Liberty University DigitalCommons@Liberty University 1984 The undF amentalist Journal 9-1984 Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 3, Number 8 Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/fun_84 Recommended Citation "Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 3, Number 8" (1984). 1984. Paper 4. http://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/fun_84/4 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The undF amentalist Journal at DigitalCommons@Liberty University. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1984 by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Liberty University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. iilllilililil , '*" .fi { HL:;- --., .,J,rtr_;.,._a.:{.rr';.. ,,,;,o,,,_:. "_..,*_ , ,,t :;,,lil N Be honest.Does our grammng a computer. computer-crlven.l socl- \Ye believein Word ew intimidatevou? Processirrgof a differ- Do vou sometimes ent sort- thro"gh wonderwhere all the the input of God's'We phenomenaladvances in tech- \ford into the humanheart. nologyare taking us?Sure, 'We've knowthat onlvthe oersonwho we'vebeen to the moon. knowsGod *a isruled bv His sailedour silverspaceships past \7ord canexperience tme suc- the outer limits. Bur what about cess.No, weshouldn't run from life dovmhere? How is all this ourhigh-tech world. In fact,we "progress"helping us cope with shouldmaximize every advance- the stmgglesof our pressure- ment. But wecan cope with the cookerexistence on Planet timesonlv if The!7oidhas been Earth?Would we be better offto processed'intoour thoughtsand reffeatto the hills, to goback to actions. basics? Liberryoffers more than frfty At Libertywe think the answer majorsin a firll-spectrumliberal is\7ord Processing. artscurriculum. But l[:rrTJ];T*LIBEKilT ffi"H'ff*::,nu BAPTISTCO{-LECE LIBERTY BAPTIST COLLEGE,Dept. CL301, Lynchburg, VA24506 Call Toll Free:1.800.446.5000 Ext.301 Financial Aid infomation available on request.Applicants for admissionare consideredwithout regard to sex, race, national origin, or handicap. Now YOU can teach your child to read beautifully - by the time'tested phonics method. ANd it'S FREE Newprogram developed by a pioneerin the private-school movement. and alreadyproved succesful Wouldyou be curiousabout a readingprognm that canproduce an unsolicitedletter like this one? It's fiom W. M. of Westfield,NJ: I must write to expressmy wife's and my thanks for book that anyone who wants to teach reading can your excellentbook. It has beenso very valuableto us learn to use with a minimum of training. in teachingour 8%-year-old-son,Eric, to read ... This program can be used to teach reading to begin- When I started on September l0th, Eric was almost ners of all ages,older studentsin need of remediation totally retarded as a reader. Evidently he was one of and retraining, functional illiterates,dyslexics, special- thoseyoungsters who refuseto attempt sight reading. I needsstudents, the learningdisabled, and non-English followed your book's instructionsexactly. Would you speakerswho wish to learn to read English and im- believethat we went from Lesson2 through Lesson27 prove their pronunciation. in two weeks? And by Thanksgiving we had drilled It can also be used as a supplement to any other right through Lessonll7? reading program being used in the classroom. Its phonetic Even you wouldn't believethe results! It was as if we systematicapproach to teaching basic skills makes it particularly valuable to programs that lack were witnessinga miracle! suchinstruction. just Eric is now reading Robinson Crusoe, and is lov- The book's step-by-steplessons in large, eye-pleasing ing it! He had been having headachesall through se- calligraphymake it suitablefor both direct one-on-one cond grade and was losing weight. Since he started tutoring and regular classroomuse. Parents who wish learning by your method, he hasn't beensick one day, to teach their children to read at home will find the and has gained weight rapidly to where he has a book particularly useful, since it is written in normal, perfect physique. everydayEnglish and is freeof the professionaljargon characteristicof so many reading-instructionbooks. Needlessto say, we are grateful. Thank you so much for your excellenteffort in helping countlessparents, All of the lesson pages were carefully designed to such as ourselves,in warding off the educationalcrip- eliminatedistraction and to focus the pupil's full atten- pling of countlesschildren. tion on the work at hand. The Teacher's Manual, in the back of the book, provides teachersand tutors The man who evokes that enthusiasmis Samuel L. with the necessaryinstructional information for each Blumenfeld. Sam is an old friend of us here at the Club, lesson.The program, as a whole, is flexible enough so and we've watched his interestin this problem grow over that any teacheror tutor can adapt it to his or her own some 25 years. First as a New York editor and a member teachingstyle or situation. of the Advisory Council of the ReadingReform Founda- tion. Then as the author of severalbasic books in the If