A. Allan Trumbull: The African American ‘Olympian’

Olympus is the home for the Ancient Greek gods and goddesses that

signify the power of an institution and the persons in it. What happened if the

Olympus is struck by a catastrophic event? The Olympus film tells

how the Olympus (i.e. The ) and the Olympians (i.e.s the President,

the Vice President, etc.) are falling due to a terrorist attack that gives impact to the

stability of the world, especially in the Korean Peninsula. This part of the research

explains the meaning behind the title of the film Olympus Has Fallen and what it

means to the characters in it, especially African American, since the uniqueness of

this film is an African American who becomes one of the „Olympians'.

Historically, it means a lot for African Americans since they come to America as

slaves, and then now, in film Olympus Has Fallen, one of them becomes the

Acting President of the through the character Allan Trumbull.

Greek has a great influence towards the United States, from the name of

cities (e.g. Philadelphia in Pennsylvania and Syracuse in New York), the

architecture of buildings and monuments (e.g. Lincoln Memorial, Capitol Hill),

and the United States system of democracy. The United States Secret Service

agents who are responsible for President's security use the Greek mythology term

as a codename. The word „Olympus' from the title Olympus Has Fallen is the commit to user


Secret Service codename for the White House. It is a standard rule for the Secret

Service in giving codename to buildings and officers, even President's family

members. As stated in the first paragraph, according to the ancient Greek

mythology, Olympus is a sacred mountain in Greece where the Ancient Greek

deities live and they are led by the king of gods, Zeus. In the film, Olympus is the

White House, and the „Olympians' refer to the President and his staffs running the

United States government. Olympus symbolizes power and the highest authority.

It is similar to the White House as the core power of the superpower government

of the United States that has a major influence to other countries globally.

Moreover, it shows the same spirit to what happens in the reality when Olympus

Has Fallen was in pre-production in 2012. President Obama in his speech in

Colorado says that America is stronger, safer, is respected in the world and

indispensable nation in the world affair. And so, the man who leads in the

„Olympus' possesses the ultimate power, the President.

In the United States presidency history, the white people always take

charge as the ultimate leader. It is very interesting to discuss an African American

holding the most powerful position in the white-dominant country. As Barack

Obama has done in 2009 to become the first African American President, in the

film Olympus Has Fallen, the character Allan Trumbull is an African American

House Speaker of Representatives who eventually becomes the Commander in

Chief of the United States. A long struggle from slaves into the „Olympian' is a

remarkable achievement for African Americans. Becoming a property of their

owner is their first encounter incommit America to .user The slavery itself ends due to the

Abolition Act and The Civil War in 1865. Later on, the Fourteenth Amendment in

1867 opens the opportunity for African Americans to gain their citizenship. Sadly,

that opportunity is overshadowed by the great wall called „the Jim Crow laws'. It

leads to the discrimination and racial segregation towards African Americans for

about a century. The pivotal era of African American is when the Supreme Court

passes the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965. These two

Acts provide a full recognition of African Americans as true American citizens

and open the way of African American like Allan Trumbull to reach the highest

ranking officer in the government.

The film depicts the fall of the „Olympus‟, The White House, by the

terrorist. Apparently, an African American politician steps up and becomes the

Commander in Chief of the United States. The word „Fallen‟ from the title

Olympus Has Fallen symbolically refers to the fall of the white people who

dominate the White House. The film depicts the fall of the White House by the

terrorist attack and Allan Trumbull comes as an African American president who

tries to restore the sovereignty and the power of the „Olympus‟. In the context of

mythology, it is a pivotal moment in the film when a black person becomes „the

king of the Olympus‟ since Greek mythology depicts gods and goddesses to be

whites. It is similar to what happens in the history of American presidency

because most of the presidents of the United States are white people until Barack

Obama takes charge in the White House. The characteristics of „Olympus‟ or the

White House in terms of the domination of white people is fallen due to the fact

that African Americans or any othercommit races to user and ethnicities can lead the country.

Allan Trumbull is the leader who is responsible for the rising of the „fallen

Olympus‟. He has the quality of an Olympian. In addition, he is the master

planner and the ultimate decision-maker to every U.S. government‟s actions to

win against the terrorist. which will be explained in detail in the point B about the

leadership of Allan Trumbull.

It is no longer an issue for African American to work as a president inspite

of the color of their skin. In Olympus Has Fallen, when Allan Trumbull is

appointed as the Acting President of the United States, his identity as an African

American is not becomes his or any other people's concern. The 3 U.S Code

section 19, the constitutional regulation that makes him become the acting

president does not concern to any racial identity to be an acting president. Allan

Trumbull's manner as he is appointed as the acting president shows that he only

worries about the condition of the president and the vice president. The following

dialogue shows Allan Trumbull's reaction to his appointment as the acting

president of the United States,

Lynne Jacobs : Mr. Speaker. As both the President and the Vice

President of the United States are unable to discharge the duties of their offices, I‟m officially placing you under Secret Service protection. You are the Acting President of

the United States. Allan Trumbull : Are they alive?

Lynne Jacobs : They are. (Minutes: 00:46:02)

The people inside the crisis room show no objection during Allan Trumbull's

inauguration as the Acting President (see figure a.1). The medium shot and the

camera panning the crisis room capturescommit tothe user emotion of the people around Allan

Trumbull and there is no sign of protest towards Allan Trumbull. In addition,

none of the people within the crisis room become the leader of the operation in

saving the president until Allan Trumbull arrives in this scene. As Allan Trumbull

stepping into the crisis room, all of the people in the room are standing up. The

people show their respect to Allan Trumbull because he is the highest-ranking

officer in the country who can run the presidential works. The scene indicates that

these days Americans are no longer caught up by the idea of African American

being the second class citizens in the past. The wall of discrimination is crumbled

and Americans embrace the African Americans as American citizens equally as

the whites or any other races in America. Inspite of the color of his skin, Allan

Trumbull has his right to be the acting President and leading the operation to save

the president because constitutionally speaking, he is the second in the line of

succession of the presidency in case of the absence of the president from work.

Figure a.1.

