New Zealand POST GROUP Annual Report 2011
annual report 2011 NEW ZEALAND’S annual report 2011 CHANGING WE’RE CHANGING > This document is printed on an environmentally responsible paper produced using ECF pulp sourced from FSC Certified Well Managed & Legally Harvested Forests. Royal Offset Hi-Brite is manufactured at an FSC Certified Mill (Reg.No.SGS-COC-001912) under the strict EMAS & ISO14001 Environmental Systems and carries the internationally recognised environmental EU Flower eco-label. Directory For further information about the contents of this report, please contact: New Zealand Post Group Corporate Affairs Team Private Bag 39990 Wellington Mail Centre Lower Hutt 5045 New Zealand Telephone: +64-4-496 4999 Facsimile: +64-4-496 4479 Email: For more information about New Zealand Post’s products and services, please contact: New Zealand Post Customer Services Centre Telephone tollfree: 0800 501 501 Email: Website: For information about our collectable stamps and coins, please contact: Collectables and Solutions Centre Private Bag 3001 Whanganui 4540 New Zealand Telephone: +64-6-349 1234 Facsimile: +64-6-345 7120 Website: New ZealaNd POST GROUP aNNUal RePORT 2011 NEW ZEALAND POST GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2011 Auckland posties arriving at Christchurch Airport to provide support in the wake of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. This is the The New Zealand Post Group comprises It operates predominantly in New Zealand New Zealand Post Limited and its and Australia, and serves a range of New Zealand Post subsidiaries. The Group reports annually government, commercial and personal Group’s Annual Report and half yearly and its previous annual customers in the postal, banking, for the year ended report, for the year ended 30 June 2010, payments, courier, logistics and customer was tabled in the House of Representatives communications management markets.
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