy groceries in a store that sells beer when he asked. "Will vou take me to see E.T.?" and wine, and so forth, until we reach the deserted island. I quickly responded, "You know we don't go to moviesl' The Real Issue-Choice. In our efforts to teach people "But all my friends go, so why can't we go?" was his predict- to make the right choices, we neatly categorize and label various able retort. activities as right or wrong. \Ue find it easier for the church or Realizing it was time to deliver my lecture on why we don't Christian school to dictate what we can or cannot do. \7hen go to movies, I began, "You see, son, theaters show good and something is labeled as wrong, the only choice is whether or bad movies. If someone were to see me coming out of a theater, not to do it. In fact, much of the Christian life falls, necessarily, they might think I had gone to a bad movie. I would not want in this area of predetermined, obvious choices between right and to hurt my testimony so I don't go to the theaterl' wrong. Some issues,however, are not cut-and-dried, and spiritual I thought this would be sufficient, but Kent replied, "Dad, maturity demands that we make these decisions on our own. everyone knows you would not go to a bad moviel' The church must give biblical criteria upon which these deci- "But son, to avoid a misunderstanding, we don't gol" sions should be based, teaching and trusting individual Chris- After some thought he offered his solution. "lrt me go with tians to make choices, without the fear that spirituality will be someone else; then no one would know who I aml' judged accordingly. When the proper criteria are internalized, Historically, Fundamentalists have been againstattending the they can be used to evaluatetelevision programs, videos, movies, movie theater. \7e find the prohibition in Sunday school teacher and all such areas of the Christian life. covenants, leadership guidelines, and the rules of Christian day The Real Criteria. Should a Christian attend the movie schools and colleges. In explaining the substantive reason for theater? Obviously, there is nothing innately sinful about these guidelines, two clear principles emerge. cameras, projectors, screens,or film. lf such were evil there would The Support of the Hollywood Industry. People have be no place for Christian films or television programs. The argued for years that attendance at the theater is in essencegiv- underlying issue is how this medium is used and for what ing financial support for an industry that, for the most part, purpose. contradicts our Christian value system. While the financial sup- Films communicate a message and seek to convince the port argument was certainly true when films were shown only viewers of the validity of that message.In a movie theater the in theaters, utilizing that rationale today is more difficult. power of influence is even greater than teievision in that there are no commercial interruptions, and one does not normally leave until the movie is completed. For the most part, the value system portrayed in film is anti- God, anti-fami,ly,and anti-morality. Hollywood acrors, wrirers, In ou, effortsto make and producers often advocate a sexually liberated amoral lifestyle. the right choiceswe Many movies advocate the occult, drugs, violence, homosexuality, label free sex, and nudity, and they demean those who live by the actiq) right or wrong, Judeo-Christian ethic. For me it is a marter of principle (Phil. 4:B) that I not turn my mind and emotions over ro such films and to their attempt to poison and convert me. \ilhat about good movies? Now and then a Chariots of Fire Hollywood movies now appear on television and can be rented is produced, but movies fit for Christian consumption are rare. on video cassettes.To be consistent, we would have to stop Attendance at these movies is in essencea matter of preference. watching those movies on television and stop renting videos. I do not attend any movies. That does not make me more To maintain that consistency we would have to stop buying spiritual than someone who chooses to attend good movies. Nor groceries in a store that sold liquor or cigarettes; stop buying is my preference spiritually binding on others. Each must decide newspapers and magazines that advertise movies, liquor, or for himself. Whether we attend movies or not, our resrimony cigarettes;stop drinking 7-Up becauseit is owned by Seagrams; should be so impeccable that people will not question the depth and totally separate from associations of this nature. The final of our commitment to Christ. Is attending the movie theater step would be self-imposed isolation on a deserted island. a matter of principle or preference? For me, it is bothl D to FUNDAMENTAUSTJOURNAI Why should you Informed Lsn subscribe to the Yes,I wcrnt to lecm more cdcout Fundqmentalist the flrndcrmentqlsof the fcrithqnd their impcct on the world. Enier Journcl? my nrbscription todcry! Beccruseyou'll be l yecs.Uisues.$0.95 NewSubsctiption. inlormed through 2yeals-?isuos.$24,95 Ronewdl. crticles thcil give the Pcymentenclosed. 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very Sunday it movesup the pew The Corinthian church, on the other spiritual slip shows for a moment. Ve toward me, stops in my hands, hand, white-knuckled their bucks all the reveal something of our heart. and then passesby. Vhether I way to the bank. They were the first to Some resenttheir pastorcalling atten- am worshiping in my home church or talk about all they weregoing to do-and tion to money, world hunger, under- ministering in some distant location, a the last to do it. Paul scolded them. financed missionaries,deficits in the certain paddedplate makesits rounds like The rich ruler would not respond to budget, and the annual pledge.And to clockwork. If I return for the eveningser- his own personal need to follow Jesus. be frank, sometimespastors and Chris- vice or the l7ednesday meeting, I find The Corinthians were tight-fisted when tian leaders do abuse their people. myself passingthe same plate for the faced with the needsof others. In both Emotion-chargedpleas, guilt, and other secondor third time-in the sameweek. cases,the issuewas heart-condition, not manipulative techniquesgather dollars- Silently,it solicitssupport. Silently, it tests financial capability. but dishonor God. the heart and revealscharacter. A "big man" has to become pretty The appropriate act (giving) pleases The rich young ruler, proud of his small to get through the eye of a needle. God when it is linked with the ap- unblemished attempt at lawkeeping,got The Macedonians qualified. They were so propriate attitude (cheerfulness).But, you caught with his spiritual slip showing protest, we get bombarded with needs when the [.ord suggestedhe trade his these days! Every day. And we get tired wealth for something better. Money, for of it. Tired of so many letters (paper of- this man, was an emotional issue.Un- fering plates)from so many organizations doubtedly the young man would haveen- with so many pictures of underprivi" joyed a religious dialogue with Jesus Tt, sizeond shapelegedkids, underpaid staffs,underfunded Christ; it would havepleased him to trade projects, and underfinanced Scripture quotes and theologicalbuzz- of offeringplates houe students. Sometimes words.But when the Master mademoney the pleas look like the bottom line. "his countenancefell" changedduring the they all cameout and he went away grieved. lost2,000 yeors. of the samecom- As the unhappy businessmanfaded puter. I know just into the distance,the lord began speak- how you feel. ing of camels and needles.Getting a The paper plates spiritually appropriateresponse from such come through my a person, said Jesus, is harder than poor they could march through the nee- mailbox too. They ap- pushing a two-humped camel through dle's eye three abreast. They fit easily pear almost every day and "the eye of a needlela small gate next becausethey did the unexpected,catch- they all look pretty much the to the main gate at Jerusalem-or a ing even a seasonedapostle like Paul off same.(But realistically,how much varia- camel hair rope through a sewing guard. tion in envelope size will the postal needle.Here is the principle: Money \fhat did they do? They first gave authoritiesaccept?) mattersmeasure maturity. themselves to God. \Tholeheartedlv. Church offering plates are usually The Macedonians,out Unreservedly.Then, out of their extreme silver, round, and come down the pew of their exffemepoverry, povert% their God-filled hearts poured three times a week. Paperplates ask for gavejoyously. Sacri- forth a shocking abundance.Mark it well, money, but so do the silent silver ones- ficially. And Paul friend, God continues to multiply that backedup by soft music and a persuasive commendedthem. Macedonian investmentto this very day. pastor. An interesting phenomenon takes place when you and I encounter a need, a plea, or an opportuniry. It triggers an C. Aldrich is emotion-an emotion we may direct at Joseph presidentof Mubnomah the hurting people,the organization,or School o/ the Bible, the institution. It may be joy or sorroq Portland, Oregon. cheeror complaint, involvementor indif- ference. \Thatever the emotion. our F'IJNDAMENTALISTJOURNAT I.i. Gh{r t 23{ Oo*$n &}t|oro YN ?nafir

&f.0|llrr t23{ kr i Ormofo,Yf'l 2a08t

t" ;#9*, -bitgffi-s- \ Paul sent severalpaper plates,without all God's family, involved in God's pur- shape or composition of the offering apology. And when the Corinthian poses,called to do God's work, passsilver plate?Does it matter to Him if it is leffer- church dragged its feet, the apostle plates.Many are paper, come through the sized,round, silver, myrtlewood, or paper? stepped up the pressure.In his "receipt mail, and represent legitimate oppor- Does He prefer one over another? letter" to the church at Philippi, the tunities for concerned Christians. I do not think He does.Our [.ord raises apostlethanked them for giving and then Do not disdain all paper plates sim- up men and women and ministries all over gavethem a reasonwhy he had askedfor ply becausethey seemto look and sound the world to proclaim His love and equip their support: he wanted eternal credit to alike. After all, envelopesare required to His children. All He asksof us is that we build to their account.Paul had personally have addresses,and most letters begin invest wiselyin His endeavors.Sometimes learned to be content in every circum- with "Dear Friend" and close with a He passesa silver plate. Sometimesit is stance-with or without their support. signature.It is not even reasonableto ex- paper.In His own loving way, He invites Again, in 1 Timothy 6, Paul told the pect each letter to "look different" or eachone ofus to gladly involve ourselves pastorat Ephesusto commandthose with feature a "fresh twist." The key issuefor in His purpose-for our benefit. goods to give-for their benefit. the believeris simply to discernlegitimate The size and shapeof offering plates So what is the point? Money is an ministries with proven track recordsand have changedduring the last 2,000years. emotional subject. A barometer of the quality products-and cheerfullysupport But something else has not. heart. The stewardshipof monel is a sand them. The [.ord still loves a cheerful giver. Does God put a premium on the trust with greatpotential benefit. But not Adapted by permission from Multnomah Message. LJ Trecsures fromthe

A Foretqsteof Glory

ne of the most insightful and carefully used words by the Spirit-filled believer.Paul elsewherecalls this the "first- in the New Testament is the word nrabon "earnest." fruits of the Spirit" (Rom. 8123),a foretasteof the full and final A loan word from the Semitic world where it was harvest of salvation which the Christian is yet to enjoy. widely employed since very early times as an economic and In 2 Corinthians 5:l-5, Paul points out that the earnest commercial term, it was also used extensively in Greek and of the Spirit servesas both the assuranceand a foretaste of Latin (and is still attested in the French word arrhes).The the Christian'setemal life. In Ephesiars1:13-14, Paul addsthat Hebrew equivalent is found three times in Genesis38, where the Holy Spirit is "the earnestof our inheritance." As heirs it is translated "pledge," that which is given in lieu of a forth- and joint-heirs with Christ (Rom. 8:17),believers not only an- coming but different thing that had been promised. In the ticipate a further rich and final salvation experience, they par- Greek world, however, the term takes on an added dimen- take of that fullness even now through the indwelling Holy sion. The "pledge" becomes here a first installment of the full Spirit. sum that will be given. Thus, it was used as earnest money In all of this it is evident that the earnest of the Spirit is or a down payment and guarantee that an item bought would no mere pledge of the believer's life in its final form, but is be paid for in full. It could designate,as well, a retaining fee a foretaste of that completed salvation. Our life now should or "up fiont" money used in engaging the servicesof a profes- qualitatively partake of the richness of the glorious life that sional craftsman, workman, or entailer. The point of all such yet awaits us. The Christian life is no mere static, passive usagesis that the earnestis of the samekind and wascounted businesstransaction betweenGod and the believer, but is an as part of the final settlement. active, living, growing, and productive experience,capped by The full weight of this business term can be felt in three the end product of the Holy Spirit's progressivelysanctifuing contexts in which Paul employs the word with great care and work (cf. Rom. 8:14-23).It is small wonder, then, that Chris- precision.In 2 Corinthians 120-22,Paul reminds the believers tians are admonishednot to quench the Spirit (1 Thess. 5:19) that the great affirming "yes" to God's promises is found in so that the fruits of the Spirit may be evidenced in the believer's Christ, whose servant Paul was. Indeed, it was God Himself growth in grace (Cal.5:22-23) and in victory over sin (Rom. who had established, anointed, and sealed his servant in his 8:1-11). ministry and who has "given the earnest of the Spirit in our May we live so as to let our heavenlyEarnest do His sanctifu- hearts." Thus, the glorious promisesof God in Christ which ing work in our lives in order that we may truly enjoy the are yet to be known in fullness are already being experienced abundant life that Christ Himself has promised Qohn 10:10).

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relationship to Christ so that the person which is in the perfect tense, indicating he security or continuance of should exclaim, arn saved." Security the passing over to life is a past act with the believer in salvation has "I should never be twisted to allow continuing results. Obviously the con- been known by various terms unregenerate sinners to complacently tinuing results are the eternal possession such as etemal seanrity,perseuerance of the continue in habitual sin. Salvation is of eternal life by the believer. saints, preseruatioft, and popularly as from sin, not in sin. While true believers 6:39,40 (cf. t7:2,9,L2). "once saved-always saved." Etemal John John experiencevarying ofspiritual vic- plainly assertedthat whoever had seanrity means God's mind will not be Jesus tory, they are no longer enslavedto the already been given Him, or who had changed about the believer's destiny. 'Whoever kingdom of sin (ohn 832;2 Peter 1:4). believed,would surely be raised by Him believesis certain for heaven. on last day." affirmed in His The believer'ssecurity restsin the prom- "the Jesus priestly prayer inJohnlT:12 that He had isesof a sure salvation to whoever comes Security and Perseverance lost none of His disciplesexcept Judas.Of in genuinefaith to Christ flohn 3z16;5:24\. John Murray notes that to refer to the believer'ssecure position with the words course, Judaswas not a true believer and nowhere etenal seanritymight give some the im- does Jesusindicate that Judas given pression that a person is secureeven if had been to Him. Jesusmade it clear that was not an exception to his lifestyle is "pernicious." He states: Judas His keeping of true disciples (cf. John 6:46tr;6:70; 13:18).In 17:2 S..urit y doesnot allow To sav that a believer is secure John Jesus told the Father that He had been given whatevermav be the extent of his unregenerotesinners to power "that he should give eternal life to addiction to sin in his subsequent ctsmany as thou hast given him" (cf. life is to abstract faith in Christ John complecentlycontinue 17:9).There is cooperation between the from its very definition and it Personsof the Trinity in our salvation so in habitrnl sin, ministersto that abusewhich turns that the result of eternal life for those who the graceof God into lascivious- believe is a certainty. ness" (Redemption Accunplisl.cdand John 1027.3O. This passage is Applied, p. 154). The doctrine of the believer's related to the previous one. Again perseveranceis implied by the permanent believers are referred to as being given by indwelling of the Holy Spirit (John 14:16) Real believersdo persevere.A balanced the Father (v.29).Jesus promised that His and His sealingus (Eph. 1:13-14). presentation of eternal security should sheepwould "never perish." In the Greek While there is change all about the emphasizethat believersare changed and there is a double negative,the most em- saint of God, the true believer is assured responsible to exert power to live out the phatic way to deny a certain possibility. by God's \ford of a permanence that life God graciously implants. Men only continues forever (Rom. 8:35,39). "work out" their own salvation "with fear Perseverancemeans that true believers and trembling" becausea graciousGod continue to be children of God and are "worketh" in them "both to will and to kept by the power of God unto final do" His will (Phil. 2:12-13).Eternal secu- T, believerwill salvation (l Peter l:5). This is not to im- rity and perseveranceare both taught in ply that everyone who goesforward in Scripture. Both should be emphasized. neverbe iudgedto an evangelisticmeeting, or makes a pro- fessionat some time or another is genu- Biblical Proof for Security determinehis destiny, inely saved. Dale Moody labels the adherents of We have all had occasion to bear security (the "Augustinian-Calvinistic- witness to someone who claims he "m4s Evangelical-LandmarkBaptist-Dispensa- saved." However, further investigation tional tradition") as being guilty of "se- Some argue that this shows that only disclosesthat there has been no mean- lective inattention" in doing exegesis those who continue to believe are ingful changein his life. When someone (Tlv Word of Truth, p. 351). However, preserved. What need is there for any sayshe "was saved" that may be a clue what is one to do when he sees great spiritual preservationif we can continue that he is equating conversion with just passagesthat clearly, explicitly, and to believe on our own, apart from divine an emotional experience in the past. unambiguously teach eternal security? preservation?To teach that preservation Biblical salvation consistsof a continual Consider for example, the following. dependsprimarily on our will encourages John 5:24. Jesushere labors to make believers to trust in themselves-which the point that to believe is to have is sin (2 Cor. 1:9). Alvin L. Baker is etemal life in the present and to be secure Jesus indicated that our infallible pastor of Central Bible throughout eternity. The believer can security is guaranteed by the fact that no Church, North never "come into condemnation." He will one can snatch us out of His hand. If Wildwood, New Jersey. never be ju&ed to determine his destiny. Satan can tempt us to fall, wouldn't that He holds a Th.D. from Instead of ever coming into judgment the constitute a seizingout of Christ's hand? Dallas Theological Seminary. believer "is passedfrom death unto life." Also, to say we can possibly fall by our The words "is passed"is one Greek word own weaknesscontradicts the emphatic SEPTEMBER1984 19 denial of zuch an evennrality in the words, 4:1; 2 Thess.2:13-14;2 Tim. 1:9).To say There simply is no place for an uncertain "They shall never perish." that now "all things work together for or conditional security in Paul's great Romanc 8. The whole eighth good" for the believer is the clearestasser- hymn of victory in Romans 8. chapter of Romans constitutes the tion that no force, not even the believer's Philippians 1:6. Here Paul une- greatestproof of the infallible preserva. ineptitude, will prevent him from arriv- quivocally sets forth the guaranteed tion of every blood-washedchild of God. ing at spiritual conformity to Christ in preservation of the saints, saying, "He Romans 8:1 saysthere is "no condemna- glory. In conftrming this, Paul, in verses which hath begun a good work in you tion" for all in Christ. "Condemnation" 29 and 30, presentsan unbreakable chain will perform it until the day of Jesus includes both the sentenceand the penal of the works of God which eventuate in Christ." The "good work" is the believer's servitude resulting from iniquity. All that every believer'sglorification. salvation and not his monetary gift as has been removed. Then we are told the Passageslike this should causeus to some have suggested.The same words in saved have been freed "from the law of say with Luther, "Faith puts such courage Greek are used for conversion in 'Though sin and death." Paul goeson to say that into a man, that he can say, all Galatians 3:3 ("begun," "will perform"). the saved "continually walk not after the devils should pounce upon me,'and all Here Paul showsthat the believer'ssalva- flesh, but according to the Spirit" (lit. kings, emperors,heaven, and earth, were tion is scheduledto be completed at the trans. of 8:4) so that now we "mind against me, I neverthelessknow that I "day of JesusChrist." How is this pos- [speaksof mental activity as a whole] the shall be sustained."' sible if some who believe can really fall things of the Spirit" (8:5). God's power In Romans 8:31 through 39 Paul away? so changesand sustainsus that we will seems to reach the highest rung in the 1 Peter 1:5. Peter describesthose never abandon ourselves to a life of sin. ladder of comfort. He draws a conclusion "begotten unto a lively hope" (1:3) as hav- In verses 28 through 30 one beholds from at least everything from verse 28 on, ing a reservedinheritance in heaven (1:4), an unbreakable chain. First, Paul says"all ifnot from 8:1 on, and reasonsthat "if" and as being "kept by the power of God things work tqlether for good" to all God is for us (and He is if we are one of through faith unto salvation" (l:5). It those truly saved.Here Paul speaksof all those who are "in Christ") what do we really would be absurd to imagine that real believers. All believers are spoken of have to fear from anything in the future? believerscan fall away when all the while by Paul as being "called" of the Holy At this point all denialsof security seem their "inheritance" has been "reserved" Spirit (cf. Rom. 9:24; I Cor. 1:2,1-26;Eph. to be out of tune with the great apostle. (perfect tense) already in "heaven" for them. The term "kept" is a military term which means to be guarded or defended by a garrison. The keeping is, according MANUFACTURER to this verse,until the final consumma- NEEDS tion (cf.Rom. 13:11;Heb. 1:14,9:28),not DISTRICT until we fall or apostasize! kt us then not try to assaultthe tmth DEATERS ofeternal security.Rightly preachedand explained it presents no threat to faithful I/eotou4ena&tg 9(arnprs,Tnn. Christian living. God's \Uord assures each of us that if we trust in our Lord there has been a transition for us from ONEOF THE HOTTESTITEMS spiritual death to life. A transition that IN THE HOUSINGMAR,KET is irreversible Qohn 5:24-25; Eph. 2:5; TODAY Col. 1:13).The completion of salvation is in the hand of our omnipotent [,ord (Phil. 1:6; I Peter 5:10;John 10:29). INCOME ?EATURINGI This does not permit any one of us NO FR,ANCHISEFEE '$fe ' Hond Hewn RusticLook Exterior to live wicked and disobedient lives. ' Flot Tongue & GrooveInterior Look REQUIN,EMENTS: must persevere.For we can be assuredof ' Solid 8 in. Uniform Logs our salvation only as long as we seri- ' New Cohtemporory Styles - Purchose Model Home ously strive to persevere in holiness ' Custom DesignsAvoiloble from 914,000 to 920,000 (2 Cor. 5:17; Heb. 12:14;2 Peter l:10). ' CommerciolBuilding Avoiloble - Meet Our High Stondords ' P.oiectedTerritory We continually fail but nevertheless do - Desire to Succeed desire to live for Him who died for us. Thus, Christ's love is victorious. It is real. Proclaim it loud and clear. If we are true believers,we really are going to be with Him. Armed with the knowledge of our Urarlr4enfthg ghna, Inc. P.O. Box 1016 security we should sing the praisesof our fr# M@RESVILLE,i.IORTH CAROLINA 28I15 saving God and let this knowledge be not CALLMR. HUTCHCoLLECTTODAY AT (704) 932-0137 an excusefor laxness,but an impetus for being strong in the spiritual baale. ! 20 FUNDAMENTAUSTJOURNAL BRINGING HEROWN