Taken from the same scene (see figure a.1), as a black leader, Allan

Trumbull's main concern is no longer about racial equality or protection to

African Americans but the safety of the president and a country. He is now an

„Olympian' who leads a whole nationcommit and to user possesses power that influences the

world's condition. His range of power is not only about the African Americans'

importance, but also beyond it, the All-Americans' importance. In Allan Trumbull

situation from the film, he knows that the president is in trouble and it is his main

priority as the Acting President to get the president out of the terrorist-occupied

White House. Back in the Civil Rights movement, African American leaders such

as Martin Luther King Jr. or Malcolm X question the African Americans' position

in the society since they are alienated by their own country. They asks for the sake

of their own life. On the other hand, Allan Trumbull's first words after his

inauguration as the Acting President of the United States are, "Are they alive?” He

asks about the condition of the president, the vice president, and others. The

paradigm of African American is changing. The White House attack from

Olympus Has Fallen is as monumentally horrific as the 9/11. The United States

citizens as the multicultural country with the various races and ethnicities blend

into one, Americans, when the twin towers have been collapsed. Allan Trumbull

is the representation of that moment via those three words. It neutralizes Allan

Trumbull as an American, not African American. Although, it does not mean that

his blackness is nullified. Naturally, the film tones down his blackness and

focuses more on his position as an acting President of the United States. It

cements the notion that an African American can deal with American issue (not

just African American one) or even bigger one.

Allan Trumbull's perspective towards foreign affair or international issues

shows the progression of African American's mind that no longer concerns about

racial issue. It shows through Allancommit Trumbull's to user first appearance in the film when

he pitches the idea for the United States to issue a joint statement with South

Korea in an effort to end the threat of . Allan Trumbull demonstrates

his broad knowledge of the condition that occurrs in the Korean Peninsula that

may affect the national and global security. He puts the safety of the country first

because he holds one of the highest positions in the United States government at

that point in the film, which is the House Speaker of Representatives. His concern

does not only focus on his people, African Americans, but also all races and

people in the United States and the world. The following dialogue shows Allan

Trumbull capability in understanding the situation that the United States

government faces in the Korean Peninsula,

Allan Trumbull : Minister Lee is going to want you to issue a joint statement, Mr. President. Threatening military action to get the North Koreans to stand down from the border and stop their missile tests. Which I think we should give them. President Asher : Ruth? Sec. McMillan : Provided that the North Koreans are rational, which is dicey, at best. We bluff, they call it. Then what?

Allan Trumbull : Who says we‟d be bluffing?

President Asher : Personally, I like to try to avoid a war. Charlie? VP Rodriguez : I think I agree with Ruth on this one, Mr. President.

President Asher : Thank you for sitting in, Mr. Speaker. Allan Trumbull : Yes, sir. President Asher : I won‟t hold you up any longer.

(Minutes: 00:17:50)

commit to user

Figure a.2.

The dialogue of the scene above shows that Allan Trumbull concerns

about geopolitics, not racial politics. The racial politics of African American that

became the major issue in the mid 60's is no longer captured in the scene or the

entire film. The film is made in 2012 when an African American has been headed

to the president of the United States‟ post for the second time. It indicates that

African Americans are reaching to its peak of the glory in fighting for equality

and not an issue for having an African American in the highest position in the

government. After all, through the election of Barack Obama, it shows that

Americans from all races, ethnicities, or religions, are ready on making a racial

minority to be their Commander in Chief. Secondly, Allan Trumbull's position as

the House Speaker of Representatives and part of the president's „inner circle' in

this scene, put him as one of the „Olympians' of the White House. The scene takes

place in the Oval Office of the White House in July 2013. The President, the Vice

President, the Secretary of Defense, and The House Speaker of Representatives

are on the meeting to discuss the action as the response to the North Korean

troops marching to the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). The shot (see figure

a.2.) shows that President Asher (standing in the middle, leaning on the Resolute commit to user

desk) represents a leader and a mediator to the two sides of ideas. These two

separate ideas are represented through the people who sit on the right of the left

sofa. Secretary of Defense McMillan and Vice President Rodriguez sit on the

right sofa. They are in favor to the diplomatic approach Meanwhile, on the left

sofa, House Speaker Trumbull is sat by himself and he supports the idea of

military action. The dialogue above shows Allan Trumbull's political stance

towards North Korea's action in the DMZ by suggesting the U.S. and South Korea

to prepare for a military action, not just a mere bluff. It is quite much the same in

reality in the same year the Vice President Joe Biden states that President Barack

Obama is very serious on denuclearizing Iran. The first five seconds of the scene

(see figure a.2.) shows Allan Trumbull is one of the significant members of

President's advisors. The filmmaker captures it by using the long shot, deep focus,

and slow zooms out to get the sense that all of the persons in the frame are

essential and powerful in the country and Allan Trumbull is one of them.

B. Leadership of Allan Trumbull

A second-liner can be as great as the first-liner. In some occasions, the

second-liner such as Vice President, for some reasons replaces the current

President, can be very prominent as well. In the previous subchapter, the House

Speaker Allan Trumbull from the film Olympus Has Fallen becomes the acting

President of the United States constitutionally inspite of the color of his skin.

There is one another key factor that turns Allan Trumbull from the second-liner to

the first-liner, leadership quality. In the film, Allan Trumbull demonstrates some commit to user leadership qualities such as risk-taker, innovative leader, decision-maker, and

others. This subchapter explains the importance of the second-liner leadership in

the United States presidential system and Allan Trumbull‟s leadership qualities as

the leader and the acting President of the United States.

Sometimes the second-liner stands out and as essential as the highest-

ranking officer in the United States government. The Vice President as the

second-in-command can be a president if the current president discharges from his

duties due to death, health issue, or impeachment. Historically, there are nine

presidents of the United States who have died or resigned from the office and

succeeded by their respective vice president. Some of those replacements have a

major influence to the history of America. For example, President John Tyler, the

tenth president of the United States, replaced President William Henry Harrison

who have died during his administration in 1841. He has a major role in the Texas

Annexation. President Harry S. Truman replaced President Franklin D. Roosevelt

in 1945 and he ended the World War II by approving the atomic bombs to drop on

Hiroshima and Nagasaki. President Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn as the 37th

President of the United States after the assassination of President John F.

Kennedy. He becomes a prominent figure in the history of African American after

he has signed the Civil Rights Act 1964 and Voting Rights Act 1965. All of those

presidents show that they can do the first-liner jobs. They are capable to make

major decisions as good as their respective predecessors. It shows that inspite of

being the second-in-command, they have a capability as a leader and the first-in-

command as well. Allan Trumbull shares the same situation and capability as a

leader with President John Tyler,commit President to user Harry S. Truman, and President

Lyndon B. Johnson. Allan Trumbull shows it through his leadership quality as the

President of the United States throughout the film Olympus Has Fallen.