you have never taught reading before in this sensi- private-school movement: How to Start Your Own ble, systematicway, you will be pleasantlysurprised by Private School - And Whv You Need One: The New Il- the results. literates; Is Public Educa[ion Necessary?; and How to Tutor. Finally, as a teacher himself. Sam has the creden- Fromthe Tercher's Manual vou'll lefin t few tials, in abundance, so we'll let him describethe essence things... of this breakthroughprogram: o How today'steachers of readingharm their students, ALPHA-PHONICS was createdto orovide teachers. sometimes for life. The simple remedy. tutors and parentswith a sensible,logical, easy-to-use r for reading. lt is phonics "The fastest and most efficient way to teach the tool teaching an intensive in- - struction program basedon the author's many yearsof alphabet" and writing script, as well. research and experience in the reading instruction o Psychological aids to encourage children without field. It answers the need for a oractical instruction coddling them. O Howto get thisoversized (|Ua x 103/a)$19.95 quality paperback FilEE O How the Club Works I Every4 weeks(13 times a year)you get a freecopy of theClub Bulletin which offen . I Youthe Fearured Selection plus a goodchoice of Alternates- all of interestto con- 15OAKLAND AVENUE HARRISON,NY 10528 i servatives.* If you want the FeaturedSelection, do nothing; it will come Pleaseaccept my membershipin the Club and sendFREE automatically.* If youdon't want the Featured Selection, or youdo wantan Alter- ! my copy of the $19.95ALPHA-PHONICS: A Primerfor i nate,indicate your wishes on thehandy card enclosed with your Bulletinand return I it by thedeadline date. * Themajority ofClub bookswill beoffered at 20-5090dis- BeginningReadersby Samuel L. Blumenfeld.I agreeto buy 3 additional regular prices : counts,plus a chargefor shippingand handling. * As soonas you buy andpay for booksat Club over the next 18 i 3 booksat regularClub prices,your membershipmay be ended at anytime, either murrrils.I also agreeto the Club rulesspelled out in this by you or by theClub. * If you everreceive a FeaturedSelection without having coupon. ! FJ.17 i had l0 daysto decideif you want it, you may returnit at Club expensefor full ! credit.* Goodservice. No computers!* The Club will offerregular Super- Name I bargains,mostly at ?0-9590discounts plus shipping and handling. Supeibargaini do a NOT counttoward fulfilling your Club obligation, but do enableyou to buyfine Address booksat giveawayprices. * Only one membenhipper household. ! City TUNDAMENTAL16T September Volume 3/Number 8 r9B4 JOUBNAT Stcff Articles Executive Editor, God UsesPcper Plcrtes .terry Folwell Joseph C Aldrich T2 Hlblisher, Nelson Keener Chcnge Has a Price Tog Lloyd XI Perry Senior Editor, 17 Edword Dobson Klm Westover- Editor, Bringing Her Own Gift to LiIe 2T Deboroh Hul{ Quality I.ile in the Sqnctity of His Witl Copy Editor, \lercre Brouwer Eorlene R Goodwrn 24 Associcrte Editors, W Dovrd Beck Inlluencing Public Education Donrel R Mrtchell DCe G Wott Contributing Writers. Angelo Hunt \Al*"rrcs crrd problerns in public Morlrn Mowyer schoolshcrve made fontpoge heqdli:nes, Col Thomos Wqtt tells why Ch-risticrsshould stay in. Editorial Assistcnts, volved in public education crrd how we q Crndy B Gunter ccrr mqke difierence. Connre Schofer Lorno Dobson Quality Educcrtion in Bcckwoods Maine Crecrtive Director, Errc E Wrggnn 31 S^pi -r ,I Abo l,-n You Mcy GrcpNcs/Desigm, Choose, but Cqn You Vote? .A Vonessq Ilozelton, Mgr Colonel V Doner KeLthflobrnson The Checrter Brron C Rooerlsorr Mory Green Ed-worrcrColerrrqn 36 Photogncrphy, LesSc:hofer, Mgr Editoriqls Lynn Hcriborger Bnon Prrnce Jerry Falwell Comments Who Is the Voice of Fundamentqlism Todoy? Typogncphers, r\B Kcthy 1^!rrLngtori Why I Went to Sqn Frclnciscocrnd Dqllas Y Suscn li il oocl Nolo f,oons Fundqmentalism Todcy ta) Thou Shalt Not Altend Movies-Edwcrrd Dobson f \_/ Editoriol Boqrd Verle Ackermon Depcrtments l?mrmnnrj Rarl-,or 'frumon DoLlor Trecrsuresfrom the Text Dovrd Jeremroh A Foretqsteol Glory-Richord D Pcrtterson 14 John Rowhngs Elmer L Towns Jock Wyrtzen Wendell Zrmmermon Fundqmentals in Focus 18 Eternal Security Rightly Underslood Alvln L Bcfter Stqtement of Purpose tal^\ rv/nce soved, olwcrys scrved." Boker 'Ihis mqgczine js crmitled to lhe hislodc tundornen. exqmines the biblicol basis for knowing tols ol the Chrisfm lcdttr bibuco.l sepoodoD moral qb6o thqt our etemol destiny restsin the promises lutes the pdodty ol the l@ol chuctl md world evcngeli. zqtion A.lthough no mogqdne or individuol cqn speok oI o sure scrlvction. for the overqll AndGnentolisl movement il is ou desire to creqle o lom to encouqge Christion leqdels qnd d- stolesmen to stmd for the old.time relig'ion in these citi- cdl dqys. We wlll exomine mqtteE ol contemporary in- terest to qll Fmdmentqlists, providing cn open djs- Ask the Prof cwion ol dlvergent opinioro on relevont isues. The Whct Is the Ncrtureof the Womon's Desire? Fud@enlallst Journdl will also recdflrm our history qnd hedtoge.
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