he wasborn on November3, 1955,and her parents were informed that their baby had spina bifida. Had she been born today, when spina bifida is easilydetectable before birth, she could easily have been aborted or left to starve in the hospital nursery, as was another recent "Baby Doe" with spina bifida. But fortunately, despitetoday's medical advancesper- mitting the easy screening of "standard" fetal development from "substandard" development, Duke and Carlene Westover would still have chosen life for their daughter, Kim. A medical dictionary defines spina bifida as "a congenital defect in the closure of the vertebral canal; a protrusion of the meninges of the cord." \fhen some doctors claim that children with spina 'Westoverbifida will not live past the ageof 18, Kim laughs. "I guess I'm living on bor- rowed time then, becauseI'm 28." Despite being in a wheelchair, Kim Westover leadsa full and rewarding life. She's an artist and she takes an active part in her church, including working in the Awana program. Except for her wheelchair, Kim is no different from anyone else and is sometimes amazed at the remarks she hears about people in wheelchairs. "Being in a wheelchair can be very humorous," she relates. "I have been asked everything from 'Can you 'Can swallow?'to you read a menu?'Peoplein wheelchairs are not all retarded-our legs just don't work." Does she get down or depressed?Occasion- ally, but only about things that everyone else finds depressing. "I don't ever really get down about my handicap-this is the way I aml there's a reason for it. I don't necessarilyknow what the reason is yet, but one of these days I'll find out." SEPTEMBER1984 her that there'snot much of anything she can't do, if shejust "puts her mind to it." How doesKim feelabout babiesborn with spinabifida? What advicewould she give the parents? "I think the Lord's given them the babv for a reason.and He madethe chiid that way for a reason.There should be no human decision regarding life or death. Everything medically possible should be done for their child." PearlS. Buck confirmedthe value of human life when she said, "Since the fetusis a creaturealready alive and in the processof development,to kill it is to choosedeath over life. At what point shall we allow this choice?For me the answer is . . . at no point, once life has "I haq)ebeen osked eaerything from'Can begun.... A retardedchild, a handi- you 'Con you cappedperson, brings its own gift to life, swollow?'to reoda menu!' " even to the life of normal human beines."

When going through hard times,she the Lord. If you are a Christian, then draws strength from her family, her you've just got to realize that there is a church, and friends,but primarily from reason for every circumstance-though her relationshipwich rhe Lord. "l don't we may not find it in this lifetime. If you seehow anybodycan dealwith anything can just remember that, it will keep you without being a Christian and knowing going." "There are things that I can't do," she confides, "and there are things that some can do better than I can. But there are also things that I can do better than others." She believes handicapped peo- ple should look for the things that they enjoy and then just "do your best at itl" Kim has a friend who is "verv athletic. but very accident-prone." Once the friend had castson both legs and was in (( a wheelchair like Kim. The two girls rrr wheeled down to the church gym to watch a game of volleyball. Kim watched I h;s is the ws\ I as usual, but the friend nearly went our of her head becauseshe was confined to am; there'so re&son her chair. "How do you stand it?" she it," asked. Kim replied, "You have been out for there and know what it's like to be out of the chair. I don't know what I'm missing." Kim brings the gift of her life to her Kim's parents have seen to it that her parents, her church, and her friends life is full and rewarding. "My parents every day. Her example is an encourage- treated me the same as they would have ment to others with a handicap, and her 'normal'-and if I had just been it is very parents' support is an inspirational easy for parents to spoil and be afraid of testimony that there is no choice, no Hu porentstaught disciplining a child with a handicap. I decision to be made in this circumstance. her thot there'snot could have really taken advarrtage of God gave life to Kim Westover, and she them and become a spoiled brat, but my and her parents have made more of that much shecon't do. parents were not afraid to discipline me," life than many "normal" people make of she says, laughing. Her parents always en- theirs. Every handicapped baby deserves couraged her to do her best and taught the same chance. D 22 FUNDAMENTAUSTJOURNAL What Is the Nature of theWoman's Desi:e?

hat is the nature of the in Genesis 4:8, where "Cain rose up eliminated by the Cross. However the woman's desire in againstAbel his brother, and slew him." text of Genesis3:16 is merely telling us V Y Genesis 3116, and how Also, the conjunction and used with an that it is fallen human nature (male or does it relate to the man's rule? independent personal pronoun may in- female) to be selfish. I prefer to see in this text the begin- dicate a contrast and be translated "but Feminism is a selfish reaction to the ning of the andthetical battle between the he." The verb rule does not necessarily sinfulness of selfuh males-an attempr ro sexes,which grows out of the Fall of indicate an arbitrary, capricious,or cruel fight fire with ftre, not a true expression mankind into sin. The verse is part of type of action. The term means to of genuine Christianity. Knowing God's statement about the human race "manage" as in I Timothy 3:4, where a nothing of love, forgiveness, and afterthe Fall: "Unto the woman he said, pastor must rvtnage his own family well. tenderheartedness,this illegitimate use of I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy The verb form in Genesis3:16 indicates theology arguesthat Christ's Atonement conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring the subjunctive idea of potentral.Thus, eliminates our biblical responsibilities to forth children; and thy desireshall be to a man may or may not managehis wife one another and that the roles of thy husband, and he shall rule over effectively.However, the predominant husbands and wives commanded in thee." idea is the prornisethat he mighr be able Scripture are meaningless. The phrase "thy desire shall be to thy to manageor govem her with God's help. The solution to this problem is not husbandt'may alsobe translated"for thy The issueat stake in this verserelates the abolishing of the man's place as head husband" (NKJV) or "against thy hus- to the modem feminist movement. Some of the home, as some women's liberation band." I believe that the latter is the cor- have arguedthat the basisof a woman's spokespersonssuggest. Rather it is the rect translation. The woman's desirewill submissionto her husband is the curse transformation of the attitudes and work againsther husband. As a result of of the Fall. That is, she musr submit to aspirationsof both the man and woman the Fall, man no longer ruleseasily and his leadershipbecause of the Fall. through the indwelling Spirit of Christ. must work at being a leader in his fam- The so-calledChristian feministsthen \ilives will willingly submit to their ily. This is not intended as a curse upon argue that Christ died to remove the husbands as to the Lord and husbands woman, but is only a statement of fact curseof the Fall and that in Christ there willingly love their wives,just as Christ that she will not willingly submit to male is neither male nor female.They further loved the church and gave Himself for leadership as a result of her depraved argue that the biblical teaching on her (Eph. 5:22,25). D nature. By the sametoken, the man will submissionof wives to their husbandsis not always provide loving and unselfish leadership because of his depraved nature. Thus, the war between the sexes has been on for centuries! The verse may be translated in this manner: "And agairut your husband [will bel your desire [or inclination], but he can gor/e7nyou!" The sameusage is found

Arsur,rd b Stephen R Schrader, associate professorof religion at ) Liberty Baptist College, Lyrchburg, Virginia. He lwlds a Th.D. lrom Grace Tfuological Sanirwry, Vinona Lake, Indiana.

SEPTEMBERI9B4 Q+oHty l/ife sll:H,ofrri"

l,l/otr }}ltr b1 Mercie Brouwer

o one &mongus hasbeen glven authorityby God to determine our own or another'sworth.

FUNDAN4ENTAUSTJOURNAL As a handicappedperson, I'watched material. Outer attractiveness,physical Scripture,with isolatedpromises, or with 'proof' and listenedwith mixed emotionswhile prowess,and keen minds impress us. texts,Ifthese do not supportus, the story of ElizabethBouvia's decision Legionsof people,however, will never at- we crumble. No wonder we have so lit- to commit suicide by starvarion un- tain to these "marks of achievement." tle to sayto an unbelievingworld about folded in the headlinesand newscasts. Can we as Christians honestly saybefore a problem as overwhelming as the prob- My tearsmingled with hers asshe sether God that the unregenerateworldview has lem of evil! The \Uord of God doeshave face like a flint on a course threatening to usher in an age of more broken cisterns,because we as a "Nation under God" continue to forsakethe sacredness of human life. Although her fast has ended, the questionsgenerated by it linger Wt o, we believeabout life's socredness, on in the heartsand minds of many. Like a deadly cancerin our midst, the quality- andthe extentof our louefor the Lord,is of-life ethic is insidiouslyedging out the meosurednot only by our standagoinst sanctity-of-lifeethic. As Elizabeth'sand others'.mv visible obortion,infanticide, and euthonosia-butby and invisible handicapshave made me the object of stares,misunderstandings, howwe corefor eachother, insensitivity, avoidance, frustrations, limitations, pity, loneliness,depression, and guilt. Being a Christian has not rendered pain me immune to and suffer. not to some degree permeated our at- answersto the problem of human pain, ing. I am not exempt. I confessto times titudes and lifestyles,affecting our love difficult as that problem is. . . . !ile may when I consideredsuicide as the only for one another(1 John 2:15-17)?\Uhat not discoverall the answerswe should solution. In the pain, withdrawing and we believeabout life'ssacredness, and the like to have,but we shallfind all we really isolating oneselffrom those who do not extent of our love for the Lord, are need to know." identifu with our particular hurts is easy, measurednot only by our stand against Through sufferingmy fellowshipwith but maintaining meaningful spiritual the heinoussins of abortion,infanticide, the triune God has sunk its roots deeo fellowship with other believers is vital. and euthanasia-but alsoby how we in and becomeso very sweetand precious- The ministry of caring belongs to all the body of Christ care for each other increasingmy faith and drawing me away Christians.'!7e (1 John 4t7-10). from the vacillating,unreliable human are all created in God's image God's criteriafor eternallife and suc- gaugesof self,feelings, and circumstances- (Gen. 7:26-27)and are of inestimable cessfulliving centeraround our personal to His infallible pavilion @s.27:5). I have worth to Him. Although our adversary, relationshipwith His Son, the Lord Jesus had a glimpseof what Christ went through Satan, meansall the circumstancesin our Christ, and our daily walk with Him: to purchase my redemption. livesfor evil, God meansthem for good "For with thee is the fountain of life: in My prayerlife has drasticallychanged. (Gen. 37-50).He is sovereignin all the thy light shallwe seelight" (Ps.36:9). We Confined to home, and often to bed, my universe,and no one amongus hasbeen are instructed not to glory in riches, room has becomea chamber ofprayer and given authority by God to determineour wisdom,appearances, or might: "But let praise.The \7ord of God has becomethe own or another's worth, for qualitl can- him that glorieth glory in this, that he manna that revealsthe Lord Jesusto me not be humanly evaluated.The Spirit has understandeth and knoweth me" (Jer. and feedsmy thirsty soul. God has given assigneda ministry to eachof us. On the 9:24). me someloving and faithful friendswhose surface,our ministry may seemmenial \7hen we yield to His will for our liveshave enriched mine beyondmeasure. when comparedto another gift we regard lives, our afflictions and trials prepareus He has inflamed my burden for the lost asmajestic, but in God's sightthere is no for heaven,silence the demonsof hell, and given me a new boldnessand ur- difference.The world seesGod as He is and spill the fragrance of Christ into a gency in witnessing for Him. reflectedfrom us. Our gifts of the Spirit lost and dying world. PraiseGod I am a Christianl I may are unavailing if they are not exercised ln Destinedfor Glory, the Meaning of be knockeddown at timesand troubled (GaL in the Spirit 5:27-26).Do our mir- Suffering,Margaret Clarkson wrote: "\7e on every side, but not perplexed to the rors glow, or does a cloudy image show? '!7e do not study the Scriptures closely point of hopelessnessand despair(2 Cor. live in a world where great em- enough to discern God's vast, over- 4:8-10).When I am at the end of my rope, phasis is placed on the exterior and arching purposes,from eternity past, the Lord carriesme, bound in His scarlet through time, and on to erernityto come. cords of love and grace (Josh.7:15-Zl; \ile have not sought to find our place- Hos. 11:4).The Mercie Brouwer is a Holy Spirit infusesme and the placeof suffering-in His greatestjoy homemakerand eternal with the in living and enables free- plan. \ilhen trouble comes, give Iance writer in we do not me to my life over to Him for glory searchthe whole counselof God to (Rom. Llnchburg, Vir ginia. She sus- alone 12:1-5).My face is also set tain us. Rather, we seek to fortifu like has Meniere'sdisease. a flint; directed toward God, with ourselves with comforting passagesof eternity in view. D

SEPTEMBERI9B4 25 San Francisco 'We and. DaIIas commend her Catholic bishop in New York, who joined continued page 9 t'rom other such bishops in condemning the pro-abortion position also denied Feminists for Life the opportunity to testifu, even of Mondale, Ferraro, Cuomo, and all others who, under the though they are Democrats, simply because rhey oppose guise of being pro-choice, fail to take a stand for the dignity abortion. of human life, born and unborn. \7e believe the majority of Americans-Democrars and These Catholic church leaders said that to say, "l am per- Republicans-support traditional values. But the grassrootswas sonally opposed to abortion, but if others wish to have an abor- ignored by the Democratic leadership: the radicals rook over tion, that is their choice" is as ridiculous as nineteenth-century the party and wrote the platform. Christians who said, "l am personally opposed to slavery, but The platform supports abortion of the unborn. It supports if others wish to own slaves,that is their choice." They further special iegislation, such as the Gay Rights Bill, which would said that the civil rights of the unborn are as precious as the establish homosexuals as a bona fide minority and thus bring civil rights of all other minorities. I agree. them special privileges. The platform supports the giveaway of Central America to the Soviets and Cubans by opposing Presi- dent Reagan's Central America policy. The Democrats adopted their radical anti-family platform. Cuomo, Jackson, Hart, Ferraro, Kennedy, and Mondale pro- W, belieq)ethe maiorityof Americons ceeded, with straight faces, to speak civil rights, while under -D emocrats and Republicdns-support their platform the unborn have no rights, and to speak of Americanism and wave thousands of American flags while ad- traditionolqtalues. vocating the lossof liberties for our children in the next genera- tion with their defense platform. With a terrible lapse of memory, they blamed Reagan for We went to San Francisco to exposethis kind of hypocrisy- our economic problems, national deficit, and interest rates. Only and to stand up for the family, the unborn, and the freedoms four years ago, Carter and Mondale had us all languishing under of the next generation. 21.5 percent interest rates, 14 percent inflation, a sick stock We did not convince the Democratic National Convention market, and the beginnings of the worst unemployment prob- to change their plarform. But many of their convention delegates lcm sincc the Great Depression. agreed with us. Across America, millions of Democrats agree And to put the icing on the cake, Walter Mondale selected with us. We pray and long for the day when both major parties Geraldine Ferraro as his running mate. While most of us feel will adopt pro-family, pro-life, and strong national defenseplat- that the selection of a woman as a vice presidential candidate forms so that the fi:ture of our children might be ensured and is long overdue, the choice of a radical feminist is most unfor- God's blessings upon America invoked. tunate. This is the same Geraldine Ferraro who, as chairperson Until then perhaps one more good licking at the polls in of the Democratic Platform Committee, refirsed ro allow pro- November, administered by the American people, may be life oersons to testifv. necessary to get the attention of Democratic Party leaders.! Baptist Bible Fellowship Fall Meeting:September 24-77, I9B4

Monday Tuesday Evening Speakers Wednesday Thursday

Host Pastor

John hland \ilendell A. V. Rawlings Kennedy Zimmerman Henderson

Come on Sunday, September23, and Pastorsand parents are welcomedto the participate in the servicesof the Thomas classes,chapels, and programs of Liberry Road Baptist Church and the taping of the Baptist College. Take advantageof the op- Old-Time Gospel Hour. Jerry Falwell portuniry to seethe top-notch educational programs offered at LBC. Hosted by Thomas Road Baptist Church, Lynchburg, Virginia 26 FUNDAMENTALISTJOURNAL Divideand conqueryour Bible.