Figure b.3.

This picture above (see figure b.3) represents Allan Trumbull‟s presence

as the President of the United States as well as the leader of the operation. The

concept of „power seat' is very dominant in this shot. The power seat is a concept

of where a person sits and it provides impressions or reactions to the people

around her/him. A person who sits at the end of the table symbolizes the leader,

and Allan Trumbull sits in that position. He is the most important person at the

table. The long shot also signifies Allan Trumbull‟s vast power at that time as an

acting president since he is in charge of the high ranking officers.

Allan Trumbull from the film Olympus Has Fallen is portrayed as an

African American, and Barack Obama is the first African American President in

the history of the United States. The question is: Does he possess the same

leadership quality as President Barack Obama? Taken from chapter two of this

research about the leadership quality, Victoria C. DePaul provides some

leadership qualities based on Barack Obama. Situational analysis, innovation, commit to user

intrapreneurial leadership, risk-taker, and empowerment are five out of eight

leadership qualities of DePaul‟s theory that represented throughout the film.

Moreover, vision is one leadership quality that is included by both Victoria C.

DePaul and Michael Siegel in their leadership theory and presidential leadership

respectively. In addition, based on Michael Siegel‟s presidential leadership theory,

Allan Trumbull possesses two more leadership qualities: Focus on few major

goals at a time and decision-maker.

a. Situational Analysis

As the President, or the acting President of the United States, Allan

Trumbull serves as the ultimate decision-maker. Allan Trumbull makes at least 15

decisions throughout the film. Most of his decisions are ended up with positive

results. This part focuses on Allan Trumbull‟s actions the moment after his

appointment as the Acting President of the United States.

Figure b.4.

When Allan Trumbull is inaugurated as the acting President of the United

States, he becomes a situational leader (see figure b.4). Constitutionally, Allan

Trumbull has the obligation to becommit in the toposition user of acting President under the 3

U.S. Code § 19. In the field, Allan Trumbull uses the situational analysis in order

to provide effective decisions to the missions, as DePaul says, “SITUATIONAL

ANALYSIS: The ability to analyze and evaluate data independently in order to

make effective and accurate decisions,” (2009, p. 23), which in the case of this

film, the missions are to save the President and to defeat the terrorists.

After his appointment as the acting President of the United States, Allan

Trumbull shows an early positive attitude or action as a leader by listening

attentively. The dialogue below occurrs right after Allan Trumbull‟s inauguration,

Ray Monroe : Sir, North Korea is denying any involvement in the attack. Clegg : We‟ve secured the perimeter of the White House and cleared a 10-block radius. Lynne Jacobs : Sir, they‟ve also assassinated the South Korean Prime Minister. (Minutes: 00:46:37)

Figure b.5.

The filmmaker uses the head shot to capture Allan Trumbull‟s reaction as Deputy

Director of NSA Ray Monroe, Army Chief of Staff General Clegg, and Secret

Service Director Lynne Jacobs brief Allan Trumbull about the situation before

them (see figure b.5). Allan Trumbull‟s facial expression shows worry and commit to user

cautiousness because the terrorist whom they face tries to kill the president and

his staffs. Moreover, his calm presence without a single line in this bit of the

scene shows that he is very discreet and uses his situational analysis skill to

evaluate the information from his advisers. It is important as a situational leader to

know what kind of situation that the leader faces, and listening attentively is one

of the DePaul‟s theories of positive actions before the leader decides which step

s/he must choose (2009, p. 47).

Allan Trumbull‟s skill in situational analysis kicks in when the situation is

getting worse. The scene takes place when the U.S. government finds out that the

terrorists has hacked into the anti-nuclear missiles protocol called „Cerberus‟. The

Cerberus is protected by three codes. Each code is kept by three different people.

One of them is President Asher who apparently becomes a hostage. Below is the

dialogue of the scene,

Allan Trumbull : Α Cerberus cοde has been entered. Mike Banning : What's Cerberus? General Clegg : Τhat's classified.

Mike Banning : Classified? Really? Well, right nοw l think l haνe the prονerbial „need-tο-fucking-knοw‟.

Allan Trumbull : Cerberus is a highly-classified military prοtοcοl. Α 3- prοnged fail-safe in the case οf an inadνertent nuclear launch. lt allοws us tο access the self-destruct mechanism

in οur ICBΜ's in-flight. Mike Banning : So eνen if οne οf οur nuclear warheads was launched and

we wanted tο abοrt... Allan Trumbull : Cerberus is the οnly way tο stοp it frοm reaching its target. Nο οne persοn has all three cοdes. lt's parceled οut

tο the president, Secretary οf Defense, and the Chairman οf the Jοint Chiefs. Αll οf whοm are in the president's bunker right nοw.

Lynne Jacobs : With thοse cοdes, they can destrοy any lοng-range nuke that we fire.commit Αnd thatto user wοuld make Αmerica νulnerable tο a nuclear strike.

Mike Banning : Sο, change the cοdes. Ray Monroe : We can‟t. Cerberus was designed as a self-cοntained

tοtal-isοlatiοn system. Τhe οnly way tοchange the cοdes is physically οn the cοmputer itself, which is lοcated in the president's bunker.

Mike Banning : Sο, nοw we knοw why they wanted the president's sοn. Allan Trumbull : Τhe president will hοld οut as lοng as he can. But if they

get his sοn, if they hurt him, well, nοbοdy cοuld hοld οut under thοse circumstances. Sο, find Cοnnοr. Get him the hell οut οf there. Mike Banning : Yes, sir! (Minutes: 00:55:14)

Allan Trumbull analyzes the situation in order to keep the president holds the

code from the terrorists. They have to save the president‟s son, Connor, out of the

White House before the terrorists caught him first and torture him in front of his

father. Allan Trumbull orders Mike Banning, the only living agent inside the

White House to find and save the president‟s son. The scene is edited using the

eye-line match technique. Once again, the filmmaker tries to capture the image of

cautiousness of Allan Trumbull. Allan Trumbull analyzes his followers‟ inputs

and knowledge about the situation. The back and forth cut or the eye-line match

editing capture Allan Trumbull‟s body language of paying attention. Moreover, he

realizes by saving the president‟s son will make the situation easier for the U.S.

side and later on they can focus on the main priority of the operation, saving the

president. As the result of Allan Trumbull‟s decision, Connor is saved by Mike


By listening attentively, Allan Trumbull indicates that he has a capability

in situational analysis. His situational analysis is proven to be effective as he

provides the idea of saving the president‟s son to prevent the further terrorists‟

progress in tearing the country apartcommit by exploiting to user the anti-nuclear code. Using his

situational analysis, Allan Trumbull makes an accurate decision as the president‟s

son saved and it buys some amount of time to save the president from the hostage


b. Innovation

The positive action that Allan Trumbull takes by listening attentively to

his advisers‟ information will bring up the idea to solve the problem as the

situation follows through and turns him as an innovative leader.

