TIS Yearbook 2002 PRINT
INSTITUTETASMANIAN OF SPORT yearbook & annual report 2003-2004 TASMANIAN INSTITUTE OF SPORT TASMANIAN INSTITUTE OF SPO RT ISSUE 49 – DECEMBER 2003 TASMANIAN INSTITUTE OF SPORT ISSUE 50 – MARCH 2004 The staff and Board of the Tasmanian Institute of Sport wish our athletes, coaches, sponsors and other partners a very merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year. ISSUE 51 – JUNE 2004 TASMANIAN INSTITUTE OF SPORT Oh what a win! Minister for Racing, Sport and Recreation Paul Lennon, MHA, and St.LukesHealth Managing Director Colleen McGann congratulate Dana Faletic (second from left), and Kerry Hore on being named joint TIS Athletes of the Year. ISSUE 52 – SEPTEMBER 2004 Tamar Rowing Club member and TIS scholarship holder Brendan Long, named to Hore and Faletic row a double scull in Athens, has had a double scull named after him by his club. Early selections Athletes of Year are oarsome! TASMANIAN Institute of Sport world ing Championships in Milan, Italy, in Sep- IT'S a champion rowers Kerry Hore and Dana tember and also at the World Cup in special tim tute e at th Faletic are the Institute’s Athletes of the Lucerne. of Sport a e Tasman w nd ex ian Insti- Year. ith the O citement is on New Acting Director Paul Austen with former Director Elizabeth Jack. The awards were presented by the lympic G buildin the Syd away. ames on g, ney Olym They were announced joint winners of managing director of St.LukesHealth, ly five mo are: Bre pic cours Ta nths ndan Lo e at Penrith the St.LukesHealth Tasmanian Institute of Colleen McGann, and Deputy Premier ssie athle Bren ng (doub lime tes are se nan (qu le scull), S Sport Athlete of the Year for 2003 award light at th t to b (lig ad scull), S cott and Minister for Racing, Sport and Recre- s e Gam e in the htweigh imon Austen takes ports' s es with t four) a Burge at a black tie dinner at the Tattersalls election the va Kerry nd Da ss ation, Paul Lennon, MHA.
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