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earlv schools in America were learn only by accident and hearsay the ecentlyreleased majbr studies .The based on moral and spiritual truth. Sup- wisdom mankind has acquired about the and reports on the state of porring the church and the family, educa- nature of men and their destiny.Lippmann public education in America tion was inspired by moral and spiritual tells why modern education has gone to call for major reform in the public ideals around which a common educa- the path of relativism instead of basing schools.In an April 1983"Report to the tional purpose was formulated. The cur- education on the proven wisdom of the Nation and Secretaryof Education,"the riculum was rooted in the wisdom of the past: National Commission on Excellencein 'We past, as it related to developing individual have abolished the old cur- Education stated that the educational and common moral and qpiritualprinciples riculum becausewe are afraid of it, decline in public schoolshas adversely that gave a senseof moral order not only afraid to faceany longer in a modem affected the intellectual. moral. and to education but to society in general, democratic society the severe spiritual strengthswhich knit together Sciencewas perceivedas a way to pro- disciplineand the deepdisconcerting the very fabric of our society. gressively discover the order of God's issuesof the nature of the universe Mortimer Adler, writing in the J. createduniverse. and of man's place in it and his PaiAeiaProposal-,\n Hucationtl Mmif uto, The basic force of decomposition in destiny. states that the lack of substance and public educationhas been the growing Iack He statesthat the more people become challengein public education has caused of a senseof moral order in the public separatedfrom the spiritual heritagethat many good young people to turn to drugs, schools, without which the qualiry of binds them together,the more education alcohol, violence, and sex. education is negatively affected. There is becomesegoist, careerist,specialist, and According to the Milwaukee Joumal, a strongtrend in public educationtoward asocial. 19, 1983, I. Goodlad, in the July John naturalism,evolution, relativism,and sirua- Even the agnosticRenan warns soci- 8-year study entitled A Srr.adlof Schnoling, tional ethics. These philosophical premises ety to carefully considerthe implications said that numerous classroomobservatiors have replacedthe God-centeredapproach of removing society'smoral and spiritual and interviews in the public schools had to knowledge,including the moral and foundations from the educational revealedthe typical educational experience spiritual tenets of our curriculum: for young people to be emotionally flat. In JudeoChristian heritage, with a relativistic man-centered Let us enjoy the liberty of the sons addition, Goodlad said that srudents approachto truth and final reality. of God, but let us take care lest we become less involved as they progress 'Walter Lippmann, Pulitzer prizewinner becomeaccomplices in diminurion of through the public schools.The study also and noted philosophical commentator, vimre which would menacesociery identified a generallack ofeducational pur- gave a provocative speech in 1940 en- if Christianity were to grow weak. pose,where no one seemsto identify what 'What titled. "Education vs. WestemCivilization." should we do without it. If a student needs to know in order to be educated.Finally, curriculum planning was perceivedto be a "conceptualswamp," The findings of these major studiesare supported by a history of declining test scores,declining academicachievement, by public opinion polls, and by the growth of private and home schools as alternatives to the public schoolsof America. While these major srudies and reports do begin to addressthe gravity of public education's problem, they do not seri- ously consider the moral and spiritual dimensionsof educationalpurpose. Authentic education involves a win- nowing and sifting of ideas, with the ultimate educational purpose being the discovery of intellectual, moral, and spirirual truth. Education that ignores or lacla this dimension becomes a force of His major thesiswas that for approximately rationalism wishes to govern the decompositionfor the individual as well as 40 years those who were responsiblefor world without regardto the religious society. modern education had been progressively needsofthe soul, the experienceof removing from the curriculum the very the French Revolution is there to moral principles and spirirual beliefsupon teach us the consequenceof such a which lfestern civilization was founded blunder. Dale G. Watt is an and sustained,and this practice would The apostle Paul tells us in Romans educationalconsukant witlt eventually destroy Western civilizarion. As l:18-25 that man, becauseof his sinful the Blaney lrctitute, a result of this major philosophical change nature, will suppress the truth in Madison, Visconsin. in the purposeand substanceofeducation, unrighteousness.This suppressionof tmth the graduateof the modern school would will eventually result in knowledge being SEPTEMBERI9B4 )a perverted to the point that God ceasesto inthians 10:5: "Casting down imagina- Even if we do not have children in the become the center of tmth and final re- tions, and every high thing that exalteth public schools,our parricipation in the aliry. Instead,man and relativismbecome itself against the knowledge of God, and system can make a vital difference. We the focal point of man's intellectual bringing into captiviry everythought to the must be involved-attend school funcrions. deliberatiors.Paul speaksof this philosophy obedienceof Christ." Christians must take communicatewith teachers,serve on com- in Romans 1:25:"Who changedthe truth seriously the admonishment of the Lord mittees, as aides, and share with teachers of God into a lie, and worshipped and Jesus Christ in Matthew 5:13-14 that materials that present the Christian served the creature more than the believersare to be the salt and light of the worldview. Creator." earth and as such are responsibleto be a G.K. Chesterton said, "When people sffong moral and spiritual influencewithin stop believing in God, they believe in society.This moral and spiritual influence anything." C.S. Lewis wamed in The must include public education.\fith the Abolition of Man that educators,by remov- wisdom and help of God, Christians can ing moral principlesfrom the thinking of tllrn the tide of moral relativism in the young peoplethrough the educarionalpro- public schools. cess, would evenrually bring about the First we must understand that educa- "abolition of man." Historian Vill Durant tion has becomephilosophically based on said that once a civilizationis cut off from naruralism, evoludon, and relativism, its moral moorings,the result would be the which are all opposed to the Christian actual demiseof that civilization. worldview of final realiw. As famed author Many believethat public educationis T.S. Eliot once stated."Ljnless education in its relativistic state tday becauseChris- is guided by a Chrisrian philosophy of life, tiars have not taken seriouslytheir respon- it becomesmerely a term comprehending sibility to influencethe public schools.The a variety ofunrelated subjectsundertaken apostlePaul focuseson the Christian's for specialpurposes or none at all." responsibilitywhen he says in 2 Co:. Once this realiry is ingrained in our thinking, we must sharethis information with other Christians and non-Christians, to createa public awarenessof the need for developinga senseof moral order in the schools.I believethat many teachers and adminisnatorswho work in the public \7e should continue to pray that God schoolsdo not fully understandthe nature would open up opportunitiesto influence clruncHrunf{ffuRE of the philosophicalpremises controlling the direction of public education in public schools today, and the resulting America. This is not someoneelse's respon- FevB PulPits negative effect on society. People must sibility but each believer'sresponsibility. Ctpirs begin to rethink the trr:e nature of quality If we hope to seeeducarional purpose Custl!on6; education. and quality returned to the public schools Re|.ovation6 'We LigIgt Fixtureg, must becomemore involved in the of America, the Christian responseto the ' 'Sfe peu.r Cory;fort education of our children, and be aware crisis in public education is crucial. are C!64ce! Furqiture ofhow they are exposedto a view offinal responsible both individually and collec- E tai qe.d0 Ia ss Wi ryfau$ cDe Cu s t om I 4ter i o r si gn5 reality which is not God-centered but, tively to seethat public educationis once rather, man4entered. As parents,we must againbased upon a senseof moral order, be preparedto help our children under- ensuringthat young minds have a chance Tradition of stand the weaknessesof the philosophical to freely choose that the final reality is a premisesof naturalism, evolution, and Creator God-not impersonalchance. As Fine Quatity relativism. As Christian teachers, Paul said in Colossians2:B: "Beware lest Since1945 administrators, and students in the public any man spoil you through philosophy and schools, we should be well versed in vain deceit,after the tradirion of men, after apologetics,able to defendour beliefsin an the rudiments of the world, and not after academic environment, challenging Christ." naturalism,evolution, and relativism. If we ignore or back away from this If we are not in the public school,we challenge,the result will be tragic for our should identify these Christian teachers, young people and our society as a 'We whole. administrators,and *udents and encourage cannot accept the state of public them through prayer and open support. schools as hopeless.\We must each ask: Churches should strongly support Chris- "What can I do as a Christian?"Then we @ tian teachersin their community. Chris- must act, while depending upon the Lord Box4157 LYNCHBURG. VlRclNlA 24502 tians should write the school officials and JesusChrist for the wisdom and power to Calr loll Free 1-800-446-0945 support the work positive ln VirginiaCail Coilect1-804-239-2671 of the Christian serveas a influencingforce in the educators. reform of public education. n


by Eric E. Wigin

itting on the edge ofthe northern Maine State Board of Educarion for over smallChristian and MissionaryAlliance wilderness is an uncommon little Z years. Church. There he heard the Word of 38-student school that contradicts Dana had alternated worldly living God preachedplainly and left under con- just about every charge seculareduca- with attendance at various churches. trv- viction. He was troubled all week with tionists have leveled against Christian ing both informal and liturgical, or- the needof his soul,and earlythe follow- schrools.Most of the 332 residentsof thodox congregations. As a child he had ing Saturdayhe knelt by his couchand Sebec,Maine, are employedin logging prayed,"Lord, I've got to have You in and trapping,or operatehunting lodges. my heart.God, do what you haveto do." A few rustic inhabitants motor daily over He explainsthat "from then on it's been the hills to Millinocket or Dover-Foxcroft exactly what God wanted me to do, to work ascarpenters or mill hands.Most Trrc students when He wantedme to do it." And God get along nicely on what some people did have a plan for Chet Dana. would considera poverty-levelincome. typicollyscore three During the yearsof Dana's spiritual At SebecCorner Christian Academy struggling,God was working in the life happy youngsterswork busily in their or more\eors of anotheruncommon man-steamfitter AcceleratedChristian EducationPackets public and welderIsaiah "lke" Hiil-who would (PACE's)or scurryabout, using the score beyond becomepastor of SebecCorner Christian keysor resourcebooks from the shelves schoolpupils, Church. in the corner.A recentrandom sampling Hill lived a mile from an early showedthat thesestudents typically score nineteenth-centurymeetinghouse that threeor more yearsbeyond public school had been vacant for a quarter of a cen- pupils of the sameage and gradenation- heard the gospelin a Baptist Sunday tury. The schoolhousenext door had wide, and well abovetheir Maine public school, and later at an evening Bible been abandonedeven longer.For many school counterparts. study was confronted with the need to years,Ike took his family past the set of Beforethe little academyin Sebecwas make a personalcommitment to Christ. unusedbuildings to an independentBap- evena dream,much lessreality, God was But he was not presentedwith a clear tist church 20 miles away. moving in the lives of two unusualmen picture of the gospeland he made no Then one summera dozenvears back. to bring His plan to fruition. The school's decision. Hill, who had taken two yearsof Bible administrator,Chester "Chet" Dana, is By 7975,at 42, Chet Dana realized training at New Brunswick Bible In- as uncommon as the school he directs. that the Lord wasdealing with him. His stitute,Canada, in his youth, got permis- A PenobscotIndian born on a reserva- family seemedto be slippingaway, and sion from the owner of the church to tion 50 yearsago, Dana has a masterof he fearedfor the directionof the livesof hold a week-longvacation Bible school educationdegree from the University of his two teenagechildren. After months in the old building. His wife, Laurene,a Maine and 20 yearsof experienceprior of seeking spiritual truth in a dead public schoolbusiness education teacher to coming to Sebec,including 10 years liturgical church, an "awfi.rlly nice lady" assistedhim in the project.After the Fri- as a collegeinstructor. He servedon the invited Cher and his familv to attend her day eveningclosing program, Ike felt led SEPTEMBER1984 3t of the lord to announce a Sundaymorn- Somechurch membersargued that it Chet Dana just as Ike Hill was ready to ing service.Some30 adultsand children could not be done in this wilderness.No move ahead in faith. came.Months later he formed an inde- money could be found to hire teachers, Every board in Sebec'snew, modern pendent, fundamental, baptistic local they declared.The statecertainly would facility was sawn from timber cut by church. Today PastorIke Hill ministers not approveof a schoolbuilt and run by church members and parents of the every Sunday to about 130-the equiv- parentsand church members.But Ike Hill pupils. Every nail in the building was alent of more than a third of the had beenencouraged by such schoolsas driven by church volunteer labor, a com- community-in the renovatedbuilding BangorChristian Schools,which under mon practiceamong Maine's rural drurches. which his oeoole now own. the leadershipof PastorHerman "Buddy" And to keepcosts low in the frigid north- Frankland had already taken a stand country winters, both church and school againststate control, areheated by wood cut by church mem- That springGod placedIke Hill and bers and burned in severalefficient stoves Chet Dana in a missionaryconference at about the buildings. Goa sentChet Dono New BrunswickBi6le Instirute. God had No evidenceof amateurworkmanship been working in Dana's heart about is presentin the knotty pine, carpeted iust as lke Hill ww teaching in a Christian school. He re- classroomswith suspendedceilings and reodyto moveahead membershis final yearsof teachingin a fluorescent lighting. Several skilled car- junior high in the city of Bangor as "a penters from the congregation of Sebec in faith. time when kids were getting into mari- Corner Christian Church gladly gave juana. . . challengingaurhoriry." Fearful their time to finish the new additions in for his son Mark, and angryar the rebel- professionalfashion. lion he saw in the public schools,he Nor is the schoolprogram at all slip- ln 1979 when Hill heard his own "found that I wasgoing around with my shod. Administrator Dana majored in teenagechildren report on drugs in the teeth clenchedand my stomachin knors." scienceeducation in college.He describes restroomsand Humanism in the classrooms He placedhis children in BangorChris- his school'stextbook chemistrycourse, at their area high school, he urged his tian Schools.Dana had been askedto which followsthe ACE program and uses church to opena Chrisrian school.The men heada Christianschool in anothertown, a text from a secularpublishing house as a study guide, as the most thorough he hasseen in nearly a quarter of a century in teaching. The kindergarten-firstgrade teacher worked with Head Start before coming to teachat Sebec.She quickly caughton to the phonics system of the ACE's reading program. Each year her 5-year-

T-! Drrn boardwss sownfrom timber cut by churchmembers and porents,

in the church wereconstftlcting a new wing but the church had decided not to go olds read independentlyby Christmas- for Sunday school space,and it seemed ahead with the project. time, as opposedto public school prac- logicalco Hill thar the new roomsbe used Pastor Hiil learned that Accelerated tice where commonly the look-saymethod for school the rest of the week, Christian Education could meet the retards readingprogress until well into needs of small schools such as the one he first or even secondgrade. Laurene Hill wanted his church to open. His people helpswith businesscourses and English. were into program, Eric E. Wiggin ls a already a building Experiencedsupervisors and monitors- and since several ladies in his congrega- the ACE equivalent of teachers and free-lancewriter from Rockland,Maine. tion had some college training and aids-work with the younger grades. classroom experience, he had teachers Christian schoolsdo have their prob- competent in several areas. God sent lem pupils, Dana concedes.But instead

32 FUNDAMENTAUSTJOURNAL of public school young people who "didn't parents at an annual ACE rally in join the department to desist trying to want to listen," he now dealswith kids Maine's capital, Augusta, in the fall of force its regulations on Christian schools, from Christian homeswho have"part of 1982,but the event went unreportedin it had to revise its official list of Fun- the world still hanging there.."This is the state'snewspapers. Clearly, the Chris- damentalist schools from the 26 it had "part of a growth process,"says Dana. tian school phenomenon is expanding, previously admitted to exist in Maine to And the smiling, courteousyoungsters at yet except for its legal skirmishesover 64, two-thirds of which have consistently SebecCorner Christian Academy do seem state control, it is given only grudging eschewed certification. to be enjoying the "growth process"to acknowledsmentin the media. Though Sebec Corner Christian Aca- its fullest. demy may not be typical, since schools SebecAcademy is part of a tide of of this type tend to differ vastly, it cer- FundamentalistChristian schoolsthat is T-t tainly illustrates the godly, pioneer spirit sweepingmany quartersof America like of American Christians with enough con- a flood. For instance,Education Veek Duert nail wu cern for their children's education to reported in February 1983that "about build schoolsthat stressacademic quality 10,000 Fundamentalist schools were driuenb"t uolunteer and spiritual nurturing. D startedin the past 10 years.Accelerated Christian Education PresidentDonald labor, Howard reports that three new Christian FUNDMENTALIo\T day schoolsopen daily and two-thirdsof these are ACE schools.The New York JOIJPN Tlmes reported in April 1983 that In 1983 Fundamentalist schools in Don'r missthis opportunityto Maine's total "religious school" pupil Maine alone accountedfor more than subscribeta the population had increasedfrom 586 in 4,000students. When the Maine Depart- Fundamentalist Journal, 1979 to 2,805 in 1980.Teachers from ment of Educationand Cultural Services a magaiineof timl imPortto ever\ some 300 New York and New England was sued in late winter by the Maine Christian. schools met with several thousand Associationof Christian Schoolsto en-



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. Democratic Candidate ftN Walter F. Mondale

itizenship in a free country is a &ep 1: Identifving UruWistered Voters meetings) for at least four consecutive great blessing from God. Our The most opportune time to identify weeks.Collect the cardsas the members of as- system self-government unregisteredvoters is during your church leavethe meetingand handdeliver them surcs every Christian a voice in the af- service.Explain the importance of becom- to the registrar'soffice, or in areaswhere narion. must claim that fairs of the but we ing actively involved in the affairsof our the law requiresthat the cardsbe mailed, right. God wants us to do His will in nation. Strongly emphasizethe need for mail them in a group. government,just in in as the church and everyone to be registered.Explain why 2. Having deputy registrarsof voters the home. some may need to reregisterand the im- available at church servicesor meetings But we have disobeyedour Lord. \7e portance of checking, if there is any can be as easyas mail registration, but can participatein governmen- haveceased to doubt. present problems. If an electedofficial will tal affairs.and as a result the moral fiber The most effectivemethod of identi- appoint a member of the congregationas of America is rotting away-our priceless fuing unregisteredmembers is to have the a deputy registrar,you have no problem. freedom is in grave jeopardy. congregation stand, and then have the The appointee can register the other America is faced with the greatest memberswho are surethey areregistered members.However if the electedofficial crisis in history. We are in danger of los- sit down. Those who remain standing are cannot or will not do sq you have to ing our nation by default, and with it our your unregisteredvoters, and should at arrangefor an existingdeputy registrarto individual frredoms and possibly our very once be given an information card ask- be presentat eachofthe four consecutive lives. ing for the following: (l) Name, (2) Ad- Sunday services. The biggest problem If that should trpp.., our opportuniry dress (include the county), (3) Phone with this is getting unregisteredvoters to to help fulfill the Great Commission number, (4) Do you work? If so, what remain after the serviceto register.Urge throughout the and the United States hours? (5) Do you need transportation? them severaltimes to do so. world will also be lost, and hundreds of (6) you Do needother assistance?Collect 3. Satellite location registration and millions will never have an opportunity the cards immediately. to receive our Saviour. special and permanent locations are Jb serveGod as citizens.we must be Step 2: Registration-the various grouped together becausethey use the regularlyparticipating voters. But we c:rn- methods same procedure. The unregistered member must travel to a designated not vote until we have registeredname, Note that only one of the following registration location. Develop a master list address,and other required information methods of voter registration will apply of all unregisteredmembers. Compile the with the proper authorities. to your area.If you are not familiar with list from the information cards, making registration procedures,call your city or sure that special information (such as Colonel V. Doner is county office for information. transportationor baby-sittingneeds) is in- director and a of 1. Registrationby mail is the easiest founder cluded. Vital to the successof this pro- Clvistian Voice, the method. If local laws permit the use of cedure is the contacting of each nation's oldest mailed registration cards, obtain a suffi- unregistered member by telephone. If Chri stian / conserv atiq) e cient number from the proper election of- your church does not have a telephone political coalition. He ficial. distribute them to all identified committee, you will need to recruit one. holds a degreein political sciencefrom non-registeredmembers, and encourage California State University. them to fill the cards out as indicated. Do Additionally, you must: this at each service (and at other o Determinewhat locationsare open