A leader has to provide her/his own options and to make some decisions.

In other words, a leader has to be innovative. The dialogue below this paragraph

takes place after the terrorist demands the United States Government to recall the

Seventh Fleet and to order the United States troops to leave the DMZ. The

Seventh Fleet is the strongest naval force of the United States and covers a very

vast area in the Pacific,

“The 7th Fleet‟s Area of Responsibility encompasses more than 48 million square miles (more than 124 million square kilometers)-- from the

Kuril Islands in the north to the Antarctic in the south, and from the International Date Line to the 68th east, which runs down from

the - border. The area includes 36 maritime countries and the world‟s five largest foreign armed forces -- People‟s Republic of China, , India, North Korea and Republic of Korea. Five of the seven U.S.

Mutual Defense Treaties are with countries in the area -- Republic of the Philippines, and New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Japan, and Thailand.” (Retrieved from

It will give the advantage to the North Korean troops to mobilize beyond the

DMZ with South Korea as the closest target. In this scene, Allan Trumbull

decides to refuse the terrorist‟s demand. Instead, he swiftly orders his followers to

accomplish some objectives to anticipatecommit theto user further advantage of the terrorist.

General Clegg : If we recall the Fleet, and leave the DMZ, Seoul and all of South Korea could fall within 72 hours, sir.

Lynne Jacobs : But if we do nothing, they kill Asher, the Vice President, and his entire National Security team, and Connor, if he‟s in there.

Allan Trumbull : Mary, get me some coffee! Half-and-half, three Sweet N‟Lows. In a real cup, not one of those paper or styrofoam

things. All right, lets secure all nuclear sites. Get me our expert on North Korea. Then I want to speak with the Premiere of North Korea on a secure line. After that I want to speak with the Russians, the Chinese, the British, and the French. And set up the press conference. In that order. (Minutes: 00:50:53)

In this scene (see figure b.6 and b.7), the filmmaker tends to highlight

Allan Trumbull‟s capability as the innovative leader. When his followers only

provide some worst-case scenarios, Allan Trumbull comes up with a list of

objectives to weaken the terrorist and also to make sure that the people know that

their government is fully operational. As Masciulli, Molchanov and Knight say

about innovative leader, “Innovative leaders frequently demonstrate exceptional

(„charismatic‟) leadership which seems to emanate from the personality of a

leader.” (n.d, p. 9). The head shot is clearly captures the gravitas or the

authoritativeness of Allan Trumbull as he breakdowns his instruction to his

followers (see figure b.6). Moreover, the moment when Allan Trumbull asks his

assistant, Mary, to make him a cup of coffee, it shows his charismatic leadership,

and it is parallel with the characteristic of innovative leader. He realizes at that

moment, it is going to be a long night and he needs a coffee, while his followers

seem fine with their tap water (see figure b.3).

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Figure b.6.

Figure b.7.

There are some instructions that Allan Trumbull provides to save the

President, the entire country, and allies. Allan Trumbull knows the importance of

the security of the U.S. nuclear facilities. There are 90 nuclear facilities in the

form of power plants across the country and mostly located on the eastern

seaboard ( Allan Trumbull tries to

prevent the terrorists to sabotage U.S. nuclear facilities. In order to prevent the

war against North Korea for the sake of the safety of the South Korea and the

United States, Allan Trumbull gives an idea to have a diplomatic call with the

North Korean government with the assistance of the North Korea experts since the

North Korean government deny their involvement to the White House attack. His

next instruction is to have a discussioncommit towith user other superpower country leaders

(Russia, China, U.K., and France). It has to be done due to the impact of United

States government‟s maneuvers that may influences their security and stability.

Moreover, the U.S. Seventh Fleet, the strongest force in the Asia Pacific, may be

recalled if the situation escalates. Finally, holding a press conference is the way of

the United States government to give official information to the media and to the

people around the world about the situation in the White House and Washington


Allan Trumbull‟s abilities in analyzing the situation, creating ideas, and

making decisions in his first few hours as the acting President of the United States

indicates his capability as an innovative leader. Making the decision in such

extremely urgent circumstance like Allan Trumbull faces in the film is very hard.

Allan Trumbull quickly creates four ideas to keep the situation in control while

his advisers only whine about the negative outcome if they fail. As it mentioned in

the second chapter about leadership quality in terms of decision-making, every

toughest decisions, whether they are domestic or foreign affairs, they all landed on

the President‟s desk (Beckmann, n.d, p.5).

c. Intrapreneurial Leadership

Allan Trumbull shows his intrapreneurial leadership through the scene of

his speech during the press conference. The presidential press conference has

already been held since the President Woodrow Wilson administration in 1913 to

this day (Kumar, 2011. Retrieved from to user-press -conferences). Martha Joynt

Kumar, a professor in the Department of Political Science at Towson University,

explains* the purpose of the presidential press conference,

“The sessions have survived because reporters found them useful for

developing information, citizens saw them as valuable for making judgments about their chief executives, and presidents and their staffs saw

them as a primary strategy for explaining their policies.. Press conferences give the public the best opportunity to see what presidents know (and don't know), what makes them angry, what makes them laugh, and what their brand of leadership is.” (2011, Retrieved from As the main core of the intrapreneurial leadership, understanding the condition of

the people, the government, and Washington, D.C. during the terrorists attack is

what Allan Trumbull does in the press conference speech scene.