Republican Candidate J Ronald W. Reagan

l,'l'' for voter registration and what days and bers the information they need to do so. (Lines at voting booths are usually short hours they are open. 4. Registrationonly in official govern- in the morning.) o Choose locations accessibleto the ment officesduring regular working hours o Give a brief rundown of the can- unregisteredmembers. is the most difficult method of regista- didates who take a positive Christian o Inform all unregisteredvoters as to tion to organize. If an election official stand on the important moral issues. exactly where and when they can register. understandsthat a specialeffort is being o Find out if anyonein the household . Organize a special registration effort made to registervoters, he may agreeto needstransportation to the polling place, with specificdays and times chosen for open the office on a Saturday,or to stay or a baby-sitterwhile the voter is at the each location. These datesand times can late on an appointedevening. polls. If some assistanceis necessary,the be conveyedto the membersby bulletins, Follow the same procedure as with caller should give the voter's name to a number 3. Compile a master list, recruit volunteer who has agreedto assistthose a strong phone committee, and provide in need on election day. Make sure there transportation when needed. are severalof these volunteers. If it is too difficult to organizea special Follow-up calls may be necessaryto Wt rn we c&stour effort under this system, contact each further encouragestrong voter turnout. voteswe our unregisteredmember and give the exact Only when we cast our votes do we fulfill addressand location of the government fulfill our Christian responsibilityto this Christionr esponsi bi li ty office, the days and times that the office governrnentwhere voting is so stmtegically is open for registration,and the last day important. We must exercisethe citizen to this goaernment. that it is possibleto register.In most areas, influence God has given us through our that is 30 days prior to election day. unique systemof self-government. Step 3: Election Day-getting out In America, decisionsare not made by announcementsduring or after meetings, the vote a majority of the people. Decisions are and especiallyby the phone committee. Surprisingly,many peopleneed enor- made by a majority of those who vote. Arrange for and announce that a mous encouragementor specialassistance When the signersof the Declaration member will be at each site at the ap- to get them to leave their homes or of- of Independenceaffixed their signatures pointed times to assist in any way. fices for a few minutes to vote. to that immortal document, they did so, Tiansportation and other servicesmust be The best way to do this is to use the mindful that if the Colonial causefailed provided. telephone.Ifyour churchor organization thev would be executedas traitors. Such Once the dates and times have been does not already have a telephone com- was their dedication to the cause of established,have a phone committee call miftee, you will need to form one, using freedom.Any lessdedication on our part unregisteredmembers and remind them as many volunteers as you can get. will result in a lossof the preciousfteedom that they are being counted on to be pres- Review the entire church membership for which they and thousands of others ent and to register. roster to make sure every member'sphone were willing to die. \7e dare not fail them, You may need to repeat this effort rwo number is included and divide the list ourselves,and far more important, our or three times over a period of several among the callers. Call on the evening Lord-to whom this nation was weeks. If after the second registration before election day. dedicated. C drive, you still have people on your list o Remind the voters that the next day I:"',i::l;n::":',llLTl:fo"l,J"1T3:,i'JT,I'fi J:. who have not registered,send those mem- is elecdonday, and ulge them to vote early. Crove. Californa oloi0. SEPTEMBERI9B4 by Mary Green

have always hated cheating. Anyone who cheatsshould be told outright that he is a thief. He should apologize to the offended person and make amendsfor his actions.My feelings about cheatersare very strong, buthand- ling a cheateris another story, Dora joined my Sunday schoolclass three months ago.At first shestood out in my classof 8-year-oldgirls, with her

f;r;!t V% I contenttolose the bottle with this child?Wcs I seeingher problemclearly?

quick mind, shimmeringblonde hair, and bright blue eyes. I looked forward to teaching Dora because she was a h"ppy girl with a big smile who was excited when I sat down in the seat she had savedfor me. Then ev- erything changed. Little by little Dora showedme that shewas really a chea.ter. Dora cheated the other children by stealing their opportunities for in- dividual attention. \fhen I askedone of them a question, Dora popped out with the answer before the other child had a chance to respond. She brought dolls, makeup,jewelry, and candy to classso opportunity to teach. But then I heard a soft she would be the center of attention. \7ith eachpassing week my dislikefor scufflins sound and the Dora cheated the other girls of their Dora grew. Then one Sunday morning flutter of pages.And, as I time to leam about Jesus.She thought that shetook me to the limit of my endurance. looked up from my Bible, I spied Dora our rules applied to everyonebut her, and After I had finished the lesson,I had the quickly closing her lesson book and when caught breaking one she became girls closetheir books and stand up. They hiding it behind her back. Here she argumentative, defiant, and rebellious, knew it was time for a quiz. As I asked was-cheating again. \Uhen I took classtime to discipline Dora, eachreview question,I wasproud to hear I was furious. Angry words tumbled she not only cheatedthe other children, their excellentanswers. Even Dora's reolv from my lips. "Dora, you are a cheaterl but had in fact cheated me of my had mademe feelconfident as a teactrer. You have wasted my time and the time

36 FUNDAMENTAUSTJOURNAL of everyone elsein the class.Anyone could her head in her hands or stared into Dora's eyes softened and a smile have read the answersfrom the book. Sit quietly '!7e space as though looking at a mental appeared.Her hands rested in her down. will finish the.quiz without picture. I watched Dora carefirlly and lap and her eyes radiated a new-found you." grew proud of her fine work. But I was trust in me. I stared at Dora and expectedto see still a bit uneasy. Hesitatingly Dora began the first her face scarletfrom embarrassment,but Then, as Dora was finishing the last verse,"Now faith is the sub . . . sub . . . she just glaredback. Anger swept over verse,I spied her squinting at the sink me in waves and my skin tingled, but behind me, as if she had difficulty seeing "The word is substance."I said. '!ilas words failed me. I angry at Dora for something.I quickly jumped to my feet,, She began again. "Now faith is the cheating, or at myself for not being able spun around, and discovereda sheet of substance of things hoped for, the to handle the problem? paper propped on a small ledge. It was evidenceof things not seen." As I stood face-to-facewith Dora I a copy ofthe versesprinted in large,bold Dora giggledsoftly when she realized found myselfhoping she would quit Sun- letters. she had said the whole verseby herself. day school.I thought of promoting her My heart beganto pound and my face Little by little her self-confidencegrew, to the next agegroup. Certainly shewas becamehot with anger.I tore the paper and within a few brief momentsshe had intelligent enough, and after all, that is off the sink, crumpledit into a ball, and recited each of the verses. She had what her previousteacher had done. grabbedDora tightly by the arm. I was respondedbeautifully to my simplewords Later that day, when I beganto think ready to march her back to the class- of encouragement.I praisedDora, smiled more clearly,I reviewedmy optionsonce room, stand her beforeall the other girls, at her, and gave her a hug, again. I consideredasking Dora's parents and tell them what she had just done. \ilith her eyesaglow, Dora returned to keep her with them in their Sunday But, as I threw open the door, a crazy to the classroom,but I remainedin my chair a few moments longer. I thought about the responsibility I had as a teacher,not only to preparemy Bible storiesand keepmy attendancebook but Anrone conteach & secureand louable to influence every little life that was placedin my care-even if only for a few child,but it takesa teacherto troinand hours each week. Suddenly my role as teachertook on many new dimensions- molda problemchild, loving eachlittle girl, helpingher to feel secureand safein my care,setting an ex- amplefor her Christian life by the way I acted and reacted, helping her to school class,dumping the whole problem thought enteredmy head.Perhaps Dora understandherself. in the lap of our superintendent,or stick- and I had borhbeen cheaters. I will alwaysbe thankful to 8-year-old ing it out with this obnoxiousgirl a few Maybe Dora wascheating because she Dora for helping me discover the real weeks longer. \7as I content to lose the wanted my attention, Anyone can teach meaningof teacher.lhope I will neverbe battle with this child? \7as I seeingher a secureand lovable child, but it takes a cheateragain and that I can teach my problem clearly?Or had I failed as a a teacherto train and mold a problem studentsthat thev do not have to cheat teacher?I decided to wait before admit- child. And, if I rejectDora right now by for my attention. o ting defeat. forcing her to leave my class,I will be A day arrived when the girls in my cheating her of an opportunity to under- classwere to recite the memory verses. stand herself.She will neverdiscover why "\Uho will be first?"I asked.Dora's hand her behavioris bad and what shecan do bolted quickly into the air. to improve it. She will always be a Leavingone of my helpersin charge, cheater. Dora and I left the classroom. and My tight grasp on Dora's arm loos- wandereddown the hall to the only place ened and I stumbled back to my chair wherewe could be alone,the bathroom. with the crumpledpaper still in my hand. I sat on one chair with my back to the After a few secondsfor composure,I led sink and Dora sat opposite me. The Dora back to her chair, put my arm words of eachverse began to tumble from around her shoulder,and looked into her her lips effortlesslv.At times she buried belligerent eyes. The words of a real teacherthen fell from my lips. "Now, Dora, I love you and I want Mary Green is a to help you stop cheating. So, let's work free-lanceu,niter in together and see how many versesyou Piketon,Ohio. can say without looking at the paper.I will help you if you stumble over any big words."

SEPTEMBER1984 37 Fall Votes Could Lecd to Sprtng Thcrw

ne of the major reasons this fall's election is so phrase "God helps those who help themselves,"the slogan important is the strong possibility that President "separationof church and state"does not appearin the docu- Reaganwill have an opportunity to name severalnew ment to which it is attributed. justicesto the SupremeCourt. If all of them are as competent The foundersof our country were interestedin only one asJustice Sandra Day O'Connor, we may be in for a fast spring thing-that an official statechurch, which would be underwri thaw from the winter chill the court has imposedon religious ten by the tax dollars of all, not be establishedin America. Find- liberty for the past 20 years. ing that, much lessanything elseabout the religiousviews and Recentcourt rulings,and the wordingof thoserulings, have valuesof our founders,in our school textbooks is hard. The been encouraging.Last year the Court upheld tuition tax credits writers don't think religion is important, unlessit is extreme as not violating the EstablishmentClause of the First Amend- religion-Ayatollahs, Phalangistsin Lebanon,Catholics and Pro- ment. Later the Court said it was all right for tax dollars to testantsin Northern lreland, and so on. pay for chaplainsto say prayersin the state legislaturesand, If a religiousrevival is really underway,as the Presidenthas by extension,in the Senateand House of Representativesin suggested,it will not be usheredin by politicians or by the Washington.Then, in an opinion written by ChiefJustice!ilar- SupremeCourt. Neither will it be stoppedby such men and ren Burger,the Court saidthat the supposed"wall" separating their institutions.\Whether a revival is beginning or not, fed- church and stateis not absolute.Further, saidthe chiefjustice, upnesshas certainly taken hold. More and more Americans are the term "wall" is more a symbol or metaphor and is not to tired of the problemsthat havebeen caused in our schoolsand be taken to sucha literalextent that religioncan neverinfluence throughout the culture by the lack of values-of right and public institutions or government cannot require a certain wrong. That is a major reasonfor the growth of private schools. minimum standard of behavior for religiousgroups. It is a major reasonsuch issuesas voluntary prayer in school The use of the word "metaphor" is exactlv risht. Like the enjoys the support of 81 percent of the country.

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3B FUNDAMENTAL]STJOURNAL duccessfulTeaching Ideas Love the ft,' Ghildren ! i, \\ b Jean Beck i I All children are continually askingtheir parents I and friends,"Do you love me?"The young child , seldomasks this questionverbally, but rather { with his behavior. When a baby fussesfor his mother,the older sibling will choosethat exact time to pull at Mother's apron or whine for attention. When a parent returns from a trip, the first words that fall from his child's lips are,"\Uhat did you bring me?" And when a small child appearson stagefor his classplay, his first responseis to look for the approving eyesof his parents in the audience.In eachof theseexamples the child is asking,"Do you love me?" And the answer he receivesis a very important consideration in his life. lt will greatly affect the way he treats his siblings and peers,how he performs scholastically,how he These versesclearly show that this unconditional love can- reacts under pressure,and how he respondsto discipline. not be expressedin words alone. "I love you" becomesmean- Just as the child seeksthe love and approval of his parents inglessif not accompaniedby "deedsl' by actions. Notice that at home, he looks for this sameresponse from his teachers.Our Jesusdid not have the children stand around Him while He simply responseto this need determinesour effectivenessas teachers. told them He loved them. He gaveeach one the individual at- The commandfor teachersto love their students is obvious tention and contact He knew was absolutely necessaryto ex- 'A from Scripture, for John 13:34tells us, new commandment pressHis love. I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, Vith this insight from God's Word, here arefour simple,but that ye also love one anotherl' This love the Bible speaksof is often unthought of, teaching ideas. an unconditional love that is not dependent upon the child's Undivided attention. Having the undivided attention of ethnic background, intelligence, size, handicaps, lovableness, his teacher,even if for a few brief moments, is a critical need behavioq or the kind of clothes he wears.This unconditional of every child. He needsto be recognizedas an individual, some- love is an ideal that even the best teacher will never be able one who is "special" in the eyesof God, to achieve all the time, but the harder we try and the closer we get to the ideal, the more fulfilled and confident we will become as teachers,and the more secureand happy our students will be. God helps us in this task by setting an example and giving J^, a the childseelcsthe loqte instructionsin His \Vord. l John 3:18says, "My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deedand in ald opproaolol his parentsot truthl'Then in I Corinthians 13:1we read, "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels,and have not charity home,he looksfor the some [ove], I am become as sounding brass,or a tinkling cymbdll' resporue his teachers. Lastly,Mark 10:13,16tells us, 'And they brought young children from to him, that he should touch them: and his disciplesrebuked those that brought them. And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessedtheml' The teachercan accomplishthis by visiting the child at his table or desk, complimenting him on his new pair of shoes,a haircut, a neatly done paper,his good behavior, or making his birthday a specialevent in the classroom.When a child is ill, a card or phone call from a teacher means so much. When possi- Jean Beck is a writer in Lynchburg, free-Iance ble, ask the child about personalprayer requestsand even pray Virginia. alone with him in a corner of the room. Better still, a visit to the child's home showsour interest in his family life, his pets, his hobbies, or anything that is important to him.

SEPTEMBERI9B4 39 Phvsical contact Mark this fear will be replaced by anger and room or outsidethe door, placinga little 10:16 illustrates Jesus' resentment. The child will feel unloved. one in a "naughty chair," or taking a awarenessofthe need for Eye-to-eyecontact bemeen teacherand child out of the room. physical contact that is student will not only convey love to the Instead of thinking of discipline as common among all chil- child but will also alert the teacherto the punishment,the teachershould seeit as dren. Jesusmet their need by holding the emotional and spiritual needs of the a means of showing love-the molding little ones in His arms and putting His child-loneliness, sadness,jealousy, seruitivi- and shapingprocess in training the child hands on them. ty to sin, or most important of in the way he should go. In Scripture the Therefore, following His example,each all, readinessto askJesus to be his Saviour. shepherd'srod was used almost exclusively teachershould take time to touch children. Therefore,the teachershould corstantly for guiding the sheep,especially the young A hug, a tap on the shoulder,pat on the be awareof a child's need for positiueeye lambs.\Uith his rod the shepherdkept his head, or handshake can be a positive contact, one of the main sourcesof his flock from straying,getting stuck in thick- reinforcement. emotionalnurturing. look into his eyes ets, or falling off cliffs, gently nudging them Eye contacL Looking directly into the as often as possiblewhen teachinghim. toward green pastureand cool water.Vith eyesof another personis crucial, not only \fhen a child is askinga question,bend his rod the shepherd showed the sheep when the teacheris talking with the child down to his eyelevel and then respond. that he loved them. The rod wasused to but also in meeting his emotional needs. \7hen teachinga group ofchildren, kneel guide the sheep,not punish them. For with our eyes we are able to com- down or sit on a small chair for better eye The teacher must also show her love municate love. contact. through discipline,stopping the young If the child is misbehavingduring a Discipline. Gachers often think of child when she finds him disobeying, lessonor talking when he is to be quiet, the word disciplinein a negativeway, cer- whining, using bad words, cheating,or the teacheris apt to gkue at the child. This tainly not a means of expressinglove. beingobnoxious or rude.A child should method may seemto work well when the To some,discipline is what a teacheruses be shown from the Bible how he hashurt child is young, becausehe will be respon- when separatingtwo talkative children, himself and others.The teachershould ding out of fear.However, as he growsolder making a child standin the cornerof the be willing to pray with him and, like the shepherd,give him a gentlenudge in the right direction-suggesting how to apolo- gize to those he has hurt, how to resist the temptation to sin the next time, how Horvdoes to behavethe nercttime he feelsthreatened. The teacher can also vour'stackchurch discipline,or mold, the children with guidance, rp? example, and instruc- rion. When we show love To build a church you to the unlovely,they will leam how to show need the right building love. \Vhen we are patient with slow chil- dren, they will learn patience.!ilhen we blocks.Jesus Christ, show that we believeGod will answerour the chief cornerstone.God's Word, the solid founda- prayers,they will learn to trust Him also. tion. And another vital buildine block-a strons The challenge to be a good teacher is Sunday School. grcat, demanding unlimited love, a devo- tion to the job, and relianceupon God for Build your church by building your Sunday School- the strength, patience,fortitude, insight, with Scriptue PnessAll-Bible Curiculum. Seethis sensitiviry,and creativirynecessary to rrain yourself. children. It also demands constant Bible outstanding curriculum for Send today for study and prayer for God to supply the your FREE Curriculum Evaluation Kits. necessarywisdom and willingnessto learn from Him how to more fully "love the childrenl' Sctlpturc Prcss Pttffitcatlotghrc. @ i825coLrEGE AVE wHEAroN, rL60187 ^ttb The good teacher will have to pay a Name - price in order to minister to the needs of I I u- u Pastor D CE Director ! SSSupt. Church Name students,but the price is small compared Please send me a sampling of Church Address paid Sunday School curriculum materials. to the one which our Saviour when nIamaSundaySchoolteacher,City,State,Zip- He died for our sins. Dept. Please send me phonc ( ) "Neither will I offer bumt offeringsunto sample curriculum materials for this the Lord my God department. Approx. S.S. Attendance of that which doth cost me nothing" (Z Sam. 24:24). D

40 FUNDAMENTALISTJOURNAI ttll TEil The Great Evangollcal Dlsaster combines funny and art- ful cartooning and puppetry with angering jabs at the new morality, population control, and the future's unavoidable products of humanism. Bryan Bennett Christian Life

Here's a movie you can take your friends to see. lt's a fast-paced, festive poke at sacred cows in our popular culture. The result is an original evangelistic tool. Melinda DelahoydeMoody Monthly

The Great Evangellcal Dlsaster rockets along at break. neck speed. . . There is a tremendous amount of material packed into its half.hour, so it bears a second viewing. Stephen Lutz Presbyterian Journal

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Questions and Answers

JosephTon was born in 1934 in a mountain villase of western Romania. His parents had only an elementary education, but they loved the Lord and read the Bible regularly. When he wos 77, their country was gisen to Stalin, and the Rrusion armies imposed the Cornmunist regime by 1947.All his high school teacherswere atheists. They kept telling the stuilentsthat only uneducatedpeople believed in God. An impressionableyoung boy, he beliec)edthe teachers as he considered his family and the people in his little Baptist church.

studiesin a Marxist university did not shakemy faith. It was Qtt"* and when were you converted to Christ? my encounter with liberal theology that broke it!

A!gv 1948I had becomea rebelliousteenager and refused Q,*n", broughtyou backto Christ? to attend church or read the Bible. It was my encounterwith a few Christian intellectualsthat helpedme to seethe lie that only uneducatedpeople believed in God. In the springo{ 1951 I acceptedChrist asmy personalSaviour and wasbaptized in the Baptist church at age 16. f\. \!'\7hat wereyour student dayslike as a Christian studv- ing in a Communist university?

Aifn" professorstold us that in a generation'stime there would be no religion left in Romania. They explainedthat they would let the older generation die off and train the young people as atheists.They purged the libraries of Christian books and tried to isolateus from all religiousinfluence. I met with a secret fellowship of Christians at the university where I studied. !7e met everySaturday night for four years,knowing we faced expulsion from the university and a minimum of ten years in jail if we were caught. There were 20 of us and we had only one Bible from which to studv. By the end of 1957 | left the seminary disturbed and 11. broken. I becamevery bitter and suffereda total disappoint- did you prepare to enter the \!'How ministry? ment with theological study. I got a job as a teacher, with only three hours of teaching per day, leaving me free the rest of AlRfr". graduatingfrom the university with a degreein the time, and of courseI usedthat for reading, reading, and Romanian language and literature, I entered the Baptist reading. I started by reading all the anti-Christian books Seminary in Bucharest in 1955. By that time there was no publishedby the government.Then I improved my Russian Christian literature in the Romanian languageso I had to learn and I read the anti.Christian books I ordered from Moscow. English in 'Weatherhead'sorder to read books on Christianity. I read Leslie I made notes,and I preparedthose notes in order to make them book, A Plain Man Looksat the Cross.He was a book. But asI studied those Russianbooks I camero seemore a liberal English Methodist who deniedthe blood Atonement and more their fallacy.Then I switchedto readingphilosophy, and demolishedthe Bible as myths and metaphors.I was so then comparativereligions, anthropology and Rudolf Steiner's confused that I gave up my faith, deciding that I was not go- Antroposoplq,and whatever other books where I might find ing to risk my life for metaphorslI must emphasizethat my an answer to my question. 42 FUNDAMENTAL]STJOURNAL to stand up againstthe stateinterference a 0 'What was the turning point of Alr knew God wanted me to go in the life of our churches and to die your life? home. I was now equipped with an rather than acceptcompromise. Prompted education that could counter both by that group, I wrote a paper entitled liberalism and atheism. There was "Baptist Doctrine of the Church," em- Alrn. turning point was my en. speculation that I would be arrested at phasizing the separation of church and counter with two great men of God. One the border. But I knew the Lord wanted state and calling for the independenceof was Richard Wurmbrandt, a converted me there, and I went. our churchesfrom statecontrol. I argued who had just come out of 14 years Jew that if we accept state control, it is the of imprisonment for his Christian state and not Christ who is the head of ministry to the as a Lutheran pastor. Jews the church. However, in God's The other was Simion Cure, a Baptist happenedwhen you re- marvelous timing the Romanian presi- pastor, who also spent five years in prison Qt*". turned to Romania? dent visited America at that very time to and labor campsfor his stand for Christ. Richard \furmbrandt took time and ex- plained to me the Atonement, as the ac. tual, literal, objective transfer of my guilt on the Son of God and as the expiation of that sin on the cross. But after I Thrprofessors told understood it, I had the biggestproblem: us that in o Was there forgivenessfor a man like me? Pastor Cure visited me at that stage.My generation'stime there pride wouldn't let me ask him directly about forgivenessfor a backsliddenman. wouldbe no religlon The way I put it was this: "l now under- stand the Atonement. But I cannot for- left in Romania give myself for what I have done these years." He was inspired by the Lord to say to me bluntly: "But who are you to forgtve yourselft Nobody gave you a man- promote Western investment and trade date to forgive yourselfl It is the Lord A!tni"g. were surprisingly quiet at with Romania. Someone in Washington, D.C., had a copy of my paper and told Jesuswho forgives.You have to go back first. In a few months I becamea teacher under His Cross and ask Him to forgive' at the Baptist Seminary in Bucharest and him that there were 30 million Baptists Then it is the church. Vhen you fell, you met with the older church leaders to in America who were concerned about hurt us all. You have to go back to your discussthe fact that our churches were the problems of Romanian Baptists church and ask them to forgive you and dying. The government restrictions on described in the paper. unbind you." Yes,I went back under the the churcheswere much more severeby A few days after coming home from the president ordered all Cross and the lord Jesusassured me that then. We were limited to servicesonly on Washington, His blood cleansesall sin, including my Sunday mornings and on Saturday eve- these restrictions on our churches to be rebellion and ignorance, and everything nings. Strict registrationsofall churches, lifted and at the beginningof 1974it hap else.For a year I went to church and sat pastors,deacons, and even baptismal can- pened: our churchesgot a new freedom, on the last bench. Eventually, I ap- didates were enforced rigidly. Pastors and that was when the revival began. proached the pastor and requested were not allowed to preach in any Numerically, this revival means that membership and forgiveness of the churches other than their own, and so about 20,000 new converts are baptized church, knowing it would cost me my forth. During the sixties,400 pastorshad every year by the Baptist, Plymouth teaching job. They graciously accepted been ejected from their churches for Brethren, and Pentecostal churches of me back and eventually askedme to lead refusingto submit to theserequirements. Romania. the adult Sunday school and, from time All that was left were broken pastors to time, to preach. leading broken churches. A. A(,'Was that the end of all persecution of Baptists in Romania? tHow did vou eventually get to A. A(,tWe much today of the great Oxford University in England? hear AlNor while the Communist govern- in Romania. revival among the Baptists ment was forced to lift the restrictions on How did that begin? AlD,rting the Czechoslovak libera- the church, it directed the attack on jobs, tion in 1968 I was able to obtain a visa believers.They are ffred from their to visit Austria for a month. From there Aif, all began with a group of five they are given big fines for house I went to England and studied theology. Baptist pastors in Bucharest coming meetings, children are harassed in together in 1973 for prayer and fasting schools,and the statecontinues to make before the lord and to discussthe situa. the life of the Baptist difficult in many Qr*, did you return to Romania? tion of the church. Together we decided other ways. SEPTEMBERI9B4 (^|. ,A(,.Are there any voicesraised in the Romanian Christians todav? 'Have the Communists changed country against the persecution of the their ultimate goals and purposes? Chdstian? #;T**::f'il:y il:.-:[.:'j[: A:*". rnarl the communist pubrica. A:*. started with the paper in l9?3 'we tions thev continue language. mustb. iilr;;;;;;-;";-d; to sav openlv that and we continued with others describing their goals yo,r-rrg-p.opl. to b..olr; areto destrovall religion,and other forms of religious persecution.Then communismall over pastois,ieaiers,and *""g"il;: \ir;;;; the world, younger people took over and raised their :"-1ptt"d o1e.c,ommunist govern- now translatingsome 50 ill;il rh; voices for more religious freedom. ment:-t,tt on ]t"rytt all manklnd' Romanianlangrrage to providea Chris- tian libraryfor all the Evangelicalchurches (^). Qr*". is the greatestneed among of Romania' to be a Christianand H;**ssible

AlN". A Marxist is first of all an "Iife's GrentestDi,scoaery atheist. Marxism is not a social doctrine: it is a total worldview. Communism is, then, a consequenceof that worldview. i,sthe best It is all the outgrowth of Secular Humanism and as a result, even unwit. soul-winningtool ting Humanists are actually promoting the Communist takeover of their own F(' a,aaila,hleto the t R countries. (1. local charchtodny." :F/ ,2 A(,.Can Christianity and Marxism co- tr\ a Jery Falwell exist? ru1 '"1.ff\:l '-/ Alfn.u cannot. \7e are in an tva ideological war, and the Communists themselvesemphasize that there will be no peaceful coexistence with other ','-,r(#t ideologies.They have already written the rules: no coexistence with other ty ideologies. l^l. An illustrated tract \!.Vhat is the future hope of the Gospel world? desigredto help Christians

win others to Christ. lTh. gr.",.rt hope is Jesus'Second Coming. But if the Lord tarries, we Christianworkers: For your introductory free copy should expect great upheavals in the Communist world. The Communist Calltoll free1/800/146-6600 systemis a total failure. Instead of bring or clip and mail coupon ing a better life, it created economic, social,and moral ruin. The nations who n Please send a free introduction copy of have lived long enough under the Com- Life's Greatest Discovery. munist dictatorships have awakened to UE \\r ft E Please send order form and prices for Life's Greatest the deception. Everywhere in the Com- Discovery. munist world people are crying for the truth. They are looking to American ryfri Name tiltl1|l ltN\ llil ilr uft hililtu\l Christians for the answer.You have the truth. You should use all the meanspossi- P.O.Box 791901 ble to tell those nations that there is onlv Dallas,Texas City one alternative and that is JesusChrist and His worldview, and His message,and 75379 zip His gospel.Christ alone can serthem free. D FUNDAMENTAUSTJOURNAL H.A. Ironside Archbishop of Fundamentalism

b1 BernardR. DeRemer

uring his $ilest Coast travels in 1888, the great evangelistD. L. Moody held a campaign in the 8,000-seatHazzard's Pavilion in Los Angeles.One night a 1Z-year-oldboy who was reared in a devout Christian home attended the meeting. Arriving late, he was unable to find a seat anywhere. But being persistent and energetic, he made his way to the second gallery, where he finally located primitive accommodations-stretched out on a wooden girder made of four-by-twelve-inch planks spiked together. The boy was thoroughly acquainted with the Bible, having read it through at least once a year from the time he was 8. By 14, as he would latcr put it, he "caught up with himself]' completing 14 con- secutive readings.There, high above the crowd, he commanded a uniquc view of the platform. The singing warmed his heart, and thc messageon Daniel 5:27, "Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wantingj' powerfully moved him. He prayed, "Lord help me someday to preach to crowds like these and to lead souls to Christl' Incredibly, with all his head knowledge, young Harry was unsaved at that time. But in the years to come, that prayer was marvelously answered,"exceeding abundantly above all that we could ask or thinkl'For the towhead lad becameH.A. Ironside, one of thc greatestpreachers and Bible teachers of the first half of this century. And he was destined to pastor the Chicago church that D. L. Moodv had founded!

SEPTEMBER1984 /q. Henry Allen lronside was born in So did young Harry lronside-on the no regular income, he had to e>

46 FUNDAMENTAIISTJOURNAL Mission to \finona Lake Bible Con- Once, rerurning home after a very full him was at a small church in'Washington, ference. He was said to have "accessto lord's Day, he answered Mrs. Ironside a D.C., in 1949.Failing eyesightplagued his more pulpits than any other man in the bit sharply in responseto a question. Rel- Iastyems. Hota vividly I recall the imfutiatce countryl' with his name "a byword in ing immediately remorseful, he said, with whichhe jerked off his glassesand put Evangelical circles everywhereS'Indeed, to "Forgive me, my dear, but you know I them asideholding the Bible up ,,teryclose many he was distinctly the "archbishop have preached five times todayl' to his face in order to read a Soipture of Fundamentalisml' He averaged 40 "Well, rememberI have listened to you passage.His contributionsto nLJClwistian weeksa year away from Chicago, always five timesj' was the quiet rejoinder. experiancewsre, to saytlv least, enormous_ returning on Saturdayfor his Sunday ser- J. Vernon McGee, of "Through the and,incala.rlohle. vices. The arrangementunder which he Bible Radio," Pasadena,California relates -.BRD accepted a settled post provided fteedom this incident: for his itinerant ministry. lronside was holding a series of Quotations ftom Gdained ol thc Lod.: H.A. lmide used throughout by perhission of Loizeaux Brothers. But surely it is through his writings meetings at the Mel Trotter Mission in that Ironside made his greatestand most Grand Rapids, Michigan. He had been lasting contributions to the cause of put up in a fine new hotel suite, but was Christ. Becauseof his zealto get out the appalled to discover its daily rate. He BUrtDt printed pagefor the salvation of the lost called fiotter and protested:"I dorft want BUrrD i CHURCHES and edification of Christians, he founded anything this fancy! Why, all I need is a ctesrgnsd burll ano BUILD your the \Testern Book & Tiact Company in bed to sleepon, a desk to study at, and lurnrshedon lol average gilce 134 sq ll we desrgn rol Oakland, California. He authored more a basin to wash my facel' ssatrng 130 to 2500 than 100 books, booklets, and tracts. firotter replied: "Now Harry, look here. (Nol p,elab.rcatedl Many of these were edited transcripts of The manager of that hotel was savedhere messagesgiven at Moody Church or at the mission someyears ago, after hav- elsewhere.Loizeaux's current cataloglists ing been an alcoholic. He says he has 38 volumes, including commentarieson never been able to repay us. So he has Includes Masonry and w@d conslruclron. s@Elarea the entire New Gstament and Old Gsta- reserved that suite for any speaker com- ottrces. cla$r@ms. nursery. chorr. robe r@ms. baplrslry ment prophetic books, and saysthat his ing to our mission-on a complimentary sleeple carpel and Sanctuary wilh padded pews works on with perhapseven greater basis.It's not costing us anything, Harry. "live FATILY ACTIYITYCENTERS impact than while he was alive." Just relax, and learn to abound for the Sl..l or rnronry lrom lurq. ll. For years he wrote the lesson com- next weekltt CHRISTIAI{SCHOOL DESIGNS mentary for the Sundal SchoolTimes, and Harry Ironsideused to saythat he did a clrarooort and Ltoat many other articles likewiseflowed from not want an elaboratemarker just a plain W(le or call lor FREE Inlormatronand brchures (803) (803) his gifted pen. simple one reading: 268.7297 268.7090 HARRY A. IRONSIDE : r r0onrHwAY Sinner saved by grace COI{TRrcTORS Moved out until renovated lNC.i"o''"?':"31*" and repaired Trourh his writings ln

he modehis greatest I first heard Dr. Ironsideat Keswick ond mostlasting Croue,New Jersey,in 1942.I w&sa very youngChristian and tlwt wasmy first Bible contributioruto the conferenceexperience. He gauea serieson Habakkuk, which I still recall with great cu$e of Christ. appreciation. In tfu diningroom wlwre the mealswere served family style, a rotating seatingar rangementplaced euery personat a table ln 1948 he left Moody Church to with each speakerat least once. Vhen devote all his time to the traveling seatedat Dr. Ironside'stable, I discouered ministry he so loved. Cataract operations that fu wu dmn wearth ntd apprwchablr. in September 1950 restored his failing He enthusiasticallyslvred in lively, wide- Morethan 13,000Christian schools now sight. The following January he visited rangmgtable onuersation.In faa, his oflhmd uselhese high qualitymalerials that help New haland for a preaching mission. remark tlwt a man in Europe"been producegrowing schools. Before the engagement was over, he suf- knightedfor discoueringlwwualuable green Wrile for free catalog. fered a fatal heart attack on January 15, peppersare to the body sparkedmy special 1951. fondnessfor tlwt vegetable! Box 18000, Station FJ-B Jivo incidents, perhaps not widely I was priuilegedto sit under his ministry Pensacola,Florida 32523 known today, revealthe humannessand during most of my satd.entdays at Moody A Beka Book Publications humility of this great spiritual giant: Bible Institute. The last time I euer heard

SEPTEMBER1984 THUNDflBIN THTPULPIT GhargeTha{"19,,,.My Account

If thou cottnt'mether ef are a partnu, to make up for the loss. Will you receiuehim as myself. If lw hath advise me what to do?" vnongd thee,or aneth theear,qht Paul might have said, "l put that on mineaccount; I Paul primoryospecfs know Philemon well. He has a haqtewritten it with mine own On, of the tender, kind, loving heart and a lwnd,I willrepal it:albeit I da nor af the watkof theCross forgrving spirit. I will write him sal to thee how thnu owest unto a note and ask him to forgive me eqrenthine own self besides. is substitution,The LordJesus you, and that will make every- *Li^^ ^ll -i^L"" -(Philen. 17.19) Lrrrrrts drr rrtsrrr. omeonehas said that this ChrisrHimself Faid the debt thot But he did not do that. Epistleto Phiiemonis the vreowe to the infinite God, \Uhy? I think that he wanted to finest specimenof early give us a wonderful picure of private Christian corres- in orderthot when forgiveness the great gospelofvicarious sub pondenceextant. We should ex- stitution. One of the primary pect this, sinceit was given by c&rneto us it wouldbe on a aspects of the work of the Cross divine irspiration. And yet it all perfectly is substirution. The lord Jesus has to do with a thieving run- righteousbosis. Christ Himself paid the debt away slave named Onesrmus, that we owe to the infinite God, who was about to rerurn to his in onjer that when forgiveness former master. came to us it would be on a The history behind the lener,which is deducedfrom a careful perfectlvrighteous basis. Paul, who had himselfbeen justified through study of the epistleitsel( seemsto be this: In the ciry of Colosse the Cross,now says,"l will write a letter to Philemon,and under- dwelt a wealt\ Christian man by the name of Philemon,possibly taketo becomeyour surety.You go back to Philemon,and present the head of a largehousehold, and like many in that day,he had my lefter. You do not need to plead your own case;just give him a number of slavesor bondsmen.Christianity did not immediately my letter3' overturn the evil custom of slavery although evenruallyit was the lmagine Philemon standing on the portico of his beautiful meansof driving it out of the civilizedworld. It beganby regulating residence,looking down the road,and suddenlyexclaiming, "Why, the relation of master and slave,thus bringing untold blessingto who is that? It certainly looks like that scoundrel,Onesimus!" those in bondage. A linle lateq he said,"l declare,it rs Onesimus!I supposehe This man Philemonevrdedy wasconverted through the minisrry has had a hard time in the world. The stolen money is gone, of the apostlePaul. Some yearshad goneby, and his slaveOnesimus and now perhaps he is coming to beg for parrConl' had run away.Evidently before going, he had robbed his master. As he comesup the pathway,Onesimus calls, "Master, Master!" \ilith his illgoten gainshe had fled to Rome.How he reachedthere "Well, Onesimus,are you home again?" we do not know, but I have no doubt that upon his arrival he "Yes,Master, read this, pleasel' had his fling, and enjoyed to the full that which had belongedto Philemon takesthe letter, opens it, and begins to rcad Paul, a his master. prisonu o/ Jes.rsChrut. God waswatching over Onesimusand in due rime brought him "Why Onesimus,where did you meet Paul?Did you seehim face-to-facewith Paul. Through that sameprecious gospel that had personally?" been blessedto the salvation of Philemon, Onesimus,the thieving "Yes,Master, in the prison in Rome; he led me to Christl' runaway slave, was also saved. Unn Philernonwr demly belot,ed.,and. fellow-lnbourer. ImagineOnesimus coming to Pauland saying,tJow, Paul,I want "Little enough I have ever done, but that is just like Paull' your advice. There is a mafter which is rroubling me. You know And n an belwed Apphta. (That was Mrs. Philemon.) my master,Philemon. I must confessthat I robbed him and ran "Come here, Apphia. Here is a leter from Paull' \ilhen Mrs. 'Are away.I feel now that I must go back, and ry to make things rightl' Philemon seesOnesimus, she exclaims, you back?" One evidencethat people are really born of God is their efficrt Running on down the leter he comesto this: Yert'or loue'ssake to make resrirudon for wrong done in the past. They want a good I rather baeechthce, being srchan oneas Paul the ageil,and now ako consciencebefore both God and man. a prisona of lans Chrut. I baeechthee ftn my sonAtesirrun, whrnn "Paul, ouglrt I to go back in acconCancewith the Roman law? I lwve begottenin my bmds "l wonder if he told him anything about I have nothing to pay, and I dont know just what to do. I do not the money he stole from us. I supposehe has been playing the belong to myse[ and it is quite imposible ro ever earn anything religious game with Pauli'

48 FUNDAMENTAUSTJOURNAL Vhich in time past was n tlrce blessedSaviour brings the redeemedone in- A surety is one who stands good for unprofinble. to the presenceof the Father,and says,"My another. Many a man will do this for a "I should say he was3' Father, if thou countest Me the partner of friend; long known and tmsted;but no wise But now profimble to thee and to mz Thy throng receivehim asmyself Paulsaid, man will so act for a stranger,unless he is "I am not so sure of thatl' "Not now as a servant,but abovea ser\,ant, preparedto lose. When we werc strangers \X,'har I have sentagain. a brother beloved,specially to me, but how and foreignersand enemiesand alienated "'Well, well, that rascally,thieving liar! much more unto thee, both in the flesh, in our minds by wickedworks, Jesus in grace Muvb" Paul believesthat he is saved,but and in the [-onC?"He is to take the place, becameour Surety."Christ also hath once I will never believe it unlessI find out that not of a bondsman, but of an honored sufferedfor sins,the just for the unjust,.that he owned up to the wrong he did mel' member of the family and a brother in he might bring us to God" (1 Peter3:18). 'What is this? I/ he hath utrongd thce,or All we owed was o