The press conference is one of Allan Trumbull‟s ideas as the United States

government reaction to the terrorist‟s demand. The scene takes place in a hospital

where all of the people in it watch Allan Trumbull‟s speech on television (see

figure b.9). Allan Trumbull addresses that the government and the president

remain survive despite the attack on the White House. Below is the speech of

Allan Trumbull at the press conference,

Allan Trumbull : l want tο reassure all Αmericans and eνeryοne arοund the

wοrld that despite tοday's eνents, οur gονernment remains 100% functiοnal. We knοw that the president is aliνe. Το οur friends, we are grateful fοr yοur lοyalty and suppοrt. Αs

a natiοn, we are neνer strοnger than when tested. We will remain united and strοng. Gοd bless yοu all and Gοd bless

these United States οf Αmerica. (Minutes: 01:06:57)

commit to user

Figure b.8.

Figure b.9.

On the aspect of Intrapreneurial leadership, Allan Trumbull and Barack

Obama share the same sense of understanding about the condition of the people

and give them hope through speech. The success of Obama‟s campaign is due to

the fact that Obama understands of what the condition of the people and stay

focuses to that matter instead of attacking his opponent (DePaul, 2009, p. 20).

Allan Trumbull also shows his intrapreneurial leadership by making a press

conference as the response to the terrorist attack. The speech creates a connection

between the government and people. The most similar thing that happens to

Olympus Has Fallen that occurrs in the real world is Obama‟s speech during the

press conference about the Boston Marathon Bombing.

commit to user

There are two aspects of Obama and Trumbull‟s speech that serve the

same purpose. First, President Obama and Allan Trumbull show their appreciation

to the authorities, who help the victims,

“Boston police, firefighters and first responders as well as the National

Guard responded heroically, and continue to do so as we speak. It’s a reminder that so many Americans serve and sacrifice on our behalf every single day, without regard to their own safety, in dangerous and difficult circumstances. And we salute all those who assisted in responding so quickly and professionally to this tragedy.” (President Obama on explosion in Boston, 2013. Retrieved from VKqe4cvA) “Το οur friends, we are grateful fοr yοur lοyalty and suppοrt.” (Allan Trumbull, taken from Olympus Has Fallen film.) Second, President Obama motivates the people in order to keep them stay strong

despite the tragedy,

“Boston is a tough and resilient town. So are its people. I’m supremely confident that Bostonians will pull together, take care of each other, and move forward as one proud city. And as they do, the American people will be with them every single step of the way.” (President Obama on explosion in Boston, 2013. Retrieved from


“Αs a natiοn, we are neνer strοnger than when tested. We will remain united and strοng. Gοd bless yοu all and Gοd bless these United States οf Αmerica.” (Allan Trumbull, taken from Olympus Has Fallen film.)

These two aspects solely show their understanding of the people‟s problems.

President Obama‟s salutation to the Boston policemen and firefighters are

reflected in Allan Trumbull‟s gratitude to the authorities who help the people

during the White House attack. It is fit to the scene in the film when the camera

pans to the medical staffs in the hospital who, in some other scenes, show how

hard they work while the hospital filled with injured people (see figure b.10). The commit to user filmmaker also makes a perfect frame when Allan Trumbull addresses his

gratitude by putting Allan Trumbull‟s broadcast on television as the focus point of

the frame. It depicts the television that broadcast the press conference was

surrounded by medical staffs to show to the audience of the film that people like

the medical staffs in this scene deserve an appreciation from the president (see

figure b.9). The dolly zoom towards the television from the scene (figure b.9)

draws the depth of the speech and makes the nuances to make the audience

support of what Allan Trumbull and the United States government do in that dire

situation. Moreover, hospital as the place where all of the injured people on the

street are taken to, is a great choice of setting to this scene, since Allan Trumbull

also motivates the people as to Obama to the Bostonians.

Figure b.10.

Allan Trumbull‟s sensibility towards the people by initiating the press

conference to make sure their government and the entire nation to be united and

stronger to face the tragedy is the realization of his intrapreneurial leadership. The

positive initiative by motivating through speech is one of the ways to keep the

people away from the negative impact of the tragedy, and that is what Allan

Trumbull as well as President Obama done because “understanding that positive

results depend on the ability to understandcommit to userthe human energies of people within

organizations. The results of any organization (human energy system) depend on

whether people and teams are operating on positive or negative human energy.”

(DePaul, 2009, p. 19).

d. Risk-taker

Most Allan Trumbull‟s decisions in the film are very risky. The safety of

the President, the country, the allies, and the whole world are depend on his

decisions. Relying on only one agent to infiltrate the White House, sending troops

to protect the U.S. anti-nuclear code, and granting the terrorists‟ ransom as the

Trojan horse in order to save the president are some of Allan Trumbull‟s hard and

highly risk decisions.

Allan Trumbull shows his risk-taking quality for the first time when he

uses the main protagonist in the film, Mike Banning, to infiltrate the White House.

Mike Banning is the only living agent within the White House when the terrorists

takes over it. The dialogue below shows that Allan Trumbull will do anything to

guarantee the safety of the president and the country by counting on Mike

Banning‟s expertise,

Ray Monroe : Can we trust him? Lynne Jacobs : Banning was one of our best agents.

Ray Monroe : Mr. Speaker, I just have to say, this is Mike Banning. The same guy that was removed from the president‟s

detail after the accident when we lost the first lady. How do we know we can trust this guy? Lynne Jacobs : Banning is ex-special Forces, Ranger Battalion. He will

move mountains or die trying. I know him. Allan Trumbull : Does anyone else in this room have any intelligence coming out of the White House?

(SILENCE) Then we havecommit no user (Minutes: 00:47:57)

Based on the dialogue above, Allan Trumbull trusts in his subordinate‟s

judgment in analyzing the situation. According to DePaul, risk-taker leader is a

person who “Comfortable with risk, the Intrapreneurial Leader works to create an

environment that is safe for others to take calculated risks based on analysis and

sound judgment. All new thoughts, growth, and ideas can only originate within

the context of risk” (DePaul, 2009, p. 8). Allan Trumbull‟s trust in Lynne Jacobs‟s

judgments about Mike Banning is not because Lynne Jacobs is an African

American. It is due to her position as the Director of the Secret Service and Mike

Banning was used to be a Secret Service agent. Moreover, based on Lynne

Jacobs‟s description of Mike Banning‟s experience, Ranger Battalion is the elite

force of the U.S. Army,

“Each of the four geographically dispersed Ranger battalions is always combat ready, mentally and physically tough, and prepared to fight our country's adversaries. Their capabilities include conducting airborne and air assault operations, seizing key terrain such as airfields, destroying strategic facilities, and capturing or killing enemies of the nation.” (

Mike Banning‟s skill as an ex-ranger and his experience as an ex-secret service

agent who knows every single part of the White House provides the advantage for

the U.S. side since their lack of resource within the White House at that moment.