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FUNDAMENTAL]STJOURNAL Livingwith Your Passions, The strong advantageof Lutzer's featurein the entireBook of Job is the practicality, 151pp.,$4.95 styleis his his wide use of completeabsence of any referenceto ManagingYour Emotions, biblicalreferences, and his resisting the Moses or the 12 tribes or the Pen- "new" 152pp.,$5.95 temptationto insert a theory tateuchallegislation. His conclusionis by ErwinW. Lutzer,Victor Books, 1983 intothe discussion.Lutzer's application that Job must have been composed of the story of David's sin with outside of lsraelitecircles altogether, Reviewedby DavidR. Miller,Associate Bathsheba,his murderof her husband sometime before the E4odus while Professor of Psychology, Liberty Uriah,and the resultingimpact on his lsraelwas in Egypt (1876-1445 B.C.). BaptistCollege, Lynchburg, Virginia. sons is most powerful.His discussion 'The) of homosexualityis the mostmoderate, Erwin Lutzer, pastor of Moody kind,and biblicalthis reviewer has seen Church, has done a masterfuljob in in sometime. Eookof dealingwith two of the most common Both booksare writtenfor instruc- yet troublesomeproblems Christians tion and containouestions {or discus- dsB face. Living with Your Passions sion at the end of each chaoter. presentsa biblicalattack on the concept Readable,brief, doctrinally sound, and of recreationalsex, the "if-it-feels-good- extremelypractical, both are recom- ( do-it" emphasis in today's society. mendedfor personalreading and for Lutzerwrites as a pastortrying to help use in counseling. (il,lrrotrI r\r,;r'r l, Most helpfulis the presentationof the purposeof the book ("unmerited The Bookof Job,God's Answer to the suffering")and God's threefold answer Problemof UndeservedSuffering to the problemof undeservedpain: 1) by GleasonL. Archer,Jr., BakerBook God is worthyof our totallove, adora- House,1982, 125pp, $5.95 tion, and praise,even apartfrom all of Reviewedby Stephen R. Schrader, Hisbenefits to us (p.19);2) God per- AssociateProfessor of Religion,Liberty mitssuffering in the livesof believersto BaptistCollege, Lynchburg, Virginia" strengthenour faith and purify our souls (p.20);and 3) we are to realizeHis hiscongregation deal with the problems Thiswork, actually a studymanual, ways are often quite beyond our of sexualtemptations and misbehavior allowsthe textof Job. "inspiredof God understanding,precisely because we of all sorts. He is courageousin look- as it trulyis, to instructus, to rebukeand view the issuesof life from a timited, ing at a varietyof sexualsins usually not correctus, and to equipus to grapple earthboundperspective (p 21) discussed,and he doesso by drawing with the hardshipsof life and the ex- ln a finalbrief sectionof the book comparisonsbetween modern-day periencesof bereavementand loss and (p.116ff),Archer stresses how, and situationsand similarexperiences of resultantgrief, at a levelthat a merely how not, to counsel, based on the people in Bible times.Living with Your criticalanalysis could never hope to mistakesof Job's three"friends" (cf. Passionswould be excellentas as- achieve"(p 11). Thus Archer'swork 16:2, "miserablecomforters"). signed readingfor counseleesexpe- hasmeager documentation, by design, riencingsome form of sexualdifficulty. as it relatesto varyinginterpretation by Managing Your Emotions is similar Old Testamentscholars who occupya Wholenessand Holiness onlyon the is a morecom- differentset of presuppositionsfrom the Editedby H. NewtonMaloney fortablebook, not as controversialas author. Baker Book House the other, thoughat the same time Archerbelieves either Job or Elihu 1983,2O4pp., $12.95 perhapsnot quiteas useful.In writing may havecomposed the text in Job's thisbook on emotions,Lutzer examines hometownof Uz,most likely located in ln thisinteresting volume the editor the problems of love relationships, northernArabia near the borders of bringstogether the seminalthoughts anger,grief, rejection, and loneliness. Edom.He believesthe mostremarkable of such divergentsas PaulTillich and SEPTEqER1e84 Jay Adams.This is an excellentre- book for brightlyil- sourcevolume for teachersand prac- lustratesand talksabout many of the titioners,revealing both the richness thingsin our world,made by Godand and the poverty of contemporary for whichwe can be thankful.You will thoughtin counseling. _R.H lovereading this bookagain and again with your littleones. -J.8. 101Hymn Siories Christian Education: by KennethW. Osbeck,KregelPublica- Its Historyand Philosophy My Friend Next Door tions,1982, xii + 288pp.,$7.95 by KennethO. Gangel by LeoneCastell Anderson and WarrenS. Benson This book will be welcomein the ScripturePress Moody Press librariesof churchesand individual 1983,32pp., $4.95 1983,394pp., $16.95 Christiansalike. A well-knownauthor and authorityin the field of church Youngreaders will enjoy reading Fightingthe prevalentimage that music,and a provenchoir director, Pro- this book on their own. Colorfullyil- historyand philosophyare boring,ir- fessorOsbeck has brought together the lustrated,the storytells of littleEmily relevantsubjects, Kenneth Gangel and interestingand challengingstories who meetsher new neighbor, WarrenBenson have done a commend- Allegra, behindmany of the church'sfavorite a homelychild being raisedby her ablejob in theirrecent publication. In- hymns.His selectionis excellent.A grandmother.Emily discovers for her- steadof focusingon datesand issues, helpfulbibliography is included"-R D P selfwhat it meansto "lovethy neighbor they approachtheir task by emphasiz- as thyself:" _J.8. ing people. Becauseindividuals influ- ence thoughtand make history,the authorshighlight each chapterwith SecularHumanism, 1979, 81pp., thosepersons who haveimpacted ed- s2.00 ucationthat is "Christianl' Big Thoughtsfor Little Feople Humanismin the Lightof HolyScrip Gangelanci Benson are committed by KennethN. Taylor,Tyndale House, propositions '1983, ture,1981, 165pp., $3.00 to at leastthree major in 52pp.,$5 95 theirbook. They support a linearview of history,since they contend that this Whata fun lsookto sharewith your Sex Educationin the PublicSchools, positionrepresents the mostpositive littleones! The creative and challenging 1983,40pp., $.95 correlationwith such doctrinesas cre- wordsof KennethTaylor are combined by HomerDuncan, Missionary Crusader ationism,the lncarnation,and biblical with the truly captivatingartwork of eschatology. Kathryn $hoemakerto teach small Thesethree excellent little booklets Finally,Gangel and Bensontake childrenabout Christianliving. The providewell-documented information on seriouslythe lessonsof historyby en- authorgoes through the alphabetwith the Humanistmovement. Many quotes couragingthe believerto be committed his reader,and with each letter he and good pointby-pointanalysis of to divinerevelation, which provides both teachesa simplelesson, suggests two majorl-{umanist documents are accom- meaningto the pastand guidancefor or three discussionque$tions, and panicdby brblicalresponses -D B the future.Of particularimportance to presentsa Eibleverse for the childto pastorsand Christianeducators today learn lhis is a greatbook tor devotions is the authors'consistent support of with youngchildren. -J.8" educationin the family. -R.T.H. Faith and SavingFaith by GordonClark, Trinity Foundation, 1983,118pp.,$5.95 Prayin This Way by Dorothy Fay Richards.The Oneof theelder siatesmen of Chris- philosophy given DandelionHouse ( Victor), tian has us thisfine study of the concept faith. 1983,32pp.,$4.9s of Clark spendsmost of the bookin a historical This colorfullyillustrated book on surveyof thefull spectrum of viewson prayer is divided into five areas of faith,but then argues convincingly, from teaching-how, when, what, where, a carefulexamination of the biblical God Made lt All and to whomto pray.The book gives materialfor the view.that faithis not by MaryThornton Blanton manyBible verses that dealwith prayer blindconviction but ratherassent to ScripturePress andretells Bible stories in whichprayer propoeitionsone knows to he true. 1983,32pp., $4.95 playeda powerfulrole in thelife of a par- Thisis requiredreading for Christians ticularBible character. lts lessonsare in a socisty that has totally Big-eyedchildren, fuzzy animals, clearand simple and will quickly capture misunderstoodfaith. and colorfulrainbows abound in this theattention of theyoung child.-J.8. -D.8.

1L jjUl.JDr,.t,fElr,"iA l,iS'I .JLrlIRl'lA- MUSICALMII{ISTRIES Proudly Presenls

,,,designed for your church

OLD'IIMEGOSPEI HOUR IRIO-You've proboblyolreody heord this exciting groupon the Old-TimeGospel Hour ROBBIIHINER-Robbie hos cer- televisionprogrom, Don Normon, Mock toinlyeorned the right to be o Evonsond Robbie Hiner blend together respectedsoloist, Hoving sung theirvoices ond experience for o re- onthe Old-Time Gospel Hour for freshingond dynomic sound, 13yeors ond troveled with Lerr, Folwellextensively, Robbie is lovedby oll, MARKLOWRY-Noi justo risingstor, but o seosonedsoloist, Mork storted when he wos DONNORMAN-Don hos been executive 9 yeorsold ondwos feotured ot the directorof Old-Time Gospel Hour under Dr, Jerry NotionolQuortet Conventions, Heis on ex- Folwellfor 12 yeors, He is truly o fovoriteof mony cellentsinger, humorist ond communicotor, churchesond the viewers ofthe broodcost,

Po,tou..'MusicDirec.|ors...Associoies.'.Youconbeoneof25 churchesthot will hove these musicions forfour concerfs onnuolly, : L-l YeS, pleose contoct me with furiher informotion . Moybeyou've-beenlookingfortherighttooltoenhonceyouroutreochI COnCefning the lgBS COnCeft Sefies, to thecommunityJhis isrt . Moybeyou need to roisefunds for your church or schooi-this will work, Nome . Moybeyou've hied it beforeond just couldn't find the right musicions- thisis the progrom, Church Position Thiscorcerf series isdesrgred for locol churches desirirq to presenlquolily gospelmusic, On four Fridoy or Soturdoynights you select on your 1985 ChurchAddress colendor,one of the musicol ministries obove will be of yourchurch By the endof theyeor oll four ministries will hove been with you. You moy wont City,Stote, Zip to scheduletheir concerts quorterly, durirg ihe spring, or oll in one monlh, Churchphone Homephone butthis rew opportunity isoniy ovoiloble to 25churches onnuolly, This con- certseries will be presented to youin o veryorgonized monner-compleie Refurnto: RobbieHiner Musicol Mini$ries wiihvery dynomic promotionol moteriols, P,OBox 68l . Kernersville,NC27284 . 919/ZB5{O5 Collor write todoy for complete informofion. You'll be glod you didl Drofile Eve ody's dson by Angela EIwelI Hunt

kneesand askedGod to let me sing.The is fresh young face and next Saturday calledand saidthat Mississippirwang, evoking im- Jerry Doug Oldham was sick and if I'd get a ages of barefoot paperboys haircut and put a suit on, he'd let me sing riding bicycles on hot summer after- on television." noons, belie the fact that Clarence That wasthe beginningof the 1l-year Robert Hiner, "Robbie," is 31, married, relationship of Robbie Hiner and Jerry a father, and an establishedgospel singer. Falwell. Robbie'smusical ministry began "The grandmasand grandpaslove me; slowly, with pastorscalling the Old-Time they hug my neck and start kissin' on me GospelHour to requesta visit from the as soon as I walk in the door," laughs young man who sangon the television Robbie. "The best thing that ever hap- go out with me becauseshe didn't like program. Now his ministry has expanded penedto me waslooking young and look- smart-alecksingers," Robbie recalls."I so much that his office is presentlybook- ing like everybody'sgrandson." found out that shewent skatingevery Fri- ing 1985and 1986engagements. Once, however,Robbie did not con- day night. I sawher mother in the park- sider his appearanceto be an asset.Bitter ing lot and told her that Patti Suewanted becausehe was small and had a high me to take her home, and when I found voice, he was constantly into mischief Patti Sue, I usheredher into the hearse and trouble. After graduatingfrom high and told her that her mother wanted me school at 16, he entered a college in "h youglve Godthe to take her home." His trick worked, and Mississippiand quickly found himselfin you'uegot, today Robbie and Patti Sue have been trouble there. That was when his father little bit married for 10 years. telephoned and said, "There's a new He'll useyou:' The most difficult point of Robbie's school in Virginia and you're going to ministry was deciding whether to con- look at that school."Robbie hung up on tinue to give church concerts or to step him. Undaunted, his father drove to into the more lucrativearea of auditorium Mississippi,picked up his son, whipped Robbie'stravel scheduleis hectic these concerts."Most of my friends who are in him, and drove him straightto Virginia days. He travels five days a week'and the gospelministry do auditorium concerts, and the new school, Lynchburg (now often takeshis wife, Patti, and sons,Buck and I always felt sort of inGrior doing Liberty) Baptist College. (2) and Bubba (6 months) with him. He churches.But Dr. Falwell kept telling me Jerry Falwelloften speaksof the day spends26 Sundayseach year at Thomas to stay with the church, that God would 'Jerry Robbiepulled up to LBC in a long black Road BaptistChurch. Falwellhas honor me further down the road. Stepping hearse. Robbie was barefoot, wearing been such a valuableinfluence in my life, out into some things that have been of- shorts and a tank top, and not at all eager becausehe taught me how to love peo- fered to me would have meant forgetting to enter the small, new college."l think ple. I'm not a tremendoussinger, but I've the advice Dr. Falwell and Don Norman the only reasonI got in was that they learned that if you love people and sing had given me over the years, and that were desperatefor students," Robbie songsthat touch their hearts,and show would havebeen hard to do. God showed confesses. a concern for their souls. folks will me that the local church ministry is where At the new school Robbie heard respond. I should be. Dr. Falwellpreach a sermon."lt seemed "I'm thankful for everything that "I think the biggestfactor in my deci- like he waspointing it directly at me, say- Dr. Falwellhas taught me. I love him. I sion wasgoing to concertswhere someone ing that if you would give God what lit- don't worship him, but I really love my I really respecteddidrit offer a chancefor tle bit you'vegot, He would useyou. My pastor.I'm going to stayput with him." peopleto get saved.That took the ministry dad was sitting next to me. He put his After graduatingfrom Liberty in 1974 aspectout of it for me. I just decidedthat arm around me, told me he loved me, (with honors, no less!)Robbie married if you're gonna sing, you should sing to 'If and said, you give God the little bit the girl he had to trick into going out seelives changed.I think the reason we you've got, He'll use you.' I got on my with him. "She told me that shewouldn't get so many invitations is not because qA FUNDAMENTAL]STJOURNAI we'resuch good singersbut becausewe're some of the few singersthat show con- cern for people'ssouls. Some peoplemay saythat I'm afraid to stepout of the local church, but I don't want to forget where I came from. Thomas Road Baptist Church and other church pastorsacross the country have fed my family and taken care of me. \fhen I had problems, they were there. You won't find that in an auditorium. I believe that if we stay faithful to what we weretaught as young men. God will bless us later in lifel'

((T L goton my knees and wkedGod to let me sing!'

Robbiefeels that the most outstanding anything, someoneGod took and was Future plans for Robbie'sministry in- opportunity of his life occurred this year awfully good to. I have problems like clude concert series for churches that at BaptistFundamentalism'84. There he anyoneelse, but I can honestlysay that feature not only Robbie, but the Old- sang "The Red, \ilhite, and Blue" for I can smilethrough rhem, becauseI look Time Gospel Hour trio and severalother PresidentRonald Reagan."If you had told back whereI was,and there'sjust no com- artists.The trio-Robbie, Don Norman, me years ago that somebody from parison.I'm still thrilled to be that happy and Mack Evans-will be sponsoring a Mississippi,who was foul-mouthed and young man on television-being picked on cruise to the Bahamasin April 1985. bitter becausehe waslittle and had a girl's by J...y Falwell. I dorlt want people Robbie continues writing music and will voice, would have that opportunity, I'd rememberin'me as a great singer,just as releasean album of his own songslater have said you were crazy.I think it just someonewho God took and changedhis this vear. goesto prove what God can do with some- Me and gavehim so much to live for. ThaCs one'slife. It wasreally a neat experience, why I'm so happy.I have nothing to be sad but I wasso scared.I didnt think about aboutl' it all week.but when the Presidentwalked For more information on Robbie Hiner's ministry, call or write: Robbie Hiner, P.O. Box 681, Kernersville, NC 27284,(919) 785-1105. ! "h we stoyfatthfut to what we were young Scrtpture tught os men, Memory God will ble.ssrrs later Gourse in life!' . Designedto producesoul winnsrs . 180 vorseson 36 subjocts . New, easy methodof m€morizing $1.25 p€rcopy. $21.75 for 25 copies. S37.50for50copies. $60.00lor lOOcopies. out onto the pladorm, I suddenlyrealized, Postagepaid. 'Hey, . Availablealso in Soanish. this is the greatestman in the free (lnquireabout other ScriptureMemory Books.) world, and I get to sing for him.' I may never get an opportunity like that again ln mv llte." TreasurePath to Soul Wlnnlng, Inc. Box 2104 Lynchburg,Virginia 24501 How would Robbie like to be remem- Phone804-239-4528 'As beredl someone who didrlt have SEPTEMBER1984 \r--{ HT -< ' mffi I H by Haro?dL. willmington ll ,l tl ll I uu I Tf\f TheDivine Purposefor the u LJ L Writing of the Old Testament

presents this wonderful plan of 53:4-6;1 Peter3:18). Some 20 centuries uestion: What was God's redemption. after Abraham offered up Isaac,another ultimatepurpose in inspiring Adam and Eve illustrated that salva- Fatherlifted up His only Son on the same the writing of the Old Gsta- tion clothes us (Gen. 3:ZIi 7ech. 3:7-5; spot, but this time there was no last. ment? In a nutshell, to accomplisha Rev.3:5,18; 19:7-8). The first terrible result minute reprieve, twofold purpose. of sin upon Adam and Eve was the The Manna and the smitten Rock il- To prepareus for the Saviour.During realizationof their shameand nakedness lustratedthat salvation satisfiesus (Exod. the first Easter Sunday afternoon our beforeGod (Gen. 3:7).But the gracious 16:14-1517:6; see also Ps. 103:5;107:9). risen Lord appearedto two discipleson Creator then forgaveand clothed His two Bread from the sky and water from a rock. route to Emmaus.They did not recognize sinful citizensin Eden (3:21). The brazen serpent illustrated that Him at first, but Christ usedthis oppor- Cain and Abel illustratedthat salva- salvationcures us (Num. 21:9;John 3:14). tunity to summarizethe Old Gstament tion guaranteesus acceptance.Cain's ex- In the New Gstament Christ appliedthis in their hearing:'And beginningat Moses ample demonstratesthe wrong way to be Old Gstament event to Himself and led and all the prophets,he expoundedunto accepted(Cen. 4:4-5; Eph. 1:6). Abel Nicodemusto salvation. them in all the scripturesthe things con- made the first recorded"public profession Naaman illustrated that salvation cerning himself" (l-uke 24:27). of Christ" on earth when he offeredthe cleansesus (2 Kings 5:1-14;Ps. 51:7). This The secondpurpose was to prepareus blood sacrificewhile Cain becamethe Syrian paganwas the only man in the en- for His service."For whatsoeverthings first religiousrebel by offering a bloodless tire Old Gstament to be cleansedfrom were written aforetime were written for sacrifice, the dreadful scourgeof leprosy. our learning, that we through patience The Ark and the Passoverillustrated The tabernacleillustrated that salva- and comfort of the scripturesmight have that salvation protects us from God's tion restoreslost fellowship (Exod.ZS:ZZ; hope" (Rom. 15:4)."Now all thesethings wrath (Gen. 7:1; Exod. 12:23;see also Ps. 23:3). One of Israel'smost tragic happenedunto them for ensamples:and Rom. 1:18;Col. 3:6; 1 Thess. 1:10;Rev. moments in the Old Gstament was the they are written for our admonition, 6:17).The unprotectedwill be subjected worship of a devilishEgyptian goiden calf upon whom the ends of the world are to a 6.rture world judgment wrath (the god (Exod. 32). Both idolatry and im- come"(1 Cor. 10:11). messageof the Ark) and to a personal morality were involved in that sordid af- Additionally, the Old Gstament Great'White Throne judgment (the lesson fair. But the newly constructedtabernacle preparesus for the messageof the New from the Passover). was able to once again assureIsrael's Gstament. Of course,the greattheme of Abraham and Isaac illustratedthat fellowship with God. the New Gstament is a completedsalva- salvation provides for us an acceptable tion. Note how the Old Testament substitute (Gen. 27:12-14;see also lsa. Adapted 6om \Villmingtm's Gui& n the Bibie O 1981 Tyndale House.

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Schaeffer V Productions, (the people who brought you Whatever S< haeffer Productions Happened to the Human Race, How P.O. Box 909 | Should We Then Llve, The Second Amerlcan I os (iatos, CIA 95031 Revolutlon, and other outstanding Christian films), | 2. Fill in nsw add.oss: announces a FREE serviceto the Christiancommun YES. f would like to receivethe FREE Newspape.l ity. Would you like to receive three times a year, FREE, written by Franky Schaeffer. PleaseincJude me on your I the Schaeffer V Productions Newspaper? This mailing lisl Newspaper contains updates on cufi€nt events, pro- Name Iife issues,the Media, and analysisof the direction o{ State Zip western society. You can receive this FREE at your Ny'ailthis lorm tol Address home by simply clippingthe coupon and sendingit in. FUNDAMENTALISTJOURNAL SubscriberServices Lynchburg,Virginia 24514

56 FUNDAMENTAUST JCUI?NAL Missions Has God Galled You to Stay? by Don V. Hillis

rofessions of faith in Christ sometimes come easily and words are often glib. For this reason the Spirit of God instructs us to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith (2 Cor. 1315).In other words, the burden of proof that we are living under the lordship of Christ rests upon us. Salvation is ours becausewe have con- fessedwith our mouths "the Lord Jesus" and believed in our hearts that God has raised Him from the dead (Rom. 10;9). But what are the proofs of His londship in our lives? The answer to that question does not necessarilyrelate to the sizeof the Bible classeswe teach or to the positions we tnay hold as laymen in our churches.Nor is it fundamentally related to one's popu- larity as a radio or television preacher. Even if we could perform miracles and castout demons, it would not ultimately prcve we arc experiencing the lor,clshipof Christ in our lives. "Not every one that saith unto me, lord, [ord, shall enter into the kingdom ofheaven;" saidJesus, "but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, [ord, lord, have we not prophesied in thY name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart ftom otherwise? ln a servant's relationship to lieverscan do? Yes,in many cases,but can me, ye that work iniquity" (Matt. 7:21.23), his master, obedience and integrify are we prove it? This clearly teachesthat the two basic primary elements. Or to use the language The Scriptures make it plain that God evidences of the londship of Christ in usi of the Epistles, we demonstrate the lord- is not concerned (in the ultimate sense are obedience to the will of the Father ship of Christ by walking in the Spirit ofthe word) about the number ofcars or and purity of life. And how could it be and by being full of the fruits of righteous- radios we manufacture. The quantity of ness, which are by Christ Jesus.These houses we build, the number of opera- evidences must be seen in all of us, tions we perform, the miles we drive our il Don W. Hillis is a whether or not we are involved in Chris- trucks, the sales we make in our stores, !R tian ministries. and so on, are all related to things tempo- ,.f lormer mrssron4r) to A second burden of proof that falls ral. And God is preeminently concerned -o* Africa and a retird upon all believers is that as followers of about things eternal. How then are we to - exeantiveof TEAM. He our lives in involvement in t'secular" lwlds a D.D. fron Talbot the lord we are to invest reconcile our TlleologicalSeminary, "secular" occupations. Is it really God's occupations when unbelievers can fill jobs LaMirola, Califomia. will that redeemed men and women those and when the need for laborers spend their lives doing tasks that unbe' in the harvest fields are so great? SEPTEMBER1984 57 Perhaps2 Corinthians5:15 will help 'And Someone has said, "If what we are do- Vhen we are servedby more ondained us find rhe answer. that he died for ing is not counting for God, it is not pastors than minister to the billion-plus all, that they which live should not counting.".That concept should help us people in Europe and Africa combined, examine the modvation behind the in- something is wrong. vestment of our lives. When over 90 percent of all American And what of those persons whom Christians' religious dollars are ocpended God leads into careerministries for Him? on 5 percent of the world's population, "h whatwe ore The burden of prof that they are to something is wrong. minister in the most gospel-saturatedna- While there is a population l0 times doingis not counting tion on earth rests on them. the sizeof the United States that has vet God, Jesus tells us that "the ffeld is the to hear the gospel, can we defend our for it is not world" and that the seed of the Good refusal to go? \?hile it is possible for News is to cotmting!' be sown on the whole fteld. America's 230 million people to hear the All men, from'Jerusalem" to the,,utter- Good News in many ways and hundreds most partsf' are to be given the opportu- of times during the course of the year, is nity ,,God to e>

Liberty! City - State - zip - FallSemester Phone ( BeginsAugust 29. Liberty offers more than High School in Registerby August27. fifty majors a full- Graduation Date (Seead page2) spectrumliberal arts curriculum. But we specializein \ford Processing. FJ94

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I A Beporton the Thomas Boad Baptist Church and nehtud Ministries LBCEnrollment TheWonderful Weekend for Womerl- StillIncreasing Don'tYou Deserve a Wonderful Weekend? Studentsfrom all 50states and 29 foreigncountries continue to make Ladieswho have patiently attended Christianwomen through victory in localtransportation. Jbmake reserva- LibertyBaptist College the fastest. Bibleconferences run bymen will en. Christ. tions,send a checkfor $40(made gowingcollege of itsrype in America. joy the Vonderful Weekendfor Conferenceparticipants will choose payableto ThomasRoad Baptist Enrollrnentat LBChas incrased every Vomen,to beheld at ThomasRoad from over25 workshops,including Church)to: WonderfulVeekend for 'The yearsince the school opened in 19ii BaptistChurch, October l8-20, 1984. topicssuch as: Actof Marriagei' Vomen,Thomas Road Baptist Church, with 141students, and all indications Hostedby Celeste Wemp, the con- "Copingwith Angerand Resent- Lynchburg,Virginia 24514, pointto the 1984.85academic year as ferencewillfeature Mrs, John R. Rice, mentj'"Personal Bible Studyj' "The beingno exception. ElizabethTon, JoyMartin, Edith Christianl-eader's Vifel' "Vomen Accordingtp TomDiggs, Director Schaeffer,Elizabeth Handford, and Alonei' "The Dramaof Mid-Lifei Calendar of AcademicSupport Services, last manyother women who have been in" "liapped Mothersl'and "Success Update year'senrollment of 4,300will prob. volvedin ministryfor years,Kendra ThroughSicknessl' ablybe exceeded, asat press time new Cook,soloist for theOld"Time Gospel Theconference will feature a con- August applicationsreceived were up 7 per. Hour,will open the weekend with a cert,a symposiumwith many wives 27-28 centand new srudent confirmarions concertat 6:30p.m. on the l8th. of Christianleaders (including Macel NewE ReturningStudents Anive up 8 percent. Thetheme of the weekend will be Falwell),and a Saturdaynight banquet. at LBC Trainingyoung championsfor "lt'sa VonderfulLifej'and the mey The $40registration fee includes September Christ,Liberry offers a diversiffedpro. sagesand workshops will emphasize two box lunches,the Saturdayeve- 8 gramwith majorsin 66fields of study. thewonderful life that is available to ningbanquet with Dr. Falwell,and FfrsrLBC FootbaLl Gamq 7:30P.m. 20 HoutSelected As HeadCoach Dr.FaLweLLSpeaks at Haruard" NewEvangelistic Law Sclnol MorganHout, assistant coach of 24"27 theUniversity of Richmond,has been TeamCrisscrosses NationalBBF Meering held at LBC hiredas the Flames'new head foot- theCountry 28.29 ballcoach, Hout has been with the Libertyfest Spidersfor the past four seasons asthe October receivercoach. WilliamR. Chapman,assistant "Wefelt that Morgan Hout would directorof LBC'sChristian Service be the bestman for the job among Office,and his associates Gerry White SeniorSaints Weekend thosewho wereinterviewedj' said andRobert Kauffrnan comprise a new 18.20 PresideritCuillermin. "Vith his EvangelisticGam representing Liberty WnderfulWeel

SEPTIMBER1984 59 LBCBiology-Teacher Education ReceivesApproval from State

Aftera three-yearbattle with the BoardofEducation. The team reportd visitationcommittee to be teaching Godput it outthere and it beganto VirginiaState Board of Educarion, all to be in goodorder and quite sciencein thebiology courses, with- movearound and develop and one day and the American.Civil Liberties favorable,but one memberof the holdingstate approval when there is it wasswimming, Soon it wascrawl- Union, Liberty BaptistCollege fi- visitingteam had reservations about nolonger any substantiated reason is ing andone day it wasup in a tree. nallvreceived the necessarv certifica- thebiology program and the teaching a violationof ourreligious freedoms Finallyit droppedoffthe limb, broke tionto allowits biology-teacher educa- ofcreationism. Hebelieved that since underthe Virginia and United States off its tail, andbegan teaching at a tion graduatesto teachin public LibertyBaptist College students were Constitutions.Please be advised that university." schools. exposedto creationism,they were not LBCwill take whatever legal action Regardingthe board's recent deci- On July20 the boardvoted 6-2 sionFalwell said, "Ve've had to fight grantingLBC's biology.teacher eJuca- theACLU for theright to exercrseour tionprogram certification until 1986, religiousbeliefs and freedom ofspeech. atwhich time it willbe reviewed again. "Vedorlt know ofanother school In the thirteen-yearhistory of thathas had to undergo this scrutiny, LibertyBaptist College, the schoolt Ve arepleased that the majority of the Ieadershiphas grappled with many dif. boardrecognized our commitment to ficulties:obtaining acampus, financ- academicexcellencel' ing a fledglingcollege, recruiting The LJnchburgNews and Daily students,hiring an academically Advancepublished an editorial about outstandingfaculty, and molding its theLBC hassle with the State Board curriculuminto one of the finest X. .%" I of Educationand the ACLU, The editor educationalprograms of anycollege beingtaught science, but simplybe. isnecessary to protect its religious in- remarkd,"]t maftersnot that LBC may in theUnited States. From 141 stu- ing indoctrinatedwith religious tegrityfrom any coercive actions by teachcreationism, along with evolu. dentsand no permanentfacilities in theory.At thattime all education pro- theState Department ofEducation to tionisttheory. The main quesrions that 19?1,the college now expects to enroll gramsexcept biology received the delete,alter, or diluteits religious shouldconcern those responsible for between4,500 and 5,000 students on approval. tenetl' accreditingteachers in the public the 4,000-acrecampus called "Liberty TheAmerican Civil Lihrties Union "Theyare accusing usofteaching schoolsof Virginiais what the LBC Mountain"for the 1984"85 academic joinedthe fight to preventLBC from creationismasa factl'says Guillermin, gmduatetearhes . ,. , TheState Board year. receivingnecessary certification. The "butthey are witness to thevery same of Mucationcannot permit itself to be- Theeducational program has ad. ACLUportrayed students as robots crimein moststate and public institu- comean insmrmentof the Amencan vancedto offer66 majorsin seven preparedto enterthe public schools tionsbecause the theory of evolution Civil LibertiesUnion, or of individuals areasof undergraduatestudy and of Americato indoctrinatepupils in is beingtaught as fact. Pure science whoprofess to beso terrified of any plansare under way to eventuallyof. theareas of religioustheory and prac- shouldallow all viewpoints to beex. aspectof religioncropping up in our fergraduate degrees in all o{ itspro. tice.The standard that Libertv Bao. pressedand reviewed." publicschools that they would bar grams.Liberty was accredited byrhe tistwould have to meerfor cenifica- Furthermore,Guillermin felt that LBC graduatesfrom qualifyingas SouthernAssociation ofColleges and tion becamean issue. theboard's questions about Liberty's teachenHow do they know what thae Schoolsin i980 and hasbeen ap- An articlein the WoshingronPosr, affiliationwith the Associationof studentswill teachlThey dor/t. They provedby the State Council ofHigher May9, 1984,quoted one member of ChristianSchools lnternational in, take the positionthat students Education.Since its inception the col, theState Board ofEducadon assaying, fringedon Liberty'sconsritutional graduatingfrom LBC carit think for legehas succeeded in maintaining any "Ve're questioning,we're doubting, right to formassociations based on themselvesand do not havethe in. secularstandards set for colleges, llrLrrtyBapnstlwillhave to be hyond religiousor othercommon goals. tegrityto teachevolution after agree- 'shadow withouttheological compromise, while a of a doubt'to winfull state EvenDr. Jerry Falwell, chancellor ingto doso in orderto geta teaching simultaneouslysupporting a strong certificationfor is biologyteachers. It'll ofthecollege, found that his sermons job.They are, therefore, being con- Christ-centeredphilosophy. haveto beexemplary." werebrought as testimony against the victedbeforehandl' After SACSaccreditation, Liberty A, PierreGuillermin, president of creditabilityof Liberty'sbiology educa- h. Guillermin,Dr. Falwell,and the followedthe usual procedure for col. LibertyBaptist College and Schools, tion program.His statements regard- entireLBC Boardof liusteesclosed legeswith programs in education-it respondedto concemsof the board ingthe creation of manby Godand ranks during the long strugglefor petitionedthe Virginia Boardof of ducation by saying,"To state the foolishnessof evolutionwere academicand religious fuom. During Educationfor "programapprovall' thatLBC has to meetan'exemplary' usedin argumentsbyVirginia ACLU oneof his recentsermons, Dr. Falwell 'A This approvalallows education standardof approvalnot attributedto directorChan Kendrick.From the said, majorityof the StateBoard graduatesto becomecertified in otherinstitutions in Virginiaclearly pulpit,Falwell had joked that some of Educationhas clearly repudiated Virginiaand in 34states with which impliesthat LBC will probably never scienceprofessors believe that Ood theefforts ofthe ACLU to denyLBC Virginiahas a reciprocalagreement, begranted approval unless it changes createdthe world, but "theybelieve the right to believein an inenant Libertywas visited and examined by its religiousposition on creationism.He did it with a littleunicell, a little Bibleand to operatea fully accredited an ll-memberteam from the Virginia SinceLBC has been shown bv vour singularcell one day. They believe that instituteof higherlearningl' 60 FUNDAMENTAIISTJOURNAL NevsCommentary Religious FreedomNot !ilelcomed in Public Places byMa*inMaw.yer

\Uhen the U.S. Senate defeatedthe Bjorklund, even rejected a compromise clude any religious invocation during voluntary prayer amendment last March, measure that would have allowed the their graduation. it buffeted the hopes ofparents, students, newspaper to be placed in the school's Ever sincethe SupremeCourt struck and teachers who favored a restoration library. down state organized prayer and Bible of religious freedom in the public schools. In Council Bluffs, Iowa, a federal readingsin1962 and 1963,students and Opponents of the prayer amendment court awarded teacher Milton Abramson teachershave been losing their religious had argued: students can pray and read $300 for suffering "emotional distress"- liberties in the public schools. the Bible at home or in church; non' he was exposedto prayersduring Easter For two decades opponents of praying students would face coercive and Christmas assembliesat Thomas religious exercisesin public placeshave pressure to conform to the Christian JeffersonHigh School. Abramson sought used the Supreme Court's 1962 and 1963 faith; classrooms would become full of $6,000, but the court said his injuries decisions to challenge any type of fights over which prayer to say; an were of only a "short duration." religious activity that carries the mere overzealousteacher could impose his faith In Greensboro, North Carolina, a semblanceof government accommoda- on students; a "namby-pamby" prayer parent demandedthat religiousmusic be tion or recognition of the Christian faith. would serve no secular or religious pur- cancelled during a holiday concert ar Court caseshave opposed the posting pose;and parents wanting their children Mendelhall Junior High School. Principal of the Ten Commandments, county seals to pray can send them to private schools. Charles Wallace went to the auditorium containing Christian symbols,the useof Besides, they argued, didn't Jesus just in time to stop the concert. It was public buildings for prayer ceremonies, teach people to "enter into thy closet" rescheduled at a later date though. But state maintenance of religious statuesand and "shut thy door" when they pray the religious music was cut out. crosses,President Reagan'sproclamation Matt. 6:6)? However persuasivethese arguments may have been on the Senate, they ig- nored the critical issue at stake in the tT public schools: whether students may voluntarily practice their most basic Lhough the courtsfreqrcntly strikedoum religious rights. In Catonsville, Maryland, a high public activity that accorwnodntesChnstianity, school principd told three dozen students generully public to discontinue their Bible study sessions they uqhold activitiesthot during the noon lunch hour. attackChristian b elief s. Every day the students would bring their lunches, sit in a vacant classroom, pull out their Bibles, and read Scripture. Occasionally a student would lead the group in prayer. But Catonsville High At the North Carolina State Univer- of 1983as "The Year of the Bible," volun- School Principal Frank L. Mayer said the sity a student was forbidden to go into tary singing of the National Anthem and practice probably violated the law and he the dormitories to promote a series of recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, ordered the sessionsstopped. Bible discussionsthat were being held on paid religious holidays for government In Golden Valley, Minnesota, a high campus. The Fourth Circuit Court of employees, nativity displays, and federal school principal suspendedseniors Doug Appeals upheld the university's decision. grants to religious groups that help Pagia and Tanni Winter for distributing And after years of unsuccessful at- teenagegirls avoid unwanted pregnancies. "Issues and Answers," a Christian tempts by special interest groups to for- Many of these practices have been newspaperpublished by Student Action bid prayers at graduation ceremonies,the successfullychallenged. for Christ, Inc. California Superior Court for Alameda But though the courts frequently Hopkins High School Principal County ftnally agreed that the practice strike down public activity that accom- Thomas Bauman said the distribution of violates the Establishment Clause of the modates Christianity or places it in a religious matter is a violation of school U.S. Constitution. The court ordered favorable light, they generally uphold board policy. School attorney, Mary Granada High School students not to in- public activities that attack Christian SEPTEMBER1984 6t beliefs-especially in the public schools. The docket of casesthe courts are lrow Both the Second and Fifth Circuit Most court casesinvolve parents who considering, or have recently resolved, Court of Appeals, and several lower object to classwork that assaultsChris- involving religious activity in public federal and state courts, have held that tian morality or biblical truths-liberal schoolsis too lengthy to enumerate.But Bible meetingson public school campuses sex education cours€s,values clarification are unconstitutional. classes,instruction in evolution-science, Only a federal district court in assignmentsthat require offensivereading Pennsylvanla has upheld Bible meetings. and writings. The court said that govemment does not Such lawsuits have been launched in have the power to "restrict expression Maryland, \fest Virginia, New York, Gourr*nent has becauseof its message,its ideas,its sub- California, Hawaii, Washington, Con- ject mafter, or its content." The court said necticut, New Jersey,and Tennessee.In becomeincreasingly the Fint Amendment gives religiously every case,the court has upheld the class hostiletoward oriented students the same right to use assignments. la . . o school facilities as other student groups. A typical court decision is the casein- reJtgJousexpressuon Supporters of Bible clubs had peti- volving a set of \fest Virginia parents. tioned Congress to pass "equal access" These parents claimed their free exercise in publicschools. legislation.Passage of the bill, supporters rights under the First Amendment were said, would send a "strong message"to violated by the school'suse of textbooks public schools that religious speechhas that discouragedbelief in a SupremeBe- the same privileges as other free speech ing, used vile and abusivelanguage, and a quick review of someof the more impor- rights. encouraged violation of the Ten tant caseswill demonstratethe enoffnous Testifying before a House sub- Commandments. attack certain activists have launched committee Samuel Ericsson, a legal But the federal court said the First against religious exercises (or supposed representativewith the Christian Legal Amendment "does not guarantee that religious exercises)in public schools. Society, said, "The Supreme Court did nothing offensiveto any religion will be Though 22 stateshave passedsilent not intend to prohibit truly voluntary, taught in the schools." prayer and meditation statutes, four student-initiated, religious ac- federal courts have stmck the laws down. tivity on public school property." Only one has upheld the practice. , Ericsson said school boards, unable to judge A federal in Arkansas struck distinguish the differencebetween state- CalledTo down a state law requiring schoolsto give sponsoredreligious exercisesand student- creation-science and evolution-science initiated Bible meetings,have begun "to equal treatment. adopt policies that closed the doors to all Gdeons Intemational has been banned TheMinistry religious expressionamong students in all from distributing Bibles in numerous but the most perfunctory settings." school districts. Gideons have distributed During PrepareAt Bethany Bibles for years. recent months, Ericssonsaid, CLS has received complaints from Courts, or school officials, have stnrck 45 "ThePreacher's College" students where their down Bible classesin Michigan, Illinois, equal access to public school facilities has been denied. B€thany Blble College & S€mlnary is Tennessee,and Virginia. The classeswere Baptlst, lt ls F|.n&m€ntdand ottors quallty completely voluntary, required parental "In all but a few instances,school ad- educatlon. consent, and involved the learning of minisnators would gladly allow meetings B€thany otfers nlght clas3€s wh€reby th€ Bible characters and memorization of with religiouscontent but fear litigation stud€nts may work and ern a Ebl€ educa- Scriptures. from groups who contend that religious tion at th6 aamo tlm€. The American Civil Liberties Union expressionhas no place on public school Bothmy 18ofioring tr6€ irltlon scholar8hipg is challenging creation-science instruc- campuses,"Ericsson said. for rosldent 8fudy tor out-ot-town sfudents Congress,however, defeatedthe tor tho 1984-85 school y6ar. (Scholar- tion, grant programs to sectariancolleges, equal shlps llmlted to first come basis.) and the practice of public schools that accessbill. rent their facilities to religious groups, to To supporters of religious liberty, Otf campus programs are avaihble to 8tud6nt8 who cannot leave their pres€nt name a few. government has become increasingly employmont to attond rssidont clasaes. Some uruuccessfulattempts to restrict hostile toward religious expression in This work may be appliod toward a degree religious liberty include legislatures that public schools. in ministry. pay chaplains, city-sponsored Nativity Though the Constitution guarantees Wdto or Cal For Froo lnlormation scenes,and President Reagan'sdeclara- the free exercise of religion and forbids BETHAilYT}IEOTOGICAT SETII{ARY tion of 1983as "The Year of the Bible." government frorncstabllshing a religion, AilDErBrE COLLEGE Yet the most critical areacurrently be- for the past two decadesgovernment has P.O.Box 1944 ing fought in the public schools is become more interested in protecting Dothan,Alabama 36302 whether student religious clubs can meet people fom religion and establishing that (2O5)793-3189 during non-school hours as other student no religion will take place in public clubs are permitted. facilities. D 62 FUNDAMENTALISTJOURNAL News SBCGontlnues Goncervetlve Trend: StanlcyElected Prestdent