In summary, Allan Trumbull trusts in Lynne Jacobs‟s sound judgments in Mike

Banning and later on he uses Mike Banning as his only eyes and ears in the White

House. It is due to the fact when Allan Trumbull asks about any intelligence that

the U.S. has besides Mike Banning and it is answered with silence by all of the

people in the crisis room. Allan Trumbull‟s decision is the most sensible yet risky

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to trust Mike Banning as his „pawn‟ to infiltrate the White House and to save the


Figure b.11.

In the other scene, Allan Trumbull shows that he understands with the risk

when he decides to use the U.S. Navy SEALs to attack the terrorists from the air

due to Mike Banning‟s slow progress to infiltrate the president‟s bunker to save

the president. The mise-en-scene shows that General Clegg sees the opportunity to

counterattack the terrorist airborne. General Clegg‟s judgment makes sense to

Allan Trumbull because it is based on the satellite vision. There are few numbers

of terrorists guarding the White House rooftop. The dialogue below shows the

sequence when Allan Trumbull takes a risk to send the SEAL team to the White


General Clegg : Lοοks like there's οnly fοur sentries οn the rοοf. With the Αir Defense grid gοne, they're νulnerable tο an aerial

insertiοn. Mike Banning : Wait. Let me get there first and check it οut.

General Clegg : We're nοt waiting. Allan Trumbull : We haνe tο secure Cerberus. Mike Banning : Oh, fuck.

Allan Trumbull : Send in the SΕΑLs, General. We're gοing thrοugh the rοοf. (Minutes: 01:19:55) commit to user

The scene shows that Allan Trumbull is a risk-taker for the sake of quick progress

for the U.S. side. He buys General Clegg‟s suggestion to attack the terrorists from

the air. The sequence of the scene is similar to the scene when Allan Trumbull

trusts in Lynne Jacobs‟s judgment in the previous scene. From figure b.11, as

Allan Trumbull (right) stands beside General Clegg (left) on the foreground, it

shows that Allan Trumbull is ready to take a chance on General Clegg‟s opinion.

On the other hand, the audience still can see Lynne Jacobs far in the background

that symbolizes, at that moment, Allan Trumbull‟s favor in General Clegg‟s way

rather than Lynne Jacobs and Mike Banning‟s. Allan Trumbull is comfortable in

taking risks by changing the plan in order to gain the result that he wants. It is 180

degree changes of plan for him from covert operation using Mike Banning to open

battle against the terrorist. Allan Trumbull does not scare to do a new approach as

long as it based on analysis and sound judgment.

And so, Allan Trumbull is a risk-taker leader due to his trust in followers‟

judgment to the situation. His calm presence gives a sense of liberty in the

followers to speak their mind and provide the ideas to solve the problem. The two

scenes from this discussion are two different approaches of Allan Trumbull in

solving the problem: One approach using a covert operation using Mike Banning

as his pawn within the White House while the other one with open battle outside

the White House. It shows that Allan Trumbull is open for any approach that his

followers suggest, as long as it is based on the sound judgment.

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e. Empowerment

Allan Trumbull as the President of the United States shows his leadership

to followers‟ empowerment. DePaul says that empowerment is about “instill the

vision in all members of the organization” (2009, p. 67). In one scene, Allan

Trumbull shows his gravitas as the leader who can instill his vision to his

followers in order to solve the issue.

From the same scene (see figure b.7) in innovative point, the scene when

Allan Trumbull provides the list of four objectives that his followers must do as a

response to the terrorist‟s threat is the representation of the leader‟s empowerment

to the followers. The focus of the camera to Allan Trumbull‟s face captures the

importance of Allan Trumbull‟s objectives to the plot of the film. Moreover, the

filmmaker tries to capture the charisma and authoritativeness through Allan

Trumbull‟s expression and the tone of his voice. In addition, the absence of the

nondiegetic sound or score when Allan Trumbull delivers the objectives enhances

the audience‟s attention.

Figure b.12.

The shot after the scene when he gives the objectives is the part that shows

Allan Trumbull‟s empowerment. Based on the picture above (see figure b.12) the commit to user

wide shot shows the magnitude of Allan Trumbull‟s ability in empowerment. His

followers are instantly spread out in a rush in order to accomplish the objectives.

The interesting part of this shot is how the lights beaming down to the long table.

The table is full of high ranking officers. Each of them has their own followers.

Those people are led by none other than the man sitting at the end of the table,

Allan Trumbull. He is the Commander in Chief who instills his vision using his

ideas and objectives in all of his followers. Moreover, the paper works and

documents that fill the table indicate tons of works and assignments of Allan

Trumbull‟s followers. Although, Allan Trumbull can manage them to pay

attention to his orders and to execute the orders immediately.

f. Vision

Vision is the most important leadership quality since it sets the main goals

of a leader, and Allan Trumbull provides it in the film. Aforementioned in the

second chapter, both Victoria C. DePaul and Michael Siegel include this

leadership quality in their theories. It indicates the significance of a vision for a

leader. Allan Trumbull shows himself as a visionary leader in his capacity as a

House Speaker of Representatives and later on as the acting President of the

United States.

Allan Trumbull shows his ability as a leader with vision when he appears

for the first time in the film. The meeting scene in the Oval Office shows that

Allan Trumbull has his own vision to end the situation in the DMZ between the

North Korea and South Korea. DePaul says that vision is about the objectives that

have to be accomplished with disccommitipline to anduser prioritization (2009, p. 9). Allan

Trumbull offers the objectives that will help the United States to end the conflict

by issuing a joint statement with South Korea, threatening the North Korea in

order to make them stop march toward DMZ and stopping their missile test.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of Defense McMillan and Vice President Rodriguez

prefer a diplomatic and peaceful way to solve the issue. The filmmaker uses the

scene to set the political stance of Allan Trumbull to other United States leaders

such as the Secretary of Defense, the Vice President, and even the president

himself and also to show that he has a leadership quality of vision his current

position as the House Speaker of Representative at that time.