KANSAS CITY, Mo.-Messengers at getting "all Baptiststo agreef'but to pur. initiated religious organizations to meet the 127th annual Southern Baptist Con- sue evangelismand missions. on public school property. vention learned that while overseasevan- Stanley, who was elected by the con- In addition, churcheswere encouraged gelism is up, personal evangelismat home servative faction of the convention dele- to provide abortion alternatives to unwed is down-possibly becauseof denomina- gates,pastors the 9,000-memberFirst Bap mothers, and Christians were asked to tional strife. tist Church in Atlanta. challengethe growth of SecularHumanists 'A lot of us today are no longer going Convention delegatesalso heard testi- and their efforts to exclude God from the forward and winning people to Christ. mony on a number of other emotionally classroom. failed We're wasting all our energy on petty in- . charged issues r.anging from "test-tube" The SBC ResolutionsCommittee terestsl' chided Ron Dunn of lrving, babies to nuclear arms control. to act, however, on resolutions dealing 'Ibxas, genetic at a meeting sponsored by South- Draper, pastor of First Baptist Church, with engineering, test-tube babies, ern Baptist Evangelists. Euless, Texas, told messengersthat the human cloning, and Planned Parenthood. Former SBC president Jimmy Draper denomination has lost much of its credi- was equally forceful when he told the bility because it has passed only "a few 16,800messengers gathered at the Bartle innocuous resolutionsagainst abortion." Convention Center in Kansas City, He drew sffong applause when he asked, "Where is the outcry over the le- fh\llIilr galized killing of over 17 million innocent I u pre.born children in the last 1l years? '4Wl lllllllltfli rh\ Abortion has become a crime of enor- ilewe debatemous proportions in Americai' "Wt [1] GOSPELSONGS BY EAR At the SBC Paston'Conference 12,000 Amazing new book shows how to play and ond manipulateand delegates heard strong speechesagainst CHORD any hymn or gospel song you've ever heard-entirely by ear! How to find the abortion and pornography, and advice on right startingnote, what chords to play and Playgarnes, the world becoming more loving parents, better when to play them. Play in easy keys tirst, then in any key. Learn the secrets oJ how to goesto hell, Weowe money stewands,and dealing with stress. play by ear and play the hymns you love- At the same time, a decidedly more now! 10 easy lessons $6.95plus 60npostage; CASSETTESavailable $6.95 each plus 40' the world the gospel!' liberal conference was being held by the postage.(Please specit piano or organ.) SBC Forum, which drew 2,000messengers. [2] GOSPELMUS|C Learning gospel music is easy with this Forum speakersopposed certain limi- excitingnew book. lf you'rea beginneror alreadyplaying some, you'll be playingthe tations on women in the ministry and ef- gospel music you love in iust a few days. forts to make SBC collegesand seminaries Showshow to play melodieswith righthand, Missouri, in June, "While we debate and chords with left. Learn to play rhythm basses, manipulate and play games, the world take a more conservative line. fills, runs, "cross hands" style,"walking" Sara Ann Hobbs, director of missions basses,melodies in 3rds,6ths. 20 easy les- goesto hell. We owe the world the gospell' sons $6.95 plus 60cpostage. CASSETTES \ilhile Southern Baptist foreign mis- for North Carolina Baptist Convention, available$6.95 plus 40npostage. sions have worked to baptize a record told Forum delegates,"God is not listen' [3I CHORDINGBY EAR New companionto #1 explainsall about 146,149believers overseasduring the past ing to those who say He cannot call chording gospelsongs - completelyby ear! year, were women to certain kinds of ministry, and Showshow to lind the basicchords ofsongs, baptisms in the United States teaches chord progressions which chord 2,000 fewer in 1983 than in 1954. is continuing to call out bright, commit- songs almostautomatically. Tells how to ted young womenl' substitutechords, arrange songs, play left William G. Gnner, president of handchords in rhythmbasses, lill outchords Southern Baptist Home Mission Board, Nevertheless the SBC encouraged in righthand, and play in manykeys. Chords are fully illustratedwith diagrams and told messengersthat perhaps the greatest women to participate in all aspects of photos. 16 easy lessons $7.95 + 60c pstg. weaknessin Southern Baptist life is that church life other than "pastoral functions CASSETTESare $6.95+ 400pstg. (Specify piano or organ) not involved in personal soulwin- and leadership roles entailing orrdinationl' "we're SAVE- lny conDlnstlon0l3 bookr0r c,srollos, tlg.S ppd. ning, and we don't really care." In other resolutions,the SBC opposed (Specilypiano ot organ.)GUtBtl{TEt0l Charles Stanley, the newly elected the appointment of a U.S. ambassadorto FREEwlTll 0B0ER-chord dl|rt showln084 dlordtl president of the SBC, said the "thrust" the Holy See,and zupported"equal access' itol{EYEtcK 0AUl080l{S0727 FJ iloicolf GUABAIITEE Shawnoollllsslon. K$ 00404 of Southern Baptist life should not be legislation that would permit student- SEPTEMBER1984 flor Your Information

SWORD OF THE LORD in the tornrre death of eight-month-old groups, contending the Baby Doe regr.rla- Boqrd Members Resign Barbara Parks last fall here. tions were outside congressionalintent. The baby, who was being cared for by The Baby Doe regulations allowed the the boy's mother, was torrnentd to death Department of Health and Human Ser- Truman Dollar, pastor of Temple after the boy, and his ?-yearold brother, vices to investigate cases of alleged BaptistChurch, Detroit,Michigan, and abused the girl with a pencil and coat medical neglect by parents who, follow- A. V. Henderson,president of Baptist hanger. ing the advice of a physician, wanted BibleCollege, Springfield, Missouri, re- The older bov admitted to hitting their handicapped infant to die. cently resignedfrom the cooperating "ko the baby in the mouth, shaking her, and Judge Brieant said, however, the r€u- board of the Stuordof the Lord. throwing her to make her quiet. lations "are invalid, unlawful, and must The Su,ord, a biweekly religious The causeof death, "blunt trauma" to be set aside...becausethey were pro- newspaperfounded years 50 agoby the the chest and aMomen, was coruistent mulgated without statutory authority." late presently John R. Rice, is directed with the fact that one boy knelt on the Gary Curran, legislativedirector for by its editor, Curtis Hutson. infant. She was found unconsciouson the American Life lobby, said JudgeBrieant's The resignationsallegedly came as a boys'bedroom floor. decision should be overturned by a policy resultofpersonal and differences The older boy was also found guilty of higher court that recognizesthe civil with Hutson,who attackedseveral Fun- aggravatd child abuse, and three counts rights of infants. damentalistleaders in recentissues of the of se>rualbanery. Having swallowedthis defeat, the pro- Stuord.There is possibility a that other The younger boy, who agreed to life lobby has high hopes for the Child board members resign. may testifr against his brother, was found Abuse Act now in Congress. guilty of only one count of aggravated That Act would redefine child neglect child abuse. and abuseto include the "withholding of Ncrtionql Ccmpcigm Prosecuting attorney Mary McKeown medically indicated treatment from dis- to RegilsterChuchgoe$ described the boys as acting like "little abled infants with life-threatening animals.t' conditions." Tom McCoun, the lawyer for the States would lose federal money to EL CAJON, Calif.-A national effort to 9-year-old boy, said the boy may have help abused children if they refused to register two million voters this summer acted out what he saw in his mother's seek treatment for medically neglected and fall by the American Coalition pornography magazines. infants. for Traditional Values is finding thousands The mother acknowledged keeping ofchurches opening their doors for voter hard-core magazinesin full view of the registration. children. ACry (pronounced is new cctive) a PinellasCircuit Court JudgeJack A. Southem BcrpttstsAre lor LlJe coalition of conservativereligious leaders Pagesaid he planned to send the boys to formed "to work toward protecting and a residential treatment program. WASHINGTON-Pro-life laymen inside preserving our Judeo-Christian heritage." Chaired by Tim LaHaye, the coali- the Southern Baptist Convention have tion includesCharles Stanley,Bill Bright, taken it upon themselvesto form the Southern Baptists for Life. Adrian Rogers,Jimmy Swaggart,James Judge Strlkes Down Kennedy, and more than two dozen other Bcby Doe Rule SBL PresidentGary Crum said the or- pastors. ganization was formed becausethe official SBC agerry entrusted with "moral con \TASHINGTON-A U.S. District Court cems" is headed by Foy Valentine, who, has stnrck down the federal government's "unfomrnately," is prochoice. 9-Yecr-Old Found Baby Doe regulations, designed to pro- The purpose of SBL is to help Gutlty ot Mt'trder tect handicapped infants from medical Southern Baptists take a "firm, visible, neglect. and active stand againstabortion, infan- FederalJudge Charles L. Brieant, Jr., ticide, and euthanasia." ST. PETERSBURG,Fla.-A 9-year-old upheld a lawsuit brought by the American The SBL has adopted the pro-life res- boy wasfound guiltyof fintdegreemurder Medical Association, and ftve other olution upholding the "sanctity and IA FUNDAMENTALISTJOURNAL worth of all human life, both.born and 25-29, Over 1,200 messengersrepresent- Solar employees.In a November 1952 pre-born, as being created in the image ing the Fundamentalist church group speech,Price said, "I can conceive of a of God," which was passedat the 1982 registered. chapel that will be a refuge of quiet in Southern Baptist Convention. Five resolutions were acted upon by our busy, noisy lives and that can help That resolution adds that the social the messengers,including one that ex- some or perhaps all of us in keeping alight acceptanceof abortion has begun to dull pressedtheir view against the ordination the torch of faith and inspiration. With society's respect for human life and to of women to the Christian ministry. The much ffidence and hesitation, I give you lead to an acceptanceof infanticide, child resolution recognized"Christian women's one of my cherishedideals to do with as abuse, and active euthanasia. spiritual equality with Christian men," you wish. If you want it, you will have SBL will begin publishing and distrib- and affirmed that a subordinaterole. as set to build it with your own hands and uting a newsletter,and other informa- forth in the Scripture, is not to be equated heart." tional material, in its effort to educate with inferiority. The chapel is open at all times. For- Christians about their "Godgiven moral Regardingsocialism and New Evangeli- mal servicesare held on Wednesdaysat and civic responsibility" to end the "flow cals the GARBC declaredthat "the Bible ll a.m. for shop workers, and 12:30p.m. of innocent blood." clearly teachesthat man's pervetsity, not for office workers. I(/orshipers wear their economic structures,is the causeof crime, work clothes and often quietly munch on abortion, Secular Humanism, etc." They sandwichesand potato chips. In the ar- U.S.Restricts Oversecs reaffirmed "confidence in a competitive ticle, Bob Fitzgerald, a Solar engineer Aid for Abortions economic system...and that a socialistic who has been attending servicesfor 20 program is not the answerto man's innate years said, "Taking time from work to perversity and immoral behavior." pray is spiritually rejuvenating." with GENEVA, Switzerland-In keeping Another resolution urged the Presi- President Reagan's pro-life the views, dent to reconsider his appointment of an giving United States will stop aid to the ambassadorto the Vatican, on the basis U.N. Fund fc,r Population Activities, unless that it violated the principle of the separa- TmrS, Educcrflon guarantees that agency that it will not sub- tion of church and state. tn the Vtdeo Age programs sidize advocating abortion. The GARBC passeda resolution stat- LJndersecretaryof State Gregory J. ing that the Arabs living in Israelshould CHATTANOOGA, Tenn.-TITUS is Newell delivered the United States'new be treated with equity and justice. policy "The Integated Tele-communications to the U.N. Fund for Population The last resolution opposed the Civil Utilization System." Founded bV L.W. Activities in a speechlastJune in Geneva. RightsAct of 1984,warning that this bill Nichols, academic vice president of The United Statescontributes $38 mil- is not merely dealing with discrimination Tennessee Temple University, TITUS lion annually to the population fund, but is instead an attempt to make the seels to support and educatemissionaries, which givesmoney to countriesthat per- freedom of religion "subject to the dic- pastors, and Christian school students mit abortions, such as China, Cuba, tates of the federal bureaucracyand the using modem vidqo technology. Tunisia, Vietnam, and India. federal courts." The six objectives of TITUS are to But some countries, like China and In- Twenty-nine churches were received provide videotape lectures and study dia, have developed highly aggrasive and into the association, increasing the total guidesto Christian Education programs controversialpopulation policies,including number of General Association of Regular on mission fields and Christian schools, forced sterilizations and forced abortions. Baptist Churches to 1,603.Other reports to start Bible collegesin foreign countries, The White House, however, doesnot given to the assembledmessengers in- to provide practical altematives to Chris- view abortion as a morally acceptable cluded missions agencies,colleges, and tians around the world who want Bible- answer to population control and is ex- social agencies. pected to cut aid to other agenciesthat centered instruction but have limited ac- promote abortions, even if U.S. funds are cess to programs of study, to provide not directly involved. assistanceto foreign Bible colleges by The Vhite House action givessnength Compcmy Nlows I'lme securing short-term professorsto meet to an amendment that prohibits U.S. aid lor Work cnrd Prcryer specific needs, to provide consultation to fund China's population control pro- servicesfor curriculum development and gram, passed last June by the House of evaluation in Christian schools world- Representatives. SAN DIEC'O, Calif.-According to The wide, and to form a telecommunications Sa Dago Unicn, the Pacfic Highway Solar satellitenetwork to complement and ex- Turbines Inc. plant in San Dego offers a pand all programs. GARBC Holds 53rd unique opportunity to its employees-the "TITUS does not propose to replace Annucl Conlerence chance to pray and attend a religious ser- the missionary,the pastor, or the Chris- vice during their lunch hour. tian educator," believesNichols. "It does, The All Faith Chapel, founded 30 however, proposeto develop a master lec- SEATTLE-The 53rd Annual Confer- years ago by then company president and ture curriculum on videotape through ence of the General Association of general manager Edmund T. Price, was which the outstanding instructors of our Regular Baptist Churches met at the built by Solar employeeson weekends d"y can be integrated into local Seattle Center Arena the week of Iune and is run bv a l2-member council of classroomsanywhere in the world." SEPTEMBERI9B4 65 op

GhfiStians and offiHr3,lWY'fffff?oDavidRM'reru"ffi,,*,", PUbliC EdUCg1tion n^ A lXlemma of Ilual Gitizenshtp

merica mass-produceseducation. The United States American Civil Liberties(Jnion, contributed to an even greater has become a factory of knowledge, a laboratory for decline. new developments, and a testing ground for innova- The Christian ercodusfrom public lower education is a direct tions in learning. reaction to the inclusion of an anti-Judeo-Christianhumanistic The historical roots of the American model of public educa- philosophy in the curriculum and an active propagandizing of tion are found in the decision of the fathers of our government schoolchildren for political causes. \Uhatever ill has befallen to produce an educated populace, a people who could read. public schools is the causerather than the result of the growth One of the first public school ordinances was passedin New of the Christian school movement in America. England and was known as "The Old Deluder Lawj'referring How should those who professChrist and hold dual citizen- to education as a means of defending ourselvesand our children ship in the United Statesand the kingdom of God interact with from the "Old Deluderj'Satan. And the protection?Being able public education?When Christian par€ntsenroll their children to read the Bible, consideredbasic in discouragingignorance and in Christian elementary and secondary schools, or send them evil. God's'Word was seen as sufficient protection against the away to Christian colleges and universities, do they by doing wiles of the Devil and his evil influence in the world. so relinquish resporsibility for financial support of public educa- At its zenith, American education did not work at cross- tion? Should there be any concern for the condition of public purposes with parents of its students. Parents who were Roman schoolswhen their children attend Christian schools?The homs Catholic, Jewish,Mormon, or any of the Protestantdenomina- of this dilemma point toward the eventual evolution of a two- tions could send their children to public schools and be tiered educational system in this country, a system that will in- reasonablycertain that at leastno harm would be done. Parents evitably produce real problems for both sides. had no expectationthat the tenetsof their faith would be taught A free public school system is essential for the continuance of liberty in America. All Americans have a stake in public education whether or not their own children are grown up, at- tend private schools, or attend public schools. All Americans owe a debt to public education, Christians no lessthan anyone else. 6. free publicschool system is Though Christians owe a debt to public education, Chris- tian children ar€ not the currency to pay that debt. The first essentiolfor the contirunnceof responsibility of Christian parents under God is to lead and pro- t.f . ^ . nbert\)tn Amertco. tect their children. Christian children are not legal tender for the debt we all owe to public education in America. Howwer, Christian families should vote for millage and bond issues,when justified, even though their children attend a private Christian school. The support e>rtendpublic schools does not reach to their not expect the Bible to be taught, but neither did they expect children. \Ue render unto Caesar what is Caesar's,and put our that it would be attacked. children in Christian schools. In this century public education chose up sides with the Adult Christians should pray for public education in this theories of Dewey, Skinner, and Spock and began the slide into country, hope for a rreturn to true neutrality with the right of mediocrity and away from excellence. The rise of Secular children to pray if they wish, to testifr if they wish, and to be Humanism, militant teacher unionism, left-of-center political releasedftom the pressureto conform to a humanistic image of causes,and religious agnosticism, aided and abetted by the what is good.


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