Figure b.13.

Figure b.14.

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The camera movement in this scene separates Allan Trumbull‟s vision to

the other President‟s advisers‟ vision. The camera pan to Allan Trumbull from

right to left (see figure b.13) indicates that he is a man of action who will do

anything to accomplish the goals and objectives by any means in order to serve

the main priority of the country at that time in protecting the ally country from the

imminent threat. On the other hand, the static medium shot captures the Secretary

of Defense and the Vice President who oppose Allan Trumbull‟s vision. It

indicates the neutral way that Secretary of Defense and the Vice President choose

to end the conflict by avoiding war and using diplomatic approach.

Allan Trumbull shows that he is a visionary leader by organizing his

followers in order to save President Asher during his short term as the acting

President of the United States. Allan Trumbull serves what DePaul says that

vision is about accomplishing the objectives with organization (2009, p. 5). Taken

from the same scene from the innovative quality before in point b, he creates four

objectives or goals as the early effort to save the president from the hostage

situation while his followers only throw the worst possibilities or consequences

instead of ideas or walkthroughs.

Figure b.12. Taken from page 71. commit to user

Allan Trumbull shows as a visionary leader as much as President Reagan

and President Kennedy like what Michael Siegel says about U.S. President‟s

vision in the history. The picture above (see figure b.12) is the shot after Allan

Trumbull produces the four objectives. The long shot of the reaction to the Allan

Trumbull‟s objectives captures the dedication of his followers to accomplish the

objectives. It is similar to Michael Siegel‟s example, when people rally behind

President Kennedy in sending people to the moon and use all of the resources the

country has to accomplish it. Allan Trumbull‟s followers rally behind him in order

to save the president. Allan Trumbull has enough power and resources in the crisis

room because the director of Secret Service, Army Chief of Staff, deputy director

of NSA, and other high ranking officers are on his side to accomplish the goals.

And so, Allan Trumbull shows his quality as a visionary leader during his

work as House Speaker of Representative and the president of the United States.

He has his own vision to take down the North Korea to keep the safety of the

South Korea, provides goals and objectives to save the president from the

terrorist, and organizes his followers in an effort to back him up to achieve the

main goal. Allan Trumbull‟s line near at the end of the film sums up his vision as

the Acting President, “We are talking about the security of the President of the

United States!” (See figure b.15). It is a very clear vision of a leader and his job to

lay the idea to his followers that makes them support his vision for the sake of the

whole country. The shot represented in the figure b.14 is the filmmaker‟s way to

show the genuine reaction of Allan Trumbull‟s followers towards his list of

objectives. It is very straightforward to DePaul theory that vision is about commit to user

accomplishing objectives with organization and prioritization. He organizes his

followers by providing the objectives and they accept the objectives as much as

President Kennedy has done when he plans to send people to the moon based on

Michael Siegel‟s example of the President‟s vision.

g. Focus on Few Major Goals at a Time

Allan Trumbull shows that he is an organized leader as he takes the

method of providing few major goals at a time. Michael Siegel implies that it will

be easier to handle and to accomplish fewer numbers of goals, at least most of

them at the end of the day. The filmmaker captures Allan Trumbull‟s step by step

goals during his role as president in the film up until the end when they

successfully defeat the terrorist and save President Asher.

Allan Trumbull provides four major goals that need to accomplish by him

and his followers: accomplishing the list of the four goals as the response to

terrorist‟s demand, saving the president‟s son, securing the Cerberus using the

SEAL helicopters, and finally saving the president. These four goals are done by

Allan Trumbull one by one with both success and failure outcomes in the process.

Michael Siegel says that even President Reagan with three to four major goals, he

accomplishes a large part of his goals, not all of them (Fox, 2012).

His first major goal is already mentioned in the point b and e of this

subchapter that relates to the Allan Trumbull and U.S. government‟s reaction to

the terrorists‟ demand. This series of objectives is one example of Allan

Trumbull‟s approach to achieve the goals that include both foreign and domestic

affairs. He concerns about the relationcommit with to theuser North Korea and the ally countries

through his order to make a contact with them as well as the people of the United

States via the press conference. Allan Trumbull lays the broader range of his first

goal as a foundation for his next and more detail goals. It is unclear whether all

the four objectives are accomplished or not since the film does not provide most

of the scenes that indicate those situations until Allan Trumbull appears in

television for the press conference.

The next goal that he provides is to save the president‟s son. It is his

second major goal that Allan Trumbull has during the film that has already been

mentioned in the point of situational analysis in this subchapter. Saving

president‟s son makes an advantage for the U.S. and avoids the terrorist to use

him as a torture weapon for President Asher. By ordering Mike Banning, the U.S.

government successfully saves the president‟s son (see figure b.15). This is the

second consecutive successful goal of Allan Trumbull and his followers. It shows

that by focusing on a few major goals at a time is proven to be an effective

approach at that point of the film.

Unfortunately, much like what happens to President Reagan, there are few

parts of Allan Trumbull‟s plan that falls apart. The U.S. NAVY SEAL helicopters

attack fails to secure the Cerberus code. This scene has already been mentioned in

the risk-taker point of this subchapter.

The last goal is the ultimate goal of Allan Trumbull‟s career as the acting

President of the United States: saving the president from the terrorist by

depending on one field agent, Mike Banning (see figure b.16). It sounds

impossible in the reality, even in a work of fiction; this is a very tough and risky commit to user

objective or goal to accomplish. At the of the day, Allan Trumbull‟s trust in Mike

Banning is paid off as Mike Banning and President Asher comes out of the White

House alive and kills the terrorists in the process.

Figure b.7. Taken from page 61.

Figure b.15.

Figure b.16.

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The way the filmmaker captures how important the scenes above are very

interesting. The filmmaker somehow compliments the Michael Siegel‟s theory of

focuses on a few major goals at a time. Most of the scenes (especially three

successful goals) use the same close-up shot of Allan Trumbull in setting up the

goal (see figure b.7, b.15, & b.16) to express how big and important the goals are

in the situation that Allan Trumbull and other characters as well as to the plot of

the film. The focus of the camera on Allan Trumbull‟s face draws the audience

attention to Allan Trumbull‟s goal(s), as much as Allan Trumbull does in the film

in terms of his focus on his goals. Moreover, the low angle, especially based on

picture b.16, signifies that he is the man in charge as the President of the United

States. Taken from the scenes above, it also shows that Michael Siegel‟s theory

about this leadership quality is used effectively by Allan Trumbull because of the

results that he gets with three major successful goals out four major goals.

h. Decision-maker

Allan Trumbull shows himself as the ultimate decision-maker in a short

amount of time as the President of the United States. Michael Siegel explains in

detail about a leader, or in this case, the president, as a decision-maker is about

how a president makes a decision not only based on his own judgement but also

people around him such as his followers, “To create the conditions for effective

decision-making, it‟s important for a president to select people who are not only

“yes men and women,” but who exhibit characteristics of the “courageous

follower,” somebody who is willing to tell the boss the truth.” (Fox, 2012). There

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are two scenes that show how Allan Trumbull makes two decisions based on his

followers‟ suggestions.

The first scene is when Allan Trumbull decides to put his money on

General Clegg‟s idea to secure the Cerberus code by using the military force. This

scene is already mentioned in the risk-taker point. Both Allan Trumbull and

General Clegg are in the crisis room when General Clegg analyzes the situation

and then he suggests to attack the terrorists from the air (see figure b.11). This

scene shows that General Clegg is a courageous follower and he wants to get the

job done quickly as much as Allan Trumbull. As the decision-maker, Allan

Trumbull decides to green light General Clegg‟s way to solve the problem.

Figure b.11. Taken from page 69.

The filmmaker captures a great shot in the film to represent Allan

Trumbull‟s decision in using military action to end the problem. The picture from

b.11 shows how the cinematographer focuses in the shot to Allan Trumbull and

General Clegg and blurs the other characters on the background. It shows Allan

Trumbull‟s side to finish the job at that time. Allan Trumbull leads the operation

and he is backed by General Clegg. In addition, the high angle shot from this

scene signifies the vulnerable of the position of the U.S. governement as the commit to user

terrorists gets the second trigger code to the Cerberus missiles and they need a

quick progress on defeating the terrorists and saving the president.

In this second scene, Allan Trumbull decides to trust his follower on the

field, Mike Banning. After the failure of the air attack, Mike Banning is the only

hope for Allan Trumbull to save the president and defeat the terrorists. Below are

the dialogue from the scene between Mike Banning and Allan Trumbull,

Allan Trumbull : Μr. Banning, are yοu there? Mike Banning : Υes, sir. What's the plan? Allan Trumbull : We're recalling the Seνenth Fleet pulling οur trοοps back frοm the DΜZ and giνing them the helicοpter. Mike Banning : Sir, yοu cannοt dο that. Υοu cannοt giνe this guy what he wants. l'νe dealt with these types οf men befοre. Giνe me sοme time. Let me flush him οut. Allan Trumbull : We are talking abοut the safety οf the President οf the United States! Mike Banning : We're talking abοut a hell οf a lοt mοre than that, sir. With all due respect, yοu're acting president nοw. Αnd l'm the best hοpe yοu'νe gοt. Allan Trumbull : Okay, Μike.Υοu'νe gοt 30 minutes. (Minutes: 01:28:01)

This scene is exactly like what Michael Siegel describes in his theory,

where Mike Banning is not just a „yes man‟ type of person who influences Allan

Trumbull‟s decision. When Allan Trumbull says that all about the safety of the

President of the United States and then Mike Banning reacts by saying, “We're

talking about a hell of a lοt mοre than that, sir,” shows that Mike Banning gives

the revelation to Allan Trumbull that the stake is higher than the president‟s life, it

is the life of the whole people of the United States and the world. The other scenes

show how the security of the world becomes unstable due to the event of the

White House (see figure b.18). commit to user

Figure b.18.

Figure b.19.

The sound aspect in this scene is important to the representation of

decision-maker quality of Allan Trumbull. When Allan Trumbull says, “Okay,

Mike. You‟ve got 30 minutes,” the line is edited in the form of the sound that

comes out from Mike Banning‟s earphone (see figure b.19). It symbolizes that

Allan Trumbull‟s faith in Mike Banning and his final decision in using Mike

Banning‟s service in effort to accomplish the goal. Allan Trumbull passes the

baton of his trust from General Clegg‟s fiasco plan to his only field agent, Mike

Banning. Mike Banning is an example of a follower who is willing to tell to his

leader the truth and to provide a different perspective to his leader, Allan

Trumbull, to take a more effective decision to accomplish the goal. On the other

hand, Allan Trumbull shows that he is a leader with the quality of decision-maker commit to user

who is willing to listen to his follower‟s suggestion and making an unselfish


However, there is one moment in the film that shows Allan Trumbull as a

strong decision-maker. The scene takes place when Allan Trumbull is having a

strong argument with General Clegg in ordering Mike Banning to stand down

after the failed attempt to raid the White House from the air. Below is the dialogue

from that scene,

General Clegg : Τhis is General Clegg, Αrmy Chief οf Staff. l am οrdering yοu tο stand dοwn. Mike Banning : Remονe yοur οnly eyes and ears frοm the grοund? Τhat's fucking brilliant. General Clegg : We need tο pull yοu οut οf there befοre we lοse anοther hοstage! l am giνing yοu a direct οrder. Mike Banning : Newsflash, asshοle. l dοn't wοrk fοr yοu. Allan Trumbull : General Clegg. l'm the Cοmmander-in-Chief. lf l didn't absοlutely need yοu, l wοuld relieνe yοu right nοw. General Clegg : l will nοt let this asshοle blοw up Αmerica, sir! Allan Trumbull : General, l dοn't wanna hear anοther wοrd οut οf yοu unless l ask yοu a questiοn! (Minutes: 01:27:28)

Figure b.20.

Allan Trumbull‟s disagreement with General Clegg indicates that Allan Trumbull

is a strong leader who comes up with his own solution in certain situations inspite commit to user

of his openness to listen to other‟s opinion in other occasions. This scene (see

figure b.20) shows his tough decision-maker side of him who strongly rejects

General Clegg‟s way in solving the problem. The figure b.20 captures Allan

Trumbull‟s rage in General Clegg for trying to overpower Allan Trumbull as the

president of the United States. The low angle and the deep focus indicate how

powerful he is as the leader. This figure also shows that Allan Trumbull reaffirms

and reminds General Clegg that he is the ultimate decision-maker, and not just a

leader who buys whatever his followers‟ suggestions.

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